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A new species of parasitic nematode, Neoascarophis macrouri n. sp. (Cystidicolidae), is described from the stomach and stomach wall of the marine deep-water fish Macrourus berglax (onion-eye grenadier) in the eastern Greenland Sea (North Atlantic Ocean). The new species, studied using both light and scanning electron microscopy, is characterised mainly by the location of the vulva near the posterior end of the body (a short distance anterior to the anus), non-filamented eggs, the structure of the mouth, a short vestibule and the length of the spicules (567-615 and 144-156 mum). Metabronema insulanum Solov'eva, 1991 is transferred to Neoascarophis as N. insulana (Solov'eva, 1991) n. comb.  相似文献   

Nematodes of the cystidicolid Neoascarophis Machida, 1976 , are all parasites of macrourid fishes, making up at present 5 species. Several other unidentified species have also been reported in several fish species from the northern and southern Atlantic Ocean, including 1 from Macrourus carinatus (Günther) (Macrouridae) in the southwest Atlantic Ocean. During a parasitological survey carried out on samples of M. carinatus from Patagonian waters, nematodes referable to Neascarophis were found in ulcers in the gastric mucosa. These nematodes Neascarophis sphaerocaudata n. sp. closely resemble N. macrouri by the posterior position of the vulva and the dilated posterior extremity in females. However, the new species differs from N. macrouri mainly by its larger size, a larger muscular esophagus, and a widely globose posterior extremity in females. SEM study of cephalic structures also showed morphological differences between both species, especially in the morphology of the submedian labia and lateral pseudolabia. In view of these differences a new species is proposed.  相似文献   

Spinitectus acipenseri is described as a new species from the muscular stomach of the lake sturgeonAcipenser fulvescens from Manitoba and Saskatchewan. This new species closely resemblesS. gracilis Ward & Magath, 1917, but the major differences are the arrangement and larger size of spines (circlets and semicirclets of spines reaching to the anus in females ofS. acipenseri). Other differences include total body dimensions of adults (length and width relationships) and a 1:4–1:5 ratio of oesophagus to body length.  相似文献   

A new nematode, Spinitectus mexicanus n. sp., is described on the basis of the specimens recovered from the intestine of Heterandria bimaculata (Heckel) (Poeciliidae, Cyprinodontiformes) from 3 rivers of the Papaloapan River basin (type locality La Basura River), Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz State, Mexico. It differs from its congeners mainly in having the spination of the cuticle separated into 4 longitudinal sectors, each with posteriorly diminishing numbers of larger spines at the anterior part of body. It is the first species of Spinitectus described from a poeciliid fish and the second reported from freshwater fishes in Mexico.  相似文献   

A new nematode belonging to the Cystidicolidae is described, Pseudascarophis genypteri n. sp. was found in the intestine of the red ling Genypterus chilensis, sampled off Talcahuano, Chile. It is distinguished from Ascarophis species mainly by the absence of cephalic papillae and of submedial and medial labia. The other species in the genus, Pseudascarophis kyphosi Ko, Margolis, and Machida, 1985, found in Kyphosus cinerascens, and P. tropica (Solov'eva, 1996), found in Parupeneus chrysopleuron, differed principally from P. genypteri in the form of pseudolabia, number of pre- and postanal papillae, and length of spicules.  相似文献   

Specimens of a little-known nematode, Spinitectus oviflagellis Fourment, 1884, the type-species of Spinitectus Fourment, 1884, were collected mainly from the pyloric caeca of a marine deep-water fish, the onion-eye grenadier Macrourus berglax Lacépède (a new host record), in the eastern Greenland Sea, North Atlantic Ocean. Studies using light and scanning electron microscopy revealed some taxonomically important, previously unreported features of S. oviflagellis, such as the detailed structure of the cephalic end, the position of the excretory pore and the presence of ventral pre-anal cuticular ridges (area rugosa) in the male, which indicated a certain degree of intraspecific biometrical variability in this species. S. oviflagellis is compared with similar congeneric species parasitising marine fishes.  相似文献   

