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The rate and magnitude of buccal expansion are thought to determine the pattern of water flow and the change in buccal pressure during suction feeding. Feeding events that generate higher flow rates should induce stronger suction pressure and allow predators to draw prey from further away. We tested these expectations by measuring the effects of prey capture kinematics on suction pressure and the effects of the latter on the distance from which prey were drawn-termed suction distance. We simultaneously, but not synchronously, recorded 500-Hz video and buccal pressure from 199 sequences of four largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, feeding on goldfish. From the video, we quantified several kinematic variables associated with the head and jaws of the feeding bass that were hypothesized to affect pressure. In a multiple regression, kinematic data accounted for 79.7% of the variation among strikes in minimum pressure. Faster mouth opening and hyoid depression were correlated with lower pressures, a larger area under the pressure curve, and a faster rate of pressure reduction. In contrast, buccal pressure variables explained only 16.5% of the variation in suction distance, and no single pressure variable had a significant relationship with suction distance. Thus, although expected relationships between head kinematics and buccal pressure were confirmed, suction distance was only weakly related to buccal pressure. Three explanations are considered. First, bass may not attempt to maximize the distance from which prey are drawn. Second, the response of prey items to suction-induced flow depends on prey behavior and orientation and is, therefore, subject to considerable variation. Third, previous theoretical work indicates that water velocity decays exponentially with distance from the predator's mouth, indicating that variation among strikes in flow at the mouth opening is compressed away from the mouth. These findings are consistent with other recent data and suggest that suction distance is a poor metric of suction feeding performance.  相似文献   

What is the functional effect of prolonged development? By controlling for size, we quantify first-feeding performance and hydrodynamics of zebrafish and guppy offspring (5 ± 0.5 mm in length), which differ fivefold in developmental time and twofold in ontogenetic state. By manipulating water viscosity, we control the hydrodynamic regime, measured as Reynolds number. We predicted that if feeding performance were strictly the result of hydrodynamics, and not development, feeding performance would scale with Reynolds number. We find that guppy offspring successfully feed at much greater distances to prey (1.0 vs. 0.2 mm) and with higher capture success (90 vs. 20%) compared with zebrafish larvae, and that feeding performance was not a result of Reynolds number alone. Flow visualization shows that zebrafish larvae produce a bow wave ~0.2 mm in length, and that the flow field produced during suction does not extend beyond this bow wave. Due to well-developed oral jaw protrusion, the similar-sized suction field generated by guppy offspring extends beyond the horizon of their bow wave, leading to successful prey capture from greater distances. These findings suggest that prolonged development and increased ontogenetic state provides first-feeding fish time to escape the pervasive hydrodynamic constraints (bow wave) of being small.  相似文献   

Jaw protrusion is a major functional motif in fish feeding and can occur during mouth opening or closing. This temporal variation impacts the role that jaw protrusion plays in prey apprehension and processing. The lesser electric ray Narcine brasiliensis is a benthic elasmobranch (Batoidea: Torpediniformes) with an extreme and unique method of prey capture. The feeding kinematics of this species were investigated using high-speed videography and pressure transduction. The ray captures its food by protruding its jaws up to 100% of head length (approximately 20% of disc width) beneath the substrate and generating negative oral pressures (< or = 31 kPa) to suck worms into its mouth. Food is further winnowed from ingested sediment by repeated, often asymmetrical protrusions of the jaws (> 70 degrees deviation from the midline) while sand is expelled from the spiracles, gills and mouth. The pronounced ram contribution of capture (jaw protrusion) brings the mouth close enough to the food to allow suction feeding. Due to the anatomical coupling of the jaws, upper jaw protrusion occurs in the expansive phase (unlike most elasmobranchs and similar to bony fishes), and also exhibits a biphasic (slow-open, fast-open) movement similar to tetrapod feeding. The morphological restrictions that permit this unique protrusion mechanism, including coupled jaws and a narrow gape, may increase suction performance, but also likely strongly constrain dietary breadth.  相似文献   

