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A new species of snake eel (family Ophichthidae, subfamily Ophichthinae), Apterichtus hatookai, is described based on the 478.5 mm holotype and three paratypes, 265.0–519.4 mm in total length (TL), collected from the Pacific Ocean, off the coasts of Shikoku Island and central Honshu Island, Japan. The new species can be distinguished from its congeners, except for Apterichtus monodi and Apterichtus orientalis, by having seven supratemporal pores. The new species is distinguishable from A. monodi by having a longer tail (60.4–62.0 % TL vs. 57.4–60.2 %), four preopercular pores (vs. three), fewer lateral-line pores before the anus (54–58 vs. 63–68), and fewer total vertebrae (137–141 vs. 142–151). Apterichtus hatookai differs from A. orientalis in having a shorter head (5.1–6.1 % TL vs. 7.1–8.1 %; 13.3–16.0 % of preanal length vs. 16.2–18.0 %), a longer tail (60.4–62.0 % TL vs. 54.8–56.0 %), lower body depth at gill opening (0.9–1.5 % TL vs. 1.8–1.9; 2.3–3.8 % of preanal length vs. 4.1–4.2 %), more numerous total vertebrae (137–141 vs. 131–133), and by the anterior tip of the lower jaw below the center of the eye (vs. anterior to a vertical through anterior margin of eye).  相似文献   

A new species of worm eel (Ophichthidae, subfamily Myrophinae), Scolecenchelys fuscogularis, is described from two specimens collected at 90–147 m depth off the coast of Japan. The new species is characterized by its dorsal-fin origin, which is located posterior to a vertical through the anus, its high total number of vertebrae (146–149), and its uniserial dentition on jaws and vomer. The new species is similar to Scolecenchelys australis and Scolecenchelys tasmaniensis in having 148–152 total and 60–61 preanal vertebrae and its uniserial teeth, but can be distinguished from the latter two species as it has a larger head [8.5–8.8 % of total length (TL) vs. 7.8–8.3 %], a longer trunk (39 % TL vs. 34–35 %), and a shorter tail (52–53 % TL vs. 56–58 %). Although S. fuscogularis most resembles Scolecenchelys chilensis in having 146–159 total and 59–64 preanal vertebrae and uniserial teeth, as well as in the proportions of the head, trunk and tail, the new species differs from the latter in having a smaller head (8.5–8.8 % TL vs. 8.9–9.7 %), a more slender body (body depth 1.5–1.6 % TL vs. 2.3–2.9 %), a more posterior dorsal-fin origin (horizontal distance between the origin and a vertical through the anus 83 % of head length vs. 36–54 %), no groove on the ventral side of its snout, and a dark lower jaw with a patch of melanophores on the ventral side of its branchial basket.  相似文献   

Pterygiella luzhijiangensis Huan C. Wang, is described and illustrated as a new species endemic to Yunnan, southwest China. It occurs in thickets of the Luzhijiang hot‐dry valley at elevations of 1000–1300 m a.s.l. This new species is closely related to P. duclouxii Franch., but clearly differs from the latter by its procumbent stems, much branched at the base, 7–20 cm long, the leaves 1.0–2.2 cm long, 0.1–0.2 (0.25) cm wide, the corolla 2.0–2.2 cm long, obviously longer than the calyx, with the lower lip of the corolla much longer than the upper one.  相似文献   

Pterygiella trichosepala (Orobanchaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species endemic to Yunnan, southwest China. It grows in calcareous grasslands or scrubs at elevations of 2000–2600 m a.s.l. This new species is closely related to P. nigrescens Oliv., but clearly differs from the latter by being pilose–hirsute throughout, with stems simple or rarely branched, 10–30 cm tall, and leaves 10–20 mm long and 3–6 mm wide (with L/W ratio 3.5–5.0), racemose inflorescences, and calyx 13–20 mm long and 8–13 mm in diameter; moreover its seed micromorphological features are significantly different from those of P. nigrescens.  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - A new synaphobranchid eel Haptenchelys parviocularis is described on the basis of 15 specimens (467–840 mm in total length) collected off the Pacific coast...  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Taonia (Dictyotales, Phaeophyta) is described from the Mediterranean Sea. The species is characterized by pseudodichotomous fronds having entire margins and by a pronounced differentiation between the medullary and cortical cells throughout the thallus. Only tetrasporangial plants were found. The species differs from T. atomaria f. ciliata in having differently sized cells in cross section and an entire margin and from T. lennebackerae in both the habit and in the shape of cells in longitudinal section.  相似文献   

