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Retinoic acid (RA), a member of the steroid/thyroid superfamily of signaling molecules, is an essential regulator of morphogenesis, differentiation, and regeneration in the mammalian olfactory pathway. RA-mediated teratogenesis dramatically alters olfactory pathway development, presumably by disrupting retinoid-mediated inductive signaling that influences initial olfactory epithelium (OE) and bulb (OB) morphogenesis. Subsequently, RA modulates the genesis, growth, or stability of subsets of OE cells and OB interneurons. RA receptors, cofactors, and synthetic enzymes are expressed in the OE, OB, and anterior subventricular zone (SVZ), the site of neural precursors that generate new OB interneurons throughout adulthood. Their expression apparently accommodates RA signaling in OE cells, OB interneurons, and slowly dividing SVZ neural precursors. Deficiency of vitamin A, the dietary metabolic RA precursor, leads to cytological changes in the OE, as well as olfactory sensory deficits. Vitamin A therapy in animals with olfactory system damage can accelerate functional recovery. RA-related pathology as well as its potential therapeutic activity may reflect endogenous retinoid regulation of neuronal differentiation, stability, or regeneration in the olfactory pathway from embryogenesis through adulthood. These influences may be in register with retinoid effects on immune responses, metabolism, and modulation of food intake.  相似文献   

Calretinin is a calcium-binding protein which participates in a variety of functions including calcium buffering and neuronal protection. It also serves as a developmental marker of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). In order to study the role of calretinin in the development and regeneration of RGCs, we have studied its pattern of expression in the retina at different developmental stages, as well as during optic nerve regeneration by means of immunohistochemistry. During development, calretinin is found for the first time in RGCs when they connect with the optic tectum. Optic nerves from adult zebrafish were crushed and after different survival times, calretinin expression in the retina, optic nerve tract and optic tectum was studied. From the day of crushing to 10 days later, calretinin expression was found to be downregulated within RGCs and their axons, as was also observed during the early developmental stages of RGCs, when they are not committed to a definite cell phenotype. Moreover, 13 days after lesion, when the regenerating axons arrived at the optic tectum, a recovery of calretinin immunoreactivity within the RGCs was observed. These results indicate that calretinin may play an important role during optic nerve regeneration, Thus, the down-regulation of Calretinin during the growth of the RGC axons towards the target during development as well as during their regeneration after injury, indicates that an increase the availability of cytosolic calcium is integral to axon outgrowth thus recapitulating the pattern observed during development.  相似文献   

Bery, A. and Martínez, P. 2010. Acetylcholinesterase activity in the developing and regenerating nervous system of the acoel Symsagittifera roscoffensis. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 383–392. The use of the cholinergic system is widespread in the animal kingdom. It controls different processes, including reproduction and neural transmission. However, its evolutionary history is not yet well understood. For instance, the role played by the cholinergic system in the nervous system of basal bilaterian taxa, where the first signs of architectural complexity appear, is still unknown. Here, we describe the structure of the cholinergic system during the development and regeneration of the acoel flatworm Symsagittifera roscoffensis, using acetylcholinesterase (AchE) activity as a marker. In this species, AchE activity is observed at all developmental stages, including in the early embryos. The juvenile and adult patterns reveal the presence of a complex nervous system that includes three pairs of longitudinal neurite bundles, which are connected to an anterior centralized mass of neurons and neural processes formed by two pairs of connectives and four commissures. The power of the technique also allows the detection of newly born neurons as they are incorporated into the growing nervous system (during regeneration).  相似文献   

Neuregulin1, a protein involved in signaling through the ErbB receptors, is required for the proper development of multiple organ systems. A complete understanding of the expression profile of Neuregulin1 is complicated by the presence of multiple isoform variants that result from extensive alternative splicing. Remarkably, these numerous protein products display a wide range of divergent functional roles, making the characterization of tissue-specific isoforms critical to understanding signaling. Recent evidence suggests an important role for Neuregulin1 signaling during olfactory epithelium development and regeneration. In order to understand the physiological consequences of this signaling, we sought to identify the isoform-specific and cell type-specific expression pattern of Neuregulin1 in the adult olfactory mucosa using a combination of RT-qPCR, FACS, and immunohistochemistry. To complement this information, we also analyzed the cell-type specific expression patterns of the ErbB receptors using immunohistochemistry. We found that multiple Neuregulin1 isoforms, containing predominantly the Type I and Type III N-termini, are expressed in the uninjured olfactory mucosa. Specifically, we found that Type III Neuregulin1 is highly expressed in mature olfactory sensory neurons and Type I Neuregulin1 is highly expressed in duct gland cells. Surprisingly, the divergent localization of these Neuregulin isoforms and their corresponding ErbB receptors does not support a role for active signaling during normal turnover and maintenance of the olfactory mucosa. Conversely, we found that injury to the olfactory epithelium specifically upregulates the Neuregulin1 Type I isoform bringing the expression pattern adjacent to cells expressing both ErbB2 and ErbB3 which is compatible with active signaling, supporting a functional role for Neuregulin1 specifically during regeneration.  相似文献   

