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Reduced genetic diversity can result in short-term decreases in fitness and reduced adaptive potential, which may lead to an increased extinction risk. Therefore, maintaining genetic variation is important for the short- and long-term success of reintroduced populations. Here, we evaluate how founder group size and variance in male reproductive success influence the long-term maintenance of genetic diversity after reintroduction. We used microsatellite data to quantify the loss of heterozygosity and allelic diversity in the founder groups from three reintroductions of tuatara ( Sphenodon ), the sole living representatives of the reptilian order Rhynchocephalia. We then estimated the maintenance of genetic diversity over 400 years (∼10 generations) using population viability analyses. Reproduction of tuatara is highly skewed, with as few as 30% of males mating across years. Predicted losses of heterozygosity over 10 generations were low (1–14%), and populations founded with more animals retained a greater proportion of the heterozygosity and allelic diversity of their source populations and founder groups. Greater male reproductive skew led to greater predicted losses of genetic diversity over 10 generations, but only accelerated the loss of genetic diversity at small population size (<250 animals). A reduction in reproductive skew at low density may facilitate the maintenance of genetic diversity in small reintroduced populations. If reproductive skew is high and density-independent, larger founder groups could be released to achieve genetic goals for management.  相似文献   

Salmon and trout populations are suffering declines in abundance and diversity over much of their range around the Atlantic and Pacific rims as a consequence of many factors. One method of dealing with the decline has been to produce them in hatcheries but the wisdom of this approach has been hotly debated (e.g. Hilborn & Winton 1993 ; Waples 1999 ; Brannon et al. 2004 ). One concern is that domesticated hatchery strains will interbreed with locally adapted wild fish; but how do we study the genetic effects if the introgression might have occurred in the past? Hansen (2002 ) used DNA isolated from archived scales from brown trout, Salmo trutta ( Fig. 1 ), to show that domesticated trout had, to varying degrees, genetically introgressed with wild, native trout in two Danish rivers. Extending that study, Hansen et al. (2009 ) have examined DNA from brown trout scales in six Danish rivers collected during historical (1927–1956) and contemporary (2000–2006) periods and from two hatchery source populations, to assess the effects of stocking nonlocal strains of hatchery trout and declining abundance on genetic diversity. Using 21 microsatellite loci, they revealed that genetic change occurred between the historic and contemporary time periods. Many populations appeared to have some low level of introgression from hatchery stocks and two populations apparently experienced high levels of introgression. Hansen et al. (2009 ) also showed that population structure persists in contemporary populations despite apparent admixture and migration among populations, providing evidence that the locally adapted populations have struggled against and, to some extent, resisted being overwhelmed by repeated introductions of and interbreeding with non‐native, hatchery‐produced conspecifics.
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint Photograph of a brown trout, Salmo trutta, one of many species of salmon and trout (Family Salmonidae) that are widely produced in hatcheries to enhance recreational and commercial fisheries. Photo by Peter Westley, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John's NFLD, Canada.  相似文献   

Whether the potential costs associated with broad‐scale use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) outweigh possible benefits is highly contentious, including within the scientific community. Even among those generally in favour of commercialization of GM crops, there is nonetheless broad recognition that transgene escape into the wild should be minimized. But is it possible to achieve containment of engineered genetic elements in the context of large scale agricultural production? In a previous study, Warwick et al. (2003) documented transgene escape via gene flow from herbicide resistant (HR) canola (Brassica napus) into neighbouring weedy B. rapa populations ( Fig. 1 ) in two agricultural fields in Quebec, Canada. In a follow‐up study in this issue of Molecular Ecology, Warwick et al. (2008) show that the transgene has persisted and spread within the weedy population in the absence of selection for herbicide resistance. Certainly a trait like herbicide resistance is expected to spread when selected through the use of the herbicide, despite potentially negative epistatic effects on fitness. However, Warwick et al.'s findings suggest that direct selection favouring the transgene is not required for its persistence. So is there any hope of preventing transgene escape into the wild?
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint Weedy Brassica rapa (orange flags) growing in a B. napus field. (Photo: MJ Simard)  相似文献   

