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Adults of the Argas subgenera Secretargas (3 species) and Ogadenus (1 species) were studied by scanning electron microscopy. In each species, the anterior pit and Haller's organ are situated in a large dorsal hump of Tarsus I and the 9 setae of the anterior pit are characteristic of the genus Argas in structure and numbers. In A. (S.) transgariepinus, an Ethiopian-Palearctic crevice-dwelling parasite of bats, the Haller's organ capsule roof is solid with a slitlike transverse aperture. In A. (S.) hoogstraali and A. (S.) echinops, Malagasy soil-dwelling parasites of Oplurus (Varanidae) lizards and the hedgehog-tenrec (Insectivora: Tenrecidae), respectively, the Haller's organ is virtually unroofed but partially screened by arborescent dorsal projections from the posterior wall of the capsule, and the open capsule contains numerous fine pleomorphs. In A. (O.) brumpti, a soil-dwelling parasite of the hyrax (Procavia), other terrestrial mammals, and lizards in the Ethiopian Region, the capsule is also virtually unroofed and contains numerous fine pleomorphs. The unroofed capsule is probably phylogenetically primitive and occurs only in these 3 and 2 other Argas species. The soil microhabitat (in Argas confined to 3 of the 4 species recorded here), and the reptile or ancient mammal hosts of these 3 species, as well as the zoogeographical isolation of 2 of the species in the Malagasy Region, are distinctive in this genus of 56 species. The interrelationships between an unroofed Haller's organ capsule and unusual biological properties remain to be determined.  相似文献   

A Buczek  K Jasik  L Buczek 《Parassitologia》1998,40(3):279-282
Light and scanning electron microscopic studies showed the differences in morphology and in size of Haller's organ in larvae, nymphs and adults (females and males) of Hyalomma marginatum marginatum Koch, 1844. The length of the anterior pit setae increases during post-embryonic development. The localization of these setae is the same in all stages. Six setae (one porose seta, two grooved setae, two fine setae, one conical seta) contain anterior pit of various developmental stages. In nymphs and adults more numerous pores appear on the wall surface of porose seta than in the larval stage. The structure of the capsule roof also differs in various developmental stages. Haller's organ of Hyalomma m. marginatum shows great degree of morphological development which is connected with the complicated life cycle and feeding behaviour of this tick species.  相似文献   

Adults of 4 of the 6 species constituting the subgenus Carios and of 3 of the 4 species constituting the subgenus Chiropterargas were studied by scanning electron microscopy. All species parasitize Old World cave-dwelling insectivorous bats (Microchiroptera). The anterior pit setae number 10 in Carios and 10 or 11 in Chiropterargas. In most Carios, the setiform seta is replaced by a second serrate seta. In 2 of the 3 studied Chiropterargas species, 1 of the 2 grooved setae is exceptionally long. Porose setae number 3 in Carios and 3 or 4 in Chiropterargas. The Haller's organ roof in both subgenera is solid, lacking perforations; the aperture is narrowly transverse in Carios, irregularly wide or wide and transverse in Chiropterargas; uniquely, 1 or 2 sensilla protrude from the aperture of Chiropterargas species. The protruding sensilla and long grooved seta of Chiropterargas suggest a probably distinctive sensory-behavior pattern common to these ticks. Other morphological characters are discussed and compared to show relationships between these 2 subgenera and the subgenera Argas and Persicargas and distinctive characters present only in adult and/or larval Carios and Chiropterargas.  相似文献   

Haller's organ in A. tridentatus consists of a capsule and an anterior group of sensilla. The capsule is the hollow in the cuticle on the dorsal surface of the first tarsus, where 4 pored hairs of olfactory sensilla are situated under the cover of the roof, formed by an anostomosis of the upper brunches of pleomorphs (capsule's bottom non-sensory cuticular outgrowths). The canal of the accessory ampullaceous sensillum opens in a capsule near the bottom. The anterior group of sensilla consists of two parts: proximal part, containing pored grooved and thin hairs, is homologous to the anterior grouf of ixodid ticks, and distal one which has no homologues in ixodids. Fine structure of all the sensilla in the mentioned parts of Haller's organ is described in detail.  相似文献   