Interest in manipulating gene expression in olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) has led to the use of adenoviruses (AdV) as gene delivery vectors. OSNs are the first order neurons in the olfactory system and the initial site of odor detection. They are highly susceptible to adenovirus infection although the mechanism is poorly understood. The Coxsackie-Adenovirus receptor (CAR) and members of the integrin family have been implicated in the process of AdV infection in various systems. Multiple serotypes of AdV efficiently bind to the CAR, leading to entry and infection of the host cell by a mechanism that can also involve integrins. Cell lines that do not express CAR are relatively resistant, but not completely immune to AdV infection, suggesting that other mechanisms participate in mediating AdV attachment and entry. Using in situ hybridization and western blot analyses, we show that OSNs and olfactory bulbs (OB) of mice express abundant CAR mRNA at embryonic and neonatal stages, with progressive diminution during postnatal development. By contrast to the olfactory epithelium (OE), CAR mRNA is still present in the adult mouse OB. Furthermore, despite a similar postnatal decline, CAR protein expression in the OE and OB of mice continues into adulthood. Our results suggest that the robust AdV infection observed in the postnatal olfactory system is mediated by CAR and that expression of even small amounts of CAR protein as seen in the adult rodent, permits efficient AdV infection and entry. CAR is an immunoglobulin domain-containing protein that bears homology to cell-adhesion molecules suggesting the possibility that it may participate in organization of the developing olfactory system.  相似文献   

Renal cytosolic extracts from rats of different ages and mononephrectomized rats were incubated with gamma-[32P]ATP and analysed by high resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis and autoradiography. Extracts from new-born and young rats showed a great number of phosphorylated proteins migrating between the origin and Mr 52,000. Among these proteins, the group co-migrating with phosphorylase b (Mr 97,000) was particularly evident in new-born and days-old rats. In extracts from mature rats, other proteins of lower molecular weight, particularly those migrating between Mr 60,000 and 44,000, became intensely phosphorylated. The number and intensity of phosphorylated proteins from extracts of normal and nephrectomized rats, however, did not vary. Activity of cAMP-dependent protein kinase and [3H]cAMP binding was also modified during neonatal development but not in compensatory renal growth. Since cAMP-PK and protein phosphorylation are known to be regulated in response to hormonal stimulations, these results may provide good indications for the understanding of hormonal involvement in kidney growth.  相似文献   

Abstract. Renal cytosolic extracts from rats of different ages and mononephrectomized rats were incubated with γ-[32P]ATP and analysed by high resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis and autoradiography. Extracts from new-born and young rats showed a great number of phosphorylated proteins migrating between the origin and Mr 52,000. Among these proteins, the group co-migrating with phosphorylase b (Mr 97,000) was particularly evident in new-born and days-old rats. In extracts from mature rats, other proteins of lower molecular weight, particularly those migrating between Mr 60,000 and 44,000, became intensely phosphorylated. The number and intensity of phosphorylated proteins from extracts of normal and nephrectomized rats, however, did not vary. Activity of cAMP-dependent protein kinase and [3H]cAMP binding was also modified during neonatal development but not in compensatory renal growth. Since cAMP-PK and protein phosphorylation are known to be regulated in response to hormonal stimulations, these results may provide good indications for the understanding of hormonal involvement in kidney growth.  相似文献   

In early rat embryos when axons from sensory neurons first contact the olfactory bulb primordium, lactosamine-containing glycans (LCG) are detected on neurons that are broadly distributed within the olfactory epithelium, but that project axons to a very restricted region of the ventromedial olfactory bulb. LCG(+) axons extend through channels defined by the coexpression of galectin-1 and beta2-laminin. These two extracellular matrix molecules are differentially expressed, along with semaphorin 3A, by subsets of ensheathing cells in the ventral nerve layer of the olfactory bulb. The overlapping expression of these molecules creates an axon-sorting domain that is capable of promoting and repelling subsets of olfactory axons. Specifically, LCG(+) axons preferentially grow into the region of the nerve layer that expresses high amounts of galectin-1, beta2-laminin, and semaphorin 3A, whereas neuropilin-1(+) axons grow in a complementary pattern, avoiding the ventral nerve layer and projecting medially and laterally. These studies suggest that initial patterning of olfactory epithelium to olfactory bulb connections is, in part, dependent on extracellular components of the embryonic nerve layer that mediate convergence and divergence of specific axon subsets.  相似文献   

We report presentations and discussions at a meeting held in May 2010 in the small village of Minerve, in the south of France. The meeting was devoted mostly but not exclusively to patterning in the nervous system, with an emphasis on two model organisms, Drosophila Melanogaster and Danio rerio. Among the major issues presented were fear and its neuroanatomy, life in darkness, patterning of sensory systems, as well as fundamental issues of neural connectivity, including the role of lineage in neural development. Talks on large-scale patterning and re-patterning, and on the mouse as a third model system, concluded the meeting.  相似文献   

