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The Indo-Pacific marine atherinid fishes, Atherinomorus endrachtensis (Quoy and Gaimard, 1825) and Atherinomorus duodecimalis (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1835), having long been confused with each other, are redescribed as valid species based on the types and nontype specimens collected from the eastern Indian Ocean and West Pacific. Atherinomorus endrachtensis, known from the Philippines, Palau, North Sulawesi and Maluku Is. (Indonesia), and New Guinea, differs from other congeners in lacking a tubercle on the dentary and having the posterior tip of the upper jaw not extending beyond a vertical through the anterior margin of the pupil, usually 10–11 anal fin soft rays, 33–35 midlateral scales, a narrow midlateral band (ca. half midlateral scale width at anal fin origin), and 3 distinct longitudinal broken black lines laterally and ventrolaterally on the body. A lectotype is designated for Atherina lineata Günther, 1872, regarded as a junior synonym of Atherinomorus endrachtensis. Atherinomorus duodecimalis, known from Sri Lanka, Thailand, Yaeyama Is. (Japan), the Philippines, Indonesia, New Guinea, Queensland (Australia), and New Caledonia, differs from other congeners in having a tubercle on the posterior end of the dentary, the posterior tip of the upper jaw not extending beyond a vertical through the anterior margin of the pupil, usually 12–13 anal fin soft rays, 35–38 midlateral scales, and a narrow midlateral band (ca. 1/2 or 3/4 midlateral scale width at anal fin origin). Atherina balabacensis Seale, 1910 is regarded as a junior synonym of Atherinomorus duodecimalis. Received: June 29, 2000 / Revised: October 31, 2000 / Accepted: January 16, 2001  相似文献   

The marine atherinid fishes of the genus Hypoatherina Schultz 1948 (Atherinidae: Atherinomorinae) were redefined from both morphological and molecular analyses, and eight of the ten included species were redescribed. In the molecular phylogeny, four regions of mitochondrial DNA were analyzed. The results of both trees of maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses indicated the paraphyly of the former Hypoatherina. “Atherinavalenciennei and “Atherinawoodwardi, both formerly belonging to Hypoatherina, show closer relationships with Atherinomorus duodecimalis and Atherinomorus aetholepis. “Hypoatherinacelebesensis is also apart from the clade including the majority of Hypoatherina species. In contrast, H. panatela, formerly regarded as a member of the genus Stenatherina Schultz 1948, is included in the present Hypoatherina clade. The present molecular phylogeny of the genus Hypoatherina can be supported by morphology. The genus Hypoatherina is redefined by the following combinations of characters: ascending process of premaxilla long and slender, its height more than 2.7 times the maximum width; both anterior and posterior lateral processes of premaxilla narrow and deep, the anterior process almost the same as or slightly deeper than the posterior process; premaxilla not tapering posteriorly; posterior upper margin of dentary with a prominent process; upper posterior limb of dentary with round or somewhat angular posteroventral corner; anterior preopercular ridge with a deep notch just above the corner; anus situated posterior to or slightly anterior to appressed pelvic-fin tip in adults; dorsoventral height of exposed area in the midlateral scale (third) row wide, almost equal to the maximum height of the scale, and almost the same height as scales just above or below the midlateral row. The redefined Hypoatherina includes the following ten species: H. barnesi—widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific; H. gobio (lectotype designated herein)—restricted to the Red Sea; H. golanii—restricted to the Gulf of Aqaba, inner Red Sea; H. klunzingeri—from Mozambique to eastern South Africa; H. lunata—distributed in Japan and Indonesia; H. panatela—from western and central Pacific Ocean; H. temminckii—widely distributed in the Indo-West Pacific (neotype designated herein); H. tropicalis—restricted to the northeastern coast of Australia; H. tsurugae—occurring in Japan and South Korea; and H. uisila—distributed in the western and central Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

