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Precopulatory choice for cues of material benefits in tree crickets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relative importance of direct and indirect benefits modelsof mate choice is a central question in sexual selection, butseparating the two models is very difficult because high qualitymales often provide both better direct benefits and better genes.In tree crickets, Oecanthus nigricornis, females have the opportunityto gain both directly and indirectly from mate choice. Femaletree crickets exercise premating choice for large males, butthe model underlying this choice is unknown. In this study weexamine the proximate cues used by female tree crickets to rejectmales, and show that the ability of males to provide food isa central cue. In contrast, we find no evidence that the relativesize of mates is important in mate rejection. The fact thatthe major phenotypic cues of male quality are related to foodprovisioning suggests that the role of genetic benefits in shapingfemale preferences is limited by the extent to which food provisioningsignals genetic quality.  相似文献   

To develop a successful integrated pest management program for pest mole crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae: Scapteriscus spp.), it is important to ascertain the compatibility of infective juveniles of insect parasitic nematodes and chemical insecticides. Aqueous solutions of five pesticides (acephate, bifenthrin, deltamethrin, fipronil, and imidacloprid) used in turfgrass to control mole crickets were tested for compatibility with Steinernema scapterisci Nguyen & Smart (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) in the laboratory. Survival of S. scapterisci was >95% in solutions of acephate, bifenthrin, and imidacloprid. Infectivity of S. scapterisci in adult Scapteriscus vicinus Scudder was >60% in acephate and bifenthrin; however, infectivity was <40% in imidacloprid. The entomopathogenic nematode was compatible with most insecticides tested without significantly reduced survival or infectivity.  相似文献   

Traits that increase the attractiveness of males to femalesoften make them more conspicuous to predators. In the fieldcricket (Gryllus lineaticeps), males are attacked by parasitoidtachinid flies (Ormia ochracea) that locate males through theircalls. Female flies larviposit on crickets and the larvae burrowinto and feed on the cricket, killing the cricket upon emergence.To determine whether traits preferred by females increase amale's risk of attracting a predator, I examined the effectof variation in male singing behavior on mate and predator attraction.Both female crickets and female flies preferred male callingsongs with higher chirp rates, longer chirp durations, and higherchirp amplitudes. In addition, both female crickets and femaleflies preferred male calling songs with higher chirp rates andlonger chirp durations, even when these songs were of loweramplitude. These results suggest that sexual selection by femalechoice will favor the evolution of higher chirp rates and longerchirp durations. However, call types that increase a male'sattractiveness to females also appear to increase a male's riskof attracting parasitoids. Sexual and natural selection appearto have opposing effects on the evolution of male singing behaviorin this species.[Behav Ecol 7: 279-285 (1996)]  相似文献   

Sexual competition in sagebrush crickets: must males hear calling rivals?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The acoustic signals produced by male crickets and katydidsfunction in part for the maintenance of territories, broadcastareas within which males have exclusive access to sexually receptivefemales. Although it is widely assumed that a male's abilityto hear and respond appropriately to calling neighbors is vitalto his mating success, this hypothesis has never been experimentallychallenged. We tested this hypothesis by experimentally deafeningmale sagebrush crickets (Cyphoderris strepitans) and comparingtheir mating success with that of untreated and sham-treatedcontrol males. Despite the fact that deafened males had a reducedability to detect nearby rivals, we found no difference in themating success of deafened and control males in experimentsconducted over two years (1991 and 1993). We further examinedthe importance of signal detection to male spacing by establishingexperimental populations consisting exclusively of either deafenedmales or hearing controls, whose nearest-neighbor distanceshad been experimentally compressed. Assuming that calling functionsin part to repel rivals, we predicted that hearing males wouldspace themselves out more rapidly in the nights following theirrelease. However, in only two of four replicates were nearest-neighbordistances significantly different across treatments. We concludethat, in contrast to the mating systems of other acoustic Orthoptera:(1) male mating success is not contingent on auditory inputfrom calling rivals, (2) signaling in sagebrush crickets mayfunction only sporadically in territorial maintenance, and (3)calling occasionally mediates spacing of males in natural populations,but this effect may vary either over the course of the breedingseason or between populations. We attribute these results tothe unique mating system of C. strepitans. a short, highly synchronizedbreeding season coupled with a high male mating investment anda super-abundance of calling sites conspire against investmentin territorial maintenance, but instead favor a form of acousticallymediated scramble competition.  相似文献   

