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Three fast myosin heavy chains in adult rat skeletal muscle   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A B?r  D Pette 《FEBS letters》1988,235(1-2):153-155
A new fast myosin heavy chain isoform was electrophoretically detected in adult rat skeletal muscles. It was present at high levels in diaphragm and, therefore, designated as MHCIId. Appreciable amounts of MHCIId were detected in tongue musculature, the extraocular muscles, and in the deep red portions of various fast muscles. Its concentration in fast-twitch muscle was greatly increased by chronic stimulation.  相似文献   

Summary Serial cross sections of rat, rabbit and cat intrafusal fibers from muscle spindles of normal adult hindlimb muscles were incubated with a monoclonal antibody against embryonic myosin heavy chains. Intrafusal fiber types were identified by noting their staining patterns in adjacent sections incubated for myofibrillar ATPase after acid or alkaline preincubation. In rat and rabbit muscle spindles dynamic nuclear bag1 fibers reacted strongly at the polar and juxtaequatorial regions. Static nuclear bag2 fibers reacted weakly or not at all at the polar region, but showed a moderate amount of activity at the juxtaequator. At the equatorial region both types of nuclear bag fibers displayed a rim of fluorescence surrounding the nuclear bags, while the areas occupied by the nuclear bags themselves were negative. Nuclear chain fibers in rat and rabbit muscle spindles were unreactive with the specific antibody over their entire length. In cat muscle spindles both types of nuclear bag fibers presented profiles which resembled those of the nuclear bag fibers in the other two species, but unlike in rat and rabbit spindles, cat nuclear chain fibers reacted as strongly as dynamic nuclear bag1 fibers.Dedicated to Professor Dr. T.H. Schiebler on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

A Maier  B Gambke  D Pette 《Histochemistry》1988,88(3-6):267-271
Serial cross sections of rat, rabbit and cat intrafusal fibers from muscle spindles of normal adult hindlimb muscles were incubated with a monoclonal antibody against embryonic myosin heavy chains. Intrafusal fiber types were identified by noting their staining patterns in adjacent sections incubated for myofibrillar ATPase after acid or alkaline preincubation. In rat and rabbit muscle spindles dynamic nuclear bag1 fibers reacted strongly at the polar and juxtaequatorial regions. Static nuclear bag2 fibers reacted weakly or not at all at the polar region, but showed a moderate amount of activity at the juxtaequator. At the equatorial region both types of nuclear bag fibers displayed a rim of fluorescence surrounding the nuclear bags, while the areas occupied by the nuclear bags themselves were negative. Nuclear chain fibers in rat and rabbit muscle spindles were unreactive with the specific antibody over their entire length. In cat muscle spindles both types of nuclear bag fibers presented profiles which resembled those of the nuclear bag fibers in the other two species, but unlike in rat and rabbit spindles, cat nuclear chain fibers reacted as strongly as dynamic nuclear bag1 fibers.  相似文献   

Summary Three monoclonal antibodies, LM5, F2 and F39 raised to chicken fast skeletal muscle myosin, specific for myosin heavy chain (MHC) subunit, were used to study the composition and distribution of this protein in some vertebrate skeletal muscles. These antibodies in immunohistochemical investigations did not react with the majority of the type I fibres in most muscles. Antibodies LM5 and F39 stained all the type II fibres in all the adult chicken skeletal muscles studied. Antibody F2 also stained all the type II fibres in most chicken skeletal muscles tested except in gastrocnemius in which a proportion of both the type IIA and IIB fibres either did not stain or stained only weakly. Antibody F2 unlike LM5 and F39 stained most of the type IIIB fibres in anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD) and IB fibres in red strip of chicken Pectoralis muscle. Antibodies LM5 and F2 in the rat diaphragm reacted with all the type IIA and IIB fibres, while antibody F39 stained only the type IIB fibres darkly with most IIA fibres being either not stained or only weakly stained. In the rat extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles, antibody LM5 stained all the IIA and IIB fibres. Antibody F2 in these muscles stained all the type IIA fibres but only a proportion of the IIB fibres. The remaining IIB fibres were either unstained or only weakly positive. Antibody F39 in rat EDL and TA muscles did not only distinguish subgroups of IIB fibres (dark, intermediate and negative or very weak) but also of the IIA fibres. These three antibodies used together therefore detected a great deal of heterogeneity in the myosin heavy chain composition and muscle fibre types of several skeletal muscles.  相似文献   

