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The roof plate resident BMPs have sequential functions in the developing spinal cord, establishing cell fate and orienting axonal trajectories. These activities are, however, restricted to the dI1–dI3 neurons in the most dorsal region of the spinal cord. What limits the extent of the action of the BMPs to these neurons? To address this question, we have examined both the distribution of the inhibitory Smads (I-Smads), Smad6 and Smad7 in the spinal cord and the consequence of ectopically expressing the I-Smads in chicken embryos. Our studies suggest that the I-Smads function in vivo to restrict the action of BMP signaling in the dorsal spinal cord. Moreover, the I-Smads have distinct roles in regulating the diverse activities of the BMPs. Thus, the ectopic expression of Smad7 suppresses the dI1 and dI3 neural fates and concomitantly increases the number of dI4–dI6 spinal neurons. In contrast, Smad6 most potently functions to block dI1 axon outgrowth. Taken together, these experiments suggest that the I-Smads have distinct roles in spatially limiting the response of cells to BMP signaling.  相似文献   

Expressions of the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHS-R) mRNA and its protein were confirmed in rat fetal spinal cord tissues by RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. In vitro, over 3 nM ghrelin and des-acyl ghrelin induced significant proliferation of primary cultured cells from the fetal spinal cord. The proliferating cells were then double-stained using antibodies against the neuronal precursor marker, nestin, and the cell proliferation marker, 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU), and the nestin-positive cells were also found to be co-stained with antibody against GHS-R. Furthermore, binding studies using [125I]des-acyl ghrelin indicated the presence of a specific binding site for des-acyl ghrelin, and confirmed that the binding was displaced with unlabeled des-acyl ghrelin or ghrelin. These results indicate that ghrelin and des-acyl ghrelin induce proliferation of neuronal precursor cells that is both dependent and independent of GHS-R, suggesting that both ghrelin and des-acyl ghrelin are involved in neurogenesis of the fetal spinal cord.  相似文献   

Mouse olfactory epithelium (OE) originates from ectodermally derived placode, the olfactory placode that arises at the anterior end of the neural plate. Tissue grafting and recombination experiments suggest that the placode is derived from a common preplacodal domain around the neural plate and its development is directed by signals arising from the underlying mesoderm and adjacent neuroectoderm. In mice, loss of Six1 affects OE morphogenesis but not placode formation. We show here that embryos lacking both Six1 and Six4 failed to form the olfactory placode but the preplacodal region appeared to be specified as judged by the expression of Eya2, which marks the common preplacodal domain, suggesting a synergistic requirement of Six1 and Six4 in patterning the preplacodal ectoderm to a morphologic placode. Our results show that Six1 and Six4 are coexpressed in the preplacodal ectoderm from E8.0. In the olfactory pit, Six4 expression was observed in the peripheral precursors that overlap with Mash1-expressing cells, the early committed neuronal lineage. In contrast, Six1 is highly distributed in the peripheral regions where stem cells reside at E10.5 and it overlaps with Sox2 expression. Both genes are expressed in the basal and apical neuronal progenitors in the OE. Analyses of Six1;Six4 double mutant embryos demonstrated that the slightly thickened epithelium observed in the mutant was not induced for neuronal development. In contrast, in Six1−/− embryos, all neuronal lineage markers were initially expressed but the pattern of their expression was altered. Although very few, the pioneer neurons were initially present in the Six1 mutant OE. However, neurogenesis ceased by E12.5 due to markedly increased cell apoptosis and reduced proliferation, thus defining the cellular defects occurring in Six1−/− OE that have not been previously observed. Our findings demonstrate that Six1/4 function at the top of early events controlling olfactory placode formation and neuronal development. Our analyses show that the threshold of Six1/4 may be crucial for the expression of olfactory specific genes and that Six1 and Six4 may act synergistically to mediate olfactory placode specification and patterning through Fgf and Bmp signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The chick spinal cord can regenerate following injury until advanced developmental stages. It is conceivable that changes in stem/progenitor cell plasticity contribute to the loss of this capacity, which occurs around E13. We investigated the contribution of proliferation, phenotypic changes in radial glia progenitors, and neurogenesis to spinal cord regeneration. There was no early up-regulation of markers of gliogenic radial glia after injury either at E11 or E15. In contrast, increased proliferation in the grey matter and up-regulation of transitin expression following injury at E11, but not E15, suggested high levels of plasticity within the E11 spinal cord progenitor population that are lost by later stages. Changes in neural progenitors with development were also supported by a higher neurosphere forming ability at E11 than at E15. Co-labelling with doublecortin and neuron-specific markers and BrdU in spinal cord sections and dissociated cells showed that neurogenesis is an ongoing process in E11 chick spinal cords. This neurogenesis appeared to be complete by E15. Our findings demonstrate that the regeneration-competent chick spinal cord is less mature and more plastic than previously believed, which may contribute to its favourable response to injury, and suggest a role for neurogenesis in maintaining regenerative capacity.  相似文献   

