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The yields and clustering of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) were investigated in normal human skin fibroblasts exposed to gamma rays or to a wide range of doses of nitrogen ions with various linear energy transfers (LETs). Data obtained by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis on the dose and LET dependence of DNA fragmentation were analyzed with the randomly located clusters (RLC) formalism. The formalism considers stochastic clustering of DSBs along a chromosome due to chromatin structure, particle track structure, and multitrack action. The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for the total DSB yield did not depend strongly on LET, but particles with higher LET produced higher fractions of small DNA fragments, corresponding in the formalism to an increase in the average number of DSBs per DSB cluster. The results are consistent with the idea that DSB clustering along chromosomes is what leads to large RBEs of high-LET radiations for major biological end points. At a given dose, large fragments are less affected by the variability in LET than small fragments, suggesting that the two free ends in large fragments are often produced by two different tracks. The formalism successfully described an extra increase in small DNA fragments as dose increases and a related decrease in large fragments, mainly due to interlacing of DSB clusters produced along a chromosome by different tracks, since interlacing cuts larger DNA fragments into smaller ones.  相似文献   

The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for the induction of DNA strand breaks and the efficiency of repair of these breaks in cultured diploid bovine lens epithelial cells was measured, using accelerated heavy ions in the linear energy transfer (LET)-range up to 16,200 keV/micron. At LET values above 800 keV/micron, the number of DNA strand breaks induced per particle increases both with the atomic number of the projectile and with its kinetic energy. About 90 per cent or more of the strand breaks induced by ions with an LET of less than 10,000 keV/micron are repaired within 24 h. Repair kinetics show a dependence on the particle fluence (irradiation dose). At higher particle fluences a higher proportion of non-rejoined breaks is found, even after prolonged periods of incubation. At any LET value, repair is much slower after heavy-ion exposure than after X-irradiation. This is especially true for low energetic particles with a very high local density of energy deposition within the particle track. At the highest LET value (16,200 keV/micron), no significant repair is observed.  相似文献   

The quality of DNA damage induced by protons and -particles of various linear energy transfer (LET) was studied. The aim was to single out specific lesions in the DNA molecule that might lead to biological endpoints such as inactivation. A DNA model coupled with a track structure code (MOCA-15) were used to simulate the lesions induced on the two helixes. Four categories of DNA breaks were considered: single-strand breaks (ssb), bluntended double-strand breaks (dsb, with no or few overlapping bases), sticky-ended double-strand breaks (with cohesive free ends of many bases), and deletions (complex lesions which involve at least two dsb within a small number of base pairs). Calculations were carried out assuming various sets of parameters characterizing the production of these different DNA breaks. No large variations in the yields of ssb and blunt- or sticky-ended dsb were found in the LET range between 10 and 200 keV/µm. On the other hand, the yield of deletions increases up to about 100 keV/µm and seems to reach a plateau at higher LET values. In the LET interval from 30 to 60 keV/µm, protons proved to be more efficient than -particles in inducing deletions. The induction of these complex lesions is thus dependent not simply on LET but also on the characteristics of the track structure. Comparison with RBE values for cell killing shows that this special class of dsb might play an important role in radiation-induced cell inactivation.  相似文献   

The yield of DNA double-strand breaks (dsb) and DNA complex lesions induced by protons and α-particles of various energies was simulated using a Monte Carlo track structure code (MOCA15) and a simple model of the DNA molecule. DNA breaks of different complexity were analysed. The linear energy transfer (LET) and particle-type dependence of lesions of higher complexity seems to confirm the importance of clustered damage in DNA as a relevant step leading to biological endpoints such as cell inactivation. The detailed structure of proton and α-particle tracks was analysed to identify the main characteristics possibly responsible for such a dependence. The role of the primary ion and of its secondary electrons in inducing dsb and complex lesions is described, showing that the relative contribution of secondary electron tracks alone in inducing clustered lesions is almost negligible at high LET, but tends to dominate below ≈10 keV/μm. This is consistent with the observed similar effectiveness of low-LET fast particle radiation and sparsely ionizing radiation such as x-rays. The dependence on LET and particle type is mainly due to energy deposition events of the primary ion together with short range electrons surrounding the ion track; the yield of complex lesions due to secondary electron tracks alone is substantially LET independent. The radial distributions of the energy contributing to the induction of complex lesions were analyzed and compared with the radial distributions of energy deposition of the full tracks. The results suggest that the stochastic behaviour (i.e. cluster properties) of the energy deposition pattern within a radius of a few nanometers around the ion track plays a relevant role in determining the biological radiation effectiveness. Received: 20 December 1996 / Accepted in revised form: 5 March 1997  相似文献   

