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A new experimental technique for measuring generalized three-dimensional motion of vertebral bodies during cyclic loading in vitro is presented. The system consists of an orthogonal array of three lasers mounted rigidly to one vertebra, and a set of three mutually orthogonal charge-coupled devices mounted rigidly to an adjacent vertebra. Each laser strikes a corresponding charge-coupled device screen. The mathematical model of the system is reduced to a linear set of equations with consequent matrix algebra allowing fast real-time data reduction during cyclic movements of the spine. The range and accuracy of the system is well suited for studying thoracolumbar motion segments. Distinct advantages of the system include miniaturization of the components, the elimination of the need for mechanical linkages between the bodies, and a high degree of accuracy which is not dependent on viewing volume as found in photogrammetric systems. More generally, the spectrum of potential applications of systems of this type to the real-time measurement of the relative motion of two bodies is extremely broad.  相似文献   

The general method of porcine in vitro fertilization (IVF), involving the co-culture of both gametes in a medium drop, is thought to be the main reason for the high incidence of polyspermy. The aim of this study was to reduce the polyspermic fertilization of porcine embryos during IVF by the modified swim-up method, based on general sperm swim-up technique. Within this design, a 70 μm pore sized cell strainer was used to separate the sperm pellet placed at the bottom of a tube from the mature oocytes placed within the upper region. The separation of gametes using this permeable barrier was to ensure that only motile sperm gained access to the oocytes. It was found that the rate of polyspermy was significantly lowered for the sperm preparations from three boar breeds in modified swim-up method when compared with that of the general microdrop method (p < 0.05). However, the penetration rates were found to be similar in both methods for two boar breeds. The average occurrence of blastocysts with more total cell number was higher in the modified swim-up method, while no significant difference in blastocyst rates between the two IVF methods was observed. The frequency of normal diploid embryos was also significantly higher in the modified swim-up method and polyploidy was more frequently observed in microdrop method (p < 0.05). Our results demonstrated that the modified swim-up IVF method could reduce polyspermic penetration, and consequently produce better quality and karyotypically normal embryos in porcine IVF.  相似文献   

Exposure of endothelium to a nominally uniform flow field in vivo and in vitrofrequently results in a heterogeneous distribution of individual cell responses. Extremes in response levels are often noted in neighboring cells. Such variations are important for the spatial interpretation of vascular responses to flow and for an understanding of mechanotransduction mechanisms at the level of single cells. We propose that variations of local forces defined by the cell surface geometry contribute to these differences. Atomic force microscopy measurements of cell surface topography in living endothelium both in vitro and in situ combined with computational fluid dynamics demonstrated large cell-to-cell variations in the distribution of flow-generated shear stresses at the endothelial luminal surface. The distribution of forces throughout the surface of individual cells of the monolayer was also found to vary considerably and to be defined by the surface geometry. We conclude that the endothelial three-dimensional surface geometry defines the detailed distribution of shear stresses and gradients at the single cell level, and that there are large variations in force magnitude and distribution between neighboring cells. The measurements support a topographic basis for differential endothelial responses to flow observed in vivo and in vitro. Included in these studies are the first preliminary measurements of the living endothelial cell surface in an intact artery.  相似文献   

Inhibition of prolyl endopeptidase by Z-cyclohexyl prolinal and Z-indolinyl prolinal occurs with slow, tight binding inhibition and Ki values of 2 – 3 nM. In vivo enzyme inhibition is also observed with a half time for recovery of enzyme activity of 3 – 4 h.Inhibition of prolyl endopeptidase by Z-cyclohexyl prolinal and Z-indolinyl prolinal occurs with slow, tight binding inhibition and Ki values of 2 – 3 nM. In vivo enzyme inhibition is also observed with a half time for recovery of enzyme activity of 3 – 4 h.  相似文献   

匙羹藤组织培养条件优化研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以匙羹藤无菌种子苗为外植体,通过预备实验确定基本培养基后,采用完全实验和正交设计相结合的方法,研究植物生长调节剂两因素配合和多因素组合(NAA、TDZ、2-ip、IAA、6-BA和KT)对匙羹藤芽体诱导及继代培养的影响。结果显示,匙羹藤组织培养最适的基本培养基为N68;N68+NAA0.05mg/L+2-ip0.4mg/L+TDZ0.001mg/L利于芽体增殖,可用于继代培养;N68+NAA0.05mg/L+TDZ0.005mg/L促进植株长根,可用于生根培养。  相似文献   

单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌(Listeria monocytogenes)是重要的食源性致病菌,能引发人类的李斯特菌病,是全球公共卫生问题之一。该菌易感染孕妇,引起胎儿和新生儿的侵袭性李斯特菌病,严重威胁母婴健康。因此,建立有效的单增李斯特菌感染胎盘体内外模型,解析和探究单增李斯特菌经胎盘感染机制,是预防和控制单增李斯特菌感染母婴的关键所在。本文综述了可用于研究单增李斯特菌母婴感染的体内外胎盘模型,总结和讨论了各类模型的优势和局限性;并着重分析了体外三维胎盘屏障模型在单增李斯特菌感染方面的研究进展和未来研究方向。以期为深入解析该菌经胎盘感染的途径、发病机制提供支持,并为预防和控制母婴李斯特菌病提供科学参考。  相似文献   

