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Treatment of Ltk? cells with the calcium antagonists, verapamil and diltiazem, but not nifedipin, causes a 3-fold enhancement of the frequency of transfer of the cloned gene for herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV-tk). The frequency of phenotypic expression of the HSV-tk DNA was 20 to 34 times higher than that of genotypic transformation. Phenotypic expression was also 2.3 to 2.6 times increased when 20 μg/ml of verapamil was present during calcium phosphate-mediated DNA transfection.  相似文献   

UV stimulation of DNA-mediated transformation of human cells.   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
Irradiation of dominant marker DNA with UV light (150 to 1,000 J/m2) was found to stimulate the transformation of human cells by this marker from two- to more than fourfold. This phenomenon is also displayed by xeroderma pigmentosum cells (complementation groups A and F), which are deficient in the excision repair of UV-induced pyrimidine dimers in the DNA. Also, exposure to UV of the transfected (xeroderma pigmentosum) cells enhanced the transfection efficiency. Removal of the pyrimidine dimers from the DNA by photoreactivating enzyme before transfection completely abolished the stimulatory effect, indicating that dimer lesions are mainly responsible for the observed enhancement. A similar stimulation of the transformation efficiency is exerted by 2-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene modification of the DNA. No stimulation was found after damaging vector DNA by treatment with DNase or gamma rays. These findings suggest that lesions which are targets for the excision repair pathway induce the increase in transformation frequency. The stimulation was found to be independent of sequence homology between the irradiated DNA and the host chromosomal DNA. Therefore, the increase of the transformation frequency is not caused by a mechanism inducing homologous recombination between these two DNAs. UV treatment of DNA before transfection did not have a significant effect on the amount of DNA integrated into the xeroderma pigmentosum genome.  相似文献   

Cells transformed by Harvey or Moloney sarcoma virus secrete at least 40 times as much type beta transforming growth factor as their respective untransformed control cells. The transformed cells bind only 20 to 50% as much type beta transforming growth factor as the control cells, suggesting that transformation causes down-regulation of the type beta transforming growth factor receptor.  相似文献   

Poly-L-ornithine-mediated transformation of mammalian cells.   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Poly-L-ornithine has been used to introduce DNA and RNA into mammalian cells in culture. Ornithine-mediated DNA transfer has several interesting and potentially useful properties. The procedure is technically straightforward and is easily applied to either small or large numbers of recipient cells. The efficiency of transformation is high. Under optimal conditions, 1 to 2% of recipient mouse L cells take up and continue to express selectable marker genes. DNA content of transformants can be varied reproducibly, yielding cells with just one or two copies of the new gene under one set of conditions, while under a different set of conditions 25 to 50 copies are acquired. Cotransformation and expression of physically unlinked genes occur at high efficiency under conditions favoring multiple-copy transfer. Polyornithine promotes gene transfer into cell lines other than L cells. These include Friend erythroleukemia cells and NIH 3T3 cells. Both are transformed about 1 order of magnitude more efficiently by this procedure than by standard calcium phosphate products. However, the method does not abolish the large transformation efficiency differences between these cell lines that have been observed previously by other techniques. (vi) mRNA synthesized in vitro was also introduced into cells by this method. The RNA was translated resulting in a transient accumulation of the protein product.  相似文献   

DNA-mediated transformation of the basidiomycete Coprinus cinereus.   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
We have developed a simple and efficient transformation system for the agaric fungus, Coprinus cinereus. Protoplasts were prepared from asexual spores that harbor one or two mutations in the structural gene for tryptophan synthetase. The protoplasts can be stably transformed using the cloned Coprinus gene at a frequency of 1 in 10(4) viable protoplasts. A variety of molecular events accompanies the formation of stable transformants, including insertion of the transforming DNA at the homologous locus. The transforming DNA is stable through cell division, mating, fruiting body formation, and meiosis.  相似文献   

Purified DNA from three different types of mammalian cells was precipitated with calcium phosphate and added to mouse L cells deficient in thymidine kinase (TK). Donor DNA was prepared from three cell lines: (a) mouse cells transfected with UV-inactivated herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1, or a purified fragment of HSV carrying the TK gene (b) human HeLa cells, and (c( CHO, a cell line derived from Chinese hamster ovaries. Several hypoxanthine-aminopterin-thymidine resistant colonies were isolated from each experiment. The origin of the TK that is expressed in these cells was studied by polyacrylamide gel electrohporesis, isoelectric focusing, or heat stability. The TK in all instances was of the donor origin. To determine the extent of gene transfer we have assayed the CHO and HeLa DNA transfectants for galactokinase (GALK), a marker closely linked to TK, and 25 other isozymes representing a large number of different chromosomes. No cotransfer of GALK was observed, indicating that the size of the transferred DNA segment is limited. We observed that, in one instance, esterase-D, an unlinked marker of Chinese hamster origin, was transferred along with TK. These experiments indicate that nonselected markers can be transferred by this method, although at a low efficiency.  相似文献   

