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Mouse uterine epithelium is a tissue that undergoes cyclic endocrine-regulated cell dissociation and regeneration. It shows a dramatic cell loss following normal estrus. If pregnancy ensues, cell loss is averted during the first 2.5–3.5 days. However, this is followed by a precipitous loss of basal-lateral cell adhesion and apoptosis in preparation for blastocyst invasion. By comparing epithelia isolated by protease treatment, we show that a reduction of lateral cell adhesion is a primary event in these instances of normal tissue loss. It was readily induced in ovariectomized adult and immature mice by injections of estradiol (E2), and to some extent also by progesterone (P4). The reduction of lateral adhesion induced by including ethylene glycol-bis (β-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) in the isolation medium mimicked and was additive to the effect of E2 injection. However, the E2 effect was different in not being prevented by adding Ca2+. The E2 effect also was mimicked by the action on isolated epithelium of monoclonal antibody against the calcium-dependent cell adhesion molecule, E-cadherin, suggesting that inactivation of E-cadherin was induced by E2. In detergent extracts of estrous and metestrous epithelium there was an increase in 80-kDa extracellular domain of E-cadherin relative to the intact 120-kDa molecule. The loss of adhesion between 3.5 and 4.5 days of pregnancy was associated with a loss of both intact membrane-associated 120-kDa E-cadherin and cleavage products. Cleavage of 80-kDa E-cadherin was uniquely induced by E2 in ovariectomized adult and immature mice; P4 was without effect. The cleavage of E-cadherin correlated with increased basal accumulation of E-cadherin antigen in estrous and E2-injected mice and a loss of both basal and lateral antigen at 4.5 days of pregnancy. Only the E-cadherin antigen within junctional complexes appeared unaffected. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that the cyclic and pregnancy-dependent disruption of uterine epithelial integrity are promoted by E2-dependent modification of E-cadherin, including its extracellular cleavage. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

During pregnancy the walls of decidual spiral arteries (SAs) undergo clinically important structural modifications crucial for embryo survival/growth and maternal health. However, the mechanisms of SA remodeling (SAR) are poorly understood. Although an important prerequisite to this understanding is knowledge about the phenotype of SA muscular wall prior to and during the beginning of mouse SAR, this remains largely unexplored and was the main aim of this work. Using histological and immunohistochemical techniques, this study shows for the first time that during early mouse gestation, from embryonic day 7.5 (E7.5) to E10.5, the decidual SA muscular coat is not a homogeneous structure, but consists of two concentric layers. The first is a largely one cell-thick sub-endothelial layer of contractile mural cells (positive for α-smooth muscle actin, calponin and SM22α) with pericyte characteristics (NG2 positive). The second layer is thicker, and evidence is presented that it may be of the synthetic/proliferative smooth muscle phenotype, based on absence (α-smooth muscle actin and calponin) or weak (SM22α) expression of contractile mural cell markers, and presence of synthetic smooth muscle characteristics (expression of non-muscle Myosin heavy chain-IIA and of the cell proliferation marker PCNA). Importantly, immunohistochemistry and morphometrics showed that the contractile mural cell layer although prominent at E7.5-E8.5, becomes drastically reduced by E10.5 and is undetectable by E12.5. In conclusion, this study reveals novel aspects of the decidual SA muscular coat phenotype prior to and during early SAR that may have important implications for understanding the mechanisms of SAR.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine whether the 40 or 50% decrease in systemic progesterone (P(4)) concentrations between Days 13 and 21 postmating in the pig results from decreased ovarian P(4) secretion or increased uptake of P(4) by the uterus. In Experiment I, five nonpregnant (NP) and four pregnant (P) gilts were sham-operated, and five NP gilts were hysterectomized (HYST) on Days 7 to 9 postestrus or postmating (first day of estrus or mating = Day 0). Femoral arterial blood was obtained once daily from Day 10 until the subsequent estrus (NP gilts) or Day 21 (P and HYST gilts). In Experiment II, blood was collected daily from both utero-ovarian veins of two NP and three P gilts from Days 11 to 18. Femoral arterial P(4) concentrations were similar for all gilts in Experiment I from Days 10 to 14. For NP gilts, femoral arterial P(4) declined (P < 0.01) after Day 14 to reach basal levels by Day 17. Progesterone in femoral arterial blood of P gilts declined (P < 0.01) from Days 13 to 16 and then remained constant through Day 21. Concentrations of P(4) in femoral arterial blood of HYST gilts remained constant from Days 13 to 21 and were greater (P < 0.01) than for P gilts from Days 15 to 21. In Experiment II, P(4) concentrations in utero-ovarian venous blood were similar until Day 14 between NP and P gilts. Utero-ovarian P(4) of NP gilts then declined (P < 0.01) to reach basal levels by Day 16. P(4) concentrations in utero-ovarian venous blood of P gilts increased (P < 0.05) for Days 14 to 18. These results demonstrate that ovarian P(4) secretion increases during early pregnancy in the pig. Further, the absence of a decline in P(4) concentrations in femoral arterial blood of HYST gilts suggests that the declining systemic P(4) levels observed during early pregnancy are a result of uterine uptake and(or) metabolism.  相似文献   