Using highly energetic particles to irradiate plasmid DNA in aerobic aqueous solution, we have compiled an extensive database on how yields of DNA single- and double-strand breaks (SSBs and DSBs) vary with radiation quality. This study was performed in a low-scavenging buffer system and covers a wide range of ion species (helium to uranium) and LETs (5 to 16,000 keV/microm). For LETs up to around 40 keV/microm for SSBs and 400 keV/microm for DSBs, the total energy deposition determines cross section. At higher LET, cross sections level off and individual plateaus for particles of different atomic numbers are observed. For each ion species this is more pronounced and occurs at lower LET for SSBs than for DSBs, leading to an increase in the DSB:SSB ratio from 1:70 for X rays to 1:6 at 500 keV/microm. At this LET, the influence of track structure becomes evident, with high local concentrations of ionization events favoring the formation of DSBs and also intratrack recombination reactions. For lower-energy ions, a saturation in production of measurable DSBs is apparent, due to correlated lesion induction within densely ionizing particle tracks. For very heavy low-energy ions, both SSB and DSB cross sections decrease with particle velocity at nearly constant LET, forming individual hooked curves when plotted as a function of LET.  相似文献   

Accelerated helium ions with mean energies at the target location of 3-7 MeV were used to simulate alpha-particle radiation from radon daughters. The experimental setup and calibration procedure allowed determination of the helium-ion energy distribution and dose in the nuclei of irradiated cells. Using this system, the induction of DNA double-strand breaks and their spatial distributions along DNA were studied in irradiated human fibroblasts. It was found that the apparent number of double-strand breaks as measured by a standard pulsed-field gel assay (FAR assay) decreased with increasing LET in the range 67-120 keV/microm (corresponding to the energy of 7-3 MeV). On the other hand, the generation of small and intermediate-size DNA fragments (0.1-100 kbp) increased with LET, indicating an increased intratrack long-range clustering of breaks. The fragment size distribution was measured in several size classes down to the smallest class of 0.1-2 kbp. When the clustering was taken into account, the actual number of DNA double-strand breaks (separated by at least 0.1 kbp) could be calculated and was found to be in the range 0.010-0.012 breaks/Mbp Gy(-1). This is two- to threefold higher than the apparent yield obtained by the FAR assay. The measured yield of double-strand breaks as a function of LET is compared with theoretical Monte Carlo calculations that simulate the track structure of energy depositions from helium ions as they interact with the 30-nm chromatin fiber. When the calculation is performed to include fragments larger than 0.1 kbp (to correspond to the experimental measurements), there is good agreement between experiment and theory.  相似文献   

We measured the yield and spectrum of strand breaks and nucleobase lesions produced in fully hydrated plasmid DNA films to determine the linear energy transfer (LET) dependence of DNA damage induced by ion-beam irradiation in relation to the change in the atomic number of ions. The yield of isolated damage was revealed as a decrease in prompt SSBs with increasing LET of He(2+), C(5+,6+) and Ne(8+,10+) ions. On the other hand, the yields of prompt DSBs increased with increasing ion LET. SSBs were additionally induced in ion-irradiated DNA film by treatment with two kinds of base excision repair proteins (glycosylases), Nth and Fpg, indicating that base lesions are produced in the hydrated DNA film. This result shows that nucleobase lesions are produced via both chemical reactions with diffusible water radicals, such as OH radicals, and direct energy deposition onto DNA and the hydrated water layer. Nth-sensitive sites deduced to be pyrimidine lesions, such as 5,6-dihydrothymine (DHT), showed a relatively larger yield than Fpg-sensitive sites deduced to be purine lesions, such as 7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-2'deoxyguanine (8-oxoGua), for all ion exposures tested. The yield of SSBs or DSBs observed by enzyme treatment decreased noticeably with increasing LET for all tested ions. These results indicated that higher-LET ions preferentially produce a complex type of damage that might compromise the activities of the glycosylases used in this study. These findings are biologically important since, under cell mimicking conditions, persistent DNA damage occurs in part due to direct energy deposition on the DNA or hydrated water shell that is specifically induced by dense ionization in the track.  相似文献   