Goliath grouper Epinephelus itajara suffered significant overfishing in the United States until they were protected from harvest in 1990. As the population recovers, interactions between Goliath grouper and anglers have increased, and are often reported to management agencies as complaints after grouper predation upon hooked fish. Goliath grouper are generally characterized as opportunistic predators capable of consuming a wide variety of prey types; however, minimal data are available regarding the prey capture behavior of this species. Kinematic analyses of adult Goliath grouper feeding events demonstrated the capacity of individuals to modulate feeding behavior based upon the mobility and position of ‘prey’ items. Mobile epibenthic food (tethered swimming fish) elicited larger maximum gapes, faster times to food capture, shorter times to mouth closing, and more rapid total bite durations than food items that were not moving (cut dead bait). Feeding sequences involving mobile food items were characterized by a significantly higher degree of ram feeding behavior, while immobile food elicited primarily suction feeding and were preceded by a slower and closer approach to the food item prior to the onset of mouth opening. The findings are discussed in light of predation upon angled species and demonstrate the ability of Goliath grouper to adjust their feeding strategy based upon prey type and condition. This behavior likely allows for the exploitation of a wide variety of prey and provides an expansive dietary breadth for these opportunistic predators.  相似文献   

Competition has broad effects on fish and specifically the effects of competition on the prey capture kinematics and behavior are important for the assessment of future prey capture studies in bony fishes. Prey capture kinematics and behavior in bony fishes have been shown to be affected by temperature and satiation. The densities at which bony fish are kept have also been shown to affect their growth, behavior, prey selection, feeding and physiology. We investigated how density induced intraspecific competition for food affects the prey capture kinematics of juvenile bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus. High speed video was utilized to film five bold individuals feeding at three different densities representing different levels of intraspecific competition. We hypothesized that: (1) the feeding kinematics will be faster at higher levels of competition compared to lower levels of competition, and (2) bluegill should shift from more suction-based feeding towards more ram-based feeding with increasing levels of competition in order to outcompete conspecifics for a prey item. We found that, with increased intraspecific competition, prey capture became faster, involving more rapid jaw opening and therefore greater inertial suction, shorter mouth closing times, and shorter gape cycles. Furthermore, the attack velocity of the fish increased with increasing competition, however a shift towards primarily ram based feeding was not confirmed. Our study demonstrates that prey capture kinematics are affected by the presence of conspecifics and future studies need to consider the effects of competition on prey capture kinematics.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic changes in the absolute dimensions of the cranial system together with changes in kinematics during prey capture can cause differences in the spatiotemporal patterns of water flow generated during suction feeding. Because the velocity of this water flow determines the force that pulls prey toward and into the mouth cavity, this can affect suction feeding performance. In this study, size-related changes in the suction-induced flow patterns are determined. To do so, a mathematical suction model is applied to video recordings of prey capturing Clarias gariepinus ranging in total length from 111 to 923 mm. Although large C. gariepinus could be expected to have increasing peak velocities of water flow compared with small individuals, the results from the hydrodynamic model show that this is not the case. Yet, when C. gariepinus becomes larger, the expansive phase is prolonged, resulting in a longer sustained flow. This flow also reaches farther in front of the mouth almost proportionally with head size. Forward dynamical simulations with spherical prey that are subjected to the calculated water flows indicate that the absolute distance from which a given prey can be sucked into the mouth as well as the maximal prey diameter increase substantially with increasing head size. Consequently, the range of potential prey that can be captured through suction feeding will become broader during growth of C. gariepinus. This appears to be reflected in the natural diet of this species, where both the size and the number of evasive prey increase with increasing predator size.  相似文献   

The structurally reinforced jaws of the cownose ray, Rhinoptera bonasus testify to this species' durophagous diet of mollusks, but seem ill-suited to the behaviors necessary for excavating such prey. This study explores this discordance by investigating the prey excavation and capture kinematics of R. bonasus. Based on the basal suction feeding mechanism in this group of fishes, we hypothesized a hydraulic method of excavation. As expected, prey capture kinematics of R. bonasus show marked differences relative to other elasmobranchs, relating to prey excavation and use of the cephalic lobes (modified anterior pectoral fin extensions unique to derived myliobatiform rays). Prey are excavated by repeated opening and closing of the jaws to fluidize surrounding sand. The food item is then enclosed laterally by the depressed cephalic lobes, which transport it toward the mouth for ingestion by inertial suction. Unlike in most sharks, upper jaw protrusion and mandibular depression are simultaneous. During food capture, the ray's spiracle, mouth, and gill slit movements are timed such that water enters only the mouth (e.g., the spiracle closes prior to prey capture and reopens immediately following). Indigestible parts are then hydraulically winnowed from edible prey portions, by mouth movements similar to those used in excavation, and ejected through the mouth. The unique sensory/manipulatory capabilities of the cephalic lobes, as well as the cownose ray's hydraulic excavation/winnowing behaviors and suction feeding, make this species an effective benthic predator, despite its epibenthic lifestyle.  相似文献   

