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Abstract The DNA of mouse adenovirus strain K87 (MAd-2) was cloned and mapped with restriction endonucleases Bgl II, Cla I, Eco RI, Hin dII and Sph I. Large differences were found the MAd-2 and MAd-1 (strain FL) DNA molecules in terms of number and location of restriction sites. The MAd-2 genome also appeared as larger size than in the MAd-1 genome (34.72 kb vs. 30.14 kb). Our results confirm the existence of two distinct adenovirus species in the mouse. Hybridization experiments, on the other hand, indicate that both MAd-1 and MAd-2 are genetically related to human adenovirus type 2 (HAd-2). Overlapping regions of DNA homology are located in genes coding for HAd-2 structural components which could explain serological relationships observed between the human and the murine adenoviruses.  相似文献   

Nearly complete sequences of 16S rRNA genes were determined for eight bacterial strains representing five species of the rRNA homology group II pseudomonads that are members of the beta subclass of the class Proteobacteria. Comparative analysis with published sequence data indicated that Pseudomonas andropogonis, Ps. caryophylli, Ps. gladioli pv. gladioli and Ps. cepacia aggregate in one coherent cluster at 94·2% sequence similarity; Ps. solanacearum and Ps. pickettii shared 95·3% and 92·8% similarity with Alcaligenes eutrophus in another cluster. Both clusters joined at 87·8% similarity, which is similar to that for genera in this subclass of Proteobacteria. Based on this study and on comparison with other works we suggest that these species are separated from authentic pseudomonads and constitute a new genus or possibly two related genera accommodating Ps. andropogonis, Ps. caryophylli, Ps. gladioli, Ps. cepacia, and Ps. solanacearum, Ps. pickettii and A. eutrophus, respectively. Four strains of Ps. solanacearum representing Biovars 1, 2, 3 and 4 were subdivided into two clusters at 99·1% sequence similarity, in agreement with other published phenotypic and genotypic studies. The two clusters may be potentially regarded as subspecies.  相似文献   

基于16S rRNA基因测序分析微生物群落多样性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
微生物群落多样性的研究对于挖掘微生物资源,探索微生物群落功能,阐明微生物群落与生境间的关系具有重要意义。随着宏基因组概念的提出以及测序技术的快速发展,16S rRNA基因测序在微生物群落多样性的研究中已被广泛应用。文中系统地介绍了16S rRNA基因测序分析流程中的四个重要环节,包括测序平台与扩增区的选择、测序数据预处理以及多样性分析方法,就其面临的问题与挑战进行了探讨并对未来的研究方向进行了展望,以期为微生物群落多样性相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Abstract 16S rRNA gene (rDNA) studies of the six species of the genus Microbacterium, M. lacticum, M. laevaniformans, M. dextranolyticum, M. imperiale, M. arborescens and M. aurum , were performed and the primary structures were compared with those of 29 representative actinobacteria and related organisms. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that six species of the genus Microbacterium and representative four species of the genus Aureobacterium appear to be phylogenetically coherent as was suggested by Rainey et al., although the peptidoglycan types of these two genera are different (peptidoglycan type B1 or B2). Thus, the phylogenetical analyses revealed that members of actinobacteria with group B-peptidoglycan do not cluster according to their peptidoglycan types, but form compact cluster different from actinobacteria or actinomycetes with group A-peptidoglycan.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of 15 species of the genus Aquaspirillum based on 16S rRNA gene (rDNA) sequences indicated that the genus Aquaspirillum is phylogenetically heterogeneous and the species could be divided into four groups as follows: Aquaspirillum serpens, the type species of this genus, A. dispar and A. putridiconchylium are situated in the family Neisseriaceae; members of the second group, A. gracile, A. delicatum, A. anulus, A. giesbergeri, A. sinuosum, A. metamorphum and A. psychrophilum, are included in the family Comamonadaceae; the two members of the third group, A. arcticum and A. autotrophicum, are included in the family Oxalobacteriaceae; and members of the fourth group, A. polymorphum, A. peregrinum, and A. itersonii, are included in the alpha-subdivision of Proteobacteria. Thus, phylogenetic studies indicated that all the species excepting A. serpens, the type species, should be transferred to distinct genera.  相似文献   

