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Stimulation of HIRcB fibroblasts with insulin leads to accumulation of active components of the mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade in endocytic compartments. However, the factors that regulate the mobilization of these components through the endocytic pathway and the relevance of this event to cellular signaling remain unclear. Here we report that Ras proteins are associated with lipid rafts in resting HIRcB fibroblasts. Ras is rapidly internalized into the endocytic compartment following stimulation with insulin. The redistribution of Ras is independent of its activation. Attachment of the C-terminal 20 amino acids of Ha-Ras to green fluorescent protein was sufficient to target this construct to the same loci as the endogenous Ras protein, indicating that Ras distribution is a consequence of the association of its lipid modified C terminus with membranes. Depletion of plasma membrane cholesterol delocalized Ras and blocked insulin-dependent Ras traffic. Cholesterol depletion also blocked insulin-dependent phosphorylation of MEK and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) but had no effects on the translocation and activation of Raf-1. A second inhibitor of endocytosis, cytochalasin D, also blocked insulin-dependent MAPK phosphorylation. Taken together, these results suggest that mobilization of active Raf-1 through the endocytic compartment is required for completion of the MAPK cascade.  相似文献   

The p73 gene is capable of inducing cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, senescence, differentiation and to cooperate with oncogenic Ras in cellular transformation. Ras can be considered as a branch point in signal transduction, where diverse extracellular stimuli converge. The intensity of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade activation influences the cellular response to Ras. Despite the fundamental role of p53 in Ras-induced growth arrest and senescence, it remains unclear how the Ras/MEK/ERK pathway induces growth arrest in the absence of p53. We report here that oncogenic Ras stabilizes p73 resulting in p73 accumulation and enhancement of its activity. p73, in turn, induces a sustained activation of the MAP kinase cascade synergizing with oncogenic Ras. We also found that inhibition of p73 function modifies the cellular outcome to Ras activation inhibiting Ras-dependent differentiation. Here, we show for the first time that there is a signaling loop between Ras-dependent MAPK cascade activation and p73 function.  相似文献   

The EGF receptor (EGFR) upon activation signals increased cell movement. However, the domains within the receptor, and the pathway which trigger movement are undefined. We expressed EGFR mutants at physiologic levels in receptor-devoid NR6 cells to investigate this biologic response. The receptors possessed kinase activity and underwent autophosphorylation as predicted by primary amino acid sequence. EGF-induced cell motility was assessed in vitro by excess migration into an acellular area and colony scatter in the presence of saturating concentrations of EGF. Wild-type (WT)-EGFR signaled increased motility. However, replacing the conserved lysine721 with methionine resulted in a kinase-inactive receptor which did not elicit movement. Removal of the entire terminus by truncation (c'973) also abrogated ligand-induced motility. Thus, we concentrated on the carboxy- terminal domains. EGF-induced movement was seen with a less-truncated mutant (c'1000) that contained a single autophosphorylated tyrosine (tyrosine992). Other mutants, c'991 and c'1000F992, in which this tyrosine was removed did not signal motility. Fusion mutants which presented other autophosphorylated tyrosine domains also exhibited EGF- induced movement. These findings suggested that the presence of both an autophosphorylated tyrosine signaling domain and the kinase activity are necessary for this biologic response. All kinase-positive mutants signaled cell proliferation but only those that contained autophosphorylatable tyrosines induced movement. The motility responses mediated by these EGFR were identical in the presence or absence of mitomycin-C, at a dose (0.5 micrograms/ml) which completely inhibited cell proliferation. On the other side, D-actinomycin (50 ng/ml) blocked EGF-induced motility but did not affect thymidine incorporation. Thus, EGF-induced mitogenesis and cell motility are mediated through different pathways.  相似文献   

Ras signaling is critical for many developmental processes and requires the precise coordination of interactions among multiple downstream components. One mechanism by which this regulation is achieved is through the use of scaffolding molecules that coordinate the assembly of multimolecular complexes. Recently, the scaffolding molecule kinase suppressor of Ras (KSR) was isolated in genetic screens as a modifier of Ras signaling, although its contribution to regulating Ras-mediated activation of its different downstream effectors is not well understood. We have analyzed the role of KSR in linking Ras to the ERK cascade during positive selection. Our results demonstrate that KSR overexpression interferes with T cell development, an effect that requires the direct interaction between KSR and MEK. This functional effect correlates with the ability of KSR to uncouple Ras from the ERK cascade when overexpressed.  相似文献   

