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The cells of Actinomyces viscosus ATCC 19246 (Av19246) and Streptococcus sanguis ATCC 10557 (Ss10557) coaggregated immediately after mixing in 40 mM-Tris/HCl buffer. Optimal conditions were pH 7.5 in the presence of Ca2+ at 0.1 mM or higher. Na2 EDTA and its analogues, Na2MgEDTA and Na2MnEDTA at 7.5 mM inhibited the coaggregation. Trypsin and heat treatment impaired the reactive site on Av19246 cells, but not on Ss10557 cells. The coaggregates, once formed, dissociated gradually during extended incubation at 37 degrees C; this was prevented by addition of sufficient Ca2+. The disaggregation appears to be a spontaneous denaturation of the proteinaceous reactive site on Av19246 cell surface. Thus, the coaggregation involves the interaction of a lectin-like substance on the surface of Av19246 with a carbohydrate site on Ss10557. Native Ss10557 cell walls possessed reactivity with Av19246 cells but 5% (w/v) TCA-extracted cell wall residues did not. A carbohydrate moiety extracted from Ss10557 exhibited a high potency in blocking coaggregation, and coaggregates were dissociated upon addition of the carbohydrate. Lactose, galactose and N-acetyl-D-galactosamine (the latter two are major constituents of the antigen extract) also significantly inhibited the coaggregation, but the other antigen components, glucose and rhamnose, did not. Relative inhibitory activity, expressed as molar potency, of carbohydrate antigen, lactose, galactose and N-acetyl-D-galactosamine respectively, was approximately 26 X 10(3):16:4:1. Ss10557 cells and cell walls reacted only with a Ricinus communis (castor bean) agglutinin-120 but not with Glycine max (soybean) agglutinin, Arachis hypogaea (peanut) agglutinin or Phaseolus vulgaris agglutinin (phytohaemagglutinin).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

DNAs of type strains and representative members of Actinomyces groups from the human periodontal flora and from other habitats were compared by using the S1 nuclease procedure to determine their genetic relatedness. One rather common group from the human periodontal flora, previously called "Actinomyces D08," is phenotypically distinct from, and genetically unrelated to, previously described species. We propose the name of Actinomyces georgiae for this organism; the type strain is strain ATCC 49285. Another common group from the human periodontal flora is Actinomyces israelii serotype II, which was found genetically distinct from the type strain of A. israelii (serotype I) and from other previously described species of Actinomyces. We propose the name Actinomyces gerencseriae for this organism; the type strain is strain ATCC 23860. A. naeslundii serotype I strains were distinct from the other strains studied. A separate genospecies which included strains of A. naeslundii serotypes II and III and A. viscosus serotype II was delineated. Strains of Actinomyces serotype WVA 963 constitute an additional distinct genospecies. Because there are no reliable phenotypic tests, other than serological analyses, to differentiate Actinomyces serotype WVA 963 and the two genospecies of A. naeslundii, no taxonomic changes are proposed for these three genospecies.  相似文献   

The binding of Actinomyces viscosus T14V to saliva-treated spheroidal hydroxyapatite (SHA) beads was studied. The association constant (K) and the total number of binding sites (N) obtained from the Langmuir plots were in good agreement with those reported by other workers (approx. 3 X 10(-8) and 3 X 10(8), respectively). The values for N obtained from Scatchard plots differed from those obtained from Langmuir plots by factors of 10(6) or more. These results suggest that either these equations are inappropriate to describe binding or certain assumptions regarding this system are not being met. The use of these models requires, among other constraints, that the process be reversible and that measurements be taken at equilibrium. A method was developed which allowed a close examination of the equilibrium dynamics without perturbation of the system. The results suggest that the adsorption process is only poorly reversible. Adsorption to SHA was not at equilibrium after 1.5 h. Even when bacteria were allowed to adsorb for longer periods, and the system appeared to approach equilibrium, the increased time of adherence did not significantly alter the derived K or N values. Our results suggest that the use of Scatchard and Langmuir plots is inappropriate to describe binding of A. viscosus to SHA.  相似文献   

