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Plant Mitochondrial Genome Evolution and Cytoplasmic Male Sterility   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mitochondria are responsible for providing energy currency to life processes in the molecular form of ATP and are therefore typically referred to as the power factories of cells. Plant mitochondria are also relevant to the common phenomenon of cytoplasmic male sterility, which is agronomically important in various crop species. Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is a complex trait that may be influenced by patterns of mitochondrial genome evolution, and by intergenomic gene transfer among the organellar and nuclear compartments of plant cells. Here, we review patterns and processes that shape plant mitochondrial genomes, some relevant interactions between organelles, and the general features shared by the majority of cytoplasmic male-sterile genes in plants to further the goal of understanding CMS.  相似文献   

Highly repeated DNA sequences were investigated as potential phylogenetic indicators among five species of galagines. One lorisine, one cheirogaleid, and two lemurid species were also investigated as progressively more distant outgroups. The lorisids displayed strong conservatism with regard to these sequences, to the point where the galegine species proved difficult to differentiate. When restriction fragment differences were observed, the galagine species fell into two groups: one containing the greater galagos and G. alleni and the other comprising the lesser galagos. The sequences of the cheirogaleid Microcebus murinus were found to be highly species-specific, bearing little resemblance to those of the galagines or the lemurids. Common sequences detected between M. murinus and G. senegalensis may be ancient sequences shared by all strepsirhines. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Differences in highly repeated DNA sequences among three swine breeds genomes were detected by means of whole‐comparative genomic hybridization (W‐CGH). The results showed that Duroc, Iberian and Landrace/Large White breeds share similar DNA sequences in their centromeric regions, but the number of copies of the highly repeated DNA sequences building the blocks of heterochromatin in the metacentric chromosomes is differentially expanded among them. That is not the case in the acrocentric subgenome where the chromosomes share similar sequence composition and number of copies among the three breeds in the centromeric regions. The highly repeated DNA sequences in the chromosome Y also displayed differences among the breeds studied. The reported results are discussed in the light of the possible evolutionary tendencies of these particular DNA sequences.  相似文献   

The recombinant plasmid dpTa1 has an insert of relic wheat DNA that represents a family of tandemly organized DNA sequences with a monomeric length of approximately 340 bp. This insert was used to investigate the structural organization of this element in the genomes of 58 species within the tribe Triticeae and in 7 species representing other tribes of the Poaceae. The main characteristic of the genomic organization of dpTa1 is a classical ladder-type pattern which is typical for tandemly organized sequences. The dpTa1 sequence is present in all of the genomes of the Triticeae species examined and in 1 species from a closely related tribe (Bromus inermis, Bromeae). DNA from Hordelymus europaeus (Triticeae) did not hybridize under the standard conditions used in this study. Prolonged exposure was necessary to obtain a weak signal. Our data suggest that the dpTa1 family is quite old in evolutionary terms, probably more ancient than the tribe Triticeae. The dpTa1 sequence is more abundant in the D-genome of wheat than in other genomes in Triticeae. DNA from several species also have bands in addition to the tandem repeats. The dpTa1 sequence contains short direct and inverted subrepeats and is homologous to a tandemly repeated DNA sequence from Hordeum chilense.  相似文献   

Amplification and dispersion of repeated DNA sequences in theTriticeae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four representatives of a family of dispersed repetitive sequences which were prominent and dispersed in the E genome ofThinopyrum elongatum but poorly represented in wheat, were studied in detail. The 1.4kb sequences were present both as part of tandem and more complex arrays and appeared to have resulted from repeated amplification of the sequence and their dispersion throughout the genome. Subcloning of sections of the 1.4 kb sequences resulted in probes which improved the resolution of the E genome from the genomes in wheat and enabled identification of single E genome chromosomes introduced into wheat. The generality of these types of sequences in the tribeTriticeae was confirmed by isolating analogous sequences from the R (rye,Secale cereale), V (Dasypyrum villosum), and N (Psathyrostachys juncea) genomes. — The cloned repetitive sequences from the R, V, and N genomes each showed characteristic fluctuations in amount within the grasses examined in addition to being virtually absent from wheat. It is thus possible that these sequences may provide useful taxonomic indicators for establishing relationships within theTriticeae, as well as valuable probes for tracing alien chromatin introduced into wheat.  相似文献   

Summary Highly repeated sequences of nuclear DNA from barley Hordeum vulgare (L.) variety Erfa were cloned. Several clones containing barley specific repeated DNA were analysed by sequence analysis and Southern blot hybridization. The investigated repeats differ from each other in their length, sequence and redundancy. Their length ranges from 36 bp to about 180 bp. The repeats are AT-rich and differ widely in their redundancy within the barley genome. Southern analysis showed that the repeats belong to different repetition complexes. The possibility for utilizing these clones as probes for simple and fast genome analysis is demonstrated in squash dot experiments.  相似文献   