Using the plasmid relaxation assay, the induction of single strand breaks (SSB) and base damages was investigated in air-dried plasmid DNA irradiated under air or under vacuum, with two high LET particles. We first observed that an irradiation with 12C5+ ion produced less of both damages when performed in a vacuum rather than in the presence of air. This could be due to the presence of O2 which increases the primary radicalar effects in the latter case. Another explanation is a difference in the degree of hydration of the DNA molecules. Indeed, under vacuum only the water molecules tightly bound to DNA will persist. In contrast, in the presence of air, the outer hydration shell enhances the amount of hydroxyl radicals available for the radiolytic attack. However, no difference in the SSB induction was observed when DNA was irradiated with 36S16+ ion in the presence of air or under vacuum. This is likely due to the LET effect which partly cancels the production of radicals by recombination and increases the formation of superoxide anions in the track. Similarly, the lower induction of damage by 36S16+ irradiation in comparison with the 12C5+ ion is a consequence of the higher ionizing density for 36S16+ than for 12C5+ ions. Meanwhile, for both ions, base damages are not detected when DNA is irradiated under vacuum, whereas they are as frequent as SSB when irradiation is performed in the presence of air. Altogether, these observations support the idea that SSB and base damage are not formed by the same mechanism.  相似文献   

We present a track structure model based on the local dose deposited around heavy ion tracks to explain the cross sections for single-strand and double-strand break induction in plasmid DNA in different aqueous buffers. The model is based only on measurable quantities, namely the effect distribution for inducing strand breaks after x-ray irradiation as a function of dose, and the radial dose distribution of the heavy ion track. The effect of indirect DNA damage mediated by free radicals produced in the water surrounding the DNA is accounted for by allowing the radial dose distribution to be smeared in space by an effective target size corresponding to the squared sum of the geometrical extension of the plasmid molecule and the mean free drift path of the radicals in the buffer solution. Our calculations reproduce well the measured cross sections for single-strand and double-strand break induction in SV40 plasmid DNA in various buffer solutions both as a function of the LET and of the specific energy of the heavy ion.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks are nonrandomly induced by high-LET radiation. Differences in the induction and rejoining of DSBs after irradiation with ions having different LET were detected by fragment analysis. The data obtained indicate that the track structure of the traversing particle and its interaction with the different chromatin structures of the cellular DNA influence the yield as well as the distribution of the induced damage. The induction and rejoining of clustered DSBs induced by the same nitrogen ion fluence at LETs of 80-225 keV/microm were investigated by a detailed analysis of the DNA fragmentation patterns in normal human fibroblasts. The DSBs in the cells were allowed to rejoin during incubations for 0-20 h. Two separate pulsed-field gel electrophoresis protocols were used, optimized for separation of fragments in the size ranges 1-6 Mbp and 5 kbp-1.5 Mbp. A strong influence of LET on the level of DSB induction was evident. The DSB yield increased from 4.5 +/- 0.2 to 10.0 +/- 0.3 DSBs per particle traversal through the cell nucleus when LET increased from 80 to 225 keV/microm. Further, the size distribution of the DNA fragments showed a significant dependence on radiation quality, with an excess of fragments at 50-200 kbp and around 1 Mbp. Differences in repair kinetics were also evident, with slower rejoining for increasing LET, and the initial nonrandom fragment distributions were still present after 1 h of repair.  相似文献   

