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The selection of desirable genotypes with recessive characteristics, such as self-incompatible plants, is often difficult or even impossible and represents a crucial barrier in accelerating the breeding process. Molecular approaches and selection based on molecular markers can allow breeders to overcome this limitation. The use of self-incompatibility is an alternative in hybrid breeding of oilseed rape. Unfortunately, stable self-incompatibility is recessive and phenotype-based selection is very difficult and time-consuming. The development of reliable molecular markers for detecting desirable plants with functional self-incompatible genes is of great importance for breeders and allows selection at early stages of plant growth. Because most of these reliable molecular markers are based on discrimination of class I S-locus genes that are present in self-compatible plants, there is a need to use an internal control in order to detect possible PCR inhibition that gives false results during genotyping. In this study, 269 double haploid F2 oilseed rape plants obtained by microspore embryogenesis were used to verify the applicability of an improved PCR assay based on the detection of the class I SLG gene along with an internal control. Comparative analysis of the PCR genotyping results vs. S phenotype analysis confirmed the applicability of this molecular approach in hybrid breeding programs. This approach allows accurate detection of self-incompatible plants via a different amplification profile.  相似文献   

Crop shortages     
A lack of breeders to apply the knowledge from plant science is jeopardizing public breeding programmes and the training of future plant scientistsIn the midst of an economic downturn, many college and university students in the USA face an uncertain future. There is one crop of graduates, though, who need not worry about unemployment: plant breeders. “Our students start with six-digit salaries once they leave and they have three or four offers. We have people coming to molecular biology and they can''t find jobs. People coming to plant breeding, they have as many jobs as they want,” said Edward Buckler, a geneticist with the US Department of Agriculture''s Agricultural Research Service Institute for Genomic Diversity at Cornell University (Ithaca, NY, USA).The lure of Big Ag depletes universities and research institutes of plant breeders […] and jeopardizes the training of future generations of plant scientists and breedersThe secret behind the success of qualified breeders on the job market is that they can join ‘Big Ag''—big agriculture—that is, major seed companies. Roger Boerma, coordinator of academic research for the Center for Applied Genetic Technologies at the University of Georgia (Athens, GA, USA), said that most of his graduate and postdoctoral students find jobs at companies such as Pioneer, Monsanto and Syngenta, rather than working in the orchards and fields of academic research. According to Todd Wehner, a professor and cucurbit breeder at the Department of Horticultural Science, North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC, USA), the best-paying jobs—US$100,000 plus good benefits and research conditions—are at seed companies that deal with the main crops (Guner & Wehner, 2003). By contrast, university positions typically start at US$75,000 and tenure track.As a result, Wehner said, public crop breeding in the USA has begun to disappear. “To be clear, there is no shortage of plant breeders,” he said. “There is a shortage of plant breeders in the public sector.” The lure of Big Ag depletes universities and research institutes of plant breeders—who, after all, are the ones who create new plant varieties for agriculture—and jeopardizes the training of future generations of plant scientists and breeders. Moreover, there is an increasing demand for breeders to address the challenge of creating environmentally sustainable ways to grow more food for an increasing human population on Earth.At the same time, basic plant research is making rapid progress. The genomes of most of the main crop plants and many vegetables have been sequenced, which has enabled researchers to better understand the molecular details of how plants fend off pests and pathogens, or withstand drought and flooding. This research has also generated molecular markers—short regions of DNA that are linked to, for example, better resistance to fungi or other pathogens. So-called marker-assisted breeding based on this information is now able to create new plant varieties more effectively than would be possible with the classical strategy of crossing, selection and backcrossing.However, applying the genomic knowledge requires both breeders and plant scientists with a better understanding of each other''s expertise. As David Baulcombe, professor of botany at the University of Cambridge, UK, commented, “I think the important gap is actually in making sure that the fundamental scientists working on genomics understand breeding, and equally that those people doing breeding understand the potential of genomics. This is part of the translational gap. There''s incomplete understanding on both sides.”