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The unc-45 gene of the nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, is essential for muscle organization and embryonic development. Genetic evidence suggests the unc-45 gene product controls muscle thick filament assembly. We report here on the determination of the gene's chromosomal location and the isolation and sequencing of its cDNA. The amino terminus of the predicted unc-45 protein contains three tandem repeats that belong in the tetratricopeptide repeat family. Tetratricopeptide motifs have been shown to be involved in protein interactions, and some of the closest homologues have chaperone-like activity. The carboxy terminus of the protein has homology with the related fungal proteins, CRO1 and She4p, which have been postulated to play a role in assembly of or interactions with a cytoplasmic myosin. We have also determined the sequence of the homologous gene from C. briggsae, which demonstrates a high level of conservation. We show that the unc-45 gene promoter can drive reporter gene expression, which is limited to muscle tissues (pharyngeal, body wall, vulval, and anal muscles), consistent with a role for the unc-45 gene in muscle development or function.  相似文献   

Small glutamine-rich tetratricopeptide repeat-containing protein (SGT) is a ubiquitously expressed cochaperone of heat shock cognate protein of 70 kDa (Hsc70). SGT binds to the C terminus of Hsc70, a site used by several tetratricopeptide repeat-containing binding partners to recruit Hsc70 into complexes of diverse function. We describe here an isoform of SGT with 60% amino acid sequence identity that we name betaSGT. In contrast to the previously published alphaSGT, betaSGT is almost exclusively expressed in brain. Both isoforms of SGT possess similar binding properties toward Hsc70 and cysteine string protein, a synaptic vesicle-associated J-domain-containing protein. In addition, SGTs oligomerize without preferences among isoforms. The distribution of protein binding motifs on SGTs reveals a modular structure. The N-terminal domains mediate oligomerization. Binding to Hsc70 is impaired by mutations of basic residues within the central tetratricopeptide repeat domain of betaSGT, indicating a two-carboxylate clamp as the binding mode. The tetratricopeptide repeats are also necessary for binding to the cysteine string protein. However, this binding mode is distinct from the two-carboxylate clamp that is involved in Hsc70 binding. The C-terminal regions of SGTs might constitute independent protein interaction domains. We conclude that betaSGT is likely to cooperate with alphaSGT as co-chaperone of Hsc70 in the brain. The modular structure of SGTs allows them to recruit client proteins to Hsc70 and to direct the resulting complex toward downstream proteins that take over the respective client proteins.  相似文献   

Previously, we identified the human small glutamine-rich tetratricopeptide repeat-containing protein (SGT) as a co-chaperone. The tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domain in SGT is responsible for interacting with Hsc70. In this study, we demonstrated that the TPR domain of SGT also interacted with Hsp90. Moreover, we investigated the functional significance of regions of SGT outside the TPR domain. Evidently, the N-terminal domain of SGT is necessary and sufficient for its self-association; and, SGT may be a dimer elongated in shape. The C-terminal glutamine-rich region has the capacity to interact with short peptide segments composed of consecutive non-polar amino acids. The C-terminal fragment of SGT indeed plays a role in the association of SGT with in vitro translated rat type 1 glucose transporter, an integral membrane protein folded in a non-physiological state. Moreover, in the presence of SGT, the degradation of the transporter in reticulocyte lysates is inhibited. Taking together, SGT can be separated into three structural units with distinct functions.  相似文献   

Modern proteomics approaches include techniques to examine the expression, localization, modifications, and complex formation of proteins in cells. In order to address issues of protein function in vitro using classical biochemical and biophysical approaches, high-throughput methods of cloning the appropriate reading frames, and expressing and purifying proteins efficiently are an important goal of modern proteomics approaches. This process becomes more difficult as functional proteomics efforts focus on the proteins from higher organisms, since issues of correctly identifying intron-exon boundaries and efficiently expressing and solubilizing the (often) multi-domain proteins from higher eukaryotes are challenging. Recently, 12,000 open-reading-frame (ORF) sequences from Caenorhabditis elegans have become available for functional proteomics studies [Nat. Gen. 34 (2003) 35]. We have implemented a high-throughput screening procedure to express, purify, and analyze by mass spectrometry hexa-histidine-tagged C. elegans ORFs in Escherichia coli using metal affinity ZipTips. We find that over 65% of the expressed proteins are of the correct mass as analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption MS. Many of the remaining proteins indicated to be "incorrect" can be explained by high-throughput cloning or genome database annotation errors. This provides a general understanding of the expected error rates in such high-throughput cloning projects. The ZipTip purified proteins can be further analyzed under both native and denaturing conditions for functional proteomics efforts.  相似文献   

