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Summary A brief review is presented of the Vester-Ulbricht -decay Bremsstrahlen hypothesis for the origin of optical activity, and of subsequent experiments designed to test it. Certain of our experiments along these lines, begun in 1974 and involving the irradiation of racemic and optically active amino acids in a 61.7 KCi90Sr–90Y Bremsstrahlen source, have now been completed and are described. After 10.89 years of irradiation with a total Bremsstrahlen dose of 2.5×109 rads, crystallinedl-leucine, norleucine, and norvaline suffered 47.2, 33.6, and 27.4% radiolysis, respectively, but showed no evidence whatsoever of asymmetric degradation.d- andl-Leucine underwent about 48% radiolysis and showed 2.4–2.9% radioracemization. Other samples in solution were too severely degraded to analyze. Probable intrinsic reasons for the failure of the Vester-Ulbricht mechanism to afford asymmetric radiolysis in the present and related experiments involving -decay Bremsstrahlen are enumerated.A portion of this material was presented at the 7th International Conference on the Origins of Life, Mainz, FRG, July 10–15, 1983  相似文献   

Based on findings demonstrating the simian ancestry of HIV, AIDS has been reported to be a zoonosis. However, this theory has never been proved and must seriously be questioned. Several arguments show that HIV-AIDS is not a zoonosis. (i) If AIDS were a zoonosis, there must be evidence of AIDS being directly acquired from an animal species, as is rabies, a disease that is directly acquired from animals. (ii) Despite long-term and frequent human exposure to SIV-infected monkeys in Africa, only 11 cross-species transmission events are known, and only four of these have resulted in significant human-to-human transmission, generating HIV-1 groups M and O and HIV-2 groups A and B. The closest relatives of SIVcpz (HIV-1 group N) and of SIVsm (HIV-2 groups C-H) are extremely rare, with only six HIV-1 group N-infected patients and only single individuals known to be infected by HIV-2 groups C-H. SIV, while capable of cross-species transmission, is thus poorly adapted for disease and epidemic spread. If AIDS were a zoonosis that is capable of significant human-to-human spread, there would be a plethora of founder subtypes and groups. (iii) Human exposure to SIV is thousands of years old, but AIDS emerged only in the 20th century. If AIDS were a zoonosis that spread into the human population, it would have spread to the West during slave trade. (iv) Experimental transmission of SIVs to different species of monkeys is often well controlled by the new host, showing that the virus and not the disease is transmitted. Therefore, we conclude that cross-species transmission of SIV does not in itself constitute the basis for a zoonosis. Transmission per se is not the major requirement for the generation of the AIDS epidemic. All HIVs do derive from simian species, but AIDS does not qualify as a zoonosis and this explanation cannot in itself account for the origin of AIDS epidemic. It is important to distinguish AIDS from true zoonoses (e.g. rabies) because research is needed to understand the processes by which animal viruses cause sustained human-to-human transmission, epidemics and even pandemics. Much is known about emerging viruses, but almost nothing is known about emerging viral diseases.  相似文献   

Two forces are generally hypothesised as being responsible for conditioning the origin of the organization of the genetic code: the physicochemical properties of amino acids and their biosynthetic relationships (relationships between precursor and product amino acids). If we assume that the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids were fundamental in defining the genetic code, then it is reasonable to expect that the distribution of physicochemical properties among the amino acids in precursor-product relationships cannot be random but must, rather, be affected by some selective constraints imposed by the structure of primitive proteins. Analysis shows that measurements representing the size of amino acids, e.g. bulkiness, are specifically associated to the pairs of amino acids in precursor-product relationships. However, the size of amino acids cannot have been selected per se but, rather, because it reflects the-sheets of proteins which are, therefore, identified as the main adaptive theme promoting the origin of genetic code organization. Whereas there are no traces of the-helix in the genetic code table.The above considerations make it necessary to re-examine the relationship linking the hydrophilicity of the dinucleoside monophosphates of anticodons and the polarity and bulkiness of amino acids. It can be concluded that this relationship seems to be meaningful only between the hydrophilicity of anticodons and the polarity of amino acids. The latter relationship is supposed to have been operative on hairpin structures, ancestors of the tRNA molecule. Moreover, it is on these very structures that the biosynthetic links between precursor and product amino acids might have been achieved, and the interaction between the hydrophilicity of anticodons and the polarity of amino acids might have had a role in the concession of codons (anticodons) from precursors to products.  相似文献   