Uterine and oviducal protein secretion during early pregnancy in the mouse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Changes in the protein composition of the embryo's environment during early development were studied by analysis of proteins synthesized and secreted by oviducal and uterine explants on Days 1-6 of pregnancy. Although secretions from ampullar and isthmic oviduct and uterus contained many proteins in common, each area also produced its own characteristic proteins. In the uterus, changes in the secretion pattern were found during the peri-implantation period, including both increases and decreases in particular proteins which appear to be dependent on the presence of embryos. Embryo-induced effects on uterine secretion began between 09:00 h of Day 4 and 09:00 h of Day 5. Oviducal secretions exhibited many of the embryo-dependent proteins found in the uterus, but the expression of these proteins did not appear to be influenced by the presence of embryos on Day 1 or Day 3. The characteristic pattern of secreted protein expression by each portion of the reproductive tract may reflect the specialization of each area for certain developmental events.  相似文献   

Pregnancy in humans and rodents is associated with dramatic changes in leukocyte populations within the uterus. In these species, recruitment of leukocytes, mostly natural killer (NK) lymphocytes, accompanies decidualization of endometrial stroma even in the absence of pregnancy. In the pig, a nondecidualizing species, the predominant lymphocytes in the pregnant uterus are T and/or NK cells, but their distribution relative to embryonic attachment sites has not been reported. The objective of this study was to compare the abundance of leukocytes in porcine endometrium in contact with trophoblast with that between attachment sites during the early postattachment period. Uteri were recovered on Days 15-17 (n = 4), 18 and 19 (n = 4), 21 and 22 (n = 5), and 25-27 (n = 2) of gestation and from cycling pigs during the luteal phase (Day 15; n = 3). Leukocytes were identified in uterus obtained at versus between attachment sites using an antibody reactive with all leukocytes (CD44). In all pregnant animals, leukocytes were diffusely scattered throughout the endometrial stroma but were rare or absent in the luminal epithelium. Leukocyte density was approximately 3-fold greater in endometrium in contact with conceptuses than in endometrium between attachment sites throughout the early postattachment period. Leukocyte density during the luteal phase was similar to that between attachment sites, suggesting that leukocyte recruitment was a localized response to the embryo. The ability of an individual porcine conceptus to recruit maternal leukocytes to the adjacent stroma may be a vital step in early placental development and embryo survival.  相似文献   