Few species worldwide have attracted as much attention in relation to conservation and sustainable management as Pacific salmon. Most populations have suffered significant reductions, many have disappeared, and even entire evolutionary significant units (ESUs) are believed to have been lost. Until now, no ‘smoking gun’ in terms of direct genetic evidence of the loss of a salmon ESU has been produced. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Iwamoto et al. (2012) use microsatellite analysis of historical scale samples of Columbia River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) from 1924 ( Fig. 1 ) to ask the pertinent question: Do the historical samples contain salmon from extirpated populations or ESUs? They identified four genetic groups in the historical samples of which two were almost genetically identical to contemporary ESUs in the river, one showed genetic relationship with a third ESU, but one group was not related to any of the contemporary populations. In association with ecological data, the genetic results suggest that an early migrating Columbia River headwater sockeye salmon ESU has been extirpated. The study has significant importance for conservation and reestablishment of sockeye populations in the Columbia River, but also underpins the general significance of shifting baselines in conservation biology, and how to assess loss of genetic biodiversity. The results clearly illustrate the huge and versatile potential of using historical DNA in population and conservation genetics. Because of the extraordinarily plentiful historical samples and rapid advances in fish genomics, fishes are likely to spearhead future studies of temporal ecological and population genomics in non‐model organisms.
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint (a) Kokanee sampling site between Columbia and Windermere lakes on the upper Columbia River at Fairmont Hot Springs, British Columbia, Canada. (b) Bureau of Fisheries scale books that contained sockeye salmon (locally called ‘blueback’ salmon) scales collected from commercial fisheries during the 1920s in the lower Columbia River. (c) Kokanee on spawning beds in Kuskanax Creek, a tributary to Upper Arrow Lake, British Columbia. Photo credit Rick Gustafson and Jim Myers.  相似文献   

McCairns RJ  Merilä J 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(12):2468–70-2470
The chase to uncover the genetic underpinnings of quantitative traits of ecological and evolutionary importance has been on for a good while. However, the potential power of genome‐wide association studies (GWAS) as an approach to identify genes of interest in wild animal populations has remained untapped. Setting technical and economic explanations aside, the sobering lack of success in human GWAS might have fed this restraint. Namely, while GWAS have successfully identified genetic variants associated with hundreds of complex traits (e.g. Ku et al. 2010 ), these variants have generally captured only a low percentage of variance in traits known to be highly heritable—an observation came to be known as the ‘missing heritability’ ( Maher 2008 ; Aulchenko et al. 2009 ). Hence, if the vastly resourced human studies have been unsuccessful (but see: Yang et al. 2010 ), why should we expect that less resourced studies of wild animal populations would be able do better? In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Johnston et al. (2011) prove this line of thinking wrong. In an impressive and what may well be the most advanced gene mapping study ever performed in a wild population, they identify a single locus (RXFP2) responsible for explaining horn phenotype in feral domestic sheep from St Kilda ( Fig. 1 ). This same locus is also shown to account for up to 76% of additive genetic variance in horn size in male sheep: this contrasts sharply with most human GWAS where mapped loci explain only a modest proportion of genetic variation in a given trait.
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint The Soay sheep of the St Kilda archipelago are a primitive feral breed of domestic sheep. Pictured are a male with vestigial horns (=‘scurred’; left) and two normal‐horned males (centre and right). Photograph courtesy of Peter Korsten.  相似文献   

