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The usefulness of spot determination of urinary cortisol in the screening of Cushing's syndrome was evaluated by measuring the cortisol concentration in randomly sampled urine in 68 normal subjects and in 9 patients with Cushing's syndrome. The urinary cortisol concentration in the morning was significantly higher in patients with Cushing's syndrome but some overlap existed between normal subjects and patients with Cushing's syndrome. In contrast, there was a clear discrimination between two groups when urinary cortisol was measured in the late evening: urinary cortisol was lower than 75 micrograms per gram creatinine (microgram/gCr) in normal subjects but higher than 150 micrograms/gCr in patients with Cushing's syndrome. When 1 mg dexamethasone was administered at 2300 h in the evening, spot urinary cortisol the next morning was less than 80 micrograms/gCr in normal subjects while it was above 100 micrograms/gCr in patients with Cushing's syndrome. Dexamethasone-induced suppression of urinary cortisol in normal subjects lasted until late in the afternoon, which allows sampling of urine at any time in the morning and possibly in the afternoon. These results suggest the usefulness of spot determination of urinary cortisol in the screening of Cushings' syndrome.  相似文献   

Effects of o,p'-DDD on parameters of cortisol metabolism were studied in 3 patients with Cushing's syndrome (ectopic ACTH-syndrome, Cushing's disease, and adrenal cancer). Before o,p'-DDD treatment, plasma cortisol, urinary 17OHCS, and urinary free cortisol were elevated in all patients. These parameters correlated well with each other in ectopic ACTH-syndrome and Cushing's disease. However, in adrenal cancer, urinary 17OHCS did not correlate with either plasma cortisol or urinary free cortisol, while the latter two parameters did. During o,p'-DDD, urinary 17OHCS rapidly declined in a patient with ectopic ACTH syndrome and a patient with Cushing's disease before plasma cortisol or urinary free cortisol decreases. Consequently the positive correlations of urinary 17OHCS with the other parameters were lost. In a case of adrenal cancer, urinary 17OHCS again did not correlate with plasma cortisol or urinary free cortisol. In these conditions, plasma cortisol and urinary free cortisol still significantly correlated. The present results demonstrated the limit of urinary 17OHCS as the index of the cortisol secretion rate both in some cases of adrenal cancer and in patients taking o,p'-DDD. It is suggested that urinary free cortisol should be utilized as a more accurate index for the cortisol secretion rate in such circumstances.  相似文献   

A 21-year-old woman with Cushing's syndrome was found to have a marked diurnal variation in cortisol secretion. Serum cortisol concentrations and urinary excretion of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids were normal in the morning but clearly increased in the afternoon. The patient was cured by resection of an adrenocortical adenoma. ACTH and prostaglandin E1 stimulated cortisol release from incubated adenoma tissues in vitro. The cause of the abnormal diurnal rhythm of cortisol secretion is unknown.  相似文献   

A patient with Cushing''s syndrome whose clinical manifestations began at approximately 9 years of age was followed for a period of four years. Initial laboratory studies revealed urinary 170HCS and 17 KS levels which were elevated for her age, with a normal diurnal variation of plasma cortisol and normal suppression of urinary 170HCS by 1.5 mg. of dexamethasone daily. It was not until four years after the onset of the disease that laboratory studies unequivocally supported the diagnosis of Cushing''s syndrome resulting in definitive therapy. Clinical features consisted primarily of cessation of growth, obesity, and hirsutism, with no evidence of protein depletion. It is suggested that the clinical and laboratory features of Cushing''s syndrome in childhood may present differences from those found in the adult. Failure to recognize these differences may result in delay in therapy with subsequent persisting stigmata of the disorder.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe cut-off value for salivary cortisol measurement for the diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome (CS) may depend both on the severity of the disease and the composition of control group. Therefore, we examined the utility of midnight salivary cortisol measurements in patients who were evaluated for signs and symptoms of CS or because they had adrenal incidentalomas. Because serum osteocalcin (OC) is considered as a sensitive marker of hypercortisolism, we also investigated whether OC could have a role in the diagnosis of CS.Patients and methodsEach of the 151 patients was included into one of the following groups: (A) overt CS (n = 23), (B) subclinical CS (n = 18), (C) inactive adrenal adenomas (n = 40), (D) patients without HPA disturbances (n = 70). Patients (C + D) were used as controls. Serum, salivary and urinary cortisol, and OC were measured by electrochemiluminescence immunoassay.ResultsGroup A had suppressed OC as compared to both group B and group (C + D). Serum and salivary cortisol concentrations showed strong negative correlations with OC in patients with overt CS. The areas under the curves of salivary and serum cortisol at 24:00 h (0.9790 and 0.9940, respectively) serum cortisol after low dose dexamethasone test (0.9930) and OC (0.9220) obtained from ROC aanalysis for the diagnosis of overt CS were not statistically different.ConclusionThis study confirms the usefulness of midnight salivary cortisol measurements in the diagnosis of overt CS in the everyday endocrinological praxis. Our results suggest that OC may have a role in the diagnosis of overt CS.  相似文献   

