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Sugar specificity of theMachaerocereus eruca isolectins, MeAI and MeAII, has been determined by comparing the capacity of glycans with well defined structures to inhibit their haemagglutinating activity. Both are galactose-specific isolectins with high affinity for O-glycans. However, the twoM. eruca isolectins recognize different oligosaccharidic sequences belonging to O-glycosidically linked glycans from porcine stomach mucin. The minimal structure recognized by MeAI on the porcine mucin glycans is the O-glycan core Gal1, 3GalNAc-ol, whereas MeAII has a more extended site and interacts with a biantennary O-glycan possessing the terminal trisaccharide Fuc1,2 (GalNAc1,3) Gal1,4.  相似文献   

Although microtubular organelles have not been observed in the resting cyst of the ciliate, Histriculus muscorum, the cyst was immunocytochemically stained with anti-tubulin antiserum, and one of its polypeptide bands reacted to the same antiserum after the immunoblotting test. Both these findings demonstrate the presence of tubulin in the resting cyst. The reacted band appeared in the 100,000 g supernatant of the cyst but not in the pellet, suggesting a depolymerized state of the tubulin in the resting cyst.  相似文献   

The buffalo has a seasonal reproduction activity with mating and non-mating periods occurring from late autumn to winter and from late spring to beginning of autumn, respectively. Sperm glycocalyx plays an important role in reproduction as it is the first interface between sperm and environment. Semen quality is poorer during non-mating periods, so we aimed to evaluate if there were also seasonal differences in the surface glycosylation pattern of mating period spermatozoa (MPS) compared with non-mating period spermatozoa (NMPS). The complexity of carbohydrate structures makes their analysis challenging, and recently the high-throughput microarray approach is now providing a new tool into the evaluation of cell glycosylation status. We adopted a novel procedure in which spermatozoa was spotted on microarray slides, incubated with a panel of 12 biotinylated lectins and Cy3-conjugated streptavidin, and then signal intensity was detected using a microarray scanner. Both MPS and NMPS microarrays reacted with all the lectins and revealed that the expression of (i) O-glycans with NeuNAcα2-3Galβ1,3(±NeuNAcα2-6)GalNAc, Galβ1,3GalNAc and GalNAcα1,3(l-Fucα1,2)Galβ1,3/4GlcNAcβ1 was not season dependent; (ii) O-linked glycans terminating with GalNAc, asialo N-linked glycans terminating with Galβ1,4GlcNAc, GlcNAc, as well as α1,6 and α1,2-linked fucosylated oligosaccharides was predominant in MPS; (iii) high mannose- and biantennary complex types N-glycans terminating with α2,6 sialic acids and terminal galactose were lower in MPS. Overall, this innovative cell microarray method was able to identify specific glycosylation changes that occur on buffalo bull sperm surface during the mating and non-mating periods.  相似文献   

The saccharide composition of surface and secretion glycoconjugates in the oesophagus of Umbrina cirrosa was examined by means of lectin histochemistry. Mucous cells showed the presence of N‐acetylgalactosamine, N‐acetylglucosamine and sialic acid linked to the dimer galactosyl(β1→3) N‐acetylgalactosamine. Columnar epithelial cells had a positive reaction with almost all the lectins employed, located in the supranuclear region and in the cell coat. The presence of abundant and various glycoconjugates in the secretions of shi drum oesophagus was correlated to the absence of salivary glands in fishes in general.  相似文献   

A method for induction of synchronous encystment in a hypotrichous ciliate, Paraurostyla sp. is described. Cyst walls, isolated by shaking with glass beads, were analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. To test optimal conditions of solubilization of cyst wall proteins, different treatments using Triton X-100, EDTA, EGTA, urea, SDS and 2-mercaptoethanol were carried out. At least, 15 different proteins were identified as specific to the cyst wall. Four low molecular weight polypeptides (40, 27–26, 20 and 18 kDa represented aproximately 70% of the cyst wall proteins. The 170, 135 and 40-kDa bands exhibited a PAS-positive reaction. Hydrogen and disulphide bonds were shown to be the most important interactions involving cyst wall proteins. Amino acid composition of cyst wall proteins was also investigated by HPLC. High amounts of glycine, cystine and proline were detected.  相似文献   

A histological and histochemical analyses were carried out on the entire alimentary canal of the rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss . In particular the oesophageal region showed presence of terminal β‐D‐galactose(1–3)‐N‐acetylgalactosamine and α‐N‐acetylgalactosamine. In the anterior and posterior regions of the stomach, lining epithelium and gastric pits exhibited the presence of β‐gal and α‐GalNAc. In addition sialoglycoconjugates having sialic acid–β–galactose(1–3)‐N‐acetylgalactosamine and sialic acid‐N‐acetylgalactosamine as terminal tri‐ and di‐saccharides, were demonstrated. In proximal and distal intestine goblet cells showed the presence of sialoglyconjugates, having sialic acid‐β‐gal(1–3)‐GalNAc and sialic acid‐GalNAc as terminal sequences, belonging to N‐linked chains. In the enterocytes of the entire intestine, terminal GlcNAc, α‐Gal, α‐fucose were found.  相似文献   