Abstract The phylogeny of spore-forming lactic acid bacteria was investigated on the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequences. Sixteen strains were separated into three lines of descent; one consisted of 14 strains assigned to Sporolactobacillus spp. and Bacillus spp., and the other two each consisted of " Sporolactobacillus dextrus " and Bacillus coagulans . Strains of all the first lineage but one composed a cluster of similarity values of 97.2% and higher, and were represented by the type of S. inulinus . The cluster was further separated into five subclusters, four catalase negative and one positive. The definition of the genus Sporolactobacillus should be amended to accomodate catalase positive strains. Spore-forming lactic acid bacteria originated at different phylogenetic positions, and would have evolved convergently in the area of Bacillus .  相似文献   

Prokaryotic diversity in Alpine salt sediments was investigated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of 16S rRNA genes, sequencing of cloned products, and comparisons with culturable strains. DNA was extracted from the residue following filtration of dissolved Permo-Triassic rock salt. Fifty-four haloarchaeal sequences were obtained, which could be grouped into at least five distinct clusters. Similarity values of three clusters to known 16S rRNA genes were less than 90%-95%, suggesting the presence of uncultured novel taxa; two clusters were 98% and 99% similar to isolates from Permo-Triassic or Miocene salt from England and Poland, and to Halobacterium salinarum, respectively. Some rock salt samples, including drilling cores, yielded no amplifiable DNA and no cells or only a few culturable cells. This result suggested a variable distribution of haloarchaea within different strata, probably consistent with the known geologic heterogeneity of Alpine salt deposits. We recently reported identical culturable Halococcus salifodinae strains in Permo-Triassic salt sediments from England, Germany, and Austria; together with the data presented here, those results suggest one plausible scenario to be an ancient continuous hypersaline ocean (Zechstein sea) populated by haloarchaea, whose descendants are found today in the salt sediments. The novelty of the sequences also suggested avoidance of haloarchaeal contaminants during our isolation of strains, preparation of DNA, and PCR reactions.  相似文献   

Genes encoding 16S rRNA were sequenced from 16 species of Staphylococcus. Sequence analysis highlighted a potential Staph. aureus -specific region and a complementary oligonucleotide probe was synthesized and its specificity tested. Northern blotting indicated molecular specificity, and dot blots to RNA from Staph. aureus, Staph. capitis, Staph. caprae, Staph. carnosus, Staph. caseolyticus, Staph. cohnii, Staph. epidermidis, Staph. gallinarum, Staph. haemolyticus, Staph. hominis, Staph. hyicus, Staph. saprophyticus, Staph. sciuri, Staph. simulans, Staph. warneri and Staph. xylosus indicated species-specificity.  相似文献   

