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The transition from the Lower to the Middle Paleolithic in the Levant is a crucial event in human evolution, since it may involve the arrival of a new human population. In the current study, we present thermoluminescence (TL) dates obtained from 32 burnt flints retrieved from the late Lower Paleolithic (Acheulo-Yabrudian) and Early Middle Paleolithic (Mousterian) layers of Misliya Cave, Mount Carmel, Israel. Early Middle Paleolithic industries rich in Levallois and laminar products were assigned mean ages ranging from ∼250 to ∼160 ka (thousands of years ago), suggesting a production of this industry during MIS 7 and the early part of MIS 6. The mean ages obtained for the samples associated with the Acheulo-Yabrudian (strengthened by an isochron analysis) indicate a production of this cultural complex ∼250 ka ago, at the end of MIS 8. According to the Misliya TL dates, the transition from the Lower to the Middle Paleolithic in the site took place at the limit MIS 8/7 or during the early part of MIS 7. The dates, together with the pronounced differences in lithic technology strongly suggest the arrival of a new population during this period.  相似文献   

Qesem Cave is assigned to the Acheulo-Yabrudian cultural complex of the late Lower Paleolithic period. The 7.5 m deep stratigraphic sequence is dated to 400-200 ka (thousands of years ago). It is mostly attributed to the Amudian blade-dominated industry, one of the earliest blade production technologies in the world. In this paper, we present the results of a detailed study of five Amudian assemblages from Qesem Cave and suggest two trajectories for the production of blades at the site. We argue that the reduction sequences of blades at Qesem Cave represent an innovative and straightforward technology aimed at the systemic and serial production of predetermined blanks. We suggest that this predetermined blank technology shows planning and intensity that is not significantly different from Middle Paleolithic Mousterian technological systems. Furthermore, this well-organized serial manufacture of cutting implements mainly for butchering might indicates that a significant change in human behavior had taken place by the late Lower Paleolithic period.  相似文献   

高星 《人类学学报》1999,18(1):1-15
本文探讨了中国旧石器时代中期考古学研究的若干问题,包括研究历史、资料现状、年代学手段、石器技术的特点及发展变化,以及与西方旧石器时代考古学的历史渊源及现状比较。通过对“中国旧石器时代中期”这一术语的来源及其所涵盖的时限及文化内涵的演变,对这一时代界定所采取的原则和方法,以及中国旧石器时代文化特点的考察,作者认为“中国旧石器时代中期”不是一个严格和有意义的学术概念,因而中国旧石器时代考古学应摒弃传统的3期断代模式,而改为早、晚两期的2分法。文章并对中国旧石器时代早期延续时间的长久和晚期出现新的文化内容的动因进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Paleolithic studies on the Japanese Archipelago started from the excavation of the Iwajuku Site in 1949. In 2000, research efforts were damaged by a forgery incident, which was concerned with the Lower/Middle Paleolithic period. After completing the investigation on the incident, the presence of the Lower/Middle Paleolithic remains unsolved. However, we have entered a new stage of research on the Upper Paleolithic for which over ten thousand sites were discovered. The new research framework places, at the heart, tephra-based lithic chronology, site structure analysis that investigates a site's formation process through conjoined pieces and parent rock analysis, and obsidian archaeology in which diachronic research is conducted on obsidian source exploitation and circulation range. Now unique characteristics of Japanese Paleolithic culture are coming to light, beginning with the migration from the neighboring continent, connecting East Asia through the Paleolithic Cultural Corridor around the Sea of Japan and the Obsidian Road, and nurturing the unique traditions of lithic production.  相似文献   

