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Isabelle S. Peter 《FEBS letters》2009,583(24):3948-804
The gene regulatory network (GRN) established experimentally for the pre-gastrular sea urchin embryo provides causal explanations of the biological functions required for spatial specification of embryonic regulatory states. Here we focus on the structure of the GRN which controls the progressive increase in complexity of territorial regulatory states during embryogenesis; and on the types of modular subcircuits of which the GRN is composed. Each of these subcircuit topologies executes a particular operation of spatial information processing. The GRN architecture reflects the particular mode of embryogenesis represented by sea urchin development. Network structure not only specifies the linkages constituting the genomic regulatory code for development, but also indicates the various regulatory requirements of regional developmental processes.  相似文献   

Intracellular signaling mediated by calcium ions has been implicated as important in controlling cell activity. The ability of calcium ionophore (A23187), which causes an increase in calcium ion concentration in the cytoplasm, to alter the pattern of differentiation of cells during sea urchin development was examined. The addition of A23187 to embryos for 3h during early cleavage causes dramatic changes in their development during gastrulation. Using tissue-specific cDNA probes and antibodies, it was shown that A23187 causes the disruption of oral–aboral ectoderm differentiation of sea urchin embryos. The critical period for A23187 to disturb the oral–aboral ectoderm differentiation is during the cleavage stage, and treatment of embryos with A23187 after that time has little effect. The A23187 does not affect the formation of the three germ layers. These results indicate that intracellular signals mediated by calcium ions may play a key role in establishment of the oralaboral axis during sea urchin development.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody that recognizes oral ectoderm and esophagus of sea urchin larvae was newly produced. Distribution of the antigen, named Hpoe, was examined by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. Hpoe did not exist in eggs and appeared during the cleavage stage. In hatched blastulae, Hpoe was detected on the apical surface of all cells. As embryogenesis progressed, Hpoe disappeared from the primary mesenchyme, archenteron and aboral ectoderm. Hpoe reappeared in foregut at the prism stage and was restricted to the oral ectoderm and esophagus at the pluteus stage. Using this antigen as a molecular marker of oral/aboral ectoderm differentiation, the role of the vegetal hemisphere in ectoderm differentiation was examined. All animal hemispheres isolated from 16-cell stage embryos, mesenchyme blastulae, early gastrulae and mid gastrulae developed into epithelial balls and every cell expressed Hpoe. These epithelial balls failed in oral/aboral ectoderm differentiation. Twenty millimolar LiCI-treated whole embryos developed into exo-gastrulae but Hpoe restriction in ectoderm occurred in these exo-gastrulae. These results show that oral/aboral ectoderm differentiation requires an inductive interaction from the vegetal hemisphere and indicate that the inductive interaction depends on a planar or secretory signal, rather than the contact of the esophagus and ectoderm.  相似文献   

A gene regulatory network subcircuit comprising the otx, wnt8, and blimp1 genes accounts for a moving torus of gene expression that sweeps concentrically across the vegetal domain of the sea urchin embryo. Here we confirm by mutation the inputs into the blimp1cis-regulatory module predicted by network analysis. Its essential design feature is that it includes both activation and autorepression sites. The wnt8 gene is functionally linked into the subcircuit in that cells receiving this ligand generate a β-catenin/Tcf input required for blimp1 expression, while the wnt8 gene in turn requires a Blimp1 input. Their torus-like spatial expression patterns and gene regulatory analysis indicate that the genes even-skipped and hox11/13b are also entrained by this subcircuit. We verify the cis-regulatory inputs of even-skipped predicted by network analysis. These include activation by β-catenin/Tcf and Blimp1, repression within the torus by Hox11/13b, and repression outside the torus by Tcf in the absence of Wnt8 signal input. Thus even-skipped and hox11/13b, along with blimp1 and wnt8, are members of a cohort of torus genes with similar regulatory inputs and similar, though slightly out-of-phase, expression patterns, which reflect differences in cis-regulatory design.  相似文献   

To gain information on the process of ectoderm patterning, the animal halves of sea urchin embryos were isolated at various stages, and their morphology was examined when control embryos developed into pluteus larvae. The animal halves separated at the 8-cell stage developed into 'dauerblastula', without showing any conspicuous ectoderm differentiation. In contrast, some of the animal halves isolated at the 60-cell stage (after the sixth cleavage) formed a ciliated band and oral opening, suggesting that some patterning signal was transmitted from the vegetal to animal hemisphere during early cleavage. Further patterning of the animal hemisphere did not seem to occur until hatching, since both the animal halves isolated at the 60-cell stage and hatching stage showed the same degree of ectoderm patterning. After hatching, the later animal halves were isolated, the more patterned ectoderm they formed. The animal halves isolated just prior to gastrulation differentiated well-patterned ectoderm. It is of note, however, that the level of separation was a more crucial factor than the timing of separation; even the animal fragments of newly hatched embryos differentiated well-patterned ectoderm if they had been separated at a subequatorial level. This suggests that the signal for ectoderm patterning is transmitted over the equator after hatching, and once the cells in the supra-equatorial region receive the signal, they, in turn, can transmit the signal upwardly. Interestingly, if the third cleavage plane was shifted toward the vegetal pole, the isolated animal pole-side fragments developed into 'embryoids' with fully patterned ectoderm. These results indicate that not the micromere descendants but the subequatorial cytoplasm plays an important role in ectoderm patterning.  相似文献   

