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Peritoneal mesothelium was exposed for 2–60 min to solutions of horseradish peroxidase by incubation in vitro, or after intraperitoneal injection in vivo. Peroxidase was localized, with the electron microscope in the intercellular clefts of the mesothelium, often along their entire lengths, in vesicles adjoining or contiguous with the clefts, and along the peritoneal and basal surfaces of the cell, and also in intracytoplasmic vacuoles. The intercellular junctions of peroxidase-treated mesothelium did not differ from those of controls: open and closed junctions were present in both groups. Intercellular localization was also obtained when the mesothelium was exposed to peroxidase during or after fixation. Although intracellular absorption of peroxidase and its incorporation into larger vacuoles were observed, there was no clearcut evidence of vesicular transport across the mesothelium in these experiments. These findings are consistent with physiologic data which postulate that mesothelial transport can be accounted for, at least in part, by passive diffusion through a system of pores, and they suggest that these pores are located in the intercellular clefts.  相似文献   


We have studied the effects of phospholipase C from Clostridium welchii on gap junctions in the intact mouse liver and in a junction-rich fraction prepared from mouse liver. Treatment of the isolated junctions results in the disappearance of both the 20 A gap and of the polygonal lattice visible with lanthanum. The junctions are morphologically unaltered, however, when whole livers are perfused with phospholipase via the portal vein. These results suggest that extracellular phospholipase cannot diffuse into the junctional area, but that the enzyme may affect structures within the gap from its cytoplasmic surfaces which become exposed in the isolated preparations. Horseradish peroxidase, which has physical dimensions similar to those of Clostridium phospholipase is also denied access to the 20 A gap in whole liver, while peroxidase reaction product can be seen in the gap in isolated preparations. Beef liver catalase, however, a tracer molecule much larger than peroxidase, cannot penetrate even in isolated fractions. If the cytoplasmic approaches to the gap junction used by peroxidase and phospholipase are available in vivo, and have not been created during the process of mechanical isolation, they may play a role in cell-to-cell passage of molecules larger than ions.  相似文献   

The problem of determining by means of measurements of electrolytic conductance the permeability of living cells in suspension is considered in some detail and it is pointed out that several factors, usually neglected, have an important influence on the interpretation of such studies. These are: 1. The relative volume and the shape of cells, which are responsive to changes in osmotic pressure and constitution of the surrounding solution. The sources of error in various methods of determining the true volume of red blood cells in a suspension are explained. The hematocrit method appears to be the most reliable method in this case. 2. The proportion of living cells, which is especially to be regarded in the case of suspensions of bacteria. It is shown that this may be very high when appropriate cultural methods are used. The conductance of the dead cells must also be taken into account. 3. The progressive nature of the changes occurring during the course of an experiment. Approximate accuracy may be obtained by proper interpolation. 4. The conductivity of the protoplasm itself, which varies in response to variations is that of the surrounding fluid. It is emphasized that cells, and in particular red blood cells, are not to be regarded as stable non-conducting particles, but rather as labile and as permeable to electrolytes. It is shown that the available data support this interpretation.  相似文献   

Commercially available glycogens and dextrans can be used as biological particulate tracers in work on capillary permeability. These polysaccharides are well tolerated in intravenous injection and induce no vascular leakage when applied topically (cremaster test) in mice and in Wistar-Furth rats. The particles stain adequately with lead after aldehyde-OsO4 fixation in phosphate buffer and provide a relatively wide set of probes (~45 A-300 A) for work on the large and small pore systems.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis was studied in the visual cells of an insect (honeybee drone, Apis mellifera) by electron microscope radioautography. After a single injection of tritiated leucine, the radioactivity first appears in the cytoplasm of the visual cell which contains ribosomes. Later, part of this radioactivity migrates to the rhabdome, the visual cell region which is specialized in light absorption. A maximal concentration of radioactivity is reached there 48 hr after the injection of leucine. This pattern of protein synthesis and transport resembles that described in vertebrate visual cells (rods and cones), where newly synthesized proteins have been shown to contribute to the renewal of the photoreceptor membrane.  相似文献   