Forty four subjects (23 obese controls, 11 patients with possible Cushing''s syndrome, and 10 patients with definite Cushing''s syndrome) underwent low dose (0 X 5 mg every six hours for two days) dexamethasone suppression tests during which serum cortisol concentration at 0800 and excretion of urinary free cortisol over 24 hours were measured. Serum cortisol concentration fell to below 60 nmol/1 (2 X 2 micrograms/100 ml) in 31 subjects and remained above 250 nmol/1 (9 X 1 micrograms/100 ml) in the 13 others. Excretion of urinary free cortisol showed a similar response, falling to below 110 nmol (40 micrograms)/24 h in 31 and remaining above 180 nmol (65 micrograms)/24 h in the 13 others. There was complete concordance between the two variables in terms of the pattern of response. Serum cortisol concentration fell to below 60 nmol/1 (2 X 2 micrograms/100 ml) in at least 97% (31 of a possible 32) of subjects without Cushing''s syndrome. On the other hand, a serum cortisol concentration of above 250 nmol/1 (9 X 1 micrograms/100 ml) after low dose dexamethasone gave a false positive diagnosis of Cushing''s syndrome in at most only one of 13 patients (7 X 7%). Measurement of serum cortisol concentration during the low dose dexamethasone test is simpler than, and as accurate and reliable as, measurements of urinary steroids.  相似文献   

