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The effects of light on the accumulation of bacteriochlorophylland carotenoids were investigated in an aerobic photosyntheticbacterium, Roseobacter denitrificans during anaerobic respiration.Accumulation of pigments occurred in darkness but not in whitelight, with the growth rate being similar under both dark andlight conditions. Once pigments had accumulated during growthin darkness, subsequent irradiation with white light did notresult in degradation of the accumulated pigments, an indicationthat the pigments were stabilized in the membranes. The presentresults, therefore, exclude the possibility of inhibition ofthe accumulation of the photosynthetic pigments by the photochemicaldegradation of the pigments in the presence of molecular oxygenand light (blue light). The action spectrum for the inhibitionof the accumulation of the pigments showed that light at 470nm was the most effective and light at wavelengths longer than500 nm had little inhibitory effect. Together with previousresults [Shimada et al. (1992) Plant Cell Physiol. 33: 471],the present data suggest that a signal-transduction system associatedwith an unidentified blue pigment(s) is involved in the inhibitionof the accumulation of the photosynthetic pigments in R. denitrificans. (Received May 6, 1992; Accepted September 21, 1992)  相似文献   

The effects of light on denitrifying activity during growthwere studied in an aerobic photosynthetic bacterium, Roseobacterdenitrificans (formerly Erythrobacter sp. OCh 114). When aerobicallygrown cells were transferred to anaerobic conditions in thepresence of nitrate, this bacterium exhibited denitrifying activity,with either succinate or malate serving as an electron donorin addition to endogenous substrates. The final product of denitrificationwas identified as nitrous oxide (N2O), a result that confirmsthe presence of nitrate and nitrite reductases, but not N2Oreductase, in these cells. Illumination during aerobic growthcaused a marked enhancement of the denitrifying activity. Theactivity increased with increasing intensity of light up to40 mW cm–2 and was over 20 times that in dark-grown cells.Enhancement of denitrifying activity in illuminated cells wasclosely related to increases in levels of components that areinvolved in the denitrifying pathway, namely, nitrate and nitritereductases. Development of a denitrifying system under aerobicconditions and the enhancement of denitrifying ability by lightin Roseobacter denitrificans are unique characteristics, unlikethose of other known denitrifying bacteria. (Received October 29, 1990; Accepted January 17, 1991)  相似文献   

The dissimilatory nitrite reductase of the cytochrome cd1 type was purified from Paracoccus denitrificans (ATCC 13543) by a novel procedure that avoided conventional ion-exchange techniques. The characterization of this enzyme was extended to include amino acid composition, extinction coefficients, and kinetic properties not previously reported. Cytochromes cd1 from Alicaligenes faecalis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were also isolated and assayed with electron donor proteins. The enzymes from all three sources were shown to obey the same integrated rate law. Cross-reactivities were measured in which a reduced donor protein from one strain was assayed with cytochrome cd1 from another strain using nitrite as ultimate acceptor. Donors included c-type cytochromes and azurins. In general, the enzymes showed specificity for a donor from the same strain; interspecies cross-reactions were typically slower on the order of 10-fold than corresponding native rates. Notable exceptions were Paracoccus cytochrome cd1, which alone reacted with eukaryotic horse cytochrome c at appreciable rates, and the Pseudomonas cd1-Alcaligenesc554 reaction, which was 4-fold faster than the native Alcaligenes cd1-Alcaligenesc554 reaction. For all three enzymes, competitive kinetics were measured in which the alternative substrates, nitrite and oxygen, competed for enzyme in the same assay. It was found that the competitive kinetics were dominated by nonenzymatic reactions involving an enzyme product, nitric oxide.  相似文献   

Khristin  M. S.  Smolova  T. N.  Khorobrykh  A. A. 《Biophysics》2022,67(6):913-920
Biophysics - The main function of the PsbO protein in photosystem II is to stabilize the water-splitting Mn4CaO5 cluster. The present study shows for the first time that short-term exposure of both...  相似文献   