Gasterosteus nipponicus sp. nov. is described from the holotype, 35 paratypes, and 60 additional specimens. The species differs from congeners in the following combination of characters: lateral plates complete, abruptly reducing in size above the anus, depth of lateral plate above the anus < 60 % that of the deepest plate; caudal keels thin, membranous. The new species is distributed in coastal Japan facing the Sea of Japan from Kyushu to Hokkaido Islands, along the Pacific coast of northern Japan from the Chiba Prefecture to Hokkaido, along the Sea of Okhotsk of Hokkaido, west to the southern and eastern coasts of Korean Peninsula, the Maritime Territory and north to Sakhalin Island, Russia.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Zygozyma, Z. suomiensis, is described, based on the study of a single strain, derived from a bovine skin lesion.  相似文献   

A new, soil-associated species of the genus Debaryomyces, D. udenii, is described. The species is characterized by pusticulate rather than verrucate ascospores, and slowly lytic asci.  相似文献   

A Gram-positive, aerobic, coccoid-rod shaped, non-motile, catalase- and oxidase-positive bacterium, designated strain KJW98T, was isolated from the marine sediment of Karwar jetty, west coast of India. The strain was β-haemolytic, non-endospore-forming and grew with 0–8.5% (w/v) NaCl, at 15–48°C and at pH 6.5–9.0, with optimum growth with 0.5% (w/v) NaCl, at 42°C and at pH 7.0–8.0. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA and gyrB gene sequences showed that strain KJW98T forms a lineage within the genus Bhargavaea. The G+C content of the genomic DNA was 55 mol%. The DNA-DNA relatedness values of strain KJW98T with B. beijingensis DSM 19037T, B. cecembensis LMG 24411T and B. ginsengi DSM 19038T were 43.2, 39 and 26.5%, respectively. The major fatty acids were anteiso-C15:0 (37.7%), iso-C15:0 (19.7%), anteiso-C17:0 (17.0%) and iso-C16:0 (11.1%). The predominant menaquinone was MK-8 and the cell-wall peptidoglycan was of A4α type with L-lysine as the diagnostic diamino acid. The major polar lipids were diphosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylglycerol. The phenotypic, genotypic and DNA-DNA relatedness data indicate that strain KJW98T should be distinguished from the members of the genus Bhargavaea, for which the name Bhargavaea indica sp. nov. is proposed with the type strain KJW98T (=KCTC 13583T =LMG 25219T).  相似文献   

In this paper, Megastygarctides sezginii sp. nov., a new marine species from the Black Sea (Turkey), is described. Morphological and morphometric studies have revealed that M. sezginii sp. nov. is most similar to M. setoloso Morgan & O’Reilly, 1988, but differs from it through the presence of two types of fibrils, a lack of cuticle granulation, the presence of three lateral projections with fibrils, leg fibrils arranged in transverse stripes and the presence of clumps of fibrils near the clavae. In the studied environment, the new species is frequently found in summer and almost absent in winter. Additionally, a taxonomic key for all Megastygarctides species is presented.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:53AA1D57-8700-4A18-9099-1CDDBAEB4D3A  相似文献   

The new benthic toxic dinoflagellate, Ostreopsis fattorussoi sp. nov., is described from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Lebanon and Cyprus coasts, and is supported by morphological and molecular data. The plate formula, Po, 3′, 7″, 6c, 7s, 5?, 2′′′′, is typical for the Ostreopsis genus. It differs from all other Ostreopsis species in that (i) the curved suture between plates 1′ and 3′ makes them approximately hexagonal, (ii) the 1′ plate lies in the left half of the epitheca and is obliquely orientated leading to a characteristic shape of plate 6″. The round thecal pores are bigger than the other two Mediterranean species (O. cf. ovata and O. cf. siamensis). O. fattorussoi is among the smallest species of the genus (DV: 60.07 ± 5.63 μm, AP: 25.66 ± 2.97 μm, W: 39.81 ± 5.05 μm) along with O. ovata. Phylogenetic analyses based on the LSU and internal transcribed spacer rDNA shows that O. fattorussoi belongs to the Atlantic/Mediterranean Ostreopsis spp. clade separated from the other Ostreopsis species. Ostreopsis fattorussoi produces OVTX‐a and structural isomers OVTX‐d and ‐e, O. cf. ovata is the only other species of this genus known to produce these toxins. The Lebanese O. fattorussoi did not produce the new palytoxin‐like compounds (ovatoxin‐i, ovatoxin‐j1, ovatoxin‐j2, and ovatoxin‐k) that were previously found in O. fattorussoi from Cyprus. The toxin content was in the range of 0.28–0.94 pg · cell?1. On the Lebanon coast, O. fattorussoi was recorded throughout the year 2015 (temperature range 18°C–31.5°C), with peaks in June and August.  相似文献   