…applying the genomic knowledge requires both breeders and plant scientists with a better understanding of each other''s expertiseIn the genomic age, plant breeding has an image problem: like other hands-on agricultural work, it is dirty and unglamorous. “A research project in agriculture in the twenty-first century resembles agriculture for farmers in the eighteenth century,” Wehner said. “Harvesting in the fields in the summer might be considered one of the worst jobs, but not to me. I''m harvesting cucumbers just like everybody else. I don''t mind working at 105 degrees, with 95% humidity and insects biting my ankles. I actually like that. I like that better than office work.”For most students, however, genomics is the more appealing option as a cutting-edge and glamorous research field. “The exciting photographs that you always see are people holding up glass test tubes and working in front of big computer screens,” Wehner explained.In addition, Wehner said that federal and state governments have given greater priority and funding to molecular genetics than to plant breeding. “The reason we''ve gone away from plant breeding of course is that faculty can get competitive grants for large amounts of money to do things that are more in the area of molecular genetics,” he explained. “Plant breeders have switched over to molecular genetics because they can get money there and they can''t get money in plant breeding.”“The frontiers of science shifted from agriculture to genetics, especially the genetics of corn, wheat and rice,” agreed Richard Flavell, former Director of the John Innes Centre (Norwich, UK) and now Chief Scientific Officer of Ceres (Thousand Oaks, CA, USA). “As university departments have chased their money, chased the bright students, they have [focused on] programmes that pull in research dollars on the frontiers, and plant breeding has been left behind as something of a Cinderella subject.”In the genomic age, plant breeding has an image problem: like other hands-on agricultural work, it is dirty and unglamorousIn a sense, public plant breeding has become a victim of its own success. Wehner explained that over the past century, the protection of intellectual property has created a profitable market for private corporations to the detriment of public programmes. “It started out where they could protect seed-propagated crops,” he said. “The companies began to hire plant breeders and develop their own varieties. And that started the whole agricultural business, which is now huge.”As a result, Wehner said, the private sector can now outmanoeuvre public breeders at will. “[Seed companies] have huge teams that can go much faster than I can go. They have winter nurseries and big greenhouses and lots of pathologists and molecular geneticists and they have large databases and seed technologists and sales reps and catalogue artists and all those things. They can do much faster cucumber breeding than I can. They can beat me in any area that they choose to focus on.”He said that seed corporations turn only to public breeders when they are looking for rare seeds obtained on expeditions around the world or special knowledge. These crops and the breeders and other scientists who work on them receive far less financial support from government than do the more profitable crops, such as corn and soybean. In effect, these crops are in an analogous position to orphan drugs that receive little attention because the patients who need them represent a small economic market.The dwindling support for public breeding programmes is also a result of larger political developments. Since the 1980s, when British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and US President Ronald Regan championed the private sector in all things, government has consistently withdrawn support for public research programmes wherever the private sector can profit. “Plant breeding programmes are expensive. My programme costs about US$500,000 a year to run for my crops, watermelon and cucumber. Universities don''t want to spend that money if they don''t have to, especially if it''s already being done by the private sector,” Wehner said.“Over the last 30 years or so, food supplies and food security have fallen off the agenda of policymakers”…“Over the last 30 years or so, food supplies and food security have fallen off the agenda of policymakers,” Baulcombe explained. “Applied research in academic institutions is disappearing, and so the opportunities for linking the achievements of basic research with applications, at least in the public sector, are disappearing. You''ve got these two areas of the work going in opposite directions.”There''s another problem for plant breeding in the publish-or-perish world of academia. According to Ian Graham, Director of the Centre for Novel Agricultural Products at York University in the UK, potential academics in the plant sciences are turned off by plant breeding as a discipline because it is difficult to publish the research in high-impact journals.Graham, who is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to breed new varieties of Artemisia—the plant that produces the anti-malarial compound artemisinin—said this could change. “Now with the new [genomic] technologies, the whole subject of plant breeding has come back into the limelight. We can start thinking seriously about not just the conventional crops […] but all the marginal crops as well that we can really start employing these technologies on and doing exciting science and linking phenotypes to genes and phenotypes to the underlying biology,” he said. “It takes us back again closer to the science. That will bring more people into plant breeding.”