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A new genus of Phytolaccaceae,Nowickea, includes two new species,N. xolocotzii andN. glabra, each known only from its type locality in the states of Jalisco and Morelos, Mexico, respectively.Nowickea exhibits close relationship withPhytolacca by a robust herbaceous growth habit, 7- to 10-carpellate ovary, carpels with terminal, basally connate styles, basal placentation, and fleshy fruits. It is distinguished by green, subequal, herbaceous, and often lanceolate tepals 3 to 12 mm long, ovary and fruit elevated on a well developed gynophore, obovoid or obpyriform fruits, and narrowly ellipsoid seeds.  相似文献   

A new eastern Pacific achirid, Trinectes xanthurus, has a distinctive yellow or light caudal fin, without pattern, to contrast with its relatively dark body. This species also has black, posterior margins of the dorsal and anal fins and 21-22 caudal vertebrae, versus 19-20 for its Pacific coast congeners. It usually is found in shallow, continental shelf waters on sand or mud bottoms and ranges from Colombia to El Salvador. The genus Trinectes is represented in the eastern Pacific by four species. A fifth species usually occurs in Pacific slope drainages (freshwater) in Panama. Of these species, only Trinectes fonsecensis is found throughout the tropical eastern Pacific, while the other three coastal species are confined to tropical waters south of the Golfo de Tehauntepec.  相似文献   

Thomas F. Daniel 《Brittonia》1995,47(4):408-413
Justicia masiaca, a new species endemic to northwestern Mexico, is described, illustrated, and compared with the morphologically similarJ. longii. In its 4-aperturate pollen,Justicia masiaca is unique among those species ofJusticia with elongate, cylindrical corolla tubes that were previously treated inSiphonoglossa.  相似文献   

A new species,Grias longirachis S. A. Mori & J. L. Clark, with enclosed calyx in bud and unusually long inflorescence rachises, is described based on collections from northwestern Ecuador. A key to the species ofGrias is provided.  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - Saurida fortis sp. nov., a lizardfish (Aulopiformes: Synodontidae) from the northwestern Pacific Ocean, previously misidentified as Saurida umeyoshii Inoue and Nakabo 2006...  相似文献   

Socratea montana, a new species from Colombia, is described and illustrated, and its relationships discussed. Two groups of species within the genus are characterized.  相似文献   

The Japanese species of the genus Syndiamesa are revised. A new species, Syndiamesa longipilosa sp. nov., from Honshu, Japan is described from male and female material. The male of Syndiamesa mira (Makarchenko) from Japan is redescribed and figured. Syndiamesa chuzemagna Sasa is synonymized with Syndiamesa yosiii Tokunaga. Syndiamesa bicolor Tokunaga is transferred to the genus Sympotthastia. A key to males of Japanese Syndiamesa is provided.  相似文献   

Mangatangi parvum gen. n. and sp. and Forsteropsalis pureroa sp. n. are described from the North Island of New Zealand. Pantopsalis listeri (White 1849) and Pantopsalis cheliferoides (Colenso 1882) are redescribed and no longer regarded as nomina dubia; Pantopsalis luna (Forster 1944) is identified as a junior synonym of Pantopsalis listeri. A key to Pantopsalis species is provided.  相似文献   

Filibryum, a new genus of the family Hypnaceae, is described to include three species from East Asia. Filibryum ogatae and F. yakoushimae are transferred to it from the genus Glossadelphus, while F. deguchianum is a newly described species. The genus is distinguished by the absence of a central strand in the stem, prorate leaf cells, and heteroblastic and deciduous stem leaves. Molecular data suggest that the genus is closely related to Taxiphyllum and the phylogenetic position of the new genus in the Hypnaceae is supported by an approximately unbiased (AU) test.  相似文献   

A new species, Scilla merinoi , from Galicia is described and illustrated. The similarities between the new taxon and two related species, S. odorata and S. verna , are discussed. Together with a morphological comparison of the three species, scanning electron micrographs of seeds and a map of the new species' known distribution are presented.  相似文献   

Cremanthodium weixiense (Asteraceae, Senecioneae), a new species from northwestern Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is referred to C. ser. Calcicola based on its palmately veined leaves, discoid capitula and leaflike, herbaceous phyllaries. However, it is unique in this series in having dissected leaves. It is somewhat similar to C. pinnatisectum in C. ser. Campanulata in the dissected leaves and the discoid capitula, but differs by the suborbicular (versus subreniform) basal leaves with deeply cordate (versus subtruncate) bases and very narrow (versus obviously divergent) sinuses, the presence (versus absence) of a conspicuously sheathed petiolar base of stem leaves, the broadly cylindrical (versus campanulate) involucres and the leaflike, herbaceous (versus petaloid, membranous) phyllaries.  相似文献   

Thekopsora ostryae, a new rust fungus on leaves of Ostrya japonica collected from Gansu Province was described. Morphological examination using light and scanning electron microscopy showed that this new species is distinct from other species of Thekopsora in the characteristics of ostiolar peridial cells of uredinia and the spinules on the surface of urediniospores. Analyses of the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 and 28S rRNA gene partial sequences showed that T. ostryae could be a distinct lineage in the genus Thekopsora.  相似文献   

A new species,Thenardia chiapensis, is described and illustrated. The new species is the first taxon in the genus to have its fruits, two fused follicles, described and illustrated. In addition, observations ofT. floribunda specimens have revealed the existence of a novel character, coiled filaments, previously undescribed for the genus.  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - The Indo-West Pacific genus Urocampus Günther 1870 (Syngnathidae) is diagnosed by the following combination of characters: continuous superior trunk and tail ridges,...  相似文献   

记述了中国辽宁省发现的肾头蝇属1新种,并编制了古北区肾头蝇属10个种的检索表。  相似文献   

Raveniopsis aracaënsis is described from Serra Aracá, Brazil and is the first record of the genus from Brazil.  相似文献   

The genus Thinempis (Diptera: Empididae) is newly described and includes six species, four from Australia – T.austera sp.n., T.esperance sp.n., T.minuta sp.n., and T.turimetta sp.n., and two from New Zealand – T.otakouensis (Miller) comb.n., and T.takaka sp.n. It occurs in coastal habitats and is defined by a unique synapomorphy, a modified triangular female oviscapt (tergum 10). However, the genus shows variable expression in characters considered to be of higher taxonomic importance in the Empidinae. The tribes Hilarini and Empidini are discussed and redefined.  相似文献   

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