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Fractionation of DNA from mammalian cells by alkaline elution.   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
The method of alkaline elution provides a sensitive measure of DNA single-strand length distribution in mamalian cells and is applicable to a variety of problems concerning DNA damage, repair, and replication. The physical basis of the elution process was studied. The kinetics of elution above the alkaline transition pH were found to occur in two phases: an initial phase in which single-strand length is rate limiting, followed by a phase in which elution is accelerated due to the accumulation of alkali-induced strand breaks. The range of DNA single-strand lengths that can be discriminated by elution above the alkaline transition pH was estimated by calibration relative to the effects of x ray, and was found to be 5 X 10(8)-10(10) daltons. Shorter DNA strands elute within the pH transition zone, which extended from pH 11.3 to 11.7 when tetrapropylammonium hydroxide was used as base. This elution was relatively rapid, but was sharply limited by pH, according to the length of the strands: the length of the strands eluted increased with increasing pH. Alkaline elution was inhibited by treatment of cells with low concentrations of nitrogen mustard, a bifunctional alkylating known to cross-link DNA. On investigation of the possibility that DNA subclasses may differ in their elution behavior, satellite L strands were found to elute more slowly from cells exposed to a low dose of x ray than did the bulk DNA.  相似文献   

The assumption that animal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) does not undergo homologous recombination is based on indirect evidence, yet it has had an important influence on our understanding of mtDNA repair and mutation accumulation (and thus mitochondrial disease and aging) and on biohistorical inferences made from population data. Recently, several studies have suggested recombination in primate mtDNA on the basis of patterns of frequency distribution and linkage associations of mtDNA mutations in human populations, but others have failed to produce similar evidence. Here, we provide direct evidence for homologous mtDNA recombination in mussels, where heteroplasmy is the rule in males. Our results indicate a high rate of mtDNA recombination. Coupled with the observation that mammalian mitochondria contain the enzymes needed for the catalysis of homologous recombination, these findings suggest that animal mtDNA molecules may recombine regularly and that the extent to which this generates new haplotypes may depend only on the frequency of biparental inheritance of the mitochondrial genome. This generalization must, however, await evidence from animal species with typical maternal mtDNA inheritance.  相似文献   

Marmara Sea is one of the main catching areas of mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) in Turkey, and a significant portion of the harvest has been exported mainly to European countries. In this study, Zn, Cu, Cd, Hg, and Pb in mussels from ten catching areas in Marmara Sea were analyzed to investigate health risks associated with consuming mussels. Mercury was not detected (<0.15 ppb) in any of the samples. The highest concentrations of Cu and Cd were 3.473 and 0.740 mg kg?1 (wet weight, WW), respectively, well below the maximum permissible levels. All samples contained Zn higher than 50 mg kg?1, while Pb was above the limits in the samples from stations 1, 4, 6, and 8. Mussels from Marmara Sea are safe regarding Cu, Cd, and Hg but may contain Zn and Pb above the permissible limits. However, metal contents of mussels from Marmara Sea are mostly lower than those of the regions in other areas of the world. It was concluded that Marmara Sea has a potential of being a safe source of mussels if industrial inputs somewhat reduced and controlled. Concentrations of heavy metals in mussels must be monitored comprehensively and periodically with respect to the consumer health.  相似文献   

To determine whether the half-times (T1/2) of the DNA repair processes measured by alkaline elution increased in a dose-dependent manner, exponentially growing 9L/Ro rat brain tumor cells were irradiated with doses of 15-50 Gy, and their DNA repair kinetics was measured by alkaline elution. At 15 Gy, the DNA repair kinetics was biphasic with the fast phase having a T1/2 approximately 6 min and the slow phase having a T1/2 approximately 42 min. As the dose was increased to 50 Gy, the fast-phase T1/2 remained at approximately 6 min, but the slow-phase T1/2 increased to approximately 87 min. Although a dose-dependent increase in the T1/2 of the slow phase of DNA repair (saturation) was measured by alkaline elution, both the absolute value of the slow-phase T1/2 and the dependency of the slow-phase T1/2 on dose were less than those measured by alkaline sucrose gradient sedimentation in zonal rotors with slow reorienting gradient capability. Thus these two techniques appear either to depend on different hydrodynamic properties of the DNA or to have different coefficients of dependency for the same hydrodynamic properties of the DNA. The lower sensitivity for detection of the dose dependency of DNA repair makes it unlikely that the alkaline elution technique will be useful for quantitatively relating the shape of mammalian cell survival curves to the doses at which saturation of a DNA repair process occurs.  相似文献   

A focused ultrastructural study of Marteilia spp. found in cultured Ostrea edulis, Mytilus edulis and Mytilus galloprovincialis from France and Spain was conducted with emphasis placed on haplosporosomes, striated plate-like inclusions and spore wall morphology. Two types of haplosporosome were identified, sphaeroid and oblate, which were common to the parasite in all 3 host species. A total of 492 haplosporosomes were measured; those from the Marteilia sp. in Mytilus spp. were marginally smaller than those in Ostrea edulis. Spore wall morphology was found to vary depending on the state of maturity of the parasite--the more mature the parasite, the thicker the wall surrounding it. It is suggested that the current criteria used to distinguish M. maurini from M. refringens are invalid and that M. maurini was relegated to a junior synonym of M. refringens.  相似文献   

