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Nine species of Culicoides were aspirated from horses in Florida during the second phase of a study of equine Culicoides hypersensitivity (CHS). Approximately 90% of the 2933 midges were Culicoides insignis Lutz, 4% were C.stellifer (Coquillett), 3% were C.niger Root and Hoffman, 2% were C.alachua Jamnback and Wirth and the remaining 1% included C.venustus Hoffman, C.scanloni Wirth and Hubert, C.lahillei Iches (= C.debilipalpis Lutz), C.pusillus Lutz, and C.edeni Wirth and Blanton. Culicoides were sampled on seven farms located throughout Florida. The location and seasonality of lesion development on horses with CHS correlated with the Culicoides spp. collected directly from the horses as to their sites of attack, their seasonality and geographical distribution.  相似文献   

Abstract. In 1991, as part of an epidemiological study of bluetongue viruses (BTV) in the Central American and Caribbean region, eight farms located in Costa Rica, Honduras, Panama and Puerto Rico were sampled for Culicoides spp. attacking cattle. Using cattle bait, 3884 biting midges were collected with an electric aspirator during both crepuscular periods. The predominant species captured was Culicoides insignis Lutz (95%), followed by C.furens (Poey) (3.4%), C.filarifer Hoffman/ C.ocumarensis Ortiz (0.9%), C.lahillei (Iches) (0.7%), C.arubae Fox and Hoffman (<0.1%) and C.gorgasi Wirth and Blanton (<0.1%). Blood-engorged specimens from some of these species were collected and comprised: 18% of all C.insignis , 36% of C.furens , 37% of filarifer/ocumarensis and 25% of C.lahillei. No engorged C.arubae or C.gorgasi were caught. These results confirm earlier findings pointing to C.insignis, C.furens and C.filarifer/ ocumarensis as potential vectors of BTV in the region.  相似文献   

To determine the vectors of Haemoproteus danilewskyi in blue jays (Cyanocitta cristata) in southcentral Florida (USA), we conducted a 2 yr study from January 1993 to December 1995 of the presence and seasonal abundance of Culicoides spp. Of the 14 species of Culicoides captured in Centers for Disease Control light traps, 10 were ornithophilic. Of these, C. edeni, C. knowltoni, C. stellifer, C. beckae, and C. arboricola were most abundant, representing 46% of the total collection and 99% of the ornithophilic collection. The presence of C. stellifer in Bennett trap collections represents a new biting record for this species on passerine birds. We experimentally challenged the most abundant ornithophilic species to determine which were capable of supporting sporogonic development of H. danilewskyi. Culicoides edeni, C. knowltoni, and C. arboricola supported sporogonic development of H. danilewskyi.  相似文献   

When monitored by the agar gel immunodiffusion test for antibody to bluetongue viruses, a sentinel flock of twenty-five lambs remained seropositive through the year, whereas in a sentinel herd of twenty calves only two individuals seroconverted and these became negative again within 2 months. A light trap operated with the calf herd yielded high numbers of Culicoides insignis Lutz (over 18,000 per trap night) along with C. filariferus Hoffman, C. pusillus Lutz, C. leopoldi Ortiz, C. foxi Ortiz, C. limai Barretto, C. diabolicus Hoffman and C. guyanensis Floch and Abonnenc. Culicoides were trapped at the sheep station which had housed the lambs 3 years following the sentinel study. No virus was isolated from pools of C. insignis, C. filariferus and C. pusillus. Six other species were collected in insufficient numbers to warrant attempted virus isolations.  相似文献   

The species diversity and seasonal abundance of biting midges of the genus Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) were studied in northwestern Argentina during the period 2003–2005. A total of 5437 Culicoides specimens were collected using CDC light traps in three areas of the mountainous rainforest area. The most common species were Culicoides paraensis (Goeldi) and C . insignis Lutz, Culicoides lahillei (Iches), C . venezuelensis Ortiz & Mirsa, C . debilipalpis Lutz and C . crescentis Wirth & Blanton were also collected. Culicoides paraensis was abundant during the summer, and C . insignis and C . lahillei during late summer and early fall. Accumulated rainfall was the climatic variable most related to fluctuation in abundance of C . paraensis .  相似文献   