The Australian marine atherinid fish, Atherinomorus vaigiensis (Quoy and Gaimard, 1825), having long been synonymized under A. lacunosus (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801), is redescribed as a valid species based on the holotype and non-type specimens. Atherinomorus vaigiensis, known only from eastern and western Australia, differs from other congeners in lacking a distinct tubercle on the posterior end of the dentary and having the posterior tip of the upper jaw not extending beyond a vertical through the anterior margin of the pupil, 12–15 anal fin soft rays, 24–28 lower gill rakers, 39–42 midlateral scales, and a narrow midlateral band (width about 2/3 to 5/6 that of midlateral scale at level of anal fin origin). Atherina cylindrica Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1835 and Pranesus ogilbyi Whitely, 1930 are regarded as junior synonyms of Atherinomorus vaigiensis. Received: April 26, 2001 / Revised: July 11, 2001 / Accepted: July 16, 2001  相似文献   

The Indo-Pacific marine atherinid fishes Atherinomorus forskalii (Rüppell, 1838), Atherinomorus lacunosus (Forster, 1801), and Atherinomorus pinguis (Lacepède, 1803) are redescribed as valid species based on the types and non-type specimens collected throughout the Indo-Pacific. They are similar to each other chiefly in having a wide midlateral band (almost the same or greater than the midlateral scale width), large mouth (posterior tip of upper jaw reaching to or beyond a vertical through anterior margin of pupil), and no distinct tubercle at the posterior end of the dentary. All three species are distinguishable from congeners by those characters. The three species have long been confused with each other or synonymized erroneously as a single species. Atherinomorus forskalii, known from the Red Sea and eastern Mediterranean, differs from Atherinomorus lacunosus and Atherinomorus pinguis in having conspicuous, large endopterygoid teeth, forming obvious tooth ridges. Atherinomorus lacunosus, widely distributed in almost the entire Indo-Pacific, from East Africa to Tonga, north to southern Japan, and south to northern Australia, differs from Atherinomorus pinguis in having a wider midlateral band (the lower margin reaching to almost the center of the fourth scale row at level of the anal fin origin vs. the lower margin reaching to the ventral end of the third scale row in Atherinomorus pinguis) and more numerous midlateral scales (40–44 vs. 38–41 in Atherinomorus pinguis). Atherina morrisi Jordan and Starks, 1906, Hepsetia pinguis mineri Nichols and Roemhild, 1951, Pranesus capricornensis Woodland, 1961, Pranesus maculatus Taylor, 1964, and Pranesus pinguis ruppelli Smith, 1965, are regarded as junior synonyms of Atherinomorus lacunosus. Atherinomorus pinguis is also widely distributed in the Indo-West Pacific, from East Africa to northern Australia and north to southern Japan. Atherina pectoralis Valenciennes, 1835, is considered a junior synonym of Atherinomorus pinguis. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic format at  相似文献   

A new species of Moenkhausia is described from Rio Xingu and Rio Tapajós basins, Brazil. The new species is distinguished from its congeners, except from Moenkhausia moisae, by having more scales in the lateral series, 43–47 (v. 23–41 in the remaining congeners). The new species is distinguished from M. moisae by its colour pattern, which consists of a dark midlateral stripe, and an asymmetrical caudal blotch (inconspicuous or faded in specimens from the Rio Arinos) continuous with the midlateral stripe (v. narrow dark midlateral line and conspicuous, regularly rounded and symmetrical blotch not continuous with the midlateral line). The new species is putatively assumed to be mimetic to Jupiaba apenima, in the Rio Xingu and Rio Teles Pires drainages, and to Jupiaba yarina in the Rio Arinos. The two species of Jupiaba are sympatric and remarkably similar in size, general external morphology and colouration to the new species. A small difference occurs in the colouration between the two species of Jupiaba and is also observed in the two respectively sympatric morphotypes of the new species of Moenkhausia. The occurrence of polymorphic Batesian mimicry is therefore discussed for neotropical freshwater fishes.  相似文献   