Stereological techniques were used to quantify ultrastructural changes in the caruncular epithelium during the pre- (Day 13), peri- (Day 16) and post- (Days 19 and 22) attachment periods of placentation. Tissues from Day-13 non-pregnant ewes were used as controls. Uteri for stereological evaluation were perfused via the uterine artery with 3% glutaraldehyde and separated into proximal, middle and distal regions. Tissues from caruncular areas were processed for electron microscopy. Volume fractions (Vv) of nuclei, mitochondria, lipid and cytoplasmic granules were estimated by point-counting volumetry. Surface areas per unit tissue volume (Sv) of mitochondrial membranes and cristae, Golgi, plasmalemma, endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear membranes were estimated by line-intersection counting. The only significant difference between pregnant and non-pregnant uterine epithelium at Day 13, a time before attachment, was a lower Sv of smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) in tissue from pregnant ewes. This value returned to control (non-pregnant Day 13) levels at Day 16, and was again significantly reduced at Days 19 and 22. The Vv of lipid decreased significantly at Day 16 and remained at reduced levels thereafter. These changes may reflect the effects of conceptus products on lipid storage and mobilization. The Sv of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) significantly increased on Day 16 of gestation, and remained elevated on Day 19. These results may reflect increased synthesis of protein for export at these times. In general, several of the values measured which may be indicative of cellular metabolism were reduced at Day 22 of pregnancy, perhaps suggesting diminished metabolism by the uterine epithelium after attachment of the trophoblast.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have localized horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in the mouse uterus after intravenous administration on days 1 and 5 of pregnancy in an effort to understand how serum proteins reach the uterine lumen. Direct movement of HRP into uterine and glandular lumina was blocked by the epithelial tight junctions on both days. In luminal and glandular epithelial cells at both times, HRP was localized in endocytic vesicles along the basolateral membranes, multivesicular bodies (mvb), elongated dense bodies below the nucleus (bdb), and many small vesicles near the apical surface of the cells. The uptake of HRP was most extensive in the luminal epithelium on day 1: the number of tracer-containing apical vesicles and bdb was largest, and there were also clusters of vesicles containing the tracer above the nucleus. Acid phosphatase was localized on day 1 in mvb and bdb in both cell types, indicating that these structures are lysosomes. It appeared that HRP followed two pathways after basolateral endocytosis by the epithelial cells: it was transported to the apical region of the cells, where it was present in small vesicles that may release their contents into the uterine or glandular lumina, or it was transported to lysosomes. To investigate whether macromolecules may be transported from the uterine lumen to the stroma, we also studied endocytosis at the apical pole of luminal epithelial cells after intraluminal injection of HRP. There was no detectable uptake of HRP from the lumen on day 1, and no tracer was detected in the intercellular spaces or basement membrane region. On day 5, a large amount of HRP was taken up from the lumen into apical endocytic vesicles, mvb, and dense bodies, but tracer was not present in the Golgi apparatus, lateral intercellular spaces, or the basement membrane region at the times studied. These observations indicate that there was no transport of luminal macromolecules to the uterine stroma on day 1, while the possibility of transport on day 5 requires further study.  相似文献   

Evidence that prostaglandins are involved in intercellular communication during blastocyst implantation suggested that development and loss of uterine sensitivity to deciduogenic stimuli during early pregnancy might depend upon changes in uterine capacity to mobilize arachidonic acid from phospholipid. We measured levels of arachidonic acid in lipid fractions on Day 6 of pregnancy in uterine segments containing implantation sites, in uterine segments between implantation sites, and in luminal epithelial cells after a deciduogenic stimulus. Arachidonic acid in uterine phospholipid was depleted at implantation sites. With an intrauterine deciduogenic stimulus of hormonally primed ovariectomized rat uteri, the arachidonic acid content of the luminal epithelium decreased. When the fatty acid composition of the luminal epithelium was examined during pseudopregnancy and after progestin-estrogen treatment, however, no changes in arachidonic acid composition and content were observed. These data suggest that during blastocyst implantation, luminal epithelial cells at implantation sites mobilize arachidonic acid from phospholipid for prostaglandin synthesis, but that uterine sensitivity and the capacity to synthesize prostaglandins in response to the blastocyst does not depend upon changes in arachidonic acid levels in uterine phospholipid.  相似文献   

The effect of isoproterenol (ISO), norepinephrine (NE) and phenylephrine (PHE) on electrically-induced contractions of mice uterine horns was studied during pregnancy. At the different times of gestation adrenergic agonists always inhibited uterine contractions in the following rank order of potency: ISO greater than NE greater than PHE. Cumulative dose-response curves constructed for the effect of these amines during diestrous, and at days 3-7, 10-15, 17-21 of gestation, showed that EC50 values increased gradually as term approached, which could imply a lower capacity of the uterus to respond to adrenergic drugs. Some likely explanations for this phenomenon are proposed. It is suggested that this lower response to catecholamines at the end of pregnancy could be a cause for the reduced success of beta 2-adrenergic drugs to stop premature labor.  相似文献   