Three new species of Antricola (Acari: Argasidae) are described from adult specimens collected on bat guano in different caves in Brazil. The female of Antricola guglielmonei n. sp. is easily determined by the presence of 2 smooth, depressed areas lacking setae in the posterolateral portions of the dorsum of the idiosoma, together with the partial fusion of the tubercles in the anteromedian portion of the idiosoma. The male of this species has a small spiracular plate surrounded by a pattern of tubercles disposed concentrically in its dorsal portion. Both sexes have cervical grooves very slightly marked. Antricola delacruzi n. sp. represents the only Antricola species with the dorsum of the idiosoma devoid of tubercles in both sexes and with scarce and minute setae placed over the smooth cuticle. The female of A. inexpectata n. sp. is known only from a few specimens. In this species, lines of smooth cuticle lacking setae separate the tubercles of the dorsum. In addition, there are 3 clumps of plumose setae close to the spiracular plate, in the ventrolateral portions of the idiosoma, in 3 well-delimited regions over cuticular thickenings. These 3 species share the peculiarity of a Haller's organ with the anterior pit bearing only 7 + 2 setae. The collection of these new species in Brazilian caves greatly expands the known range of the genus. A key to the adults of all known species of the genus is provided.  相似文献   

Larvae of 19 of the 21 species of the Argas subgenus Argas are already described. One of the two exceptions is A. (A.) macrostigmatus; we describe the larva of this species from wet nests of the crested cormorant, Phalacrocorax aristotelis, from Corsica, France. As in the adult and nymphal stages, this larva has an uncovered Haller's organ, a character shared in Palearctic members of this large genus only with A. (A.) polonicus, a Central European parasite of rock pigeons. Available larval samples of both species are indistinguishable. However, adult and nymphal A. (A.) macrostigmatus are unique for their exceptionally large spiracular plates. These are the only Argas (Argas) species which differ distinctly as adults and nymphs but hardly or not at all as larvae. Argas (A.) macrostigmatus was previously known only from a nest of the crested cormorant in the Black Sea. Ukrainian SSR.  相似文献   

Scanning-electron-microscopic investigations of Haller's organ in larvae, nymphs I, II, III and IV, and male and female adultArgas (Persicargas) walkerae ticks showed that morphology and structural organization change during postembryonic development. Stage-dependent differences existed regarding setal numbers of the anterior pit as well as formation and reticulation of cuticular projections in the capsule cavity. The anterior pit increased in size in the course of postembryonic development. It contained only seven setae in larvae, one conical, setiform and grooved seta each as well as two porose and fine setae. Nymphs I, II, III and IV and adult ticks had equal numbers of setae; however, one additional unilaterally serrate and grooved seta each were present. Setal length increased continuously during postembryonic development and attained maximum values in adult ticks. The capsule consisted of roof and cavity and was located distinctly lateral in larvae, slightly lateral in nymphs I and II, and in all other stages directly on the longitudinal axis of tarsus. The capsule roof showed a reticular structure. The slit-like main aperture was located peripherally and arranged transversally to the longitudinal axis of tarsus I in larvae. Nymphs and adult ticks had a central, circular main aperture. Stage-dependent cuticular projections of varying form protruded into the capsule cavity. Larvae had only single, free-standing projections which ramified slightly and communicated with each other. Projections were more heavily reticulated in nymphs I and II. In nymphs III and IV as well as male and female adult ticks, a long centrally situated tube of reticular appearance was seen, which was supported by a large number of radially organized and interlocking pillars and communicated with the capsule roof. In all tick stages there were always four porose setae present, arranged on the capsule floor.  相似文献   

Argas (A.) polonicus sp. n. is described from males, females, nymphs, and larvae from the steeple tower of St. Mary's Church, Karkow, Poland, where it feeds on domestic rock pigeons, Columba livia Gmelin. This species is related to the widely distributed Eurasian A. (A.) vulgaris Filippova and to certain other species of the eastern area of the Palearctic Faunal Region; it differs distinctly from A. (A.) reflexus (Fabricius) of western Europe. Comparative study under the light microscope. and especially under the scanning electron microscope, reveals numerous structural differences in adult and immature stages of these species, chiefly in the Haller's organ roof of each stage, adult body shape and integumental formations, dental formulae, and setal lengths and numbers on the larval dorsum.  相似文献   

