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Tubulogenesis and lumen formation are critical to the development of most organs. We study Caenorhabditis elegans vulval and uterine development to probe the complex mechanisms that mediate these events. Development of the vulva and the ventral uterus is coordinated by the inductive cell-signaling activity of a gonadal cell called the anchor cell (AC). We demonstrate that in addition to its function in specifying fate, the AC directly promotes dorsal vulval tubulogenesis. Two types of mutants with defective anchor cell behavior reveal that anchor cell invasion of the vulva is important for forming the toroidal shape of the dorsal vulval cell, vulF. In fos-1 mutants, where the AC cannot breakdown the basement membranes between the gonad and the vulva, and in mutants in unc-6 netrin or its receptor unc-40, which cause AC migration defects, the AC fails to invade the vulva and no lumen is formed in vulF. By examining GFP markers of dorsal vulval cell fate, we demonstrate that fate specification defects do not account for the aberrant vulF shape. We propose that the presence of the AC in the center of the developing vulF toroid is required for dorsal vulval lumen formation to complete vulval tubulogenesis.  相似文献   

The Caenorhabditis elegans uterine seam cell (utse) is an H-shaped syncytium that connects the uterus to the body wall. Comprising nine nuclei that move outward in a bidirectional manner, this synctium undergoes remarkable shape change during development. Using cell ablation experiments, we show that three surrounding cell types affect utse development: the uterine toroids, the anchor cell and the sex myoblasts. The presence of the anchor cell (AC) nucleus within the utse is necessary for proper utse development and AC invasion genes fos-1, cdh-3, him-4, egl-43, zmp-1 and mig-10 promote utse cell outgrowth. Two types of uterine lumen epithelial cells, uterine toroid 1 (ut1) and uterine toroid 2 (ut2), mediate proper utse outgrowth and we show roles in utse development for two genes expressed in the uterine toroids: the RASEF ortholog rsef-1 and Trio/unc-73. The SM expressed gene unc-53/NAV regulates utse cell shape; ablation of sex myoblasts (SMs), which generate uterine and vulval muscles, cause defects in utse morphology. Our results clarify the nature of the interactions that exist between utse and surrounding tissue, identify new roles for genes involved in cell outgrowth, and present the utse as a new model system for understanding cell shape change and, putatively, diseases associated with cell shape change.  相似文献   

原始生殖细胞特化在精子和卵子生成过程中发挥着重要的作用,而PR结构域蛋白质(PR-domain protein,PRDM)家族部分成员参与了该过程。PRDM1可抑制体细胞程序化过程中基因的表达,而PRDM1和PRDM14共同参与了潜在的全能性细胞的重新获取和基因组范围内表观遗传学重编程。这三个过程都是原始生殖细胞特化所必需的。此外,原始生殖细胞特化还需要一些其他因素如骨形态发生蛋白4(bone morphogenetic protein4,Bmp4)和RNA结合蛋白Lin28,这些因素通过影响PRDM发挥生理作用。对原始生殖细胞特化的理解有利于生殖细胞发育和相关问题的研究。  相似文献   

C. elegans has long been used as an experimentally tractable organism for discovery of fundamental mechanisms that underlie metazoan cellular function, development, neurobiology, and behavior. C. elegans has more recently been exploited to study the interplay of environment and genetics on lipid storage pathways. As an experimental platform, C. elegans is amenable to an extensive array of forward and reverse genetic, a variety of “omics” and anatomical approaches that together allow dissection of complex physiological pathways. This is particularly relevant to the study of fat biology, as energy balance is ultimately an organismal process that involves behavior, nutrient digestion, uptake and transport, as well as a variety of cellular activities that determine the balance between lipid storage and utilization. C. elegans offers the opportunity to dissect these pathways and various cellular and organismal homeostatic mechanisms in the context of a genetically tractable, intact organism.  相似文献   

