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A male chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) suddenly died of acute hemorrhagic enteritis at the age of 18 years. Within 24 hours after its death, a large quantity of spermatozoa of excellent quality was recovered from the distal cauda epididymides and was subsequently cryopreserved. After storage for 67 days, the frozen spermatozoa were thawed and inseminated in an adult, normal cycling, nulliparous female. The optimal day for insemination was estimated by monitoring the swelling of the female’s sex skin and urinary luteinizing hormone concentrations. Pregnancy was confirmed by a urinary chorionic gonadotropin test, and a normal female infant was born after 214 days of gestation. This birth demonstrates that distal cauda epididymal spermatozoa recovered from a dead male can be cryopreserved and successfully inseminated in a female chimpanzee. Zoo Biol 20:135–143, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The difficulty of traversing the cervix severely limits transcervical artificial insemination (TC AI) in sheep. Cervical trauma and poorly designed instruments can reduce fertility after AI. To overcome problems associated with TC AI, we developed a new TC AI catheter. Three bench experiments were conducted to determine the effects of the new TC AI catheter on semen quality independent of the effects of moving the catheter through the cervix. In each of the three bench experiments, the standard laparoscopic instrument for intrauterine AI in sheep was used as the control for the TC AI catheter. In Experiment 1, the total volume of semen extender expelled and void volumes for both types of AI instrument (TC versus laparoscopic) were determined. In Experiment 2, the effects of each type of AI instrument (TC versus laparoscopic) on semen quality, estimated as percentage motility and percentage forward progressive motility, of frozen-thawed semen was determined. In Experiment 3, the effects of both types of AI instrument (TC versus laparoscopic) on number of spermatozoa expelled was determined. The type of AI instrument affected neither semen quality nor the number of spermatozoa expelled. However, void volume differed (P < 0.01) between the two instruments. After differences in void volume were taken into account, an in vivo experiment was conducted to determine whether using our new TC AI catheter for TC or surgical intrauterine AI affected fertilization and pregnancy rates. For this, ewes were assigned to one of three treatments: (1) TC AI using the new TC AI catheter + sham AI via laparotomy (n = 9); (2) sham TC AI + AI via laparotomy using a laparoscopic AI instrument (n = 8); and (3) sham TC AI + AI via laparotomy using the new TC Al catheter (n = 10). To synchronize estrus, progestogenated pessaries were inserted and left in place for 12 days. On Day 5 after pessary insertion, PGF2alpha (15 mg) was given i.m. At pessary removal, 400 IU of eCG were administered i.m. Ewes were inseminated 48-52 h after pessary removal using fresh diluted semen (200 x 10(6) to 350 x 10(6) spermatozoa per 0.2 ml) pooled from the same four rams each day during the experiment. At 72 h after AI, uteri were collected postmortem and flushed. Oocytes and embryos were recovered and evaluated. Treatments did not affect (P > 0.01) ovum and embryo recovery rate (mean = 87.3%), fertilization rate (59.3%), or Day 3 pregnancy rate (mean = 66.6%). We conclude from these data that the use of our new TC AI catheter for TC AI or intrauterine AI should not impair the success of AI in sheep.  相似文献   

Rodents of the genus Peromyscus (deer mice) are the most prevalent native North American mammals. Peromyscus species are used in a wide range of research including toxicology, epidemiology, ecology, behavioral, and genetic studies. Here they provide a useful model for demonstrations of artificial insemination. Methods similar to those displayed here have previously been used in several deer mouse studies, yet no detailed protocol has been published. Here we demonstrate the basic method of artificial insemination. This method entails extracting the testes from the rodent, then isolating the sperm from the epididymis and vas deferens. The mature sperm, now in a milk mixture, are placed in the female's reproductive tract at the time of ovulation. Fertilization is counted as day 0 for timing of embryo development. Embryos can then be retrieved at the desired time-point and manipulated.Artificial insemination can be used in a variety of rodent species where exact embryo timing is crucial or hard to obtain. This technique is vital for species or strains (including most Peromyscus) which may not mate immediately and/or where mating is hard to assess. In addition, artificial insemination provides exact timing for embryo development either in mapping developmental progress and/or transgenic work. Reduced numbers of animals can be used since fertilization is guaranteed. This method has been vital to furthering the Peromyscus system, and will hopefully benefit others as well.  相似文献   

