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The achaete-scute complex of Drosophila has been the focus of extensive genetic and developmental analysis. Of the four genes at this locus, achaete and scute appear to act redundantly to specify the peripheral nervous system. They share cis-regulatory elements and are co-expressed at the same locations. A mutation removing scute activity has been previously described; it causes a loss of some sensory bristles. Thus, when Scute is absent, the activity of achaete allows formation of the remaining bristles. However, all existing achaete mutants are rearrangements affecting regulatory sequences common to both achaete and scute. To determine the level of redundancy between the two genes, we have used a P element approach to generate a null allele of achaete, which leaves scute and all cis-regulatory elements intact. We find that the peripheral nervous system of achaete null mutant larvae and imagos lacks any detectable phenotype. However, when the levels of Scute are limiting, then some sensory organs are missing in achaete mutant flies. achaete and scute are thought to have arisen from a duplication event about 100 Myr ago. The difference between achaete and scute null flies is surprising and raises the question of the retention of both genes during the course of evolution.  相似文献   

Heterochromatin has been traditionally regarded as a genomic wasteland, but in the last three decades extensive genetic and molecular studies have shown that this ubiquitous component of eukaryotic chromosomes may perform important biological functions. In D. melanogaster, about 30 genes that are essential for viability and/or fertility have been mapped to the heterochromatin of the major autosomes. Thus far, the known essential genes exhibit a peculiar molecular organization. They consist of single-copy exons, while their introns are comprised mainly of degenerate transposons. Moreover, about one hundred predicted genes that escaped previous genetic analyses have been associated with the proximal regions of chromosome arms but it remains to be determined how many of these genes are actually located within the heterochromatin. In this overview, we present available data on the mapping, molecular organization and function of known vital genes embedded in the heterochromatin of chromosomes 2 and 3. Repetitive loci, such as Responder and the ABO elements, which are also located in the heterochromatin of chromosome 2, are not discussed here because they have been reviewed in detail elsewhere.  相似文献   

Summary The functional expression of 12 scute alleles in homozygotes and compounds of Drosophila melanogaster at 14°, 22°, 30°C is analysed. Based on the data obtained, linear maps for bristles and mutations are built. The basic features of the maps, clustering and polarity, are invariable with respect to temperature, scute gene dosage and cross direction. In addition local dominance of the norm over bristle reduction was produced by the scute mutation; different types of complementation reactions were established for each bristle. The gene scute is treated as an operon-like system, composed of 3–4 cistrons with each controlling the formation of bristles on a particular region of the fly's body. This model argues well with the structure of maps constructed and implies a post-translational level of initial events of bristle-formation process.This paper is based on the report presented at XIV International Congress of Genetics (Moscow, August 1978)  相似文献   

Bristles on the notum of many cyclorraphous flies are arranged into species-specific stereotyped patterns. The positions of bristles correlate with differences in the spatial expression of the scute (sc) gene in those species examined so far. However, a major upstream activator of scute, Pannier (Pnr), is expressed in a conserved domain over the entire medial notum. Here we examine the expression patterns in Calliphora vicina of stripe (sr), u-shaped (ush), caupolican (caup) and wingless (wg), genes known to modify the activity of Pnr or to act downstream of Pnr in Drosophila. We find that, with minor differences, their expression patterns are conserved. This suggests that the function of a trans-regulatory network of genes is relatively unchanged in derived Diptera and that many differences are likely to be due to changes in cis-regulatory sequences of scute.  相似文献   

Summary The arrangement of bristles on a leg segment of the fruitflyDrosophila melanogaster was studied in various mutants that have abnormal numbers of bristles on this segment. Eighteen mutations at six different genetic loci were analyzed, plus five double or triple mutant combinations. Recessive mutations at theachaete-scute locus were found to affect distinct groups of bristles:achaete mutations remove mechanosensory bristles, whereasscute mutations remove mainly chemosensory bristles. Mechanosensory bristles remain uniformly spaced along the longitudinal axis unless their number decreases below a certain threshold, suggesting that spacing is controlled by cell interactions that cannot function when bristle cells are too far apart. Above a certain threshold, bristle spacing and alignment both become irregular, perhaps due to excessive force from these same interactions. Chemosensory bristles occupy definite positions that are virtually unaffected by removal of individual bristles from the array. Extra chemosensory bristles develop only near the six normal sites. At two of the six sites the multiple bristles tend to exhibit uniform longitudinal spacing — a property confined to mechanosensory bristles in wild-type flies. To explain the various mutant phenotypes the following scheme is proposed, with different mutations directly or indirectly affecting each step: (1) spots and stripes are demarcated within the pattern area, (2) one bristle cell normally arises within each spot, multiple bristle cells within each stripe, (3) incipient bristle cells inhibit neighboring cells from becoming bristle cells, and (4) the bristle cells within each stripe become aligned to form rows and then repel one another to generate uniform spacing.  相似文献   

