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Transhydrogenase couples the redox reaction between NADH and NADP+ to proton translocation across a membrane. The enzyme comprises three components; dI binds NAD(H), dIII binds NADP(H), and dII spans the membrane. The 1,4,5,6-tetrahydro analogue of NADH (designated H2NADH) bound to isolated dI from Rhodospirillum rubrum transhydrogenase with similar affinity to the physiological nucleotide. Binding of either NADH or H2NADH led to closure of the dI mobile loop. The 1,4,5,6-tetrahydro analogue of NADPH (H2NADPH) bound very tightly to isolated R. rubrum dIII, but the rate constant for dissociation was greater than that for NADPH. The replacement of NADP+ on dIII either with H2NADPH or with NADPH caused a similar set of chemical shift alterations, signifying an equivalent conformational change. Despite similar binding properties to the natural nucleotides, neither H2NADH nor H2NADPH could serve as a hydride donor in transhydrogenation reactions. Mixtures of dI and dIII form dI2dIII1 complexes. The nucleotide charge distribution of complexes loaded either with H2NADH and NADP+ or with NAD+ and H2NADPH should more closely mimic the ground states for forward and reverse hydride transfer, respectively, than previously studied dead-end species. Crystal structures of such complexes at 2.6 and 2.3 A resolution are described. A transition state for hydride transfer between dihydronicotinamide and nicotinamide derivatives determined in ab initio quantum mechanical calculations resembles the organization of nucleotides in the transhydrogenase active site in the crystal structure. Molecular dynamics simulations of the enzyme indicate that the (dihydro)nicotinamide rings remain close to a ground state for hydride transfer throughout a 1.4 ns trajectory.  相似文献   

Cyanase is an inducible enzyme in Escherichia coli that catalyzes the reaction of cyanate with bicarbonate resulting in the decomposition of cyanate to ammonia and bicarbonate. In this study, the role of the single sulfhydryl group in each of the eight identical subunits of cyanase was investigated. Tetranitromethane, methyl methanethiosulfonate, N-ethylmaleimide, and Hg2+ all reacted with the sulfhydryl group to give derivatives which had reduced activities and which dissociated reversibly to inactive dimer. Association of inactive dimer to active octamer was facilitated by the presence of azide (cyanate analog) and bicarbonate, increased temperature and enzyme concentration, and presence of phosphate. Nitration of tyrosine residues by tetranitromethane occurred only in the absence of azide and bicarbonate, suggesting that at least some of the tyrosine residues become exposed when octamer dissociates to dimer. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to prepare a mutant enzyme in which serine was substituted for cysteine. The mutant enzyme was catalytically active and had properties very similar to native enzyme, except that it was less stable to treatment with urea and to high temperatures. These results establish that in native cyanase the sulfhydryl group per se is not required for catalytic activity, but it may play a role in stabilizing octameric structure, and that octameric structure is required for catalytic activity.  相似文献   

In the past, several unsuccessful attempts have been made to dissociate homodimeric enolases into their active monomeric forms. The main objective of these studies had been to understand whether intersubunit interactions are essential for the catalytic and structural stability of enolases. Further motivation to investigate the properties of monomeric enolase has arisen from several recent reports on the involvement of enolase in diverse nonglycolytic (moonlighting) functions, where it may occur in monomeric form. Here, we report successful dissociation of dimeric enolases from Plasmodium falciparum, yeast and rabbit muscle into active and isolatable monomers. Dimeric enolases could be dissociated into monomers by high concentrations ( approximately 250 mm) of imidazole and/or hydrogen ions. Two forms were separated using Superdex-75 gel filtration chromatography. A detailed comparison of the kinetic and structural properties of monomeric and dimeric forms of recombinant P. falciparum enolase showed differences in specific activity, salt-induced inhibition and inactivation, thermal stability, etc. Furthermore, we found that enolases from the three species differ in their dimer dissociation profiles. Specifically, on challenge with imidazole, Mg(II) protected the enolases of yeast and rabbit muscle but not of P. falciparum from dissociation. The observed differential stability of the P. falciparum enolase dimer interface with respect to mammalian enolases could be exploited to selectively dissociate the dimeric parasite enzyme into its catalytically inefficient, thermally unstable monomeric form. Thus enolase could be a novel therapeutic target for malaria.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of dimeric D-amino acid transaminase shows that the two Trp-139 sites are located in a hydrophobic pocket at the interface between the subunits and that the two indole side chains face one another and are within 10 A of coenzyme. This enzyme prefers an aromatic character at position 139, as previously demonstrated by the finding that Phe-139 but no other substitution tested provides the maximum degree of thermostability and catalytic efficiency. Here we show that an equilibrium between active dimers and inactive monomers can be demonstrated with the W139F mutant enzyme, whereas with the wild-type enzyme the subunit interface is so tight that a study of this equilibrium is precluded. We show how the processes of dimerization of monomers and dissociation of dimers to monomers are controlled. Lower pH (5.0) favors monomer formation from dimers. Gel filtration and activity analysis show that at higher pH (7.0) the monomers combine to form active dimers with a K(d) of 0.17 microM. This assembly process is relatively slow and takes several hours for completion, thereby permitting accurate measurement of kinetics and equilibrium parameters. Absorption and circular dichroism spectra of dimers and monomers are significantly different, indicating that the environment around the cofactor is very likely altered between them. The circular dichroism peak of the W139F dimer at 418 nm is less negative than that of the wild-type enzyme in accordance with its lower visible absorbance; the circular dichroism peak of the W139F monomer at 418 nm is more negative than that of the wild-type enzyme. The dissociation of dimers to monomers has also been studied by taking advantage of these spectral differences, thus permitting the rates of the dissociation and the reassociation to be calculated and compared. 2-Mercaptoethanol assists in the conversion of monomers to dimers. The results here describe dissociation/reassociation in the dimeric enzyme under native conditions without denaturants.  相似文献   