Female tree crickets (Oecanthus nigricornis) prefer large malesbut do not receive larger glandular courtship gifts from thesemales. This finding is puzzling from both the male and femaleperspectives, because females should prefer males providingmore direct benefits, and because males who provide larger giftsachieve higher insemination success. We tested for differencesin the quality of male secretions and found that larger malesprovided more proteinaceous food gifts than did rivals, whichcould explain why they are preferred by females. The preferencein turn could cause depletion of food gift reserves in favoredmales, because natural remating rates are high and because evena single feeding bout negatively affects glandular stores. Mostintriguingly, we showed that preferred males can adaptivelydecrease the size of courtship food-gifts provided (in orderto conserve gifts for future mating events) when they perceivethat the probability of multiple future mating opportunitiesis high. Thus, the elevated mating rates of preferred males(both before and after a focal mating event) could account forthe small size of their courtship food-gifts.  相似文献   

The calling song of male crickets, including Oecanthus nigricornis (Walker), attracts females for mating and provides a model system of sexual communication. We give the first conclusive identification of a feature of cricket song that is both attractive to females and indicates a phenotypic feature (body size) that determines male mating success and female reproductive benefits. We do this by first testing for correlations between song characteristics and aspects of male phenotype that are hypothesized to indicate male quality. We show that song is a reliable indicator of male size and male age, and that large male size is associated with increased female fecundity. We then use playbacks of synthetic songs that mimic natural variation in song parameters to study song preferences and we compare preferences under different presentation regimes to determine whether choices are based on relative song quality or some fixed criterion. Females show a preference for the lower frequency songs produced by large males, but only during simultaneous playbacks. Thus female choice is based on the relative quality of calls that can be sampled simultaneously. These results provide strong support for the hypothesis that females use variation in calling song to assess male mate quality.  相似文献   

Simmons  L. W. 《Behavioral ecology》1995,6(4):376-381
Sexual selection in field crickets (Gryllidae) is well documented.Several studies have identified male traits, such as age andbody size, that influence pairing success in the field. HereI show how these traits covary with male quality by examiningthe degree of fluctuating asymmetry in male Gryllus campestris.Older males were both larger and more symmetrical. Principalcomponents analysis suggests that these three variables wereessentially measures of the same trait, male quality. A comparisonof paired and calling males showed that males of high qualitywere more successful in obtaining mates; paired males were older,larger, and more symmetrical. The area of the harp covariedwith morphological traits and determined the carrier frequencyof the male's call. Information related to male quality wastherefore available for female discrimination.  相似文献   

Some populations of the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicusare parasitized by the phonotactic fly Ormia ochracea. Flieslocate crickets by their song and deposit larvae onto them.The larvae develop inside the cricket for 1 week before killingthe host upon emergence. The reproductive compensation hypothesispredicts that parasitized crickets should increase their reproductiveeffort during the initial stages of infestation to offset theloss of fitness resulting from their shortened life span. An alternative hypothesis predicts that parasitized crickets willdecrease reproduction, either because they are unable to reproduceor because selection acting on the parasitoid favors decreasedhost reproduction. In laboratory experiments, parasitized malecrickets had reduced reproductive effort (spermatophore production,calling, mating activity, and mass allocated to reproductivetissue) compared to unparasitized males. Parasitized males fedad libitum showed no evidence of allocating a greater proportionof their resources to reproduction. Parasitized and healthymales did not differ significantly in resting or maximal metabolicrates, although this may have been due to the substantial contributionof larval respiration to the metabolic rate of the host—parasitoidcomplex. These results are consistent with previous studiesand suggest that T. oceanicus males parasitized by O. ochraceado not increase their reproductive effort. We discuss potentialreasons that crickets do not increase reproductive effort inresponse to fly larvae and address difficulties in demonstratingaltered life-history patterns in response to parasitism.  相似文献   

