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Vertebrate polyadenylation sites are identified by the AAUAAA signal and by GU-rich sequences downstream of the cleavage site. These are recognized by a heterotrimeric protein complex (CstF) through its 64 kDa subunit (CstF-64); the strength of this interaction affects the efficiency of poly(A) site utilization. We present the structure of the RNA-binding domain of CstF-64 containing an RNA recognition motif (RRM) augmented by N- and C-terminal helices. The C-terminal helix unfolds upon RNA binding and extends into the hinge domain where interactions with factors responsible for assembly of the polyadenylation complex occur. We propose that this conformational change initiates assembly. Consecutive Us are required for a strong CstF-GU interaction and we show how UU dinucleotides are recognized. Contacts outside the UU pocket fine tune the protein-RNA interaction and provide different affinities for distinct GU-rich elements. The protein-RNA interface remains mobile, most likely a requirement to bind many GU-rich sequences and yet discriminate against other RNAs. The structural distinction between sequences that form stable and unstable complexes provides an operational distinction between weakly and strongly processed poly(A) sites.  相似文献   

The CUG-BP, Elav-like family (CELF) of RNA-binding proteins control gene expression at a number of different levels by regulating pre-mRNA splicing, deadenylation and mRNA stability. We present structural insights into the binding selectivity of CELF member 1 (CELF1) for GU-rich mRNA target sequences of the general form 5′-UGUNxUGUNyUGU and identify a high affinity interaction (Kd ∼ 100 nM for x = 2 and y = 4) with simultaneous binding of all three RNA recognition motifs within a single 15-nt binding element. RNA substrates spin-labelled at either the 3′ or 5′ terminus result in differential nuclear magnetic resonance paramagnetic relaxation enhancement effects, which are consistent with a non-sequential 2-1-3 arrangement of the three RNA recognition motifs on UGU sites in a 5′ to 3′ orientation along the RNA target. We further demonstrate that CELF1 binds to dispersed single-stranded UGU sites at the base of an RNA hairpin providing a structural rationale for recognition of CUG expansion repeats and splice site junctions in the regulation of alternative splicing.  相似文献   

The 3'-untranslated regions (UTRs) of human papillomavirus 16 (HPV16) and bovine papillomavirus 1 (BPV1) contain a negative regulatory element (NRE) that inhibits viral late gene expression. The BPV1 NRE consists of a single 9-nucleotide (nt) U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) base pairing site (herein called a U1 binding site) that via U1 snRNP binding leads to inhibition of the late poly(A) site. The 79-nt HPV16 NRE is far more complicated, consisting of 4 overlapping very weak U1 binding sites followed by a poorly understood GU-rich element (GRE). We undertook a molecular dissection of the HPV16 GRE and identify via UV cross-linking, RNA affinity chromatography, and mass spectrometry that is bound by the CUG-binding protein 1 (CUGBP1). Reporter assays coupled with knocking down CUGBP1 levels by small interfering RNA and Dox-regulated shRNA, demonstrate CUGBP1 is inhibitory in vivo. CUGBP1 is the first GRE-binding protein to have RNA interfering knockdown evidence in support of its role in vivo. Several fine-scale GRE mutations that inactivate GRE activity in vivo and GRE binding to CUGBP1 in vitro are identified. The CUGBP1.GRE complex has no activity on its own but specifically synergizes with weak U1 binding sites to inhibit expression in vivo. No synergy is seen if the U1 binding sites are made weaker by a 1-nt down-mutation or made stronger by a 1-nt up-mutation, underscoring that the GRE operates only on weak sites. Interestingly, inhibition occurs at multiple levels, in particular at the level of poly(A) site activity, nuclear-cytoplasmic export, and translation of the mRNA. Implications for understanding the HPV16 life cycle are discussed.  相似文献   

Kim HH  Gorospe M 《Molecular cell》2008,29(2):151-152
In this issue of Molecular Cell, Vlasova et al. (2008) identify the GU-rich element (GRE) as a novel, widespread, degradation-promoting sequence through which the RNA-binding protein CUGBP1 elicits mRNA decay.  相似文献   