After chronic administration of a dilute solution of silver nitrate in drinking water to rats, mice, and guinea pigs, granular deposits of metallic silver were detected in electron micrographs of the kidney, liver, thyroid, and pancreas. The silver deposits were in the form of extremely dense, angular particles with sharp outlines. They varied from aggregates a few microns in diameter down to granules at the limit of resolution of the electron microscope. The principal sites of deposition were (1) basement membranes, especially those of the renal glomeruli, proximal convoluted tubules, and various glands, and those associated with vascular endothelium, and (2) the cytoplasm of fixed and free macrophages. Both in Kupffer cells lining hepatic sinusoids and in the wandering macrophages of other tissues, the silver was segregated in discrete vacuoles. In addition, granular deposits were observed in occasional vesicular structures in the proximal convoluted tubules of the kidney, the hepatic cells, and the pancreatic acinar cell. These structures, in favorable preparations, contained an outer double layered membrane and internal folds similar to those of mitochondria, from which they appear to have been derived. The significance of these findings in heavy metal poisoning and in cellular physiology is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Sections of brain and spinal cord of mice and rats at 1, 3, 5, and 17 days after birth were examined with the electron microscope. In the early stages of myelinization only two to four lamellae surround the axon. These laminae are formed from the plasma membraces of glial processes, and in particular of oligodendroglial processes. In a later stage of myelinization a larger number of flattened glial processes surround the axon with enclosed cytoplasm trapped within some of the membranes. Multiple extensions of the membranes of the flattened glial processes to the lamellae of the myelinated sheath are evident at this stage, with a variable number of membranes within the sheath at various positions along the fiber. Newly formed myelinated sheaths are sometimes larger than their enclosed fibers, extending as a projection of sheath which does not surround axoplasm. Loci are present in which the myelinated sheath is incomplete or interrupted.  相似文献   

Beef liver catalase was injected intravenously into mice, and its distribution in the kidney, myocardium, and liver was studied with the electron microscope. A specific and relatively sensitive method was developed for its ultrastructural localization, based on the peroxidatic activity of catalase and employing a modified Graham and Karnovsky incubation medium. The main features of the medium were a higher concentration of diaminobenzidine, barium peroxide as the source of peroxide, and pH of 8.5. Ultrastructurally, the enzyme was seen to permeate the endothelial fenestrae and basement membranes of tubular and glomerular capillaries of the kidney. The urinary space and tubular lumina contained no reaction product. In the myocardial capillaries, the tracer filled the pinocytotic vesicles but did not diffuse across the intercellular clefts of the endothelium. In liver, uptake of catalase was seen both in hepatocytes and in Kupffer cells.  相似文献   

This paper examines the anatomical and ultrastructural basisof filtration in bivalves, and proposes a mechanism by whichthe filtrate is derived by a combination of hydrostatic pressureand suction generated by auricular and other muscles, assistedby cilia in the walls of the renopericardial canals. It is proposedthat the primitive auricular site of filtration becomes lessefficient with increasing size and may impair the contractilityof the auricle. The migration of the filter, including bloodsupply and muscles, to a separate pericardial site is indicatedby the discovery in two species, including Scrobicularia plana,with functional pericardial glands, of vestigial glands in theauricle. The development of a filtration site in the pericardialwall, where constraints on size do not exist, made possiblethe increase in the rate of urine formation which must accompanycolonization of estuarine and freshwater habitats. In freshwatergenera such as Anodonta the problem of creating a sufficientpressure gradient for a high rate of filtration is overcomeby the separation of that part of the pericardial cavity drainedby the renopericardial canal (the Nebenhöhle) from thechamber housing the heart. Contraction of predominantly transversemuscles in the wall of the Nebenhöhle is believed to beresponsible for expelling urine from it along the renopericardialcanals to the kidneys. The fine structure of the filtrationsite in ten species of bivalve is described. (Received 1 November 1992; accepted 6 December 1992)  相似文献   

Segments of leaf abscission zone tissue of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Red Kidney were fixed in glutaraldehyde, incubated to demonstrate peroxidase activity in medium containing 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB) and postfixed in osmium tetroxide. Electron microscopic observation of treated tissue revealed pronounced deposition of highly electron-opaque material in the form of granules or globules in cell walls, on mitochondrial membranes, associated with rough endoplasmic reticulum and along the plasmalemma and tonoplast. This distribution pattern was typical of both non-treated and ethephon-treated tissue. Ethephon-treated material also contained these granules within cytoplasmic vacuoles. It is suggested that pH of the incubation medium may affect localization sites and that exposure of tissue to light during incubation may modify localization patterns. Differing patterns of distribution of the reaction product in treated and non-treated tissue may reflect changes in membrane permeability and microfibrillar modifications related to ethephon treatment.  相似文献   