Analysis of videotaped feeding sequences provides novel documentation of suction feeding in captive juvenile long-finned pilot whales ( Globicephala melas ). Swimming and stationary whales were videotaped while feeding at the surface, mid-water, and bottom. The ingestion sequence includes a preparatory phase with partial gape followed by jaw opening and rapid hyoid depression to suck in prey at a mean distance of 14 cm (duration 90 msec), although prey were taken from much greater distances. Depression and retraction of the large, piston-like tongue generate negative intraoral pressures for prey capture and ingestion. Food was normally ingested without grasping by teeth yet was manipulated with lingual, hyoid, and mandibular movement for realignment; suction was then used to transport prey into the oropharynx. Whales frequently rolled or inverted before taking prey, presumably to avoid grasping and repositioning. Prey were sucked off the bottom or sides of the pool without direct contact; lateral suction was used to ingest items from the sides of the mouth.  相似文献   

The head of ray-finned fishes is structurally complex and is composed of numerous bony, muscular, and ligamentous elements capable of intricate movement. Nearly two centuries of research have been devoted to understanding the function of this cranial musculoskeletal system during prey capture in the dense and viscous aquatic medium. Most fishes generate some amount of inertial suction to capture prey in water. In this overview we trace the history of functional morphological analyses of suction feeding in ray-finned fishes, with a particular focus on the mechanisms by which suction is generated, and present new data using a novel flow imaging technique that enables quantification of the water flow field into the mouth. We begin with a brief overview of studies of cranial anatomy and then summarize progress on understanding function as new information was brought to light by the application of various forms of technology, including high-speed cinematography and video, pressure, impedance, and bone strain measurement. We also provide data from a new technique, digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV) that allows us to quantify patterns of flow into the mouth. We believe that there are three general areas in which future progress needs to occur. First, quantitative three-dimensional studies of buccal and opercular cavity dimensions during prey capture are needed; sonomicrometry and endoscopy are techniques likely to yield these data. Second, a thorough quantitative analysis of the flow field into the mouth during prey capture is necessary to understand the effect of head movement on water in the vicinity of the prey; three-dimensional DPIV analyses will help to provide these data. Third, a more precise understanding of the fitness effects of structural and functional variables in the head coupled with rigorous statistical analyses will allow us to better understand the evolutionary consequences of intra- and interspecific variation in cranial morphology and function.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that evasive prey generally elicit a different kinematical pattern of prey capture from suction feeding fish compared to non-evasive types of prey. However, no evidence exists that predatory fish can modulate their prey capture kinematics in response to whether or not an elusive prey performs an escape response. Here, we analyse prey capture kinematics of a specialist piscivore (asp, Aspius aspius) during feeding on untethered, live goldfish, which regularly displayed escape attempts when attacked by the asp. Significant modulation occurred in function of the escape attempts of prey: mouth opening was prolonged and increased in magnitude, and one individual also showed an increased hyoid depression when feeding on prey trying to escape. As the orientation of the prey with respect to the predator prior to the start of mouth opening was related to the probability of observing an escape attempt, asp could theoretically perform this type of modulation by a priori choosing a pre-programmed motor pattern. However, since contact between the prey and the asp's mouth appeared to be a factor improving the timing of mouth closing, this fine-tuning of prey capture kinematics is more likely to be caused by reflexive neural feedback control.  相似文献   

Experiments indicated that the initial detection of euphausiid prey by Arripis trutta is visual with the cues being shape and/or movement. Immediately before capture of prey in midwater, swimming speed of the fish increased from 15 to 33 cm s−1. The sequence of morphological events during capture is similar to that described for suction feeding in other teleosts such as Atlantic salmon Salmo salar . Occasionally prey would be ejected from the mouth after capture by means of a reversal of the mechanism used in suction feeding.  相似文献   

The nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum, is an obligate suction feeder that preys on benthic invertebrates and fish. Its cranial morphology exhibits a suite of structural and functional modifications that facilitate this mode of prey capture. During suction‐feeding, subambient pressure is generated by the ventral expansion of the hyoid apparatus and the floor of its buccopharyngeal cavity. As in suction‐feeding bony fishes, the nurse shark exhibits expansive, compressive, and recovery kinematic phases that produce posterior‐directed water flow through the buccopharyngeal cavity. However, there is generally neither a preparatory phase nor cranial elevation. Suction is generated by the rapid depression of the buccopharyngeal floor by the coracoarcualis, coracohyoideus, and coracobranchiales muscles. Because the hyoid arch of G. cirratum is loosely connected to the mandible, contraction of the rectus cervicis muscle group can greatly depress the floor of the buccopharyngeal cavity below the depressed mandible, resulting in large volumetric expansion. Suction pressures in the nurse shark vary greatly, but include the greatest subambient pressures reported for an aquatic‐feeding vertebrate. Maximum suction pressure does not appear to be related to shark size, but is correlated with the rate of buccopharyngeal expansion. As in suction‐feeding bony fishes, suction in the nurse shark is only effective within approximately 3 cm in front of the mouth. The foraging behavior of this shark is most likely constrained to ambushing or stalking due to the exponential decay of effective suction in front of the mouth. Prey capture may be facilitated by foraging within reef confines and close to the substrate, which can enhance the effective suction distance, or by foraging at night when it can more closely approach prey. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The ability to modulate prey capture behaviors is of interest to organismal biologists as it suggests that predators can perceive features of the prey and select suitable behaviors from an available repertoire to successfully capture the item. Thus, behavior may be as important a trait as morphology in determining an organism's diet. Using high-speed video, we measured prey capture kinematics in three cheeklined wrasse, Oxycheilinus digrammus. We studied the effects of three experimental prey treatments: live fish, dead prawn suspended in the water column, and dead prawn pieces anchored to the substrate in a clip. Live prey elicited significantly more rapid strikes than dead prey suspended in the water column, and the head of the predator was expanded to significantly larger maxima. These changes in prey capture kinematics suggest the generation of more inertial suction. With greater expansion of the head, more water can be accelerated into the buccal cavity. The attached prey treatment elicited strikes as rapid as those on live prey. We suggest that the kinematics of rapid strikes on attached prey are indicative of attempts to use suction to detach the prey item. More rapid expansion of the buccal or mouth cavity should lead to higher velocities of water entering the mouth and therefore to enhanced suction. Further modulation in response to the attached prey item, such as clipping or wrenching behaviors, was not observed. J. Exp. Zool. 290:88-100, 2001.  相似文献   

The feeding mechanism of the South American lungfish, Lepidosiren paradoxa retains many primitive teleostome characteristics. In particular, the process of initial prey capture shares four salient functional features with other primitive vertebrates: 1) prey capture by suction feeding, 2) cranial elevation at the cranio-vertebral joint during the mouth opening phase of the strike, 3) the hyoid apparatus plays a major role in mediating expansion of the oral cavity and is one biomechanical pathway involved in depressing the mandible, and 4) peak hyoid excursion occurs after maximum gape is achieved. Lepidosiren also possesses four key morphological and functional specializations of the feeding mechanism: 1) tooth plates, 2) an enlarged cranial rib serving as a site for the origin of muscles depressing the hyoid apparatus, 3) a depressor mandibulae muscle, apparently not homologous to that of amphibians, and 4) a complex sequence of manipulation and chewing of prey in the oral cavity prior to swallowing. The depressor mandibulae is always active during mouth opening, in contrast to some previous suggestions. Chewing cycles include alternating adduction and transport phases. Between each adduction, food may be transported in or out of the buccal cavity to position it between the tooth plates. The depressor mandibulae muscle is active in a double-burst pattern during chewing, with the larger second burst serving to open the mouth during prey transport. Swallowing is characterized by prolonged activity in the hyoid constrictor musculature and the geniothoracicus. Lepidosiren uses hydraulic transport achieved by movements of the hyoid apparatus to position prey within the oral cavity. This function is analogous to that of the tongue in many tetrapods.  相似文献   