This study reanalyzed the morphology and discussed the relationships of a unique fossil conger Pavelichthys daniltshenkoi from the lower Oligocene of the Northern Caucasus. It belongs to the family Congridae by the presence of fused frontalia and the hyomandibulare inclined forward but differs from all representatives of the family by a significantly protruding lower jaw in combination with a large horizontal mouth. Pavelichthys is characterized by nonsegmented rays of the dorsal and anal fins, deep non-tapering caudal part of the body, well-developed pectoral and caudal fins, presence of the lateral ethmoidal process, supraoccipitale, and leaflike broadened parapophyses on the middle and posterior body vertebrae, about 90 trunk vertebrae, vertebral formula 9–~60–~150. By the combination of the traits, the Oligocene form should belong to the subfamily Bathymyrinae.  相似文献   

During the expedition “ANTARTIDA 9101”, organized by the Spanish Oceanographic Institute, two specimens of an unknown notaspidean species were collected. These differed considerably from other notaspidean species, mainly by the presence of three gills and a prebranchial sac with large external expansions. Since these specimens have three gills, while members of the order Notaspidea have been described as having only one, this feature is doubly interesting: firstly, from the systematic point of view, the definition of the order has to be modified, and secondly, it generates a phylogenetic discussion of the possible affinity between the notaspideans with one gill and doridaceans, which possess several gills.  相似文献   

A new thecate, photosynthetic, sand‐dwelling marine dinoflagellate, Laciniporus arabicus gen. et sp. nov., is described from the subtidal sediments of the Omani coast in the Arabian Sea, northern Indian Ocean, based on detailed morphological and molecular data. Cells of L. arabicus are small (16.2–30.1 μm long and 13.1–23.2 μm wide), dorsoventrally compressed, with a small apical flap‐shaped projection pointing to the left. The thecal plate pattern is distinguished by minute first precingular plate and sulcus, which extends into the epitheca, with large anterior and right sulcal plates. The Kofoidian thecal tabulation is Po, X, 4′, 2a, 7′′, 6c, 6s, 5′′′, 2′′′′. Morphologically, the revealed plate pattern has an affinity to the Peridiniales, and LSU rDNA based phylogenetic analyses placed L. arabicus within the Thoracosphaeraceae, close to calcareous‐cyst producing scrippsielloids, predatory pfiesteriaceans, and photosynthetic freshwater peridinioids Chimonodinium lomnickii and Apocalathium spp. However, the thecal plate arrangement of L. arabicus differs noticeably from any currently described dinoflagellates, and the species stands out from closely related taxa by extensive differences in physiology and ecology.  相似文献   

We here report a new Dasya species found in a landlocked fjord or poll in southwestern Norway; Dasya adela sp. nov. The thallus of this species is small (1–3 cm), normally sparsely branched, and its axes are completely covered with cortex cells. The species is set with long (3–4 mm) and flaccid monosiphonous pseudolaterals, and during autumn it showed high growth of adventitious monosiphonous branches. Only a few individuals with tetrasporangia have been recorded, and no sexual reproductive structures have been observed in field collections. In culture stichidia readily developed on the pseudolaterals, with four tetrasporangia per section. The spores showed high mortality. A few sporelings survived in culture, and developed into small and loosely organized filaments with no upright axes. After 2 years in culture a few plants bearing spermatangial branches were observed, but no individuals with carpogonia. The monosiphonous branches are readily shed in culture, attach themselves by rhizoids and rapidly develop into new thalli, some of which have produced tetrasporangial stichidia. Sequences analyses of partial COI and the rbc L gene showed that the new taxon belongs within Dasyoideae. However, no close relationship was found with other European species of Dasya. The new taxon was compared to other Dasya taxa with which it shared a number of selected characters, but none of these taxa shared all characters of the new Dasya.  相似文献   

The present paper describes a new phlebotomine species, Evandromyia gaucha sp. nov., based on seven females found in the municipality of Ca?apava do Sul, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The new species belong to rupicola series and differs from other sand flies of the genus Evandromyia due to the presence of a rounded spermatheca head with its size very close to that of the spermatheca body.  相似文献   

Crinipellis pedemontana, a new agaric growing on stems of dead grasses in an Italian urban park, is described and illustrated. It fits in sect. Grisentinae on account of the green reaction with KOH and ammonia and its bright colored pileus. The unique combination of purple-violaceous tinges in the pileus and the presence of chlamydospores in the pileipellis characterize this species as new. Its taxonomic position within Crinipellis and the related genus Moniliophthora is discussed.  相似文献   

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