1. The chlorophyll-protein compound of the spinach leaf has been studied in the air-driven ultracentrifuge using the Svedberg light-absorption method, and a direct-reading refractive index method. 2. When the untreated extracts are centrifuged at low speeds, the green protein sediments with a purely random spread of particle sizes confirming the fact that the protein is not in true solution. 3. In the presence of digitonin, bile salts, and sodium desoxycholate, the extracts are clarified. These detergents split the chlorophyll from the protein and the protein itself shows a sedimentation constant of 13.5 x 10–13 equivalent to a molecular weight of at least 265,000 as calculated from Stokes'' law. This probably represents the minimum size of the protein in native form. 4. Sodium dodecyl sulfate, a detergent which also clarifies the leaf extracts, shows a different behavior. The prosthetic group remains attached to the protein but the protein is split into smaller units. In 0.25 per cent SDS, S 20 is 2.6 x 10–13 over a pH range of 5 to 9, although at the acid pH chlorophyll is converted to phaeophytin. In 2.5 per cent SDS, S 20 is 1.7 x 10–13 suggesting a further splitting of the protein. 5. No differences in behavior were found for the various chloroplast pigments.  相似文献   

Normal rat and mouse lymphoid cells were incubated at 0°–4°C for 1 h with purified rabbit or sheep antirat (mouse) immunoglobulin (Ig)-horseradish peroxidase (PO) conjugates or with Fab fragments of antibody coupled with peroxidase. Cells were subsequently washed and incubated in fresh medium, without labeled antibody or Fab fragments for 5–30 min at 20° or 37°C. With the use of the diaminobenzidine (DAB) method, distribution of peroxidase was studied in the light and electron microscopes. Fab fragments of antirat Ig antibody were iodinated with 125I and subsequently coupled with horseradish PO. Plasma membrane and internalized immunoglobulins were detected by electron microscope autoradiography and peroxidase cytochemistry. Single- (Fab-PO), and double- ([125I]Fab-PO) labeled lymphoid cells showed identical patterns of surface or internal distribution of immunoglobulins. In the electron microscope, Fab-PO conjugates at 0°–4°C resulted in a diffuse specific staining of the plasmalemma of lymphocytes and plasma cells. Most of the small dark lymphocytes (T cells?) did not show plasma membrane Ig. Macrophages did not show plasmalemma staining, but displayed nonspecific cytoplasmic staining after incubation at 20° or 37°C with antibody or Fab-PO conjugates. Lymphocytes and plasma cells, after incubation with antibody-PO conjugates at 0°–4°C, had patchy deposits of oxidized DAB on their plasma membranes. Macrophages, similarly treated, had no plasmalemmal staining. Patch and cap formation on the plasma membrane of lymphocytes and plasma cells was seen regularly after antibody-PO incubation at 37°C. Internalization patterns were different in lymphocytes and plasma cells. In lymphocytes, peroxidase staining was observed in small round or oval vesicles clustered at one pole of the cell (30 min at 37°C). In plasma cells, peroxidase staining was seen in clusters of tubules resembling the Golgi apparatus. Internalization of plasma membrane IgG was less pronounced after antibody-PO labeling as compared to Fab-PO labeling.  相似文献   

The fine structure of newborn and fetal mouse liver and of newborn kidney cells homozygous for any of three albino alleles known to have multiple biochemical effects was investigated. Electron microscope studies of mutant cells revealed dilation and vesiculation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum in parenchymal liver cells, as well as dilation and other anomalies of the Golgi apparatus. These abnormalities were observed in all newborn mutants but never in littermate controls. Although they were most pronounced in liver parenchymal cells, they were found also to a lesser degree in kidney cells, but they were absent altogether in other cell types of the mutant newborn. Homozygous fetuses showed similar anomalies in the liver at 19 days of gestational age. In one of the alleles studied, mutant liver parenchymal cells were found to be abnormal as early as the 18th day of gestation. There appears to be a striking parallelism between the biochemical defects and those of the cellular membranes in homozygous mutant newborn and fetuses. Although the specific nature of the mutational effect on membrane structure remains unknown, the results are compatible with the assumption that a mutationally caused defect in a membrane component interferes with a mechanism vital in the integration of morphological and biochemical differentiation.  相似文献   

A chronograph is described for recording continuously the rates of many different kinds of rhythmic processes over long time periods. The rate is read directly from the length of a line of ink, drawn by a moving pen. Rates of beat of excised turtle''s hearts in Ringer''s solution have been recorded at 25°C. under constant conditions of temperature, pH, and oxygen supply for periods of 36 hours. Regular periodic variations in the fundamental rhythm are figured, as well as rates of extraordinary constancy. The effects of adrenalin, ephedrin, thyroxin, α and β pituitary hormone insulin, nicotin, and atropin are described in the text.  相似文献   

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