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Summary Buds originate inHydra attenuata at a position 1/3 of the body length from the basal disc. The position with respect to the vertical axes is determined first and the position of the bud on the circumference of this budding region is specified later.Bud formation in hydra is reversibly prevented by pre-treatment with an inhibitor purified from hydra tissue (Berking, 1977). Some hours after the end of the treatment with the inhibitor, bud formation is resumed. From the starting or restarting point of development after the inhibitory treatment to the visible beginning of bud formation, 4 intermediary stages were distinguished on the basis of different responses to a second treatment with inhibitor. The pre0treatment is followed immediately by a period of maximal sensitivity to the inhibitor, which varies in length. At the conclusion of this phase the time interval required for the visible appearance of buds is fixed (12 h). In this and the following phase another application of inhibitor can cancel the entire preparatory process from the pre-treatment onwards. A transition to near complete resistance to inhibitor is the basis for defining a third phase. In a fourth phase, immediately before the evagination of the bud starts, the proesence of the inhibitor will again hinder the development. Upon removal of the inhibitor the suppressed buds will appear.  相似文献   

Summary Tentacle number in non-buddingHydra attenuata, randomly selected from mass culture varies <0.5 tentacles over a 3 month period. Replicate samples of untreated regenerates (n=50–60), however, show some variability in mean tentacle number regenerated (S x0.13–0.15). The variability is similar whether experiments are performed using randomly selected animals or animals with identical tentacle numbers. The variability is, further, not the result of profound differences in the time of tentacle initiation in individual animals.Addition of 10–5 M glutamate or a methanol extract to the assay medium results in both an earlier appearance of tentacles and in more tentacles being regenerated during early time periods. The mean tentacle number of methanol extract-treated animals is significantly higher than the mean tentacle number of either control or glutamate-treated animals at all time periods examined.The distribution of tentacle number classes among regenerates is normal in control and glutamate-treated animals but nonparametric in methanol extract-treated animals, making statistical analysis of the data using Student'st-test in-appropriate. The usefulness of the Mann WhitneyU and Kruskal-Wallis tests is discussed, as is the appropriateness of tentacle regeneration as an assay forhydra morphogens.  相似文献   

Summary Temporal course of regeneration of the hypostome and basal disc along the body length of the hydra is studied both in the presence and absence of the other determined centre. The regeneration times vary nonlinearly with distance from the original position indicating that the underlying processes are of non-linear nature. The presence of hypostome influences the regeneration of basal disc in an inhibitory manner throughout the body length, whereas, basal disc influences the regeneration of hypostome only in the lower portion of the body in a positive manner. A scheme in terms of the activators and inhibitors specific to hypostome and basal disc, is given. The implication of these results is that the two inhibitors are functionally distinct.  相似文献   

Summary Hydractinia echinata is a marine, colony-forming coelenterate. Fertilized eggs develop into freely swimming planula larvae, which undergo metamorphosis to a sessile (primary) polyp. Metamorphosis can be triggered by means of certain marine bacteria and by Cs+. Half a day after this treatment a larva will have developed into a polyp. The induction of metamorphosis can be prevented by addition of inhibitor I, a substance partially purified from tissue ofHydra. The larvae ofH. echinata also appear to contain this substance. Inhibitor I appliedafter the onset of metamorphosis blocks its continuation as long as it remains in the culture medium. Cs+ applied within the same period of time also blocks the continuation of metamorphosis. However, these two agents have opposite effects on the body pattern of the resultant polyps. The experiments indicate that application of Cs+ triggers the generation of the pre-pattern. Inhibitor I appears to be a factor of this prepattern. A model is proposed which describes the basic features of head and foot/stolon formation not only forHydractinia but also for other related hydroids.  相似文献   