The accurate determination of DNA concentration is essential for many processes in molecular biology and physiology and includes both gel- and cuvette-based methods. The recently introduced fluorescent dye, PicoGreen, has several advantages over other methods because it is sensitive and specific for double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). The dye is excited at 480 nm and emits at 520 nm when bound to dsDNA. This report describes the construction and use of PicoGmeter, a simple, inexpensive, fixed-wavelength fluorometer suitable for measuring PicoGreen fluorescence. PicoGmeter employs a blue light emitting diode (LED) for excitation and a photodiode to measure fluorescence. When compared to a commercially available instrument, PTI DeltaScan, the PicoGmeter performed admirably. Calibration curves for both instruments were superimposeable. Moreover, there was no significant difference between concentrations of DNA estimated by both instruments. A Bland and Altman analysis revealed that the PicoGmeter was equivalent to the PTI DeltaScan for estimating dsDNA concentration by the PicoGreen method. This simple, inexpensive, battery-operated fluorometer will allow investigators to employ the PicoGreen method without incurring the cost of purchasing a spectrofluorometer.  相似文献   

Methionine (Met) residues in proteins are susceptible to oxidation. The resulting methionine sulfoxide can be reduced back to methionine by methionine sulfoxide-S-reductase (MsrA). The MsrA gene, isolated from Caenorhabditis elegans, was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The resultant enzyme was able to revert both free Met and Met in proteins in the presence of either NADPH or dithiothreitol (DTT). However, approximately seven times higher enzyme activity was observed in the presence of DTT than of NADPH. The enzyme had an absolute specificity for the reduction of l-methionine-S-sulfoxide but no specificity for the R isomer. K(m) and k(cat) values for the enzyme were approximately 1.18 mM and 3.64 min(-1), respectively. Other kinetics properties of the enzyme were also evaluated.  相似文献   

Cloning of a yolk protein gene family from Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A novel family of large, imperfectly repeated DNA sequences has been found in Escherichia coli. Two members of this family, rhsA and rhsB, occur as direct repeats, flanking the pit glyS xyl segment of the chromosome. Unequal sister-chromatid crossing over between rhsA and rhsB accounts for the frequent tandem duplication of the glyS locus that has been observed by various workers. This unequal recombination is recA-dependent. The rhsA locus is operationally defined as the segment between xyl and mtl that is repeated at other chromosomal locations. Using this definition, rhsA extends minimally 5500 base-pairs; 3800 base-pairs of rhsA are sufficiently homologous to rhsB to form an S1 nuclease-resistant heteroduplex with it. The rhsA sequence also exhibits internal repetition. At least one additional rhs sequence occurs in the E. coli chromosome unlinked to either rhsA or rhsB. Southern analysis of restriction digests of genomic DNA from E. coli strains C and B/5 showed that both of these strains have rhs hybridizable patterns similar to strain K-12, but the rhs sequence is absent in Salmonella typhimurium. The function of the rhs sequences has not been discovered. In the course of this work we developed a technique, termed "transductional walking", by which chromosomal DNA adjacent to a previously cloned DNA segment can be cloned through genetic procedures.  相似文献   

The neurotransmitter dopamine plays an important role in the regulation of behavior in both vertebrates and invertebrates. In mammals, dopamine binds and activates two classes of dopamine receptors, D1-like and D2-like receptors. However, D2-like dopamine receptors in Caenorhabditis elegans have not yet been characterized. We have cloned a cDNA encoding a putative C. elegans D2-like dopamine receptor. The deduced amino acid sequence of the cloned cDNA shows higher sequence similarities to vertebrate D2-like dopamine receptors than to D1-like receptors. Two splice variants that differ in the length of their predicted third intracellular loops were identified. The receptor heterologously expressed in cultured cells showed high affinity binding to [125I]iodo-lysergic acid diethylamide. Dopamine showed the highest affinity for this receptor among several amine neurotransmitters tested. Activation of the heterologously expressed receptor led to the inhibition of cyclic AMP production, confirming that this receptor has the functional property of a D2-like receptor. We have also analyzed the expression pattern of this receptor and found that the receptor is expressed in several neurons including all the dopaminergic neurons in C. elegans.  相似文献   