In this study we analyzed expression patterns of two δ-protocadherins, protocadherin-9 and protocadherin-17, in the developing zebrafish using in situ hybridization and RT-PCR methods. Both protocadherins were mainly detected in the embryonic central nervous system, but each showed a distinct expression pattern. Protocadherin-9 message (Pcdh9) was expressed after 10 h post fertilization (hpf). It was found mainly in small clusters of cells in the anteroventral forebrain and ventrolateral hindbrain, and scattered cells throughout the spinal cord of young embryos (24 hpf). Pcdh9 expression in the hindbrain was segmental, reflecting a neuromeric organization, which became more evident at 34 hpf. As development proceeded, Pcdh9 expression increased throughout the brain, while its expression in the spinal cord was greatly reduced. Pcdh9 was also found in the developing retina and statoacoustic ganglion. Protocadherin-17 message (Pcdh17) expression began much earlier (1.5–2 hpf) than Pcdh9. Similar to Pcdh9 expression, Pcdh17 expression was found mainly in the anteroventral forebrain at 24 hpf, but its expression in the hindbrain and spinal cord, confined mainly to lateroventral regions of the hindbrain and anterior spinal cord, was more restricted than Pcdh9. As development proceeded, Pcdh17 expression was increased both in the brain and spinal cord: detected throughout the brain of two- and three-day old embryos, strongly expressed in the retina and in lateral regions of spinal cord in two-day old embryos. Its expression in the retina and spinal cord was reduced in three-day old embryos. Our results showed that expression of these two protocadherins was both spatially and temporally regulated.  相似文献   

During neurogenesis, complex networks of genes act sequentially to control neuronal differentiation. In the neural tube, the expression of Pax6, a paired-box-containing gene, just precedes the appearance of the first post-mitotic neurons. So far, its only reported function in the spinal cord is in specifying subsets of neurons. Here we address its possible function in controlling the balance between proliferation and commitment of neural progenitors. We report that increasing Pax6 level is sufficient to push neural progenitors toward cell cycle exit and neuronal commitment via Neurogenin 2 (Ngn2) upregulation. However, neuronal precursors maintaining Pax6(On) fail to perform neuronal differentiation. Conversely, turning off Pax6 function in these precursors is sufficient to provoke premature differentiation and the number of differentiated neurons depends of the amount of Pax6 protein. Moreover, we found that Pax6 expression involves negative feedback regulation by Ngn2 and this repression is critical for the proneural activity of Ngn2. We present a model in which the level of Pax6 activity first conditions the moment when a given progenitor will leave the cell cycle and second, the moment when a selected neuronal precursor will irreversibly differentiate.  相似文献   

Natural cell death is critical for normal development of the nervous system, but the extracellular regulators of developmental cell death remain poorly characterized. Here, we studied the role of the CNTF/LIF signaling pathway during mouse retinal development in vivo. We show that exposure to CNTF during neonatal retinal development in vivo retards rhodopsin expression and results in an important and specific deficit in photoreceptor cells. Detailed analysis revealed that exposure to CNTF during retinal development causes a sharp increase in cell death of postmitotic rod precursor cells. Importantly, we show that blocking the CNTF/LIF signaling pathway during mouse retinal development in vivo results in a significant reduction of naturally occurring cell death. Using retroviral lineage analysis, we demonstrate that exposure to CNTF causes a specific reduction of clones containing only rods without affecting other clone types, whereas blocking the CNTF/LIF receptor complex causes a specific increase of clones containing only rods. In addition, we show that stimulation of the CNTF/LIF pathway positively regulates the expression of the neuronal and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS) genes, and blocking nitric oxide production by pre-treatment with a NOS inhibitor abolishes CNTF-induced cell death. Taken together, these results indicate that the CNTF/LIF signaling pathway acts via regulation of nitric oxide production to modulate developmental programmed cell death of postmitotic rod precursor cells.  相似文献   