Morphological structure and optical properties of the wings of Morphidae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The morphological structure and optical properties of the wings of 14 species of Morphidae have been investigated. Most of the scales of the iridescent species of Morphidae (Lepidoptera) present a very particular structure. The ground scales, responsible for the major part of the optical properties, are covered by a very regular set of longitudinal ridges. The ridges themselves are constituted by a superposition of lamellae that act locally as a multilayered structure. This very specific morphology leads to both interferences and diffraction effects. The first one is responsible of the brilliant blue coloration of the males, while the second one diffracts this colored light at a very large angle. These two phenomena give to the butterfly a very effective long-range communication system. The morphological characteristics of the scales of the various species are presented in detail. Two types of optical measurement were performed on the iridescent wings of 14 different species of Morphidae: spectroscopic measurements under various incidences and gonioscopic measurements for a given incidence angle and wavelength. The first allows a determination of the index of refraction of the cuticular material. The second leads to the drawing of spatial diffraction maps. It shows that most of the reflected light is diffracted laterally over a very large angle (90° 〈 0 〈 120°, according to the different species) and that this repartition depends of the polarization of incident light. As predicted by previous calculations, the dissymmetric structure of the ridge is responsible for the separation of the polarization modes in the various diffraction orders.  相似文献   

 Contrary to traditional views, molecular evidence indicates that the protostomian ventral nerve cord plus apical brain is homologous with the vertebrates’ dorsal spinal cord plus brain. The origin of the protostomian central nervous system from a larval apical organ plus longitudinal areas along the fused blastopore lips has been documented in many species. The origin of the chordate central nervous system is more enigmatic. About a century ago, Garstang proposed that the ciliary band of a dipleurula-type larva resembling an echinoderm larva should have moved dorsally and fused to form the neural tube of the ancestral chordate. This idea is in contrast to a number of morphological observations, and it is here proposed that the neural tube evolved through lateral fusion of a ventral, postoral loop of the ciliary band in a dipleurula larva; the stomodaeum should move from the ventral side via the anterior end to the dorsal side, which faces the substratum in cephalo- chordates and vertebrates. This is in accordance with the embryological observations and with the molecular data on the dorsoventral orientation. The molecular observations further indicate that the anterior part of the insect brain is homologous with the anterior parts of the vertebrate brain. This leads to the hypothesis that the two organs evolved from the same area in the latest common bilaterian ancestor, just anterior to the blastopore, with the protostome brain developing from the anterior rim of the blastopore (i.e. in front of the protostome mouth) and the chordate brain from an area in front of the blastopore, but behind the mouth (i.e. behind the deuterostome mouth). Received: 28 August 1998 / Accepted: 14 November 1998  相似文献   

Summary Transforming growth factor- (TGF-) is a biologically active polypeptide present in normal tissues as well as transformed cells. Two structurally related forms of this peptide are TGF- 1 and TGF- 2. Using freshly isolated cardiomyocytes and non-myocyte heart cells, and a [32P]-labelled cDNA probe to human TGF- 1, we demonstrated that mRNA for TGF- 1 could be detected only in the nonmyocyte fraction of heart cells. In the present study, the distribution of TGF- 1 in the heart was determined by immunofluorescence staining by use of a polyclonal antibody to porcine TGF- 1 in cryostat sections of rat heart. Immunofluorescence staining was intense around the blood vessels and radially diffuse in the surrounding myocardium.  相似文献   

An historical background is provided for the term, “aniline dye,” which is still widely used as a synonym for “synthetic dye.” The discovery of aniline and the role of Hofmann in clarifying it are described. The subsequent discovery of mauveine (mauve) by a student of Hofmann's, William Perkin, and his difficulties in transforming an academic synthesis into a commercial product also are discussed. The key role of Scottish dyers, the Pullars of Perth and Thomas Keith in London, in this technology transfer is described. The subsequent ascendancy of the German dyestuff industry over British manufacturers is noted.  相似文献   

