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We cultured phagocytic cells derived from the thymic reticulum in order to study the regulation of prostaglandin (PG) production by antiinflammatory or immunostimulating agents. The kinetics of PGE2, 6-keto-PGF1 alpha and PGF2 alpha production were measured by specific radioimmunoassays of the supernatants harvested from cells treated with dexamethasone, a steroidal antiinflammatory drug and by two non steroidal inhibitors (indomethacin and sulindac) or by various immunostimulating agents, one of them, RU 41740 is currently being used in humans. Our results revealed that each of these drugs exerts a differential effect on the PG production, with a striking action on PGE2 synthesis, a lesser effect on 6-keto-PGF1 alpha production and almost no effect on PGF2 alpha synthesis. The possible mechanisms responsible for this complex regulation of PG production are discussed.  相似文献   

We cultured phagocytic cells derived from the thymic reticulum in order to study the regulation of prostaglandin (PG) production by antiinflammatory or immunostimulating agents. The kinetics of PGE2, 6-keto-PGF and PGF production were measured by specific radioimmunoassays of the supernatants harvested from cells treated with dexamethasone, a steroidal antiinflammatory drug and by two non steroidal inhibitors (indomethacin and sulindac) or by various immunostimulating agents, one of them, RU 41740 is currently being used in humans. Our results revealed that ech of these drugs exerts a differential effect on the PG production, with a striking action on PGE2 synthesis, a lesser effect on 6-keto-PGF production and almost no effect on PGF synthesis. The possible mechanisms responsible for this complex regulation of PG production are discussed.  相似文献   

Five clonal strains of mouse tumor cells (HSDM1) synthesize and secrete large quantities (0.70-2.0 μg/mg cell protein/24 hr) of prostaglandin E2. Five lines of control cells did not synthesize significant amounts of prostaglandins. HSDM1 cells produce prostaglandin E2 during both the logarithmic and stationary phases of the cell growth cycle. Prostaglandin production was inhibited by aspirin-like drugs; for example, 50% inhibition was obtained with as little as 3 × 10−9 M indomethacin. We conclude that the HSDM1 cell system will serve as a useful model system to study prostaglandin synthesis and secretion.  相似文献   

Phagocytic cells of the thymic reticulum (P-TR) have been previously described as being Ia-positive, Mac-1-positive accessory cells which pursue a close relationship with thymocytes. They form rosettes with thymocytes, and these rosettes are inhibited by antibody directed against the complement receptor type 3 CR3 (anti-Mac-1). P-TR induce the proliferation of syngeneic thymocytes. In the present paper, we show that thymocytes enriched in mature medullary type are induced to proliferate in coculture with syngeneic P-TR, while the cortical type does not. After 5 days of culture, 85% of the thymocytes are of helper L3T4+Lyt-2- phenotype. As previously shown by others for syngeneic reactions, antibodies directed against related class II antigens (anti-I-A and anti-I-E) block this helper-T-cell syngeneic proliferation. A new finding is the blockage of helper-T-cell proliferation by anti-Mac-1 as well as with anti-LFA-1 antibodies, showing that accessory molecules may be as important as specific recognition of class II antigen molecules in the control of thymocyte proliferation and hence in thymocyte selection. Mac-1, like LFA-1, belongs to a novel family of differentiation antigens involved in cell interactions. The blockage of cell recognition and interaction between P-TR and thymocytes by either anti-Ia or anti-Mac-1 during the early induction phase of the syngeneic response leads to its inhibition. We demonstrate that P-TR/thymocyte interaction stimulates the enhanced expression of IL-2 receptors on thymocytes, a step which is necessary for helper-T-cell proliferation. The mechanism of syngeneic proliferation inhibition by anti-Ia, anti-Mac-1, and LFA-1 antibodies may be the prevention of IL-2 receptor expression on thymocytes, and/or the inhibition of IL-2 secretion. Although this is an in vitro model, which may not totally reflect in situ situation, our results indicate that thymic accessory cells may participate in a positive selection process which leads to helper-T-cell proliferation.  相似文献   