Interbacterial adhesion (coadhesion) is considered a major determinant of dental plaque ecology. In this report, we studied several aspects of the adhesion of Porphyromonas (Bacteroides) gingivalis to hexadecane in order to use the liquid hydrocarbon as a convenient substratum for coadhesion assays. Washed suspensions of hydrophobic P. gingivalis 2561 cells were vortexed with hexadecane to yield highly stable cell-coated droplets. Kinetics of coadhesion between Actinomyces viscosus cells and P. gingivalis-coated hexadecane droplets (PCHD) was subsequently studied. Aliquots of PCHD were added to A. viscosus suspensions, and the mixtures were gently rotated. Avid adhesion of A. viscosus cells to the immobilized P. gingivalis layer could be readily measured by the decrease in turbidity in the aqueous phase, following phase separation. Despite the ability of A. viscosus cells to adsorb to hexadecane following vigorous mixing, gentle mixing did not appreciably promote adhesion to bare hexadecane. Moreover, extensive microscopic examinations revealed that A. viscosus cells adhered exclusively to the bound P. gingivalis cells rather than to exposed areas of hexadecane. Coadhesion of A. viscosus to the PCHD appeared to follow first-order kinetics, attaining 80% levels within 30 min. Electron micrographs revealed A. viscosus cells adhering to the P. gingivalis cell layer adsorbed at the hexadecane-water interface. Interestingly, P. gingivalis cells did not appear to penetrate the hexadecane. A viscosus mutants lacking type 1 or type 2 fimbriae or both were still able to bind to the PCHD. No obvious correlation was observed between relative hydrophobicity of A. viscosus strains and their binding to PCHD. However, defatted bovine serum albumin, an inhibitor of hydrophobic interactions, was the most potent inhibitor among those tested. The data suggest that this approach provides a simple, quantitative technique for studying kinetics of bacterial coadhesion which is amenable to both light and electron microscopic observation.  相似文献   

Ammonia production from urea by ureolytic oral bacteria is believed to have a significant impact on oral health and ecological balance of oral microbial populations. Actinomyces naeslundii is an important ureolytic organism in the oral cavity. In this study, we aimed to investigate the substrate affinity and pH optimum for ureolysis of A. naeslundii (ATCC12104), and expression of urease under different environmental factors. In addition, in vitro acid killing and pH drop experiments were used to detect the role of ureolysis in bacterial aciduricity and capacity to modulate pH homeostasis. We observed the Ks value of the ureolytic activity was 7.5 mM and a pH optimum near 6.5. Urease expression by A. naeslundii (ATCC12104) was affected by multiple factors, including environmental pH, glucose and nitrogen availability. The cells could be protected against acid killing through hydrolysis of physiologically relevant concentrations of urea. A. naeslundii (ATCC12104) demonstrated a significant capacity to temper glycolytic acidification in vitro at urea concentrations normally found in the oral cavity.  相似文献   

The specificity ofMoluccella laevis lectin was investigated by analysing its binding to glycosphingolipids separated on thin-layer chromatograms or adsorbed on microtitre wells. The binding activity of the lectin was highest for glycosphingolipids with terminal -linkedN-acetylgalactosamine, both in linear structures, as the Forssman glycosphingolipid, GalNAc3GalNAc3Gal4Gal4Glc1Cer, and in branched structures, as glycosphingolipids with the blood group A determinant, GalNAc3(Fuc2)Gal. In addition, the lectin bound, though considerably more weakly, to linear glycosphingolipids with terminal -linked galactose. When considering the use of theM. laevis lectin for biochemical and medical purposes this cross-reactivity may be of importance. Nomenclature: The glycosphingolipid nomenclature follows the recommendations by the IUPAC-IUB Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature (CBN for Lipids:Eur J Biochem (1977)79:11–21,J Biol Chem (1982)257:3347–51, andJ Biol Chem (1987)262:13–18). It is assumed that Gal, Glc, GlcNAc, GalNAc, and NeuAc are of thed-configuration, Fuc of thel-configuration, and all sugars present in the pyranose form.  相似文献   