【目的】开发一种高效地从造礁石珊瑚中分离、培养共生虫黄藻的技术方法,为珊瑚共生虫黄藻藻种资源储备和生理功能研究积累基础。【方法】首先采用微孔滤网过滤法和密度梯度离心法从造礁石珊瑚组织中直接分离或富集共生虫黄藻细胞,然后用改良的L1培养基在96孔板上对所得细胞进行离体培养,最后进行单细胞分离、培养和(或)平板划线培养获得单克隆虫黄藻细胞系。对所得虫黄藻单克隆藻株进行聚合酶链式反应-限制性内切酶片段长度多态性(polymerase chainreaction-restrictionfragmentlengthpolymorphism,PCR-RFLP)分析,结合内转录间隔区2(internal transcribed spacer2,ITS2)和大亚基(large subunit,LSU)测序进行物种鉴定及系统发育分析。【结果】采用上述方法从涠洲岛的霜鹿角珊瑚(Acropora pruinose)和西沙群岛的丛生盔形珊瑚(Galaxea fascicularis)及柔枝鹿角珊瑚(Acropora tenuis)中分离、培养得到3个虫黄藻株系,编号分别为AP21C1、GF21D1和AT21A...  相似文献   

Riboflavin, suggested to be a radiosensitizer, was studied in murine thymocytes and human hepatoma L02 cell line in vitro with MTT method and fluorescence microscopy. When the murine thymocytes treated with 5–400 μmol/L riboflavin were irradiated by 5 Gy 60Co γ ionizing radiation, the low concentration groups, i.e. treated with 5–50 μmol/L riboflavin, showed a different surviving fractions-time relating correlation compared with the high concentration groups, i.e. treated with 100–400 μmol/L riboflavin. The former had a high survival level at the end of irradiation, but which, after 4-h incubation, decreased rapidly to a low level. On the contrary, the high concentration groups showed a low survival level at the end of irradiation, and a poor correlation was found between the surviving fraction and the incubation time, after 4 h a little difference was observed. The results of fluorescence microscopy indicated that under low concentration conditions, the riboflavin localized mainly in nucleus (both perinuclear area and inside of nuclear membrane), while under high concentration conditions, intensive riboflavin also localized around cytoplasmic membranes. Thus we can conclude: the riboflavin had radiosensitivity effect on DNA under low concentration conditions, and enhanced the damage to cytoplasmic membrane under high concentration conditions. Also the most effective concentration of riboflavin can be evaluated to be approximate 100 μmol/L.  相似文献   

This report describes an efficient plant regeneration system for the medicinal plant Lythrum salicaria via direct adventitious shoot development from leaf and stem explants. Leaf explants were much more responsive to regeneration than stem segments. Of the hormonal combinations tested, those involving thidiazuron (TDZ; 0.1, 0.3 or 0.5 mg dm−3) were more effective than the combinations of other hormones and 0.1 mg dm-3 TDZ combined with either indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) or indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) was the most productive. Rooting was readily achieved when multiple shoots were singled out and cultured on medium containing different auxins. IAA was the most effective on root development in terms of both the number of roots per shoot and the frequency of rooted shoots. More than 90 % of the regenerants survived after hardening for four weeks at gradually decreased air humidity.  相似文献   

该文以猴面包树(Adansonia digitata)种子为外植体,首先筛选合适的种子预处理及消毒方法,然后经过启动培养获得无菌外植体后在增殖培养基中进行丛生芽诱导,将丛生芽切成单株进行生根壮苗培养,最终建立猴面包树离体快繁技术体系.结果表明:75%酒精浸泡3 min+0.1%升汞消毒15 min消毒效果较佳,污染率为...  相似文献   

以红根草试管苗为材料,研究了不同培养基(MS、1/2MS、1/4MS)、蔗糖浓度和植物生长抑制剂(CCC、PP333、ABA、MH)在红根草试管苗保存中的作用。结果表明:培养基1/2MS对红根草保存最好,保存270d后存活率最高。培养基中不添加蔗糖较添加一定浓度蔗糖时植株的形态和色泽差,但保存时间更长,转继代后能正常恢复生长。添加生长抑制剂能减缓生长速度,延长保存时间,最佳浓度分别为:CCC1.2~1.6mg/L;PP3331.6mg/L;ABA0.5~4.0mg/L;MH0.5mg/L。其中,ABA0.5~4.0mg/L对植株的生长最好,CCC浓度为1.2mg/L和1.6mg/L时,保存时间长,360d时,存活率达90%。  相似文献   