…potential academics in the plant sciences are turned off by plant breeding as a discipline because it is difficult to publish the research in high-impact journalsBuckler, who specializes in functional genomic approaches to dissect complex traits in maize, wheat and Arabidopsis, said that public breeding still moves at a slower pace. “The seed companies are trying to figure out how to move genomics from gene discovery all the way to the breeding side. And it''s moving forward,” he said. “There have been some real intellectual questions that people are trying to overcome as to how fast to integrate genomics. I think it''s starting to occur also with a lot of the public breeders. A lot of it has been that the cost of genotyping, especially for specialty crops, was too high to develop marker systems that would really accelerate breeding.”Things might be about to change on the cost side as well. Buckler said that decreasing costs for sequencing and genotyping will give public breeding a boost. Using today''s genomic tools, researchers and plant breeders could match the achievements of the last century in maize breeding within three years. He said that comparable gains could be made in specialty crops, the forte of public breeding. “Right now, most of the simulations suggest that we can accelerate it about threefold,” Buckler said. “Maybe as our knowledge increases, maybe we can approach a 15-fold rate increase.”Indeed, the increasing knowledge from basic research could well contribute to significant advances in the coming years. “We''ve messed around with genes in a rather blind, sort of non-predictive process,” said Scott Jackson, a plant genomics expert at Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN, USA), who headed the team that decoded the soybean genome (Schmutz et al, 2010). “Having a full genome sequence, having all the genes underlying all the traits in whatever plant organism you''re looking at, makes it less blind. You can determine which genes affect the trait and it has the potential to make it a more predictive process where you can take specific genes in combinations and you can predict what the outcome might be. I think that''s where the real revolution in plant breeding is going to come.”Nevertheless, the main problem that could hold back this revolution is a lack of trained people in academia and the private sector. Ted Crosbie, Head of Plant Breeding at Monsanto (St Louis, MO, USA), commented at the national Plant Breeding Coordinating Committee meeting in 2008 that “[w]e, in the plant breeding industry, face a number of challenges. More plant breeders are reaching retirement age at a time when the need for plant breeders has never been greater […] We need to renew our nation''s capacity for plant breeding.”“…with the new [genomic] technologies, the whole subject of plant breeding has come back into the limelight”Dry bean breeder James Kelly, a professor of crop and soil sciences at Michigan State University (East Lansing, MI, USA), said while there has been a disconnect between public breeders and genomics researchers, new federal grants are designed to increase collaboration.In the meantime, developing countries such as India and China have been filling the gap. “China is putting a huge amount of effort into agriculture. They actually know the importance of food. They have plant breeders all over the place,” Wehner said. “The US is starting to fall behind. And now, agricultural companies are looking around wondering—where are we going to get our plant breeders?”To address the problem, major agriculture companies have begun to fund fellowships to train new plant breeders. Thus far, Buckler said, these efforts have had only a small impact. He noted that 500 new PhDs a year are needed just in maize breeding. “It''s not uncommon for the big companies like Monsanto, Pioneer and Syngenta to spend money on training, on endowing chairs at universities,” Flavell said. “It''s good PR, but they''re serious about the need for breeders.”The US government has also taken some measures to alleviate the problem. Congress decided to establish the US National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Washington, DC, USA) under the auspices of the US Department of Agriculture to make more efficient use of research money, advance the application of plant science and attract new students to plant breeding (see the interview with Roger Beachy in this issue, pp 504–507). Another approach is to use distance education to train breeders, such as technicians who want to advance their careers, in certificate programmes rather than master''s or doctorate programmes.“If [breeding] is not done in universities in the public sector, where is it done?”…“If [breeding] is not done in universities in the public sector, where is it done?” Flavell asked about the future of public breeding. “I can wax lyrical and perhaps be perceived as being over the top, but if we''re going to manage this planet on getting more food out of less land, this has to be almost one of the highest things that has got to be taken care of by government.” Wehner added, “The public in the developed world thinks food magically appears in grocery stores. There is no civilization without agriculture. Without plant breeders to work on improving our crops, civilization is at risk.”  相似文献   