Data are presented about the development of reproductive and defense behavior of noncopulated female crickets Gryllus argentinus Sauss. in the beginning of the imaginal ontogeny. The character of interaction of females with “virtual” males (the “supporting ball” method-“trackball”) was studied. The forms of female motor reactions to models of intraspecies male sound signals-the calling and aggressive songs-are described and analyzed. The character of the development of female acoustic behavior is described as judged by change in the forms of motor reactions in the course of the imaginal ontogeny. It is shown that immediately after the imaginal molt the reproductive behavior is not formed yet but it matures gradually within a few days. At the early stages of the imaginal ontogeny passive defense behavior is found to be most clearly expressed.  相似文献   

Steinernema scapterisci Nguyen & Smart (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) was established in Florida in 1985 for the control of mole crickets, Scapteriscus spp. Infected hosts were collected in sound traps 23 km from the nearest release, indicating long-distance dispersal and area-wide establishment. In a subsequent pasture study, the nematode dispersed, on average, 60 m in 20 months; dispersal in some pastures was 150 m in 1 year. Establishment was not as successful on golf-courses; however, pest populations were reduced 27% in areas where the nematode persisted. Inoculative applications were successful at 10 of 29 sites in Florida, where sound traps attracted flying Scapteriscus to relatively small numbers of S. scapterisci infective juveniles. The differences in the susceptibility to the nematode for mole cricket life stages and species were determined in laboratory and field trials. The nematode became commercially available in 1993; commercial applications facilitate the establishment of S. scapterisci in many areas of the state.  相似文献   

Canid social groups are typically thought to consist of extendedfamilies, that is, a dominant breeding pair and related nonbreedingsubordinates, that principally obtain indirect fitness benefitsfrom helping to raise the offspring of the dominant pair. Consequently,the monogamous pair has been viewed as the basic fundamentalunit of canid social organization. However, there have beenfew genetic studies that have tested this assumption. We analyzedthe parentage of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in a high-density(19.6–27.7 adult foxes/km2) population in Bristol, UK,to determine (1) whether groups typically produced a singlelitter of cubs annually and (2) whether male and female foxesexhibited monogamous mating strategies. Social monogamy (theproduction of one litter in a social group) was observed orassumed in 54% of breeding attempts (N = 13 group-years). However,polyandrous and polygynous patterns of mating were common. Multiplepaternity was confirmed in 38% of litters (N = 16) containingoffspring with resolved maternity and paternity (N = 30 cubs);when including cubs with unresolved paternity (N = 20), multiple-paternitymay have occurred in 69% of litters. Litters were sired by anaverage of 1.6 identified males (range = 1–4); when includingcubs with unresolved paternity, litters may have been siredby up to seven males. Only 20% (6/30) of cubs with resolvedmaternity and paternity were sired by males within the socialgroup. Within groups, dominant females did not breed with subordinatemales; dominant males did breed with subordinate females. Dominantand subordinate females both produced cubs with dominant andsubordinate males from other social groups. Mean adult relatednessin groups typically ranged from 0.15–0.35, indicativeof second-order rather than first-order relatives.  相似文献   