梁山遗址旧石器材料的再研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
位于秦岭南麓的梁山遗址是汉水流域最早发现的旧石器时代遗址,其研究历史可追溯至上个世纪五十年代,八十年代又进行过3次野外考察,共发现有十几处旧石器地点,发表了初步研究报告。本文从技术、类型学角度对当时在梁山龙岗寺地点中采集的部分标本进行研究,表明梁山遗址是一个含手斧的旧石器时代初期工业,工具类型包括砍砸器、石球、手斧、薄刃斧、刮削器、凹缺器等。梁山遗址独特的地理位置,使得该石器工业在中国南、北方旧石器文化关系中具有纽带作用。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to present a review of current knowledge concerning the Paleolithic records and the related natural environmental setting in the Eurasian Far East and Hokkaido, located at the northern tip of the Japanese islands. At present, it is quite difficult to answer whether the archaic humans dispersed from Siberia and northern China across the Amur River basin and Sakhalin into Hokkaido or not, because there is no reliable evidence indicating the Lower and Middle Paleolithic in Hokkaido. We demonstrate that the Upper Paleolithic assemblages in Hokkaido can be divided into at least three phases such as the early Upper Paleolithic (EUP), the middle Upper Paleolithic (MUP), and the late Upper Paleolithic (LUP), based on a synthesis of available radiocarbon dates and the techno-typological characteristics of lithic assemblages. It is reasonable to suggest that the lithic assemblage from the Rubenosawa site, located in northern Hokkaido, and some of lithic assemblages at the transition from the Middle to Upper Paleolithic or the initial Upper Paleolithic (IUP) in Siberia share the relative similarities of techno-typological attributes in the reduction sequences, although the reliable radiocarbon dates have not been obtained from the Rubenosawa site unfortunately. Also, the emergence of microblade technology at the MUP in Hokkaido, such as represented by the microblade assemblage recovered from the Kashiwadai-1 site, central Hokkaido, indicates a close interaction between the Eurasian Far East and Hokkaido. As a result, the comparison of archaeological evidence in these regions provides us with a suggestion that the appearance and development of the Upper Paleolithic assemblages in Hokkaido were sometimes associated with the human dispersions and the mutual contacts crossing between the Eurasian Far East and Hokkaido.  相似文献   

The stratigraphy of Tabun Cave (Mt. Carmel), which comprises one of the longest sequences of Lower and Middle Paleolithic of the Near East, is widely used as a reference in debates on the evolution of Paleolithic industries and on the origin of modern humans and their relationship to the Neandertals. Considering the methodological improvements during the last ten years, the thermoluminescence (TL) dates of heated flints frequently quoted in the literature require an update. New TL results are discussed and compared with radiometric data recently obtained for this site, in particular by the ESR method, and with those obtained for other Levantine sites. The chronological framework previously proposed for the Paleolithic industries of the area is then re-examined.  相似文献   

内蒙古金斯太洞穴遗址发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2000—2001年间,金斯太洞穴遗址先后经历了两次发掘,面积约80m2, 发掘出土石制品4000余件和大量动物化石。洞穴地层堆积厚达6m以上, 可划分为8层。第3层以下为旧石器时代文化堆积,可分为上、中、下三个文化层。遗址经过14C测年, 旧石器层位年代为距今3.6万年至1.8万左右, 处于旧石器时代中晚期过渡至晚期之末。通过对石、骨制品和部分动物化石的分析可知, 这是一处以旧石器遗存为主,兼有全新世遗存的洞穴遗址。遗址石器工业整体上属于小石器工业, 中文化层阶段出现了勒瓦娄哇技术, 上文化层阶段出现了细石叶工业,并占主体地位, 与小石器工业并行发展。该遗址的发掘为探索北方主工业的分布范围和文化内涵提供了新的材料, 对于探讨旧石器时代的文化交流以及细石叶工业的产生具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

泥河湾盆地旧石器中晚期石制品原料初步分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
杜水生 《人类学学报》2003,22(2):121-130
本文通过对泥河湾盆地旧石器时代中晚期诸遗址中石料产地的调查和石制品颜色、质地及表面状况的分析后认为:泥河湾盆地旧石器中晚期人类选择石料方式变化主要发生在旧石器晚期的早段和晚段之间,在此之前的旧石器时代中期,人类选择石料主要在遗址附近,各遗址的石料表现出强烈的地方色彩,但遗址中的一些优质石料可能来源于10多公里之外的地区;而在旧石器晚期早段,在基本继承这一特点的前提下,仅有很少量的石料输送距离达数10km;石料被带到遗址之前一般并不进行粗选,多是直接进行打片。在此之后,人类对石料的选择则表现出刻意的追求,优质石料大量被输送到数10公里之外,而且石料在输入到遗址之前一般要经过精心选择,与前一阶段形成鲜明对照。  相似文献   