Lack of complete chloroplast genome sequences is still one of the major limitations to extending chloroplast genetic engineering technology to useful crops. Therefore, we sequenced the soybean chloroplast genome and compared it to the other completely sequenced legumes, Lotus and Medicago. The chloroplast genome of Glycine is 152,218 basepairs (bp) in length, including a pair of inverted repeats of 25,574 bp of identical sequence separated by a small single copy region of 17,895 bp and a large single copy region of 83,175 bp. The genome contains 111 unique genes, and 19 of these are duplicated in the inverted repeat (IR). Comparisons of Glycine, Lotus and Medicago confirm the organization of legume chloroplast genomes based on previous studies. Gene content of the three legumes is nearly identical. The rpl22 gene is missing from all three legumes, and Medicago is missing rps16 and one copy of the IR. Gene order in Glycine, Lotus, and Medicago differs from the usual gene order for angiosperm chloroplast genomes by the presence of a single, large inversion of 51 kilobases (kb). Detailed analyses of repeated sequences indicate that many of the Glycine repeats that are located in the intergenic spacer regions and introns occur in the same location in the other legumes and in Arabidopsis, suggesting that they may play some functional role. The presence of small repeats of psbA and rbcL in legumes that have lost one copy of the IR indicate that this loss has only occurred once during the evolutionary history of legumes.  相似文献   

In a search for new fingerprinting probes for use with sheep, repeat sequences derived from five poxviruses, an iridovirus and a baculovirus were screened against DNA from sheep pedigrees. Probes constructed from portions of the parapox viruses, orf virus and papular stomatitis virus and the baculovirus from the alfalfa looper, Autographa californica, nuclear polyhedrosis virus all gave fingerprint patterns. Probes from three other poxviruses and an iridovirus did not give useful banding patterns.  相似文献   

Abstract A number of DNA sequences were cloned from Streptomyces cattleya which hybridized to more than one chromosomal DNA sequence. These sequences were unrelated and have a minimum copy number of between 4 and 10. One of these sequences showed hybridization to multiple DNA fragments from a wide range of other Streptomyces .  相似文献   

Maize nuclear DNA sequences capable of promoting the autonomous replication of plasmids in yeast were isolated by ligating Eco RI-digested fragments into yeast vectors unable to replicate autonomously. Three such autonomously replicating sequences (ARS), representing two families of highly repeated sequences within the maize genome, were isolated and characterized. Each repetitive family shows hybridization patterns on a Southern blot characteristic of a dispersed sequence. Unlike most repetitive sequences in maize, both ARS families have a constant copy number and characteristic genomic hybridization pattern in the inbred lines examined. Larger genome clones with sequence homology to the ARS-containing elements were selected from a lambda library of maize genomic DNA. There was typically only one copy of an ARS-homologous sequence on each 12–15 kb genomic fragment.  相似文献   

Approximately 43–60% of the total genome in bovine, goat and sheep consisted of interspersed repeated and single copy DNA sequences. Most of the interspersed repeated DNA sequences were 1500–2400 nucleotide pair long while a minor portion was more than 4000 nucleotide pair long in goat and sheep and 3200 nucleotide pair long in bovine. About 1/3rd of single copy sequence were interspersed and their length was in the range of 1000–1500 nucleotide pairs.  相似文献   

The origins of the genomes of allotetraploid species Triticum biunciale, T. ovatum, T. neglectum, and T. columnare, and allohexaploid T. rectum were investigated by examining the presence of specific restriction fragments of repeated nucleotide sequences in DNAs of the polyploid species. The restriction fragments were detectable either in a single diploid Triticum species (unique characters) or a group of diploid species (unique shared characters). The analysis showed that Triticum biunciale and T. ovatum are closely related. In both species, one pair of genomes is closely related to the genome of T. umbellulatum and the other is a modified genome of T. comosum. The same genome formula, UUM°M°, is proposed for T. biunciale and T. ovatum. Potential reasons for the modification of the M° genome are discussed. Triticum neglectum and T. columnare are also closely related to each other and have the same genomes. They share the U genome with T. biunciale and T. ovatum, but their second pair of genomes is unrelated to the M° genome. No relationship was found of this genome to a genome of any extant diploid species of Triticum or any phylogenetic lineage leading to the extant diploid species. This unknown genome is designated X'.∗∗∗ The proposed genome formula for T. neglectum and T. columnare is UUX'X'∗∗∗. Hexaploid T. rectum originated from hybridization of one of the tetraploid species with the formula UUX'X', likely T. neglectum, with T. uniaristatum (genome N), and its genome formula is UUX'X'NN.  相似文献   

We have analyzed highly repeated DNA sequences of Malagasy lemurs with restriction enzymes, Southern blotting and nucleotide sequencing to assess relatedness among repeated DNA fragments from different species. We have focused our studies on two prosimian families:Lemuridae andCheirogaleidae. Our results have allowed us to draw the following conclusions: confirmation of the separation based on molecular biology data ofEulemur species from theLemur catta/Hapalemur group; classification ofVarecia in a genus clearly separated from the otherLemuridae genera; confirmation of the specific status ofHapalemur aureus; confirmation of cytogenetic data in favour of the subdivision of the familyCheirogaleidae into two subfamilies:Cheirogaleinae andPhanerinae. Finally a cladogram has been constructed by numbering all the highly repeated DNA fragments (obtained by Southern blotting) and analyzing the inferred systematic relationships between the Lemuridae and Cheirogaleidae species.  相似文献   