Genetic analyses of realized reproductive success have fundamentally changed our understanding of mating behaviour in natural systems. While behavioural ecologists have long been interested in what factors influence mating behaviour, early studies were limited to direct observations of matings and thus provided an incomplete picture of reproductive activity. Genetic assessments of parentage have revolutionized the study of reproductive behaviour, revealing that many individuals engage in extra‐pair copulations ( Griffith et al. 2002 ) and that social mating partners frequently invest substantial resources into raising offspring that are unrelated to one or both of them ( Avise et al. 2002 ). While these findings have changed the way we think about reproductive behaviour, most investigations of genetic parentage have been restricted to single populations at a single point in time, obscuring spatial and/or temporal variation in mating behaviour and limiting our ability to determine how environmental changes can lead to shifts in mating strategies. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Mobley & Jones (2009) compare genetic mating behaviour across five populations of Syngnathus floridae ( Fig. 1 ), a widespread species of pipefish distributed along the Gulf‐ and Atlantic Coasts of North America. The authors document how genetic mating behaviour varies across space in S. floridae and identify correlations between reproductive variation and particular ecological characteristics. Mobley & Jones’ paper is one of an increasing number of studies which address the question of how ecological variables influence mating behaviour, and highlights how our understanding of mating system variation and evolution is likely to expand through the wider application of high‐throughput parentage assessment in a comparative context.
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint A pregnant male dusky pipefish (Syngnathus floridae) in its natural habitat. Photo credit: Joe O’Hop.  相似文献   

Pfrender ME 《Molecular ecology》2012,21(9):2051-2053
Understanding how natural populations adapt to their local environments is a major research theme for ecological genomics. This endeavour begins by sleuthing for shared genetic similarities among unrelated natural populations sharing adaptive traits to documented selective pressures. When the selective pressures have low dimensionality, and the genetic response is localized to a few genes of major effect, this detective work is relatively straightforward. However, in the real world, populations face a complex mixture of selective pressures and many adaptive responses are the result of changes in quantitative traits that have a polygenic genetic basis. This complex relationship between environment and adaptation presents a significant challenge. How can we begin to identify drivers of adaptation in natural settings? In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Orsini et al. (2012) take advantage of the biological attributes of the freshwater microcrustacean Daphnia ( Fig. 1 ) to disentangle multidimensional selection’s signature on the genome of populations that have repeatedly evolved adaptive responses to isolated selective pressures including predation, parasitism and anthropogenic changes in land use. Orsini et al. (2012) leverage a powerful combination of spatially structured populations in a geographic mosaic of environmental stressors, the historical archive of past genotypes preserved in lake‐bottom sediments and selection experiments to identify sets of candidate genomic regions associated with adaptation in response to these three environmental stressors. This study provides a template for future investigation in ecological genomics, combining multiple experimental approaches with the genomic investigation of a well‐studied ecological model species.
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint Adult Daphnia magna carrying a resting egg in the brood pouch. The water flea Daphnia is a renowned ecological model system and rapidly developing as an ecological and environmental genomics model species. Photo credit Joachim Mergeay.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, there has been increasing circumstantial evidence for the action of natural selection in the genome, arising largely from molecular genetic surveys of large numbers of markers. In nonmodel organisms without densely mapped markers, a frequently used method is to identify loci that have unusually high or low levels of genetic differentiation, or low genetic diversity relative to other populations. The paper by Mäkinen et al. (2008a) in this issue of Molecular Ecology reports the results of a survey of microsatellite allele frequencies at more than 100 loci in seven populations of the three‐spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). They show that a microsatellite locus and two indel markers located within the intron of the Eda gene, known to control the number of lateral plates in the stickleback ( Fig. 1 ), tend to be much more highly genetically differentiated than other loci, a finding that is consistent with the action of local selection. They identify a further two independent candidates for local selection, and, most intriguingly, they further suggest that up to 15% of their loci may provide evidence of balancing selection.
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint Three‐spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus).  相似文献   

