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Laboratory friendly, cryopreservation procedures with respect to cryopreservation formulations and cryopreservation temperatures were attempted, in the present study to ensure perennial availability of cultured mantle cells of bivalve (Paphia malabarica). Screening of cryopreservative formulations with different concentrations of DMSO, Propylene glycol and Glycerol was carried out for cryopreservation of freshly dissociated cells of Paphia malabarica. Out of these cryopreservative formulations, 10% DMSO, 10% Propylene glycol and 15% Glycerol were selected for cryopreservation of the mantle cells pooled from 1-day old primary culture and cell line after 3 passages at the end of different cryopreservation periods. Cryopreservative formulation with 15% glycerol, served as a best cryoprotectant for the cryopreservation of cells sourced from freshly dissociated cells as well as from primary cultures and cell cultures after three passages of mantle cells of Paphia malabarica, retaining metabolic activity of resurrected cells. Both, cell cultures established from uncryopreserved cells as well as cryopreserved cells showed similar alkaline phosphatase and carbonic anhydrase activities thus indicating retention of their biomineralization capacity even after cryopreservation at low and ultralow temperatures.  相似文献   

The mantle of molluscs has been the subject of many studies as it is the organ that forms the shell. Microscopic studies in particular focus on the outer mantle epithelium, but few studies address this epithelium in a histochemical way. In this study, the outer mantle epithelium in adult specimens of Haliotis tuberculata is studied, that is, in specimens involved in maintaining and repairing the shell rather than in generating it. The epithelial cells are studied by scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and by histochemical techniques, including the use of lectins for their biochemical characterization. The epithelium is composed of pigmented epidermal cells with small microvilli and junctional complexes. It furthermore contains a few ciliated cells, as well as two types of secretory cells which differ in the ultrastructural appearance of their secretory granules and their glycoconjugate content. Histochemical study shows secretory cells containing sulphated glycoconjugates such as glycosaminoglycans or mucins rich in N‐acetylgalactosamine and N‐glycoproteins rich in fucose. Furthermore, the apical regions of the epidermal cells are positive for lectins that label fucose, mannose and N‐acetylglucosamine. The role of epithelial cells in the synthesis of structural components of the shell is discussed.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation is widely used for long-term conservation of various tissues, embryos or gametes. However, few studies have described cryopreservation of invertebrate primary cell cultures and more particularly of marine invertebrate somatic cells. This technique would however be of great interest to facilitate the study of various metabolic processes which vary seasonally. The aim of the present study was to develop a protocol for cryopreservation of Crassostrea gigas vesicular cells. Different parameters were adjusted to improve recovery of cells after freezing. The most efficient cryoprotectant agent was a mix of Me(2)SO, glycerol, and ethylene glycol (4% each). The optimal cooling rate was -1 degrees Cmin(-1) down to -70 degrees C before transfer into liquid nitrogen. In these conditions the percentage of viable cells reached 70% of the control. The glucose metabolism of thawed cells was evaluated using radioactive glucose as a tracer. Immediately after thawing, glucose uptake involving membrane transporters was greatly reduced (24% of control) whereas glucose incorporation into glycogen was less affected (68% of control).  相似文献   

Carboxylated poly-l-lysine (CPLL) is an ampholytic polymer compound, obtained by converting 65 mol% of amino groups to carboxyl groups after synthesizing ε-poly-l-lysine aqueous solution and succinic anhydride. CPLL has cryoprotective properties similar to those of anti-freeze protein. The addition of CPLL to freezing medium has been reported to improve the post-thawing survival rate of murine cells, human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, embryonic stem (ES) cells and embryos. In this study, investigating CPLL for its effectiveness as a new cryoprotective material is aimed. In experiments with bovine somatic cells, CPLL was suggested to have an equal or superior cryoprotective effect to dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), the conventional material for cellular frozen storage, based on the results for post-thawing cell survival and proliferation rates. CPLL was demonstrated to have another advantage; thawed cells can be cultured without removing the cryopreservation medium when CPLL is used, but not when DMSO is used. These results suggest that CPLL could be used as cryoprotective material for bovine cells. It is also expected that CPLL can be applied to embryo and oocytes storage for cattle, and similar functions for cells and embryos of other animal species.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrases (CAs) represent a diversified family of metalloenzymes that reversibly catalyze the hydration of carbon dioxide. They are involved in a wide range of functions, among which is the formation of CaCO(3) skeletons in metazoans. In the shell-forming mantle tissues of mollusks, the location of the CA catalytic activity is elusive and gives birth to contradicting views. In the present paper, using the European abalone Haliotis tuberculata, a key model gastropod in biomineralization studies, we identified and characterized two CAs (htCA1 and htCA2) that are specific of the shell-forming mantle tissue. We analyzed them in a phylogenetic context. Combining various approaches, including proteomics, activity tests, and in silico analyses, we showed that htCA1 is secreted but is not incorporated in the organic matrix of the abalone shell and that htCA2 is transmembrane. Together with previous studies dealing with molluskan CAs, our findings suggest two possible modes of action for shell mineralization: the first mode applies to, for example, the bivalves Unio pictorum and Pinctada fucata, and involves a true CA activity in their shell matrix; the second mode corresponds to, for example, the European abalone, and does not include CA activity in the shell matrix. Our work provides new insight on the diversity of the extracellular macromolecular tools used for shell biomineralization study in mollusks.  相似文献   