We present a framework for understanding farmer plant breeding (including both choice of varieties and populations and plant selection) in terms of the basic biological model of scientific plant breeding, focusing on three key components of that model: 1) genetic variation, 2) environmental variation and variation of genotype-by-environment interaction, and 3) plant selection. For each of these concepts we suggest questions for research on farmers’plant breeding (farmers’ knowledge, practice, and crop varieties and growing environments). A sample of recent research shows a range of explicit and implicit answers to these questions which are often contradictory, suggesting that generalizations based on experience with specific varieties, environments or farmers may not be valid. They also suggest that farmers’ practice reflects an understanding of their crop varieties and populations that is in many ways fundamentally similar to that of plant breeders; yet, is also different, in part because the details of their experiences are different. Further research based on this framework should be valuable for participatory or collaborative plant breeding that is currently being proposed to reunite farmer and scientific plant breeding.  相似文献   

This paper discusses how a genetical approach to plant physiology can contribute to research underpinning the production of new crop varieties. It highlights the interactions between genetics and plant breeding and how the current advances in genetics and the new science of genomics can contribute to our understanding of the genetical control of key agronomic traits ‐ the process of ‘translating’ traits to identified and mapped genes. Advances in genomics, such as the sequencing of whole genomes and expressed sequence tags, are producing information on genes and gene structures, but without knowing their function. A great deal more biology will be necessary to translate gene structure to function ‐ the process of translating genes to traits. Combining these ‘forward’ and ‘reverse’ genetic approaches will allow us to get comprehensive knowledge of the biology of agronomic traits at the physiological, biochemical and molecular levels, so that the ‘circuitry’ of our crop plants can be elucidated. This will enable plant breeders to manipulate crop phenotype using marker‐assisted breeding or genetic engineering approaches with a precision not previously possible.  相似文献   

Longiflorum and Asiatic lilies of the genus Lilium of the family Liliaeeae are two important groups of modern lily eultivars. One of the main trends of lily breeding is to realize introgression between these groups. With cut style pollination and embryo rescue, distant hybrids between the two groups have been obtained. However, the F1hybrids are highly sterile or some of them could produce a small number of 2n gametes, and their BC1 progenies are usually triploids. Dutch lily breeders have selected many cultivars from these BC1 progenies based on their variation. It is presumably suggested that such variation could be caused by intergenomic recombination and abnormal meiosis during gamete formation in F1 hybrids of Longiflorum x Asiatic (LA) hybrids in Lilium. Therefore, the meiotic process of ten F1 LA hybrids was cytologically investigated using genomic in situ hybridization and traditional cytological methods in the present research.The results showed that: at metaphase I, the homoeologous chromosome pairing among different F1hybrids ranged from 2.0 to 11.4 bi-valents formed by homoeologous chromosomes per pollen mother cell (PMC), and very few multivalents, and even very few bivalents were formed by two chromosomes within one genome rather than homoeologous chromosomes in some PMCs; at anaphase I, all biva-lents were disjoined and most univalents were divided. Both the disjoined bivalents (half-bivalents) and the divided univalents (sister chromatids) moved to the opposite poles, and then formed two groups of chromosomes; because the two resulting half-bivalents retained their axes in the cell undisturbed, many crossover types, including single crossovers, three strand double crossovers, four strand double crossovers, four strand triple crossovers, and four strand multiple crossovers between the non-sister chromatids in the tetrads of bivalents,were clearly inferred by analyzing the breakpoints on the disjoined bivalents. The present investigation not only explained the reason for sterility of the F1 LA hybrids and the variation of their BC1 progenies, but also provided a new method to analyze crossover types in other F1 interspecific hybrids as well.  相似文献   