Summary Cytokinin stimulates caulonemata ofFunaria to undergo an asymmetric division leading to the gametophore. The earliest detectable event is a small protuberance at the distal portion of the cell accompanied by the reorganization of the underlying organelles into a polarized distribution reminiscent of a tip growing cell. Dictyosomes and associated vesicles accumulate in the protuberance directly beneath the plasma membrane with mitochondria subjacent to the vesicular layer. Endoplasmic reticulum lies beneath the mitochondrial zone directly above the large central vacuole, while chloroplasts are outside the bud. As development continues the bud elongates causing the outer cell wall to exfoliate. During the above events the nucleus migrates toward the bud site concomitant with an increase in the number of microtubules between the nucleus and the base of the outgrowth. Nucleoli, extruded from the nucleus during a previous division, persist as diffuse fragments within the protuberance. Upon reaching the bud site, division occurs with the developing phragmoplast being initiated distal to the caulonema tip cell. The former polarized distribution of the cytoplasm is altered as mitochondria, chloroplasts and small vacuoles become evenly dispersed throughout the cytoplasm; dicytosomes and endoplasmic reticulum occupy a cortical position. These events indicate a change from 2-D tip growth to 3-D diffuse growth. To quantify the ultrastructural changes associated with bud formation we performed a morphometric analysis of cells in various stages of budding. The relative volumes of dictyosomes and vesicles adjacent to the bud apex decrease during bud development coincident with an increase in these organelles in lower portions of the cytoplasm. Mitochondria and chloroplasts follow this same pattern although their highest relative volumes initially are 4 m from the bud apex and outside the bud site, respectively. These data, as well as density profile topographic maps for vesicle fractions, support the contention that cytokinin induces a change in morphological symmetry and polarity in the fine structure ofFunaria.  相似文献   

Summary In tissue regenerating the head, the ability to initiate head formation in a host increases with the time allowed for regeneration before grafting, while the foot-initiating ability decreases concomitantly. The reverse was found for tissue about to regenerate a foot. The early divergent changes thus indicated are counteracted in both head and foot regeneration by treatment with an inhibitor (Berking, 1977) in low concentrations.The inhibitor also interferes with processes which determine wether or not hypostome and tentacles are formed, and how many tentacles (if any) appear. The circumferential spacing of the tentacles was regular whether their number was normal or below normal.Secondary axes caused by implanted tissue either detach after having formed a head and a foot (i.e. behave like buds) or do not detach, having only formed a head. This alternative depends on the origin and amount of the implanted tissue and on the position of the implant within the host.The following model based on these findings is proposed: Head and foot formation start with pre-patterns which cause a continuously increasing change of the tissue's ability to initiate a head or a foot. Along the body axis this ability is determined by a graded distribution of sources. As development progresses, the high source density which accumulates in the head region causes the formation of a hypostome and tentacles; the angular spacing of tentacles is also dependent on source density. At a certain low source density foot-formation is initiated. The inhibitor counteracts the increase of source density in head-forming tissue as well as the decrease of source density in foot-forming tissue. It thus appears to be part of the mechanism which controls morphogenesis in hydra.  相似文献   

Summary Homogenate of coelenterate tissue interferes with metamorphosis in Hydractinia and pattern formation in both Hydractinia, and Hydra. From the extracts two fractions comprising low-molecular-weight compounds with strong metamorphosis-inhibiting activity were separated. One of these contains, as the active compound, homarine (N-methyl picolinic acid). Homarine concentrations down to 10–6 mol/l stop or retard metamorphosis. High concentrations block the continuation of metamorphosis as long as they are maintained in the culture medium and treatment with homarine during metamorphosis influences the proportioning of the future polyp's body pattern. Most of the homarine found in Hydra tissue derives from Artemia given as food. It is not identical with inhibitor I, an activity partially purified from Hydra tissue, which prevents head and foot formation in Hydra.  相似文献   

Glypicans are cell surface molecules that influence signaling and gradient formation of secreted morphogens and growth factors. Several distinct functions have been ascribed to glypicans including acting as co-receptors for signaling proteins. Recent data show that glypicans are also necessary for morphogen propagation in the tissue. In the present study, a model describing the interaction of a morphogen with glypicans is formulated, analyzed and compared with measurements of the effect of glypican Dally-like (Dlp) overexpression on Wingless (Wg) morphogen signaling in Drosophila melanogaster wing imaginal discs. The model explains the opposing effect that Dlp overexpression has on Wg signaling in the distal and proximal regions of the disc and makes a number of quantitative predictions for further experiments. In particular, our model suggests that Dlp acts by allowing Wg to diffuse on cell surface while protecting it from loss and degradation, and that Dlp rather than acting as Wg co-receptor competes with receptors for morphogen binding.  相似文献   