The assembly and maturation of viruses with icosahedral capsids must be coordinated with icosahedral symmetry. The icosahedral symmetry imposes also the restrictions on the cooperative specific interactions between genomic RNA/DNA and coat proteins that should be reflected in quasi-regular segmentation of viral genomic sequences. Combining discrete direct and double Fourier transforms, we studied the quasi-regular large-scale segmentation in genomic sequences of different ssRNA, ssDNA, and dsDNA viruses. The particular representatives included satellite tobacco mosaic virus (STMV) and the strains of satellite tobacco necrosis virus (STNV), STNV-C, STNV-1, STNV-2, Escherichia phages MS2, ?X174, α3, and HK97, and Simian virus 40. In all their genomes, we found the significant quasi-regular segmentation of genomic sequences related to the virion assembly and the genome packaging within icosahedral capsid. We also found good correspondence between our results and available cryo-electron microscopy data on capsid structures and genome packaging in these viruses. Fourier analysis of genomic sequences provides the additional insight into mechanisms of hierarchical genome packaging and may be used for verification of the concepts of 3-fold or 5-fold intermediates in virion assembly. The results of sequence analysis should be taken into account at the choice of models and data interpretation. They also may be helpful for the development of antiviral drugs.  相似文献   

高等植物DNA重复序列的主要类型和特点   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
高等植物核基因组的一个显著特征是其内含有大量的DNA重复序列,因此它们在核基因组结构和功能研究中居于举足轻重的地位。一些DNA重复序列已日趋广泛地作为分子民用于构建遗传图谱、鉴别品种、研究进化和分离目标基因等。主要介绍高等植物几类重要DNA重复序列,如卫星DNA、微卫星DNA、核糖体RNA基因、端粒重复序列和转座子等的若干特点和用途。  相似文献   

Hancock JM 《Genetica》2002,115(1):93-103
The relationship between the level of repetitiveness in genomic sequences and genome size has been re-investigated making use of the rapidly growing database of complete eubacterial and archaeal genome sequences combined with the fragmentary but now large amount of data from eukaryotic genomes. Relative simplicity factors (RSFs), which measure the repetitiveness of sequences, were calculated and significantly simple motifs (SSMs), which identify the kinds of sequences that are repeated, were identified. A previously reported correlation between genome size and repetitiveness was confirmed, but it was shown that the higher RSFs seen in eukaryotic genomes also reflect a generally higher level of repetitiveness independent of genome size differences. Differences in genome size are responsible for about 10% of the variance in RSF seen between species. The spectrum of SSMs seen within a genome differed markedly within the eubacteria but less so in eukaryotes and, particularly, in archaea. Species with SSM spectra that differ from the norm tend also to have high RSFs for their genome size and to be pathogens that make use of repetitive sequences to avoid host defence responses. Some of the variance in repetitiveness seen in other species may therefore also reflect the action of selection, although other forces such as variation in the effectiveness of mechanisms for regulating slippage errors of replication, may also be important.  相似文献   

现行的高校分子生物学教材中主要以重复频率为依据对重复序列进行分类,对于小卫星DNA及微卫星DNA是属于高度或是中度重复序列存在不同见解。提出依据重复频率及空间结构分布两个方面对重复序列进行分类,并建议按照重复频率将小卫星DNA及微卫星DNA归属于中度重复序列。  相似文献   

 The mitochondrial atpA gene sequence of the normal fertile sugarbeet (cv ‘TK81-0’) exists in one full-length version and one truncated version, both of which are present in normal stoichiometry and have a 406-bp segment in common. The PCR approach as well as prolonged exposure of Southern blots indicates that the products of the recombination across the 406-bp repeat are present in substoichiometric amounts in the ‘TK81-0’ genome. Intriguingly, one of these substoichiometric sequence arrangements was revealed to be preferentially amplified in an evolutionary lineage that led to a cytoplasmic male-sterile variant [I-12CMS(2)] in wild beets. We also found the 406-bp repeat to be part of a 6.5-kb repeat in the mitochondrial genome of I-12CMS(2). This 6.5-kb duplication is likely to involve recombination between two sets of repeats (the above-mentioned 406-bp repeat and a 7-bp repeat) in an ancestral beet mitochondria. Received: 4 October 1997 / Accepted: 31 October 1997  相似文献   

Plasticity of the tobacco genome was studied by testing the DNAs of protoplast-derived regenerants with three different repetitive DNA sequences by the method of quantitative DNA/DNA hybridizations. A large population of 91 regenerants belonging to 35 different protoclones was analysed and a high degree of heterogeneity in the contents of the different DNA repeats was detected. The contents of middle repetitive sequences of two types were more stable or changed in the same direction, while the highly repetitive sequence varied independently and displayed a significant reduction in comparison with the two other sequences. Comparing the variation within the subpopulations of plants of the same clonal origin and the variation among the protoclones led to a conclusion that the pre-existing DNA variability in the starting plant material and/or thein vitro stress during the very early stages of protoclone regeneration played a decisive role in the formation of modified genomes in regenerants.  相似文献   

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