Given their tremendous importance for correct chromosome segregation, the number and distribution of crossovers are tightly controlled during meiosis. In this review, we give an overview of crossover formation in polyploid Brassica hybrids and haploids that illustrates or underscores several aspects of crossover control. We first demonstrate that multiple targets for crossover formation (i.e. different but related chromosomes or duplicated regions) are sorted out during meiosis based on their level of relatedness. In euploid Brassica napus (AACC; 2n = 38), crossovers essentially occur between homologous chromosomes and only a few of them form between homeologues. The situation is different in B. napus haploids in which crossovers preferentially occur between homeologous chromosomes and a few can then form between more divergent duplicated regions. We then provide evidence that the frequency of crossovers between a given pair of chromosomes is influenced by the karyotypic and genetic composition of the plants that undergo meiosis. For instance, genetic evidence indicates that the number of crossovers between exactly the same pairs of homologous A chromosomes gets a boost in Brassica digenomic tetraploid (AACC) and triploid (AAC) hybrids. Increased autosyndesis within B. napus haploids as compared to monoploid B. rapa and B. oleracea is another illustration of this process. All these observations may suggest that polyploidization overall boosts up crossover machinery and/or that the number of crossovers is modulated through inter-bivalents or univalent-bivalent cross-talk effects. The last part of this review gives an up-to-date account of what we know about the genetic control of homologous and homeologous crossover formation among Brassica species.  相似文献   

The article reevaluates the reception of Mendelism in France, and more generally considers the complex relationship between Mendelism and plant breeding in the first half on the 20th century. It shows on the one side that agricultural research and higher education institutions have played a key role in the development and institutionalization of genetics in France, whereas university biologists remained reluctant to accept this approach on heredity. But on the other side, plant breeders, and agricultural researchers, despite an interest in Mendelism, never came to see it as the breeders’ panacea, and regarded it instead as of only limited value for plant breeding. I account for this judgment in showing that the plant breeders and Mendelism designed two contrasting kinds of experimental systems and inhabited distinct experimental cultures. While Mendelian geneticists designed experimental systems that allowed the production of definite ratios of different forms that varied in relation to a few characters, plant breeders’ experimental systems produced a wide range of variation, featuring combinations between hundreds of traits. Rather than breaking this multiple variation down into simple elements, breeders designed and monitored a genetic lottery. The gene was a unit in a Mendelian experimental culture, an “epistemic thing” as Rheinberger put it, that could be grasped by means of statistical regularities, but it remained of secondary importance for French plant breeders, for whom the strain or the variety – not the gene – was the fundamental unit of analysis and manipulation.  相似文献   

Markers are of interest to plant breeders as a source of genetic information on crops and for use in indirect selection of traits to which the markers are linked. In the classic breeding approach, the markers were invariably the visible morphological and other phenotypic characters, and the breeders expended considerable effort and time in refining the crosses as the tight linkage or association of the desired characters with the obvious phenotypic characters was never unequivocally established. Furthermore, indirect selection for a trait using such morphological markers was not practical due to (1) a paucity of suitable markers, (2) the undesirable pleiotropic effects of many morphological markers on plant phenotype, and (3) the inability to score multiple morphological mutant traits in a single segregating population. With the advancement in molecular biology, the use of molecular markers in plant breeding has become very commonplace and has given rise to “molecular breeding”. Molecular breeding involves primarily “gene tagging”, followed by “marker-assisted selection” of desired genes or genomes. Gene tagging refers to the identification of existing DNA or the introduction of new DNA that can function as a tag or label for the gene of interest. In order for the DNA sequences to be conserved as a tag, important prerequisites exist. This review also summarizes the achievements in gene tagging that have been made over the last 7 to 8 years.  相似文献   

