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The pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) is endemic to the sagebrush steppe landscapes in the western United States. Pygmy rabbits have adapted to this region by depending on big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) as a source of nutrition and concealment from predators. Being a central place forager, and a dietary specialist makes pygmy rabbits an ideal subject to study foraging tradeoffs. Our objectives were to determine if pygmy rabbit foraging patterns are influenced by the nutrient content of individual sagebrush, or the size and location of individual sagebrush. We first developed a near infrared spectroscopy assay that can be conducted in the field, with whole plant foliage, to determine individual sagebrush crude protein (CP) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents. We then measured the size, location, protein, and fiber contents of >1,500 foraged and non-foraged sagebrush plants surrounding pygmy rabbit burrows in 2 field sites in northern Utah, USA. We found significant site differences in sagebrush CP levels and significant season differences in sagebrush ADF levels; sagebrush closer to central burrows were higher in protein and lower in fiber. Pygmy rabbits preferred to forage on taller sagebrush plants that were closer to the central burrow but only marginally higher in CP (0.2%) and lower in ADF (1%). Sagebrush plants with a >50% chance of being foraged, were <5.6 m from the burrow, >0.67 m tall, >10.4% CP, and <34.95% ADF. The selection of closer, larger, and more nutrient-dense sagebrush may be influenced by pygmy rabbits' need for concealment from predators or a way to minimize foraging effort. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The effects of widespread sagebrush removal treatments on pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) are not well understood. Due to reliance on sagebrush, pygmy rabbits are among the species for which these treatments may be detrimental. Our objectives were to evaluate the effects of experimental sagebrush treatment on 8 radio-collared pygmy rabbits between and within home range habitat selection using Monte Carlo simulation from null models. Pygmy rabbits were not extirpated from plots containing habitat treatments, and we found no evidence that treatments affected home range placement. The mean treatment distance of observed home range centers did not differ from repeated trials of random points. However, we found evidence of within home range selection against treatments from 2 of 8 rabbits located close to the treatments. The mean treatment distance of all observed locations for these 2 rabbits was greater than expected based on a null model. We also used snow tracking to show that pygmy rabbits entered treatments in 4 out of 21 trials, which was less often than expected by chance (G2 = 8.662, P = 0.003). Conservatively, sagebrush removal treatments should not be conducted on active or recently active pygmy rabbit burrows. Elsewhere near known pygmy rabbit sites, treated patches should be small and connected by untreated corridors to prevent potentially limiting movement of rabbits among the untreated habitat. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Mammals that build extensive open burrow systems are often classified as ecosystem engineers, since they have the potential to modulate the availability of resources for themselves and other organisms. Lizards may benefit from the heterogeneity created by these structures, especially if coupled with an increased offer of sites for refuge and thermoregulation. However, information about these engineering effects by burrowing animals is scarce. We investigated the influence of European rabbit burrows on several parameters of a Mediterranean lizard community (abundance, density, diversity and body condition) in three different habitats (open pastures, holm oak and scrub patches). We found that lizards were positively associated with burrows, and that burrows determined lizard presence at otherwise unfavourable habitats. Moreover, community parameters such as density and species richness were higher in sites with burrows. Burrows influenced lizard species in different ways, and were also relevant for other Mediterranean vertebrates, as revealed by questionnaires to experts. We also explored the possible resources provided by burrows for lizards. Warrens offer relatively abundant prey and appropriate retreat sites for refuge and thermoregulation. Warrens may have further implications within the ecosystem, acting as stepping stones, allowing lizards to reach otherwise inaccessible habitat patches. This study shows that European rabbit warrens have a positive influence on lizard density and diversity, and confirms the role of rabbits as ecosystem engineers. This reinforces the need for appropriate conservation measures for rabbits, especially given their threatened status in the Iberian Peninsula. Furthermore, our study highlights that taking into account the influence of engineering activities increases our awareness of species interactions, and may translate into more adequate conservation measures for the preservation of biodiversity.  相似文献   

An animal's ability to avoid predation likely depends on its ability to detect approaching predators, conceal itself, and seek refuge or protection from predators. Habitat, especially vegetation structure, can influence all of these factors concurrently. Binary categorical assessments of habitat as ‘open’ or ‘closed’, however, confound at least two functions of habitat structure that could influence the perceived risk of predation: concealment, which functions to hide an individual, and visibility, which enhances detection of a potential predator. Both can influence predation risk independently and s imultaneously. In this study, we decoupled these functional properties of vegetation and studied the effects of concealment, visibility, and proximity to a refuge on the distance at which pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) fled from an approaching threat (flight initiation distance; FID). Concealment by vegetation decreased perceptions of risk; however, pygmy rabbits exhibited elevated risk at high levels of visibility, regardless of the amount of concealment. Proximity to burrow entrances also influenced perceptions of risk, such that risk was significantly lower when rabbits were on or near burrow systems. Disentangling the functional properties of habitat can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the factors that influence perceived risk and escape behaviors of prey and provide insight into how habitat structure mechanistically relates to predation risk.  相似文献   