Summary Several genetic loci have been implicated in the formation of the peripheral nervous system during Drosophila embryogenesis. As a first step towards understanding the functional interrelationships between these genes, we have searched for dominant interactions between deficiencies for the achaete-scute complex (AS-C), daughterless (da) and six other regions necessary for peripheral neurogenesis in the embryo. We have found that adult flies doubly heterozygous for deletions of AS-C and of da, or of AS-C and a small region on the fourth chromosome, exhibit characteristic bristle defects, suggesting that these genes cooperate to form sense organs both in the embryo and in the adult.  相似文献   

Summary The development of the rhabdomeric pattern in the compound eye ofDrosophila has been studied using combined transplantation and electron microscope techniques. In a first series of experiments eye imaginal discs of increasing age were implanted into larvae ready to pupate, thus losing variable amounts of the normal time for development. A sequence of differentiative abilities was found in the metamorphosed test pieces. As far as the photoreceptor cells are concerned, the most prominent steps of this sequence are: ability to form groups with other similar elements, anatomical polarization of microvilli, establishment of the rhabdomeric pattern and formation of an equator line. The stability of determination of the equator line was tested in a second experimental series. Fragment of different topographical origin within the mature eye anlage were brought to metamorphosis by implantation into larvae ready to pupate. It was found that an equator line differentiates only in those pieces which according to the published anlage maps contain the prospective equator region prior to metamorphosis. The mitotic abilities of implanted eye imaginal discs were investigated by means of in vitro3H-thymidine pulse-labelling and light microscope autoradiography of the differentiated test pieces. During the third larval stage the eye anlage is traversed by two consecutive mitotic waves, each one of them producing different categories of receptor cells. The first, anterior wave predominantly produces cells oriented toward the poles of the eye within the ommatidia, while the second, posterior wave gives rise to elements exclusively in an equatorial position. The dynamics of this proliferation are discussed in relation to the findings in the implantation experiments. Silver-grain counts support the possibility that at least two successive cell divisions occur in the eye anlage between labeling with tritiated thymidine and beginning of morphological differentiation. The relevance of this finding for the understanding of the concept of acquisition of competence is discussed.  相似文献   

To assess the functional domains of the proteins encoded by E(spl) and HLH-m5, two genes of the Enhancer of split complex [E(SPL)-C] of Drosophila melanogaster, a number of variants have been made by in vitro mutagenesis, transformed into the germ line of the wild-type, and genetically combined with a chromosomal deletion lacking four of the genes of the E(SPL)-C. All constructs used attenuated the neurogenic phenotype associated with this deletion. However, constructs encoding proteins with truncated carboxy-termini exibited in all cases a higher activity than constructs encoding the full length version of the protein. Neutralization of the basic domain severely reduced, but did not completely abolish the rescuing activity of E(spl), while proteins in which a proline residue within the basic domain had been changed to either threonine or asparagine were slightly less efficient in their rescuing activity than the corresponding wild-type versions. We discuss the possible significance of these results for the function of the protein domains.  相似文献   

Summary We have searched for dominant modifiers, i.e., enhancers and suppressors, of the compound eye phenotype of split, a recessive viable allele of Notch. Among the spl modifiers found, we have detected mutations in loci whose functions were previously known to cooperate with Notch in embryonic neurogenesis, such as daughterless, master mind, Delta and Hairless. In addition, other spl modifier mutations have been found in loci that were not previously known to interact with Notch, such as scabrous, glass, roughened eye, and several other genes that have not yet been assigned to known loci. The phenotypes associated with mutations in some of these latter loci suggest the participation of the corresponding genes in embryonic neurogenesis. We show that in some cases the observed interactions are due to genetic haplo-insufficent expression of the genes, whereas allele-specific interactions with spl are observed in master mind and Delta alleles. From this observation, we propose a direct functional association between the proteins encoded by Notch, Delta and master mind.  相似文献   