Summary The protein sequences of 18 class A -lactamases and 2 class C -lactamases were analyzed to produce a rooted phylogenetic tree using the DD peptidase of Streptomyces R61 as an outgroup. This tree supports the penicillin-binding proteins as the most likely candidate for the ancestoral origin of the class A and class C -lactamases, these proteins diverging from a common evolutionary origin close to the DD peptidase. The actinomycetes are clearly shown as the origin of the class A -lactamases found in other non-actinomycete species. The tree also divides the -lactamases from the Streptomyces into two subgroups. One subgroup is closer to the DD peptidase root. The other Streptomyces subgroup shares a common branch point with the rest of the class A -lactamases, showing this subgroup as the origin of the non-actinomycete class A -lactamases. The non-actinomycete class A -lactamase phylogenetic tree suggests a spread of these -lactamases by horizontal transfer from the Streptomyces into the non-actinomycete gram-positive bacteria and thence into the gram-negative bacteria. The phylogenetic tree of the Streptomyces class A -lactamases supports the possibility that horizontal transfer of class A -lactamases occurred within the Streptomyces.  相似文献   

The origin of life is an extraordinary problem that leads back to the structure and dynamics of the cosmos and early development of organic molecules. Within that wider question lies an unsolved problem that has troubled biologists for 150 years. What is the origin of the dominant presence of left-handed stereoisomers of amino acids in nature even though their synthesis normally results in an equal mixture of the right- and left-handed molecular forms? We propose that asymmetric Earth rotation caused at dawn and dusk circularly polarized UV light (CPUVL) of opposite polarity and reversed temperature profiles in the oceans. Destruction of the d-isomer by CPUVL at dusk in a sea surface hotter than at dawn created a daily l-isomer excess protected from radiation by nightfall, preserved by down-flow (diffusive, mechanical) into cold, darker regions, eventually initiating an l-amino-acid excess embodied in early marine forms. Innumerable mechanisms have been proposed for the origin of l-chiral dominance in amino acids and none proven. Since the thalidomide tragedy, homochirality of amino acids has been a growing practical issue for medicine. Understanding its origin may bring further and unexpected benefits. It may also be a modest pointer to the possibility of positive answers to whether intelligent life will have the capacity to continue to protect itself from conditions inimical to survival.  相似文献   

Synchronised activity, differing in phase in different populations of neurons, plays an important role in existing theories on the function of brain oscillations (e.g., temporal correlation hypothesis). A prerequisite for this synchronisation is that stimuli are capable of affecting (resetting) the phase of brain oscillations. Such a change in the phase of brain waves is also assumed to underlie the Berger effect: when observers open their eyes, the amplitude of EEG oscillations in the alpha band (8–13 Hz) decreases significantly. This finding is usually thought to involve a desynchronisation of activity in different neurons. For functional interpretations of brain oscillations in the visual system, it therefore seems to be crucial to find out whether or not the phase of brain oscillations can be affected by visual stimuli. To answer this question, we investigated whether alpha waves are generated by a linear or a nonlinear mechanism. If the mechanism is linear – in contrast to nonlinear ones – phases cannot be reset by a stimulus. It is shown that alpha-wave activity in the EEG comprises both linear and nonlinear components. The generation of alpha waves basically is a linear process and flash-evoked potentials are superimposed on ongoing alpha waves without resetting their phase. One nonlinear component is due to light adaptation, which contributes to the Berger effect. The results call into question theories about brain-wave function based on temporal correlation or event-related desynchronisation.Electronic Supplementary Material: Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Where is the origin of the Japanese gamecocks?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Komiyama T  Ikeo K  Gojobori T 《Gene》2003,317(1-2):195-202
The tradition of cockfighting is widespread throughout the world. There is no doubt that the gamecock has evolved together with the human culture of cockfighting for a long time. In Japan, there is a group of gamecocks called "Shamo" that are used specifically for cockfighting. However, the process of the geographic distribution of cockfighting and the influx route of gamecocks into Japan are totally unclear. The molecular evolutionary study of gamecocks is obviously useful to gain profound insight into the understanding of not only the evolutionary origin of "Shamo" but also the distribution process of cockfighting as a culture. In this study, we collected blood samples of gamecocks from 11 different prefectures in Japan. Then, a phylogenetic tree was constructed using a total of 42 mtDNAs (D-loop, 1100 bp) sequenced. It showed that Japanese Shamo was clearly separated into two different groups: One group contains the samples from the island of Okinawa and the other group is composed of the samples mainly from Kyushu and Honshu of Japan. It suggests that Japanese Shamo must have been brought to Japan from two different origins. Our examination of historical records showed that the results of the phylogenetic analysis is consistent with the view that Japanese Shamo was originated from Southeast Asia and the mainland China independently, but was geographically a bit mixed afterwards.  相似文献   