Decapentaplegic (Dpp), a Drosophila homologue of bone morphogenetic proteins, acts as a morphogen to regulate patterning along the anterior-posterior axis of the developing wing. Previous studies showed that Dally, a heparan sulfate proteoglycan, regulates both the distribution of Dpp morphogen and cellular responses to Dpp. However, the molecular mechanism by which Dally affects the Dpp morphogen gradient remains to be elucidated. Here, we characterized activity, stability, and gradient formation of a truncated form of Dpp (DppΔN), which lacks a short domain at the N-terminus essential for its interaction with Dally. DppΔN shows the same signaling activity and protein stability as wild-type Dpp in vitro but has a shorter half-life in vivo, suggesting that Dally stabilizes Dpp in the extracellular matrix. Furthermore, genetic interaction experiments revealed that Dally antagonizes the effect of Thickveins (Tkv; a Dpp type I receptor) on Dpp signaling. Given that Tkv can downregulate Dpp signaling by receptor-mediated endocytosis of Dpp, the ability of dally to antagonize tkv suggests that Dally inhibits this process. Based on these observations, we propose a model in which Dally regulates Dpp distribution and signaling by disrupting receptor-mediated internalization and degradation of the Dpp-receptor complex.  相似文献   

The fresh water polyp Hydra can reproduce asexually by forming buds. These buds separate from the parent animal due to the development of foot tissue in a belt-like region and the formation of a constriction basal to that region. A single pulse treatment with activators of protein kinase C, including 1,2-dioctanoyl-rac-glycerol and 12-o-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate, and inhibitors of various protein kinases, including staurosporine, H-7 and genistein, interfered with foot and constriction formation. The buds did not separate. Therewith, branched animals were formed, some of which bore a lateral foot patch. Simultaneous treatments with an activator and inhibitor led to a higher amount of branched animals than treatments with one of these agents alone. Based on the different specificities of the activators and inhibitors used we propose that activation of a protein kinase C and/or inhibition of a probably non-C-type protein kinase interfere with the decrease of positional value at the bud's base, a process necessary to initiate the pattern forming system leading to foot formation. Correspondence to: F. Perez  相似文献   

Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) play critical roles in the distribution and signaling of growth factors, but the molecular mechanisms regulating HSPG function are poorly understood. Here, we characterized Sulf1, which is a Drosophila member of the HS 6-O endosulfatase class of HS modifying enzymes. Our genetic and biochemical analyses show that Sulf1 acts as a novel regulator of the Wg morphogen gradient by modulating the sulfation status of HS on the cell surface in the developing wing. Sulf1 affects gradient formation by influencing the stability and distribution of Wg. We also demonstrate that expression of Sulf1 is induced by Wg signaling itself. Thus, Sulf1 participates in a feedback loop, potentially stabilizing the shape of the Wg gradient. Our study shows that the modification of HS fine structure provides a novel mechanism for the regulation of morphogen gradients.  相似文献   

The Turing mechanism (Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 237 (1952) 37) for the production of a broken spatial symmetry in an initially homogeneous system of reacting and diffusing substances has attracted much interest as a potential model for certain aspects of morphogenesis (Models of Biological Pattern Formation, Academic Press, London, 1982; Nature 376 (1995) 765) such as pre-patterning in the embryo. The two features necessary for the formation of Turing patterns are short-range autocatalysis and long-range inhibition (Kybernetik 12 (1972) 30) which usually only occur when the diffusion rate of the inhibitor is significantly greater than that of the activator. This observation has sometimes been used to cast doubt on applicability of the Turing mechanism to cellular patterning since many messenger molecules that diffuse between cells do so at more-or-less similar rates. Here we show that Turing-type patterns will be able to robustly form under a wide variety of realistic physiological conditions though plausible mechanisms of intra-cellular chemical communication without relying on differences in diffusion rates. In the mechanism we propose, reactions occur within cells. Signal transduction leads to the production of messenger molecules, which diffuse between cells at approximately equal rates, coupling the reactions occurring in different cells. These mechanisms also suggest how this process can be controlled in a rather precise way by the genetic machinery of the cell.  相似文献   

In the development of organs, multiple morphogen sources are often involved, and interact with each other. For example, the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) and the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA) are major morphogen sources in the limb bud formation of vertebrates. Fgf expression in the AER and Shh expression in the ZPA are maintained by their positive feedback regulation mediated by diffusible molecules, FGF and SHH. A recent experimental observation suggests that the FGF-signal regulates the Shh expression in a feed-forward manner with activation and repression regulatory pathways. We study the coupled dynamics of Shh expression in the ZPA and Fgf expression in the AER, and the relationship of the relative position between AER and ZPA. We first show that with the feed-forward regulation only, the peak of ZPA activity can be formed distant from the AER as observed experimentally. Then, we clarify that the robustness of the ZPA spatial pattern to changes in system parameters is enhanced by adding the feedback regulation between the AER and the ZPA. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis shows that there exists the optimal feedback strength where the robustness is the most improved.  相似文献   

