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张海银 《生物学通报》1993,28(9):46-46,48
孟德尔豌豆杂交试验论文被重新发现3年后的1903年,萨顿(Sutton)和鲍维里(Boveri)根据各自的研究。认为孟德尔“遗传因子”与配子形成和受精过程中的染色体行为具有平行性,同时提出了遗传的染色体学说,认为孟德尔的遗传因子位于染色体上,这个从细胞学研究得出的结论,圆满地解释了孟德尔遗传现象。  相似文献   

为了确定两例细胞遗传学提示染色体结构异常的核型,应用通过显微切割技 术构建的人类18号和7号染色体探针池,分别对这两例病例的中期分裂相进行染色体涂染,结合显带染色体,确定两者核型分别为46,XY,t(3;18) (q12;q21)和46,XX,dir ins(1;7)(p3104;q34q36)。染色体涂染技术是染色体显带技术的重要补充和发展,为染色体结构异常提供了一种直观、准确的检测手段,在遗传咨询和产前诊断方面有重要作用。 Abstract:In this study,chromosome painting technique was performed to analyse the abnormal karyotypes of two carriers.Chromosome 18 and 7 specific libraries,which were generated by chromosome microdissection technique,were used as probe pools to hybridize the carriers metaphase chromosomes respectively.Unlabled human genomic DNA was used to inhibit the hybridization of sequences in the library that bind to mutiple chromosomes.Structure abnormality was detected clearly in metaphase.Combined with the banding chromosomes,we concluded that their karytypes were 46,XY,t(3;18)(q12;q21)and 46,XX,dir ins(1;7)(p3104;q34q36).Chromosome painting,as a direct and concise method in analysing chromosome structure abnormality,is an important complement and development of chromosome banding technique,and has important application in genetic counselling and prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

一例12号染色体臂间倒位的细胞遗传学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐琪  陈国宏  刘莉  张学余  李碧春  吴信生 《遗传》2003,25(5):521-525
小麦主要经济性状大多属数量性状,是受 微效多基因控制的。为了探索小麦常用亲本配 制组合时各主要经济性状的遗传变异规律,于 1980年选用了江苏、浙江两省普遍采用的UP 301、泰山1号、908、早白、白壳早、短秆早6 个品种作为杂交亲本,研究并分析了主要经济 性状的遗传参数,为有效地选配亲本,提高育种 成效,提供一些理论依据。  相似文献   

在"基因在染色体上"的教学中,基于摩尔根和布里吉斯经典实验的原始论文,设计学生动手观察果蝇、统计果蝇杂交实验数据、解释摩尔根经典实验现象、分析布里吉斯细胞学证据等实践活动,培养学生综合运用遗传学与细胞学知识,提高学生科学推理的生物学学科素养.通过体验活动,学生真切体会科学研究的思路、方法及科学家注重实证、不断探索的精神...  相似文献   

蝗虫染色体分带技术的研究   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:14  
本文对采自长沙岳麓山的中华稻蝗〔Oxya chinensis (Thunberg)〕和采自杭州的小稻蝗〔Oxya hyla intricata (Stal) 〕进行了染色体C带、R带、N带和A带的处理研究。结果表明,C带显示结构异染色质,其位置在不同分裂相中较为稳定;R带即G带的反带,带纹较C带丰富,在粗线期最为明显,本文观察到不同的温育条件可影响R带产生的效果;N带和Ag带可相互参照比较,从而为NOR的准确定位提供依据;A带即荧光带,本文对其显带程序作了一定的改进。 Abstract:In this paperOxya chinensis (Thunberg) collected from the Yuelu Mountains in Changsha, Hunan Province andOxya hyla intricata (Stal) collected from Hangzhou, Zhejiang province were analysed by chromosomal C-banding、R-banding、N-banding、Ag-banding and A-banding. The results showed that the constitutive heterochromatin was stained in C-banding, and it relatively stable; R-banding was the reverse of G-banding, its bands were relatively obvious at the pachytene and abundent, it may be because of the selective extracts that cause the bands evident, the different effects were surveyed under the various incubation conditions; Both N-banding and Ag-banding can stain the nucleolar organizer and the two were compared in this paper; The A-banding was a little improved in the light of the banding process.  相似文献   