Testicular cell suspension (TCS) can be cryopreserved for male germ-line preservation and fertility restoration. We aimed to validate a cryopreservation protocol for TCS of domestic cat to be applied in endangered felids species. Testis tissue from adult domestic cats was enzymatically dissociated and spermatogenic cells were enriched. The resulting TCS was diluted in 7.5% or 15% Me2SO based medium. Slow and fast freezing methods were tested. We examined the effects of freezing approaches using two combinations of fluorescent dyes: Calcein-AM with Propidium iodide (C/PI) and SYBR14 with Propidium iodide (S/PI). Ploidy analysis of domestic cat fresh TCS revealed that the majority of testicular cells were haploid cells. Based on microscopic observation, two size populations (12.3 ± 2.3 μm and 20.5 ± 4 μm in diameter) were identified and presumed to be mainly spermatids and spermatocytes, respectively. Both evaluation methods proved higher viability of aggregated cells before and after cryopreservation compared with single cells, and superiority of low concentration of Me2SO (7.5%) in association with slow freezing to preserve viability of testicular cells. However, S/PI resulted in a more precise evaluation compared with the C/PI method. The combination of 7.5% Me2SO-based medium with slow freezing yielded post thaw viability of S/PI labeled aggregated (49.8 ± 20%) and single cells (31.5 ± 8.1%). Comparable results were achieved using testes of a Cheetah and an Asiatic golden cat. In conclusion, TCS from domestic cat can be successfully cryopreserved and has the potential to support fertility restoration of endangered felids species.  相似文献   

In this study, we describe the microstructure and ultrastructure of the epipodial papillae and epipodial tentacles of Haliotis tuberculata using light and electron microscopy. The epipodial papillae vary morphologically; they are subdivided into several subpapillae whose surface is covered by small micropapillae. The epipodial tentacles are large extendable conically elongated structures whose surface is differentiated in two regions: the dorsal region with long corrugated folds, and a ventral region composed of three parts, a basal part with the same structure as the dorsal, a middle part with shorter corrugated folds and an apical part with large micropapillae. Although the thin sections and ultrastructure examination show that the epithelium of both organs is morphologically similar and composed of supporting cells, sensory cells and different types of secretory cells, there is a certain specialization in their secretory product. Although the epithelium of both structures was positive for acidic glycoconjugates, the tentacle epithelium was also positive for neutral sugars. Further specific differences were revealed by lectin histochemistry. Because papillae and tentacles can be extended or retracted depending on environmental conditions, they probably have tactile and olfactory functions.  相似文献   

Although primary neuronal cells are routinely used for neuroscience research, with potential clinical applications such as neuronal transplantation and tissue engineering, a gold standard protocol for preservation has not been yet developed. In the present work, a slow cooling methodology without ice seeding was studied and optimized for cryopreservation of rat cerebellar granular cells. Parameters such as cooling rate, plunge temperature and cryoprotective agent concentration were assessed using a custom built device based on Pye's freezer idea. Cryopreservation outcome was evaluated by post thawing cell viability/viable cell yield and in culture viability over a period of 14 days. The best outcome was achieved when 10% of Me2SO as cryoprotective agent, a cooling rate of 3.1 ± 0.2 °C/min and a plunge temperature of −48.2 ± 1.5 °C were applied. The granular cells cryopreserved under these conditions exhibited a cell viability of 82.7 ± 2.7% and a viable cell yield of 28.6 ± 2.2%. Moreover, cell viability in culture remained above 50%, very similar to not cryopreserved cells (control). Our results also suggest that post-thaw viability (based on membrane integrity assays) not necessarily reflects the quality of the cryopreservation procedure and proper functionality tests must be carried out in order to optimize both post thaw viability/cell yield and in culture performance.  相似文献   