Suction feeding mechanics, performance, and diversity in fishes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite almost 50 years of research on the functional morphologyand biomechanics of suction feeding, no consensus has emergedon how to characterize suction-feeding performance, or its morphologicalbasis. We argue that this lack of unity in the literature isdue to an unusually indirect and complex linkage between themuscle contractions that power suction feeding, the skeletalmovements that underlie buccal expansion, the sharp drop inbuccal suction pressure that occurs during expansion, the flowof water that enters the mouth to eliminate the pressure gradient,and the forces that are ultimately exerted on the prey by thisflow. This complexity has led various researchers to focus individuallyon suction pressure, flow velocity, or the distance the preymoves as metrics of suction-feeding performance. We attemptto integrate a mechanistic view of the ability of fish to performthese components of suction feeding. We first discuss a modelthat successfully relates aspects of cranial morphology to thecapacity to generate suction pressure in the buccal cavity.This model is a particularly valuable tool for studying theevolution of the feeding mechanism. Second, we illustrate themultidimensional nature of suction-feeding performance in acomparison of bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus, and largemouthbass, Micropterus salmoides, two species that represent oppositeends of the spectrum of performance in suction feeding. As anticipated,bluegills had greater accuracy, lower peak flux into the mouth,and higher flow velocity and acceleration of flow than did bass.While the differences between species in accuracy of strikeand peak water flux were substantial, peak suction velocityand acceleration were only about 50% higher in bluegill, a relativelymodest difference. However, a hydrodynamic model of the forcesthat suction feeders exert on their prey shows that this differencein velocity is amplified by a positive effect of the smallermouth aperture of bluegill on force exerted on the prey. Ourmodel indicates that the pressure gradient in front of a fishthat is feeding by suction, associated with the gradient inwater velocity, results in a force on the prey that is largerthan drag or acceleration reaction. A smaller mouth apertureresults in a steeper pressure gradient that exerts a greaterforce on the prey, even when other features of the suction floware held constant. Our work shows that some aspects of suction-feedingperformance can be determined from morphology, but that thecomplexity of the behavior requires a diversity of perspectivesto be used in order to adequately characterize performance.  相似文献   

Synopsis Studies of feeding in bony fishes have almost universally demonstrated the ability of individuals to modulate their method of capture in response to differing stimuli. Preliminary evidence indicates that morphologically specialized inertial suction feeding sharks are the most likely fishes to lack inherent modulatory ability. We examined the ability of the nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum, to modulate its feeding behavior based on different food types and sizes. G. cirratum is an inertial suction feeding fish that is apparently stereotyped in its food capture behavior. Electromyography showed no statistical difference between feeding motor patterns based on food type (squid or fish) or size (gape width or twice gape width), although there were slight inter-individual differences in the onset of muscle firing for some muscles. Kinematic analysis showed a statistical difference in variables associated with durations for different food types, with the durations for all variables being faster for squid bites than fish bites, but no difference based on the size of the food item. This apparent lack of modulation may be associated with specialization of the morphology and behavior of G. cirratum for obligate suction prey capture. This functional specialization constrains the method in which G. cirratum captures prey but does not appear to result in dietary specialization. An unusual post capture spit-suck manipulation allows this shark to handle and ingest large prey.  相似文献   