Two new species of the lampeye genus Hylopanchax are described from the Ivindo River basin in the Ogowe River drainage. Hylopanchax multisquamatus, new species, and Hylopanchax thysi, new species, differ from congeners by the presence of a hyaline urogenital male papilla with small black spots and a dark-brown reticulate pattern on the flanks of both males and females in preserved specimens. Hylopanchax multisquamatus is distinguished from congeners by the number of scales on the mid-longitudinal series (27–30 vs. 19–26, respectively) and by the relative anterior/posterior flank scale depth ratio (140%–150% vs. 170%–220%). Hylopanchax thysi is distinguished from all other congeners, except Hylopanchax paucisquamatus, by the presence of vertebrae (30 vs. 31–33) and is further distinguished from H. multisquamatus by the presence of a deeper caudal peduncle and much larger anterior flank scales. It is distinguished from H. paucisquamatus by the presence of a hyaline urogenital male papilla with small black spots and a dark-brown reticulate pattern on the flanks of both males and females in preserved specimens. Osteological data of Hylopanchax are presented for the first time, and an updated diagnosis based on external morphology, colouration pattern and osteology is provided. An osteological comparison with closely related species belonging to the genera Procatopus, Hypsopanchax and “Hypsopanchax” is presented. (a) A truncate and slightly downward-directed anterior process of the angulo-articular and (b) a guitar-shaped lachrymal with both its anterior and posterior margins sharply curved are here considered as diagnostic features of Hylopanchax.  相似文献   

This study describes Characidium nambiquara, a new species from the upper rio Guaporé, rio Madeira basin, Brazil. The new species differs from most congeners by the presence of isthmus and area between the contralateral pectoral-fin bases completely naked. From congeners with some degree of scaleless ventral surface of the body C. nambiquara differs by having 10 circumpeduncular scales. The new species is also distinguished from congeners by the spotted colour pattern on body of the large-sized specimens and by having black dashes on all fins and conspicuous midlateral longitudinal dark stripe or conspicuous vertical bars absent. Characidium nambiquara further differs from most congeners by the presence of 34–36 pored scales on the lateral line, 3 horizontal scale rows above the lateral line and 3 horizontal scale rows from the lateral line to the midventral scale series. Remarks on intraspecific colour variation within the genus, not related to sexual dimorphism, are also provided.  相似文献   

A new deepwater assfish, Bassozetus nielseni sp. nov., is described from 29 specimens [147–615 mm in standard length (SL)] collected from the North Atlantic and West Indian oceans. It is distinguished from 13 congeners by the following combination of characters: dorsal-fin rays 122–129, long rakers on first gill arch 11–14, oblique scales 20–25, abdominal vertebrae 13–14, head length 18.1–21.3 % SL, body depth at anal-fin origin 8.2–14.6 % SL, predorsal length 16.4–20.1 % SL, tail length 62.7–68.0 % SL, posterior tip of pelvic-fin rays anterior to anus, a single median basibranchial tooth patch, dorsal margin of sagittal otolith smooth, and fins pale yellowish brown (preserved condition).  相似文献   

After 80 years of misidentifications, the analysis of the holotype of Corydoras arcuatus plus several non-type specimens attributed to this species allowed its recognition and also revealed a new species, both sharing the following diagnostic features: a long, arched, continuous black stripe that runs parallel to the dorsal profile of the body and extends at least from the anterior margin of the first dorsolateral body plate to the posterior portion of caudal peduncle; absence of transverse black bars on caudal fin; infraorbital 2 in contact with sphenotic and compound pterotic. In addition to these features, C. arcuatus can be distinguished from congeners by having the posterior margin of both dorsal and pectoral spines with laminar serrations directed towards their origins. The new species can be additionally distinguished from its congeners by presenting the following combination of features: ventral surface of trunk entirely or partially covered by relatively large and coalescent platelets; absence of spots or blotches on dorsal fin; and posterior margin of both dorsal and pectoral spines with serrations directed towards their tips. Finally, an identification key to all arc-striped species of Corydoras is provided.  相似文献   

A new species of Hemigrammus is described from the Amazon Basin near Leticia, Departamento Amazonas, Colombia. In common with some congeners and some Hyphessobrycon spp., the new species colour pattern lacks a humeral blotch but has a caudal-peduncle blotch. It can be distinguished from congeners with a similar colour pattern by having: a relatively deep body (30.2%–39.0% LS), 20–24 branched anal-fin rays, 6–8 perforated scales of the lateral line, anal-fin base without a conspicuous black stripe, 3–5 maxillary teeth, maxillary teeth with 1–3 cusps, a thin longitudinal midlateral line and a well-defined oval shaped caudal blotch, extending from caudal peduncle into the lower caudal-fin rays. Comparisons with congeners and with Hyphessobrycon species sharing the same general colour pattern are presented.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Sinocyclocheilus is described based on specimens collected from Zuojiang River drainage, Guangxi, China. The new species, named Sinocyclocheilus jinxiensis, is distinguished from all congeners by its vestigial eyes, short barbels, long pectoral fin, eight to nine branched dorsal-fin rays, last unbranched dorsal-fin ray soft with serrations on posterior edge of its lower part, and 38–41 lateral line scales.  相似文献   