Three monoclonal antibodies, LM5, F2 and F39 raised to chicken fast skeletal muscle myosin, specific for myosin heavy chain (MHC) subunit, were used to study the composition and distribution of this protein in some vertebrate skeletal muscles. These antibodies in immunohistochemical investigations did not react with the majority of the type I fibres in most muscles. Antibodies LM5 and F39 stained all the type II fibres in all the adult chicken skeletal muscles studied. Antibody F2 also stained all the type II fibres in most chicken skeletal muscles tested except in gastrocnemius in which a proportion of both the type IIA and IIB fibres either did not stain or stained only weakly. Antibody F2 unlike LM5 and F39 stained most of the type IIIB fibres in anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD) and IB fibres in red strip of chicken Pectoralis muscle. Antibodies LM5 and F2 in the rat diaphragm reacted with all the type IIA and IIB fibres, while antibody F39 stained only the type IIB fibres darkly with most IIA fibres being either not stained or only weakly stained. In the rat extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles, antibody LM5 stained all the IIA and IIB fibres. Antibody F2 in these muscles stained all the type IIA fibres but only a proportion of the IIB fibres. The remaining IIB fibres were either unstained or only weakly positive. Antibody F39 in rat EDL and TA muscles did not only distinguish subgroups of IIB fibres (dark, intermediate and negative or very weak) but also of the IIA fibres. These three antibodies used together therefore detected a great deal of heterogeneity in the myosin heavy chain composition and muscle fibre types of several skeletal muscles.  相似文献   

An antibody to chicken ventricular myosin was found to cross-react by enzyme immunoassay with myosin heavy chains from embryonic chicken pectorials, but not with adult skeletal myosins. This antibody, which was previously shown to label cultured muscle cells from embryonic pectoralis (Cantini et al., J cell biol 85 (1981) 903), was used to investigate by indirect immunofluorescence the reactivity of chicken skeletal muscle cells differentiating in vivo during embryonic development and muscle regeneration. Muscle fibers in 11-day old chick embryonic pectoralis and anterior latissimus dorsi muscles showed a differential reactivity with this antibody. Labelled fibers progressively decreasgd in number during subsequent stages and disappeared completely around hatching. Only rare small muscle fibers, some of which had the shape and location typical of satellite elements, were labelled in adult chicken muscle. A cold injury was produced with dry ice in the fast pectoralis and the slow anterior latissimys dorsi muscles of young chickens. Two days after injury a number of labelled cells was first seen in the intermediate region between the outer necrotic area and the underlying uninjured muscle. These muscle cells rapidly increased in number and size, thin myotubes were seen after 3 days and by 4–5 days a superficial layer of brightly stained newly formed muscle fibers was observed at the site of the injury. Between one and two weeks after the lesion the intensity of staining of regenerated fibers progressively decreased as their size further increased. These findings indicate that an embryonic type of myosin heavy chain is transitorily expressed during muscle regeneration.  相似文献   

Brief incubation of rabbit alveolar macrophages in medium containing 32Pi results in the incorporation of radioactivity into the 20 KD light chains and into the 220 KD heavy chains of myosin. Phosphorylation of the heavy chain is mediated by a kinase that is probably not myosin light chain kinase. Limited proteolysis of the phosphorylated myosin shows that radioactivity is associated with the rod portion of the heavy chain.  相似文献   

Immunochemical studies of chicken pectoralis major, a fast muscle, have demonstrated large amounts of myosin heavy chains (MHCs) of the slow-skeletal-muscle type during early stages of embryonic development. A large majority of the myotubes present in early embryonic muscle stained for this class of MHC. As development progressed, its synthesis was suppressed in most of the muscle, except in the deeper presumptive red-strip region. The level of this MHC in the embryonic muscle appeared to be reduced by its suppression in a proportion of the existing cells, by the addition of many presumptive fast cells that never expressed this MHC, and by atrophy or degeneration of a small proportion of the slow MHC-positive cells. Further suppression of this MHC in a proportion of the histochemically typed slow cells present in the red-strip region did not occur until quite late in the post-hatch period.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (McAb) against myosin from the pectoralis muscle of the adult chicken have been generated and shown to react specifically with the myosin heavy chain (MHC). The reactivities of two such McAbs with myosin from adult chicken atrial and ventricular myocardium were further analysed by immunoautoradiography, radioimmunoassay, and immunofluorescence microscopy. Monoclonal antibody MF 20 was found to bind both atrial and ventricular MHC and stain all striated muscle cells of the adult chicken heart. In contrast, McAb B1 bound specifically to atrial myocytes in immunofluorescence studies, while immunoautoradiography and radioimmunoassay demonstrated the specificity of this antibody for the atrial MHC. Upon reacting these McAbs with myosin isolated from embryonic hearts where definitive atria and ventricles were present, the same specificity of antibody binding was observed. Immunofluorescence studies demonstrated that all striated muscle cells of the embryonic heart contained MHCs recognized by MF 20, while only atrial muscle cells were bound by B1. When extracts of presumptive atrial and ventricular tissue were reacted with MF 20 and B1, significant reactivity of MF 20 was first observed at stage 10 in the presumptive ventricle and thereafter this McAb reacted with all regions of the developing myocardium. Binding of B1 was detected approximately 1 day later at stage 15 and was confined to atrial-forming tissues. These data demonstrate antigenic similarity between adult and embryonic MHC isolated from atrial myocardium and suggest the expression of an atrial-specific MHC early in the regional differentiation of the heart.  相似文献   

