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Roots of Vicia faba were treated with solutions of colchicine or IAA or both. Mitotic indices and the frequencies of the different stages of mitosis were determined immediately after a three hour treatment or following a 24 hour period of recovery. Roots scored after treatment with colchicine for three hours showed several effects, none of which were reversed by simultaneous treatment with IAA. Treatment with IAA for three hours had little detectable effect on mitotic index (MI) on the frequencies of the various stages of mitosis. After a recovery period, following a three hour treatment, of 24 hours, colchicine treated roots showed a significant increase in their MI; this was due largely to an increase in the number of metaphases but it was also due in part to the presence of tetraploid cells in division. IAA treated roots revealed an inhibition of mitotic activity, which was most marked at 3.13–6.26×10–4 M IAA. The results from roots treated with mixtures of colchicine and IAA for three hours and fixed 24 hours later showed: 1) the increase in MI induced by colchicine is reversed by IAA, the intensity of the reversal increasing with increasing concentrations of IAA; 2) reductions in the total numbers of cells in prophase or in metaphase occur after treatment with different concentrations of IAA; 3) IAA leads to a reduction in the number of tetraploid cells seen in division.It appears that colchicine induces a change in the pattern of mitotic activity 24 hours after the end of treatment and its effects are reversed by IAA. At 4.2×10–4 M IAA a balance occurs between the opposing effects of colchicine and IAA and the MI is not significantly different from that of the controls. It is suggested that one result of a treatment with colchicine is a change in the level of growth factors in root meristems. This change, which appears to result in a temporary increase in MI is reversed by the addition of IAA. Thus one of the growth factors, the level of which has been affected, is replaceable by exogenous IAA.  相似文献   

R. D. MacLeod 《Planta》1966,71(3):257-267
Summary Roots of Vicia faba were treated with colchicine (0.025%), or IAA (4.7×10-6 M), or both, for 3 hours and fixed at various intervals over the following 11 days. The axis of spindle orientation and the distribution of mitotic figures, lateral root primordia and xylem vessel elements was examined in the apical 10 mm of median longitudinal sections of these roots.No effect of IAA was found on the orientation of the spindle. However, evidence was obtained indicating that the systems controlling the polarity of cell division and cell expansion differ in some way.The number of lateral root primordia formed was greater in roots treated with IAA or colchicine than in control roots. These primordia were always initiated adjacent to a xylem vessel. Thus, no primordium was closer to the apex than the most apical xylem vessel, suggesting that an endogenous factor involved in primordia initiation is transported in the xylem. The primordia which develop after colchicine treatment grow out as lateral roots; this is in contrast with those which form after IAA treatment and which do not undergo elongation. These results, which it must be emphasized apply only to the apical 1 cm of treated roots, indicate that lateral root primordia become sensitive to IAA at a certain stage in their development. Exogenous IAA acts as an inhibitor.The new meristem, which forms in the primary root apex after colchicine treatment, contains both diploid and polyploid cells, i.e. it was formed from cells that were unaffected and from cells that were affected by colchicine. Following colchicine treatment the size of the meristem shrinks and this can be prevented by treatment with IAA. This and other evidence presented here, suggests that IAA is a factor involved in the control of the size of the apical meristem in normal roots.  相似文献   

Summary The components of variation within each one of two sets of landraces and/or cultivars of Vicia faba, respectively constituted of primitive and advanced morphological types, were studied by means of two sets of 8 × 8 diallel crosses with two repetitions. The results show that primitive and modern forms differ from each other in both the intensity and the kind of selective pressures acting on them, mainly on those characters more modified through the domestication process: i.e., seed morphology and the number of flowers per node. Because of the paramount importance of the additive component in the primitive forms, it is suggested that the most important type of selection on them is the stabilizing one. On the contrary, in the most advanced forms the selection is directional and disruptive : directional towards greater yields, and disruptive separating two morphological types, major and equina. The plant response to these different selective pressures has been to modify the genetic control of different characters: thus the primitive forms generally show only additivity while the most advanced forms show additivity as well as directional and asymmetrical dominance.  相似文献   

Changes in cell and nuclear size were studied in roots of germinatingseeds of Vicia faba in order to answer the following questions:(1) When is growth of cells and nuclei initiated? (2) Is theratio, nucleus: cell size, constant over the first two to threecell cycles, i.e. are nuclear and cell growth closely coordinatedor can they vary independently of one another? Answers to thesequestions should contribute to our knowledge of the relationbetween cell and nuclear growth and the systems that regulategrowth of actively proliferating cells. The results show thatmean cell area increased very little during the first cell cycleand then decreased over the subsequent two to three cell cycles,i.e. until roots reached a steady state condition. Nuclei, onthe other hand, increased in size from 30 to 50 h after seedswere sown, i.e. when most nuclei were in S or G2 The mean andthe range in nuclear volumes reached in the first two mitoticcycles during germination are maintained when root meristemsachieve a steady state condition. Thus nuclei maintain a constantmean size over the first few cycles, while cells decrease insize. As a, result of this difference, the ratio, nucleus: cellarea, increases over the few first cell cycles from 0·157to 0·222. The ratio increases in both interphase andprophase cells. Increases in size of cells and nuclei are notabsolutely coordinated; this suggests that nuclear and cellgrowth are, to some extent, regulated independently of eachother. Vicia faba L, broad bean, nuclear volume, cell area, root meristem, germination, water level  相似文献   