We have examined the respective contribution of Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans (HSPGs) and Frizzled (Fz) proteins in the establishment of the Wingless (Wg) morphogen gradient. From the analysis of mutant clones of sulfateless/N-deacetylase-sulphotransferase in the wing imaginal disc, we find that lack of Heparan Sulfate (HS) causes a dramatic reduction of both extracellular and intracellular Wg in receiving cells. Our studies, together with others [Kirkpatrick, C.A., Dimitroff, B.D., Rawson, J.M., Selleck, S.B., 2004. Spatial regulation of Wingless morphogen distribution and signalling by Dally-like protein. Dev. Cell (in press)], reveals that the Glypican molecule Dally-like Protein (Dlp) is associated with both negative and positive roles in Wg short- and long-range signaling, respectively. In addition, analyses of the two Fz proteins indicate that the Fz and DFz2 receptors, in addition to transducing the signal, modulate the slope of the Wg gradient by regulating the amount of extracellular Wg. Taken together, our analysis illustrates how the coordinated activities of HSPGs and Fz/DFz2 shape the Wg morphogen gradient.  相似文献   

We consider here how morphogenetic signals involving retinoic acid (RA) are switched on and off in the light of positive and negative feedback controls which operate in other embryonic signalling systems. Switching on the RA signal involves the synthetic retinaldehyde dehydrogenase (RALDH) enzymes and it is currently thought that switching off the RA signal involves the CYP26 enzymes which catabolise RA. We have tested whether these enzymes are regulated by the presence or absence of all-trans-RA using the vitamin A-deficient quail model system and the application of excess retinoids on beads to various locations within the embryo. The Raldhs are unaffected either by the absence or presence of excess RA, whereas the Cyps are strongly affected. In the absence of RA some, but not all domains of Cyp26A1, Cyp26B1 and Cyp26C1 are down-regulated, in particular the spinal cord (Cyp26A1), the heart and developing vasculature (Cyp26B1) and the rhombomeres (Cyp26C1). In the presence of excess RA, the Cyps show a differential regulation-Cyp26A1 and Cyp26B1 are up-regulated whereas Cyp26C1 is down-regulated. We tested whether the Cyp products have a similar influence on these genes and indeed 4-oxo-RA, 4-OH-RA and 5,6-epoxy-RA do. Furthermore, these 3 metabolites are biologically active in that they fully rescue the vitamin A-deficient quail embryo. Finally, by using retinoic acid receptor selective agonists we show that these compounds regulate the Cyps through the RARalpha receptor. These results are discussed with regard to positive and negative feedback controls in developing systems.  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA of the gene for phytochrome A from Arabidopsis thaliana was fused with the 35S promoter of cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV35S-PHYA) and introduced into horseradish (Armoracia rusticana Gaert., Mey. et Scherb.) hairy roots. The phytochrome level in hairy roots transformed with CaMV35SPHYA was about three times greater than that in normal hairy roots and the rate of light-induced formation of adventitious shoots was also higher in the hairy roots transformed with CaMV35SPHYA. These results indicate that the light-induced formation of adventitious shoots on horseradish hairy roots is closely related to the phytochrome level. Received: 11 August 1998 / Revision received: 21 October 1998 / Accepted: 20 November 1998  相似文献   

In greening leaf segments amino-oxyacetate inhibited both chlorophyll and carotenoid formation by ca 60 % at 0.5 mM inhibitor concentration. In greening tissue serine: glyoxylate aminotransferase was the only enzyme of the glycollate pathway whose activity was markedly decreased after inhibitor treatment. The inhibition of pigment formation in barley and maize could be alleviated by glyoxylate, pyruvate and acetaldehyde; in the latter case there is probably a preferential reaction with inhibitor which displaces it from combination with enzymic pyridoxal 5′-phosphate.  相似文献   

Diverse mechanisms have been proposed to explain biological pattern formation. Regardless of their specific molecular interactions, the majority of these mechanisms require morphogen gradients as the spatial cue, which are either predefined or generated as a part of the patterning process. However, using Escherichia coli programmed by a synthetic gene circuit, we demonstrate here the generation of robust, self‐organized ring patterns of gene expression in the absence of an apparent morphogen gradient. Instead of being a spatial cue, the morphogen serves as a timing cue to trigger the formation and maintenance of the ring patterns. The timing mechanism enables the system to sense the domain size of the environment and generate patterns that scale accordingly. Our work defines a novel mechanism of pattern formation that has implications for understanding natural developmental processes.  相似文献   

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