The role of perchloric acid-soluble protein (PSP) was investigated in chick embryos. Fluorescently labeled anti-chick liver (CL)-PSP IgG was injected into the yolk sac in ovo at embryonic day 3, and became localized in neuroepithelial cells. Within 12 h, morphological changes were observed in 37.5% of anti-CL-PSP IgG-injected embryos, and the neuroepithelial cells formed a wavy line. No significant changes were observed in embryos injected with non-immune IgG or PBS. Increased expression of PCNA and decreased expression of neuronal class III beta-tubulin were observed in the spinal cord after anti-CL-PSP IgG injection. These results suggest that PSP controls the proliferation and differentiation of neuroepithelial cells in chick embryos.  相似文献   

In the vertebrate embryo, spinal cord elongation requires FGF signaling that promotes the continuous development of the posterior nervous system by maintaining a stem zone of proliferating neural progenitors. Those escaping the caudal neural stem zone, which is expressed to Shh signal, initiate ventral patterning in the neural groove before starting neuronal differentiation in the neural tube. Here we investigated the integration of D-type cyclins, known to govern cell cycle progression under the control of extracellular signals, in the program of spinal cord maturation. In chicken embryo, we find that cyclin D2 is preferentially expressed in the posterior neural plate, whereas cyclin D1 appears in the neural groove. We demonstrated by loss- and gain-of-function experiments that FGF signaling maintains cyclin D2 in the immature caudal neural epithelium, while Shh activates cyclin D1 in the neural groove. Moreover, forced maintenance of cyclin D1 or D2 in the neural tube favors proliferation at the expense of neuronal differentiation. These results contribute to our understanding of how the cell cycle control can be linked to the patterning programs to influence the balance between proliferation and neuronal differentiation in discrete progenitors domains.  相似文献   

Notch signaling is one of the most important pathways in development and homeostasis, and is altered in multiple pathologies. Study of Drosophila eye development shows that Notch signaling depends on the HLH protein Extramacrochaetae. Null mutant clones show that extramacrochaetae is required for multiple aspects of eye development that depend on Notch signaling, including morphogenetic furrow progression, differentiation of R4, R7 and cone cell types, and rotation of ommatidial clusters. Detailed analysis of R7 and cone cell specification reveals that extramacrochaetae acts cell autonomously and epistatically to Notch, and is required for normal expression of bHLH genes encoded by the E(spl)-C which are effectors of most Notch signaling. A model is proposed in which Extramacrochaetae acts in parallel to or as a feed-forward regulator of the E(spl)-Complex to promote Notch signaling in particular cellular contexts.  相似文献   

Despite the relatively simplified organization of the olfactory epithelium (OE), our understanding of the factors that regulate its cellular diversity is limited. Genetic and localization studies suggest that Notch signaling may be important in this process. We characterize here a population of Notch1 + olfactory basal cells in embryonic mice that coordinately express both the Notch effector Hes5 and the glycosyltransferase Lfng. These cells are distinct from Mash1 + neuronal precursors, but give rise to sensory neurons, suggesting that Notch1 signals may in part function to maintain a neurogenic progenitor pool. Furthermore, Lfng + cells also generate a population of cells in the migratory mass that appear to be ensheathing glial precursors, indicating potential multipotency in these progenitors. The Notch ligand Dll4 is expressed by basal OE cells that are interspersed with Notch1 + progenitors during later OE neurogenesis. In contrast, mice deficient in Dll1 exhibit a smaller OE and a loss of Hes5 expression, indicating an earlier function in olfactory progenitor cell development. Taken together, these results further support a role for Notch signaling in the regulation of olfactory neurogenesis and cell diversity.  相似文献   