The sequential developmental cycle of Haplosporidium montforti, a recently described species from farmed abalone Haliotis tuberculata (Gastropoda), was studied. Ornamented and operculated mature spores were electron dense. The nucleus of the uninucleated free cell divided successively, giving rise to multinucleate plasmodia, containing up to 100-120 nuclei. Later, the plasmodia developed into sporonts inside sporocysts with irregular contours. Each of their nuclei gave rise to uninucleate sporoblasts. At the next phase of development, a very irregular membranous group of cisternae began to differentiate in the cytoplasm of each sporoblast, surrounding each nucleus and the adjacent cytoplasm. Each sporoblast differentiated into a spore. This process was characterized by the appearance of dense blisters of amorphous material at the periphery that gradually formed the prespore wall and pre-operculum. Simultaneously, in the endosporoplasm, the spherulosome and several haplosporosomes were formed. During the final phase of the maturation process, the spores became gradually denser, and the endosporoplasmic structures were barely visible.  相似文献   

Summary— A useful experimental system from primary cultures of hemocytes from Haliotis tuberculata has been established. Six days after initiation of the culture, the viability of hemocytes remained constant as measured by the MTT assay. In addition, hemocytes showed physiological responses as judged by protein and DNA syntheses in response to treatment with vertebrate growth factors. Porcine insulin and human epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulated [3H]-leucine and [3H]-thymidine incorporation in hemocytes in a dose-dependent manner. No additive effect of insulin and EGF is observed either for [3H]-leucine or for [3H]-thymidine incorporation. The response of primary cultures of abalone hemocytes to vertebrate growth factors confirms their growth potential in vitro and provides a suitable model for further studies on regulation of the control of cellular processes such as cell growth, differentiation and migration in invertebrate cells.  相似文献   

This study aimed to improve a sperm cryopreservation protocol for farmed Pacific abalone, Haliotis discus hannai. Dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO), glycerol, ethylene glycol (EG), propylene glycol (PG), and methanol were chosen as cryoprotectants (CPAs). Four different equilibration time (5, 10, 30, and 60 min), and two types of equilibration temperature (4 °C and 20 °C) were selected at the present experiment. Most equilibration temperatures with each CPA showed significant differences among different equilibration time. Post-thaw sperm motility of five CPAs showed no significant difference at two equilibration temperature. Based on these results, 8% Me2SO, 8% EG, 6% PG, 2% glycerol, and 2% methanol were chosen to determine optimal conditions for sperm cryopreservation of H. discus hannai. The highest post-thaw sperm motility (8% Me2SO: 50.6%, 8% EG: 45.6%, 2% glycerol: 44.5%, 6% PG: 28.7%, 2% methanol: 25.4%) was achieved after exposing sperm to liquid nitrogen (LN2) vapor for 10 min at 5 cm above the LN2 surface and then submerging them in LN2 for at least 2 h followed by thawing at 60 °C with seawater and recovering them at 20 °C with seawater. In this study, 8% Me2SO and 2% glycerol were chosen to check post-thaw sperm quality to estimate percentages of plasma membrane integrity (PMI), mitochondrial potential analysis (MP), and acrosome integrity (AI) using fluorescent techniques. No significant difference in PMI, MP, and AI was found between sperm cryopreserved with 8% Me2SO and those cryopreserved with 2% glycerol. The current study has demonstrated that 8% Me2SO was optimal for sperm cryopreservation for H. discus hannai with 5 min of equilibration time, 5 cm of rack height and 60 °C of thawing temperature. The present research provides more effective cryopreservation methods for H. discus hannai sperm than previous studies.  相似文献   

Poncet JM  Lebel JM 《Cryobiology》2003,47(2):184-189
Cultures of circulating cells from abalone (Haliotis tuberculata) may be used in fundamental research or in biotechnology. This paper describes attempts to develop a cryoconservation method for these hemocytes in order to constitute a standardized cell stock. Among a panel of five distinct cryoprotective solutions, 10% v/v glycerol ('G solution') was the most effective and better post-thaw recovery was achieved after cooling at 1 degrees C/min than after more rapid cooling (3 degrees C or 9 degrees C/min). In 2-day-old cultures, cell viability, assessed by DNA or protein content, was 83 and 78%, respectively, and metabolic activity, measured by the MTT reduction assay, reached 96%. Viability rates were only slightly reduced after 6 days of culture, suggesting a low proportion of damaged cells among the surviving hemocytes. This study identified a cryoprotective solution and a freezing protocol that allow thawed hemocytes to recover a large part of their viability.  相似文献   