During artificial insemination of horses, it is important to accurately estimate the number of spermatozoa in each insemination dose. However, little research exists regarding sources of spermatozoa loss during collection and artificial insemination. Therefore, spermatozoal losses were quantified in the dismount loss (187.6×10(6)±62.5×10(6)spermatozoa), gel fraction (179.8×10(6)±61.7×10(6)spermatozoa), and the collection receptacle (136.1×10(6)±26.9×10(6)spermatozoa). Spermatozoal losses were examined in the centrifuge tube (25.8×10(6)±2.1×10(6)spermatozoa), AI pipette during the air removal (90.9×10(6)±8.5×10(6)spermatozoa), and spermatozoa remaining in the AI pipette after insemination (342.9×10(6)±21.4×10(6)spermatozoa). The average cumulative loss was 14.2±2.9% of the total spermatozoa ejaculated with approximately half of the loss due to the process of semen collection and half due to the process of artificial insemination. Spermatozoa retained in the AI pipette, after insemination with extended semen, represented the greatest source of loss.  相似文献   

Cervical anatomy limits the use of transcervical intrauterine artificial insemination (TC AI) in sheep. We have developed an instrument to cope atraumatically with the cervix; although this instrument has not affected fertilization rate or pregnancy rate through Day 3, the effects on sperm transport and pregnancy after Day 3 are not known. The objective of the present study was to determine whether our TC AI instrument affected sperm transport, pregnancy rates, or lambing rate. In Experiment 1, ewes were assigned to two treatments: TC AI using the new TC AI instrument (n=10) or AI via laparotomy using a laparoscopic AI instrument (n=10). Twenty hours after artificial insemination, the uterine horns and oviducts were recovered and flushed to collect spermatozoa. Sperm transport did not differ (P>0.05) between the two treatments. In Experiment 2, ewes were assigned to three treatments: TC AI using the new TC AI instrument+sham intrauterine AI via laparotomy (n=29); sham TC AI+intrauterine AI via laparotomy using a laparoscopic AI instrument (n=29); and sham TC AI+intrauterine AI via laparotomy using the new TC AI instrument (n=30). On Day 14 after AI, uteri were collected and flushed to recover blastocysts. Transcervical deposition of semen reduced (P<0.05) Day 14 pregnancy rate (17.2% versus 61%), but intrauterine deposition of semen using the TC AI instrument via midventral laparotomy increased (P<0.05) Day 14 pregnancy rate (76.6% versus 44.8%). In Experiment 3, ewes were assigned to two treatments: sham cervical manipulation (n=40) or cervical manipulation to mimic TC AI (n=40). Immediately after treatment, each ewe was mated with a ram and watched until the ram mounted and ejaculated into the ewe. Treatment did not affect Day 30 or 50 pregnancy rate (67.5 and 66.2%, respectively), determined ultrasonically, or lambing rate (62.5%). The differences between Days 30 and 50 pregnancy rates and lambing rate were not significant. In Experiment 4, ewes were assigned to two treatments: TC AI (n=99) or laparoscopic AI (n=99). Transcervical AI reduced (P<0.01) Day 30 (TC AI versus laparoscopic AI; 5.0% versus 46.0%) and Day 50 pregnancy rates (4.0% versus 41.0%), determined ultrasonically, and lambing rate (4.0% versus 41.0%). Although the TC AI procedure significantly reduced pregnancy and lambing rates, large numbers of spermatozoa deposited at natural insemination seemed to compensate. Because our TC AI procedure has all but eliminated any visual evidence of trauma, and because the procedure does not seem to affect sperm transport or embryonal survival until Day 3, we speculate that cervical manipulation associated with TC AI may activate pathways that interrupt pregnancy between Days 3 and 14.  相似文献   