The spe-9 gene is required for fertility in Caenorhabditis elegans and encodes a sperm transmembrane protein with an extracellular domain (ECD) that contains 10 epidermal growth factor (EGF) repeats. Deletion analysis reveals that the EGF repeats and the transmembrane domain are required for fertilization. In contrast, the cytoplasmic region of SPE-9 is not essential for fertilization. Individual point mutations in all 10 EGF motifs uncover a differential sensitivity of these sequences to alteration. Some EGF repeats cannot tolerate mutation leading to a complete lack of fertility. Other EGF repeats can be mutated to create animals with temperature-sensitive (ts) fertility phenotypes. All ts mutations were generated by changing either conserved cysteine or glycine residues in the EGF motifs. For two endogenous ts alleles of spe-9, loss of function at nonpermissive temperatures is not due to protein mislocalization or degradation. Additionally, the proper localization of SPE-9 in sperm is not altered in a genetically interacting fertility mutant (spe-13) or a mutant that affects sperm vesicle-plasma membrane fusion (fer-1). Like the EGF repeats in the Notch/LIN-12/GLP-1 receptors and their ligands, the EGF repeats in SPE-9 may carry out different functions. Because EGF motifs are found in many proteins in different species, similar experimental strategies could be used to generate useful temperature-sensitive mutations in other EGF motif-containing molecules.  相似文献   

Choline kinase is the first enzymatic step in the CDP-choline pathway for phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis. The genome of the nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, contains seven genes that appear likely to encode choline and/or ethanolamine kinases. We cloned five and expressed four of these genes, and purified or partially purified three of the encoded enzymes. All expressed proteins had choline kinase activity; those that most closely resemble the mammalian choline kinases were the most active. CKA-2, a very active form, was purified to near homogeneity. The K(m) values for CKA-2 were 1.6 and 2.4 mM for choline and ATP, respectively, and k(cat) was 74 s(-1). CKA-2 was predominantly a homodimer as assessed by glycerol gradient sedimentation and dynamic light scattering. CKB-2, which was less similar to mammalian choline kinases, had K(m) values for choline and ATP of 13 and 0.7 mM, and k(cat) was 3.8 s(-1). Both of these highly purified enzymes required magnesium, had very alkaline pH optima, and were much more active with choline as substrate than with ethanolamine. These results provide a foundation for future studies on the structure and function of choline kinases, as well as studies on the genetic analysis of the function of the multiple isoforms in this organism.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans adapted for survival in high concentrations of Cd(II) express a heavy metal binding protein designated C. elegans metallothionein-like protein or MT-Ce. This protein was purified to homogeneity and characterized. MT-Ce binds 6 mol of Cd(II)/mol protein. The sequence of 39 amino-terminal residues in MT-Ce was determined. A radiolabeled 41-mer oligonucleotide, designed from the partial MT-Ce sequence, was used in conjunction with sucrose gradient centrifugation to obtain size-fractionated poly(A+) RNA enriched in MT-Ce sequences. Subsequently, cloned cDNAs, corresponding to MT-Ce mRNA sequences, were isolated from a lambda ZapII cDNA library prepared from the enriched template mRNA. cDNA and protein sequence analysis revealed that MT-Ce comprises 62 amino acid residues and has a predicted Mr of 6462. Seventeen of the 18 Cys residues in the nematode cadmium-binding protein are included in Cys-X-Cys and X-Cys-Cys-X motifs that are characteristic of mammalian metallothioneins (MTs). However, the resemblance of MT-Ce to mammalian MTs is superficial. The amino acid sequence of MT-Ce is unique, and neither its putative alpha and beta domains nor its Cys residues can be readily aligned with the corresponding regions of other eukaryotic MTs. This suggests that MT-Ce is an example of convergent evolution. The MT-Ce mRNA level in nematodes that were selected and grown with Cd(II) concentrations that are lethal for wild-type worms, was 55-fold higher than the level of MT-Ce mRNA in wild-type C. elegans. Comparison of the sequences of MT-Ce cDNAs revealed the occurrence of two types of MT-Ce mRNA. Each contains an identical coding region, but the cDNAs diverge markedly in their 5'-untranslated regions. This suggests the possibilities of regulation by alternative splicing and/or the presence of multiple MT-Ce genes encoding a single protein, but controlled by different regulatory elements.  相似文献   