The endangered mountain pygmy possum is the only Australian marsupial that hibernates under snow cover. Most of its alpine habitat was burnt by a rare fire in 2003, and habitat loss and disturbance have also occurred owing to ski resort development. Here we show that there has been a rapid loss of genetic variation following habitat loss associated with resort development, but no detectable loss of alleles or decrease in heterozygosity following the fire.  相似文献   

Refuges are crucial for most animal species as they offer essential protection against predators and provide buffered environmental conditions to their occupants. Our data show that northern populations of the threatened ocellated lizard (Timon lepidus) depend on the availability of the burrows excavated by the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). In the last decade, a severe decline in rabbit populations has had a disastrous effect on lizard numbers. To compensate for the lack of refuges, artificial shelters were constructed in autumn 2005 and 2007 and were monitored the following years (2006–2009). Most of the artificial refuges were rapidly occupied by lizards, notably juveniles, suggesting that this technique was successful to improve lizard habitat. Because other factors such as food resources might be also crucial, further assessments are required to determine if artificial refuges are sufficient to stem population decline. These results nonetheless provide an encouraging option to maintain and/or to restore threatened populations, for instance through a buffering of rabbit burrow fluctuations. More generally, the availability of suitable refuges (e.g. natural or artificial) is likely to be a central component for the conservation of many reptile species. The combination of empirical and experimental data further demonstrates that great attention must be paid to the structure and distribution of the refuges and that simple practical actions can effectively improve habitat quality for threatened species.  相似文献   

The great desert skink (Liopholis kintorei) of the Egerniinae subfamily (Reptilia: Scincidae) is a communal burrowing lizard that inhabits arid spinifex grasslands in central Australia. Great desert skink activity is centred in and around the burrows which are inhabited for many years. However, it is not known whether skinks select burrow sites with specific attributes or how continuing occupancy of burrows is influenced by the surrounding habitat; especially post‐fire, when plant cover is reduced. Here, we test whether great desert skink burrows in areas burnt 2 years previously and in longer unburnt areas are associated with particular habitat attributes, and whether there are differences between occupied and recently abandoned burrow sites. Vegetation composition, cover and soil surface characteristics at 56 established great desert skink burrows, including occupied and recently unoccupied burrows, were compared with 56 random nearby non‐burrow control sites. Burrow sites had higher plant cover compared with the surrounding landscape in both recently burnt and longer unburnt areas and were more likely to be associated with the presence of shrubs. Soil stability and infiltration were also higher at burrow sites. However, we found no evidence that burrows with lower cover were more likely to be abandoned. Our results suggest that great desert skinks may actively select high cover areas for burrow construction, although differences between burrow and control sites may also partly reflect local changes to plant cover and composition and soil properties resulting from burrow construction and long‐term habitation of a site. Further research should determine if burrows with shrubs or higher plant cover provide greater protection from predators, more structural stability for burrow construction, increased prey abundance or other benefits. We recommend that maintenance of areas with relatively higher plant cover be prioritized when managing great desert skink habitat.  相似文献   

The rabbit Sylvilagus cunicularius is endemic to Mexico and is one of the largest, most widespread, but little studied of the country’s 10 rabbit species. As part of a project investigating its reproductive biology, we describe here for the first time the nursery burrow, vital for the survival of the altricial young. During the breeding seasons of 2008–2012, we collected data from 25 nursery burrows and 22 nests constructed by eight females (three wild caught and five captive bred) kept in enclosures within their natural habitat in the Malinche National Park in the central Mexican state of Tlaxcala. Although not a burrow-living species, several days before parturition, females dug a nursery burrow in which they constructed a nest. These burrows were short, shallow tunnels with a median length of 23 cm, typically located beneath grass tussocks or shrubs, and ending in a nest chamber a median 17 cm beneath the surface. Nests consisted of dry grass, fragments of woody plants, pine needles, and alfalfa hay and oat straw provided as supplementary food, fur pulled from the mother’s body, and her fecal pellets. Females nursed their young at the burrow entrance, and until the young were approximately 12 days old, they closed the entrance after each visit in such a way as to make it very difficult for humans to locate. Surprisingly, these nursery burrows were more similar to those of the European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus and the pygmy rabbit Brachylagus idahoensis than to other Sylvilagus species studied to date. As almost 50 % of burrows did not result in emergent young, present work is directed to determining what characterizes successful burrows.  相似文献   