A new species of Astyanax from the Rio Paraguaçu basin, Bahia, Brazil, is described. This new species is distinguished from its congeners known to occur in Brazilian drainages by the presence of small bony hooks on all fins of mature males. Furthermore, the new species can be diagnosed by its colour pattern, which consists of a unique vertically elongated humeral blotch, a conspicuous dark drop‐shaped horizontal blotch over the caudal peduncle, tapering anteriorly and not extending to the median caudal‐fin rays, and by the absence of a conspicuous broad dark midlateral stripe. The new species differs further by having the greatest body depth just anterior to the dorsal‐fin origin, 32–35 perforated scales in the lateral line and a reduced number of branched anal‐fin rays (16–20). Apparently, the new species does not fit into any species complex of Astyanax. The occurrence of bony hooks on all fins of Astyanax is discussed.  相似文献   

Hatschekia khahajya n. sp. is described from the gill filaments of two monacanthid fishes, Cantherhines dumerilii (Hollard) and Amanses scopes (Cuvier), caught off Okinawa, Japan. The new species can be distinguished from its congeners by the possession of the following combination of characters: cephalothorax length/trunk length ratio greater than 0.40; cephalothorax with a pair of lateral bars on the chitinous ring and a posterior pair of surface ridges; trunk with a bifurcate chitinous frame extending over its anterior third and with well-developed posterior lobes that extend beyond the abdomen; and four processes plus two spinular rows on the distal margin of the intercoxal sclerite of legs 1 and 2.  相似文献   

Coelorinchus okamurai sp. nov. is described from five specimens collected in the Timor Sea at a depth of 610–690 m. The new species belongs to the Coelorinchus japonicus group (redefined in this study), and differs from all other congeners in having the following combination of features: snout moderately long, sharply pointed in lateral and dorsal views, length 39–42% of head length; lateral nasal ridge completely supported by nasal bone; light organ short, length less than 1/2 orbit diameter, its anterior margin falling far short of pelvic-fin bases; premaxillary teeth in short, uniformly wide band, with posterior end of the tooth band not reaching lateral corner of mouth; no teeth greatly enlarged; body scales covered with short, reclined, narrowly blade-like spinules in widely divergent rows; buttresses of body scale spinules scarcely developed; occipital scales between parietal ridges armed with divergent rows of long, erect, needle-like spinules; nasal fossa usually naked (a few small scales rarely present anteroventrally); patches of small scales sparsely distributed on ventral surface of head; scales on underside of head armed with 1–3 rows of short, erect, needle-like to knife-like spinules; interdorsal space longer than first dorsal-fin base length; subopercle terminating as a long, slender flap; body dark overall without prominent markings; fins uniformly blackish.  相似文献   

A new species of Megaleporinus is described from the Rio de Contas, a coastal drainage of eastern Brazil, and its phylogenetic relationships are studied using molecular data. The new species is unique among Anostomidae by possessing two exclusive features: an irregular dark longitudinal stripe from supracleithrum to second midlateral blotch and anterior cranial fontanel partially closed. In addition, the new species is diagnosed by having three premaxillary teeth, three dentary teeth, 37 or 38 scales in lateral line, 16 scale rows around caudal peduncle, three dark midlateral blotches on body, and red fins in life. The new species is closely related to M. obtusidens from the São Francisco basin, corroborating previous studies that indicated that the latter represents a species complex as currently defined. The new species exhibits the first rib enlarged in mature males, a feature described for some congeners. The new species is herein considered to be Endangered under the IUCN criteria.  相似文献   


Encrasicholina auster sp. nov. (Clupeiformes: Engraulidae) is described on the basis of six specimens collected from Fiji, southwestern Pacific Ocean. The new species is distinguished from congeners by the following combination of characters: long upper jaw (posterior tip extending beyond posterior margin of preopercle) 20.8%–22.5% standard length (SL); long lower jaw 19.0%–20.7% SL; long head 29.1%–29.2% SL; three unbranched rays in the dorsal and anal fins; transverse scales 11; branched pectoral-fin rays 12–13; pseudobranchial filaments 19–21; gill rakers 45–49, 40–43, 26–31 and 22–25 on the first, second, third and fourth gill arches, respectively.  相似文献   