The glycoside residues (glycoconjugates, GC) of the zona pellucida (ZP) glycoproteins are important during the first phases of fecundation. Our aim in this work was to determine the lectin affinity pattern of porcine ZP in order to analyze the changes that take place during: (a) preantral folliculogenesis, (b) the follicular atresia process, and (c) antral growth. Several prepubertal and adult pig ovaries and different sized antral follicles were used. Conventional carbohydrate histochemical techniques and peroxidase and digoxigenin (DIG) lectins were used to reveal the acid groups and the glycosidic residues of the ZP. It was seen that the ZP forms in the preantral follicles throughout their growth period. In primordial and primary follicles, ZP in the process of formation showed neutral GC. SBA, RCA-I, MAA, WGA lectins, and AAA after methylation-saponification (MS) were positive in the ZP of primordial and primary follicles. The affinity for SBA, RCA-I, MAA, and WGA increased in the multilaminar-primary follicles and new affinities for UEA-I and LFA were observed. After MS, AAA, SNA, PNA, and SBA reactivity was observed. The ZP of antral follicle oocytes of different sizes showed the same lectin pattern as multilaminar-primary follicles. The oocyte ooplasm and the follicular fluid of large antral follicles showed less affinity for WGA and LFA lectins and less intensive staining with AB (pH 2.5). Atresia did not change the antral or preantral follicle oocyte ZP lectin pattern. In conclusion, the follicles showed substantial changes in their ZP glycosidic composition as they developed, especially, during the change from primary to multilaminar-primary follicles. The ZP glycosidic composition showed no significant change during the growth of antral follicles and follicular atresia in our study.  相似文献   

Goblet cells in the intestine of shi drum Umbrina cirrosa showed the presence of glycoconjugates particularly rich in fucose and N-acetylglucosamine residues. They displayed also sialic acid linked to galactosyl(β1→3)N-acetylgalactosamine and to galactosyl(β1→4)N-acetylglucosamine. All the nine horseradish peroxidase-conjugated lectins employed with the only exception of GSA II marked the enterocytes supranuclear region and the cell coat; the cell coat showed a more intense reactivity toward the different lectins, particularly enhanced with the use of fucosyl specific lectins.  相似文献   

The primordial germ cells (PGCs) are covered by surface glycoconjugates; some of them, like galactose residues recognized by peanut agglutinin (PNA), have been reported to be implicated in the PGC migration process. The aim of this work was the characterization of galactosides and sialylgalactosides in N- and O-linked oligosaccharides of Xenopus PGCs. Galactose(Gal)- and sialic acid(Neu5Ac)-binding lectin cytochemistry, in combination with chemical and enzymatic deglycosylation methods, were used. PGCs were slightly labeled with PNA, RCA-I and BSI-B4, which suggests the presence of the sequences Gal(1,4)GlcNAc and Gal(1,3)Gal. Moreover, there was no labeling when -elimination pre-treatment was performed, suggesting that galactosides were in O-linked oligosaccharides. The strong staining with DSA was probably due to GlcNAc. Furthermore, sialylgalactosides with the sequence Neu5Ac(2,3)Gal(1,4)GlcNAc in O-linked oligosaccharides have been shown by means of MAA, PNA and RCA-I.  相似文献   

The morphology of two sessile peritrich species taken from a plant for the processing of activated sludge is described. One of these species, having a non-contractile, branched peduncle, belongs to the genus, Heteropolaria, and the other having a single, contractile stalk, is a member of the genus Vorticella. A statistical and biometric study is made of their morphological characteristics, and the taxonomic position of both ciliates is discussed.  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the conidial wall of Cladosporium cladosporioides was constituted of an electron-lucent inner layer and an electron-dense outer layer. The conidial surface is covered by rodlet fascicles which can be removed by ultrasonication. Ultrastructurally, the 100,000 X g ultracentrifugation pellet of the ultrasonicated extract containing the rodlet layer appeared as an amorphous structure containing probably internal wall material anchoring the rodlet fascicles on the wall. The total conidial wall was essentially composed of beta(1----3)glucans and melanin. Lipid, salt, and galactan represented the main components of the 100,000 X g ultracentrifugation pellet of the ultrasonicated extract. Cladosporium cladosporioides produced melanin via the pentaketide pathway. Tricyclazole inhibited melanin synthesis but did not interfere with allergen production. This suggests that the wall components associated with melanin are not allergenic factors.  相似文献   

The glycoconjugates secreted by the anterior and posterior intestinal segments of Tilapia spp. were characterized by means of both conventional histochemical procedures (PAS, AB, AB-PAS, LID, HID) and a battery of 12 horseradish peroxidase labelled lectins. Some sections were treated with glycolytic enzymes and KOH before conventional and lectin stainings. The large majority of the mucopolysaccharides secreted by the goblet cells of the anterior segment are carboxylated while only a few carry sulphate groups. The mucopolysaccharides in the anterior intestine contained chondroitin, heparin and chondroitinsulphates which can provide protection for intestinal mucosae. DBA lectin staining demonstrated the presence of some endocrine cells in the anterior segment.  相似文献   