Characterization of energy flow in ecosystems is one of the primary goals of ecology, and the analysis of trophic interactions and food web dynamics is key to quantifying energy flow. Predator‐prey interactions define the majority of trophic interactions and food web dynamics, and visual analysis of stomach, gut or fecal content composition is the technique traditionally used to quantify predator‐prey interactions. Unfortunately such techniques may be biased and inaccurate due to variation in digestion rates ( Sheppard & Hardwood 2005 ); however, those limitations can be largely overcome with new technology. In the last 20 years, the use of molecular genetic techniques in ecology has exploded ( King et al. 2008 ). The growing availability of molecular genetic methods and data has fostered the use of PCR‐based techniques to accurately distinguish and identify prey items in stomach, gut and fecal samples. In this month’s issue of Molecular Ecology Resources, Corse et al. (2010) describe and apply a new approach to quantifying predator‐prey relationships using an ecosystem‐level genetic characterization of available and consumed prey in European freshwater habitats ( Fig. 1a ). In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Hardy et al. (2010) marry the molecular genetic analysis of prey with a stable isotope (SI) analysis of trophic interactions in an Australian reservoir community ( Fig. 1b ). Both papers demonstrate novel and innovative approaches to an old problem – how do we effectively explore food webs and energy movement in ecosystems?
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint The aquatic habitats used for two studies of diet and trophic interactions that employed molecular genetic and stable isotope analyses. Panel a: Example of Rhone basin habitat (France) where fish diet was determined using PCR to classify prey to a series of ecological clades (photo by Emmanuel Corse). Panel b: A weir pool on the lower Murray River (Australia) where food web and prey use was evaluated using a combination of advanced molecular genetic and stable isotope analyses (photo credit: CSIRO).  相似文献   

Evolutionary processes are routinely modelled using ‘ideal’ Wright–Fisher populations of constant size N in which each individual has an equal expectation of reproductive success. In a hypothetical ideal population, variance in reproductive success (Vk) is binomial and effective population size (Ne) = N. However, in any actual implementation of the Wright–Fisher model (e.g., in a computer), Vk is a random variable and its realized value in any given replicate generation () only rarely equals the binomial variance. Realized effective size () thus also varies randomly in modelled ideal populations, and the consequences of this have not been adequately explored in the literature. Analytical and numerical results show that random variation in  and  can seriously distort analyses that evaluate precision or otherwise depend on the assumption that  is constant. We derive analytical expressions for Var(Vk) [4(2N – 1)(N – 1)/N3] and Var(Ne) [N(N – 1)/(2N – 1) ≈ N/2] in modelled ideal populations and show that, for a genetic metric G = f(Ne), Var(?) has two components: VarGene (due to variance across replicate samples of genes, given a specific ) and VarDemo (due to variance in ). Var(?) is higher than it would be with constant Ne = N, as implicitly assumed by many standard models. We illustrate this with empirical examples based on F (standardized variance of allele frequency) and r2 (a measure of linkage disequilibrium). Results demonstrate that in computer models that track multilocus genotypes, methods of replication and data analysis can strongly affect consequences of variation in . These effects are more important when sampling error is small (large numbers of individuals, loci and alleles) and with relatively small populations (frequently modelled by those interested in conservation).  相似文献   

The brief history of Tropaeolum umbellatum Hooker in cultivation is described, and the original illustration ( Fig. 1 ) is republished. Only three collections of this very distinct species appear to have been made in the wild, all in Ecuador around 1846, and no further records are noted either in the literature, or on the internet.
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint Tropaeolum tuberosum. From a hand‐coloured lithograph by W. H. Fitch in Curtis's Botanical Magazine 74, t. 4337(1848).  相似文献   

The genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) have become the target of choice for studies wishing to examine adaptively important genetic diversity in natural populations. Within Molecular Ecology alone, there have been 71 papers on aspects of MHC evolution over the past few years, with an increasing year on year trend. This focus on the MHC is partly driven by the hypothesized links between MHC gene dynamics and ecologically interesting and relevant traits, such as mate choice and host–parasite interactions. However, an ability to pin down the evolutionary causes and ecological consequences of MHC variation in natural populations has proven challenging and has been hampered by the very issue that is attractive about MHC genes – their high levels of diversity. Linking high levels of MHC diversity to ecological factors in inherently complex natural populations requires a level of experimental design and analytical rigour that is extremely difficult to achieve owing to a plethora of potentially confounding and interacting variables. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Smith et al. (2010) elegantly overcome the challenge of detecting complex interactions in complex systems by using an intricate analytical approach to demonstrate a role for MHC in the reproductive ability of a natural population of the European hare Lepus europaeus ( Fig. 1 ). Also in this issue, Oppelt et al. (2010) demonstrate a role for MHC variation in determining levels of hepatic coccidian infection in the European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus ( Fig. 2 ).
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint The European hare (Lepus europaeus).  相似文献   



Natural range expansions and human‐mediated colonizations usually involve a small number of individuals that establish new populations in novel habitats. In both cases, founders carry only a fraction of the total genetic variation of the source populations. Here, we used native and non‐native populations of the green anole, Anolis carolinensis, to compare the current distribution of genetic variation in populations shaped by natural range expansion and human‐mediated colonization.


North America, Hawaiian Islands, Western Pacific Islands.


We analysed 401 mtDNA haplotypes to infer the colonization history of A. carolinensis on nine islands in the Pacific Ocean. We then genotyped 576 individuals at seven microsatellite loci to assess the levels of genetic diversity and population genetic differentiation for both the native and non‐native ranges.


Our findings support two separate introductions to the Hawaiian Islands and several western Pacific islands, with subsequent colonizations within each region following a stepping‐stone model. Genetic diversity at neutral markers was significantly lower in the non‐native range because of founder effects, which also contributed to the increased population genetic differentiation among the non‐native regions. In contrast, a steady reduction in genetic diversity with increasing distance from the ancestral population was observed in the native range following range expansion.

Main conclusions

Range expansions cause serial founder events that are the spatial analogue of genetic drift, producing a pattern of isolation‐by‐distance in the native range of the species. In human‐mediated colonizations, after an initial loss of genetic diversity, founder effects appear to persist, resulting in overall high genetic differentiation among non‐native regions but an absence of isolation‐by‐distance. Contrasting the processes influencing the amount and structuring of genetic variability during natural range expansion and human‐mediated biological invasions can shed new light on the fate of natural populations exposed to novel and changing environments.

Ever since Ernst Mayr (1942) called ring species the ‘perfect demonstration of speciation’, they have attracted much interest from researchers examining how two species evolve from one. In a ring species, two sympatric and reproductively isolated forms are connected by a long chain of intermediate populations that encircle a geographic barrier. Ring species have the potential to demonstrate that speciation can occur without complete geographic isolation, in contrast to the classic model of allopatric speciation. They also allow researchers to examine the causes of reproductive isolation in the contact zone and to use spatial variation to infer the steps by which speciation occurs. According to the classical definition, a ring species must have (i) gradual variation through a chain of populations connecting two divergent and sympatric forms, and (ii) complete or nearly complete reproductive isolation between the terminal forms. But evolutionary biologists now recognize that the process of speciation might often occur with some periods of geographic contact and hybridization between diverging forms; during these phases, even partial reproductive isolation can limit gene flow and permit further divergence to occur. In this issue Bensch et al. (2009) make an exciting and important contribution by extending the ring species concept to a case in which the divergence is much younger and not yet advanced to full reproductive isolation. Their study of geographic variation in willow warblers (Phylloscopus trochilus; Fig. 1 ) provides a beautiful example of gradual variation through a ring of populations connecting two forms that are partially reproductively isolated where they meet, possibly due to divergent migratory behaviours of the terminal forms.
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint A male willow warbler resembling the southeastern‐migrating form (Phylloscopus trochilus acredula), on its breeding territory in central Sweden. (Photo: Anders Hedenström).  相似文献   