The primary aim of plant breeders is to develop new cultivars in order to improve productivity and to combat threats from pests and diseases. Recent advances in genomics have been recognised as providing important tools for plant breeders in the form of molecular genetic markers that can be used to tag genes of interest. However, the cost-effective use of marker technology is dependent on the nature and timing of the use of such markers. A conventional potato breeding programme typically creates a large breeding population and then employs phenotypic recurrent selection over a number of generations to identify superior genotypes. Marker-assisted selection (MAS) provides the advantage of being applicable at the seedling or an early generation stage. We have analysed the cost of MAS and compared it to conventional screening, then modelled the respective costs against the breeding population size of the generation in which they would be applied to determine whether MAS in the early generations of a potato breeding programme would be cost-effective. As various potato breeding programmes employ different selection rates in early generations, these rates have also been modelled to determine the effect. Our results indicate that MAS could be applied cost-effectively in the second clonal generation for all models currently employed in potato breeding.  相似文献   

A central event in sexual reproduction is the reduction in chromosome number that occurs at the meiosis I division. Most eukaryotes rely on crossing over between homologs, and the resulting chiasmata, to direct meiosis I chromosome segregation, yet make very few crossovers per chromosome pair. This indicates that meiotic recombination must be tightly regulated to ensure that each chromosome pair enjoys the crossover necessary to ensure correct segregation. Here, we investigate control of meiotic crossing over in Caenorhabditis elegans, which averages only one crossover per chromosome pair per meiosis, by constructing genetic maps of end-to-end fusions of whole chromosomes. Fusion of chromosomes removes the requirement for a crossover in each component chromosome segment and thereby reveals a propensity to restrict the number of crossovers such that pairs of fusion chromosomes composed of two or even three whole chromosomes enjoy but a single crossover in the majority of meioses. This regulation can operate over physical distances encompassing half the genome. The meiotic behavior of heterozygous fusion chromosomes further suggests that continuous meiotic chromosome axes, or structures that depend on properly assembled axes, may be important for crossover regulation.  相似文献   

The recycling of elite inbreds (i.e., advanced cycle breeding) has led to significant genetic gains but also to a narrow gene pool in plant breeding programs. Sustained yield improvements in many crops have suggested that genetic variance is not depleted at a rate predicted by an additive genetic model. Unlike the additive model in classical quantitative genetic theory, metabolic control analysis relates the variation in a biochemical process with the genetic variation in a quantitative trait. Our objective was to determine whether metabolic control analysis is a mechanism that slows the decrease in genetic variance during advanced cycle breeding. Three cycles of advanced cycle breeding were simulated with 10, 50, or 100 quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling a trait. In metabolic control analysis, these QTL coded for enzymes involved in a linear metabolic pathway that converted a substrate into a product. In the absence of selection, both the additive model and the metabolic control analysis model led to about a 50% reduction in genetic variance from cycle to cycle. With selection, the additive model led to a 50–58% reduction in genetic variance, but the metabolic control analysis model generally led to only a 12–54% reduction. We suggest selection in a metabolic control analysis model as a mechanism that slows the decrease in genetic variance during advanced cycle breeding. This conservation of genetic variance would allow breeders to achieve genetic gains for a longer period than expected under the additive model.Communicated by H.C. Becker  相似文献   

