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Systematic Parasitology - Two species of Joyeuxilepis Spassky, 1947 with 14 rostellar hooks are redescribed: J.&;nbsp;acanthorhyncha (Wedl, 1855) on the basis of specimens from Tachybaptus...  相似文献   

Tatria appendiculata Fuhrmann, 1908 is redescribed on the basis of syntypes from Tachybaptus dominicus in Brazil and voucher specimens from the same host species in Cuba previously recorded by Rysavy & Macko (1971). Paratypes of T. duodecacantha Olsen, 1939 from Podilymbus podiceps in the USA are also redescribed and, in contrast with the opinion of Ryzhikov & Tolkacheva (1981), the species is recognised as valid. The major reliable diagnostic characters of Tatria and the distinguishing criteria applicable at the species level are re-evaluated. An amended generic diagnosis of Tatria (sensu stricto) and an identification key to its constituent species are presented.  相似文献   

The authors describe and illustrate Wardium longosacco (Joyeux & Baer, 1939) n. comb. (Cestoda: Hymenolepididae) collected from Charadrius marginatus from South Africa. The species with a strobila 7 cm long is characterised by one crown of ten aploparaksoid hooks 27–30 m long, a simple genital atrium, a long evaginated cirrus (120 m) which is glabrous, regularly cylindrical and slender (12–6.5 m in diameters) and a simple, tubular, membranous vagina. The species Hymenolepis clandestina sensu Deblock (1964) nec (Krabbe, 1869) is a synonym of W. longosacco (Joyeux & Baer,1939) n. comb.  相似文献   

Two species of Tatria Kowalewski, 1904 are redescribed from grebes in Bulgaria: T. biremis Kowalewski, 1904 (specimens from Podiceps nigricollis) and T. minor Kowalewski, 1904 (specimens from P. cristatus and P. nigricollis). T. mircia Gulyaev, 1990 is synonymised with T. minor. The previous records of T. biremis, T. minor and T. mircia are critically analysed in view of the present results. T. gulyaevi n. sp. is described from P. nigricollis from Bulgaria and the Czech Republic and from an unidentified grebe species from Turkey. Some of the previous records of T. minor and T. biremis are recognised as belonging to T. gulyaevi. One specimen illustrated by Kowalewski (1904) is designated as a lectotype of T. minor in order to stabilise the nomenclatural standing of this species.  相似文献   

Four species of Biuterina Fuhrmann, 1902 (Cestoda, Cyclophyllidea, Paruterinidae), originally described from Afrotropical passeriform birds, are redescribed and figured on the basis of their type-specimens. These are B. pentamyzos (Mettrick, 1960) from Prionops plumata (Laniidae) in Zimbabwe, B. quelea (Mettrick, 1963) from Quelea quelea (Ploceidae) in Zimbabwe, B. ugandae Baylis, 1919 from Chalcomitra senegalensis (Nectariniidae) in Uganda and B. zambiensis (Mettrick, 1960) from Campephaga flava (Campephagidae) in Zimbabwe. The rostellum of B. quelea is a spherical structure filled with strongly-developed glandular tissue and possessing a weak musculature. The remaining three species have a sucker-like rostellar apparatus with moderately developed glandular tissue in the rostellum and around it. It is considered that the glandular elements are an inherent part of the rostellar apparatus of the paruterinids. An armament consisting of fine, punctiform, spine-like structures arranged in transverse rows on the inner surface of suckers is observed in B. pentamyzos. This is the first record of sucker armature in the Paruterinidae.  相似文献   

Microsomacanthus diorchis (Fuhrmann, 1913) is redescribed and illustrated on the basis of the type-material and new findings from common eider Somateria mollissima captured in Iceland and specimens from the same host species from the Barents, White and Bering Seas. A lectotype is designated and an amended diagnosis is provided. The main differentiating features of M. diorchis are the size and shape of rostellar hooks and the cirrus, the well-marked delay in the antiporal testis development and the bow-shaped uterus. This parasite is shown to be specific to S. mollissima for both Atlantic and Pacific populations of the host. Hymenolepis (Microsomacanthus) somateriae of Bishop & Threlfall (1974) [nec M. somateriae Ryzhikov, 1965] is recognised as a synonym of M. diorchis (Fuhrmann, 1913). The taxonomic position of the species described as Aploparaksis murmanica Baylis, 1919 from common eider is discussed.  相似文献   