LKB1 is the upstream kinase in the AMP-activated protein kinase cascade   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Inactivating mutations in the protein kinase LKB1 lead to a dominantly inherited cancer in humans termed Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. The role of LKB1 is unclear, and only one target for LKB1 has been identified in vivo [3]. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is the downstream component of a protein kinase cascade that plays a pivotal role in energy homeostasis. AMPK may have a role in protecting the body from metabolic diseases including type 2 diabetes, obesity, and cardiac hypertrophy. We previously reported the identification of three protein kinases (Elm1, Pak1, and Tos3 [9]) that lie upstream of Snf1, the yeast homologue of AMPK. LKB1 shares sequence similarity with Elm1, Pak1, and Tos3, and we demonstrated that LKB1 phosphorylates AMPK on the activation loop threonine (Thr172) within the catalytic subunit and activates AMPK in vitro [9]. Here, we have investigated whether LKB1 corresponds to the major AMPKK activity present in cell extracts. AMPKK purified from rat liver corresponds to LKB1, and blocking LKB1 activity in cells abolishes AMPK activation in response to different stimuli. These results identify a link between two protein kinases, previously thought to lie in unrelated, distinct pathways, that are associated with human diseases.  相似文献   

The Dok adaptor proteins play key regulatory roles in receptor and non-receptor kinase-initiated signaling pathways. Dok-1, the prototype member of this family, negatively regulates cell proliferation elicited by numerous growth factors, including platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). However, how Dok-1 exerts its negative effect on mitogenesis has remained elusive. Using Dok-1 knockout cells and Dok-1 mutants deficient in binding to specific Dok-1-interacting proteins, we show that Dok-1 interferes with PDGF-stimulated c-myc induction and Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation by tethering different signaling components to the cell membrane. Specifically, Dok-1 attenuates PDGF-elicited c-myc induction by recruiting Csk to active Src kinases, whereupon their activities and consequent c-myc induction are diminished. On the other hand, Dok-1 negatively regulates PDGF-induced MAPK activation by acting on Ras-GAP and at least one other Dok-1-interacting protein. Importantly, we demonstrate that Dok-1's actions on both of these signaling pathways contribute to its inhibitory effect on mitogenesis. Our data suggest a mechanistic basis for the inhibitory effect of Dok-1 on growth factor-induced mitogenesis and its role as a tumor suppressor.  相似文献   

Internalization of activated signaling receptors by endocytosis is one way cells downregulate extracellular signals. Like many signaling receptors, the yeast alpha-factor pheromone receptor is downregulated by hyperphosphorylation, ubiquitination, and subsequent internalization and degradation in the lysosome-like vacuole. In a screen to detect proteins involved in ubiquitin-dependent receptor internalization, we identified the sphingoid base-regulated serine-threonine kinase Ypk1. Ypk1 is a homologue of the mammalian serum- and glucocorticoid-induced kinase, SGK, which can substitute for Ypk1 function in yeast. The kinase activity of Ypk1 is required for receptor endocytosis because mutations in two residues important for its catalytic activity cause a severe defect in alpha-factor internalization. Ypk1 is required for both receptor-mediated and fluid-phase endocytosis, and is not necessary for receptor phosphorylation or ubiquitination. Ypk1 itself is phosphorylated by Pkh kinases, homologues of mammalian PDK1. The threonine in Ypk1 that is phosphorylated by Pkh1 is required for efficient endocytosis, and pkh mutant cells are defective in alpha-factor internalization and fluid-phase endocytosis. These observations demonstrate that Ypk1 acts downstream of the Pkh kinases to control endocytosis by phosphorylating components of the endocytic machinery.  相似文献   