Porphyromonas (Bacteroides) gingivalis adheres to gram-positive bacteria, such as Actinomyces viscosus, when colonizing the tooth surface. However, little is known of the adhesins responsible for this interaction. A series of experiments were performed to determine whether P. gingivalis fimbriae function in its coadhesion with A. viscosus. Fimbriae typical of P. gingivalis were isolated from strain 2561 (ATCC 33277) by the method of Yoshimura et al. (F. Yoshimura, K. Takahashi, Y. Nodasaka, and T. Suzuki, J. Bacteriol. 160:949-957, 1984) in fractions enriched with a 40-kDa subunit, the fimbrillin monomer, P. gingivalis-A. viscosus coaggregation was inhibited by purified rabbit antifimbrial immunoglobulin G (IgG) at dilutions eightfold higher than those of preimmune IgG, providing indirect evidence implicating P. gingivalis fimbriae in coadhesion. Three types of direct binding assays further supported this observation. (i) Mixtures of isolated P. gingivalis fimbriae and A. viscosus WVU627 cells were incubated for 1 h, washed vigorously with phosphate-buffered saline (pH 7.2), and subjected to electrophoresis. Transblots onto nitrocellulose were probed with antifimbrial antiserum. Fimbrillin labeled positively on these blots. No reaction occurred with the control protein, porcine serum albumin, when blots were exposed to anti-porcine serum albumin, (ii) A. viscosus cells incubated with P. gingivalis fimbriae were agglutinated only after the addition of antifimbrial antibodies. (iii) Binding curves generated from an enzyme immunoassay demonstrated concentration-dependent binding of P. gingivalis fimbriae to A. viscosus cells. From these lines of evidence, P. gingivalis fimbriae appear to be capable of binding to A. viscosus and mediating the coadhesion of these species.  相似文献   

Actinomyces naeslundii and Actinomyces oris are members of the oral biofilm. Their identification using 16S rRNA sequencing is problematic and better achieved by comparison of metG partial sequences. A. oris is more abundant and more frequently isolated than A. naeslundii. We used a multi-locus sequence typing approach to investigate the genotypic diversity of these species and assigned A. naeslundii (n = 37) and A. oris (n = 68) isolates to 32 and 68 sequence types (ST), respectively. Neighbor-joining and ClonalFrame dendrograms derived from the concatenated partial sequences of 7 house-keeping genes identified at least 4 significant subclusters within A. oris and 3 within A. naeslundii. The strain collection we had investigated was an under-representation of the total population since at least 3 STs composed of single strains may represent discrete clusters of strains not well represented in the collection. The integrity of these sub-clusters was supported by the sequence analysis of fimP and fimA, genes coding for the type 1 and 2 fimbriae, respectively. An A. naeslundii subcluster was identified with both fimA and fimP genes and these strains were able to bind to MUC7 and statherin while all other A. naeslundii strains possessed only fimA and did not bind to statherin. An A. oris subcluster harboured a fimA gene similar to that of Actinomyces odontolyticus but no detectable fimP failed to bind significantly to either MUC7 or statherin. These data are evidence of extensive genotypic and phenotypic diversity within the species A. oris and A. naeslundii but the status of the subclusters identified here will require genome comparisons before their phylogenic position can be unequivocally established.  相似文献   

The binding proteins, or receptors, for insecticidal Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki delta-endotoxins are located in the brush border membranes of susceptible insect midguts. The interaction of one of these toxins, CryIA(c), with proteins isolated from Heliothis virescens larval midguts was investigated. To facilitate the identification of solubilized putative toxin-binding proteins, a solid-phase binding assay was developed and compared with toxin overlay assays. The overlay assays demonstrated that a number of proteins of 170, 140, 120, 90, 75, 60, and 50 kDa bound the radiolabeled CryIA(c) toxin. Anion-exchange fractionation allowed the separation of these proteins into three toxin binding fractions, or pools. Toxin overlay assays demonstrated that although the three pools had distinct protein profiles, similar-size proteins could be detected in these three pools. However, determination of toxin affinity by using the solid-phase binding assay showed that only one of the three pools contained high-affinity binding proteins. The Kd obtained, 0.65 nM, is similar to that of the unsolubilized brush border membrane vesicles. Thus, the solid-phase binding assay in combination with the toxin overlay assay facilitates the identification and purification of high-affinity B. thuringiensis toxin-binding proteins from the insect midgut.  相似文献   