The abundance and biomass of the large heterotrophic dinoflagellateNoctiluca scintillans, together with the changes in its potentialprey items, were monitored in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, duringsummer 1997 (17 July-11 August). Growth and grazing rates ofNscintillans fed natural plankton populations were also measuredeight and seven times, respectively, during the survey period.The abundance and biomass of N scintillans averaged over thewater column (19 m) were in the range 1–345 cells 1–1(temporalaverage = 93 cell1–1) and 0.1–49.6 µg C l–1(temporalaverage = 13.8 µg C l–1; three times higher thanthat of calanoid copepods during the same period). Noctilucascintillans populations followed the changes in phytoplankton:N.scintillans biomass was increasing during the period of diatomblooms and was at a plateau or decreasing during periods oflow chlorophyll a. The growth rates of N.scintillans (µ)were also consistent with the wax and wane of the N.scintillanspopulation: N.scintillans showed highest growth rates duringdiatom blooms. A simple relationship between µ and chlorophylla concentration was established, and the production of N.scintillanswas estimated using this relationship and the measured biomass.The estimated production averaged over the water column wasin the range >0.1–5.2 µg C l–1 day–1(temporalaverage = 1.4 µg C l–1 day–1; 64% of the productionof calanoid copepods during the same period). Diatom clearancerates by N.scintillans were in the range 0.10–0.35 mlcell–1 day–1, and the phytoplankton population clearanceby N.scintillans was >12% day–1. Thus, although thefeeding pressure of N.scintillans on phytoplankton standingstock was low, N.scintillans was an important member of themesozooplank-ton in terms of biomass and production in the SetoInland Sea during summer.  相似文献   

The carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) contents (%of dry weight) of some crustacean zooplankton were studied inthe Baltic Sea. The copepod Acartia sp. had a stable C and Ncontent (48.3 ± 0.8% C, 12.4 ± 0.2% N, C:N ratio4.5 ± 0.1). The P content was variable (1–2%),probably depending on developmental stage and season. Copepodsaccumulating fat, like Pseudocalanus minutus elongatus, hadhigher and more variable C content (50–60%), and lowerN and P content (7–12% N, 0.6–1.5% P). The highestC and lowest N and P contents were found in adult Limnocalanusmacrurus. However, the N:P ratio was apparently independentof fat content and between 14 and 27 for all copepods. The cladoceransBosmina longispina maritima and Evadne nordmanni had lower Ncontent (9.3–10.8%) and higher C:N ratio (5.1–5.7)than Acartia sp. The P content (1.2–1.4%) was similarto Acartia sp. and the N:P ratios (16–19) were in thelower range of that found for the copepods. The N:P ratio wasgenerally somewhat higher in the copepods than in seston, whichmost of the year had nearly Redfield C:N:P ratios. Potentially,nutrient recycling from crustacean zooplankton could enhanceN limitation of phytoplankton, but small stoichiometric differencessuggest that this effect is probably weak. The extent is dependenton the structure of the zooplankton community and the grossgrowth efficiencies. Acartia copepodites, which had nearly RedfieldN:P ratios, would have the opposite effect and enhance P limitationin late summer when seston N:P ratios increased.  相似文献   

A chamber to monitor mole cricket behavior was designed using two different soil-filled containers and photosensors constructed from infrared emitters and detectors. Mole crickets (Scapteriscus spp.) were introduced into a center tube that allowed them to choose whether to enter and tunnel in untreated soil or soil treated with Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin. Each time the cricket passed through the photosensor located near the entrance of soil-filled containers, the infrared light was blocked and the exact moment that this occurred was logged onto a computer using custom-written software. Data examined included the first photosensor trigger, total number of sensor triggers, presence of tunneling, and final location of the cricket after 18 h. These behaviors were analyzed to discern differences in mole cricket behavior in the presence of different treatments and to elucidate the mechanism that mole crickets use to detect fungal pathogens. The first study examined substrate selection and tunneling behavior of the southern mole cricket, Scapteriscus borellii Giglio-Tos, to the presence of five strains of B. bassiana relative to a control. There were no differences between the first sensor trigger and total number of triggers, indicating the mole crickets are not capable of detecting B. bassiana at a distance of 8 cm. Changes in mole cricket tunneling and residence time in treated soil occurred for some strains of B. bassiana but not others. One of the strains associated with behavioral changes in the southern mole cricket was used in a second experiment testing behavioral responses of the tawny mole cricket, S. vicinus Scudder. In addition to the formulated product of this strain, the two separate components of that product (conidia and carrier) and bifenthrin, an insecticide commonly used to control mole crickets, were tested. There were no differences in mole cricket behavior between treatments in this study. The differences in behavioral responses between the two species could suggest a more sensitive chemosensory recognition system for southern mole crickets.  相似文献   