The cultivated and uncultivated bacterial communities of an activated sludge plant were studied. Two samples were taken and a total of 516 bacterial isolates were classified into groups using their whole-cell protein patterns. The distribution of bacteria into protein-pattern groups differed significantly between the two samples, suggesting variation in culturable bacterial flora. Partial 16S rRNA gene sequences were determined for representatives of the commonest protein-pattern groups. Most of the sequences obtained were previously unknown, but relatively closely related to known sequences of organisms belonging to the α, β or γ subclasses of the proteobacteria, the first two subclasses being predominant. This classification of bacteria isolated on a diluted nutrient-rich medium differed from recent culture-dependent studies using nutrient-rich media. The uncultivated bacterial community was studied by analyzing ten partial 16S rRNA gene sequences cloned directly from activated sludge. None of the cloned sequences was identical to those determined for culturable organisms; or to those in the GenBank database. They were, however, related to the α or β subclasses of the proteobacteria, or to the gram-positive bacteria with a high G+C DNA content. Received: 4 November 1996 / Received revision: 24 February 1997 / Accepted: 28 February 1997  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and population genetic structure of Culter alburnus were investigated using mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and ribosomal 16S subunit (16S rRNA) gene sequences. A total of 89 individuals from four localities were included in the analysis. Overall, 12 polymorphic sites were observed and 10 haplotypes were defined. The C. alburnus populations were characterized by high haplotype diversity (0.587 ± 0.047) and low nucleotide diversity (0.00197 ± 0.00073). Pairwise fixation index (FST) analysis indicated significant genetic differentiation among different populations. The hierarchical analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) analysis also showed significant genetic divergence (φST = 0.3792, P < 0.01) among these populations. The present results suggest that subdivisions exist among four C. alburnus populations, and should be considered as different management unit for effective conservation and management purposes. This study provides new information for genetic assessment and will be crucial for establishing fisheries management and strategies for this species.  相似文献   

李奎  周传江  梁爱萍 《昆虫学报》2020,63(4):502-511
【目的】揭示岛屿隔离效应对舟山群岛及邻近大陆碧蛾蜡蝉Geisha distinctissima种群遗传多样性的影响。【方法】依据本研究获取的舟山群岛(11个岛屿)及邻近大陆15个种群共247头碧蛾蜡蝉样本的16S rRNA基因序列,对该地区种群进行遗传多样性评估;采用贝叶斯推断法构建系统发育树并绘制单倍型网络图,以解析种群间的遗传结构;通过中性检验、错配分布分析和贝叶斯天空线(Bayesian skyline plot, BSP)分析,探讨该地区碧蛾蜡蝉的种群历史动态。【结果】贝叶斯系统树及单倍型网络图均没有解析出舟山群岛碧蛾蜡蝉种群明显的遗传结构。且分子方差分析发现,遗传变异主要集中在种群内部(种群内变异占68.26%),种群间没有明显的遗传分化,显示了该地区碧蛾蜡蝉种群遗传多样性的均质化。不同种群间的单倍型多态性和核苷酸多态性与大陆-岛屿距离及岛屿隔离时间不相关。中性检验分析检测到Tajima’s D和Fu’s Fs均呈显著的负值,且错配分布分析呈现出典型的单峰,表明该地区碧蛾蜡蝉种群发生了近期的种群扩张事件。BSP分析表明,这种扩张事件发生在大约0.5~3.5千年前。【结论】岛屿...  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of the species belonging to the genus Myxococcus were elucidated based on the sequences of 16S rRNA genes and 16S-23S rRNA gene internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions. The Myxococcus species were consequently classified into four distinct groups. The type strain of Myxococcus coralloides occupied an independent position (Group 1); it has been recently reclassified as Corallococcus coralloides. Group 2 comprised the type strains of both Myxococcus virescens and Myxococcus xanthus, and some strains assigned to Myxococcus flavescens. The type strain of M. flavescens was contained in Group 3 along with the strains of Myxococcus fulvus. Group 4 included the strains belonging to C. coralloides, M. fulvus, and M. stipitatus. The type strain of M. fulvus that was allocated outside Group 4 in the 16S rRNA gene tree belonged to Group 3 in the ITS tree. These results strongly suggest that the morphological characteristics of Myxococcus species are not consistent with the phylogenetic relationships. The Myxococcus species must therefore be redefined according to the phylogenetic relationships revealed in this study.  相似文献   