Using low-stringency hybridization and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based DNA amplification, we have isolated threeDrosophila melanogaster genes that encode troponin-C isoforms and one specifying a protein that is closely related to calmodulin. Two of the troponin-C genes, located within the 47D and 73F subdivisions of chromosomes 2 and 3, respectively, encode very closely related isoforms. That specified by the 47D gene accumulates almost exclusively in larval muscles, while that encoded by the 73F gene is present in both larvae and adults. The third gene, located within the 41C subdivision of chromosome 2, encodes a more distantly related troponin-C isoform that accumulates only within adults. The gene that encodes the calmodulin-related protein is located within the 97A subdivision of chromosome three. The protein encoded by this gene has a different primary sequence from that of conventional calmodulin, which is specified by a gene located within the 49A subdivision of chromosome 2. Our report is the first to describe insect troponin-C isoforms and further avails genetic methods for investigating thein vivo functions of the troponin-C/myosin light-chain/calmodulin protein superfamily.This work was supported by grants from the NIH and Muscular Dystrophy Association to E. F.Sequences described herein have been filed in the EMBL and GenBank databases under Accession Numbers X76042, X76043, X76044, and X76045.  相似文献   

The relationship between the 50% survival time for flies feeding on a malathion-containing medium and the activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) was determined for 15 isofemale lines of Drosophila melanogaster. A significant correlation was found (r=0.28, P<0.05), with more resistant lines tending to have a lower level of AChE activity. An association between AChE and malathion resistance was also observed in a selection experiment. The AChE activity decreased in two of two populations selected for malathion resistance. AChE from these populations was altered in kinetic parameters (measured in crude head extracts) and electrophoretic mobility. Although the resistant AChE had a lower activity (V m) on either a per milligram protein or a per individual basis, its apparent K m for acetylthiocholine was lower than that of susceptible AChE. Recombination mapping of both low activity and fast electrophoretic mobility localized these traits to the region of the structural locus (Ace) on the third chromosome. The AChE activity of flies heterozygous for a variety of Ace lesions (kindly provided by Dr. W. M. Gelbart) was consistent with this location. The changes in AChE were suggested to have been caused by selection of alleles at the Ace locus.This work was supported by NSERC Grants A5857, G0183, and A0629.  相似文献   

Summary Measurements of cAMP in early embryos of Drosophila melanogaster demonstrate that the dunce gene plays a major role, and the rutabaga gene a secondary role, in maternal regulation of embryonic cAMP content. Studying the double mutant combination, we find that variability in elevated cAMP content between individual embryos is associated with a wide variability in developmental potential. Embryos with about five times the normal cAMP content define a threshold between apparently normal and abnormal development. Measurements of cAMP content in anterior and posterior halves of embryos indicate that the posterior embryonic region, which is developmentally more sensitive to the effects of elevated cAMP than the anterior region, does not contain more cAMP than the anterior region. The variety of developmental defects observed is discussed in relation to possible targets of cAMP action. Offprint requests to: J.A. Kiger, Jr  相似文献   

Bristles on the notum of many cyclorraphous flies are arranged into species-specific stereotyped patterns. Differences in the spatial expression of the proneural gene scute correlate with the positions of bristles in those species looked at so far. However, the examination of a number of genes encoding trans-regulatory factors, such as pannier, stripe, u-shaped, caupolican and wingless, indicates that they are expressed in conserved domains on the prospective notum. This suggests that the function of a trans-regulatory network of genes is relatively unchanged in derived Diptera, and that many differences are likely to be due to changes in cis-regulatory sequences of scute. In contrast, in Anopheles gambiae, a basal species with no stereotyped bristle pattern, the expression patterns of pannier and wingless are not conserved, and expression of AgASH, the Anopheles proneural gene, does not correlate in a similar manner with the bristle pattern. We discuss the possibility that independently acting cis-regulatory sequences at the scute locus may have arisen in the lineage giving rise to cyclorraphous flies.  相似文献   

Summary Transformations of tumorous-head Drosophila melanogaster were examined in order to investigate whether head structures were replaced by specific abdominal structures. Heads selected for the presence of genital structures were analyzed in detail. Female abnormalities included any combination of vaginal teeth, vulvar papillae, sensilla trichodea, abdominal tergites 6 (T6), 7 (T7), 8 (T8) and anal plate. Anal plate was observed in the prefrons and rostral membrane, while all other genital structures were intimately associated with modified shingle cuticle. Male abnormalities included transformation of antennal structures to penis, clasper teeth, lateral plate, anal plate and eye to T6. The distribution of each type of homeotic structure was confined to general regions of the eye-antenna, with no precise dividing lines between them. However, the spatial sequence of homeotic structures in the eye-antenna was generally the same as the sequence of the same structures in the posterior abdomen.  相似文献   

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