The dI component of transhydrogenase binds NAD+ and NADH. A mobile loop region of dI plays an important role in the nucleotide binding process, and mutations in this region result in impaired hydride transfer in the complete enzyme. We have previously employed one-dimensional 1H-NMR spectroscopy to study wild-type and mutant dI proteins of Rhodospirillum rubrum and the effects of nucleotide binding. Here, we utilise two- and three-dimensional NMR experiments to assign the signals from virtually all of the backbone and side-chain protons of the loop residues. The mobile loop region encompasses 17 residues: Asp223-Met239. The assignments also provide a much strengthened basis for interpreting the structural changes occurring upon nucleotide binding, when the loop closes down onto the surface of the protein and loses mobility. The role of the mobile loop region in catalysis is discussed with particular reference to a newly-developed model of the dI protein, based on its homology with alanine dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Transhydrogenase, found in bacterial membranes and inner mitochondrial membranes of animal cells, couples the redox reaction between NAD(H) and NADP(H) to proton translocation. In this work, the invariant Gln132 in the NAD(H)-binding component (dI) of the Rhodospirillum rubrum transhydrogenase was substituted with Asn (to give dI.Q132N). Mixtures of the mutant protein and the NADP(H)-binding component (dIII) of the enzyme readily produced an asymmetric complex, (dI.Q132N)(2)dIII(1). The X-ray structure of the complex revealed specific changes in the interaction between bound nicotinamide nucleotides and the protein at the hydride transfer site. The first-order rate constant of the redox reaction between nucleotides bound to (dI.Q132N)(2)dIII(1) was <1% of that for the wild-type complex, and the deuterium isotope effect was significantly decreased. The nucleotide binding properties of the dI component in the complex were asymmetrically affected by the Gln-to-Asn mutation. In intact, membrane-bound transhydrogenase, the substitution completely abolished all catalytic activity. The results suggest that Gln132 in the wild-type enzyme behaves as a "tether" or a "tie" in the mutual positioning of the (dihydro)nicotinamide rings of NAD(H) and NADP(H) for hydride transfer during the conformational changes that are coupled to the translocation of protons across the membrane. This ensures that hydride transfer is properly gated and does not take place in the absence of proton translocation.  相似文献   

In mesophiles, triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) is an obligated homodimer. We have previously shown that monomeric folding intermediates are common in the chemical unfolding of TIM, where dissociation provides 75% of the overall conformational stability of the dimer. However, analysis of the crystallographic structure shows that, during unfolding, intermonomeric contacts contribute to only 5% of the overall increase in accessible surface area. In this work several methodologies were used to characterize the thermal dissociation and unfolding of the TIM from Entamoeba histolytica (EhTIM) and a monomeric variant obtained by chemical derivatization (mEhTIM). During EhTIM unfolding, sequential transitions corresponding to dimer dissociation into a compact monomeric intermediate followed by unfolding and further aggregation of the intermediate occurred. In the case of mEhTIM, a single transition, analogous to the second transition of EhTIM, was observed. Calorimetric, spectroscopic, hydrodynamic, and functional evidence shows that dimer dissociation is not restricted to localized interface reorganization. Dissociation represents 55% (DeltaH(Diss) = 146.8 kcal mol(-1)) of the total enthalpy change (DeltaH(Tot) = 266 kcal mol(-1)), indicating that this process is linked to substantial unfolding. We propose that, rather than a rigid body process, subunit assembly is best represented by a fly-casting mechanism. In TIM, catalysis is restricted to the dimer; therefore, the interface can be viewed as the final nucleation motif that directs assembly, folding, and function.  相似文献   