Lattice organs are peculiar chemoreceptors found only in the Crustacea Thecostraca (Facetotecta, Ascothoracida, Cirripedia). In these taxa, five pairs occur in the head shield (carapace) of the terminal larval instar (y-cyprid, ascothoracid larva, cyprid), which is the settlement stage. Lattice organs represent an autapomorphy for the Thecostraca but their evolutionary origin and possible homologues in other Crustacea remain obscure. We have used scanning electron microscopy to describe the setation pattern of the head shield in late nauplii of one species of Ascothoracida, one species of Facetotecta and several species of the Cirripedia Thoracica, Acrothoracica, and Rhizocephala. The naupliar head shield always carries two pairs setae situated anteriorly near the midline. Each of these setae carry a single pore, and positional, structural and ontogenetic evidence show that these setae are homologous in all the examined species and that they represent precursors of the two anterior pairs of lattice organs of the succeeding larval stage, viz., the ascothoracid larva (Ascothoracida), y-cyprid (Facetotecta), and cyprid (Cirripedia). This leads us to infer that lattice organs are among the most highly modified sensilla in all Crustacea and they have in most cases lost all external resemblance to a seta. The nauplii of the Rhizocephala carry an additional three pairs of setae situated more posteriorly on the head shield and they could be precursors of the three posterior pairs of lattice organs. All other species examined lack these posterior setae, except the Facetotecta which have one posteriorly situated pair.  相似文献   

Amputation of legs in nymphs of ticks, obtained from the first laboratory generation, resulted in regeneration of the legs after moulting to adults. Haller's sensory organ on the upper surface of each foreleg tarsus was significantly modified following regeneration. Haller's organ in non-amputated legs of the experimental ticks remained unchanged, being comparable to controls.Pored olfactory sensilla in the anterior pit, in a capsule and on a distal knoll usually increased in number, as well as grooved, thin and conical sensilla. Bordering gustatory and double-walled postcapsular sensilla either decreased or increased in number. All additional sensilla were consistent in their location. Form of the anterior pit and capsule's aperture also deeply changed after the regeneration. The authors distinguish this changes as atavistic.No correlation between changes in different parts of the organ were found.A phenomenon of induction was discovered in our study: if a distal part of tick's gnathosoma was amputated together with the left foreleg, Haller's organ in the right, untreated leg possessed the same changes after moulting as the regenerated organ in the previously amputated left foreleg.  相似文献   

Numbers of scutal, coxal and sternal setae were counted in 1393 specimens of 5 Hirsutiella species. All observed chaetotactic anomalies were classified into 3 groups: 1) "rare" anomalies, such as absence of one AL, AM, coxal or sternal setae, presence of additional AL, AM, coxal or anterior sternal setae; 2) presence of 1-2 post-posterolateral soutal setae (PPL); 3) presence of additional 1-3 posterior sternal setae. "Rare" anomalies were found in 2.8% of the specimens examined. They were observed usually in northern or alpine populations. Obviously, it is an effect of more frequent ontogenetic failures in rigorous climate conditions being out of optimum for trombiculids. The quota of the individuals with PPL in a set of H. steineri samples varied from 16 to 74%, while in the other samples of this species the presence of the single (and not more) PPL were found very seldom, as well as in the other species examined. In the similar way, the additional posterior sternal setae were found with the frequency up to 100% in the some samples of H. steineri, H. hexasternalis and H. alpina, but in other ones they were present only in few specimens. Since in a series of cases the ratio of the number of specimens with PPL to the number of specimens without PPL, as well as the ratio of the number of specimens with fSt = 2.4 to the number of specimens with fSt = 2.2 is almost equal to 2, one can suppose that the variance of this characters has a genetic basis. All samples having a high frequency of the PPL appearance or the appearance of additional posterior sternal setae were collected in the alpine zone. It is an evident example of the ecogeographical rules, which were reported previously by the author for the quantitative characters in species of the genera Neotrombicula (Stekolnikov, 1996, 1998, 1999) and Hirsutiella (Stekolnikov, 2001). It is possible that the PPL appearance is caused by the higher humidity of the climate, and the appearance of additional posterior sternal setae--by the low temperature. It is supported by the fact that the samples with high friquency of individuals having PPL are specific to damp areas of Western Caucasus, while the populations with high frequency of additional posterior sternal setae appear to be characteristic for regions with more dry climate (Daghestan, Turkey, Chelyabinsk Region of Russia). The fact, that in some populations of H. steineri, the individuals having PPL are prevalent, can serve as a serious argument for the abolishment of the genera Hoffmannina Brennan et Jones, 1959 and Aboriginesia Kudryashova, 1993 distinguished from related groups only by the presence of this setae.  相似文献   