Blast disease caused by the fungal pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae is the most severe diseases of rice. Using classical plant breeding techniques, breeders have developed a number of blast resistant cultivars adapted to different rice growing regions worldwide. However, the rice industry remains threatened by blast disease due to the instability of blast fungus. Recent advances in rice genomics provide additional tools for plant breeders to improve rice production systems that would be environmentally friendly. This article outlines the application of conventional breeding, tissue culture and DNA-based markers that are used for accelerating the development of blast resistant rice cultivars. The best way for controlling the disease is to incorporate both qualitative and quantitative genes in resistant variety. Through conventional and molecular breeding many blast-resistant varieties have been developed. Conventional breeding for disease resistance is tedious, time consuming and mostly dependent on environment as compare to molecular breeding particularly marker assisted selection, which is easier, highly efficient and precise. For effective management of blast disease, breeding work should be focused on utilizing the broad spectrum of resistance genes and pyramiding genes and quantitative trait loci. Marker assisted selection provides potential solution to some of the problems that conventional breeding cannot resolve. In recent years, blast resistant genes have introgressed into Luhui 17, G46B, Zhenshan 97B, Jin 23B, CO39, IR50, Pusa1602 and Pusa1603 lines through marker assisted selection. Introduction of exotic genes for resistance induced the occurrence of new races of blast fungus, therefore breeding work should be concentrated in local resistance genes. This review focuses on the conventional breeding to the latest molecular progress in blast disease resistance in rice. This update information will be helpful guidance for rice breeders to develop durable blast resistant rice variety through marker assisted selection.  相似文献   

J Chen  W M Zheng  Y X Wang 《Bio Systems》1991,24(4):291-299
The self-fertilization and selection process is the main method for speeding up the purifying course of a hybrid population in breeding. This is a complex combinatorial random process with large time delay. To raise the control effectiveness and efficiency of the process, we try, in this paper, to construct a mathematical model of the process by means of effective factors. Then, a control framework for the process is presented which can be used as a guide by breeders for helping them in selecting appropriate control actions.  相似文献   

Understanding the distribution of crossovers along chromosomes is crucial to evolutionary genomics because the crossover rate determines how strongly a genome region is influenced by natural selection on linked sites. Nevertheless, generalities in the chromosome‐scale distribution of crossovers have not been investigated formally. We fill this gap by synthesizing joint information on genetic and physical maps across 62 animal, plant and fungal species. Our quantitative analysis reveals a strong and taxonomically widespread reduction of the crossover rate in the centre of chromosomes relative to their peripheries. We demonstrate that this pattern is poorly explained by the position of the centromere, but find that the magnitude of the relative reduction in the crossover rate in chromosome centres increases with chromosome length. That is, long chromosomes often display a dramatically low crossover rate in their centre, whereas short chromosomes exhibit a relatively homogeneous crossover rate. This observation is compatible with a model in which crossover is initiated from the chromosome tips, an idea with preliminary support from mechanistic investigations of meiotic recombination. Consequently, we show that organisms achieve a higher genome‐wide crossover rate by evolving smaller chromosomes. Summarizing theory and providing empirical examples, we finally highlight that taxonomically widespread and systematic heterogeneity in crossover rate along chromosomes generates predictable broad‐scale trends in genetic diversity and population differentiation by modifying the impact of natural selection among regions within a genome. We conclude by emphasizing that chromosome‐scale heterogeneity in crossover rate should urgently be incorporated into analytical tools in evolutionary genomics, and in the interpretation of resulting patterns.  相似文献   

The road to crossovers: plants have their say   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crossovers involve the reciprocal exchange of large fragments of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during meiosis. In this way, crossovers are the basis of genetics. Remarkably, the number and distribution of crossovers on chromosomes are closely controlled. Data from various model organisms (notably Saccharomyces cerevisiae) show that the distribution of crossovers results from a series of tightly regulated events involving the formation and repair of double-strand breaks and interference. Recent advances in genetic and cytological tools, particularly for studying Arabidopsis thaliana, have enabled crossover control in plants to be studied in more detail. In this article, we discuss the contribution of plant studies to meiosis research, particularly to our understanding of crossover control and interference, and we evaluate models of interference.  相似文献   