Methylotrophic bacteria are capable of growth using reduced one-carbon (C1) compounds like methanol or methylamine as free energy sources. Paracoccus denitrificans, which is a facultative methylotrophic organism, switches to this type of autotrophic metabolism only when it experiences a shortage of available heterotrophic free energy sources. Since the oxidation of C1 substrates is energetically less favourable than that of the heterotrophic ones, a global regulatory circuit ensures that the enzymes involved in methylotrophic growth are repressed during heterotrophic growth. Once the decision is made to switch to methylotrophic growth, additional regulatory proteins ensure the fine-tuned expression of the participating enzymes such that the steady-state concentration of formaldehyde, the oxidation product of C1 substrates, is kept below cytotoxic levels.  相似文献   

The production of insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1) in HepG2 was increased by cadmium cation (Cd2+) at 3 μM, but not by other divalent cations. The mRNA level of IGFBP-1 was also increased by the administration of 3 μM of Cd2+. These results suggest that Cd2+ impacts the gene expression of IGFBP-1, which leads to production of IGFBP-1.  相似文献   

Seladin-1 is a neuroprotective protein selectively down-regulated in brain regions affected in Alzheimer disease (AD). Seladin-1 protects cells against β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide 42- and oxidative stress-induced apoptosis activated by caspase-3, a key mediator of apoptosis. Here, we have employed RNA interference to assess the molecular effects of seladin-1 down-regulation on the β-secretase (BACE1) function and β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) processing in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells in both normal and apoptotic conditions. Our results show that ∼60% reduction in seladin-1 protein levels, resembling the decrease observed in AD brain, did not significantly affect APP processing or Aβ secretion in normal growth conditions. However, under apoptosis, seladin-1 small interfering RNA (siRNA)-transfected cells showed increased caspase-3 activity on average by 2-fold when compared with control siRNA-transfected cells. Increased caspase-3 activity coincided with a significant depletion of the BACE1-sorting protein, GGA3 (Golgi-localized γ-ear-containing ADP-ribosylation factor-binding protein), and subsequently augmented BACE1 protein levels and activity. Augmented BACE1 activity in turn correlated with the enhanced β-amyloidogenic processing of APP and ultimately increased Aβ production. These adverse changes associated with decreased cell viability in seladin-1 siRNA-transfected cells under apoptosis. No changes in GGA3 or BACE1 levels were found after seladin-1 knockdown in normal growth conditions. Collectively, our results suggest that under stress conditions, reduced seladin-1 expression results in enhanced GGA3 depletion, which further leads to augmented post-translational stabilization of BACE1 and increased β-amyloidogenic processing of APP. These mechanistic findings related to seladin-1 down-regulation are important in the context of AD as the oxidative stress-induced apoptosis plays a key role in the disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Multiple male traits and displays may act in signalling sexually selected processes during courtship. Spotless starling males (Sturnus unicolor) carry green plants into their nests before egg laying, and recent studies have shown that this behaviour is related to female breeding decisions and the production of male‐biased broods. Although the functional implications of this effect on females are not yet clear, data suggest that it could be mediated by female circulating hormones. Additionally, females may show higher androgen levels as a consequence of the increased female–female competition generated by the increase in male attractiveness. We tested this hypothesis using the same manipulation of green nesting material that has been previously shown to result in an increase of male attractiveness in male spotless starlings. We found that females in experimental nests increased their circulating testosterone levels during the laying period. In addition, there was an increase of social interferences in the experimental nests because of the addition of green plants. We hypothesise that testosterone may allow females to maintain their mating status when competing with other females for the preferred males. Addition of green plants also increased the variance in the levels of circulating testosterone, suggesting plasticity between females in their response to the manipulation. We propose that there is a functional link between high testosterone levels, male‐biased sex ratios and female resource‐holding potential in intra‐sexual competition in this species.  相似文献   