In C. elegans the 4-cell stage blastomere EMS is an endomesodermal precursor. Its anterior daughter, MS, makes primarily mesodermal cells, while its posterior daughter E generates the entire intestine. The gene regulatory network underlying specification of MS and E has been the subject of study for more than 15 years. A key component of the specification of the two cells is the involvement of the Wnt/β-catenin asymmetry pathway, which through its nuclear effector POP-1, specifies MS and E as different from each other. Loss of pop-1 function results in the mis-specification of MS as an E-like cell, because POP-1 directly represses the end-1 and end-3 genes in MS, which would otherwise promote an endoderm fate. A long-standing question has been whether POP-1 plays a role in specifying MS fate beyond repression of endoderm fate. This question has been difficult to ask because the only chromosomal lesions that remove both end-1 and end-3 are large deletions removing hundreds of genes. Here, we report the construction of bona fide end-1 end-3 double mutants. In embryos lacking activity of end-1, end-3 and pop-1 together, we find that MS fate is partially restored, while E expresses early markers of MS fate and adopts characteristics of both MS and C. Our results suggest that POP-1 is not critical for MS specification beyond repression of endoderm specification, and reveal that Wnt-modified POP-1 and END-1/3 further reinforce E specification by repressing MS fate in E. By comparison, a previous work suggested that in the related nematode C. briggsae, Cb-POP-1 is not required to repress endoderm specification in MS, in direct contrast with Ce-POP-1, but is critical for repression of MS fate in E. The findings reported here shed new light on the flexibility of combinatorial control mechanisms in endomesoderm specification in Caenorhabditis.  相似文献   

The Caenorhabditis elegans distal tip cell (DTC) provides a niche for germline stem cells in both hermaphrodites and males. The hermaphrodite distal tip cell (hDTC) also provides “leader” function to control gonadal elongation and shape, while in males, leader function is allocated to the linker cell (LC). Therefore, the male distal tip cell (mDTC) serves as a niche but not as a leader. The C. elegans homolog of E/Daughterless, HLH-2, was previously implicated in hDTC specification. Here we report that HLH-2 is also critical for hDTC maintenance, hDTC niche function and hDTC expression of a lag-2/DSL ligand reporter. We also find that HLH-2 functions in males to direct linker cell specification and to promote both mDTC maintenance and the mDTC niche function. We conclude that HLH-2 functions in both sexes to promote leader cell specification and DTC niche function.  相似文献   

In the one-cell Caenorhabditis elegans embryo, the anterior-posterior (A-P) axis is established when the sperm donated centrosome contacts the posterior cortex. While this contact appears to be essential for axis polarization, little is known about the mechanisms governing centrosome positioning during this process. pam-1 encodes a puromycin sensitive aminopeptidase that regulates centrosome positioning in the early embryo. Previously we showed that pam-1 mutants fail to polarize the A-P axis. Here we show that PAM-1 can be found in mature sperm and in cytoplasm throughout early embryogenesis where it concentrates around mitotic centrosomes and chromosomes. We provide further evidence that PAM-1 acts early in the polarization process by showing that PAR-1 and PAR-6 do not localize appropriately in pam-1 mutants. Additionally, we tested the hypothesis that PAM-1's role in polarity establishment is to ensure centrosome contact with the posterior cortex. We inactivated the microtubule motor dynein, DHC-1, in pam-1 mutants, in an attempt to prevent centrosome movement from the cortex and restore anterior-posterior polarity. When this was done, the aberrant centrosome movements of pam-1 mutants were not observed and anterior-posterior polarity was properly established, with proper localization of cortical and cytoplasmic determinants. We conclude that PAM-1's role in axis polarization is to prevent premature movement of the centrosome from the posterior cortex, ensuring proper axis establishment in the embryo.  相似文献   

During Caenorhabditis elegans vulval development, the anchor cell (AC) in the somatic gonad secretes an epidermal growth factor (EGF) to activate the EGF receptor (EGFR) signaling pathway in the adjacent vulval precursor cells (VPCs). The inductive AC signal specifies the vulval fates of the three proximal VPCs P5.p, P6.p, and P7.p. The C. elegans Rhomboid homolog ROM-1 increases the range of EGF, allowing the inductive signal to reach the distal VPCs P3.p, P4.p and P8.p, which are further away from the AC. Surprisingly, ROM-1 functions in the signal-receiving VPCs rather than the signal-sending AC. This observation led to the discovery of an AC–independent activity of EGF in the VPCs that promotes vulval cell fate specification and depends on ROM-1. Of the two previously reported EGF splice variants, the longer one requires ROM-1 for its activity, while the shorter form acts independently of ROM-1. We present a model in which ROM-1 relays the inductive AC signal from the proximal to the distal VPCs by allowing the secretion of the LIN-3L splice variant. These results indicate that, in spite of their structural diversity, Rhomboid proteins play a conserved role in activating EGFR signaling in C. elegans, Drosophila, and possibly also in mammals.  相似文献   