Transport of IAA applied to the intact root of Vicia seedlingswas investigated in relation to root growth. The root was treatedat 3–4, 4–5 or 7–8 mm from the tip with anarrow ring of lanolin paste containing IAA or IAA-2-14C ingrowth or transport experiments, respectively. The growth processalong the root axis was examined in every 1-mm part from thetip at 30 min, 1 or 4 hr intervals. The elongation zone of thecontrol root was 1–9 mm from the tip. IAA treatment broughtabout no significant change in the growth of the region apicalto the treated site, whereas distinct inhibition of growth occurredin the region basal to the treated site within 1 hr. The transportof radioactivity was observed in both acropetal and basipetaldirections within 1 hr, but the latter predominated for 8 hror more; the nearer to the tip the treatment site, the longerthe predominance lasted. The velocities of acropetal and basipetaltransport were estimated at about 4 and 8 mm/hr, respectively.Autoradiographs of transverse section of roots showed that basipetaltransport occurred mainly through the outer part of the root,whereas acropetal transport occurred mainly through the innerpart, the central cylinder. It may be concluded that the basipetallytransported IAA which passed through the outer part of the rootinhibited the elongation of the intact root. (Received November 25, 1975; )  相似文献   

Activities of nitrate reduction enzymes, nitrate reductase activity (NRA) and nitrite reductase activity (NiRA) from roots and nodules of 5 mutant genotypes and one commercial cultivar (Alameda) of faba bean ( Vicia faba L. var. minor) grown in the presence of N2 alone or with additional NO3 in the medium have been studied. A naturally occurring mutant (VFM109) with impaired ability to reduce nitrate in its nodules is described. All the other cultivars of V. faba showed nodule NRA, although the range was very wide, from almost negligible (VFM72) up to 2 μmol h−1 (g FW)−1. This activity was entirely of plant origin. Root NRA also ranged widely accross cultivars. However, the level of activity expressed as well as the response of NRA to nitrate followed a pattern opposite to that observed in nodules. Roots and nodules of all cultivars showed very high rates of NiRA, respectively 50 and 150-fold higher than NRA, thus precluding accumulation of nitrite in these tissues. Root enzymes were significantly stimulated by nitrate while negative (NRA) or little effect (NiRA) was found for nodules. Nitrate and nitrite reduction are carried out by inducible enzymes in roots of V. faba and by constitutive enzymes in nodules, indicating that there may be different forms of these enzymes in each tissue. Differences in the plant genotype were a major cause of the variability in nitrate and nitrite reduction by nodulated root systems of V. faba .  相似文献   

The Response of Primordial Cells of Vicia faba to Colchicine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DAVIDSON  D. 《Annals of botany》1969,33(2):245-251
Whole root systems of Vicia faba were treated with 0.025 percent colchicine for 3 h. Meristems of roots and developing primordiawere examined immediately after treatment and 24 and 48 h later.Large primordia, i.e. those primordia that would emerge as lateralroots within approximately 24 h, are induced to form tetraploidcells. However, unlike lateral roots, they do not form a typicalc-tumour, their longitudinal growth is not inhibited, and theirmitotic index does not fall. Furthermore, the tetraploid cellsinduced in large primordia are not maintained when the primordiaemerge as lateral roots. Since the response of the very largestprimordia to a 3-h treatment with 0.025 per cent colchicineis similar in every way to that of lateral roots, it appearsthat the cells of primordia acquire the characteristics of lateralroot meristematic cells before the primordia emerge. From theevidence that induced tetraploid cells fail to survive as aprimordium grows out to form a lateral, it also seems that astructural reorganization accompanies the physiological reorganizationthat occurs as a primordium emerges.  相似文献   

Growth of nuclei of a marked population of cells was determined from G1 to prophase in roots of Vicia faba. The cells were marked by inducing them to become tetraploid by treatment with 0.002% colchicine for 1 hr. Variation in nuclear volume is large; it is established in early G1 and maintained through interphase and into prophase. One consequence of this variation is that there is considerable overlap between volumes of nuclei of different ages in the cell cycle; nuclear volume, we suggest, cannot be used as an accurate indicator of the age of the cell in its growth cycle. Nuclei exhibit considerable variation in their growth rate through the cell cycle. Of the marked population of cells, about 65% had completed a cell cycle 14--15 hr after they were formed. These tetraploid nuclei have a cell cycle duration similar to that of fast cycling diploid cells of the same roots. Since they do complete a cell cycle, at least 65% of the nuclei studied must come from rapidly proliferating cells, showing that variability in nuclear volumes must be present in growing cells and cannot be attributed solely to the presence, in our samples, of non-cycling cells.  相似文献   