Variation in the percentage of lambs seroconverting to bluetongue viruses was seen between sites and years in Barbados. Transmission at some sites was nearly absent whereas all lambs at one site became seropositive. The agar gel immunodiffusion test for bluetongue gave consistent results in series of serum samples from 112 of 121 sentinel lambs. Collections of biting midges in association with sheep yielded six species: Culicoides insignis Lutz, C. pusillus Lutz, C. phlebotomus (Williston), C. furens (Poey), C. jamaicensis Edwards and C. trilineatus Fox. The first two species comprised 92% of those caught during a sentinel lamb study and were the predominant species trapped for virus isolation. No viruses were recovered from 5517 C. insignis, 614 C. pusillus, three C. trilineatus and two C. furens placed into pools during two brief intensive trapping operations.  相似文献   

Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) vector a wide variety of internationally important arboviral pathogens of livestock and represent a widespread biting nuisance. This study investigated the influence of landscape, host and remotely-sensed climate factors on local abundance of livestock-associated species in Scotland, within a hierarchical generalized linear model framework. The Culicoides obsoletus group and the Culicoides pulicaris group accounted for 56% and 41%, respectively, of adult females trapped. Culicoides impunctatus Goetghebuer and C. pulicaris s.s. Linnaeus were the most abundant and widespread species in the C. pulicaris group (accounting for 29% and 10%, respectively, of females trapped). Abundance models performed well for C. impunctatus, Culicoides deltus Edwards and Culicoides punctatus Meigen (adjusted R(2) : 0.59-0.70), but not for C. pulicaris s.s. (adjusted R(2) : 0.36) and the C. obsoletus group (adjusted R(2) : 0.08). Local-scale abundance patterns were best explained by models combining host, landscape and climate factors. The abundance of C. impunctatus was negatively associated with cattle density, but positively associated with pasture cover, consistent with this species' preference in the larval stage for lightly grazed, wet rush pasture. Predicted abundances of this species varied widely among farms even over short distances (less than a few km). Modelling approaches that may facilitate the more accurate prediction of local abundance patterns for a wider range of Culicoides species are discussed.  相似文献   

Twelve light trap collections made near overnight shelters of horses and donkeys in four villages in the Central River Division of The Gambia captured fourteen species of biting midge of the genus Culicoides . Five species new to The Gambia were identified. This brought the number of recognized species of Culicoides (after a revision of C. schultzei ) to twenty-nine in The Gambia. Species known or suspected as vectors of African horse sickness virus (AHSV) and bluetongue virus (BTV) comprised 83% of female captures, 65% of captures being C. imicola or its sibling species , C. miombo . Captures of female Culicoides in the late dry season were almost as large as in the early dry season, despite the extreme heat and dryness at this time of the year.
Tests on batches of formalin-preserved female midges, using AHSV or BTV antigen capture ELISAs, did not show the presence of any virus amongst 2286 females in 240 aliquots. Nearly all Gambian equines are reportedly seropositive to AHSV and these results suggest that virus challenge from Culicoides vectors may be a factor in the health of Gambian horses and donkeys.  相似文献   

Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) are of great medical and veterinary importance because the haematophagous females of some species can transmit diseases to humans and animals. In order to determine the presence and seasonal abundance of the bluetongue virus (BTV) vector Culicoides insignis Lutz at domestic animal sheds in northeastern Brazil, insects were collected once a month between January and December 2010. Light traps were set from 18.00 to 06.00 hours at a pigsty, chicken coop and bovine corral. Culicoides insignis accounted for 81% of the 22 316 specimens collected. Other well‐represented species were: Culicoides paucienfuscatus Barbosa (3246 individuals), Culicoides diabolicus Hoffman (308), Culicoides leopoldoi Ortiz (224) and Culicoides duartei Tavares and Luna Dias (221). The remainder accounted for 4% of the total sample. Culicoides insignis occurred mostly at the cattle corral, 98.2% in the rainy season. This study confirms the presence and close association of C. insignis with cattle in Maranhão state, northeastern Brazil and emphasizes the risk of bluetongue infections spreading in the area.  相似文献   