Heparan sulfate (HS) comprises a structurally diverse group of glycosaminoglycans present ubiquitously on cell surfaces and in the extracellular matrix. The spatially and temporally regulated expression of specific HS structures is essential for various developmental processes in the nervous system but their distributions in the mouse olfactory system have not been explored. Here, we examined the spatiotemporal distribution of particular HS species in the developing mouse olfactory system using three structure‐specific monoclonal antibodies (HepSS‐1, JM403 and NAH46). The major findings were as follows. (i) During olfactory bulb morphogenesis, the HepSS‐1 epitope was strongly expressed in anterior telencephalic cells and coexpressed with fibroblast growth factor receptor 1. (ii) In early postnatal glomeruli, the JM403 epitope was expressed at different levels among individual glomeruli. The expression pattern and levels of the JM403 epitope were both associated with those of ephrin‐A3. (iii) In the vomeronasal system, the JM403 epitope was expressed in all vomeronasal axons but became increasingly restricted to vomeronasal axons terminating in the anterior region of the accessory olfactory bulb by 3 weeks of age. Our results demonstrate that each HS epitope exhibits a unique expression pattern during the development of the mouse olfactory system. Thus, each HS epitope is closely associated with particular developmental processes of the olfactory system and might have a particular role in developmental events.  相似文献   

Characteristic fatty acids of peripheral nerve myelin are mainly saturated and monounsaturated. A marked increase of polyunsaturated fatty acids, particularly arachidonic acid, was found in endoneurial phosphatidylethanolamine of both developing and regenerating rat sciatic nerve, suggesting a close association between polyunsaturated fatty acids and peripheral nerve myelination.  相似文献   

Patterning molecules; multitasking in the nervous system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Salie R  Niederkofler V  Arber S 《Neuron》2005,45(2):189-192

A study has been made of how the normal complementary distribution of sodium and potassium channels in mammalian myelinated nerve fibres (all the sodium channels being in the node with all the potassium channels in the internode) is altered in regenerating and in developing rabbit sciatic nerves. In regenerating nerve fibres, where a marked increase in the number of nodes per unit length occurs, there is a corresponding increase in the sodium channel content (determined from the maximum saturable binding of labelled saxitoxin), consistent with the idea that the number of sodium channels per node remains roughly constant. The use of 4-aminopyridine, which by blocking potassium channels prolongs the action potential, has shown that both in regenerating nerve fibres and in developing nerve fibres potassium currents contribute to the mammalian action potential. In both cases, with the passage of time, the sensitivity to 4-aminopyridine progressively decreases.  相似文献   

Computational models are increasingly essential to systems neuroscience. Models serve as proofs of concept, tests of sufficiency, and as quantitative embodiments of working hypotheses and are important tools for understanding and interpreting complex data sets. In the olfactory system, models have played a particularly prominent role in framing contemporary theories and presenting novel hypotheses, a role that will only grow as the complexity and intricacy of experimental data continue to increase. This review will attempt to provide a comprehensive, functional overview of computational ideas in olfaction and outline a computational framework for olfactory processing based on the insights provided by these diverse models and their supporting data.  相似文献   

2004年度诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予了两位美国神经生理学家:Richard Axel和Linda B.Buck,以表彰他们在嗅觉研究中所作出的贡献。他们证明啮齿类动物大约有1000种不同类型的嗅觉受体基因超家族,文章发表在1991年“细胞”上。随后他(她)们对嗅觉信号在脑内的传递、修饰和加工进行了深入的研究。由于他们的研究使人们对嗅觉的认识,产生了一个飞跃。本文就这方面的进展作一简要的介绍。  相似文献   

In olfactory systems, neuron-glia interactions have been implicated in the growth and guidance of olfactory receptor axons. In the moth Manduca sexta, developing olfactory receptor axons encounter several types of glia as they grow into the brain. Antennal nerve glia are born in the periphery and enwrap bundles of olfactory receptor axons in the antennal nerve. Although their peripheral origin and relationship with axon bundles suggest that they share features with mammalian olfactory ensheathing cells, the developmental roles of antennal nerve glia remain elusive. When cocultured with antennal nerve glial cells, olfactory receptor growth cones readily advance along glial processes without displaying prolonged changes in morphology. In turn, olfactory receptor axons induce antennal nerve glial cells to form multicellular arrays through proliferation and process extension. In contrast to antennal nerve glia, centrally derived glial cells from the axon sorting zone and antennal lobe never form arrays in vitro, and growth-cone glial-cell encounters with these cells halt axon elongation and cause permanent elaborations in growth cone morphology. We propose that antennal nerve glia play roles similar to olfactory ensheathing cells in supporting axon elongation, yet differ in their capacity to influence axon guidance, sorting, and targeting, roles that could be played by central olfactory glia in Manduca.  相似文献   

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