The cranial and hyobranchial muscles of the Triassic temnospondyl Gerrothorax have been reconstructed based on direct evidence (spatial limitations, ossified muscle insertion sites on skull, mandible, and hyobranchium) and on phylogenetic reasoning (with extant basal actinopterygians and caudates as bracketing taxa). The skeletal and soft‐anatomical data allow the reconstruction of the feeding strike of this bottom‐dwelling, aquatic temnospondyl. The orientation of the muscle scars on the postglenoid area of the mandible indicates that the depressor mandibulae was indeed used for lowering the mandible and not to raise the skull as supposed previously and implies that the skull including the mandible must have been lifted off the ground during prey capture. It can thus be assumed that Gerrothorax raised the head toward the prey with the jaws still closed. Analogous to the bracketing taxa, subsequent mouth opening was caused by action of the strong epaxial muscles (further elevation of the head) and the depressor mandibulae and rectus cervicis (lowering of the mandible). During mouth opening, the action of the rectus cervicis muscle also rotated the hyobranchial apparatus ventrally and caudally, thus expanding the buccal cavity and causing the inflow of water with the prey through the mouth opening. The strongly developed depressor mandibulae and rectus cervicis, and the well ossified, large quadrate‐articular joint suggest that this action occurred rapidly and that powerful suction was generated. Also, the jaw adductors were well developed and enabled a rapid mouth closure. In contrast to extant caudate larvae and most extant actinopterygians (teleosts), no cranial kinesis was possible in the Gerrothorax skull, and therefore suction feeding was not as elaborate as in these extant forms. This reconstruction may guide future studies of feeding in extinct aquatic tetrapods with ossified hyobranchial apparatus. J. Morphol., 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Paleozoic chondrichthyans had a large gape, numerous spike-liketeeth, limited cranial kinesis, and a non-suspensory hyoid,suggesting a feeding mechanism dominated by bite and ram. Modernsharks are characterized by a mobile upper jaw braced by a suspensoryhyoid arch that is highly kinetic. In batoids, the upper jawis dissociated from the cranium permitting extensive protrusionof the jaws. Similar to actinopterygians, the evolution of highlymobile mandibular and hyoid elements has been correlated withextensive radiation of feeding modes in elasmobranchs, particularlythat of suction. Modern elasmobranchs possess a remarkable varietyof feeding modes for a group containing so few species. Biting,suction or filter-feeding may be used in conjunction with ramto capture prey, with most species able to use a combinationof behaviors during a strike. Suction-feeding has repeatedlyarisen within all recent major elasmobranch clades and is associatedwith a suite of morphological and behavioral specializations.Prey capture in a diverse assemblage of purported suction-feedingelasmobranchs is investigated in this study. Drop in water pressuremeasured in the mouth and at the location of the prey showsthat suction inflow drops off rapidly with distance from thepredator's mouth. Elasmobranchs specializing in suction-feedingmay be limited to bottom associated prey and because of theirsmall gape may have a diet restricted to relatively small prey.Behavior can affect performance and overcome constraints imposedby the fluid medium. Suction performance can be enhanced byproximity to a substrate or by decreasing distance from predatorto prey using various morphological and/or behavioral characteristics.Benthic suction-feeders benefit by the increased strike radiusdue to deflection of water flow when feeding close to a substrate,and perhaps require less accuracy when capturing prey. Suctionand ram-suction-feeding elasmobranchs can also use suction inflowto draw prey to them from a short distance, while ram-feedingsharks must accelerate and overtake the prey. The relationshipbetween feeding strategy and ecology may depend in part on ecological,mechanistic or evolutionary specialization. Mechanistic suction-feedingspecialist elasmobranchs are primarily benthic, while most epibenthicand pelagic elasmobranchs are generalists and use ram, suction,and biting to catch a diversity of prey in various habitats.Some shark species are considered to be ecological specialistsin choosing certain kinds of prey over others. Batoids are evolutionaryspecialists in having a flattened morphology and most are generalistfeeders. Filter-feeding elasmobranchs are ecological, mechanistic,and evolutionary specialists.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of variation in swimming speed, or ‘ram speed’, on the feeding kinematics of juvenile Indo-Pacific tarpon, Megalops cyprinoides. Tarpon were filmed feeding on non-elusive prey at 500 images s?1. Prey items were offered at one end of the filming tank, the opposite end where tarpon grouped, to encourage them to use a ram strategy to capture their prey. We describe tarpon as ram-suction feeders. Ram speed varied among strikes from 0.19 to 1.38 m/s and each individual produced speeds that spanned at least 0.9 m/s across trials. Although suction distances were much less variable, prey movement towards the predator was present in all feeding trials. There was a strong positive relationship between initial predator – prey distance and ram speed (r2=0.72, P<0.001). When tarpon initiated their strike from further away, they achieved higher ram speeds, but also took longer to capture their prey. All other timing variables were unaffected by ram speed whereas at higher ram speeds tarpon exhibited greater expansion of the mouth and buccal cavity. Greater buccal expansion accomplished in the same period of time implies that both the total volume of water captured and the water flow rate entering the mouth was greater in strikes at higher ram speeds. Our results demonstrate how feeding kinematics may vary as a function of ram speed, and how fish predators that lack jaw protrusion and have a large gape capacity can maximize their feeding success by altering their swimming speed.  相似文献   

Werth AJ 《Journal of morphology》2006,267(12):1415-1428
The role of cranial morphology in the generation of intraoral and oropharyngeal suction pressures in odontocetes was investigated by manipulating the jaw and hyolingual apparatus of submerged heads of three species presenting varied shapes. Hyoid and gular muscles were manually employed to depress and retract the tongue. Pressures were recorded at three locations in the oral cavity, as gape and site, speed, and force of pull were varied. A biomechanical model was also developed to evaluate pressure data. The species with the shortest, bluntest head and smallest mouth opening generated greater negative pressures. Suction generation diminished sharply as gape increased. Greatest negative pressures attained were around -45 mmHg (-6,000 Pa), a magnitude deemed suitable for capture of small live prey. Odontocetes utilizing this bidirectional flow system should profit by evolution of a rounder mouth opening through progressive shortening and widening of the rostrum and jaws, a trend evident in cranial measurements from fossil and recent odontocetes. Blunt heads correlate with anatomical, ecological, and behavioral traits associated with suction feeding. Small-gape suction (with minimally opened jaws) could be used by odontocetes of all head and oral shapes to draw prey sufficiently close to the mouth for suction ingestion or grasping via dentition. Principal limitations of the experimental and mathematical simulations include assumption of a stationary odontocete with static (open or closed) jaws and potential scaling issues with differently sized heads and gapes.  相似文献   

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