Action spectra for the inhibition by light of the accumulationof photosynthetic pigments during the aerobic growth of a photosyntheticbacterium, Rhodobacter sphaeroides, and an aerobic photosyntheticbacterium, Erythrobacter sp. strain OCh 114, were determinedover the range of wavelengths from 380 to 870 nm. The actionspectra for the inhibition of accumulation of bacteriochlorophyllin both R. sphaeroides and Erythrobacter sp. strain OCh 114indicated that the maximum inhibition occurred at approximately400 nm and a low level of inhibition occurred at 575 and 770nm. In R. sphaeroides, the action spectrum for the inhibitionof accumulation of carotenoid paralleled that for the inhibitionof accumulation of bacteriochlorophyll over the same range ofwavelengths. These results indicate that in both species, grownunder aerobic conditions, the same photoreceptor is involvedin the inhibition. One possible candidate for the relevant photoreceptormay be the precursor(s) to bacteriochlorophyll. It is possiblethat the photoreceptor is decomposed by light absorbed by itselfor by an unidentified photoreceptor that absorbs blue light(a photo-sensitizer). It is suggested that the accumulationof carotenoid is dependent on the stability of the bacteriochlorophyll. (Received September 16, 1988; Accepted March 2, 1989)  相似文献   

The breaking of dormaney in Spergula orvensis L. seed by lightand ethylene is accompanied by severalfold increases in thelevels of endogenous cytokinins prior to germination, the largestrise being observed in the cytokinin-ribotide fraction. Pretreatmentof seed with cytokinins does not, however, substitute for thelight or ethylene requirements.  相似文献   

Exposure of aerobically-grown wild-type cells of Paracoccus denitrificans to a decreased aeration caused parallel increases in both PMS/ascorbate and succinate-linked activities of nitrite reductase. By contrast, the expression of the succinate-linked activity was considerably delayed in an insertion mutant specifically lacking the periplasmic 15 kDa cytochrome c-550. In this case the observed activity followed very closely the content of a 40 kDa cytochrome c. A subcellular fraction enriched in a haemoprotein of a similar apparent molecular weight showed the activity of cytochrome c peroxidase and was able to restore the antimycin-sensitive electron transport from membrane vesicles to nitrite reductase. It is concluded that P. denitrificans possesses an alternative nitrite-reducing pathway involving the 40 kDa cytochrome c instead of cytochrome c-550. This pathway branches from the respiratory chain after the cytochrome bc 1 segment.Abbreviations PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PMS phenazine methosulphate  相似文献   

Throughout postnatal development, the gastric epithelium expresses Transforming Growth Factor beta1 (TGFβ1), but it is also exposed to luminal peptides that are part of milk. During suckling period, fasting promotes the withdrawal of milk-born molecules while it stimulates gastric epithelial cell proliferation. Such response can be reversed by exogenous TGFβ1, as it directly affects cell cycle through the regulation of p27 levels. We used fasting condition to induce the hyperproliferation of gastric epithelial cells in 14-day-old Wistar rats, and evaluated the effects of TGFβ1 gavage on p27 expression, phosphorylation at threonine 187 (phospho-p27Thr187) and degradation. p27 protein level was reduced during fasting when compared to suckling counterparts, while phospho-p27Thr187/p27 ratio was increased. TGFβ1 gavage reversed this response, which was confirmed through immunostaining. By using a neutralizing antibody against TGFβ1, we found that it restored the p27 and phosphorylation levels detected during fasting, indicating the specific role of the growth factor. We noted that neither fasting nor TGFβ1 changed p27 expression, but after cycloheximide administration, we observed that protein synthesis was influenced by TGFβ1. Next, we evaluated the capacity of the gastric mucosa to degrade p27 and we recorded a higher concentration of the remaining protein in pups treated with TGFβ1, suggesting augmented stability under this condition. Thus, we showed for the first time that luminal TGFβ1 increased p27 levels in the rat gastric mucosa by up- regulating translation and reducing protein degradation. We concluded that such mechanisms might be used by rapidly proliferating cells to respond to milk-born TGFβ1 and food restriction.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological procedures were used to evaluate cellular responses of fern (Onoclea sensibilis L.) gametophytes to photomorphogenetically active light. Red, far red, and blue light caused rapid changes in the membrane potential of the apical cell of the gametophyte filament; other cells in the filament were not similarly responsive. Measurements made with one electrode in the apical cell revealed that the membrane potential depolarized in red light and repolarized in far red light. Irradiation with blue light caused a hyperpolarization, the rapidity of which was dependent on a red light pretreatment. More refined measurements with one electrode in the tip of the apical cell and another in the base of the cell showed that both red and blue light treatments cause the apical cell to behave as a dipole. Because of the profound, long-term morphological changes that follow light irradiation in this organism, it was hoped to use it to elucidate the role that electrical parameters play in determining subsequent developmental events.  相似文献   