The effect of cAMP on prostaglandin production may depend on cell types. To clarify the relationship between PG and cAMP, we examined arachidonate's effects on PG synthesis and intracellular cAMP accumulation in monolayers of rat gastric mucosal cells. These cells produced PGE2, PGI2 and thromboxaneA2 (TXA2) in amounts of 316±18, 100±7 and 30±5 pg per 105 cells in 10 min, respectively, in response to 10μM arachidonic acid (AA). The production of these PG, however, leveled off subsequently. Cells initially exposed to AA responded poorly to a subsequent stimulation by AA. AA simultaneously stimulated intracellular cAMP accumulation; this stimulatory effect on cAMP production was abolished by the pretreatment with indomethacin. Nevertheless, the pretreatments with dibutyryl cAMP (0.1–5mM) did not alter the amount of subsequent AA-induced PGE2 production. Furthermore, the preincubation with 1mM isobutyl methyl xanthine also failed to affect PGE2 synthesis, while it increased intracellular cAMP accumulation. Our studies suggest (1) AA stimulates intracellular cAMP formation in cultured gastric mucosal cells, linked with conversion of AA to cyclooxygenase metabolites, (2) AA-induced PG production is limited in these cells, and (3) it seems, however, unlikely that intracellular cAMP modulates AA metabolism to PG.  相似文献   

The effect of cAMP on prostaglandin production may depend on cell types. To clarify the relationship between PG and cAMP, we examined arachidonate's effects on PG synthesis and intracellular cAMP accumulation in monolayers of rat gastric mucosal cells. These cells produced PGE2, PGI2 and thromboxaneA2 (TXA2) in amounts of 316 +/- 18, 100 +/- 7 and 30 +/- 5 pg per 10(5) cells in 10 min, respectively, in response to 10 microM arachidonic acid (AA). The production of these PG, however, leveled off subsequently. Cells initially exposed to AA responded poorly to a subsequent stimulation by AA. AA simultaneously stimulated intracellular cAMP accumulation; this stimulatory effect on cAMP production was abolished by the pretreatment with indomethacin. Nevertheless, the pretreatments with dibutyryl cAMP (0.1-5 mM) did not alter the amount of subsequent AA-induced PGE2 production. Furthermore, the preincubation with 1mM isobutyl methyl xanthine also failed to affect PGE2 synthesis, while it increased intracellular cAMP accumulation. Our studies suggest AA stimulates intracellular cAMP formation in cultured gastric mucosal cells, linked with conversion of AA to cyclooxygenase metabolites, AA-induced PG production is limited in these cells, and it seems, however, unlikely that intracellular cAMP modulates AA metabolism to PG.  相似文献   

Summary Epithelial cells from the normal mouse thymus were successfully cultivated on tissue culture plastic when plated with lethally irradiated support cells of the LA7 rat mammary tumor line. As the irradiated LA7 cells slowly decreased in number the thymus cells proliferated concomitantly to form a confluent monolayer. The cells now in culture have been subcultured 8 times, have doubled in number at least 30 times, and are still proliferating vigorously. The culture technique also supported clonal growth from a single cell, and nine clones have been isolated. The colony-forming efficiency of thymic cells plated at low concentrations was about 8%. These cultures were never overgrown by fibroblasts. The thymus cells were characterized as epithelial by the presence of cytoplasmic keratin and numerous desmosomes and tonofilaments. They were shown to be mouse cells by immunocytochemistry with species specific antibodies, by isoenzyme analysis, and by karyology. The cells stained when reacted with antibodies to tubulin, vimentin, and actin, but not with antibodies to Thy-1.2, Lyt-1, Lyt-2, Ia, or H-2 proteins. More than 85% of the cells had a normal mouse diploid chromosome number of 40. This culture technique opens the way for future studies of T-cell education with homogeneous thymic epithelial cell populations both in vitro and after reimplantation into genetically defined strains of mice. This work was supported by the Veterans Administration, Washington, D.C.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) were raised against phagocytic cells of thymic reticulum (P-TR) grown in vitro. Each of the two MoAb (TR-1N, TR-3N) defined two polypeptides of 46-57 kDa on P-TR membrane. TR-1N and TR-3N recognize respectively 48 and 81% of P-TR, but do not recognize any cells in spleen, lymph node, thymic lymphocytes, or bone marrow. They bind to part of peritoneal macrophages and to macrophage cell lines J 774 and P 388 D1. Cell binding of TR-1N and TR-3N was compared by immunofluorescence to that of anti-CR3 antibody (Mac-1) which recognizes P-TR, a small number of cells in bone marrow and spleen, and a much higher percentage of peritoneal macrophages. The polypeptides recognized by TR-1N/TR-3N may be defined as differentiation antigens on accessory cells as they appear on bone marrow cells during maturation in vitro in the presence of L-cell supernatant which contains colony stimulating factor (CSF-1). Interferon gamma is able to down-regulate the expression of TR-1N/TR-3N antigen on P-TR membrane while that of Mac-1 is unchanged and that of Ia is up-regulated.  相似文献   