When aggregates of HM-1 embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells were exposed to 10(-6) M retinoic acid for 2 days and cultured in medium lacking retinoic acid, they differentiated to nerve cells, endoderm cells, and myoblasts. Cells 2 days after initial exposure to retinoic acid were not significantly different from the parental EC cells, as judged by cell-surface architecture and by reactivity to lectins. On the fourth day, the surface of the aggregates was covered with two kinds of cells distinguishable from the parental cells. The round cells with short villi seemed to be precursors to endoderm cells. Receptors for Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA) newly appeared and receptors for peanut agglutinin (PNA) were still expressed on their surfaces. The other cells, which were round cells with a few processes, might be precursors to nerve cells. PNA receptors had disappeared from their surfaces, and DBA receptors were not expressed. On the sixth day of differentiation, possible precursors to myoblasts were detected; they were flat cells with smooth surfaces. These cells lacked cell-surface receptors for the two lectins, while the precursor cells and the myoblasts excreted intercellular fibers reacting with PNA. HM-1 cells synthesized much embryoglycan, the structure of which was similar to that of the glycan isolated from quasinullipotent F9 cells. The only difference was that the glycan from HM-1 cells lacked DBA binding sites. Synthesis of fucosylated embryoglycan mainly decreased between the second and fourth day of differentiation. As above, cell-surface changes occurred mainly between the second and fourth day. The period seems to be important in determining the fate of the cells, since endoderm cells were scarcely seen among differentiated cells which had been continuously exposed to 10(-6) M retinoic acid during the period.  相似文献   

Net photosynthetic rates (P n) of easy (EK 16-3) and difficult-to-acclimatize (EK 11-1) sea oats genotypes were examined under the following culture conditions: (1) photoautotrophic [sugar-free medium, high photosynthetic photon flux (PPF), high vessel ventilation rates and CO2 enrichment, (PA)]; (2) modified photomixotrophic [sugar-containing medium diluted with sugar-free medium over time, high PPF, and high vessel ventilation rates (PM)]; (3) modified photomixotrophic enriched [same as PM with CO2 enrichment, (PME)]; or (4) conventional photomixotrophic [sugar-containing medium, low PPF, and low vessel ventilation rates (control)]. Regardless of genotype, plantlets cultured under PA conditions died within 2 wk, whereas under PM and PME conditions, plantlets increased their P n. After 6 wk, P n per gram dry weight was 1.7 times greater in EK 16-3 than EK 11-1 plantlets cultured under PME conditions. In vitro-produced leaves of EK 16-3 plantlets were elongated with expanded blades, whereas EK 11-1 produced short leaves without expanded blades, especially under control conditions. After in vitro culture, EK 16-3 PME plantlets exhibited the highest dry weights among treatments. EK 16-3 PME and EK 16-3 PM had similarly high survivability, shoot and root dry weights and leaf lengths ex vitro compared to EK 16-3 control and EK 11-1 PM and PME plantlets. Ex vitro growth, survivability and P n per leaf area of either genotype were not affected by CO2 enrichment under modified photomixotrophic conditions. These results suggest that growth and survivability of sea oats genotypes with different acclimatization capacities can be enhanced by optimizing culture conditions.  相似文献   

Oocytes of Rana pipiens exposed to exogenous progesterone in order to induce maturation have been observed to extensively metabolize this hormone. When progesterone was injected directly into the oocytes, they did not mature, but similar metabolism of progesterone occurred. The metabolites have been tentatively identified as the 5α-reduced derivatives, 5α-pregnanedione, 5α-pregnan-20α-ol-3-one, and 5α-pregnan-3β, 20α-diol, and the pathway of conversion has been examined. Samples of these steroids obtained from commercial sources and those extracted from progesterone-treated oocytes were effective in inducing maturation when added to the medium. Evidence is presented which suggests that steroid metabolism is not a prerequisite for maturation and that the metabolites like progesterone must interact with the oocyte surface to be effective.  相似文献   

以睡菜的幼嫩茎段为外植体,接种到附加不同浓度激素配比(6-BA/NAA)的MS培养基,诱导睡菜愈伤组织、芽及根的生长。研究发现,外植体在1.0mg/L 6-BA+0.1mg/L NAA+MS的培养基上培养10d,可观察到浅绿色的愈伤组织。愈伤组织转接到4.0mg/L 6-BA+0.3mg/L NAA+MS培养基上2周左右可生成芽。对带芽的愈伤组织再进行诱导生根进而形成完整再生植株,最适根诱导培养基为0.3mg/L 6-BA+1.0mg/L NAA+MS培养基。该实验采用植物离体快繁技术成功建立了睡菜再生体系,为睡菜种苗规模化奠定了技术基础。  相似文献   

采用幼胚离体培养方法克服幼胚败育从而直接获得杂种实生苗,对影响丁香幼胚培养成功的各种因子作了较系统的研究.结果表明,丁香幼胚培养的最适培养基为Monnier;最佳糖浓度为50g·L-1;幼胚在50~60d胚龄时培养最容易成功;加入适量的椰乳、谷氨酰胺或谷氨酸及活性炭可以促进幼胚的萌发和生长.低浓度(0.01mg·L-1)BA的加入可以提高幼胚的萌发率;NAA浓度以0.01mg·L-1为最佳.  相似文献   

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