Genomic Selection is an important topic in quantitative genetics and breeding. Not only does it allow the full use of current molecular genetic technologies, it stimulates also the development of new methods and models. Genomic selection, if fully implemented in commercial farming, should have a major impact on the productivity of various agricultural systems. But suggested approaches need to be applicable in commercial breeding populations. Many of the published research studies focus on methodologies. We conclude from the reviewed publications, that a stronger focus on strategies for the implementation of genomic selection in advanced breeding lines, introduction of new varieties, hybrids or multi-line crosses is needed. Efforts to find solutions for a better prediction and integration of environmental influences need to continue within applied breeding schemes. Goals of the implementation of genomic selection into crop breeding should be carefully defined and crop breeders in the private sector will play a substantial part in the decision-making process. However, the lack of published results from studies within, or in collaboration with, private companies diminishes the knowledge on the status of genomic selection within applied breeding programmes. Studies on the implementation of genomic selection in plant breeding need to evaluate models and methods with an enhanced emphasis on population-specific requirements and production environments. Adaptation of methods to breeding schemes or changes to breeding programmes for a better integration of genomic selection strategies are needed across species. More openness with a continuous exchange will contribute to successes.  相似文献   

Recent estimates suggest that 9% of bird species are cooperative breeders. However, little is known about the breeding behavior of many species, particularly those in the Indomalayan and Neotropical regions. Our objective was to provide an overview of the prevalence of cooperative breeding among Chinese songbirds. Examination of the social behavior, diet, and migratory status of 55 known cooperative‐breeding species of songbirds in China revealed that 90.9% live in small groups, 89.1% are residents in at least one or all their subspecies, 81.8% are insectivores, and 14.5% are omnivores. In contrast, 58.2% of the 55 species are resident insectivores that live in small groups, 10.9% are resident omnivores that live in small groups, and 12.7% include subspecies that are resident insectivores. We used these combinations of traits of known cooperative breeders and phylogenetic relationships to infer that an additional 106 species of songbirds in China are probable cooperative breeders and 22 species are possible cooperative breeders. Our analysis suggests that a maximum of 27.2% (183 of 674 species) of Chinese passerines are cooperative breeders, with more occurring in subtropical southern China than in temperate northern China. Cooperative breeding is the main breeding system of species in the families Corvidae, Pycnonotidae, and, especially, Timaliidae (105 of 183 species, 57%). Based on our analyses, cooperative breeding might be more common than previously assumed, particularly among species in the families Timaliidae, Corvidae, and Sturnidae, and species in southern, subtropical China. Because most cooperative‐breeding species in our study were either inferred cooperative breeders or possible cooperative breeders, additional study of these species is needed to confirm our results. A better understanding of the prevalence of cooperative breeding in birds will improve our insight into the evolutionary and ecological factors that select for cooperative breeding.  相似文献   

Through the concerted use of doubled haploidy (DH), molecular markers and off-season nurseries, maize (Zea mays L.) breeders have unprecedented capabilities to quickly and precisely create progeny with desired levels of similarity to either parents of a commercial hybrid. Genotypic data from both simulated and from actual populations created either by single seed descent or through doubled haploidy were examined for the initial and subsequent generations. Simulation data showed that DH progeny inherited larger blocks of parental chromosomes; approximately seven out of 10 chromosomes had intact segments of 50% or greater. By the third DH generation progeny can be selected that are more than 90% similar to either parent of the initial commercial hybrid. Actual marker data from the initial DH generation showed a maximum parental contribution of 88.4% compared to 78.7% for progeny developed by single seed descent (SSD). The number of intact chromosomes was higher among DH progeny than among progeny bred by SSD. Use of DH facilitates access to germplasm that is already present in commercial maize hybrids. Available technologies coupled with the intellectual property protection regime will influence decisions made by plant breeders in the balance of exotic compared to well-adapted germplasm they choose to access for further cycles.  相似文献   

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