The distribution of diploid rabbit spermatozoa in the female tract following artificial insemination is generally similar to that after natural mating, except that the incidence of diploid spermatozoa in the female tract is generally greater after A.I. than after coitus, despite a lower proportion of diploids in the semen used for A.I. Therefore the chances of the formation of triploid zygotes due to fertilization of normal eggs by diploid spermatozoa may be increased following A.I., although the frequency of such zygotes would still be very low.  相似文献   

This is the very first report that suggests high pregnancy rates can be obtained with use of the Doublesynch protocol in anestrous dairy cows. Recently, a new synchronization method has been developed (Doublesynch) that resulted in synchronized ovulations both after the first and second gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) treatments. It was suggested that this protocol has the potential to increase the pregnancy rates in primiparous dairy cows. The aim of the current study was to confirm the success of the Doublesynch protocol and further to investigate the effect of this method on pregnancy rates in anestrous cows. Lactating primiparous Holstein (Bos taurus) cows (n = 165) between 60 and 172 d postpartum were monitored twice with 10-d intervals (on Days -10 and 0) by ultrasonography, and blood samples were collected. Cows were classified as anestrous if both blood samples had progesterone (P4) concentration <1 ng/mL and as cyclic if at least one of the two samples had P4 concentration ≥1 ng/mL. Cyclic cows were classified again as cyclic-high P4 (having an active corpus luteum) if the second blood samples had P4 concentrations ≥1 ng/mL and as cyclic-low P4 if P4 concentrations were <1 ng/mL on Day 0. Then, the cows classified as anestrous (n = 51), cyclic-high P4 (n = 63), or cyclic-low P4 (n = 51) were put into two treatment groups (Ovsynch or Doublesynch) randomly to establish six groups. Cows in the Ovsynch group were administered a GnRH (lecirelin 50 μg, im) on Day 0, PGF (Prostaglandin F2 alpha, D-cloprostenol 0.150 mg, im) on Day 7, and a second dose of GnRH 48 h later. Cows in the Doublesynch group were administered a PGF on Day 0, GnRH on Day 2, a second PGF on Day 9, and a second GnRH on Day 11. Timed artificial insemination (TAI) was performed 16 to 20 h after the second GnRH in both treatment groups. Pregnancy diagnosis was conducted (by ultrasonography) 45 ± 5 d after TAI. In anestrous cows and those with high and low progesterone concentration at treatment onset, Doublesynch treatment led to markedly increased pregnancy rates with respect to Ovsynch treatment (P < 0.05). On the overall analysis of data, it was revealed that the Doublesynch method increased pregnancy rates by 43 percentage units (29.8% vs. 72.8%, P < 0.0001) in relation to Ovsynch. Pregnancy rates of cows having small, medium, or large follicles at the day of second GnRH administration were similar in the Doublesynch group (70.4%, 85.2%, and 63.0%, respectively; P > 0.05), whereas pregnancy rates reduced dramatically as follicle size increased in the Ovsynch group, particularly in cows with follicles greater than 16 mm (45.5%, 28.1%, and 5.3%, respectively; P < 0.05). Our results confirm and support observations that the Doublesynch protocol increases the pregnancy rates in postpartum primiparous cows as reported previously. Our data also demonstrate that the Doublesynch method increases the pregnancy rates in anestrous cows. Thus, these data suggest that the Doublesynch protocol can be used to obtain satisfactory pregnancy rates after TAI in both anestrous and cycling primiparous dairy cows regardless of stage of estrous cycle.  相似文献   