Paranoplocephala aquatica n. sp. is described from Arvicola terrestris and Ondatra zibethica (Rodentia, Cricetidae) in Bulgaria. The new species is characterised by a band-like strobila, a uterus forming a fine reticulate structure in the early stages of development, numerous testes (approximately 92) situated mainly aporally to the ovary in both the median and the aporal lateral fields, few testes positioned anterior to the ovary and genital ducts, the prominent asymmetrical situation of the female organs, the length of the vagina c. 0.65–0.68 of the length of the cirrus-sac, and the external seminal vesicle covered by a cellular sleeve. The new species is distinguished from P. ondatrae, P. macrocephala, P. dasymidis and P. sciuri. The specimens from O. zibethica reported as P. ondatrae by Tenora & Murai (1980) and as Aprostatandrya macrocephala by Spasskii et al. (1951) are believed to belong to P. aquatica. The type-series of P. ondatrae and P. macrocephala are redescribed and figured; metric data and an illustration of the holotype of P. sciuri are presented. The genus Paranoplocephala sensu Tenora et al. (1986) is regarded as a heterogeneous group because of the two patterns of uterine development in the species studied. Taxonomic criteria used for distinguishing the genera Andrya and Paranoplocephala, and some criteria applicable at the species level, are discussed.  相似文献   

Bathygrillotia n. g. (Cestoda: Trypanorhyncha) is erected for B. rowei (Campbell, 1977) n. comb. and B. kovalevae (Palm, 1995) n. comb. The new genus is based on the possession of two bothria, an atypical, heteroacanthous, heteromorphous armature with longitudinal files of hooks on the external surface of the tentacle associated with each principal row, each consisting of a large anterior hook followed by two smaller hooks. Bathygrillotia is allocated to the Lacistorhynchoidea Guiart, 1927 and its relationships with Grillotia Guiart, 1927 are discussed.  相似文献   

Odontoterakis Skrjabin &; Schikhobalova, 1947 contains five species from South American and Australian birds: O. crypturi (Baylis, 1944), type-species; O. alata (Schneider, 1866) n. comb.; O. fariai (Travassos, 1913); O. valvata (Schneider, 1866); O. bancrofti (Johnston, 1912); all with slightly curved cordons, cheilorhabdions within mass of lips, and in most species a pair of elongate papillae between para-suctorials and peri-cloacals. Haroldakis n. g. from South American birds, contains Heterakis multidentata Baylis, 1944 as type- and sole species, with non-curved cordons, cheilorhabdions projecting beyond mass of lips, a pair of sessile papillae on raised area between para-suctorials and peri-cloacals, and a median doubled structure on a raised posterior cloacal lip. Synonyms recognised are: Heterakis arquata Schneider, 1866 = O. alata; H. arquata of Travassos (1913) nec Schneider, 1866 = (?) O. crypturi; H. brasiliana von Linstow, 1899 = species dubia; H. brasiliana of Travassos (1918) nec von Linstow = (?) O. alata; H. skrjabini Cram, 1927 = O. alata; Pseudostrongyluris Guerrero, 1971 = Strongyluris A. Müller, 1894; Strongyluris spiculatus Cobbold, 1861 = species dubia.  相似文献   

A new species, Paranoplocephala buryatiensis n. sp. (Cestoda:Anoplocephalidae), is described from the grey-sided vole Clethrionomys rufocanus (Sundevall) in the Republic of Buryatia (Russian Federation) and compared with P. longivaginata Chechulin & Gulyaev, 1998, a parasite of the red vole C. rutilus (Pallas) in the same region. P. buryatiensis n. sp. and P. longivaginata both have an exceptionally long vagina and cirrus, unique features among known species of Paranoplocephala Lühe, 1910. The new species differs from P. longivaginata primarily by its wider and more robust body, lower length/width ratio of mature proglottides, tendency of testes to occur in two separate groups, seminal receptacle of a different shape and the position of the cirrus-sac with respect to the ventral longitudinal osmoregulatory canal. The cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) sequence data support the independent status of these species, and show that they form a monophyletic assemblage within Paranoplocephala (sensu lato). Assuming cospeciation, an indirect calibration using host speciation dates estimated a rate of mtDNA substitution of 1.0–1.7% pairwise (0.5–0.85% per lineage) sequence divergence per million years. A faunistic review of Paranoplocephala species in C. rufocanus and C. rutilus in the Holarctic region is presented.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of Lepisorus (J. Sm.) Ching sect. Lepisorus in China was revised based on herbarium specimen examinations, field observations, and microscopic study of rhizome scales, soral paraphyses, leaf epidermis and spores. As a result nine species were recognized: Lepisorus macrosphaerus (Baker) Ching, L. asterolepis (Baker) Ching, L. marginatus Ching, L. kuchenensis (Y. C. Wu) Ching, L. megasorus(C. Chr.) Ching, L. kawakamii (Hayata) Tagawa, L. subsessilis Ching & Y. X. Lin, L. affinis Ching and L. nudus (Hook.) Ching. Lepisorus kawakamii (Hayata) Tagawa was reinstated; L. gyirongensis Ching & S. K. Wu and L. longus Ching were reduced to synonyms of L. nudus and L. affinis respectively. The subdivision of L. macrosphaerusis was not accepted. Rhizome scales and paraphyses are the most useful characters for species delimitation as well as for infrageneric classification. Characteristics of the leaf epidermis and spore ornamentation are usually stable and thus of great significance in understanding the relationships among groups within the genus.  相似文献   

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