The small G protein Ras has been implicated in hypertrophy of cardiac myocytes. We therefore examined the activation (GTP loading) of Ras by the following hypertrophic agonists: phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), endothelin-1 (ET-1), and phenylephrine (PE). All three increased Ras.GTP loading by 10-15-fold (maximal in 1-2 min), as did bradykinin. Other G protein-coupled receptor agonists (e.g. angiotensin II, carbachol, isoproterenol) were less effective. Activation of Ras by PMA, ET-1, or PE was reduced by inhibition of protein kinase C (PKC), and that induced by ET-1 or PE was partly sensitive to pertussis toxin. 8-(4-Chlorophenylthio)-cAMP (CPT-cAMP) did not inhibit Ras.GTP loading by PMA, ET-1, or PE. The association of Ras with c-Raf protein was increased by PMA, ET-1, or PE, and this was inhibited by CPT-cAMP. However, only PMA and ET-1 increased Ras-associated mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1-activating activity, and this was decreased by PKC inhibition, pertussis toxin, and CPT-cAMP. PMA caused the rapid appearance of phosphorylated (activated) extracellular signal-regulated kinase in the nucleus, which was inhibited by a microinjected neutralizing anti-Ras antibody. We conclude that PKC- and Gi-dependent mechanisms mediate the activation of Ras in myocytes and that Ras activation is required for stimulation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase by PMA.  相似文献   

The actin cytoskeleton is recognized as an important component of both adhesion- and growth factor-dependent signaling, but its role in oncogene-dependent signaling has received much less attention. In this study, we investigated the role played by the acto-myosin cytoskeleton and its main regulators, i.e., myosin light chain kinase and Rho kinase, in oncogenic Ki-Ras-induced signaling. We found that activation of the ERK cascade by Ras is dependent on acto-myosin contractility, under the regulation of myosin light chain kinase but not Rho kinase. Inhibition of myosin II or myosin light chain kinase caused a complete loss of ERK phosphorylation in a time- and dose-dependent manner, but proved dispensable for activation of the PI3K pathway. We also provide evidence that the target of myosin light chain kinase lays at the level of Raf activation. Since myosin light chain kinase is a target of ERK, these results suggest a previously uncharacterized signaling pathway involving Ras-mediated alterations of the actin cytoskeleton, which might play a critical role in ERK activation by the Ras oncogene and contribute to aberrant signaling and enhanced cell motility. In addition, restoration of stress fibers following ectopic expression of tropomyosin 2 resulted in reduced levels of ERK phosphorylation. Finally, these studies suggest that myosin light chain kinase but not Rho kinase plays an essential role in the generation of ERK signaling in transformed cells and indicate distinct cellular roles for Rho-kinase and myosin light chain kinase-dependent functions involving the regulation of acto-myosin contractility.  相似文献   

H Kosako  E Nishida    Y Gotoh 《The EMBO journal》1993,12(2):787-794
A Xenopus 45 kDa protein has been identified as an immediate upstream factor sufficient for full activation of MAP kinase, and is shown to be capable of undergoing autophosphorylation on serine, threonine and tyrosine residues. In this study, we show that purified 45 kDa protein can phosphorylate a kinase-negative mutant of Xenopus MAP kinase on tyrosine and threonine residues, suggesting that the 45 kDa protein functions as a MAP kinase kinase to activate MAP kinase. We then report the cloning and sequencing of a full-length cDNA encoding this 45 kDa MAP kinase kinase, and show that it is highly homologous to four protein kinases in fission and budding yeasts: byr1, wis1, PBS2 and STE7. These yeast kinases are therefore suggested to function as a direct upstream activator for a presumed MAP kinase homolog in each signal transduction pathway involved in the regulation of cell cycle progression or cellular responses to extracellular signals. Finally, we report bacterial expression of recombinant MAP kinase kinase that can be phosphorylated and activated by Xenopus egg extracts.  相似文献   