Biting midges of the genus Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) play important roles in the transmission of viral diseases affecting wild and domestic ruminants and horses, including Bluetongue (BT) and African horse sickness (AHS) respectively. In southern Europe, BT has been largely transmitted by the classical Afro-Asian vector Culicoides imicola Kieffer. However, other species such as C. obsoletus Meigen, C. scoticus Downs & Kettle and C. pulicaris Linné may also be involved in BTV transmission. As a consequence of the discovery of C. imicola followed by BTV-2 outbreaks on the island of Corsica in October 2000, further studies on these biting midges have been carried out. To better characterize the evolution and phylogenetic relations of Culicoides, molecular analysis in parallel with a morphology-based taxonomic approach were performed. Phylogenetic analyses of French Culicoides species were undertaken using the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) as a molecular target. This region was shown to be useful in understanding evolutionary and genetic relationships between species. Construction of several trees showed that molecular phylogeny within the genus Culicoides correlates not only with morphological-based taxonomy but also with ecological patterns.  相似文献   

The Culicoides communities have been analyzed between 1993/1998 in the area influenced by the Yacyret Dam Lake (Paran River, Argentina-Paraguay). Adults of Culicoides were collected monthly by using CDC light traps exposed for 24 h in 9 sampling sites located at both margins of the river; 21 species were recorded. Highest values of species richness were recorded during 1993/1994, being Quiteria and Corpus the sites with the higest number of species (10 and 11, respectively). The species diversity was elevated in Quiteria, Zaim n, Candelaria, Santa Tecla, Capit n Meza and Corpus (Shannon's diversity index 1.0-1.9) while Corate , Ituzaing and Aguapey showed less richness and diversity. The more abundant species were C. insignis, C. venezuelensis, C. leopoldoi, C. limai, C. flinti, C. debilipalpis, C. paraensis and C. guttatus. C. insignis, potential vector of bluetongue virus (BTV) to domestic and wild rumiants in the Neotropical region, is the predominant species in the area and was the only species widely distributed. C. paraensis, a proven vector of Oropouche virus to humans, is a common and abundant species. C. pusillus and C. lahillei, potential vectors of BTV and a filarial parasite, respectively, were occasionally collected. The taxonomic structure of communities was constant during the study period. The occasional species were not characteristic to one particular site and their presence could be related to non-intrinsic conditions.  相似文献   

During the recent Mediterranean epizootic of bluetongue, an extensive programme of serological and vector (Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)) surveillance was carried out across Sicily. This paper presents the analysis of 911 light trap catches collected at the times of peak Culicoides abundance (summer to autumn 2000-2002) in 269 sites, in order to produce detailed maps of the spatial distribution of the main European vector, Culicoides imicola Kieffer and that of potential novel vectors. Whereas C. imicola was found at only 12% of sites, potential novel vectors, Culicoides obsoletus group Meigen, Culicoides pulicaris Linnaeus and Culicoides newsteadi Austen were present at over 50% of sites. However, the spatial distribution of C. imicola showed the closest correspondence to that of the 2000 and 2001 bluetongue (BT) outbreaks and its presence and abundance were significant predictors of the probability of an outbreak, suggesting that it was the main vector during these years. Although C. imicola may have played a role in transmission in several sites near Paternó, it was absent from the majority of sites at which outbreaks occurred in 2002 and from all sites in the province of Messina. All three potential novel vectors were widespread across sites at which outbreaks occurred during 2002. Of these, C. newsteadi was an unlikely candidate, as it was significantly less prevalent in outbreak vs. non-outbreak sites in Messina. It is hypothesized that the yearly distribution and intensity of outbreaks is directly attributable to the distribution and abundance of the vectors involved in transmission during each year. When C. imicola operated as the main vector in 2000 and 2001, outbreaks were few in number and were restricted to coastal regions due to low abundance and prevalence of this species. In 2002, it is hypothesized that BTV transmission was handed over to more prevalent and abundant novel vector species, leading to numerous and widespread outbreaks and probably to overwintering of the virus between 2001 and 2002. Based on catch ranges in outbreak vs. non-outbreak sites, it is tentatively suggested that nightly catches of 400 or more C. obsoletus and 150 or more C. pulicaris allow BTV transmission at a site, and provide a strategy for a fuller examination of the relationship between BTV transmission and the abundance and distribution of different vector species.  相似文献   