The primary goal of this study was to better understand the microbial composition and functional genetic diversity associated with turkey fecal communities. To achieve this, 16S rRNA gene and metagenomic clone libraries were sequenced from turkey fecal samples. The analysis of 382 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that the most abundant bacteria were closely related to Lactobacillales (47%), Bacillales (31%), and Clostridiales (11%). Actinomycetales, Enterobacteriales, and Bacteroidales sequences were also identified, but represented a smaller part of the community. The analysis of 379 metagenomic sequences showed that most clones were similar to bacterial protein sequences (58%). Bacteriophage (10%) and avian viruses (3%) sequences were also represented. Of all metagenomic clones potentially encoding for bacterial proteins, most were similar to low G+C Gram-positive bacterial proteins, particularly from Lactobacillales (50%), Bacillales (11%), and Clostridiales (8%). Bioinformatic analyses suggested the presence of genes encoding for membrane proteins, lipoproteins, hydrolases, and functional genes associated with the metabolism of nitrogen and sulfur containing compounds. The results from this study further confirmed the predominance of Firmicutes in the avian gut and highlight the value of coupling 16S rRNA gene and metagenomic sequencing data analysis to study the microbial composition of avian fecal microbial communities.  相似文献   

16S rRNA-based fingerprinting techniques allow rapid analyses of overall bacterial community structure but suffer from a lack of phylogenetic information hitherto retrievable from the short 16S rRNA gene sequences obtained from excised bands. An approach is presented that allows nearly complete 16S rRNA gene sequences to be retrieved for abundant components of the bacterial community as obtained by the community fingerprint, i.e. those reflected by major fingerprint bands. This was achieved by designing a pair of highly specific primers derived from the sequence of an excised band. Combined with universal 16S rRNA primers, these specific primers were applied directly to environmental DNA serving as template. This procedure allowed the generation of a nearly complete 16S rRNA gene sequence of the target taxon by specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by cycle sequencing down to a relative abundance of at least 1.5% of the environmental DNA. The procedure was exemplified for an epsilonproteobacterium related to Thiomicrospira denitrificans occurring in the central Baltic Sea. This approach is based only on PCR without any cloning step involved. It allows focussing on specific target taxa and is thus rather efficient. This approach should be applicable in general to 16S rRNA or 16S rRNA gene-based fingerprinting techniques and their respective environmental DNA.  相似文献   

Recent advances in high throughput sequencing technologies and concurrent refinements in 16S rDNA isolation techniques have facilitated the rapid extraction and sequencing of 16S rDNA content of microbial communities. The taxonomic affiliation of these 16S rDNA fragments is subsequently obtained using either BLAST-based or word frequency based approaches. However, the classification accuracy of such methods is observed to be limited in typical metagenomic scenarios, wherein a majority of organisms are hitherto unknown. In this study, we present a 16S rDNA classification algorithm, called C16S, that uses genus-specific Hidden Markov Models for taxonomic classification of 16S rDNA sequences. Results obtained using C16S have been compared with the widely used RDP classifier. The performance of C16S algorithm was observed to be consistently higher than the RDP classifier. In some scenarios, this increase in accuracy is as high as 34%. A web-server for the C16S algorithm is available at http://metagenomics.atc.tcs.com/C16S/.  相似文献   

目的通过克隆分析中国地鼠16S基因的部分序列,对中国地鼠16S基因的结构和功能进行初步探索和揭示。方法从GenBank中已报道的啮齿动物16S基因保守区设计一对引物,进行PCR扩增,测序。用Blastn与GenBank中七种啮齿类动物的16S基因进行序列比较,分析其碱基组成及变异情况,并用邻接法(NJ)、非加权组平均法(UPGMA)构建分子系统树,在分子水平上探讨中国地鼠和其他啮齿类动物的进化关系,对中国地鼠的种属地位进行了进一步验证。结果获得了中国地鼠线粒体16S基因的部分序列,其碱基组成A、T、C、G分别为40.5%、24.5%、18.7%、16.3%,与其他七种啮齿类动物的碱基含量相比,各碱基含量基本相似。NJ进化树表明,中国地鼠、金黄地鼠与欧洲仓鼠先聚为一支,小鼠与大鼠先聚为一支,东方田鼠、台湾田鼠与东欧田鼠先聚为一支。结论中国地鼠和金黄地鼠的亲缘关系最近,与传统的分类地位基本吻合。  相似文献   