蝗虫染色体分带技术的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马恩波  姚爱玉 《遗传》1999,21(3):28-30
本文对采自长沙岳麓山的中华稻蝗〔Oxya chinensis (Thunberg)〕和采自杭州的小稻蝗〔Oxya hyla intricata (Stal) 〕进行了染色体C带、R带、N带和A带的处理研究。结果表明,C带显示结构异染色质,其位置在不同分裂相中较为稳定;R带即G带的反带,带纹较C带丰富,在粗线期最为明显,本文观察到不同的温育条件可影响R带产生的效果;N带和Ag带可相互参照比较,从而为NOR的准确定位提供依据;A带即荧光带,本文对其显带程序作了一定的改进。 Abstract:In this paperOxya chinensis (Thunberg) collected from the Yuelu Mountains in Changsha, Hunan Province andOxya hyla intricata (Stal) collected from Hangzhou, Zhejiang province were analysed by chromosomal C-banding、R-banding、N-banding、Ag-banding and A-banding. The results showed that the constitutive heterochromatin was stained in C-banding, and it relatively stable; R-banding was the reverse of G-banding, its bands were relatively obvious at the pachytene and abundent, it may be because of the selective extracts that cause the bands evident, the different effects were surveyed under the various incubation conditions; Both N-banding and Ag-banding can stain the nucleolar organizer and the two were compared in this paper; The A-banding was a little improved in the light of the banding process.  相似文献   

Y染色体异常29例分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
本文从1992例遗传咨询病例中收集29例Y染色体异常的病例,其中Y染色体数 目异常(47,XYY)2例;Y染色体结构异常8例:Y/Y易位1例、Yp+3例、de l(Y)3例、嵌合 体dic(Y)1例;Y染色体长度变异19例。对Y染色体这几种异常类型的遗传效应进行分析。 Abstract:Twenty nine cases of Y chromosome abnormalities were found in 1992 patients asking genetic counseling.Different kinds of Y chromosome abnormalitics were detected by G and banding techniques.These were 47,XYY(2 cascs);46,X,del(Y)(3 cascs);46,X,Yp+(3 cases);46,X,t(Y;Y)(1 case);45,X/46,X,dic(Y)(1 case) and length changes of Y chromosome(19 cases).The genetic effects of Y chromosome abnormalities have been analyzed in this report.  相似文献   

新近发现的自然流产夫妇的几种染色体异常   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
本文对218对自然流产夫妇进行了染色体分析,发现17种异常核型,其中46,XY,t(13;14)(q14;q32)、46,XX,t(11;18)(q25;q21)、46,XY,t(4;10)(q31;q11)、 46,XX,t(15;21)(q24;q11)和46,XY,t(6;16)(p24;q13)为世界首报核型。作者同时报道了7例单个细胞染色体异常病例。对染色体异常与流产的关系进行了讨论。 Abstract:Chontaneous abortions and 17 kinds of abnormal karyotypes were discovered.Among which,five abnormal karyotypes were first reported in the world.They are 46,XY,t (13;14)(q14;q32);46,XX;t(11;18)(q25;q21);46,XY,t (4;10) (q31;q11); 46,XX,t (15;21) (q24;q11) and 46,XY,t (6;16) (p24;q13). The chromosome abnormalitics and spontaneous abortious was discussed.  相似文献   

遗传学的发展与遗传学教学改革诌议   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
余诞年 《遗传》2000,22(6):413-415
本文概述了遗传学的最近发展及其对遗传学教学提出的新问题。针对面临的问题,从遗传学教学的目标、要求及几大分支的内容处理等方面的改革提出了作者的观点,根据教学与市场的关系提出教学改革的初步意见。 Abstract:New questions are now put forward to genetics teaching by the advance of genetics recently,and summarized in this discussion. According to relation between market requirement and education,the author suggested tentative proposal of reforming genetics teaching and improving contents of main parts in genetics.  相似文献   

将摩尔根"果蝇的限性遗传"原文重要部分翻译为中文并对摩尔根果蝇眼色杂交实验的科学逻辑思维进一步加以解析,以帮助师生理解摩尔根作出红眼基因位于X染色体上的推论,以及Bridges推断Y染色体上没有红眼基因的实验证据和逻辑依据,对学生严谨科学思维的发展和教师的教学起到启发和借鉴作用.  相似文献   

Non-Disjunction as Proof of the Chromosome Theory of Heredity   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Bridges CB 《Genetics》1916,1(1):1-52

Smith L 《Genetics》1947,32(4):341-349

The foundations of American embryology and genetics were establishedby four former graduate students of Johns Hopkins University.Edmund Beecher Wilson ('81) and Thomas HuntMorgan ('90) interactedover a thirty year period to provide the foundations of genetics,while Edwin Grant Conklin ('91) and Ross Granville Harrison('94) focused their studies on embryonic determination. Together,they founded the Journal of Experimental Zoology and were influentialin framing the shape of American experimental zoology for decadesto come. This essay will attempt to outline the interactionsbetween Wilson and Morgan leading up to the formation of thegene theory, and it will try to place this controversy in thecontext of a larger conflict among experimental biologists ofthe first two decades of this century—the conflict overwhether biological processes are effected by molecules in solutionor by fixed microscopic morphological structures.  相似文献   

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