A new sound trap for capturing male and female crickets attracted to the calling song of the male is described. Major advantages of the trap are its portability and effectiveness. It was designed to operate in conjunction with a previously described cricket-song generator. The trap is compared with other designs and the acoustic and migratory behaviour of crickets revealed by sound trapping are discussed.  相似文献   

Sexually transmitted diseases play a potentially important rolein the ecology and evolution of host mating behavior. Here,we use a sexually transmitted nematode-cricket (Mehdinema alii–Gryllodessigillatus) system to examine the effects of parasitism on hostmating activity and female choice. Previous work has shown thatinfected male crickets produce a significantly smaller nuptialgift (spermatophylax) than uninfected males. This is expectedto result in reduced spermatophylax feeding duration and earlyampulla removal. Here, we hypothesize that the parasite-mediatedreduction in spermatophylax size will consequently shorten femaleintercopulatory interval. We predict that females mated to infectedmales will exhibit a shorter intercopulatory interval than femalesmated to uninfected males. To test this hypothesis, we experimentallymeasured the behavioral responses of females mated to uninfectedand infected males. We found no significant difference betweenfemale handling of the spermatophylax and ampulla from infectedversus uninfected males. Although the duration of spermatophylaxconsumption is positively correlated with the duration of ampullaattachment, neither of these variables is correlated with femaleintercopulatory interval. Intercopulatory intervals for femalespreviously mated with uninfected versus infected males are notstatistically different. We conclude that parasitism in maleG. sigillatus does not influence female intercopulatory intervalor male mating success. We found no evidence for female matechoice based on male infection status. The lack of female choiceis consistent with theoretical predictions involving parasitesthat are sexually transmitted.  相似文献   

Conspicuous traits that make males attractive to females may make them vulnerable to predators. Females that approach conspicuous males may increase their risk of predation. This means that selection for reduced male conspicuousness in the presence of predators may be due to sexual selection resulting from altered female behavior in the face of increased predator risk. We examine this hypothesis in the field cricket, Gryllus rubens, in which male calling song attracts both conspecific females for mating and parasitoid flies (Ormia ochracea) which kill their hosts within a week. Female crickets are also parasitized by these flies as a result of associating with calling males. In northern Florida crickets that emerge in the spring are not subject to fly parasitism whereas autumn crickets encounter large numbers of flies. We predicted that autumn females should be less attracted to male song than spring females. We tested female response to male calls in a rectangular arena in which male calling song was broadcast from a speaker. Spring females readily approached the speaker but autumn females were less likely to approach and remain in the vicinity of the speaker. These results emphasize the importance of considering how risk affects the evolution of conspicuous male behavior both directly through its effect on the male and indirectly through its effect on female responses to males.  相似文献   

The effect of ultrasound on the attractiveness of acoustic mating signals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Previous laboratory studies ( Nolen & Hoy 1986b ) have shown that the phonotactic responses of flying crickets are influenced by the relative intensities of attractive (mating signal) and repulsive (predator) stimuli. At the functional level, these results suggest that predator cues (ultrasound) can change the attractiveness of a calling song. Using extracellular recordings from cervical connectives it was shown that, like other field crickets, Gryllus rubens (south-eastern field cricket) is sensitive to ultrasound. This ultrasonic sensitivity has probably evolved in response to predation pressure from echolocating bats. Using acoustic playback under field conditions, it was tested whether the relative attractiveness of two male calling songs was influenced by the simultaneous broadcast of ultrasound. A simulated male calling song of G. rubens was broadcast at two different intensities (109 and 103 dB) from two sound traps that caught flying crickets attracted to the songs. Simulated bat ultrasound was broadcast simultaneously with the high-intensity calling song (109 dB) and the relative catch in each of the two traps was measured. The intensity of the ultrasound was varied on different nights. The relative attractiveness of the high-intensity sound trap decreased significantly as the intensity of the ultrasound broadcast with it was increased. For the lowest of the ultrasound broadcast levels, the relative attractiveness did not differ from that expected for two calling songs broadcast without ultrasound. Thus, increased levels of simulated predation risk decreased the attractiveness of the calling song associated with it. These are the first field experiments to show that predation risk in the form of simulated bat ultrasound influences the phonotactic behaviour of flying crickets.  相似文献   