Cytotoxicity of the mistletoe lectins I, II and III towards six human breast cancer cell lines was assessed using the Mossman assay. In addition, binding of the three mistletoe lectins to the separated membrane glycoproteins of these cell lines, the binding and uptake of these lectins into the cells in tissue culture and the binding of the lectins to histological preparations of these cell lines were analysed. The results indicate that there are quantitative differences concerning the toxicity of these three lectins towards the different cell lines. Furthermore, the lectin binding pattern in the cell lines differed. In Western blots, several membrane glycoproteins were labelled by the lectins. Our results indicate subtle differences between the three lectins with regard to the parameters mentioned above; however, the toxicity of all three lectins from mistletoe is so similar that they all seem suitable for the construction of immunotoxins.Dedication: This work is dedicated to one of the discoverers (amongst many other important contributions) ofHelix pomatia agglutinin, which plays an important role in metastasis research, Professor Dr G. Uhlenbruck on the occasion of his 65th birthday.  相似文献   

《Experimental mycology》1986,10(2):99-113
The ballistospores of the entomopathogenConidiobolus obscurus are spheroidal cells with a papilla corresponding to the zone of attachment on the sporophore. They are covered by a mucus responsible for the attachment of the spore to the insect. Chemical and cytochemical investigations of the nature of the wall components have been undertaken to better understand fungus-insect interactions in entomopathology. β(1→3)-Glucans and chitin together represented the main components of the wall which did not contain chitosan and uronic acids. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the spore wall was composed of a thick electron-lucent inner layer and a thin outer electron-dense layer, the latter being absent at the papilla region. The spore is covered by a mucilaginous layer that upon spore impact on a substratum, is dispersed and forms a halo around the spore. Shadow replicas of the discharged spores showed that they are covered by rodlets except on the papilla which displayed a chitinous, microfibrillar structure. The ontogeny of the rodlets deposited on the surface of young spores was characterized by a progressive organization of separate rodlets and then a clustering of the rodlets in fascicles. Shadow replicas and chemical and enzymatic investigations of the halo surrounding discharged spores showed that the mucus was composed of long β(1→3)-glucan microfibrils embedded in amorphous proteins partly covered by rodlets discharged from the spore surface.  相似文献   

Structural changes during cell wall formation by populations of semisynchronously germinating zoospores were studied in the water mold Allomyces macrogynus. Fluorescence microscopy using Calcofluor white ST (which binds to -1,4-linked glycans) demonstrated that Calcofluor-specific material was deposited around most cells between 2–10 min after the induction of encystment (beginning when a wall-less zoospore retracts its flagellum and rounds up). During the first 15 min of encystment there was a progressive increase in fluorescence intensity. Ultrastructural analysis of encysting cells showed that within 2–10 min after the induction of encystment small vesicles 35–70 nm diameter were present near the spore surface, and some were in the process of fusing with the plasma membrane. The fusion of vesicles with the zoospore membrane was concomitant with the appearance of electron-opaque fibrillar material outside the plasma membrane. Vesicles similar to those near the spore surface were found within the gamma () particles of encysting cells. These particles had a crystalline inclusion within the electron-opaque matrix. During the period of initial cyst cell wall formation numerous vesicles appeared to arise at the crystal-matrix interface. Approximately 15–20 min was required for the cell wall to be formed. We suggest that the initial response of the zoospore to induction of encystment is the formation of a cell wall mediated by the fusion of cytoplasmic vesicles with the plasma membrane.Non-Standard Abbreviations GlcNac N-Acetylglucosamine - DS sterile dilute salts solution - PYG peptone-yeast extract-glucose broth  相似文献   

In previous studies we found that sperm binding activity in the vitelline coat of the freshwater bivalve Unio elongatulus is located on the O‐linked oligosaccharide chains of gp273, one of the two major components of the extracellular coat, and that fucose plays a key role in this interaction. In this paper we report the partial characterization of a large glycopeptide (about 140 kDa) obtained by cyanogen bromide fragmentation of gp273, that maintains sperm binding activity. Lectin blotting revealed that the glycopeptide reacted with lectins from Arachis hypogaea (PNA) and Lotus tetragonolobus (LTA) but not Canavalia ensiformis (ConA). No other PNA‐positive fragments could be detected in the electrophoretic pattern of fragmented gp273 but several ConA‐positive fragments of lower molecular weight were present indicating that all the O‐linked chains are clustered together in this fragment. Two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis of the fragment revealed it to be acidic in nature in contrast with the neutral character of the whole gp273 molecule. Competition binding assay showed that this fragment is a strong inhibitor of the interaction, whereas no effect was detected using the ConA‐positive peptides. This confirms that the sperm receptor activity of gp273 is related to its O‐linked chains. The immunodominance of this fragment is also discussed. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 54:203–207, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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