Correlation analysis was used to investigate the interrelation between plasma ACTH and serum cortisol concentrations determined at 8:00, 12:00, 16:00 and 22:00 h in 48 patients bilaterally adrenalectomized for Cushing's disease, including 23 patients with a pituitary adenoma (Nelson's syndrome). In the patients without evidence of a pituitary adenoma a significant inverse correlation was found at 8:00, 16:00, 22:00 h and additionally when all the pairs of estimations were analyzed. In a full-blown Nelson's syndrome an inverse correlation was not proved (p = 0.05). During remission in Nelson's syndrome an inverse correlation between cortisol and ACTH concentrations was stated at 8:00 h and after the evaluation of all the pairs of estimations. The results of our studies have shown that exogenous cortisol exerts a partial inhibitory action on ACTH secretion in patients bilaterally adrenalectomized for Cushing's disease. In active Nelson's syndrome this influence is questionable, it comes however into prominence during remission.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance is well established in Cushing's syndrome, but its mechanisms are not completely understood. We performed the euglycemic insulin clamp technique on four patients with Cushing's syndrome, five obese patients and five normal volunteers, in order to determine the role of impairments in insulin responsiveness and insulin clearance in hypercorticism and obesity. Insulin was infused at 0.3, 1, 3 and 10 mU/kg/min, and steady-state glucose-infusion rates required to maintain euglycemia were determined. Glucose disposal at maximal insulin levels was 11.9 +/- 0.4 mg/kg/min in normals, with a 29% decrease in obese and a 42% decrease in Cushing's syndrome patients. Half maximally effective insulin concentrations were increased in both abnormal groups compared to normals. Maximal insulin clearance rates were 1460 +/- 200 ml/min/m2 in normals, not significantly changed in obese and 40% decreased in Cushing's syndrome patients. These results indicate that the insulin resistance in Cushing's syndrome is distinct from that occurring in obesity and is characterized by both decreased insulin responsiveness and decreased insulin clearance. These impairments could be caused by a common defect which may be at or distal to the glucose transport level.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanism of dissociation of cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) secretion by the adrenal glands after the removal of an adrenal gland containing an adrenocortical adenoma in a patient with Cushing's syndrome. After removal of the adrenocortical adenoma, the serum cortisol rapidly decreased from 24.6 +/- 6.4 micrograms/dl (mean +/- SD, n = 6) to 0.7 +/- 0.5 micrograms/dl. Serum DHEA-S levels were 15 +/- 14 micrograms/dl and 6 +/- 9 micrograms/dl before and after surgery, respectively, and significantly lower than the control values. Serum cortisol levels reverted to normal levels 1.5 to 3 years after the surgery. On the other hand, DHEA-S levels reverted to normal 5 to 7 years after the serum cortisol levels had normalized. Monolayer cultures of normal human adrenal cells obtained at adrenalectomy in patients with advanced breast cancer and atrophic adrenal cells adjacent to the adrenocortical adenoma in patients with Cushing's syndrome were used to study the mechanism of the dissociation of cortisol and DHEA-S secretion. ACTH caused significant increases in the productions of pregnenolone (P5), progesterone (P4), 17-hydroxypregnenolone (17-OH-P5), 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OH-P4), DHEA, DHEA-S, androstenedione (delta 4-A), and cortisol. The amounts of 17-OH-P5 and 17-OH-P4 produced by ACTH in atrophic adrenal cells were significantly greater than those in normal adrenal cells. The amounts of DHEA, DHEA-S and delta 4-A produced by ACTH in atrophic adrenal cells were significantly smaller than those of normal adrenal cells. The conversion rate of 17-OH-[3H]P5 to 17-OH-[3H]P4 and 11-deoxy-[3H] cortisol was higher in atrophic adrenal cells than in normal adrenal cells, but the conversion rate to [3H]DHEA, [3H]DHEA-S and [3H]delta 4-A was significantly lower in atrophic adrenal cells than in normal adrenal cells. These results suggest that the dissociation of cortisol from DHEA-S after the removal of adrenocortical adenoma is a probably due to diminished C17,20-lyase activity in the remaining atrophic adrenal gland.  相似文献   

Multiple alterations of G-protein-coupled receptors and G-proteins regulating intracellular transduction signal have been described in endocrine tumours. In Cushing's syndrome, aberrant or 'illicit' expression of membrane receptors (mainly G-protein-coupled receptors) has been observed in adrenal adenomas and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-independent macronodular bilateral adrenal hyperplasia. The best characterized example to date is the aberrant expression of the gastric inhibitory polypeptide receptor that causes 'food-dependent hypercortisolism'. Aberrant expression of the luteinizing hormone, 2-adrenergic, interleukin receptors have also been reported. The level of expression of the vasopressin V1a receptor correlates with the direct (ACTH-independent) cortisol response to vasopressin.  相似文献   

We monitored the circadian profiles of cortisol, systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP) and heart rate (HR) in 33 matched normotensive subjects, 32 patients with essential hypertension and 16 patients with Cushing's Syndrome (8 pituitary adenomas, 6 adrenal adenomas and 2 adrenal carcinomas). Each subject underwent serial blood drawings at 4-hr intervals along the 24-hr cycle. BP and HR were automatically recorded every 30 min. Data were analyzed by conventional statistics and by chronobiological procedures (cosinor rhythmometry). Both the control subjects and essential hypertensives showed a circadian profile of BP and HR characterized by a peak in the early afternoon and a clear nocturnal fall (rhythm detection: P less than 0.001). The rhythmicity of BP was disrupted in patients affected by Cushing's Syndrome, whereas the 24-hr oscillation of HR was preserved (P less than 0.001). Our data are compatible with the view that glucocorticoids are involved in the control of BP circadian rhythm, whereas HR is not under their control.  相似文献   

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