Metagenomic analyses of surface seawater reveal that genes for sulfur oxidation are widespread in bacterioplankton communities. However, little is known about the metabolic processes used to exploit the energy potentially gained from inorganic sulfur oxidation in oxic seawater. We therefore studied the sox gene system containing Roseobacter clade isolate Phaeobacter sp. strain MED193 in acetate minimal medium with and without thiosulfate. The addition of thiosulfate enhanced the bacterial growth yields up to 40% in this strain. Concomitantly, soxB and soxY gene expression increased about 8-fold with thiosulfate and remained 11-fold higher than that in controls through stationary phase. At stationary phase, thiosulfate stimulated protein synthesis and anaplerotic CO2 fixation rates up to 5- and 35-fold, respectively. Several genes involved in anaplerotic CO2 fixation (i.e., pyruvate carboxylase, propionyl coenzyme A [CoA], and crotonyl-CoA carboxylase) were highly expressed during active growth, coinciding with high CO2 fixation rates. The high expression of key genes in the ethylmalonyl-CoA pathway suggests that this is an important pathway for the utilization of two-carbon compounds in Phaeobacter sp. MED193. Overall, our findings imply that Roseobacter clade bacteria carrying sox genes can use their lithotrophic potential to gain additional energy from sulfur oxidation for both increasing their growth capacity and improving their long-term survival.  相似文献   

Changes in Chloroplast DNA Levels during Growth of Spinach Leaves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In young spinach leaves, 1–4 mm long, 7–10% of thetotal DNA of the leaf was chloroplast (pt) DNA. Growth in theseleaves was mainly by cell division with plastid division keepingpace with cell division and maintaining about 10 plastids percell. About 1% of the leaf cells were formed in 4.0 mm leaves.Both cell division and cell expansion contribute to the nextstage of leaf growth, which was quantitatively the major periodof new cell formation, nuclear DNA synthesis and ptDNA synthesis.Relative to the nuclear DNA level ptDNA levels rose to 21% ofthe total DNA and chloroplast.plastome copy numbers from 1500to 5000 per cell while chloroplast numbers rose from 10 to 30per cell. In the final period of leaf growth, cell expansionwas the main determinant of growth and chloroplast number percell rose to 180. In contrast to young leaves, newly emergedcotyledons contained 20% of their DNA as ptDNA and, during cellexpansion, cell number per cotyledon doubled. On average, thecells became octoploid, and chloroplast numbers and plastomecopy numbers rose to 500 and 22 000 per cell respectively. Similarlevels of nuclear ploidy, chloroplast number and plastome copynumber were induced in the first leaf pair of spinach followingdecapitation. When senescence was induced in mature leaves byshading, no loss of nuclear or ptDNA occurred. Following theonset of leaf yellowing and a form of senescence induced bynitrogen deficiency in leaves which had not fully expanded,there was preferential loss of ptDNA which fell from 8200 to3700 plastome copies per cell over an 11 d period. Key words: Spinach, Chloroplast, DNA, Ploidy  相似文献   

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