Features of the antennae, maxillary palps, and mouthparts of the females of seven species of Culicoides spp. biting midges collected from a montane rainforest site in Trinidad, West Indies, were studied by light and scanning electron microscopy. Comparisons were made with two British species, Culicoides impunctatus and Culicoides nubeculosus. Species-specific differences were demonstrated in the camber and pitch of mandibular teeth, the size and shape of the subapical labral sensilla, the size and depth of the palpal sensory pit, and the number and shape of heads of the palpal sensilla. Counts of sensilla coeloconica and palpal sensilla were suggested as being contributory features for the prediction of host preference, indicating that Culicoides darlingtonae, Culicoides glabellus, Culicoides insinuatus, Culicoides paraensis, and Culicoides pseudodiabolicus were probably mammalophilic species. The host preferences of Culicoides heliconiae and Culicoides flavivenula could not be determined accurately.  相似文献   

Surveillance of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) biting midges was carried out between 2001 and 2003, at 119 sites within a 50 x 50-km grid distributed across Bulgaria, using light trap collections around the time of peak adult midge abundance. Sentinel and ad hoc serum surveillance of hosts susceptible to bluetongue infection was carried out at around 300 sites between 1999 and 2003. Following the initial incursion of bluetongue virus 9 (BTV-9) into Bourgas province in 1999, affecting 85 villages along the southern border, a further 76 villages were affected along the western border in 2001, with outbreaks extending as far north as 43.6 degrees N. The BTV-9 strain in circulation was found to have a low pathogenicity for Bulgarian sheep populations, with less than 2% of susceptible individuals becoming sick and seroconversions detected up to 30 km from recorded outbreaks in the south. The major Old World vector Culicoides imicola Kieffer was not detected among over 70,000 Culicoides identified in summer collections, suggesting that BTV-9 transmission in Bulgaria was primarily carried out by indigenous European vectors. The most likely candidates, the Palaearctic species complexes - the Culicoides obsoletus Meigen and C. pulicaris L. complexes - were widespread and abundant across the whole country. The C. obsoletus complex represented 75% of all individuals trapped in summer and occurred in high catch sizes (up to 15,000 individuals per night) but was not found across all outbreak sites, indicating that both Palearctic complexes probably played a role in transmission. Within the C. pulicaris complex, only C. pulicaris s.s., C. punctatus Meigen and C. newsteadi Austen were sufficiently abundant and prevalent to have been widely involved in transmission, whilst within the C. obsoletus complex most trapped males were C. obsoletus s.s. Adult vectors were found to be largely absent from sites in west Bulgaria for a period of at least 3 months over winter, which, taken along with the spatiotemporal pattern of outbreaks in the region between years, indicates the virus may be overwintering here by an alternative mechanism - either by covert persistence in the vertebrate host or possibly by persistence in larval stages of the vector.  相似文献   