洗涤剂对蚕豆根和叶片的作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
毛学文  王弋博  陈荃 《广西植物》2003,23(2):185-187,192
研究了家用洗衣粉对蚕豆根生长、细胞分裂和叶片叶绿素含量的影响。结果表明:不同浓度的洗衣粉均能抑制蚕豆根的生长,降低根尖细胞有丝分裂指数,诱发细胞产生高频率的微核且是明显的时间与剂量效应关系和叶绿素含量明显下降。  相似文献   

Vicia faba L. seeds were grown in a pot experiment on soil, mine tailings, and a mixture of both to mimic field situations in cultivated contaminated areas near mining sites. Metals in the substrates and their translocation in root, stem and leaf tissues were investigated, including morphological responses of plants growing on mine tailings. Metal concentration – and generally bioaccumulation – was in the order: roots > leaves > stems, except Pb and Cd. Translocation was most significant for Zn and Cd, but limited for Pb. Metal concentration in root and leaf was not proportional to that in the substrates, unexpectedly the minimum being observed in the mixed substrate whilst plant growth was retarded by 20% (38% on tailings). Calcium, pH, organic matter and phosphorus were the main influencing factors for metal translocation. The ultrastructure of V. faba L. cells changed a lot in the mine tailings group: root cell walls were thickened with electron dense Pb, Zn and C particles; in chloroplasts, the number of plastoglobuli increased, whereas the thylakoids were swollen and their number decreased in grana. Finally, needle-shaped crystalline concretions made of Ca and P, with Zn content, were formed in the apoplast of the plants. The stratagems of V. faba L. undergoing high concentrations of toxic metals in carbonate substrate, suggest root cell wall thickening to decrease uptake of toxic metals, a possible control of metal transport from roots to leaves by synthesizing phytochelators–toxic metal complexes, and finally a control of exceeded Ca and metal concentration in leaves by crystal P formation as ultimate response to stress defense. The geochemical factors influencing metal availability, guaranty a reduction of metal content in plant growing on mixed tailing/soil substrate as far as carbonate are not completely dissolved.  相似文献   

Summary Lateral roots of Vicia faba have been examined cytochemically to determine the distribution of naphthol AS esterases, bromo-indoxyl esterases, acid -glycerophosphatases and acid naphthol AS phosphatases in the various tissues during differentiation. Attempts have been made to correlate the observed differences in the distribution of the hydrolases with respect to physiological and to structural differentiation processes in cells and tissues.  相似文献   

A Differential Response to Colchicine of Meristems of Roots of Vicia faba   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DAVIDSON  D. 《Annals of botany》1965,29(2):253-264
In whole root systems of Vicia faba, including primaries andlaterals, the meristems do not respond in a uniform manner totreatment with colchicine. The meristems of the primary andfully emerged lateral roots become mixoploid and these rootsshow a temporary inhibition of growth. Lateral roots that emergewithin 48 hours of treatment show no effects of colchicine;their growth is not inhibited and they contain few or no polyploidcells. The cells of the primordia that produce these lateralsappear to be insensitive to colchicine: at the insensitive stagethese primordia contain at least 1, 000 cells. Primordia withless than 800 cells are very sensitive to colchicine. They donot recover from treatment and appear to be completely inhibited.The stages of extreme sensitivity and resistance are transientphases in the morphogenesis of a lateral root. The change insensitivity to colchicine is accompanied by a fall in the mitoticindex; this is highest in young primordia, where it is abouttwice the value found in growing laterals.  相似文献   

The radiosensitization of 5 mM misonidazole (Miso) was measured in Vicia faba bean roots with regimens of single, three, six and twelve fractions of 250 kVp X-rays. To inhibit cell division, the beans were kept at a constant temperature of 3.5 degrees C during irradiation and between fractions that were spaced 24 hours apart. The doses in various regimens were graded such that they ranged between 27 and 350, and 42 and 513 cGy per fraction in Miso-treated and non-treated regimens, respectively, under hypoxia. The sensitivity enhancement ratio (s.e.r.) was constant throughout the dose range employed with an average value of 1.62. The s.e.r. increased to 2.3 when measured with single doses at 19 degrees C. It is concluded that the s.e.r. is dose-independent and that temperature enhances the effectiveness of the drug.  相似文献   

This study investigates different effects in roots of Vicia faba (broad bean) after exposure to cadmium. Genotoxic effects were assessed by use of the well-known Vicia root tip micronucleus assay. Cytotoxic effects were evaluated by determining the mitotic index in root tip cells. Finally, molecular induction mechanisms were evaluated by measuring phytochelatins with HPLC. After hydroponical exposure of V. faba roots to a range of cadmium concentrations and during different exposure times, the results of this approach showed large variations, according to the endpoint measured: after 48 h of exposure, genotoxic effects were found between 7.5 x 10(-8) and 5 x 10(-7)M CdCl(2), and cytotoxic effects were observed between 2.5 x 10(-7) and 5 x 10(-7)M CdCl(2). Statistically significant phytochelatin (PC) concentrations were measured at >or=10(-6)M CdCl(2) for PC(2), and at >or=10(-5)M CdCl(2) for PC3 and PC4.  相似文献   

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