Abstract: Degradation of sagebrush habitat and a lack of information on current status motivated a petition to list the pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act. The petition brought on renewed interest in obtaining data on pygmy rabbits; however, pygmy rabbits are notoriously difficult to capture, especially in summer. We tested box-trap, net, noose-pole, and fabric-fence methods to capture pygmy rabbits in 4 areas of northern Nevada and eastern California, USA. We captured 25 different pygmy rabbits in 30 captures from April 2005 to July 2006. The combination of camouflaged box traps baited with canned green beans was 35% more successful and required less effort per captured rabbit than any other method. Noose-pole methods also were successful. These techniques provide an efficient method of capturing pygmy rabbits in summer when many remote field sites are most accessible.  相似文献   

Many hoarding rodents use burrows not only for dwelling and protection from natural enemies, but also for food storage. However, little is known how burrows used by scatter-hoarding animals influence their foraging behaviors. In addition, handling time for a given food item has a fundamental impact on hoarding strategies of these hoarding animals: food items with longer handling time are more likely to be hoarded due to increasing predation risk because the animals spend more time outside their burrows if they consumed such food. By providing with two types of artificial burrows (aboveground vs. underground) and two types of food items (i.e. seeds) with contrasting handling times, we investigated how burrow condition and handling time co-influence hoarding strategies of a key scatter-hoarding rodent, Edward's long-tailed rat (Leopoldamys edwardsi) in large enclosures in southwest China. We found that only a few animals larder-hoarded fewer seeds when only aboveground burrows were available, while over 80% of the animals preferred to use the underground burrows and hoard significantly more seeds in the burrows when both aboveground and underground burrows were provided simultaneously. We also found that seed handling time significantly affected hoarding strategies of the animals: they consumed and/or scatter-hoarded more Camellia oleifera seeds with shorter handling time outside the burrow, but consumed and larder-hoarded more Lithocarpus harlandii seeds with longer handling time in underground burrows. Our study indicates that both burrow types and seed handling time have important impacts on hoarding strategies of scatter-hoarding animals.  相似文献   

Conservation management requires knowledge of how a target species interacts with other species. Some relatively common species can modify the environment to the advantage of rarer, endangered species. Thus, local enhancement of those common species can positively influence remaining populations of the rarer species. The endangered pygmy bluetongue lizard Tiliqua adelaidensis inhabits burrows that are constructed by lycosid and mygalomorph spiders. We recorded 490 burrows in a 1 ha plot at the end of one season, and then observed at regular intervals the formation and loss of burrows, and the changes in occupancy status of each burrow over the next season. We found spiders in 94% of all newly constructed burrows and deduced that they had built the burrows. We found no evidence that lizards dug new burrows or deepened existing burrows. The numbers of both lizards and spiders in the burrows declined over the spring and summer, with lizards moving from their burrows more often early in the season than later. However, there was no strong trend for lizards to replace spiders in burrows. In fact, lizards tended to occupy deeper burrows than spiders, suggesting little negative impact of lizards on spiders. However, spiders had a positive impact on lizards by providing the refuge burrows central for lizard survival. Although lizards readily accept artificial burrows, long-term conservation for the lizards must include viable spider populations to maintain a supply of suitable burrow refuges.  相似文献   

Although the deep sea is the largest ecosystem on Earth, its infaunal ecology remains poorly understood because of the logistical challenges. Here we report the morphology of relatively large burrows obtained by in situ burrow casting at a hydrocarbon-seep site and a non-seep site at water depths of 1173 and 1455 m, respectively. Deep and complex burrows are abundant at both sites, indicating that the burrows introduce oxygen-rich sea water into the deep reducing substrate, thereby influencing benthic metabolism and nutrient fluxes, and providing an oxic microhabitat for small organisms. Burrow castings reveal that the solemyid bivalve Acharax johnsoni mines sulphide from the sediment, as documented for related shallow-water species. To our knowledge, this is the first study to examine in situ burrow morphology in the deep sea by means of burrow casting, providing detailed information on burrow structure which will aid the interpretation of seabed processes in the deep sea.  相似文献   