In the summer of 2014, in the central part of The Netherlands, Culicoides spp. (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) attack rates, biting rates, and preferred landing sites were determined for a pair of Fjord horses maintained permanently at pasture in an area devoid of cattle. Eleven body regions of the horses were screened for midges, each region sampled randomly for 5 min using a handheld mouth aspirator (pooter). Observations were confined to the hour immediately before and after sunset. Culicoides spp. were obtained from every body region, of which the four most abundant species – Culicoides chiopterus (Meigen), Culicoides punctatus (Meigen), the species complex Culicoides obsoletus (Meigen), and Culicoides dewulfi Goetghebuer – all were proven or potential vectors for arboviral diseases in livestock. Culicoides spp. activity was distinctly bimodal across the day, surging at sunset and 1 h after sunrise. Midges were inactive between 11:00 and 16:00 hours, these hours marking the time of day when horses can be pastured most safely but, thereafter, to avoid escalating attacks, would have to be stabled protectively. Around sunset, the mean attack rate of the four most abundant species ranged from 3.0 to 11.7 midges per min; of these, C. dewulfi and C. chiopterus were reared out of the dung of experimental horses. The Netherlands is home to the world's densest horse population (11 per km2), of which half are estimated to stay outdoors permanently with no access to protective housing. In the absence of a preventive vaccination policy, it is difficult to envisage how horses in northern Europe will be protected from infection during an outbreak of a Culicoides‐transmitted disease like African horse sickness.  相似文献   

The biting gnat, Culicoides variipennis (Coquillett), was shown to be a vector of epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) in white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, in Kentucky because of virus isolations from parous females. Epidemiological evidence showed a close relationship of this vector to the animal host during an outbreak of EHD in penned deer. Larval breeding sites of C. variipennis were found and C. variipennis was the most abundant biting fly present during the outbreak. Females of C. variipennis were commonly observed biting deer, swine, cattle and, occasionally, man.  相似文献   

Abstract. The semiochemicals carbon dioxide (CO2) and l-octen-3-ol (octenol) were evaluated as attractants at several release rates, alone and in combination, for the major coastal species of biting midges in Georgia: Culicoides furens, C.hollensis and C.melleus (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). The data show that CO2 is an effective attractant for the females of all three species, but each has a different response pattern. In contrast, octenol was an effective attractant only for C.furens , either alone or in combination with CO2; octenol had a repellent effect on the other two species. The combination of octenol and C02 had a synergistic effect on the collections of C.furens.  相似文献   

Abstract A 12-month study of Culicoides in Bulloch County, Georgia, U.S.A., revealed that twelve of 23 ,859 specimens (0.05%) of C.stellifer were intersexes as a result of being parasitized by mermithid nematodes. Of these, eleven had male genitalia and female type antennae and one had female genitalia with male type antennae.  相似文献   

An upsurge in African horse sickness (AHS) in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, from 2006 led to an epidemiological reassessment of the disease there. Light trapping surveys carried out near horses, donkeys and zebras in 2014–2016 collected 39 species of Culicoides midge (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) that are potential vectors of AHS. To establish if these midges fed on equids, DNA sequences were obtained from the gut contents of 52 female midges (35 freshly blood‐fed, 13 gravid and four parous), representing 11 species collected across 11 sites. Culicoides leucostictus fed on all three equids. Culicoides bolitinos, Culicoides imicola and Culicoides magnus fed on both horses and donkeys. Culicoides onderstepoortensis fed on donkeys, and Culicoides similis and Culicoides pycnostictus fed on zebras. Bloodmeals from cows, pigs, warthogs, impalas and a domestic dog were also identified in various species, but none of the midges tested had fed on birds. These results contribute to knowledge of the vectorial capacity of several species of Culicoides with regard to AHS in the Eastern Cape and point to potential reservoir hosts, of which donkeys, zebras and domestic dogs have previously been found to harbour AHS. Blood‐fed midges were also obtained throughout winter, indicating the potential for endemic AHS in the province.  相似文献   

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