We carried out DNA fingerprinting on 553 young (130 broods)great reed warblers (Acrocephalus arundnaceus) in 1987–1991.In the study population, where 40% of the males become polygynous,there was a low frequency of extrapair fertilizations (EPF).When data from all five years were pooled, 3.1% of the youngwere sired by extrapair males (EPF-males) and 5.4% of the broodscontained extrapair young. We found no cases of extrapair maternity;young with 6–17 mismatched DNA bands (n= 17) had highband sharing with their putative mothers (range = 0.52–0.72)but low band sharing with their putative fathers (range = 0.24–0.40).In broods exposed to EPF, on average 53% of the young were siredby EPF-males. We found the genetic father to each of the illegitimateyoung. In all cases the same EPF-male sired all extrapair youngin a brood. Broods containing EPF-young tended to be initiatedlate during the breeding season. Breeding attempts were ratherevenly distributed over two months, thus this breeding asynchronywould have facilitated EPFs. There was no difference in EPFfrequency between broods where the pair males had left theirfemales unguarded during parts of their fertile periods andbroods where males guarded throughout the fertile periods. Nestswith extrapair young had significantly shorter mean distanceto the closest male neighbor and more male neighbors within100 m than nests without extrapair young. We found no indicationthat females engaged in EPF to get parental care from the EPF-males,or because they were forced to copulate with extrapair males.The low frequency of EPF suggested that females did not seekgenetic diversity to their brood. We cannot rule out the possibilitythat females engaged in EPF to insure fertility. However, datasupporting this hypothesis were weak. Instead, our data supportthe conclusion that females engaged in EPF to increase the geneticquality of their offspring, and that females may have used malesong repertoire size as a cue when choosing EPF partners.  相似文献   

The calanoid copepod, Eudiaplomus graciloides, was reared fromegg to adult on uni-algal diets (0.1. 0.5 and 2.5 mg dry wt1–1) using the green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii,as food, or on a mixed diet consisting of Lake Esrom water filteredthrough a plankton net with pore size 45 µm and supplementedwith C. reinhardtii (2.5 mg dry wt 1–1). On the mixeddiet at 21.0°C growth in body dry wt (W, µg dry wt)was exponential, and the growth constants were 0.21 day–1in the early to mid juvenile stage (N1 - C4) and 0.11 day–1in the late juvenile to early adult stage (C4-A). At 14.5°Cthe corresponding growth rate constants were 0.10 and 0.08 day–1.Similar growth rates were found at uni-algal concentrationsof 0.5 and 2.5 mg dry wt I–1, and it was argued that thethreshold concentration for growth in Eudiaptomus was closeto 0.1 mg dry wt I–1. The clearance (C, ml h–1)of copepodites was measured on the uni-algal diets. The constantsof the regression (C = aWb) were: a = 0.125, b = 0.858 (2000C. reinhardtii ml–1), a = 0.068, b = 0.849 (10 000), a= 0.028, b = 0.875 (50 000). Ingestion rates were calculatedfrom the clearances and the average algal concentrations. Atthe three food levels the average daily rations were 30, 67and 125% of body dry wt. The respiration rate (R, nl O2 h–1)was measured in individuals reared on the mixed diet. The constantsof the regression (R = aWb) were: a = 4.82, b = 1.07 (nauplii,14.5°C), a = 4.17, b = 0.904 (copepodites and adults, 14.5°C),a = 6.87, b = 0.757 (copepodites and adults, 21.0°C). Nosignificant difference in the respiration rate of copepoditesreared on uni-algal diets and the mixed diet could be demonstrated.Energy budgets were calculated. The assimilation efficiencyand the gross growth efficiency of copepodites decreased markedlywith increasing food concentration, the net growth efficiencyvaried from an average of 0.44 at the lowest algal concentrationto 0.60 on the mixed diet. The results are discussed in relationto previous findings with both freshwater and marine copepods.  相似文献   

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