辽东半岛旧石器研究可追溯至20世纪30年代, 但较大的进展则在70年代以后所取得。迄今为止, 包括以庙后山石器工业和营口金牛山人类化石为代表的旧石器早期、以海城小孤山下层石器工业为代表的旧石器中期和以海城小孤山中层石器工业、骨角制品和前阳人类化石为代表的旧石器晚期组成的辽东旧石器文化发展序列已经初步建立起来。从古生态环境和石器技术、类型学而言, 辽东半岛旧石器文化和华北同期文化存在密切的联系。  相似文献   

王府井东方广场遗址出土石制品共计1098件,主要来自下文化层。除石锤、石砧和人工石块外,其他石制品的原料几乎全部为黑色燧石。石制品普遍较小,主要为小型和微型。石核数量很少,但石片占石制品总数的一半还多。碎屑在探方中的几个区域密集分布。石器加工精致,刃缘大部分都比较平齐且其上的修疤排列均匀、整齐,尤其表现在端刮器上。原料、类型与技术特点表明,东方广场遗址石制品组合属于中国旧石器时代晚期的以石片为主要特征的文化系列。这一文化系列与周口店北京猿人遗址、周口店第15地点、许家窑遗址等有较多的相似性,推测东方广场石制品组合是由中国旧石器时代早期和中期石器工业演变而来。  相似文献   

Beginning with excavations during the 1970s, Vindija Cave (Croatia) has yielded significant Middle and Upper Paleolithic fossil and archaeological finds. We report on seven recently identified hominid fossils, a newly associated partial hominid cranial vault from level G(3), nine possible bone retouchers, and a revised interpretation of the Mousterian artifact assemblage from the site. This new information reinforces our knowledge of the complex biocultural phenomena revealed in unit G and earlier deposits at Vindija. Six of the new hominid fossils derive from stratigraphic units G and I, while one lacks exact provenience. All specimens preserving diagnostic anatomy are from Neandertals. One of the postcranial remains, a radius fragment which exhibits Neandertal-like anatomy, comes from level G(1)and is congruent with the previously established association of Neandertals with an early Upper Paleolithic industry at the site. The partial cranial vault represents the most complete Neandertal from Vindija. The possible retouchers derive from unit G. Our analysis of these artifacts suggests that both percussion and pressure techniques may have been used by Neandertals in the final stage of tool production (retouching). This paper also presents a revision of the artifact analysis for late Mousterian level G(3). We separated raw materials into two main groups due to the differing ways that the materials fracture and the differing morphology of the debitage. The use of raw material in level G(3)is different from earlier Middle Paleolithic levels at Vindija. This indicates that the G(3)late Neandertals were making choices regarding source material somewhat more like the Upper Paleolithic people at the site. When interpreted within a larger regional framework, the Vindija archaeological and hominid fossil remains demonstrate a complex, mosaic pattern of biocultural change in the Late Pleistocene of south-central Europe.  相似文献   

东坡遗址发现于泥河湾盆地中部的泥河湾层, 东距虎头梁村约800m。该遗址于2001年试掘了4㎡, 出土石制品32件和少量破碎的动物化石。石制品以小型为主; 类型包括石核、石片、工具、断块等, 以石片和断块居多。石制品原料采自遗址附近的砾石层, 主要有流纹岩、石英闪长岩、燧石、石英和板岩等, 以流纹岩和石英闪长岩居多。经ESR方法测定, 遗址的年代为321±15ka BP, 属于旧石器时代早期偏晚。该遗址是泥河湾盆地中部地区首次发现的旧石器早期文化遗址, 具有重要的科研价值。  相似文献   

陕西长武发现的旧石器时代中期文化遗物   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据地层层位,长武窑头沟遗址的地质时代应为晚更新世的初期;与同时代的丁村遗址相比较,两者在地理分布上和文化内涵上均不相同;因此,在旧石器时代中期华北可能有两种或更多的文化类型;本文所述的泾渭文化与水洞沟文化可能有更密切的渊源关系。  相似文献   

本文扼要介绍近年来日本旧石器早、中期考古的新发现,以及在年代学、文化分期、技术与类型学方面的研究工作的新进展。作者在此基础上探讨了日本旧石器中期向晚期的过渡,以及日本列岛旧石器早、中期文化与东北亚大陆同期文化的对比。  相似文献   