Blue mussels of the genus Mytilus have an unusual mode of mitochondrial DNA inheritance termed doubly uniparental inheritance (DUI). Females are homoplasmic for the F mitotype which is inherited maternally, whereas males are heteroplasmic for this and the paternally inherited M mitotype. In areas where species distributions overlap a varying degree of hybridization occurs; yet genetic differences between allopatric populations are maintained. Observations from natural populations and previous laboratory experiments suggest that DUI may be disrupted by hybridization, giving rise to heteroplasmic females and homoplasmic males. We carried out controlled laboratory crosses between Mytilus edulis and M. galloprovincialis to produce pure species and hybrid larvae of known parentage. DNA markers were used to follow the fate of the F and M mitotypes through larval development. Disruption of the mechanism which determines whether the M mitotype is retained or eliminated occurred in an estimated 38% of M. edulis x M. galloprovincialis hybrid larvae, a level double that previously observed in adult mussels from a natural M. edulis x M. galloprovincialis hybrid population. Furthermore, reciprocal hybrid crosses exhibited contrasting types of DUI disruption. The results indicate that disruption of DUI in hybrid mussels may be associated with increased mortality and hence could be a factor in the maintenance of genetic integrity for each species.  相似文献   

Constan?a harbour is a major port on the western coast of the semi-enclosed Black Sea. Its brackish waters and low species richness make it vulnerable to invasions. The intensive maritime traffic through Constan?a harbour facilitates the arrival of alien species. We investigated the species composition of the mussel beds on vertical artificial concrete substrate inside the harbour. We selected this habitat for study because it is frequently affected by fluctuating levels of temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen, and by accidental pollution episodes. The shallow communities inhabiting it are thus unstable and often restructured, prone to accept alien species. Monthly samples were collected from three locations from the upper layer of hard artificial substrata (maximum depth 2?m) during two consecutive years. Ten alien macro-invertebrate species were inventoried, representing 13.5% of the total number of species. Two of these alien species were sampled starting the end of summer 2010, following a period of high temperatures that triggered hypoxia, causing mass mortalities of benthic organisms. Based on the species accumulation curve, we estimated that we have detected all benthic alien species on artificial substrate from Constan?a harbour, but additional effort is required to detect all the native species. Our results suggest that monitoring of benthic communities at small depths in harbours is a simple and useful tool in early detection of potentially invasive alien species. The selected habitat is easily accessible, the method is low-cost, and the samples represent reliable indicators of alien species establishment.  相似文献   

The method presented is based on the alkaline elution procedure for the determination of DNA single-stand (ss) breaks developed by Kohn and on the principles of DNA quantification after binding with the dye Hoechst 33258. In the present study, modification of the alkaline elution procedure with regard to the elution solution volume was performed. The influences of the DNA strandedness, the ethylenediaminetetraacetate/tetraethylammonium hydroxide denaturation and elution solution presence, the DNA solution pH, the dye amount, and the incubation time for the formation of the dye-ssDNA complex on the DNA fluorometric quantification were also studied. The modified DNA alkaline elution procedure followed by the optimized fluorometric determination of the ssDNA was applied on liver tissue from both untreated and treated (N-nitroso-N-methylurea- administered) Wistar rats. The criteria for the selection of the appropriate estimator and statistical analysis of the obtained results are also presented. The method of the DNA alkaline elution followed by fluorometric determination of ssDNA as modified and evaluated is an accurate and reliable approach for the determination of in vivo induced ssDNA strand breaks.  相似文献   

The potential toxicity of engineered nanoparticles (NPs) for humans and the environment represents an emerging issue. Since the aquatic environment represents the ultimate sink for NP deposition, the development of suitable assays is needed to evaluate the potential impact of NPs on aquatic biota. The immune system is a sensitive target for NPs, and conservation of innate immunity represents an useful basis for studying common biological responses to NPs. Suspension-feeding invertebrates, such as bivalves, are particularly at risk to NP exposure, since they have extremely developed systems for uptake of nano and microscale particles integral to intracellular digestion and cellular immunity. Evaluation of the effects of NPs on functional parameters of bivalve immunocytes, the hemocytes, may help understanding the major toxic mechanisms and modes of actions that could be relevant for different NP types in aquatic organisms.In this work, a battery of assays was applied to the hemocytes of the marine bivalve Mytilus galloprovincialis to compare the in vitro effects of different n-oxides (n-TiO(2), n-SiO(2), n-ZnO, n-CeO(2)) chosen on the basis of their commercial and environmental relevance. Physico-chemical characterization of both primary particles and NP suspensions in artificial sea water-ASW was performed. Hemocyte lysosomal and mitochondrial parameters, oxyradical and nitric oxide production, phagocytic activity, as well as NP uptake, were evaluated. The results show that different n-oxides rapidly elicited differential responses hemocytes in relation to their chemical properties, concentration, behavior in sea water, and interactions with subcellular compartments. These represent the most extensive data so far available on the effects of NPs in the cells of aquatic organisms. The results indicate that Mytilus hemocytes can be utilized as a suitable model for screening the potential effects of NPs in the cells of aquatic invertebrates, and may provide a basis for future experimental work for designing environmentally safer nanomaterials.  相似文献   