Rickettsia-like organisms (RLOs) were found in the commercially farmed abalone Haliotis tuberculata in the northwestern region of the Atlantic Coast of Spain and are described from light and transmission electron microscopy observations. The RLOs measured approximately 1.6 x 0.9 microm and were found in intracytoplasmic, spherical to ellipsoidal vacuoles (up to 8 microm) in the epithelial cells of the digestive diverticulae. The morphological ultrastructure of these organisms was typically prokaryotic, including a plasmalemma and a thin Gram-negative type cell wall. Several ultrastructural changes were observed in the epithelial cells of the host containing the RLOs. The nuclei became pycnotic and several basophilic dense inclusions appeared in the cytoplasm. In addition, the host cell appeared lysed and was ruptured in advanced stages of infection. It was impossible to ascertain whether the RLOs are responsible for this disease, as a haplosporidian infection was also present. We can only conclude that the presence of RLOs simultaneously with a haplosporidian parasite may contribute to the mortality of the abalone host.  相似文献   

Due to widespread applications of human embryonic stem (hES) cells, it is essential to establish effective protocols for cryopreservation and subsequent culture of hES cells to improve cell recovery. We have developed a new protocol for cryopreservation of dissociated hES cells and subsequent culture. We examined the effects of new formula of freezing solution containing 7.5% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) (v/v %) and 2.5% polyethylene glycol (PEG) (w/v %) on cell survival and recovery of hES cells after cryopreservation, and further investigated the role of the combination of Rho‐associated kinase (ROCK) inhibitor and p53 inhibitor on cell recovery during the subsequent culture. Compared with the conventional slow‐freezing method which uses 10% DMSO as a freezing solution and then cultured in the presence of ROCK inhibitor at the first day of culture, we found out that hES cell recovery was significantly enhanced by around 30 % (P < 0.05) by the new freezing solution. Moreover, at the first day of post‐thaw culture, the presence of 10 μM ROCK inhibitor (Y‐27632) and 1 μM pifithrin‐μ together further significantly improved cell recovery by around 20% (P < 0.05) either for feeder‐dependent or feeder‐independent culture. hES cells remained their undifferentiated status after using this novel protocol for cryopreservation and subsequent culture. Furthermore, this protocol is a scalable cryopreservation method for handling large quantities of hES cells. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

Mantle tissue pieces from adult Otala lactea continuously synthesized glycogen over a 72-h incubation period. Acid-saline extract of the cerebral ganglia inhibited glycogen synthesis by mantle tissue in vitro. This effect was dose-dependent. The glycogen reduction factor from the cerebral ganglia was heat stable, protease sensitive, and relatively hydrophobic. The cerebral ganglia extract also stimulated mantle glycogen phosphorylase in vitro in a dose-dependent manner. The results suggest the presence of a hyperglycemic factor in the cerebral ganglia of Otala. The molecular weight of this factor, estimated by size-exclusion chromatography, was approximately 10,000. Mammalian glucagon had no significant effect on glycogen synthesis by the mantle pieces. Accepted: 17 January 2000  相似文献   

The sequence of a gastropod hemocyanin (HtH1 from Haliotis tuberculata)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The eight functional units (FUs), a-h, of the hemocyanin isoform HtH1 from Haliotis tuberculata (Prosobranchia, Archaeogastropoda) have been sequenced via cDNA, which provides the first complete primary structure of a gastropod hemocyanin subunit. With 3404 amino acids (392 kDa) it is the largest polypeptide sequence ever obtained for a respiratory protein. The cDNA comprises 10,758 base pairs and includes the coding regions for a short signal peptide, the eight different functional units, a 3'-untranslated region of 478 base pairs, and a poly(A) tail. The predicted protein contains 13 potential sites for N-linked carbohydrates (one for HtH1-a, none for HtH1-c, and two each for the other six functional units). Multiple sequence alignments show that the fragment HtH1-abcdefg is structurally equivalent to the seven-FU subunit from Octopus hemocyanin, which is fundamental to our understanding of the quaternary structures of both hemocyanins. Using the fossil record of the gastropod-cephalopod split to calibrate a molecular clock, the origin of the molluscan hemocyanin from a single-FU protein was calculated as 753 +/- 68 million years ago. This fits recent paleontological evidence for the existence of rather large mollusc-like species in the late Precambrian.  相似文献   