Differences in habitat use by prey and predator may lead to a shift of occupied niches and affect dynamics of their populations. The weasel Mustela nivalis specializes in hunting rodents, therefore habitat preferences of this predator may have important consequences for the population dynamics of its prey. We investigated habitat selection by weasels in the Bia?owie?a Forest in different seasons at the landscape and local scales, and evaluated possible consequences for the population dynamics of their prey. At the landscape scale, weasels preferred open habitats (both dry and wet) and avoided forest. In open areas they selected habitats with higher prey abundance, except during the low-density phase of the vole cycle, when the distribution of these predators was more uniform. Also in winter, the distribution of weasels at the landscape scale was proportional to available resources. In summer, within open dry and wet habitats, weasels preferred areas characterised by dense vegetation, but avoided poor plant cover. In winter, weasels used wet open areas proportionally to availability of habitats when hunting, but in contrast to summer, they rested only in habitats characterized by a lower water level, which offered better thermal conditions. At the local scale, the abundance of voles was a less important factor affecting the distribution of these predators. Although we were not able to provide direct evidence for the existence of refuges for voles, our results show that they may be located within habitat patches, where availability of dense plant cover and physiological constraints limit the activity of weasels. Our results indicate that in complex ecosystems of the temperate zone, characterized by a mosaic pattern of vegetation types and habitat specific dynamics of rodents, impact of weasels on prey populations might be limited.  相似文献   

Predators can impact their prey via consumptive effects that occur through direct killing, and via non-consumptive effects that arise when the behaviour and phenotypes of prey shift in response to the risk of predation. Although predators'' consumptive effects can have cascading population-level effects on species at lower trophic levels there is less evidence that predators'' non-consumptive effects propagate through ecosystems. Here we provide evidence that suppression of abundance and activity of a mesopredator (the feral cat) by an apex predator (the dingo) has positive effects on both abundance and foraging efficiency of a desert rodent. Then by manipulating predators'' access to food patches we further the idea that apex predators provide small prey with refuge from predation by showing that rodents increased their habitat breadth and use of ‘risky′ food patches where an apex predator was common but mesopredators rare. Our study suggests that apex predators'' suppressive effects on mesopredators extend to alleviate both mesopredators'' consumptive and non-consumptive effects on prey.  相似文献   

For the short-tailed cricket, Anurogryllus muticus, burrow-making behavior is essential. All nymphal instars construct burrows, but in the adult stage the rate of burrowing behavior is age dependent. Increases in photophase and light intensity stimulate burrowing, and the explicit negative phototaxis is correlated with the cricket's inability to exist under dry conditions. Ingestion of substrate during burrow construction may serve to acquire additional moisture. There is no evidence of burrow recognition, and crickets can construct a burrow when needed. The natural distribution of burrows at the plot investigated on Moorea supports the notion thatA. muticus builds burrows where the preferred food plantAlysicarpus vaginalis is most abundant. By minimizing the traveling distance to food sources when foraging they can retreat to their burrow again.  相似文献   

Dispersal is an important component in the demography of animal populations. Many animals show seasonal changes in their tendency to disperse, reflecting changes in resource availability, mating opportunities, or in population age structure at the time when new offspring enter the population. Understanding when and why dispersal occurs can be important for the management of endangered species. The pygmy bluetongue lizard is an endangered Australian species that occupies and defends single burrow refuges for extended periods of time, rarely moving far from the burrow entrance. However, previous pitfall trapping data have suggested movement of adult males in spring and of juveniles in autumn of each year. In the current study we compared behaviours of adult lizards each month, over the spring-summer activity period over two consecutive field seasons, to provide deeper understanding of the seasonal dispersal pattern. We released adult pygmy bluetongue lizards into a central area, provided with artificial burrows, within large enclosures, and monitored the behaviour and movements of the released lizards over a four day period. There was a consistent decline in time spent basking, amount of movement around burrow entrances, and rates of dispersal from the central release area from early spring to late summer. Results could be relevant to understanding and managing natural populations and for any translocation attempts of this endangered lizard species.  相似文献   

The pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) is a small lagomorph of the western United States that specializes in sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) habitat. Intensive habitat loss and modification have increased the vulnerability of pygmy rabbit populations, but the current geographic distribution and population status remain unclear. To aid in detection and population monitoring, we developed a species identification test that uses mitochondrial DNA species-specific primers to distinguish among six sympatric lagomorph species using DNA isolated from faecal pellets. Applying this test, we successfully identified the species of origin for all pellet samples that produced a positive PCR result (77% of 283 pellets collected). Pellets collected during the winter (December-February) had higher PCR success rate (93%) than pellets collected at other times of the year (72%). This test, using non-invasive genetic sampling of faecal pellets, provides an efficient method for assessing site occupancy and distribution of pygmy rabbits and other lagomorphs across large geographic areas.  相似文献   