A Caenorhabditis elegans cDNA encoding a new insulin/IGF-like peptide was cloned and examined. The predicted peptide shows significant sequence similarity with the peptide Ceinsulin-1 reported previously and contains a characteristic insertion consisting of three residues in the putative B domain as with the Ceinsulin-1. The gene expression pattern during development is almost identical to that of Ceinsulin-1. The predicted tertiary structure of the peptide is quite similar to that of Ceinsulin-1, and their predicted receptor-recognition surfaces also closely match. These facts suggest that both peptides could recognize the same receptor.  相似文献   

Two genes from Caenorhabditis elegans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, coding for enzymes homologous to the Nudix hydrolase family of nucleotide pyrophosphatases, have been cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The purified enzymes are homodimers of 39.1 and 43. 5 kDa, respectively, are activated by Mg(2+) and Mn(2+), and are 30 to 50 times more active on NADH than on NAD(+). They both have a conserved array of amino acids downstream of the Nudix box first seen in the orthologous enzyme from E. coli which designates them as members of an NADH pyrophosphatase subfamily of the Nudix hydrolases.  相似文献   

The roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans adapted for survival at high concentrations of Cd(II) expresses two isoforms of metallothionein, CeMT-I and CeMT-II. To characterize one of these proteins CeMT-II was prepared as its Cd containing form by expressing its cDNA heterologously in Escherichia coli. The purified 63-amino-acid protein was identified as the desired product by ion-spray mass spectrometry and was found to resemble in most of its chemical and spectroscopic features the metallothioneins of other animal phyla. The recombinant protein contains a total of 18 cysteine residues and, as documented by electrophoresis and mass spectrometry, binds firmly six Cd ions through the cysteine's side chains. The (113)Cd NMR spectrum features six (113)Cd resonances. Their chemical shift positions between 615 and 675 ppm denote the existence of clusters of tetrahedrally coordinated cadmium thiolate complexes. The metal thiolate coordination dominates also the electronic far-UV absorption spectrum. It is characterized by a massive absorption profile with Cd thiolate shoulders at 255 and 235 nm. Upon replacement of Cd by Zn the profile was blue-shifted by 30 nm.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli unc-operon encodes the genes for the subunits of the F0F1-ATP synthase and an integral membrane protein of unknown function called UncI. UncI influences the cell-growth and activity of F0F1, but its exact function is still unknown. The expression level is too low to extract milligram amounts of UncI from E. coli membranes and the existing purification protocol based on methanol/chloroform is not suitable for structural and functional studies. Here we present protocols to increase the expression level, to purify UncI in a detergent where UncI is monodisperse, and we characterize its oligomeric state.  相似文献   

Wolbachia pipientis are obligate endosymbionts that infect a wide range of insect and other arthropod species. They act as reproductive parasites by manipulating the host reproduction machinery to enhance their own transmission. This unusual phenotype is thought to be a consequence of the actions of secreted Wolbachia proteins that are likely to contain disulfide bonds to stabilize the protein structure. In bacteria, the introduction or isomerization of disulfide bonds in proteins is catalyzed by Dsb proteins. The Wolbachia genome encodes two proteins, α-DsbA1 and α-DsbA2, that might catalyze these steps. In this work we focussed on the 234 residue protein α-DsbA1; the gene was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli, the protein was purified and its identity confirmed by mass spectrometry. The sequence identity of α-DsbA1 for both dithiol oxidants (E. coli DsbA, 12%) and disulfide isomerases (E. coli DsbC, 14%) is similar. We therefore sought to establish whether α-DsbA1 is an oxidant or an isomerase based on functional activity. The purified α-DsbA1 was active in an oxidoreductase assay but had little isomerase activity, indicating that α-DsbA1 is DsbA-like rather than DsbC-like. This work represents the first successful example of the characterization of a recombinant Wolbachia protein. Purified α-DsbA1 will now be used in further functional studies to identify protein substrates that could help explain the molecular basis for the unusual Wolbachia phenotypes, and in structural studies to explore its relationship to other disulfide oxidoreductase proteins.  相似文献   

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