Luminal epithelial and residual cells (mainly of the endometrial stromal tissue) of proestrous rat uteri have been isolated and cultured in defined medium. The prostaglandins produced during a short-term incubation (2 h) in the presence of 10 microM arachidonic acid (to optimize PG production) were determined by direct assay of the culture medium. For the epithelial cells, PGF2 alpha was produced in greatest amounts, followed by 6-keto PGF1 alpha and PGE, while low levels were synthesized by the residual cells. The synthesis of PGF2 alpha by the epithelial cells was inhibited by incorporating indomethacin into the medium and an IC50 value of 2.3 microM was obtained. Incubations performed with histamine in the absence of exogenous arachidonic acid indicated that the pathways for the production of individual prostaglandins were followed to different relative extents, with the production of 6-keto PGF1 alpha being enhanced for both groups of cells when compared to incubations with arachidonic acid.  相似文献   

A phagocytic cell of the thymic reticulum (P-TR) with dendritic shape recently has been isolated and characterized. We have previously shown that P-TR have an important role to play in the constitution of the thymic microenvironment. Indeed, P-TR are able to produce interleukin 1 and prostaglandin E2, both of which regulate thymocyte activation and proliferation. They are able also to stimulate the proliferation of syngeneic thymocytes enriched in the medullary type. In the present paper, we analyze a close relationship which exists between P-TR and thymocytes of the cortical type. About 25% of P-TR are able to bind to thymocytes and to form rosettes. Rosetting thymocytes represent about 5% of the total population and are PNA+, Lyt 1+2+, H-2-, and sensitive to in vivo steroid treatment. Pretreatment of P-TR with anti-Mac-1, a monoclonal rat IgG antibody against mouse macrophages and specific for complement receptor type three (CR3), abolished rosette formation. Rosette formation also was found to be inhibited by zymosan-treated serum containing the CR3 ligand, C3bi, and by certain sugars, in particular, N-acetyl-D-galactosamine and L-xylose. Our results suggest that rosetting thymocytes bind to CR3 on the P-TR membrane and that sugar constituents of the carbohydrate moieties on the thymocyte surface may serve as a recognition site during the binding process.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin synthesis by human glomerular cells in culture   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
PG synthesis by cultured human glomerular mesangial and epithelial cells incubated with [1- 14C] arachidonic acid was determined by radioimmunoassay (RIA) after high performance liquid chromatography purification. Both dissociated cells and cell monolayers were studied under basal conditions. PG synthesis by epithelial cells was undetectable. Mesangial cells produced low amounts of PGE2, PGF2 alpha and 6 keto-PGF1 alpha and no TXB2. We also examined the effects of several agents on PG synthesis in these two types of cells scraped away from their flasks using direct RIA. Arachidonic acid produced a slight stimulation only with mesangial cells whereas angiotensin II, cyclic AMP and calcium ionophore were inactive with both cell lines. Homogenization of the cells did not enhance the stimulatory effect of arachidonic acid. Alkalinization of the incubation medium produced an increase of PG production by mesangial cells. These results suggest that two types of human glomerular cells, particularly epithelial cells, possess low cyclooxygenase activity. The low capacity of human mesangial and epithelial cells to produce PG may have consequences for the endocrine control of the glomerular microcirculation in man.  相似文献   