Abstract Actinomyces viscosus is a predominant microorganism in dental plaque. It is, just as the oral Streptococcus spp., a saccharolytic and aero-tolerant organism. We have investigated the effects of oxygen on the growth and metabolism of A. viscosus . To this end A. viscosus Ut 2 was grown in a glucose limited chemostat culture on a chemically defined medium ( D = 0.2 h−1) with exposure to variable amounts of oxygen. The Yglucose increased from 62.5 g · mol−1 under anaerobic conditions to 149 g · mol−1 under aerobic conditions, while, concomitantly, the carbon recovery from acidic fermentation products decreased from 75% to 7%. Addition of [14C]glucose to the chemostat showed that the glucose, which was not converted to acidic fermentation products, was instead converted to carbon dioxide or used for the production of biomass. Under aerobic and anaerobic conditions identical cytochrome spectra, containing only two cytochrome b -type absorption bands, were found. It was concluded that electron transport phosphorylation probably occurs both under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Anaerobically, fumarate served as the electron acceptor, while the high growth yields observed under aerobic conditions are likely to be explained by citric acid cycle activity coupled to electron transport phosphorylation.  相似文献   

A nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-specific L-(+)-lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) (EC 1.11.27) from Actinomyces viscosus T-6-1600 was purified approximately 110-fold by a combination of diethylaminoethyl-cellulose and 0.5 M Agarose A column chromatography. The ldh was stable at 26 C, but was quite labile at temperatures below 5 C. The enzyme had a molecular weight of 100,000 +/- 10,000 as determined by 0.5 M Agarose molecular exclusion chromatography and showed optimum activity between pH 5.5 and 6.2. The A. viscosus LDH exhibited homotropic interactions with its substrate, pyruvate, and its coenzyme, reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, indicating multiple binding sites on the enzyme for these ligands with some degree of cooperative interaction between them. The enzyme was under negative control by adenosine 5'-triphosphate, and its kinetic response to the negative effector was sigmoidal in nature. Inorganic phosphate reversed the inhibition exerted on the A. viscosus LDH by adenosine. The 5'-triphosphate thermal stability at 65 C of the LDH from A. viscosus was increased in the presence of its negative effector, adenosine 5'-triphosphate, but was markedly decreased in the presence of its coenzyme, reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. The glycolytic intermediate, fructose-1,6-diphosphate, had no effect on the catalytic activity of the A. viscosus LDH at saturating pyruvate concentrations. However, fructose-1,6-diphosphate was a potent positive effector at low substrate concentrations. Thus the A. viscosus LDH is under positive control by fructose-1,6-diphosphate and inorganic phosphate, but under negative control by adenosine 5'-triphosphate.  相似文献   

Actinomyces viscosus strain GA produces an exocellular biological retardant(s) that prevents certain vegetable plants from becoming overgrown. The biological retardant(s) was assayed using the etiolated wheat coleoptile assay, and fractionation of culture supernatant fluid resulted in a partial purification of the retardant(s). The biological retardant(s) was most active around pH 7 in the bioassay and when applied to sterile soil mixture. The biological retardant(s) was tentatively identified as a derivative of a rare hexose carbohydrate (but not an amino sugar) but an exact structure was not determined. In a sterilized synthetic soil system, the biological retardant(s) has an effect on tomato cultivars similar to that observed by the synthetic plant growth regulators Alar (succinic acid 2,2-dimethylhydrazide) and Bonzi (paclobutrazol).  相似文献   