A series of intraspecific, interspecific and interorder somatic cell cybrids and hybrids have been prepared by fusions in which one of the parents contained the cytoplasmically inherited marker for chloramphenicol (CAP) resistance. A clear relationship has been established between the expression of the CAP-resistant (CAP-R) determinants in the fusion products and the genetic homology of the parents. With increased genetic divergence, the acceptability of the CAP-R mitochondria decreased. Intraspecific cybrids and hybrids of the same strain were stable for the CAP-R marker, while those between strains were stable only in CAP. Intergeneric mouse-hamster cybrids occurred at a high frequency but were unstable in CAP, while CAP suppressed hybrid formation 100-fold. Interorder cybrids (CAP-R human X CAP-S mouse) occurred either at a moderate frequency and were stable at a low frequency and were unstable in CAP. Interorder hybrids could only be formed by challenging HAT-selected hybrids with CAP or by direct selection in ouabain and CAP. Reciprocal interorder crosses between CAP-R mouse and CAP-S human cells were unsuccessful. Interspecific cybrids contain only the chromosomes of the CAP-S parent. Interspecific hybrids selected directly in CAP segregated the chromosomes of the CAP-S parent, while hybrids selected in HAT and then CAP segregated those of the CAP-R parent. The mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) of all mouse-human cybrids and most HAT and then CAP-selected hybrids contain only the mtDNA of the CAP-S mouse parent. However, preliminary evidence suggests that one of these hybrids contains both mouse and human mtDNA sequences.  相似文献   

To detect Rous sarcoma virus-specific DNA in mammalian cells, we have measured the capacity of unlabeled cell DNA to accelerate the reassociation of labeled double-stranded DNA synthesized by the Rous sarcoma virus RNA directed DNA polymerase. Two populations of double-stranded polymerase products are identified by their reassociation kinetics and represent approximately 5% and 30% of the viral 70 S RNA genome. Using two strains of Rous sarcoma virus and four lines of transformed mammalian cells, we found two copies of DNA homologous to both DNA populations in Rous sarcoma virustransformed rat and mouse cells, but not in normal cells. The Rous sarcoma viruslike DNA can be demonstrated in the non-repeated fraction of transformed cell DNA and in nuclear DNA. The results are supported by evidence that the techniques employed detect the formation of extensive well-matched duplexes of cell DNA and viral polymerase products.  相似文献   

Summary For the past 60 years, fundamental discoveries in eukaryotic biology using mammalian cell cultures have been significant but modest relative to the enormous potential. Combined with advances in technologies of cell and molecular biology, mammalian cell culture technology is becoming a major, if not essential tool, for fundamental discovery in eukaryotic biology. Reconstruction of the milieu for cells has progressed from simple salt solutions supporting brief survival of tissues outside the body to synthesis of the complete set of structurally defined nutrients, hormones and elements of the extracellular matrix needed to reconstruct complex tissues from cells. The isolation of specific cell types in completely defined environments reveals the true complexity of the mammalian cell and its environment as a dynamic interactive physiological unit. Cell cultures provide the tool for detection and dissection of the mechanism of action of cellular regulators and the genes that determine individual aspects of cell behavior. The technology underpins advances in virology, somatic cell genetics, endocrinology, carcinogenesis, toxicology, pharmacology, hematopoiesis and immunology, and is becoming a major tool in develomental biology, complex tissue physiology and production of unique mammalian cell-derived biologicals in industry. This article is the first of a series of invited reviews aimed at identifying fundamental contributions and current challenges associated with research activities in subdiscriplines of cell and developmental biology in vitro. This treatise is dedicated to Dr. Brian Kimes, Program Director at the National Cancer Institute, whose vision, encouragement and support have contributed significantly to modern developments in mammalian cell culture.  相似文献   

We have transferred DNa to Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells by DNA-mediated transformation. CHO tk- cells were transformed with the clones gene for herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV-tk) and were found to have a 50-fold lower frequency of transformation than mouse Ltk- cells at the same DNA dosage. By altering the amount of tk gene and carrier DNA present, frequencies of up to 5 x 10(-5) were obtained. CHO HSV-tk+ transformants were very stable, and in several clones the HSV-tk gene copies integrated in higher-molecular-weight DNA. These cells also exhibited cotransformation for unselected markers. CHO lines were also transformed at a frequency of 10(-4) with the bacterial gene Ecogpt in a SV40-pBR322 vector. CHO tk-cells could be transformed at a frequency of 10(-7) with cellular DNA isolated from CHO tk+ cells. CHO cells offer a well-defined genetic system within which to transfer either cloned or whole cellular DNAs.  相似文献   

