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Rat peritoneal macrophages release lysosome granule-associated β-glucuronidase, but not cytoplasmic leucine aminopeptidase, after successive incubation with purified IgE protein and ?-specific anti-IgE antibody or anti-IgE F(ab′)2 fragments. The selective release of β-glucuronidase was shown to proceed by a first step of binding of the purified IgE to the cell surface, followed by IgE-anti-IgE reaction on the macrophage, whereas the possibility of cell activation by IgE-anti-IgE complexes in the bulk phase was ruled out. Heating rat IgE destroyed its ability to mediate lysosomal enzyme release. The characteristics of macrophage activation, insofar as the binding of IgE is concerned, were in agreement with those reported for the fixation of IgE to the mononuclear phagocyte, optimal binding of IgE being achieved with 20 min incubation. Preincubation of rat macrophages with rat IgG, either aggregated or not aggregated, did not inhibit the selective release of β-glucuronidase by the successive addition of IgE and anti-IgE antibody. Simultaneous incubation of macrophage monolayers with rat IgE and aggregated rat IgG did not reduce the subsequent activation by addition of anti-IgE. These studies indicated that rat macrophages can bind rat IgE through a specific receptor, with no interference of the classical Fc (γ) receptor, and are triggered to release lysosomal enzymes upon conformational changes of the IgE molecule by anti-IgE antibody. Antibody-dependent macrophage cytotoxicity in rat schistosomiasis is mediated by IgE antibody to the parasite, which may therefore function by activating the macrophage to an efficient effector cell.  相似文献   

Discharge of lysosomal enzymes, measured by release of β-glucuronidase, was studied in uninduced rat macrophages stimulated in vitro with rat monoclonal IgE (IR 162) in different states of aggregation. Monomeric IgE showed negligible activity, while dimeric and aggregated IgE were shown to induce a rapid and selective release of β-glucuronidase as well as new synthesis of the enzyme, without change in the cytoplasmic marker, leucine aminopeptidase. Lysosomal enzyme release is related to the dose of dimeric IgE, becoming maximal above 2.5 μg/ml. β-Glucuronidase release from macrophages by dimers is competitively inhibited by monomeric IgE but only at high ratios, approximately 100-fold greater than those needed to block mast cell release of the same enzyme. The difference in inhibitability is consistent with the difference in binding affinity of macrophages and mast cells for monomeric IgE. This observation rules out the participation of the few remaining mast cells contained in the macrophage monolayer in β-glucuronidase release. Dimeric or aggregated IgE produced a rise in cyclic GMP coincident with the peak fixation of IgE by macrophages. Elevation of cyclic GMP by pharmacological means also stimulated β-glucuronidase release and new synthesis, as well as enhancing the effect on these of aggregated IgE. Enzyme release by IgE did not occur in the absence of extracellular calcium. We conclude that IgE, which has been cross-linked to form dimers before binding to specific macrophage receptors, triggers the cell and that cyclic GMP (and perhaps calcium) modulates the early step of macrophage activation.  相似文献   

The Bordetella pertussis endotoxin, labeled with tritium ((3H)-LPS), bound irreversibly and nonspecifically to rabbit lung macrophages, but bound reversibly and specifically to both resident and elicited rabbit peritoneal macrophages. The specific binding capacity of the macrophages was saturated with about 3 X 10(4) LPS molecules per cell. The binding was inhibited with the homologous unlabeled endotoxin, but not at all with endotoxin from Proteus mirabilis, thus assessing ligand specificity. Endotoxins from other bacteria gave intermediate inhibition value. Binding of tritium-labeled pertussis endotoxin was significantly inhibited by one of the two polysaccharides (PS-1) present in this endotoxin, but neither the other polysaccharide (PS-2) nor the Lipid A fragment exhibited such activity. These results strongly suggest the presence of a lectin-like receptor for LPS on the membrane of rabbit peritoneal macrophages.  相似文献   

Peritoneal exudate lymphocytes obtained from immune guinea pigs and cultured for 1 week on antigen-pulsed autologous macrophages were tested for their ability to bind to fresh antigen-pulsed autologous macrophages or to macrophages pulsed with an irrelevant antigen. Up to 30% of the lymphocytes bound to macrophages bearing the relevant antigen whereas only 2 to 5% remained nonspecifically bound to macrophages after vigorous washing. Specific binding was observed in cultures as early as 1 hr. Analysis of the kinetics of binding suggests that the observed nonspecific binding is not a step in specific binding. The possibility that weaker antigen-independent association between lymphocytes and macrophages precedes specific binding cannot be excluded. No evidence was obtained that serum antibody adsorbed to the macrophage or T cell plays a role in this cell interaction or that the T cell can bind antigen directly. We suggest that the observed specific binding represents the initial event in stimulation of T lymphocytes by antigen.  相似文献   