During oocyte maturation, cyclin B1 mRNA is translationally activated by cytoplasmic polyadenylation. This process is dependent on cytoplasmic polyadenylation elements (CPEs) in the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of the mRNA. To determine whether a titratable factor might be involved in the initial translational repression (masking) of this mRNA, high levels of cyclin B1 3' UTR were injected into oocytes. While this treatment had no effect on the poly(A) tail length of endogenous cyclin B1 mRNA, it induced cyclin B1 synthesis. A mutational analysis revealed that the most efficient unmasking element in the cyclin 3' UTR was the CPE. However, other U-rich sequences that resemble the CPE in structure, but which do not bind the CPE-binding polyadenylation factor CPEB, failed to induce unmasking. When fused to the chloramphenical acetyl transferase (CAT) coding region, the cyclin B1 3' UTR inhibited CAT translation in injected oocytes. In addition, a synthetic 3' UTR containing multiple copies of the CPE also inhibited translation, and did so in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, efficient CPE-mediated masking required cap-dependent translation. During the normal course of progesterone-induced maturation, cytoplasmic polyadenylation was necessary for mRNA unmasking. A model to explain how cyclin B1 mRNA masking and unmasking could be regulated by the CPE is presented.  相似文献   

CUG-binding protein 1 (CUGBP1) regulates multiple aspects of nuclear and cytoplasmic mRNA processing, with implications for onset of myotonic dystrophy. CUGBP1 harbors three RRM domains and preferentially targets UGU-rich mRNA elements. We describe crystal structures of CUGBP1 RRM1 and tandem RRM1/2 domains bound to RNAs containing tandem UGU(U/G) elements. Both RRM1 in RRM1-RNA and RRM2 in RRM1/2-RNA complexes use similar principles to target UGU(U/G) elements, with recognition mediated by face-to-edge stacking and water-mediated hydrogen-bonding networks. The UG step adopts a left-handed Z-RNA conformation, with the syn guanine recognized through Hoogsteen edge-protein backbone hydrogen-bonding interactions. NMR studies on the RRM1/2-RNA complex establish that both RRM domains target tandem UGUU motifs in solution, whereas filter-binding assays identify a preference for recognition of GU over AU or GC steps. We discuss the implications of CUGBP1-mediated targeting and sequestration of UGU(U/G) elements on pre-mRNA alternative-splicing regulation, translational regulation, and mRNA decay.  相似文献   

The early cell divisions of Xenopus laevis and other metazoan embryos occur in the presence of constitutively high levels of the cell cycle regulator cyclin E1. Upon completion of the 12th cell division, a time at which many maternal proteins are downregulated by deadenylation and destabilization of their encoding mRNAs, maternal cyclin E1 protein is downregulated while its mRNA is polyadenylated and stable. We report here that stable polyadenylation of cyclin E1 mRNA requires three cis-acting elements in the 3′ untranslated region; the nuclear polyadenylation sequence, a contiguous cytoplasmic polyadenylation element and an upstream AU-rich element. ElrA, the Xenopus homolog of HuR and a member of the ELAV gene family binds the cyclin E1 3′UTR with high affinity. Deletion of these elements dramatically reduces the affinity of ElrA for the cyclin E1 3′UTR, abolishes polyadenylation and destabilizes the mRNA. Together, these findings provide compelling evidence that ElrA functions in polyadenylation and stabilization of cyclin E1 mRNA via binding these elements.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Chromosome segregation and mitotic exit depend on activation of the anaphase-promoting complex (APC) by the substrate adaptor proteins CDC20 and CDH1. The APC is a ubiquitin ligase composed of at least 11 subunits. The interaction of APC2 and APC11 with E2 enzymes is sufficient for ubiquitination reactions, but the functions of most other subunits are unknown. RESULTS: We have biochemically characterized subcomplexes of the human APC. One subcomplex, containing APC2/11, APC1, APC4, and APC5, can assemble multiubiquitin chains but is unable to bind CDH1 and to ubiquitinate substrates. The other subcomplex contains all known APC subunits except APC2/11. This subcomplex can recruit CDH1 but fails to support any ubiquitination reaction. In vitro, the C termini of CDC20 and CDH1 bind to the closely related TPR subunits APC3 and APC7. Homology modeling predicts that these proteins are similar in structure to the peroxisomal import receptor PEX5, which binds cargo proteins via their C termini. APC activation by CDH1 depends on a conserved C-terminal motif that is also found in CDC20 and APC10. CONCLUSIONS: APC1, APC4, and APC5 may connect APC2/11 with TPR subunits. TPR domains in APC3 and APC7 recruit CDH1 to the APC and may thereby bring substrates into close proximity of APC2/11 and E2 enzymes. In analogy to PEX5, the different TPR subunits of the APC might function as receptors that interact with the C termini of regulatory proteins such as CDH1, CDC20, and APC10.  相似文献   