Rugonema labiatum n. g., n. sp. is described from the stomach of Macropus irma (Jourdan) from Western Australia. The new genus possesses four branches to the dorsal ray, has a cylindrical buccal capsule and lacks a cervical groove, placing it within the subfamily Cloacininae Stossich, 1899. The presence of a prominently striated buccal capsule and labial as well as cephalic collars places the genus within the tribe Pharyngostrongylinea Popova, 1952, but it is distinguished from all existing genera within the tribe by the possession of four lips. The presence of lips is an important characteristic of the related tribe Zoniolaiminea (Popova, 1952) and the characters used in distinguishing these two tribes are discussed.  相似文献   

During a trans-Saharan expedition in 1980 a number of samples were collected from stagnant and running fresh and slightly saline water bodies. One of them, collected from the Oued En-Namous in a small oasis yielded several interesting nematodes, among which was a newHalalaimus species described herein asHalalaimus algeriensis n. sp. It comes close toH. minusculus Tchesunov, 1978, but differs in tailshape, absence of males and habitat. It also resembles the marine speciesH. gracilis de Man, 1888, but differs in the relative length of the anterior setae, the absence of a lateral field and absence of males. The new species can be differentiated fromH. stammeri Schneider, 1940, the only fresh water species found hitherto, by its shorter body, more anterior and wider fovea, and the length and position of the anterior setae. The various juvenile stages can be separated on the basis of body length, foveal length and genital primordium.  相似文献   

Experimentally transmitted Ascarophis sp. (Spirurida) developed to adult worms in the invertebrate host, Gammarus deubeni (Amphipoda), collected in the intertidal zone in Passamaquoddy Bay, New Brunswick, Canada. The morphological development and growth of larval stages is very similar to other cystidicolids, which are found as adults in fish. Unlike virtually all other Spirurida, which require a vertebrate definitive host, infective larvae of Ascarophis sp. migrate from the invertebrate host musculature into the hemocoel where they molt twice to become adults. Gravid females appear at 80 days and 69 days post-infection at 10-12 C and 18-20 C, respectively. While there is little evident host reaction to the parasite within the muscle tissue, within the hemocoel there is hemocytic reaction to shed nematode cuticles, released eggs, and sometimes the worm itself, including some melanization. The worms are morphologically similar to Ascarophis sp. from G. oceanicus in the Baltic and White seas and among Ascarophis species from fish is most similar to A. arctica. It is suggested that Ascarophis sp. no longer requires a vertebrate host and is transmitted between amphipods either through death and disintegration of infected amphipods and dispersal of the nematode eggs, or more likely through cannibalism or necrophagy.  相似文献   

Coslenchus capsici n. sp., from around the roots of Capsicum annuum at Kulu (H.P.), India, is characterized by a large number of cuticular ridges (17+17 + lateral fields), a smooth head with a well-sclerotized framework and a forwardly inclined vagina with swollen walls.  相似文献   

Summary Mylonchulus sessus n.sp. is described. It is close to M. sigmaturus and M. dentatus and was found in soil from around tomato from Brunei. It has an exceptionally well developed and differentiated female reproductive system which is rather unusual in Mylonchulus and, although close to M. sigmaturus and M. dentatus differs from both in having wider amphids and smaller submedian teeth.  相似文献   

Summary Xiphinema bacaniboia n.sp. is described from rain forest in Fiji. Adult females are characterized by their spiral shape on heat death, slightly offset lip region, total stylet length of 270–292 m, post-median vulva, paired, opposed genital branches with greater development of the anterior one, absence of a Z organ and the presence of a broadly rounded tail, flattened ventrally with no blind canal. The species is differentiated from X. ingens Luc & Dalmasso, 1964, X. macrostylum Esser, 1966 and X. riocaquetae Hunt, 1982. ac]19830610  相似文献   