Understanding the evolutionary causes of phenotypic variation among populations has long been a central theme in evolutionary biology. Several factors can influence phenotypic divergence, including geographic isolation, genetic drift, divergent natural or sexual selection, and phenotypic plasticity. But the relative importance of these factors in generating phenotypic divergence in nature is still a tantalizing and unresolved problem in evolutionary biology. The origin and maintenance of phenotypic divergence is also at the root of many ongoing debates in evolutionary biology, such as the extent to which gene flow constrains adaptive divergence ( Garant et al. 2007 ) and the relative importance of genetic drift, natural selection, and sexual selection in initiating reproductive isolation and speciation ( Coyne & Orr 2004 ). In this issue, Wang & Summers (2010) test the causes of one of the most fantastic examples of phenotypic divergence in nature: colour pattern divergence among populations of the strawberry poison frog (Dendrobates pumilio) in Panama and Costa Rica ( Fig. 1 ). This study provides a beautiful example of the use of the emerging field of landscape genetics to differentiate among hypotheses for phenotypic divergence. Using landscape genetic analyses, Wang & Summers were able to reject the hypotheses that colour pattern divergence is due to isolation‐by‐distance (IBD) or landscape resistance. Instead, the hypothesis left standing is that colour divergence is due to divergent selection, in turn driving reproductive isolation among populations with different colour morphs. More generally, this study provides a wonderful example of how the emerging field of landscape genetics, which has primarily been applied to questions in conservation and ecology, now plays an essential role in evolutionary research.
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint Divergent colour morphs observed among populations of the strawberry poison frog, Dendrobates pumilio. Frogs are from San Cristobal (upper left), Cerro Brujo (upper right), Bastimentos (lower right), and Agua (lower left).  相似文献   

Humans, both wittingly and unwittingly, have been transporting marine organisms beyond their native ranges for centuries ( Ruiz et al. 1997 ). A central challenge of invasion biology is to identify the factors that determine whether introduced species fail to become established, become benign members of a community, or spread so far and reach such densities as to be considered invasive. Organismal features such as physiological tolerance, niche breadth and fecundity are critical, but by themselves are inaccurate predictors of the fates of introduced species ( Sakai et al. 2001 ). The size, age distribution, and genetic makeup of founder populations are also important, but because they are usually unknown they are most often viewed as sources of uncertainty. For marine species with planktonic larvae, the challenge is even greater because the consequences of a planktonic phase for dispersal and population viability are not well understood. In this issue, Gaither et al. (2010a) present a remarkable account of the introduction of a reef fish for which the number and genetic makeup of the founders are known. Between 1956 and 1961, the Division of Fish and Game for the Territory of Hawaii introduced 12 non‐indigenous fish species into Hawaiian waters to establish commercial and sport fisheries. The introduction of Lutjanus kasmira, the bluestriped snapper, was the most successful ( Fig. 1 ). There were two releases of fish from French Polynesia. In 1958, 2431 fish from the Marquesas Islands were released on Oahu, followed in 1961 with an additional 728 fish from the Society Islands. The blue striped snapper rapidly spread to the other Hawaiian Islands, reaching the northwestern end of the archipelago by 1992. The choice of the Marquesas as one of two sources for the introduction was fortuitous. Gaither et al. (2010b) found that the Marquesas population is genetically distinct from all other Indo‐Pacific populations of L. kasmira. Mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences of fish from the Marquesas belong to a separate lineage that diverged from others in the species roughly half a Ma. Allele frequencies for several nuclear loci are also distinct. This provided Gaither et al. (2010a) with an extraordinary opportunity to examine what became of the mixed genetic heritage of Hawaiian blue striped snappers after 50 years.
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint The bluestriped snapper, Lutjanus kasmira, introduced to Hawaii 50 years ago and now an abundant reef fish expanded from a small founder population with minimal changes in the diversity or frequencies of mitochondrial and nuclear genetic markers.  相似文献   

A novel urine analysis technique combining affinity chromatography with Au nanoparticle‐based SERS spectroscopy for potential applications in noninvasive gastric cancer and breast cancer screening. Both the gastric cancer and the breast cancer group can be discriminated from the normal group using SERS spectroscopy combined multivariate diagnostic algorithm, leading to high diagnostic accuracy. These results demonstrate that the urine analysis method has great potential for cancer detection in liquid biopsies. Further details can be found in the article by Xueliang Lin, Lingna Wang, Huijing Lin, et al. ( e201800327 ).