Adherent cultures of rat peritoneal macrophages secrete lysozyme and the lysosomal marker enzymes beta-glucuronidase, beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase and acid phosphatase; the levels of secreted lysosomal cathepsin D, however, were found to be insignificant. Incubation of the cells at 4 degrees C for 15 min with yeast mannan or with 50 mM mannose, methyl alpha-glucopyranoside, or N-acetylglucosamine caused the concentration of cathepsin D in the culture medium to increase 30-40-fold; mannose-6-phosphate had no effect. 125I-labeled cathepsin D was prepared and the binding constant to the macrophage cell surface was determined to be KD = 27 nM. The data suggest that cathepsin D binds to the mannose receptor of macrophages and that binding to this receptor is not in equilibrium with the bulk medium.  相似文献   

The characteristics of hGH binding to the liver macrophages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Macrophages isolated from female rat liver as well as hepatocytes bind 125I-hGH. This study compares the effect of sex of the rat, hypophysectomy (hypox) and preincubation of the cells with oPrl on the binding of 125I-hGH to the cells. The percent of 125I-hGH to the hepatocytes was decreased in cells from hypox female and male rats, and hepatocytes preincubated with oPrl to 0.43, 0.21 and 0.39, respectively, of that observed in hepatocytes from normal female rats. In the hepatocytes from normal female, hypox female, and male rats, hGH was the most effective competitor for 125I-hGH binding with an ID50 of 0.73-0.99 nM. The concentration of oPrl, bGH and rGH that produced half-maximal inhibition (ID50) of 125I-hGH binding to hepatocytes from female rat liver was 6.3, 100, and 420 nM respectively. In hepatocytes from male and hypox female rats, and hepatocytes preincubated with oPrl, the ID50 for bGH and rGH varied from 2.1 to 15.9 nM. The percent of 125I-hGH bound by the macrophages from hypox female and male rats, and macrophages preincubated with oPrl was 0.06, 0.15 and 0.18, respectively, of that bound by macrophages from normal female rat liver. In contrast to hGH binding to the hepatocytes, the ID50 for hGH was 6 to 180-fold greater in macrophages from hypox female and male rats, and macrophages preincubated with oPrl compared to that observed in macrophages from normal female rats, Rat GH was the most effective competitor for 125I-hGH binding in the macrophages from the hypox female and male rat liver with ID50 of 5.5 and 85 respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A 45-60 kDa Gal/GalNAc-specific macrophage lectin was found to participate in the interaction between tumor cells and tumoricidal macrophages activated by an antitumor streptococcal preparation, OK-432, and in the tumoricidal activity of the activated macrophages. The binding between OK-432-elicited activated macrophages and murine mastocytoma P-815 cells was inhibited on preincubation of the macrophages with a neoglycoprotein (Gal-BSA) or a complex-type glycopeptide (unit B) which was a specific inhibitor of the macrophage lectin. This binding of the macrophages to P-815 cells was also inhibited on the addition of anti-macrophage lectin antiserum. Contrary to the case of OK-432-elicited macrophages, the binding of thioglycolate-elicited (responsive) macrophages to P-815 cells was inhibited only a little by Gal-BSA and unit B, and not inhibited by the antiserum. Furthermore, the tumoricidal activity of the activated macrophages was inhibited by the addition of the anti-macrophage lectin antiserum. These results suggest that the binding of activated macrophages to tumor cells through the Gal/GalNAc-specific macrophage lectin is an important part of the tumor cell killing mechanism.  相似文献   

In the present study, we have examined the effect of guanine nucleotides on VIP binding to rat peritoneal macrophage membranes. Both guanosine 5'-triphosphate (GTP) and its nonhydrolizable analog guanosine 5'-beta, Y-imidotriphosphate [Gpp(NH)p] inhibited, in a dose-dependent manner, the VIP binding to its specific binding sites. Half-maximal inhibition (IC50) was observed at 5.4 +/- 0.5 microM GTP. The inhibitory effect of GTP was due to an increase of the dissociation rate of peptide bound to membranes. The specificity of the binding inhibition was assessed from the lack of action of the other nucleotides tested. These results directly suggest the coupling of VIP binding sites with guanine nucleotide binding proteins in rat peritoneal macrophage membranes.  相似文献   

Fixed human erythrocytes were used as model particles for the study of adhesion and phagocytosis by rat peritoneal macrophages. Erythrocytes were fixed with various concentrations of glutaraldehyde or tannic acid, or were treated with neuraminidase. Adhesion and phagocytosis of these cells were measured. In addition, the surface energy of these erythrocytes and macrophages was estimated by the contact angle technique. Free energies of adhesion, based on the cell surface energies, were correlated with both adhesion and phagocytosis.  相似文献   

Rat serum phosphorylcholine binding protein (PCBP), a normal component of rat serum, inhibits in vitro aggregation of rat, rabbit and human platelets by interacting with platelets. In the present study, we have demonstrated the calcium-dependent, specific and saturable binding of 125I-PCBP to rat, rabbit and human platelets. Scatchard analysis of the binding data reveal a class of specific high-affinity binding sites with Kd values of 45.2 +/- 14.9, 26.1 +/- 8.3 and 32.2 +/- 9.9 nM on rat, rabbit and human platelets, respectively. These platelets also expressed a high capacity for binding to 125I-PCBP. The binding of 125I-PCBP to platelets was calcium- and time-dependent, and could be inhibited by phosphorylcholine (IC50 = 5.6 microM). Occupation of these binding sites by PCBP may be responsible for inhibition of platelet aggregation.  相似文献   