High-efficiency transformation of mammalian cells by plasmid DNA.   总被引:649,自引:121,他引:528       下载免费PDF全文
We describe a simple calcium phosphate transfection protocol and neo marker vectors that achieve highly efficient transformation of mammalian cells. In this protocol, the calcium phosphate-DNA complex is formed gradually in the medium during incubation with cells and precipitates on the cells. The crucial factors for obtaining efficient transformation are the pH (6.95) of the buffer used for the calcium phosphate precipitation, the CO2 level (3%) during the incubation of the DNA with the cells, and the amount (20 to 30 micrograms) and the form (circular) of DNA. In sharp contrast to the results with circular DNA, linear DNA is almost inactive. Under these conditions, 50% of mouse L(A9) cells can be stably transformed with pcDneo, a simian virus 40-based neo (neomycin resistance) marker vector. The NIH3T3, C127, CV1, BHK, CHO, and HeLa cell lines were transformed at efficiencies of 10 to 50% with this vector and the neo marker-incorporated pcD vectors that were used for the construction and transduction of cDNA expression libraries as well as for the expression of cloned cDNA in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

An efficient procedure of transforming Arabidopsis thaliana germinating seeds was elaborated on the basis of the method of Feldmann and Marks. The procedure involves microdamaging T1 seeds by sonication before culturing with a vector Agrobacterium strain and yields more than 1% T2 transformants. Germinating seeds were transformed with Agrobacterium timefaciens hypervirulent strain A281 carrying plasmid pLD3 derived from pBI121. A collection of 54 A. thaliana T2 transformants was obtained; some of them showed marked morphological alterations. The transgenic nature of plants that acquired resistance to a marker antibiotic was confirmed histochemically and by PCR amplification of a T-DNA region.  相似文献   

The uptake, expression and genomic integration of exogenous DNA during DNA-mediated gene transfer are poorly understood in mammalian cells. We studied the effects of ionizing radiation and u.v. light treatments on recipient cells during gene transfer experiments. We found that both X-rays and u.v. light stimulate pSV2-gpt DNA transfer into V79 Chinese hamster cells and they are equally effective for an equi-cytotoxic dose. This result was observed with irradiation both before and after the period of DNA precipitate overlay of the recipient cells. The stimulation of DNA transfer was approximately proportional to dose for both types of radiation. The effect was significantly enhanced using chronic, rather than acute, radiation treatments. The optimal expression time to observe stimulation of DNA transfer, however, differs for the two radiation types. A possible model for DNA-mediated gene transfer, incorporating this result, is discussed.  相似文献   

In 1956, I decided to apply my experience in microbial genetics to developing analogous systems for human cell lines, including the selection of mutants with either a loss or gain of a biochemical function. For instance, mutants resistant to azahypoxanthine showed a loss of the HPRT enzyme (hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase), whereas gain of the same enzyme was accomplished by blocking de novo purine biosynthesis with aminopterin, while supplying hypoxanthine and thymine (HAT selection). Using HAT selection, we: (i) genetically transformed HPRT- mutant cells to HPRT+ wild type by using DNA extracted from HPRT+ cells, and (ii) selected HPRT+ hybrid cells by fusing HPRT- D98/AH2 cells with skin cells. These approaches, which we dubbed in 1962 as a 'first step toward gene therapy', contributed to the later development of (i) cell fusion techniques, (ii) the development of monoclonal antibodies, (iii) routine transformation of mammalian cells with cloned genes, and (iv) methods for creating transgenic organisms.  相似文献   

The genetic engineering of plants by DNA-mediated gene transfer requires that efficient transformation systems be developed. Considerable progress has been made in manipulating the Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens as a vehicle for delivery of foreign genes into protoplasts of dicotyle-donous plants. Part of the Ti plasmid, the T-DNA, can be incorporated into the genome of the host cell; the T-DNA can carry a foreign DNA sequence which co-integrates with it; under normal conditions, the tumorigenic-causing portion of the T-DNA can be inactivated so that transformed protoplasts can be regenerated and T-DNA with an inserted foreign gene can be stably maintained during regeneration, meiosis and gamete formation. A foreign gene has yet to be expressed in regenerated plants although a T-DNA gene for opine synthesis can function in regenerates. Developing a more ubiquitous transformation system for monocotyledons is further from fruition. Based on transformation systems for simple eukaryotic organisms, it is reasonable to expect that a DNA vector which is capable of amplifying a novel plant gene and which contains both a drug resistance marker to facilitate the selection of transformed plant protoplasts and a species-specific autonomously replicating sequence to ensure the stable maintenance of the input gene in the recipient cell can be constructed.  相似文献   

Summary Thymidine kinase-deficient Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were genetically transformed with the BamHI restriction fragment encoding the thymidine kinase gene of herpes simplex virus (HSV-tk). We have observed considerable clonal variation among independent CHO sublines with respect to transformation competence for the DNA-mediated gene transfer of HSV-tk. Transformation frequencies 3×10-4 were observed consistently in one subline, with a transformation efficiency of approximately 1 transformant per ng viral gene. The frequency and efficiency of transformation we observed in this system are at least 10-fold greater than those previously reported for DNA-mediated transformation of CHO cells by HSV-tk. All of the CHO HSV-tk+ transformants examined were stable for the transferred genotype in the absence of selection, and all showed evidence of co-transformation by unselected plasmid pBR322 sequences.A preliminary account of these results was given at the ICN-UCLA Symposia, March 21–28, 1982  相似文献   

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