Chromosomal DNA from Actinomyces viscosus was digested with restriction endonucleases and the fragments ligated with pUC-vectors were used to transform Escherichia coli cells. Clones bearing the required sialidase gene were detected by spraying the colonies with the fluorogenic sialidase substrate MU-Neu5Ac. The identity of the cloned sialidase was confirmed after the 5700-fold enrichment and comparison with the purified enzyme of A. viscosus. Both sialidases were identical with regard to molecular mass, substrate specificity tested with sialyllactoses, and the inhibition of their activity by heterologous antisialidase antibodies. The sequenced insert (EMBL accession number X62276) revealed a mol% G + C of 68.2, typical for A. viscosus. An open reading frame of 2739 bp follows a sequence with dyad symmetry and an AG-rich region, and codes for 913 amino acids representing a molecular mass of 113 kDa. The conserved amino acid sequence [Ser-X-Asp-X-Gly-X-Thr-Trp] typical for bacterial sialidases was found at five positions in the predicted amino acid sequence. The gene of this enzyme is expressed by E. coli, despite the low relatedness of both species.  相似文献   

Total DNA was extracted from M. paratuberculosis (ATCC 19698) and from M. avium complex (ATCC 25291) cultivated on RVB-10 enriched liquid media. Restriction endonuclease analysis was conducted of Total DNA using 34 enzymes and DNA digestion profiles were compared. Fifteen enzymes revealed important differences between the two species. Two pairs of enzymes (EcoRII, BstNI) and (MboI, Sau3AI) provide evidence for the presence of dcmI and dam methylation in DNA of M. avium complex and M. paratuberculosis. The differences in DNA fragments of these two species could be of potential value in differentiating these clinically significant mycobacteria.  相似文献   

Pulsed dye laser excitation spectroscopy of the 7F0----5D0 transition of Eu(III) reveals only a single peak as this ion is titrated into apocalmodulin. A titration based on the intensity of this transition shows that the first two Eu(III) ions bind quantitatively to two tight sites, followed by weaker binding (Kd = 2 microM) to two additional sites under conditions of high ionic strength (0.5 M KC1). This excitation experiment is also shown to be a general method for measuring contaminating levels of EDTA down to 0.2 microM in proton solutions. Experiments with Tb(III) using both direct laser excitation and indirect sensitization of Tb(III) luminescence through tyrosine residues in calmodulin also give evidence for two tight and two weaker binding sites (Kd = 2-3 microM). The indirect sensitization results primarily upon binding to the two weaker sites, implying that Tb(III) binds first to domains I and II, which are remote from tyrosine-containing domains III and IV. The 7F0----5D0 excitation signal of Eu(III) was used to measure the relative overall affinities of the tripositive lanthanide ions, Ln(III), across the series. Ln(III) ions at the end of the series are found to bind more weakly than those at the beginning and middle of the series. Eu(III) excited-state lifetime measurements in H2O and D2O reveal that two water molecules are coordinated to the Eu(III) at each of the four metal ion binding sites. Measurements of F?rster-type nonradiative energy-transfer efficiencies between Eu(III) and Nd(III) in the two tight sites were carried out by monitoring the excited-state lifetimes of Eu(III) in the presence and absence of the energy acceptor ion Nd(III).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A cosmid gene library of Actinomyces viscosus T14V was prepared in Escherichia coli to examine the expression of A. viscosus antigens and to gain insight into the structure of A. viscosus type 1 and type 2 fimbriae. Out of this library of 550 clones, 28 reacted in a colony immunoassay with antibodies against A. viscosus cells. The proteins responsible for these reactions were identified in three clones. Clones AV1209 and AV2009 displayed nonfimbrial antigens with subunits of 40 and 58 kilodaltons, respectively. Clone AV1402 showed a 59-kilodalton protein that reacted with monospecific antibody against type 2 fimbriae and that comigrated with a subunit of type 2 fimbriae during sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This indicates that AV1402 expresses a gene (fimA) for a subunit of A. viscosus type 2 fimbriae.  相似文献   

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