Lumenogenesis of small seamless tubes occurs through intracellular membrane growth and directed vesicle fusion events. Within the Caenorhabditis elegans excretory cell, which forms seamless intracellular tubes (canals) that mediate osmoregulation, lumens grow in length and diameter when vesicles fuse with the expanding lumenal surface. Here, we show that lumenal vesicle fusion depends on the small GTPase RAL-1, which localizes to vesicles and acts through the exocyst vesicle-tethering complex. Loss of either the exocyst or RAL-1 prevents excretory canal lumen extension. Within the excretory canal and other polarized cells, the exocyst co-localizes with the PAR polarity proteins PAR-3, PAR-6 and PKC-3. Using early embryonic cells to determine the functional relationships between the exocyst and PAR proteins, we show that RAL-1 recruits the exocyst to the membrane, while PAR proteins concentrate membrane-localized exocyst proteins to a polarized domain. These findings reveal that RAL-1 and the exocyst direct the polarized vesicle fusion events required for intracellular lumenogenesis of the excretory cell, suggesting mechanistic similarities in the formation of topologically distinct multicellular and intracellular lumens.  相似文献   

To determine whether the distinctive features of Caenorhabditis elegans chromosomal organization are shared with the C. briggsae genome, we constructed a single nucleotide polymorphism–based genetic map to order and orient the whole genome shotgun assembly along the six C. briggsae chromosomes. Although these species are of the same genus, their most recent common ancestor existed 80–110 million years ago, and thus they are more evolutionarily distant than, for example, human and mouse. We found that, like C. elegans chromosomes, C. briggsae chromosomes exhibit high levels of recombination on the arms along with higher repeat density, a higher fraction of intronic sequence, and a lower fraction of exonic sequence compared with chromosome centers. Despite extensive intrachromosomal rearrangements, 1:1 orthologs tend to remain in the same region of the chromosome, and colinear blocks of orthologs tend to be longer in chromosome centers compared with arms. More strikingly, the two species show an almost complete conservation of synteny, with 1:1 orthologs present on a single chromosome in one species also found on a single chromosome in the other. The conservation of both chromosomal organization and synteny between these two distantly related species suggests roles for chromosome organization in the fitness of an organism that are only poorly understood presently.  相似文献   

Nuclear lamins are involved in most nuclear activities and are essential for retaining the mechano-elastic properties of the nucleus. They are nuclear intermediate filament (IF) proteins forming a distinct meshwork-like layer adhering to the inner nuclear membrane, called the nuclear lamina. Here, we present for the first time, the three-dimensional supramolecular organization of lamin 10 nm filaments and paracrystalline fibres. We show that Caenorhabditis elegans nuclear lamin forms 10 nm IF-like filaments, which are distinct from their cytoplasmic counterparts. The IF-like lamin filaments are composed of three and four tetrameric protofilaments, each of which contains two partially staggered anti-parallel head-to-tail polymers. The beaded appearance of the lamin filaments stems from paired globular tail domains, which are spaced regularly, alternating between 21 nm and 27 nm. A mutation in an evolutionarily conserved residue that causes Hutchison-Gilford progeria syndrome in humans alters the supramolecular structure of the lamin filaments. On the basis of our structural analysis, we propose an assembly pathway that yields the observed 10 nm IF-like lamin filaments and paracrystalline fibres. These results serve also as a platform for understanding the effect of laminopathic mutations on lamin supramolecular organization.  相似文献   

Lifespan among individuals ranges widely in organisms from yeast to mammals, even in an isogenic cohort born in a nearly uniform environment. Needless to say, genetic and environmental factors are essential for aging and lifespan, but in addition, a third factor or the existence of a stochastic element must be reflected in aging and lifespan. An essential point is that lifespan or aging is an unpredictable phenomenon. The present study focuses on elucidating the biophysical and biological meanings of healthspan that latently indwells a stochastic nature. To perform this purpose, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans served as a model animal. C. elegans fed a healthy food had an extended healthspan as compared to those fed a conventional diet. Then, utilizing this phenomenon, we clarified a mechanism of healthspan extension by measuring the single-worm ATP and estimating the ATP noise (or the variability of the ATP content) among individual worms and by quantitatively analyzing biodemographic data with the lifespan equation that was derived from a fluctuation theory.  相似文献   

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