The distal region of the S. purpuratus actin CyIIIb gene, between −400 and −1400 nucleotides, contains at least three distinct cis-acting elements (C1R, C1L and E1) which are necessary for correct expression of fusion reporter genes in transgenic sea urchin embryos. The contribution of these elements in the temporal and spatial regulation of the gene was analyzed by single and double site-directed mutagenesis in fusion constructs which carry the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) gene as a reporter. Following microinjection of the transgenes in sea urchin embryos, the activity of the mutants was compared to the wild type in time and space by measuring CAT activity at the blastula and pluteus embryonic stages and by in situ hybridization to the CAT mRNA at pluteus stage. Our results indicate that E1 involved in the temporal regulation of CyIIIb and that all three elements are necessary and sufficient to confer aboral (dorsal) ectoderm specificity to the proximal promoter. This is achieved by suppressing the promoter's activity in all other tissues by the cooperative interaction of the cis-acting elements. The C1R element, binding site of the nuclear receptors SpCOUP-TF and SpSHR2, is by itself sufficient to restrict expression in the ectoderm, whereas the aboral ectoderm restricted expression requires in addition the presence of both C1L adn E1. It is therefore evident, that the actin CyIIIb gene is exclusively expressed in the aboral ectoderm by a combinatorial repression in all other cell lineages of the developing embryo.  相似文献   

As the result of early specification processes, sea urchin embryos eventually form various mesodermal cell lineages and a gut consisting of fore-, mid- and hindgut. The progression of specification as well as the overall spatial organization of the organism is encoded in its gene regulatory networks (GRNs). We have analyzed the GRN driving endoderm specification up to the onset of gastrulation and present in this paper the mechanisms which determine this process up to mid-blastula stage. At this stage, the embryo consists of two separate lineages of endoderm precursor cells with distinct regulatory states. One of these lineages, the veg2 cell lineage, gives rise to endoderm and mesoderm cell types. The separation of these cell fates is initiated by the spatially confined activation of the mesoderm GRN superimposed on a generally activated endoderm GRN within veg2 descendants. Here we integrate the architecture of regulatory interactions with the spatial restriction of regulatory gene expression to model the logic control of endoderm development.  相似文献   

Summary In embryos of the modern sea urchin species, subclass Euechinoidea, primary mesenchyme cells are derived from the progeny of micromeres formed at the sixteen cell stage of embryogenesis. The micromeres reside within the vegetal plate epithelium and later ingress into the blastocoel as primary mesenchyme cells which form the larval skeleton. Embryos of Eucidaris tribuloides, a member of the primitive subclass Perischoechinoidea, exhibit several noteworthy differences from euechinoid primary mesenchyme cell lineage including variable numbers and sizes of micromeres, the absence of mesenchyme ingression, and the lack of any detectable primary mesenchyme although a larval skeleton forms. In the present study, the cell lineage of the spiculogenic mesenchyme has been studied in Eucidaris tribuloides and in the euechinoid Lytechinus pictus by microinjecting the fluorescent tracer, Lucifer Yellow, into individual blastomeres of the embryo. In addition, wheat germ agglutinin, a lectin which binds only to primary mesenchyme cells of the early euechinoid embryo, was injected into the blastocoel of embryos of both species in order to examine the distribution of cells which possess primary mesenchyme-specific cell surface markers. The results of these experiments demonstrate that the spiculogenic mesenchyme of both Lytechinus and Eucidaris arise from descendants of micromeres formed at the sixteen cell stage, although the temporal and spatial distribution of these mesenchyme cells varies considerably between species. Furthermore, the evidence obtained suggests that the information necessary for spicule formation is already segregated to the vegetal pole by the eight cell stage. The results also suggest that there are no gap junctions present between the blastomeres of the early sea urchin embryo.  相似文献   

Fringe proteins are O-fucose-specific beta-1,3 N-acetylglucosaminyltransferases that glycosylate the extracellular EGF repeats of Notch and enable Notch to be activated by the ligand Delta. In the sea urchin, signaling between Delta and Notch is known to be necessary for specification of secondary mesenchyme cells (SMCs). The Lytechinus variegatus Fringe homologue is expressed in both the signaling and receiving cells during this first Delta-Notch signal. Perturbation of Fringe expression through morpholino antisense oligonucleotide (MO) injection results in fewer SMCs but also causes decreased and delayed archenteron invagination. Partial endoderm specification occurs but expression of some endoderm genes is compromised. The data are consistent with a Fringe-requiring Notch signal as one upstream component of archenteron morphogenesis. Finally, Fringe perturbations result in more severe phenotypes than those previously reported for Notch dominant-negative (LvN(neg)) injections or reported here for Notch MO (NMO) injections. Injecting a combination of LvN(neg) and NMO results in a more severe phenotype than either treatment alone, and this combination phenocopies the fringe MO embryos. Taken together, the results show that Fringe is necessary both for maternal and zygotic Notch signals, and these Notch signals affect specification of mesoderm and endoderm.  相似文献   

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