Terai K  Matsuda M 《EMBO reports》2005,6(3):251-255
A key signalling molecule, c-Raf, is situated downstream from Ras and upstream from the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK). We studied the mechanism underlying the signal transduction from Ras to MEK by using probes based on the principle of fluorescence resonance energy transfer. In agreement with previous models, it was found that c-Raf adopted two conformations: open active and closed inactive. Ras binding induced the c-Raf transition from closed to open conformation, which enabled c-Raf to bind to MEK. In the presence of a cytosolic Ras mutant, c-Raf bound to, but failed to phosphorylate, MEK in the cytoplasm. In contrast, the cytosolic Ras mutant significantly enhanced MEK phosphorylation by a membrane-targeted c-Raf. These results demonstrated the essential role of Ras-induced conformational change in MEK activation by c-Raf.  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to identify the elements of the human transferrin receptor that are involved in receptor internalization, intracellular sorting, and recycling. We have found that an aromatic side chain at position 20 on the cytoplasmic portion of the human transferrin receptor is required for efficient internalization. The wild-type human transferrin receptor has a tyrosine at this position. Replacement of the Tyr-20 with an aromatic amino acid does not alter the rate constant of internalization, whereas substitution with the nonaromatic amino acids serine, leucine, or cysteine reduces the internalization rate constant approximately three-fold. These results are consistent with similar studies of other receptor systems that have also documented the requirement for a tyrosine in rapid internalization. The amino terminus of the transferrin receptor is cytoplasmic, with the tyrosine 41 amino acids from the membrane. These two features distinguish the transferrin receptor from the other membrane proteins for which the role of tyrosine in internalization has been examined, because these proteins have the opposite polarity with respect to the membrane and because the tyrosines are located closer to the membrane (within 25 amino acids). The externalization rate for the recycling of the transferrin receptor is not altered by any of these substitutions, demonstrating that the aromatic amino acid internalization signal is not required for the efficient exocytosis of internalized receptor.  相似文献   

The control of cell cycle progression has been studied in asynchronous cultures using image analysis and time lapse techniques. This approach allows determination of the cycle phase and signaling properties of individual cells, and avoids the need for synchronization. In past studies this approach demonstrated that continuous cell cycle progression requires the induction of cyclin D1 levels by Ras, and that this induction takes place during G2 phase. These studies were designed to understand how Ras could induce cyclin D1 levels only during G2 phase. First, in studies with a Ras-specific promoter and cellular migration we find that endogenous Ras is active in all cell cycle phases of actively cycling NIH3T3 cells. This suggests that cyclin D1 induction during G2 phase is not the result of Ras activation specifically during this cell cycle period. To confirm this suggestion oncogenic Ras, which is expected to be active in all cell cycle phases, was microinjected into asynchronous cells. The injected protein induced cyclin D1 levels rapidly, but only in G2 phase cells. We conclude that in the continuously cycling cell the targets of Ras activity are controlled by cell cycle phase, and that this phenomenon is vital to cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

H Kosako  Y Gotoh    E Nishida 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(9):2131-2138
MAP kinase kinase (MAPKK) has been identified as a protein factor that can induce phosphorylation and activation of inactive MAP kinase in vitro. In this study, we produced an anti-Xenopus MAPKK antibody that can specifically inhibit Xenopus MAPKK activity in vitro. Microinjection of this antibody into immature oocytes prevented progesterone-induced MAP kinase activation. Moreover, progesterone-induced histone H1 kinase activation and germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) were inhibited in the oocytes injected previously with this antibody. Furthermore, when a bacterially expressed Mos was introduced into immature oocytes, Mos-induced MAP kinase activation and GVBD were blocked in the oocytes injected with the anti-MAPKK antibody. These results show that MAPKK is responsible for the activation of MAP kinase in vivo and that the MAPKK/MAP kinase cascade plays a pivotal role in the MPF activation during the oocyte maturation process.  相似文献   

To understand the mechanism of Axl signaling, we have initiated studies to delineate downstream components in interleukin-3-dependent 32D cells by using a chimeric receptor containing the recombinant epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor extracellular and transmembrane domains and the Axl kinase domain (EAK [for EGF receptor-Axl kinase]). We have previously shown that upon exogenous EGF stimulation, 32D-EAK cells are capable of proliferation in the absence of interleukin-3. With this system, we determined that EAK-induced cell survival and mitogenesis are dependent upon the Ras/extracellular-signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) cascade. Although the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase pathway is activated upon EAK signaling, it appears to be dispensable for the biological actions of the Axl kinase. Furthermore, we demonstrated that different threshold levels of Ras/ERK activation are needed to induce a block to apoptosis or proliferation in 32D cells. Recently, we have identified an Axl ligand, GAS6. Surprisingly, GAS6-stimulated 32D-Axl cells exhibited no blockage to apoptosis or mitogenic response which is correlated with the absence of Ras/ERK activation. Taken together, these data suggest that different extracellular domains dramatically alter the intracellular response of the Axl kinase. Furthermore, our data suggest that the GAS6-Axl interaction does not induce mitogenesis and that its exact role remains to be determined.  相似文献   

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