Activated natural killer (NK) cells proliferate in large numbers in murine mesometrial endometrium from Day 6 to Day 12 of gestation (term = 19 gestation days) to become the most abundant uterine lymphocytes. Early human decidua contains analogous CD56+/CD16- cells. Murine uterine (u)NK cells localize to decidua basalis and mesometrial lymphoid aggregate of pregnancy (MLAp). Decidua and MLAp are transient, pregnancy-associated tissues traversed by maternal arteries to the placentas. Uterine NK cells sensitize these arteries, facilitating their structural changes into high-volume conduits by Gestation Day 10 through release of interleukin (IL)-18, interferon (IFN)-gamma, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and other molecules. Little information exists concerning where, when, or how murine or human uNK cells become activated. In murine lymphoid tissue, three NK cell adaptor-mediated activation pathways are known: FcRgamma/CD3zeta, DNAX-activating protein (DAP) 10, and DAP12 (genes Fcgr3/Cd3z, Hcst, and Tyrobp, respectively). Expression of ligands for these receptors was demonstrated in implantation sites of normal C57BL/6J mice. Then, histological and morphometric analyses of implantation sites in mice with genetic inactivation of each pathway were undertaken. Implantation sites in DAP10-/- (Hcst deleted) mice appeared normal, spiral artery modification occurred, and concentrations of IFN-gamma in MLAp and decidua basalis were similar to those in time-matched C57BL/6J. Implantation sites of FcRgamma-/-/CD3zeta-/- (Fcgr3/Cd3z double knockout), DAP12 (Tyrobp)-loss-of-function-mutant, and FcRgamma-/-/DAP12-/- (Fcgr3/Tyrobp double knockout) mice differentiated abundant but functionally impaired uNK cells that could not modify spiral arteries. These data reveal key importance of FcRgamma-/-/CD3zeta-/- and thus maternal IgG during activation of mouse uNK cells and assign DAP12 but not DAP10 signaling contributions.  相似文献   

Transrectal color Doppler sonography was used for the noninvasive investigation of uterine blood flow in five mares. Both the left and right uterine arteries were scanned to obtain blood flow velocity waveforms during two consecutive estrous cycles and two early pregnancies in each mare. Blood flow was expressed as the time-averaged maximum velocity (TAMV) and the resistance index (RI). In all pregnancies the embryonic vesicle could be detected for the first time on Day 11 (day of ovulation: Day 0). No differences in mean TAMV and RI values of both uterine arteries were observed in comparison to the corresponding days of the estrous cycle until Day 11 of pregnancy (P>0.05). From Day 11 onwards, mean TAMV values were higher and mean RI values lower in pregnant mares than in cyclic mares (P<0.05). During the estrous cycle TAMV and RI values did not differ between the right and left uterine arteries (P>0.05). From Days 15 to 29 of pregnancy, TAMV values were consistently higher and RI values lower in the uterine artery ipsilateral to the conceptus and they had a more distinct rise and decline, respectively, compared to the contralateral uterine artery (P<0.05). The variance component estimates for the effect of mare on TAMV and RI values during pregnancy were 60 and 53%, respectively, and for the effect of day of pregnancy, they were 29 and 34%, respectively (P<0.0001). Within mares there were no significant differences between the two pregnancies with regard to blood flow (P>0.05). The results show that uterine blood supply increases in mares during the second week of pregnancy compared to cyclic mares. Furthermore there are individual variations in blood flow between mares.  相似文献   

Summary The number of intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) in the luminal and glandular epithelium of the uterus of virgin rats was analysed in diestrus, proestrus and estrus, and in nulliparous rats on days 5, 7 and 9 of pregnancy. IEL number was calculated either with respect to the number of epithelial cells or to the length of epithelium section. It was found that in diestrus, the number of IEL was, on average, 3.7 per 100 luminal epithelial cells or 6.7 per 1 mm of epithelium section, whereas in proestrus, it decreased to 0.9 and 1.2 IEL, respectively. On day 5 of pregnancy (before implantation) the number of IEL decreased further to 0.45 per 100 luminal epithelial cells or 0.9 per 1 mm of epithelium. On days 7 and 9 of pregnancy, IEL number further decreased in implantation sites, whereas in interimplantation sites it remained at the level calculated for day 5 of pregnancy. The population of uterine IEL consisted of small (82–99%) and large (1–18%) lymphocytes. In all stages of the estrous cycle, IEL occurred with a frequency of 68–87% in the basal region, 8–20% in the middle region and 4–12% in the apical region of the luminal epithelium width.  相似文献   

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