Rho-associated Kinase (ROCK) has been identified as an important regulator of proliferation and cell cycle progression in a number of cell types. Although its effects on astrocyte proliferation have not been well characterized, ROCK has been reported to play important roles in gap junction formation, morphology, and migration of astrocytes. In the present study, our aim was to investigate the effect of ROCK inhibition by [(+)-(R)-trans-4-(1-aminoethyl)-N-(4-pyridyl) cyclohexanecarboxamide dihydrochloride] (Y27632) on proliferation and DNA synthesis in cultured astrocytes from rat spinal cord and the possible mechanism involved. Western blots showed that treatment of astrocytes with Y27632 increased their expression of cyclin D1, CDK4, and cyclin E, thereby causing cell cycle progression. Furthermore, Y27632-induced astrocyte proliferation was mediated through the extracellular-signal-regulated kinase signaling cascade. These results indicate the importance of ROCK in astrocyte proliferation.  相似文献   

Summary The possibility that nitric oxide is somehow involved in the early bioelectrical disturbances following spinal cord injury in relation to the later pathophysiology of the spinal cord was examined in a rat model of spinal cord trauma. A focal trauma to the rat spinal cord was produced by an incision of the right dorsal horn of the T 10–11 segments under urethane anaesthesia. The spinal cord evoked potentials (SCEP) were recorded using epidural electrodes placed over the T9 and T12 segments of the cord following supramaximal stimulation of the right tibial and sural nerves in the hind leg. Trauma to the spinal cord significantly attenuated the SCEP amplitude (about 60%) immediately after injury which persisted up to 1h. However, a significant increase in SCEP latency was seen at the end of 5h after trauma. These spinal cord segments exhibited profound upregulation of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (NOS) immunoreactivity, and the development of edema and cell injury. Pretreatment with a serotonin synthesis inhibitor drug p-chlorophenylalanine (p-CPA) or an anxiolytic drug diazepam significantly attenuated the decrease in SCEP amplitude, upregulation of NOS, edema and cell injury. On the other hand, no significant reduction in SCEP amplitude, NOS immunolabelling, edema or cell changes were seen after injury in rats pretreated with L-NAME. These observations suggest that nitric oxide is somehow involved in the early disturbances of SCEP and contribute to the later pathophysiology of spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

Gene and cell-based therapies comprise innovative aspects of regenerative medicine. Even though stem cells represent a highly potential therapeutic strategy, their wide-spread exploitation is marred by ethical concerns, potential for malignant transformation and a plethora of other technical issues, largely restricting their use to experimental studies. Utilizing genetically modified human umbilical cord blood mono-nuclear cells (hUCB-MCs), this communication reports enhanced differentiation of transplants in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Over-expressing Oct4 and Sox2 induced production of neural marker PGP9.5, as well as transformation of hUCB-MCs into micro-glial and endothelial lines in ALS spinal cords. In addition to producing new nerve cells, providing degenerated areas with trophic factors and neo-vascularisation might prevent and even reverse progressive loss of moto-neurons and skeletal muscle paralysis.  相似文献   

Spinal cord injury results in progressive waves of secondary injuries, cascades of noxious pathological mechanisms that substantially exacerbate the primary injury and the resultant permanent functional deficits. Secondary injuries are associated with inflammation, excessive cytokine release, and cell apoptosis. The purine nucleoside guanosine has significant trophic effects and is neuroprotective, antiapoptotic in vitro, and stimulates nerve regeneration. Therefore, we determined whether systemic administration of guanosine could protect rats from some of the secondary effects of spinal cord injury, thereby reducing neurological deficits. Systemic administration of guanosine (8 mg/kg per day, i.p.) for 14 consecutive days, starting 4 h after moderate spinal cord injury in rats, significantly improved not only motor and sensory functions, but also recovery of bladder function. These improvements were associated with reduction in the inflammatory response to injury, reduction of apoptotic cell death, increased sparing of axons, and preservation of myelin. Our data indicate that the therapeutic action of guanosine probably results from reducing inflammation resulting in the protection of axons, oligodendrocytes, and neurons and from inhibiting apoptotic cell death. These data raise the intriguing possibility that guanosine may also be able to reduce secondary pathological events and thus improve functional outcome after traumatic spinal cord injury in humans.  相似文献   

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