The biophysical radiation track simulation model PARTRAC was improved by implementing new interaction cross sections for protons in water. Computer-simulated tracks of energy deposition events from protons and their secondary electrons were superimposed on a higher-order DNA target model describing the spatial coordinates of the whole genome inside a human cell. Induction of DNA double-strand breaks was simulated for proton irradiation with LET values between 1.6 and 70 keV/microm and various reference radiation qualities. The yield of DSBs after proton irradiation was found to rise continuously with increasing LET up to about 20 DSBs per Gbp and Gy, corresponding to an RBE up to 2.2. About half of this increase resulted from a higher yield of DSB clusters associated with small fragments below 10 kbp. Exclusion of experimentally unresolved multiple DSBs reduced the maximum DSB yield by 30% and shifted it to an LET of about 40 keV/microm. Simulated fragment size distributions deviated significantly from random breakage distributions over the whole size range after irradiation with protons with an LET above 10 keV/microm. Determination of DSB yields using equations derived for random breakage resulted in an underestimation by up to 20%. The inclusion of background fragments had only a minor influence on the distribution of the DNA fragments induced by radiation. Despite limited numerical agreement, the simulations reproduced the trends in proton-induced DNA DSBs and fragment induction found in recent experiments.  相似文献   

Track structure in DNA irradiated with heavy ions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The spatial properties of trapped radicals produced in heavy-ion-irradiated solid DNA at 77 K have been probed using pulsed electron paramagnetic double resonance (PELDOR or DEER) techniques. Salmon testes DNA hydrated to 12 water molecules per nucleotide was irradiated with 40Ar ions of energy 100 MeV/nucleon and LET ranging from 300 to 400 keV/microm. Irradiated samples were maintained at cryogenic temperature at all times. PELDOR measurements were made using a refocused echo detection sequence that allows dipolar interaction between trapped radicals to be observed. The EPR spectrum is attributed to electron loss/gain DNA base radicals and neutral carbon-centered radicals that likely arise from sugar damage. We find a radical concentration of 13.5 x 10(18) cm(-3) in the tracks and a track radius of 6.79 nm. The cross section of these tracks is 144 nm2, yielding a lineal radical density of 2.6 radicals/nm. Based on the yields determined previously for particles having calculated LET values of 300-400 keV/microm and our measured lineal density, we obtain an LET of 270 keV/microm, which is in good agreement with the calculated range of values. These measurements of radical density and spatial extent provide the first direct experimental determination of track characteristics in irradiated DNA.  相似文献   

Heavy particle irradiation produces complex DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) which can arise from primary ionisation events within the particle trajectory. Additionally, secondary electrons, termed delta-electrons, which have a range of distributions can create low linear energy transfer (LET) damage within but also distant from the track. DNA damage by delta-electrons distant from the track has not previously been carefully characterised. Using imaging with deconvolution, we show that at 8 hours after exposure to Fe (∼200 keV/µm) ions, γH2AX foci forming at DSBs within the particle track are large and encompass multiple smaller and closely localised foci, which we designate as clustered γH2AX foci. These foci are repaired with slow kinetics by DNA non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) in G1 phase with the magnitude of complexity diminishing with time. These clustered foci (containing 10 or more individual foci) represent a signature of DSBs caused by high LET heavy particle radiation. We also identified simple γH2AX foci distant from the track, which resemble those arising after X-ray exposure, which we attribute to low LET delta-electron induced DSBs. They are rapidly repaired by NHEJ. Clustered γH2AX foci induced by heavy particle radiation cause prolonged checkpoint arrest compared to simple γH2AX foci following X-irradiation. However, mitotic entry was observed when ∼10 clustered foci remain. Thus, cells can progress into mitosis with multiple clusters of DSBs following the traversal of a heavy particle.  相似文献   