Population connectivity, the extent to which geographically separated subpopulations exchange individuals and are demographically linked, is important to the scientific management of marine living resources. In theory, the design of a marine protected area, for example, depends on an explicit understanding of how dispersal of planktonic larvae affects metapopulation structure and dynamics ( Botsford et al. 2001 ). In practice, for most marine metazoans with planktonic larvae, the mean and variance of the distances that larvae disperse are unobservable quantities, owing to the small sizes of larvae and the very large volumes through which they are distributed. Simulation of dispersal kernels with models that incorporate oceanography and limited aspects of larval biology and behaviour, coupled with field studies of larval distribution, abundance, and settlement, have provided the best available approaches to date for understanding connectivity of marine populations ( Cowen et al. 2006 ). On the other hand, marine population connectivity has often been judged by spatial variation in the frequencies of alleles and genotypes, although the inherent limitations of this indirect approach to measuring larval dispersal have often been overlooked ( Hedgecock et al. 2007 ). More recently, researchers have turned to genetic methods and highly polymorphic markers that can provide direct evidence of population connectivity in the form of parentage or relatedness of recruits (e.g. Jones et al. 2005 ). In this issue, Christie et al. (2010) provide a particularly elegant example, in which both indirect and novel direct genetic methods are used to determine the major ecological processes shaping dispersal patterns of larval bicolour damselfish Stegastes partitus, a common and widespread reef fish species in the Caribbean Basin ( Fig. 1 ).
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint The bicolour damselfish Stegastes partitus shows substantial self‐recruitment of juveniles to their natal coral reef habitat. Below, a male guarding an artificial nest made from PVC pipe; differential reproductive success of parents or differential survival of egg clutches or the larvae that hatch from them may account for signals of sweepstakes reproductive success in this species (photo credits: top, Bill Harward; bottom, Darren Johnson).  相似文献   

Multiple small populations of American black bears Ursus americanus, including the recently delisted Louisiana black bear subspecies U. a. luteolus, occupy a fragmented landscape in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley, USA (LMAV). Populations include bears native to the LMAV, bears translocated from Minnesota during the 1960s, and recently reintroduced and colonizing populations sourced from within the LMAV. We estimated population structure, gene flow, and genetic parameters important to conservation of small populations using genotypes at 23 microsatellite markers for 265 bears from seven populations. We inferred five genetic clusters corresponding to the following populations: White River and western Mississippi, Tensas River and Three Rivers, Upper Atchafalaya, Lower Atchafalaya, and Minnesota. Upper Atchafalaya was suggested as the product of Minnesota-sourced translocations, but those populations have since diverged, likely because of a founder effect followed by genetic drift and isolation. An admixture zone recently developed in northeastern Louisiana and western Mississippi between migrants from White River and Tensas River, resulting in a Wahlund effect. However, gene flow among most populations has been limited and considerable genetic differentiation accumulated (global FST?=?0.22), particularly among the three Louisiana black bear populations that existed when federal listing occurred. Consistent with previous bottlenecks, founder effects, and persisting isolation, all LMAV bear populations had low genetic diversity (AR?=?2.08–4.81; HE?=?0.36–0.63) or small effective population size (NE?=?3–49). Translocating bears among populations as part of a regional genetic restoration program may help improve genetic diversity and increase effective population sizes.  相似文献   

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