The activation of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, and carp, Cyprinus carpio, phagocytic cells by synthetic chum salmon, O. keta, beta-endorphin was analysed in vitro. Rainbow trout head kidney leukocytes were cultured in RPMI 1640 medium containing 1, 10, 50 or 100 ng ml-1 of chum salmon beta-endorphin and the production of superoxide anion was measured via the reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) in vitro. Macrophages incubated with 10 ng ml-1 up to 100 ng ml-1 of beta-endorphin showed an increase in their production of superoxide anion in comparison with control macrophages which were cultured without hormone. beta-endorphin also increased the production of superoxide anion in phagocytic cells prepared from kidney of carp. This stimulation was inhibited by naloxone. Phagocytic cells treated with beta-endorphin also displayed increased phagocytic activity and phagocytic index. These results showed that beta-endorphin in lower vertebrates activates the function of phagocytic cells in vitro.  相似文献   

Rat thymic phagocytic cells were characterized in vitro using various light- and electron-microscopical techniques. Thymic cell suspensions were mechanically prepared and enriched for non-lymphoid cells, which were predominantly phagocytic and of three types. Type I showed acid phosphatase (APh) activity in small granules dispersed throughout the cytoplasm and were mostly Ia antigen-positive, although the Ia membrane label varied in intensity and distribution among individual cells. Only a few cells had endogenous peroxidase activity. The type-I cells could not be clearly distinguished morphologically from type-II or -III cells, and most likely comprise precursors of both these cell types. Type-II were large pale cells with many slender cell processes. These cells had APh activity centrally positioned, were strongly positive for Ia on the cell membrane and were negative for endogenous peroxidase. The cytoplasm frequently contained Birbeck granules, which unequivocally classifies these cells as the in vitro equivalent of the interdigitating cells present in the medullary area of the thymus in situ. Type-III cells were rounded with a smooth or ruffled cell membrane and contained vacuoles and many phagolysosomes. They were strongly positive for APh which was present throughout the cytoplasm. About 50% of these cells were positive for endogenous peroxidase in a pattern resembling resident macrophages. The cells were negative for Ia antigens. Type-III cells mostly likely represent the macrophages found in the cortical area of the thymus.  相似文献   

The pattern of prostaglandin synthetase products from human peripheral blood monocytes was examined. Thromboxane and prostaglandin E were found to be the major products released by monocytes/macrophages on day one of culture following cell adherence. If these cells were studied 24h after cell adherence had occurred, then thromboxane synthesis was noted to be markedly reduced and PGE was the major secretory product. A day one type pattern, i.e. high thromboxane, high PGE could be elicited from day two cultured cells if cell adherence was delayed until day two of culture. Inflammatory stimuli caused a consistent rise in PGE release from day one and day two cultures, no consistent change in thromboxane was observed. It is suggested that activation of the thromboxane synthetase pathway in monocytes and macrophages is primarily a consequence of cell adherence. Prostaglandin E and prostacyclin (PGI) appear to be the major products released in response to inflammatory stimuli. These data demonstrate that the pattern and sequence of prostaglandins synthesized are in part a function of the culture conditions, time in culture and the species studied. Further, these findings offer a possible explanation to the discrepant reports in the literature.  相似文献   