描述了吴氏角叶蚤Ceratophyllus wui Wang et Liu 的幼虫形态,并与同属三种蚤幼虫作比较,标本采自湖北省西北部神农架海拔2 300 m 短嘴金丝燕四川亚种 Collocalia brevirostris innominata巢窝内。  相似文献   

记述维螨属2新种:河南维螨Veigaia henanensis sp.nov.和福建维螨Veigaia fujianensis sp.nov.  相似文献   

Adults of 3 tick species (Acari: Argasidae) identified as Antricola guglielmonei, Antricola delacruzi, and Carios rondoniensis n. sp. were collected on bat guano in a cave in the state of Rond?nia, western Amazon, Brazil. Adults of C. rondoniensis possess a unique combination of characters that distinguish them from all described adults in the Argasidae, i.e., a large spiracular plate densely filled with small goblets, a well-developed flap covering the female genital opening, and palpi containing several tufts of long setae on articles 2 and 3. Unlike Ornithodoros or other Carios species, adults of C. rondoniensis have a scooplike hypostome devoid of denticles, as in Antricola spp. Conversely, the presence of a pair of long posthypostomal setae, and a slitlike transverse fissure at the capsule opening of the Haller's organ, are characters of C. rondonensis that are also found in species of Carios and Ornithodoros, but not in Antricola species. Molecular analyses inferred from a portion of the 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene indicate that C. rondoniensis is phylogenetically closest to species of Carios, followed by species of Antricola, and then Ornithodoros. Because the highest bootstrap value linking C. rondoniensis to Carios spp. was 62%, further phylogenetic studies are needed to better evaluate the taxonomic status of the former species.  相似文献   

A collection of laelapine mites from small mammals in the Galapagos Islands are identified and their host distributions reviewed. Two species of native rodents, Aegialomys galapagoensis and Nesoryzomys narboroughii, were infested only with laelapine species typical of Neotropical oryzomyine rodents; Rattus rattus was infested with Laelaps nuttalli, a host-specific ectoparasite endemic to Old World Rattus. A synopsis of Gigantolaelaps Fonseca is provided and we describe a new laelapine mite, Gigantolaelaps aegialomys n. sp., from the pelage of the rodent A. galapagoensis on Santa Fe Island. The new species has strong morphological affinities with a subgroup of Gigantolaelaps associated with a group of semiaquatic oryzomyine rodents ( Holochilus, Nectomys, Sooretamys, Pseudoryzomys , Oryzomys palustris). The other nominal species of this group, Gigantolaelaps mattogrossensis (Fonseca, 1935) and Gigantolaelaps goyanensis Fonseca, 1939 , are characterized by 10 setae on Tibia IV, large metapodal shields, and spiniform setae on Coxae I. Gigantolaelaps aegialomys is distinguished from these species by a lack of clearly spiniform setae on Coxa I, with setiform distal seta longer than the proximal; metapodal shields about the same size as the stigma; less than 100 μm separating the first pair of sternal setae.  相似文献   

《Journal of Zoology》1968,154(1):1-8
The external structure of the cleaning organ or brush situated on the tarsus of the pedipalp in the Amblypygi has been examined in the following six species from tropical and southern Africa: Damon variegatus (Perty) Damon medius (Herbst), Titanodamon johnstoni Pocock, Phrynichus scullyi Purcell, Phrynichus bacillifer (Gerst.) and Hemiphrynus machadoi Fage.
In all except one of these species the organ consists of two approximately parallel rows of modified setae; in Hemiphrynus machadoi there is only one. When both rows are present the constituent setae of each are quite different in appearance and structure.
It is probable that the variations in number, size and shape of the setae in these forms furnish specific characters; further indirect support for this is afforded by the marked difference in the structure of the organ in Hemiphrynus as compared with the other five species; taxonomically Hemiphrynus belongs to the subfamily Tarantulinae while all the others are accommodated in the Phrynicinae or Damoninae.
A brush-like cleaning organ of some kind is found on the pedipalp-tarsus of both old and new world Amblypygi and most probably in all members of the order.  相似文献   