To investigate the plasticityof slow and fast muscles undergoing slow-to-fast transition, rat soleus(SOL), gastrocnemius (GAS), and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscleswere exposed for 14 days to 1) unweighting by hindlimbsuspension (HU), or 2) treatment with the2-adrenergic agonist clenbuterol (CB), or 3)a combination of both (HU-CB). In general, HU elicited atrophy, CBinduced hypertrophy, and HU-CB partially counteracted the HU-induced atrophy. Analyses of myosin heavy (MHC) and light chain (MLC) isoformsrevealed HU- and CB-induced slow-to-fast transitions in SOL (increasesof MHCIIa with small amounts of MHCIId and MHCIIb) and theupregulation of the slow MHCIa isoform. The HU- and CB-induced changesin GAS consisted of increases in MHCIId and MHCIIb("fast-to-faster transitions"). Changes in the MLC composition ofSOL and GAS consisted of slow-to-fast transitions and mainlyencompassed an exchange of MLC1s with MLC1f. In addition, MLC3f waselevated whenever MHCIId and MHCIIb isoforms were increased. Becausethe EDL is predominantly composed of type IID and IIB fibers, HU, CB,and HU-CB had no significant effect on the MHC and MLC patterns.


In this article we review the various amino acids present in vertebrate nonmuscle and smooth muscle myosin that can undergo phosphorylation. The sites for phosphorylation in the 20 kD myosin light chain include serine-19 and threonine-18 which are substrates for myosin light chain kinase and serine-1 and/or-2 and threonine-9 which are substrates for protein kinase C. The sites in vertebrate smooth muscle and nonmuscle myosin heavy chains that can be phosphorylated by protein kinase C and casein kinase II are also summarized.Original data indicating that treatment of human T-lymphocytes (Jurkat cell line) with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate results in phosphorylation of both the 20 kD myosin light chain as well as the 200 kD myosin heavy chain is presented. We identified the amino acids phosphorylated in the human T-lymphocytes myosin light chains as serine-1 or serine-2 and in the myosin heavy chains as serine-1917 by 1-dimensional isoelectric focusing of tryptic phosphopeptides. Untreated T-lymphocytes contain phosphate in the serine-19 residue of teh myosin light chain and in a residue tentatively identified as serine-1944 in the myosin heavy chain.Abbreviations MLC myosin light chain - MHC myosin heavy chain - Tris tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane - EGTA [ethylenebis(oxyethylenenitrilo)]tetraacetic acid - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetate - TPCK N-tosyl-L-phenylalanine chloromethyl ketone - PMA phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate  相似文献   

This work aimed to determine whether the heavy chains of myosin from different striated muscle were phosphorylated. Myosin and its heavy chains were prepared from cardiac and skeletal muscles of rats injected in vivo with radioactive phosphates.The results for radioactive phosphate localization indicate the absence of phosphate from pure heavy chains and from any of their purified fragments, whatever the striated muscle used. In addition, phosphates are present in the myosin phosphorylated light chain and in a contaminating protein closely associated to the myosin heavy chain.  相似文献   

Orii H  Ito H  Watanabe K 《Zoological science》2002,19(10):1123-1131
The planarian Dugesia japonica has two genes encoding myosin heavy chain, DjMHC-A and B (Kobayashi et al., 1998). We produced antibodies specifically recognizing each myosin heavy chain protein using their carboxyl terminal regions expressed in E. coli as antigens. Immunohistochemical analyses of sections and whole-mount specimens revealed the detailed structure and distribution of each type of muscle fiber in the planarian. In general, the MHC-A muscle fibers were distributed beneath the epithelial layers, namely, they were observable in the pharynx, the mouth, the intestine, the eyes and the body wall. In the pharynx, only MHC-A muscle fibers were present. In contrast, the MHC-B muscle fibers were distributed in the mesenchyme as dorso-ventral and transverse muscles, and in the body wall. The body-wall muscles were composed of an outer layer of circular MHC-A muscles and inner longitudinal and intermediate diagonal MHC-B muscle layers. Thus, two types of muscle fibers were distinguished by their distribution in the planarian.  相似文献   