Transhydrogenase is a proton pump. It has three components: dI and dIII protrude from the membrane and contain the binding sites for NAD(H) and NADP(H), respectively, and dII spans the membrane. We have expressed dIII from Homo sapiens transhydrogenase (hsdIII) in Escherichia coli. The purified protein was associated with stoichiometric amounts of NADP(H) bound to the catalytic site. The NADP+ and NADPH were released only slowly from the protein, supporting the suggestion that nucleotide-binding by dIII is regulated by the membrane-spanning dII. HsdIII formed a catalytically active complex with recombinant dI from Rhodospirillum rubrum (rrdI), even in the absence of dII. The rates of forward and reverse transhydrogenation catalysed by this complex are probably limited by slow release from dIII of NADPH and NADP+, respectively. The hybrid complex also catalysed high rates of 'cyclic' transhydrogenation, indicating that hydride transfer, and exchange of nucleotides with dI, are rapid. Stopped-flow experiments revealed a rapid, monoexponential, single-turnover burst of reverse transhydrogenation in pre-steady-state. The apparent first-order rate constant of the burst increased with the concentration of rrdI. A deuterium isotope effect (kH/kD approximately 2 at 27 degrees C) was observed when [4B-1H]NADPH was replaced with [4B-2H]NADPH. The characteristics of the burst of transhydrogenation with rrdI:hsdIII differed from those previously reported for rrdI:rrdIII (J.D. Venning et al., Eur. J. Biochem. 257 (1998) 202-209), but the differences are readily explained by a greater dissociation constant of the hybrid complex. The steady-state rate of reverse transhydrogenation by the rrdI:hsdIII complex was almost independent of pH, but there was a single apparent pKa ( approximately 9.1) associated with the cyclic reaction. The reactions of the dI:dIII complex probably proceed independently of those protonation/deprotonation reactions which, in the complete enzyme, are associated with H+ translocation.  相似文献   

Transhydrogenase couples the transfer of hydride-ion equivalents between NAD(H) and NADP(H) to proton translocation across a membrane. The enzyme has three components: dI binds NAD(H), dIII binds NADP(H) and dII spans the membrane. Coupling between transhydrogenation and proton translocation involves changes in the binding of NADP(H). Mixtures of isolated dI and dIII from Rhodospirillum rubrum transhydrogenase catalyse a rapid, single-turnover burst of hydride transfer between bound nucleotides; subsequent turnover is limited by NADP(H) release. Stopped-flow experiments showed that the rate of the hydride transfer step is decreased at low pH. Single Trp residues were introduced into dIII by site-directed mutagenesis. Two mutants with similar catalytic properties to those of the wild-type protein were selected for a study of nucleotide release. The way in which Trp fluorescence was affected by nucleotide occupancy of dIII was different in the two mutants, and hence two different procedures for determining the rate of nucleotide release were developed. The apparent first-order rate constants for NADP(+) release and NADPH release from isolated dIII increased dramatically at low pH. It is concluded that a single ionisable group in dIII controls both the rate of hydride transfer and the rate of nucleotide release. The properties of the protonated and unprotonated forms of dIII are consistent with those expected of intermediates in the NADP(H)-binding-change mechanism. The ionisable group might be a component of the proton-translocation pathway in the complete enzyme.  相似文献   

Yanan Ren  Jingquan Zhao 《BBA》2010,1797(8):1421-3132
Chloride is an essential cofactor for photosynthetic water oxidation. However, its location and functional roles in active photosystem II are still a matter of debate. We have investigated this issue by studying the effects of Cl replacement by Br in active PSII. In Br substituted samples, Cl is effectively replaced by Br in the presence of 1.2 M NaBr under room light with protection of anaerobic atmosphere followed by dialysis. The following results have been obtained. i) The oxygen-evolving activities of the Br-PSII samples are significantly lower than that of the Cl-PSII samples; ii) The same S2 multiline EPR signals are observed in both Br and Cl-PSII samples; iii) The amplitudes of the visible light induced S1TyrZ and S2TyrZ EPR signals are significantly decreased after Br substitution; the S1TyrZ EPR signal is up-shifted about 8 G, whereas the S2TyrZ signal is down-shifted about 12 G after Br substitution. These results imply that the redox properties of TyrZ and spin interactions between TyrZ and Mn-cluster could be significantly modified due to Br substitution. It is suggested that Cl/Br probably coordinates to the Ca2+ ion of the Mn-cluster in active photosystem II.  相似文献   

The tyrosine kinase c-Abl is inactivated by interactions made by its SH3 and SH2 domains with the distal surface of the kinase domain. We present a crystal structure of a fragment of c-Abl which reveals that a critical N-terminal cap segment, not visualized in previous structures, buttresses the SH3-SH2 substructure in the autoinhibited state and locks it onto the distal surface of the kinase domain. Surprisingly, the N-terminal cap is phosphorylated on a serine residue that interacts with the connector between the SH3 and SH2 domains. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) analysis shows that a mutated form of c-Abl, in which the N-terminal cap and two other key contacts in the autoinhibited state are deleted, exists in an extended array of the SH3, SH2, and kinase domains. This alternative conformation of Abl is likely to prolong the active state of the kinase by preventing it from returning to the autoinhibited state.  相似文献   

The gamma gamma isozyme of rabbit enolase was labeled with fluorescein and the effects of NaClO4 on both enzymatic activity and fluorescence polarization were studied. NaClO4, but not NaCl, dissociates and partially inactivates the enzyme. If dissociation is prevented, either by the addition of substrate or by covalently crosslinking the enzyme, inactivation is also prevented. Analysis of the time and concentration dependence of inactivation and dissociation shows that the decrease in activity is a two-step process: D in equilibrium 2M in equilibrium 2M*. Both monomeric forms of the enzyme are catalytically active.  相似文献   

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