The pattern of prostaglandin synthetase products from human peripheral blood monocytes was examined. Thromboxane and prostaglandin E were found to be the major products released by monocytes/macrophages on day one of culture following cell adherence. If these cells were studied 24h after cell adherence had occurred, then thromboxane synthesis was noted to be markedly reduced and PGE was the major secretory product. A day one type pattern, i.e. high thromboxane, high PGE could be elicited from day two cultured cells if cell adherence was delayed until day two of culture. Inflammatory stimuli caused a consistent rise in PGE release from day one and day two cultures, no consistent change in thromboxane was observed. It is suggested that activation of the thromboxane synthetase pathway in monocytes and macrophages is primarily a consequence of cell adherence. Prostaglandin E and prostacyclin (PGI) appear to be the major products released in response to inflammatory stimuli. These data demonstrate that the pattern and sequence of prostaglandins synthesized are in part a function of the in vitro culture conditions, time in culture and the species studied. Further, these findings offer a possible explanation to the discrepant reports in the literature.  相似文献   

We have compared the production of prostaglandins in fibroblast-like cells and endothelial cells in culture. Of the fibroblasts studied 10T12, SHE, BP6T and KD produce significant amounts of PGI2, PGE2 and PGF2F2 under optimal culture conditions, but only 3T3 and BHK produce TxA2 in addition to PGI2. The adult bovine aortic endothelial cells (ABAE) and fetal bovine heart endothelium (FBHE) synthesise PGI2 but not TxA2, either from endogenous or exogenous substrates. Both cultured endothelial cells and fibroblasts apparently lack 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase pathway and the ability to convert 6-Keto PGF into 6-Keto PGE1. PGI2 production by ABAE was 3–5 times that of FBHE, about twice that of SHE cells and 6–8 times that of 10T12 or BP6T cells. Supernatants or media obtained from these cells inhibited aggregation of human platelet-rich plasma, a known biological effect of PGI2. This effect was abolished when cell monolayers were preincubated with indomethacin or tranylcypromine. RIA and chromatographic data of 6-Keto PGF from these experiments confirmed that the inhibition of platelet aggregation was due to the formation of PGI2. The production of all prostanoids by endothelial cells or fibroflasts was significantly higher during the exponential phase of growth as compared to confluent monolayers. We propose that fibroblasts 10T12 or SHE can serve as useful experimental models for the study of metabolism and transport of PGI2 and/or TxA2 in cells of nonendothelial nature.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins are potent mediators of the inflammatory response and are also involved in cancer development. In this study, we show that human melanocytes and FM55 melanoma cells express cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 (COX-1 and -2) and thus have the capability to produce prostaglandins. The FM55 cells produced predominantly PGE2 and PGF2alpha, whereas the HaCaT keratinocyte cell line produced mainly PGE2. The anti-inflammatory peptide, alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH), reduced prostaglandin production in FM55 and HaCaT cells and reversed the effect of the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha in the former. These results indicate that melanocytes produce prostaglandins and that alpha-MSH, by inhibiting this response, may play an important role in regulating inflammatory responses in the skin.  相似文献   

15(S)-15-methyl-prostaglandin E1 and prostaglandin I2 rapidly and reversibly inhibit formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine induced superoxide production by human neutrophils. In contrast, 15(S)-15-methyl-prostaglandin E1 and prostaglandin I2 did not alter the rate or the total amount of superoxide production by human neutrophils stimulated with either phorbol myristate acetate or arachidonic acid. These data suggest that the production of superoxide anion by human neutrophils may be mediated by at least two mechanisms, one regulated by prostaglandins and intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate levels and a second independent of prostaglandin modulation.  相似文献   

The phagocytic activity of endothelial cells (EC) from human umbilical vein was analysed quantitatively in primary culture. EC were incubated with fluorescent carboxylated microspheres (FCM) and the intensity of fluorescence was measured on spectrofluorimeter. It was found that EC phagocyted actively only FCM of limited diameter (not more than 0.26 mu). The most intensive phagocytosis occurred in the first 60 min of the experiment, the following incubation with FCM did not influence significantly the number of phagocyted particles but increased nonspecific binding. High doses of FCM stimulated phagocytosis within EC. The phagocytic activity of EC depended on the growth stage: it was maximum in proliferated cells and sharply decreased in confluent cultures. This method may be useful for the comparison of phagocytic activity of different cell types, as well as for drug testing.  相似文献   

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