Li  Renhui  Carmichael  Wayne W.  Liu  Yongding  Watanabe  Makoto M. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,438(1-3):99-105
The taxonomy of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae strain NH-5, a producer of cyanotoxins, was re-evaluated by comparison with six other Aphanizomenon strains using morphological characteristics and 16S rRNA gene sequences. Strain NH-5 was concluded to be improperly identified as Aph. flos-aquae based upon (1) lack of bundle formation in the trichomes, (2) location of akinetes next to heterocytes, (3) lower similarities (less than 97.5%) in the 16S rRNA gene sequences relative to Aph. flos-aquae strains, and (4) comparison within a phylogenetic tree constructed from 16S rRNA gene sequences. The Aphanizomenon strains investigated in this study are classified to four morphological groups as described by the classical taxonomy of Komárek & Kovácik (1989). This classification was supported from the phylogenetic results of 16S rRNA gene sequences. This study also discusses the generic boundaries between Aphanizomenon and Anabaena.  相似文献   

16S rRNA gene analysis is the most convenient and robust method for microbiome studies. Inaccurate taxonomic assignment of bacterial strains could have deleterious effects as all downstream analyses rely heavily on the accurate assessment of microbial taxonomy. The use of mock communities to check the reliability of the results has been suggested. However, often the mock communities used in most of the studies represent only a small fraction of taxa and are used mostly as validation of sequencing run to estimate sequencing artifacts. Moreover, a large number of databases and tools available for classification and taxonomic assignment of the 16S rRNA gene make it challenging to select the best-suited method for a particular dataset. In the present study, we used authentic and validly published 16S rRNA gene type strain sequences (full length, V3-V4 region) and analyzed them using a widely used QIIME pipeline along with different parameters of OTU clustering and QIIME compatible databases. Data Analysis Measures (DAM) revealed a high discrepancy in ratifying the taxonomy at different taxonomic hierarchies. Beta diversity analysis showed clear segregation of different DAMs. Limited differences were observed in reference data set analysis using partial (V3-V4) and full-length 16S rRNA gene sequences, which signify the reliability of partial 16S rRNA gene sequences in microbiome studies. Our analysis also highlights common discrepancies observed at various taxonomic levels using various methods and databases.  相似文献   

We have conducted a preliminary phylogenetic survey of ammonia-oxidizing beta-proteobacteria, using 16S rRNA gene libraries prepared by selective PCR and DNA from acid and neutral soils and polluted and nonpolluted marine sediments. Enrichment cultures were established from samples and analyzed by PCR. Analysis of 111 partial sequences of c. 300 bases revealed that the environmental sequences formed seven clusters, four of which are novel, within the phylogenetic radiation defined by cultured autotrophic ammonia oxidizers. Longer sequences from 13 cluster representatives support their phylogenetic positions relative to cultured taxa. These data suggest that known taxa may not be representative of the ammonia-oxidizing beta-proteobacteria in our samples. Our data provide further evidence that molecular and culture-based enrichment methods can select for different community members. Most enrichments contained novel Nitrosomonas-like sequences whereas novel Nitrosospira-like sequences were more common from gene libraries of soils and marine sediments. This is the first evidence for the occurrence of Nitrosospira-like strains in marine samples. Clear differences between the sequences of soil and marine sediment libraries were detected. Comparison of 16S rRNA sequences from polluted and nonpolluted sediments provided no strong evidence that the community composition was determined by the degree of pollution. Soil clone sequences fell into four clusters, each containing sequences from acid and neutral soils in varying proportions. Our data suggest that some related strains may be present in both samples, but further work is needed to resolve whether there is selection due to pH for particular sequence types.  相似文献   

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