A study of regeneration in nymphs and adults of the South African tick Ixodes (Afrixodes) rubicundus, from which the forelegs had been amputated during the previous instar, revealed that the structural changes in regenerated Haller's sensory organs resemble those observed in other ixodid ticks, in particular in another prostriate tick, Ixodes (Ixodes) ricinus. The adult regenerates re-establish their atavistic features in terms of the increased number of different sensilla on the distal knoll, in the anterior pit and the capsule. The nymphal regenerates, in contrast, re-establish the features of the previous instar through a reduction in the number of some sensilla on the distal knoll and in the post-capsular area. The structural changes in different compartments of the organ appear independent. The phenomenon of regenerative induction through the appearance of specific changes in Haller's organ of the contralateral non-treated foreleg is probably characteristic only of prostriate ticks. A unique modification in the regenerated Haller's organ as revealed by duplication of the Haller's organ capsule was discovered in both I. rubicundus nymphs and adult ticks.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of swallows was reconstructed by comparing segments of three genes, nuclear beta-fibrinogen intron 7 (betafib7), mitochondrial cytochrome b (cytb), and mitochondrial ND2, in a variety of combinations using maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. betafib7 was sequenced for 47 species, cytb for 74 species, and ND2 for 61 species to yield comparisons among 75 of the 84 currently recognized swallow species. The family Hirundinidae was confirmed to consist of two clades, Pseudochelidoninae (river martins) and Hirundininae (typical swallows). The Hirundininae is further divided into mud nesters (Hirundo sensu lato), core martins (Phedina, Riparia, and New World endemic genera), and basal relicts (Psalidoprocne, Cheramoeca, and Pseudhirundo). We did not resolve the hierarchy among these three hirundinine groups, but discovered many relationships within them. Mud-nesting genera have the following relationships: (Hirundo sensu stricto, Ptyonoprogne), (Delichon, (Petrochelidon, Cecropis)). Core martins have the following topology: (Phedina, Riparia cincta), (Riparia sensu stricto, Tachycineta, ((Stelgidopteryx, Progne), (Neotropical endemic genera))). Interspecific relationships among the Neotropical endemics were resolved completely; Atticora and Notiochelidon are paraphyletic, and all Neotropical endemics probably should be lumped into one or two genera. The final group of hirundinines, the basal relicts, consists of a sister pair, the Australian Cheramoeca and African Pseudhirundo. The African saw-wings (Psalidoprocne) are their likely sister group.  相似文献   

A new proteocephalidean cestode is described from 2 catfishes, Clarias gariepinus (type host) and C. cf. anguillaris (Siluriformes: Clariidae), from Ethiopia (type locality), Sudan, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe, and a new genus, Barsonella, is proposed to accommodate it. The genus belongs to the Proteocephalinae because its genital organs (testes, ovary, vitellarium, and uterus) are situated in the medulla. Barsonella lafoni, the type and only species of the new genus, is characterized mainly by the possession of an additional opening of each sucker; circular musculature on the anterior margin of suckers, serving as a sphincter; a small thin-walled glandular apical organ; absence of well-developed osmoregulatory canals in mature, pregravid, and gravid proglottids; and a large strobila, up to 173 mm long and 3.2 mm wide. Species of Marsypocephalus Wedl, 1861 (Marsypocephalinae), other large-sized proteocephalidean tapeworms occurring sympatrically in African catfishes (Clarias and Heterobranchus) and also possessing a sphincter-like, circular musculature on the anterior part of suckers, differ from B. lafoni in the absence of an additional sucker opening and glandular apical organ, the cortical position of the testes, well-developed osmoregulatory canals throughout the strobila, and a large cirrus sac. Proteocephalus glanduligerus (Janicki, 1928), another cestode parasitic in Clarias spp. in Africa, is much smaller than B. lafoni (maximum length 15 mm), has suckers without additional opening and circular musculature on the suckers, a large-sized glandular organ, much larger than suckers, and well-developed osmoregulatory canals. Comparison of partial sequences of the 28S rRNA gene for 7 samples of B. lafoni from 2 different hosts and 4 localities in Ethiopia, Sudan, and Tanzania has shown a very low genetic variability. In a limited phylogenetic analysis, B. lafoni formed a clade with Corallobothrium solidum Fritsch, 1886 (Proteocephalidae: Corallobothriinae), an African electric catfish parasite. This clade was the sister group of almost all Neotropical taxa from pimelodid and other catfishes.  相似文献   

记述派盾螨科3新种:武汉派盾螨Parholaspis wuhanensis sp.nov.,亚弧讷派螨Neparholaspis subarcuatus sp.nov.和湖北真派螨 Euparholaspulus hubeiensis sp.nov.。三属均为中国首次记录。  相似文献   

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