Sud D  Doumenc D  Lopez E  Milet C 《Tissue & cell》2001,33(2):154-160
In mollusks, the mantle is responsible for the secretion of an organic matrix that mineralizes to form the shell. A model of mantle cell culture has been established from the nacreous gastropod Haliotis tuberculata. First, viability of cells, quantified by the MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) reduction assay, was monitored in order to determine a cell density and a time-culturing period in order to investigate biomineralization processes in vitro. During the first 11 days of culture, an increase of MTT response demonstrated an activation of cultured cells mitochondrial activity as confirmed by the total protein content assay. The effect of a water-soluble extract from the organic matrix of Pinctada maxima (WSM) was tested on this cell culture system for 11 days-period exposure. WSM reduced the global viability of mantle cells in a dose-dependent way which corresponded to a cell death. Alkaline phosphatase activity normalized to total protein content increased in the presence of WSM. This increase may be due to an activation of cells and a selection of one (or a few) cell type(s). Further investigations will help us to determine this selectivity issue.  相似文献   

Summary Embryogenic cultures of interior spruce derived from 12 full-sib families were subjected to cryopreservation, with a 97 % success rate for 357 genotypes. Analyses suggested that cryotolerance was not related to family ranking (height increment), embryogenic potential or culture dispersability in suspension, and long-term storage in or above liquid nitrogen did not affect regenerative potential. By contrast, differences in cryotolerance among cell lines appeared to be prevalent in certain families. Analysis with a DNA fingerprinting probe used for clonal identification demonstrated no evidence of somaclonal variation as a result of cryopreservation. The results of this work indicate the applicability of cryopreservation as a long-term storage strategy for spruce embryogenic cultures from a wide genetic background.Abbreviations ABA ± abscisic acid - BA N6-benzyladenine - BSA bovine serum albumin - CTAB cetyldimethylethyl-ammonium bromide - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - DTT dithiothreitol - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - LN liquid nitrogen - PEG polyethylene glycol - SLS N-lauroyl sarcosine - Tris tris[hydroxymethylamino] methane - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid  相似文献   

Shoot primordia induced inArmoracia rusticana Gaertn. Mey. et Scherb. (horseradish) hairy root cultures were successfully cryopreserved by two cryogenic procedures. Encapsulated shoot primordia were precultured on solidified Murashige-Skoog medium supplemented with 0.5M sucrose for 1 day and then dehydrated with a highly concentrated vitrification solution (PVS2) for 4 h at 0°C prior to a plunge into liquid nitrogen. The survival rate of encapsulated vitrified primordia amounted to 69%. In a revised encapsulation-dehydration technique, the encapsulated shoot primordia were precultured with a mixture of 0.5M sucrose and 1M or 1.5M glycerol for 1 day to induce dehydration tolerance and then subjected to air-drying prior to a plunge into liquid nitrogen. The survival rate of encapsulated dried primordia was more than 90%, and the revived primordia produced shoots within 2 weeks after plating. A long-term preservation of shoot primordia was also achieved by the technique. Thus, this revised encapsulation-dehydration technique appears promising as a routine method for the cryopreservation of shoot primordia of hairy roots.Abbreviations PVS2 Vitrification solution - LN liquid nitrogen - BA 6-benzyladenine - NAA -naphthalene-acetic acid - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium  相似文献   

Manganaro, M., Laurà, R., Guerrera, M.C., Lanteri, G., Zaccone, D. and Marino, F. 2011. The morphology of gills of Haliotis tuberculata (Linnaeus, 1758). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 93 : 436–443. Although the morphology of abalone gills has been studied by some authors, up to date no data are available about the gills of Haliotis tuberculata. This study was carried out, by light and electron microscopy, on 10 wild adult H. tuberculata. Gills lamellae produce an undulated surface increasing the area in contact with water. At the level of skeletal rods, we observed a joint‐like structure that allows a checked movement. The left ctenidium is always decidedly larger than the right, probably because of the enormous size of the shell muscle. The cilia permit oxygenated water that leaves the afferent border and is thrust away at the tips of the lamellae by the extremely long cilia. Ciliary movement may take part in sweeping mucous secretions to capture extraneous particles and remove them from the gills. Three types of mucous cells are distributed along the epithelium of the afferent and efferent zones of the gill filament. They seem to play a role in the cleansing of gills in coordination with the muscle contraction and ciliary movement. The presence of microvilli on particular cells reflects their role associated with the absorption of substances from the environment. A haemolymphatic vessel is located in the central zone of the gill filament. The backbone of the haemolymphatic vessel is a chitino‐like structure, which gives support to the gills.  相似文献   

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