In this study, lysophosphatidylcholine (lysoPC) was shown to bind to a fatty acid binding protein isolated from rat liver. To demonstrate the binding, lysoPC was incorporated into multilamellar liposomes and incubated with protein. For comparison, binding of both lysoPC and fatty acid to liver fatty acid binding protein, albumin, and heart fatty acid binding protein were measured. At conditions where palmitic acid bound to liver fatty acid binding protein and albumin at ligand to protein molar ratios of 2:1 and 5:1, respectively, lysoPC binding occurred at molar ratios of 0.4:1 and 1:1. LysoPC did not bind to heart fatty acid binding protein under conditions where fatty acid bound at a molar ratio of 2:1. Competition experiments between lysoPC and fatty acid to liver fatty acid binding protein indicated separate binding sites for each ligand. An equilibrium dialysis cell was used to demonstrate that liver fatty acid binding protein was capable of transporting lysoPC from liposomes to rat liver microsomes, thereby facilitating its metabolism. These studies suggest that liver fatty acid binding protein may be involved in the intracellular metabolism of lysoPC as well as fatty acids, and that functional differences may exist between rat liver and heart fatty acid binding protein.  相似文献   

The similarity between murine and rat IgE was examined in terms of their fixation to target cells and interaction with monospecific antibodies to rat epsilon-chain (anti-epsilon). Purified rat monoclonal IgE (IgEr) was found to block the fixation of murine reagin (IgEm) to mouse and rat skin and to rat basophilic leukemia (RBL) cells. The capacities of mouse reaginic serum (MRS), rat reaginic serum, and IgEr to inhibit the binding of radiolabeled 125I-IgEr to RBL cells were shown to be similar. These results suggest that the binding of IgE of either species occurs on the same or on adjacent receptor sites of mast cells and RBL cells. The antigenic cross-reactivity between IgEm and IgEr was established by depletion of the reaginic activity from MRS by treatment of MRS with anti-epsilon. The reaginic activity of MRS could be recovered by the addition of IgEr to anti-epsilon:IgEm complexes. From these findings it may be inferred that i) IgEm and IgEr share some antigenic determinants and ii) the regions of the immunoglobulins responsible for fixation to receptors on mast cells and RBL cells are identical or similar.  相似文献   

The binding characteristics of ten FITC-labeled plant lectins (Con-A, MPA, BPA, PNA, WGA, SBA, UEA-I, DBA, GS-I, GS-II) to lavaged rat alveolar macrophages were assessed by flow cytometry. The alveolar macrophages (AM) were incubated with varying concentrations of each lectin in a pinocytosis-inhibiting buffer. In addition to measuring lectin-associated green fluorescence, the electronic cell volumes and axial light loss characteristics of the AM were also measured flow cytometrically. These latter parameters were found to be good indicators of cell agglutination caused by some of the lectins, and, in conjunction with green fluorescence measurements, usefully serve to determine optimal or nonagglutinating lectin concentrations for flow cytometric studies. With the exception of UEA-I, all of the lectins examined bound to AM, although a wide range of binding was observed among the lectins. At subagglutinating concentrations, Con A, MPA, BPA, PNA, WGA, SBA, and GS-I bound to the AM with unimodal patterns. Histograms of lectin-associated fluorescence intensity obtained with DBA clearly presented a pattern consistent with a more complex, bimodal distribution of labeled AM, suggesting the presence of at least two subset populations. The low-intensity distribution of AM represented congruent to 70% of the cells, while the more strongly labeled subset represented congruent to 15% of the parent AM population. The remaining balance of the AM was identified as another subpopulation by the failure to detectably bind to the DBA. While GS-II bound to all of the AM, this lectin labeled about 5% of the cells much more intensely than the bulk of the population. Thus, two subset populations of AM could be resolved according to their differing avidities for the GS-II lectin.  相似文献   

A method is described for ultrastructural localization of immune complex receptors on the surface of viable peritoneal exudate cells. The technique entails incubation with a soluble complex of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and specific antibody to HRP at 4 degrees C followed by exposure to diaminobenzidine and processing for electron microscopy. The bound immune complexes were evident as focal deposits of HRP reaction product, adhering closely to the external surface of macrophages with an uninterrupted periodicity varying between 30 and 120 nm. Following incubation with an insoluble immune complex containing a higher proportion of antibody, receptor sites stained frequently, but large aggregates adhered to the cells. Rinsing cells after staining with soluble complexes partially displaced the bound immune complexes. Fixation prior to exposure to immune complexes largely eliminated the binding capacity of the immune complex receptors.  相似文献   

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