Polypyrimdine tract binding protein (PTB) is a regulator of alternative splicing, mRNA 3' end formation, mRNA stability and localization, and IRES-mediated translation. Transient overexpression of PTB can influence alternative splicing, sometimes resulting in nonphysiological splicing patterns. Here, we show that alternative skipping of PTB exon 11 leads to an mRNA that is removed by NMD and that this pathway consumes at least 20% of the PTB mRNA in HeLa cells. We also show that exon 11 skipping is itself promoted by PTB in a negative feedback loop. This autoregulation may serve both to prevent disruptively high levels of PTB expression and to restore nuclear levels when PTB is mobilized to the cytoplasm. Our findings suggest that alternative splicing can act not only to generate protein isoform diversity but also to quantitatively control gene expression and complement recent bioinformatic analyses, indicating a high prevalence of human alternative splicing leading to NMD.  相似文献   

SIRPalpha and SIRPbeta1, the two major isoforms of the signal regulatory protein (SIRP) family, are co-expressed in human leukocytes but mediate distinct extracellular binding interactions and divergent cell signaling responses. Previous studies have demonstrated that binding of SIRPalpha with CD47, another important cell surface molecule, through the extracellular IgV domain regulates important leukocyte functions including macrophage recognition, leukocyte adhesion and transmigration. Although SIRPbeta1 shares highly homologous extracellular IgV structure with SIRPalpha, it does not bind to CD47. Here, we defined key amino acid residues exclusively expressing in the IgV domain of SIRPalpha, but not SIRPbeta1, which determine the extracellular binding interaction of SIRPalpha to CD47. These key residues include Gln67, a small hydrophobic amino acid (Ala or Val) at the 57th position and Met102. We found that Gln67 and Ala/Val57 are critical. Mutation of either of these residues abates SIRPalpha directly binding to CD47. Functional cell adhesion and leukocyte transmigration assays further demonstrated central roles of Gln67 and Ala/Val57 in SIRPalpha extracellular binding mediated cell interactions and cell migration. Another SIRPalpha-specific residue, Met102, appears to assist SIRPalpha IgV binding through Gln67 and Ala/Val57. An essential role of these amino acid residues in SIRPalpha binding to CD47 was further confirmed by introducing these residues into the SIRPbeta1 IgV domain, which dramatically converts SIRPbeta1 into a CD47-binding molecule. Our results thus revealed the molecular basis by which SIRPalpha binds to CD47 and shed new light into the structural mechanisms of SIRP isoform mediated distinctive extracellular interactions and cellular responses.  相似文献   

Ligand-induced receptor oligomerization is a widely accepted mechanism for activation of cell-surface receptors. We investigated ligand-receptor interactions in the glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) receptor complex, formed by the c-Ret receptor tyrosine kinase and the glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored subunit GDNF family receptor alpha-1 (GFRalpha1). As only GFRalpha1 can bind GDNF directly, receptor complex formation is thought to be initiated by GDNF binding to this receptor. Here we identify an interface in GDNF formed by exposed acidic and hydrophobic residues that is critical for binding to GFRalpha1. Unexpectedly, several GDNF mutants deficient in GFRalpha1 binding retained the ability to bind and activate c-Ret at normal levels. Although impaired in binding GFRalpha1 efficiently, these mutants still required GFRalpha1 for c-Ret activation. These findings support a role for c-Ret in ligand binding and indicate that GDNF does not initiate receptor complex formation, but rather interacts with a pre-assembled GFRalpha1- c-Ret complex.  相似文献   

The amino acid-derived polyamines are organic cations that are essential for growth in all mammalian cells, but their exact roles at the molecular level remain largely unknown. Here we provide evidence that polyamines promote the translation of cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK4) by the action of CUG-binding protein 1 (CUGBP1) and microRNA-222 (miR-222) in intestinal epithelial cells. Both CUGBP1 and miR-222 were found to bind the CDK4 mRNA coding region and 3'-untranslated region and repressed CDK4 translation synergistically. Depletion of cellular polyamines increased cytoplasmic CUGBP1 abundance and miR-222 levels, induced their associations with the CDK4 mRNA, and inhibited CDK4 translation, whereas increasing the levels of cellular polyamines decreased CDK4 mRNA interaction with CUGBP1 and miR-222, in turn inducing CDK4 expression. Polyamine-deficient cells exhibited an increased colocalization of tagged CDK4 mRNA with processing bodies; this colocalization was abolished by silencing CUGBP1 and miR-222. Together, our findings indicate that polyamine-regulated CUGBP1 and miR-222 modulate CDK4 translation at least in part by altering the recruitment of CDK4 mRNA to processing bodies.  相似文献   

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