Confluent human fibroblast cells (AG1522) were irradiated with gamma rays, 490 MeV/nucleon silicon ions, or iron ions at either 200 or 500 MeV/nucleon. The cells were allowed to repair at 37 degrees C for 24 h after exposure, and a chemically induced premature chromosome condensation (PCC) technique was used to condense chromosomes in the G2 phase of the cell cycle. Incomplete and complex exchanges were analyzed in the irradiated samples. To verify that chromosomal breaks were truly unrejoined, chromosome aberrations were analyzed using a combination of whole-chromosome specific probes and probes specific for the telomere region of the chromosome. Results showed that the frequency of unrejoined chromosome breaks was higher after irradiation with the heavy ions of high LET, and consequently the ratio of incomplete to complete exchanges increased steadily with LET up to 440 keV/microm, the highest LET included in the present study. For samples exposed to 200 MeV/nucleon iron ions, chromosome aberrations were analyzed using the multicolor FISH (mFISH) technique, which allows identification of both complex and truly incomplete exchanges. Results of the mFISH study showed that 0.7 and 3 Gy iron ions produced similar ratios of complex to simple exchanges and incomplete to complete exchanges; these ratios were higher than those obtained after exposure to 6 Gy gamma rays. After 0.7 Gy of iron ions, most complex aberrations were found to involve three or four chromosomes, which is a likely indication of the maximum number of chromosome domains traversed by a single iron-ion track.  相似文献   

LET,track structure and models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Swift heavy ions when penetrating through matter strip off those electrons having a smaller orbital velocity than the ion velocity. The remaining electrons screen the nuclear charge yielding an effective charge. The effective charge of the ions interacts predominately with the target electrons causing excitation and ionizations of the target atoms. Using the Bethe Bloch formula for the energy loss combined with the Barkas formula for effective charge, the energy loss values as well as unrestricted and restricted linear transfer can be calculated within a few percent of accurancy. From the primary energy loss only a small fraction of 10% or less is transformed into excitation. The major part of the energy loss is used for the ionization of the target atoms and the emission of the corresponding electrons with a high kinetic energy. These electrons form the track around the trajectory of the primary ion in which two thirds of the primary energy is deposited by collisions of primary, secondary and later generations of electrons with the target molecules. In the electron diffusion process the energy is transported from the center of the track into the halo. The radial dose decreases with the square of the radial distance from the center. The diameter of the track is determined by the maximum range of the emitted electrons, i.e. by the maximum energy electrons. All ions having the same velocity i.e. the same specific energy produce electrons of the same energy and therefore tracks of the same diameters independent of the effective charge. But the dose inside the track increases with the square of the effective charge. Track structure models using this continuous dose distributions produce a better agreement with the experiment than models based on microdosimetry. The critical volume as used in microdosimetry is too large compared to the size of the DNA as critical structure inside the biological objects. Track structure models yield better results because the gross-structure of the track i.e. its lateral extension and the thin down toward the end of the track is included in these calculations. In a recent refinement the repair capacity of the cell has been included in a track structure model by using the complete shouldered x-ray survival curve as a template for the local damage produced by the particle tracks. This improved model yields presently the best agreement with the experiment.Invited paper given on the fourth workshop on Heavy Charged Particles in Biology and Medicine GSI, Darmstadt, FRG, September 23–25, 1991  相似文献   

DNA damage generated by high-energy and high-Z (HZE) particles is more skewed toward multiply damaged sites or clustered DNA damage than damage induced by low-linear energy transfer (LET) X and gamma rays. Clustered DNA damage includes abasic sites, base damages and single- (SSBs) and double-strand breaks (DSBs). This complex DNA damage is difficult to repair and may require coordinated recruitment of multiple DNA repair factors. As a consequence of the production of irreparable clustered lesions, a greater biological effectiveness is observed for HZE-particle radiation than for low-LET radiation. To understand how the inability of cells to rejoin DSBs contributes to the greater biological effectiveness of HZE particles, the kinetics of DSB rejoining and cell survival after exposure of normal human skin fibroblasts to a spectrum of HZE particles was examined. Using gamma-H2AX as a surrogate marker for DSB formation and rejoining, the ability of cells to rejoin DSBs was found to decrease with increasing Z; specifically, iron-ion-induced DSBs were repaired at a rate similar to those induced by silicon ions, oxygen ions and gamma radiation, but a larger fraction of iron-ion-induced damage was irreparable. Furthermore, both DNA-PKcs (DSB repair factor) and 53BP1 (DSB sensing protein) co-localized with gamma-H2AX along the track of dense ionization produced by iron and silicon ions and their focus dissolution kinetics was similar to that of gamma-H2AX. Spatial co-localization analysis showed that unlike gamma-H2AX and 53BP1, phosphorylated DNA-PKcs was localized only at very specific regions, presumably representing the sites of DSBs within the tracks. Examination of cell survival by clonogenic assay indicated that cell killing was greater for iron ions than for silicon and oxygen ions and gamma rays. Collectively, these data demonstrate that the inability of cells to rejoin DSBs within clustered DNA lesions likely contributes to the greater biological effectiveness of HZE particles.  相似文献   