Conception rates (CR) are low in dairy cows and previous research suggests that this could be due to impaired early embryonic development. Therefore, we hypothesized that CR could be improved by embryo transfer (ET) compared with AI. During 365 days, 550 potential breedings were used from 243 lactating Holstein cows (average milk production, 35 kg/day). Cows had their ovulation synchronized (GnRH-7d-PGF(2alpha)-3d-GnRH) and they were randomly assigned for AI immediately after the second GnRH injection (Day 0) or for transfer of one embryo 7 days later. Circulating progesterone concentrations and follicular and luteal size were determined on Days 0 and 7. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed on Days 25 or 32 and pregnant cows were reevaluated on Days 60-66. Single-ovulating cows with synchronized ovarian status had similar CR on Days 25-32 with ET (n = 176; 40.3%) and AI (n = 160; 35.6%). Pregnancy loss between Days 25-32 and 60-66 also did not differ (P = 0.38) between ET (26.2%) and AI (18.6%). When single (n = 334) and multiple (n = 57) ovulators were compared, independent of treatment, multiple ovulators had greater (P < 0.001) circulating progesterone concentrations on Day 7 (2.7 ng/ml versus 1.9 ng/ml) and there was a tendency (P = 0.10) for a greater CR in multiple ovulators (50.9% versus 38.1%). However, there was no difference in CR between AI and ET cows with multiple ovulations (50.0% versus 51.7%). In single-ovulating cows, CR tended to be lower for AI than ET in cows ovulating smaller follicles (diameter < or = 15 mm; 23.7% versus 42.3%; P = 0.06) but not average-diameter follicles (16-19 mm; 41.2% versus 37.3%; P = 0.81) or larger (> or =20 mm; 34.3 versus 51.0%; P = 0.36) follicles. Thus, although ET did not improve overall CR in lactating cows, follicle diameter and number of ovulating follicles may determine success with these procedures.  相似文献   

Over a period of three years, 165 cyclic or anestrous Hanoverian mares received 177 treatments with 2, 3 or 4 mg of a novel luteolytic prostaglandin analog, K 11941. Heat and ovulations, indicating luteolysis, were observed after an average of 3.98 and 7.62 days, respectively, in 88.04% of 142 treated cyclic, postpartum and anestrous mares, and mares after an early loss of the conceptus. All doses tested were effective in inducing luteolysis as confirmed by determination of progesterone blood levels in samples collected daily, in 70 of 80 mares studied (87.5%). Attempts to achieve control of the cycle by various methods revealed that with K 11941 given once or twice, alone or in combination with hCG and/or an GnRH analog (Hoe 766), one can effectively concentrate estrus periods and follicular growth patterns, but can neither synchronize nor concentrate ovulations. Since most of the mares treated were confirmed problem mares, the pregnancy rate of 40.0% from first insemination at drug induced estrus, was regarded as satisfactory when compared to a pregnancy rate of 43.8% obtained with natural breeding in the same population. No drug related clinical signs of side-effects were observed.  相似文献   

Semen samples were obtained from budgerigars. Undiluted samples were used directly for artificial insemination (AI) while other samples were diluted with a modified glycerolated BWW and Lake's freezing medium and subjected to two different cryopreservation protocols. Micro-dialysis was used post-thawing to remove the glycerol present in the medium. The assessment of glycerol concentration during micro-dialysis was carried out by means of an ultraviolet spectrophotometry method. Functional assessment of spermatozoal fertilizing capacity post-thawing included the measurement of spermatozoal swimming speed and AI.  相似文献   