天华洞旧石器遗址是金沙江中游地区财丰河流域旧石器地点群的代表性遗址之一。本文研究的材料来源于该遗址2010、2013和2016三年度的野外调查和试掘。天华洞遗址试掘位置为洞前缓坡区域,地层堆积可划分为5层,其中2-5层为遗址文化层,属红色亚黏土沉积。遗址文化层沉积结构稳定,年代数据分布在距今9.5-5万年之间。遗址共发现石制品1122件,以玄武岩为主要原料。石制品组合的内涵丰富,剥片技术和工具类型多样,一些特殊类型的石制品标本如预制石核、长石片、似-勒瓦娄哇石片、盘状石核石片、似-基纳型刮削器等代表了天华洞遗址石工业独特的技术文化面貌,也表现出西方旧石器时代中期文化的一些技术特点和因素。  相似文献   

长兴县发现的旧石器   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文记述了2002年在长兴县18个地点采集的石制品148件,其中3件出自网纹红土和紫红色黏土层中,其余的都是脱层的。在石制品中,多台面石核和手镐占比例较高,在重型石器的尖刃类(手镐和手斧)中,它们的尖刃基本上不是锐的,而是呈小圆头状的。它是否为小区域特点的反映,值得注意。这批石制品的年代,除2件可归于旧石器时代早期晚段和1件属旧石器中期外,其余暂定为旧石器时代制品,但最早不会越过旧石器时代早期的晚段。  相似文献   

泥河湾盆地因发育良好的晚新生代湖相地层、丰富的旧石器遗址和哺乳动物化石而广受关注.盆地内已发现旧石器遗址100余处,被学术界称为"东方奥杜韦(Olduvai)峡谷".由于缺乏合适的年代测定方法,许多重要的遗址,尤其是中更新世时间段的遗址缺乏年龄数据,如三棵树遗址,使得旧石器遗址研究少了时间轴合理的年代学框架.电子自旋共...  相似文献   

The recovery at Shi’bat Dihya 1 (SD1) of a dense Middle Paleolithic human occupation dated to 55 ka BP sheds new light on the role of the Arabian Peninsula at the time of the alleged expansion of modern humans out of Africa. SD1 is part of a complex of Middle Paleolithic sites cut by the Wadi Surdud and interstratified within an alluvial sedimentary basin in the foothills that connect the Yemeni highlands with the Tihama coastal plain. A number of environmental proxies indicate arid conditions throughout a sequence that extends between 63 and 42 ka BP. The lithic industry is geared toward the production of a variety of end products: blades, pointed blades, pointed flakes and Levallois-like flakes with long unmodified cutting edges, made from locally available rhyolite. The occasional exploitation of other local raw materials, that fulfill distinct complementary needs, highlights the multi-functional nature of the occupation. The slightly younger Shi’bat Dihya 2 (SD2) site is characterized by a less elaborate production of flakes, together with some elements (blades and pointed flakes) similar to those found at SD1, and may indicate a cultural continuity between the two sites. The technological behaviors of the SD1 toolmakers present similarities with those documented from a number of nearly contemporaneous assemblages from southern Arabia, the Levant, the Horn of Africa and North Africa. However, they do not directly conform to any of the techno-complexes typical of the late Middle Paleolithic or late Middle Stone Age from these regions. This period would have witnessed the development of local Middle Paleolithic traditions in the Arabian Peninsula, which suggests more complex settlement dynamics and possible population interactions than commonly inferred by the current models of modern human expansion out of Africa.  相似文献   

A geographical position of the Caucasus in the border between Europe and Asia defines a complex character of the Middle Paleolithic in the region as a whole and in the Northern Caucasus in particular. Today, we can recognize three major cultural areas existed during the Middle Paleolithic in the Northern Caucasus: (1) a local North Caucasian variant of Eastern Micoquian, which is closely related to Eastern Micoquian of Central and Eastern Europe, in the Northwestern Caucasus; (2) a specific Caucasian industry type (called Khostinian Mousterian), which penetrated during later MIS 3 to the Northwestern Caucasus from the Northeastern Black sea cost in the Southern Caucasus; and (3) a similar to Zagros Mousterian industry, which is presented in Weasel Cave in the Northeastern Caucasus.  相似文献   

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