Trichodorus persicus n. sp. is described from the Caspian region of Iran, where it was found in woodland and orchard soil. Males of the new species usually have two ventral cervical papillae anterior to the excretory pore but posterior to the base of the onchiostyle; there are three ventromedian preanal supplements, the posterior one lying near the heads of the retracted spicules; the spicules are 51–61 m long with faint transverse striations distally. Females have two pairs of lateral body pores, large rounded sclerotized thickenings at the vulva and the vagina tapers inwards in lateral view.  相似文献   

Spinitectus macrospinosus n. sp., a parasite of the channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus, from the Red and Assiniboine rivers in southern Manitoba, Canada, is characterized by spines reaching a maximum length of 21.8-26.8 microm (means for males and females, respectively) in the anterior esophageal region, arranged in 4 sectors in the anterior region of the body. Spines in this region of the body increase in size and decrease in number (from a maximum of 6 to 3 per sector). The combination of spine length, number, and arrangement and the position of the excretory pore (between spine rows 6 and 7) readily distinguishes it from all its North American congeners, including the species it is most similar to, S. carolini. It is different from S. gracilis and S. acipenseri in having a posteriorly directed vagina, an excretory pore between spine rows 6 and 7, a longer stoma, a right spicule with a terminal ventral barb, and a heart-shaped caudal mucron. Spinitectus macrospinosus is similar to other North American species of Spinitectus, e.g., S. carolini, S. micracanthus, S. mexicanus, S. osorioi, and S. humbertoi, in having the anterior rows of spines arranged in 4 sectors. It is also similar to S. micracanthus and S. carolini in possessing a relatively long stoma, a posteriorly directed vagina, a right spicule with a terminal ventral barb, and a heart-shaped caudal mucron. Furthermore, it is similar to S. carolini in possessing an "area rugosa" with 2 rows of precloacal cuticular cleats. In southern Manitoba, S. macrospinosus appears to mature only in the channel catfish. Reexamination of museum specimens revealed that the nematode also is found in I. furcatus in Kentucky Lake (Kentucky-Tennessee) and in I. lacustris in Lake Texoma (Oklahoma-Texas).  相似文献   

Criconemella anastomoides, described and illustrated herein, is characterized by the presence of regular anastomosis on the body, two zig zag lateral lines, stylet knobs sloping posteriorly, short stylet, and short body length.  相似文献   

Similascarophis (Cystidicolidae) n. gen. is proposed. In the mouth of specimens of this genus, submedial labia are absent and pseudolabia do not have any part projecting toward the central oral opening. These nematodes were obtained from the alimentary tract of 7 marine fish species along the coast of Chile: Bovichthys chilensis Regan, Eleginops maclovinus (Cuvier), Pinguipes chilensis (Valenciennes), Cilus gilberti (Abbott), Cheilodactylus variegatus Valenciennes, Girella laevifrons (Tschudi), and Graus nigra Philippi. Morphology and morphometry are compared between 2 new Similascarophis species: Similascarophis maulensis n. sp. and S. chilensis n. sp., which differ in the presence of sublabia and in the length of the glandular esophagus and left spicule. We also recorded Similascarophis sp. in 2 other host species, which showed some distinct proportional measurements, although these differences were not sufficiently clear to identify them as a new species.  相似文献   


Ascarophisnema hoiae n. sp. (Nematoda: Cystidicolidae) is described from the stomach of the trumpeter whiting, Sillago maculata Quoy & Gaimard (Perciformes: Sillaginidae) from Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. It differs morphologically from the only other valid congener, A. tridentatum Moravec & Justine, 2010 in the shape of the sub-labium and in the lengths of the spicules and the morphology of their distal tips (bifid). It represents the first record of this genus from Australia and appears to be highly oioxenous, having been found only in this host species among 133 other species of fish examined at the same locality.


The worm is distinguished by the presence of both unequal spicules and a gubernaculum in the male and also the elongated nipplelike tip of the right spicule. P. gombensis was found to be a common parasite within a troop of feral chimpanzees living in Gombe National Park, Tanzania.  相似文献   

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