Twenty-six female brown marsupial mice in a laboratory colony were mated at intervals ranging from 1 to 20 days between coitus and ovulation. The numbers of corpora lutea and normal embryos were counted. A multiple regression model examined the parabolic relationship between the proportion of normal embryos and the time from coitus to ovulation. The proportion of normal embryos increased until a mean of 9.5 days and decreased thereafter. This relationship was independent of the year of breeding and the number of corpora lutea. After survival of spermatozoa for up to 13 days in the female reproductive tract, the fertility levels of females was 88-92%. Low fertility levels after 13 days appeared to be due to a decrease in the number of spermatozoa. Reproductive tracts from 7 females killed after insemination and examined histologically showed many spermatozoa in the isthmus of the oviduct and the uterus at 5 days post coitum; spermatozoa confined to the isthmus between 6 and 13 days; and few spermatozoa in the isthmus at 14 days after copulation. A comparison between the fertility levels in the females which had been inseminated once and a further 17 females which had been inseminated 2 or 3 times suggested that spermatozoa from 2nd and 3rd inseminations can contribute spermatozoa for fertilization. In these females fertility levels did not decline with time after the first mating.  相似文献   

A fluorescent labelled artificial siderophore 1 was synthesized by coupling a 7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD) derivative to the terminal amino group of a new trihydroxamate-containing amine 2, a ferrichrome-type siderophore that was obtained from tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane. Compound 1 was shown to be a suitable tool for experiments on siderophore transport and uptake processes in various organisms cells and particularly in Candida albicans cells.  相似文献   

The rabbit is considered to be a valuable laboratory animal. We compared 2% acetamide and glycerol as cryoprotectants in egg-yolk diluent for ejaculated Japanese white rabbit spermatozoa to improve sperm cryopreservation methods. Fertility through artificial insemination, forward progressive motility and plasma membrane integrity of the post-thaw spermatozoa were examined. The rates of forward progressive motility and plasma membrane integrity of the spermatozoa frozen with acetamide (27.1 +/- 8.3% and 24.5 +/- 6.5%) were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than those of the spermatozoa frozen with glycerol (16.3 +/- 10.9% and 14.3 +/- 7.6%). Though there was no significant difference in the kindling rates, the litter size of females inseminated with spermatozoa frozen with acetamide (6.0 +/- 1.1) were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than those of spermatozoa frozen with glycerol (3.0 +/- 0.4). The results indicate that 2% acetamide has a higher cryoprotective effect than 2% glycerol for sperm cryopreservation in the Japanese white rabbit.  相似文献   

Techniques of artificial insemination have not been readily applied to zoo animals. The nonsurgical approach has been unsuccessful in nondomestic felids until the present study where pregnancy was achieved in a Persian leopard. The demonstration of this technique should encourage renewed attempts to artificially inseminate nondomestic felids.  相似文献   

Ovarian response and pregnancy success in scimitar-horned oryx (n=28) were compared, following treatment with two synchronization protocols and fixed-time artificial insemination (AI) with frozen-thawed semen. Each oryx received two injections of 500 microg of prostaglandin-F(2alpha) analogue (PGF(2alpha)-only) 11 days apart, and half received PGF(2alpha) in combination with an intravaginal progesterone-releasing device (CIDR11+PGF(2alpha)). Semen was collected by electroejaculation from anaesthetised adult oryx and cryopreserved. Anaesthetised females were transcervically inseminated 56.0+/-1.1 h (+/-S.E.M.) after PGF(2alpha) injection and/or device withdrawal using 28.0+/-1.5x10(6) motile thawed sperm. Ovarian endocrine response was monitored in 20 females by analysing faecal oestrogen and progesterone metabolites. Periovulatory oestrogen peaks were detected in 19/20 (95%) females after synchronization. There were no between-treatment differences in oestrogen concentrations or peak characteristics (P0.05). Luteal development after synchronization was delayed in half the progesterone treated (CIDR11+PGF(2alpha)) females, and faecal progestin excretion profiles indicated that the ovulatory follicle associated with synchronization either failed to ovulate or to fully lutenise. Pregnancy was diagnosed by ultrasonography and/or rectal palpation and was monitored by faecal progestin excretion. More (P=0. 013) pregnancies resulted from the PGF(2alpha)-only treatment (37.5%, 5/14) than from the CIDR11+PGF(2alpha) treatment (0/14), and four healthy scimitar-horned oryx calves were born, three after gestation intervals of 247 days and one after 249 days.  相似文献   

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