The accumulation of pure, concentrated chemical building blocks, from which the essential components of protocells could be assembled, has long been viewed as a necessary, but extremely difficult step on the pathway to the origin of life. However, recent experiments have shown that moderately increasing the complexity of a set of chemical inputs can in some cases lead to a dramatic simplification of the resulting reaction products. Similarly, model protocell membranes composed of certain mixtures of amphiphilic molecules have superior physical properties than membranes composed of single amphiphiles. Moreover, membrane self-assembly under simple and natural conditions gives rise to heterogeneous mixtures of large multi-lamellar vesicles, which are predisposed to a robust pathway of growth and division that simpler and more homogeneous small unilamellar vesicles cannot undergo. Might a similar relaxation of the constraints on building block purity and homogeneity actually facilitate the difficult process of nucleic acid replication? Several arguments suggest that mixtures of monomers and short oligonucleotides may enable the chemical copying of polynucleotides of sufficient length and sequence complexity to allow for the emergence of the first nucleic acid catalysts. The question of the origin of life may become less daunting once the constraints of overly well-defined laboratory experiments are appropriately relaxed.  相似文献   

The inherent interest on the origin of genetic novelties can be traced back to Darwin. But it was not until recently that we were allowed to investigate the fundamental process of origin of new genes by the studies on newly evolved young genes. Two indispensible steps are involved in this process:origin of new gene copies through various mutational mechanisms and evolution of novel functions, which further more leads to fixation of the new copies within populations. The theoretical framework for the former ...  相似文献   

The inherent interest on the origin of genetic novelties can be traced back to Darwin, But it was not until recently that we were allowed to investigate the fundamental process of origin of new genes by the studies on newly evolved young genes. Two indispensible steps are involved in this process: origin of new gene copies through various mutational mechanisms and evolution of novel functions, which fur-ther more leads to fixation of the new copies within populations. The theoretical framework for the former step formed in 1970s. Ohno proposed gene duplication as the most important mechanism producing new gene copies. He also believed that the most common fate for new gene copies is to become pseudogenes. This classical view was validated and was also challenged by the characterization of the first functional young gene jingwei in Drosophila. Recent genome-wide comparison on young genes of Drosophila has elucidated a compre-hensive picture addressing remarkable roles of various mechanisms besides gene duplication during origin of new genes. Case surveys revealed it is not rare that new genes would evolve novel structures and functions to contribute to the adaptive evolution of organisms.Here, we review recent advances in understanding how new genes originated and evolved on the basis of genome-wide results and ex-perimental efforts on cases, We would finally discuss the future directions of this fast-growing research field in the context of functional genomics era.  相似文献   

Lévy walks as a random search strategy have recently attracted a lot of attention, and have been described in many animal species. However, very little is known about one of the most important issues, namely how Lévy walks are generated by biological organisms. We study a model of the chemotaxis signaling pathway of E. coli, and demonstrate that stochastic fluctuations and the specific design of the signaling pathway in concert enable the generation of Lévy walks. We show that Lévy walks result from the superposition of an ensemble of exponential distributions, which occurs due to the shifts in the internal enzyme concentrations following the stochastic fluctuations. With our approach we derive the power-law analytically from a model of the chemotaxis signaling pathway, and obtain a power-law exponent μ ≈ 2.2, which coincides with experimental results. This work provides a means to confirm Lévy walks as natural phenomenon by providing understanding on the process through which they emerge. Furthermore, our results give novel insights into the design aspects of biological systems that are capable of translating additive noise on the microscopic scale into beneficial macroscopic behavior.  相似文献   

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