Hemigrammus xaveriellus sp. nov. is described from the upper Río Vaupés basin (Amazon basin), Departamento Guaviare, Colombia. It is distinguished from all congeners by the combination of the following characters: presence of a conspicuous, dark, longitudinal midlateral stripe extending along the body; presence of a conspicuous rounded, horizontally elongated humeral blotch anterior to the beginning of the dark midlateral stripe; seven scale rows between the dorsal fin and lateral line (vs. five to six); and five scale rows between the lateral line and pelvic-fin insertion (vs. three to four). The single mature male of He. xaveriellus possessed a well-developed urogenital papilla, an unusual feature among characids. The presence of an enlarged urogenital papilla in the family is discussed, and comments regarding the putative relationships of the new species are presented.  相似文献   

A new species, Pseudogyrinocheilus longisulcus, was discovered from a tributary of Pearl River in Jingxi Co., Guangxi, China, The new species can be distinguished from other species of Pseudogyrinocheilus by the following combination of characteristics: prolonged post-labial grooves, and extended antero-medially close to anterior end of middle lower lip, but not meeting with its counterpart; posterior margin of lower lip free; scales of abdomen from thorax to pectoral-fin base embedded under skin; lateral-line scales 40–42; dark stripe longitudinal along lateral line on flank. The key to the species of Pseudogyrinocheilus is provided.  相似文献   

A new perchlet, Plectranthias ryukyuensis, is described on the basis of four specimens (41.2–61.6 mm standard length: SL) from the Okinawa Islands, Japan. Plectranthias ryukyuensis can be distinguished from all congeners by the following combination of characters: X, 15 or 16 dorsal-fin rays; 14 pectoral-fin rays, all unbranched; lateral line complete, with 29 or 30 pored scales; 3 scale rows above lateral line; 5 or 6 diagonal rows of large scales on cheek between eye and corner of preopercle; preopercle with two antrorse spines on ventral margin, 20–29 serrae on posterior margin; margins of subopercle and interopercle with a few serrae (weak in large individuals); minute flaps at tips of first to ninth dorsal-fin spines; caudal fin shallowly emarginate, with some ray branches distinctively elongated past fin margin; fourth dorsal-fin spine longest, its length 110.6–128.6% that of third spine; body pinkish-white with two longitudinal rows of irregular orange-red blotches on upper half of lateral surface when fresh (rows close together in smaller than ca. 50 mm SL), blotches interconnecting anteriorly on upper and lower rows, and posterior half of lower row; four faint orange-red vertical bands below lateral line on posterior half of body and two distinct yellow blotches on cheek in fresh specimens; body uniformly yellowish-brown with two longitudinal rows of irregular dark blotches on upper half of lateral surface in preserved specimens (faint in small specimens). A key to the Japanese species of Plectranthias is given.  相似文献   

Yang J  Wu TJ  Lan JH 《动物学研究》2011,32(5):566-571
2007年4月,在广西壮族自治区环江县川山镇乐衣村附近一洞穴采集到一批盲鳅类标本。经鉴定,为高原鳅属(Triplophysa)鱼类一新种,被命名为环江高原鳅(Triplophysa huangjiangensis)。该新种以以下组合特征与高原鳅属的其他已知种类相区别:无眼;通体无鳞;尾鳍分叉;尾柄上、下叶具发达的软鳍褶;背鳍后缘平截;背鳍起点距尾鳍基的距离短于距吻端的距离;背鳍分枝鳍条数为8~9;胸鳍分枝鳍条数为10~11;腹鳍分枝鳍条数为6~7;臀鳍分枝鳍条数为6;尾鳍分枝数为13~14;胸鳍长为胸鳍起点至腹鳍起点间距的52.3%~70.7%;腹鳍起点位于背鳍起点之前下方;外侧吻须最长,为侧面头长的47.0%~73.8%;前鼻孔位于一短管中,末端延长呈须状;鳔后室发达,末端可伸达腹鳍起点。  相似文献   

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