This paper develops a deterministic model of frequency distributions for energy imparted (total energy deposition) in small volumes similar to DNA molecules from high-energy ions of interest for space radiation protection and cancer therapy. Frequency distributions for energy imparted are useful for considering radiation quality and for modeling biological damage produced by ionizing radiation. For high-energy ions, secondary electron (delta-ray) tracks originating from a primary ion track make dominant contributions to energy deposition events in small volumes. Our method uses the distribution of electrons produced about an ion's path and incorporates results from Monte Carlo simulation of electron tracks to predict frequency distributions for ions, including their dependence on radial distance. The contribution from primary ion events is treated using an impact parameter formalism of spatially restricted linear energy transfer (LET) and energy-transfer straggling. We validate our model by comparing it directly to results from Monte Carlo simulations for proton and alpha-particle tracks. We show for the first time frequency distributions of energy imparted in DNA structures by several high-energy ions such as cosmic-ray iron ions. Our comparison with results from Monte Carlo simulations at low energies indicates the accuracy of the method.  相似文献   

Ewing's sarcoma cell lines were compared to other cell lines for induction of DNA strand breaks by ionizing radiation and their ability to repair those breaks. The alkali-unwinding assay and alkaline sucrose gradient analysis were used for these studies. The alkali-unwinding assay revealed that the amount of DNA unwound per strand break in Ewing's sarcoma cells was less than for other cells and was not influenced by high-salt denaturation conditions. Ewing's sarcoma cells had similar induction and repair rates for strand breaks compared with other cell lines. The kinetics of unwinding suggests there are constraints to DNA unwinding in the chromatin of Ewing's sarcoma cells, possibly related to high levels of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase in these cells.  相似文献   

Yields of DNA single- and double-strand breaks (SSB and DSB) in nucleosomal DNA were calculated for 137Cs, 70 keV photons and tritium beta-particles by Monte Carlo means. Monte Carlo-generated electron tracks for liquid water were used to model energy deposition. Chemical evolution of a track and interactions between species and DNA following water radiolysis were modelled in an encounter-controlled manner. The calculated relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for DSB production for tritium against 137Cs was 1.2 for the total DSB yield. Tritium beta-particles were slightly more efficient compared to 137Cs in producing complex DSB, defined as DSB accompanied by additional strand breaks. The RBE for complex DSB formation was 1.3. Most complex DSB exhibited associated base damage; the extent of the base damage was similar for all the radiation types considered. Correlated DSB conforming to nucleosome periodicity were observed. However, their frequency was low, of the order of 2% of total DSB. For all the DNA damage endpoints considered and their response to variation of the scavenging environment or DNA conformation no difference was observed between 70 keV photons and tritium beta-particles.  相似文献   

One percent orotic acid supplemented diet is a promoting treatment in the rat model of liver carcinogenesis. After treatment with this type of diet, DNA alterations were observed using alkaline sucrose gradients and alkaline elution methods. In this work we have utilized two unwinding methods for the detection of DNA fragmentation. One method is a viscosimetric method in which the rate of increase in DNA viscosity with time is related to the rate of alkaline DNA unwinding. The second method measures fluorimetrically the amount of renatured and denatured DNA after different times allowed for alkaline DNA unwinding. These two methods are very sensitive in detecting DNA breaks induced by typical alkylating agents, X-rays and H2O2. The two unwinding methods were clearly negative for the orotic acid supplemented diet. We suggest that the DNA alterations detected with alkaline sucrose gradients and alkaline elution methods, after promoting treatment with orotic acid, are probably different from the DNA breaks induced by typical alkylating agents, X-rays and H2O2.  相似文献   

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