We have recently determined the complete nucleotide sequences of the cardiac - and -myosin heavy chain (MyHC) genes from both human and Syrian hamster. These genomic sequence data were used to study the molecular evolution of the cardiac MyHC genes.Between the - and -MyHC genes, multiple gene conversion events were detected by (1) maximum parsimony tree analyses, (2) synonymous substitution analyses, and (3) detection of pairwise identity of intron sequences. Approximately half of the 40 cardiac MyHC exons have undergone concerted evolution through the process of gene conversion with the other half undergoing divergent evolution. Gene conversion occurred more often in exons encoding the a-helical myosin rod domain than in the globular head domain, and an apparent directional bias was also observed, with transfer of genetic material occurring more often from to .  相似文献   

The expression of mRNAs for two cardiac myosins has been studied in the ventricles of hypo- and hyperthyroid rabbits by using cloned cDNA sequences corresponding to the mRNAs of the alpha- and beta-myosin heavy chains (HCs). The temporal change in relative levels of the alpha and beta HC mRNAs after triiodothyronine (T3) treatment of hypothyroid rabbits was determined by nuclease S1 mapping. In the hypothyroid state, only NC beta-mRNA was expressed in the ventricles. The HC alpha-mRNA was first detectable 4 h after administration of T3 (200 micrograms/kg) to hypothyroid animals. By 12, 24, and 72 h, HC alpha-mRNA represented 20, 50, and 90% of total myosin mRNA. The relationship between the relative mRNA levels and relative synthesis rates of myosin HCs was evaluated in 5- to 6-wk-old normal and thyrotoxic rabbits. Myosin synthesis rates were determined by labeling of protein in vivo with [2H]leucine. The V1 (HC alpha) and V3 (HC beta) isomyosins were separated by immune affinity chromatography and the HCs were isolated electrophoretically. In a normal euthyroid group of animals and in animals 12 and 24 h after administration of 200 micrograms of thyroxine, the relative mRNA levels and relative synthesis rates of the alpha and beta HCs were not significantly different. Our results show that, first, thyroid hormone causes a rapid accumulation of HC alpha-mRNA and loss of HC alpha-mRNA, and second, in normal and thyrotoxic rabbits, the relative synthesis rates of HC alpha and HC beta reflect the relative abundance of their respective mRNAs. These data are consistent with the thyroid hormones regulating synthesis of ventricular myosin at steps that precede translation of its message.  相似文献   

Synthesis of myosin heavy and light chains in muscle cultures   总被引:11,自引:8,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The weight ratio of myosin/actin, the myosin heavy chain content as the percentage of total protein (wt/wt), and the kinds of myosin light chains were determined in (a) standard muscle cultures, (b) pure myotube cultures, and (c) fibroblast cultures. Cells for these cultures were obtained from the breast of 11-day chick embryos. Standard cultures contain, in addition to myotubes, large numbers of replicating mononucleated cells. By killing these replicating cells with cytosine arabinoside, pure myotube cultures were obtained. The myosin/actin ratio (wt/wt) for pure myotube, standard muscle, and fibroblast cultures average 3.1, 1.9, and 1.1 respectively. By day 7, myosin in myotube cultures represents a minimum of 7% of the total protein, but about 3% in standard cultures and less than 1.5% in fibroblasts cultures. Myosin from standard cultures contains light chain LC1, LC2, and LC3, with a relative stoichiometry of the molarity of 1.0:1.9:0.5 and mol wt of 25,000, 18,000 and 16,000 daltons, identical to those in adult fast muscle. Myosin from pure myotubes exhibits light chains LC1 and LC2, with a molar ratio of 1.5:1.6. Myosin from fibroblast cultures possesses two light chains with a stoichiometry of 1.8:1.8 and mol wt of 20,000 and 16,000 daltons. Clearly, the faster migrating light chain, LC3, found in standard cultures is synthesized not by the myotubes but ty the mononucleated cells. In myotubes, both the assembly of the sarcomeres and the interaction between thick and thin filaments required for spontaneous contraction occur in the absence of light chain LC3. One set of structural genes for the myosin light and heavy chains appears to be active in mononucleated cells, whereas another set appears to be active in multinucleated myotubes.  相似文献   

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