Individuals, free to choose between different habitat patches, should settle among them such that fitness is equalized. Alternatives to this ideal free distribution result into fitness differences among the patches. The concordance between fitnesses and foraging costs among inhabitants of different quality patches, demonstrated in recent studies, suggests that the mode of habitat selection and the resulting fitness patterns may have important implications to the resource use of a forager and to the survival of its prey. We studied how coarse scale selection between habitat patches of different quality and quitting harvest rate in these patches are related to each other and to fine scale patch use in meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus). To demonstrate these relationships, we manipulated habitat patches within large field enclosures by mowing vegetative cover and adding supplemental food according to a 2×2 factorial design. We tracked vole population densities, collected giving‐up densities (GUDs, a measure of patch quitting harvest rate), and monitored the removal of seeds from lattice grids with 1.5 m intervals (an index of fine‐scale space use) in the manipulated habitat patches. Changes in habitat quality induced changes in habitat use at different spatial scales. In preferred habitats with intact cover, voles were despotic and GUDs were low, but increased with the addition of food. In contrast, voles in less‐preferred mowed habitats settled into an ideal free distribution, GUDs were high and uninfluenced by the addition of food. Seed removal was enhanced by the presence of cover but inhibited by supplemental food. Across all treatments, vole densities and GUDs were strongly correlated making it impossible to separate their effects on seed removal rates. However, this relationship broke down in unmowed habitats, where GUDs rather than vole density primarily influenced seed removal by voles. GUDs and seed removal correlated with predation on tree seedlings formerly planted into the enclosures, demonstrating the mechanisms between coarse‐scale habitat manipulations and community level consequences on a forager's prey.  相似文献   

In the last century, bottomland hardwood (BLH) forests throughout the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley in the United States declined >80% and have been degraded because of habitat loss, fragmentation, and altered hydrology. To better understand how current conditions in BLH forest systems influence wildlife and to better manage land use and vegetation, we characterized winter (Dec–Mar) multi-scale habitat selection of 75 radio-marked swamp rabbits (Sylvilagus aquaticus) based on 850 locations in southern Illinois, USA, during 2010–2016. We investigated habitat selection by fitting resource selection functions with generalized linear mixed models based on Euclidean distances (km) to 8 cover types that described hydrogeomorphic conditions. At the second-order scale of selection (home range selection), swamp rabbits were closer to deciduous forest and low-elevation BLH and farther from agriculture, permanent water, shallow BLH, and woody wetland. At the third-order scale of selection (habitat selection within the home range), swamp rabbits selected areas closer to deciduous forest, low BLH, and shallow BLH, and farther from woody wetlands. For the swamp rabbit in Illinois, a BLH specialist at the northern extent of their range, habitat selection is limited to available terrestrial habitat that provides vegetation for food and hiding cover within linear and flood-prone BLH corridors surrounded by agricultural cover types that are largely unsuitable as habitat. Because hydrologic conditions are spatially and temporally dynamic, wildlife managers should focus on providing diverse habitat conditions across elevations that ensure the continuous availability of terrestrial habitat regardless of water level and flooding extent across the BLH landscape. Further reforestation efforts in BLH ecosystems should target current agricultural land on higher elevations adjacent to characteristically flood-prone forest remnants that escaped agricultural clearing due to frequent flooding. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

We examined physical condition, niche dimensions, and survival of New England cottontails (Sylvilagus transitionalis) that occupied 21 habitat patches of different sizes during winter. Rabbits on small patches (2.5 ha) were predominantly males, and both sexes had lower body mass than individuals on large patches (5.0 ha). Niche indices (, where ranges from 0 to 1. and values approaching 1 indicate generalized resource use) of habitat use revealed that rabbits on small patches used a greater variety of microhabitats (based on understory stem density: s, and proximity to cover: c) than rabbits occupying large patches (s=0.65, c=0.66). Rabbits on small patches also consumed low quality forage more often and fed at sites farther from escape cover than rabbits on large patches. There were no significant correlations between rabbit densities and niche dimensions. Niche expansion was not a result of compertitive release or relaxation of predator pressure. Rabbits on small patches apparently modified their niche dimensions in response to resource limitations. This response included occupying sites with limited understory cover that apparently resulted in rabbits on small patches having a lower survival rate (0.35) than rabbits on large patches (0.69) during a 10-week monitoring period. Skewed sex ratios and low survival rates among rabbits on small patches suggest that these habitats act as sinks to dispersing, juveniles from large (source) patches. As a result, local populations of New England cottontails may become vulnerable to extinction if larte patches of habitat are not maintained.  相似文献   

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