The frequency of micronuclei induced by mitomycin C (MMC) in cells of the gill tissue of the marine mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk., was determined over a long period (up to 40-52 days) following treatment. Two doses of MMC (0.5 X 10(-7) and 10(-7) M) were tested at 13 degrees C and 23 degrees C, temperatures representative of the winter and summer thermic conditions of the Mediterranean Sea. In all cases, the frequency of micronuclei was significantly increased by MMC and declined after treatment until it reached a plateau level, significantly higher than the control value. This persisted for a very long time. The frequency of micronuclei induced by a second treatment with MMC performed on the 28th day, did not differ significantly from that produced by the first treatment at the same dose. Temperature did not influence the pattern of the described phenomena to a significant extent. The reason for the persistence of an increased frequency of micronuclei is discussed, and a system is proposed for evaluating the genotoxicity of water pollutants present long before sampling.  相似文献   

Genetic variation was assayed electrophoretically at 13–16 loci in Modiolus modiolus, Mytilus edulis, and Mytilus galloprovincialis. High genetic distance ( D ) values were observed between Modiolus modiolus and Mytilus edulis (1.516 ± 0.523) and between Modiolus modiolus and Mytilus galloprovincialis (1.564 ± 0.539), whereas the distance between Mytilus edulis and M. galloprovincialis (0.167 ± 0.118) was rather low. The systematic status ot Mytilus edulis and M. galloprovincialis is discussed in relation to these lindings and the genetic distance values are used to estimate divergence times which in turn are compared with paleontological estimates. The observations of high average heterozygosity in Modiolus modiolus, and high correlations of locus heterozygosity between taxa are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

The phagocytic activity of Mytilus galloprovincialis hemocytes is thought to be associated with NADPH-oxidase activity of the plasma membrane, thus producing superoxide anions. Few studies, however, have been devoted to nitric oxide release by these haemocytes. We investigated NO generation in M. galloprovincialis in order to understand its role in the defensive mechanisms of these organisms. The presence of NO-synthase-like enzymatic activity in protein homogenates from M. galloprovincialis hemocytes was revealed by the conversion of radiolabelled L-arginine to L-citrulline. We observed partial inhibition of the luminol-dependent chemiluminescence of stimulated M. galloprovincialis hemocytes by both NO-synthase inhibitors and superoxide dismutase, indicating that peroxynitrite (which results from the reaction between nitric oxide and superoxide anions) partially mediated this chemiluminescence. Furthermore, we confirmed the production of nitric oxide by M. galloprovincialis by highlighting the nitric oxide-synthase-dependence of the nitrate and nitrite production of stimulated hemocytes.  相似文献   

Bile acids are promoting agents in colon carcinogenesis. In this work we have tried to characterize the DNA alteration induced by bile acids in Sprague-Dawley male rats. Confirming previous findings, a clear increase in elution rate was observed at alkaline pH. No effect could be observed when the nuclei were washed before the elution, in condition totally unsuitable for the repair of the type of DNA damage induced by typical genotoxic agents. We advanced the hypothesis that the increased alkaline elution rate observed with bile acids could be independent of DNA fragmentation and related to changes in chromatin structure.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii is associated with morbidity and mortality in a variety of marine mammals, including fatal meningoencephalitis in the southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis). The source(s) of T. gondii infection and routes of transmission in the marine environment are unknown. We hypothesise that filter-feeding marine bivalve shellfish serve as paratenic hosts by assimilation and concentration of infective T. gondii oocysts and their subsequent predation by southern sea otters is a source of infection for these animals. We developed a TaqMan PCR assay for detection of T. gondii ssrRNA and evaluated its usefulness for the detection of T. gondii in experimentally exposed mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) under laboratory conditions. Toxoplasma gondii-specific ssrRNA was detected in mussels as long as 21 days post-exposure to T. gondii oocysts. Parasite ssrRNA was most often detected in digestive gland homogenate (31 of 35, i.e. 89%) compared with haemolymph or gill homogenates. Parasite infectivity was confirmed using a mouse bioassay. Infections were detected in mice inoculated with any one of the mussel sample preparations (haemolymph, gill, or digestive gland), but only digestive gland samples remained bioassay-positive for at least 3 days post-exposure. For each time point, the total proportion of mice inoculated with each of the different tissues from T. gondii-exposed mussels was similar to the proportion of exposed mussels from the same treatment groups that were positive via TaqMan PCR. The TaqMan PCR assay described here is now being tested in field sampling of free-living invertebrate prey species from high-risk coastal locations where T. gondii infections are prevalent in southern sea otters.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations of nucleotides in Mytilus galloprovincialis mantle tissue were analyzed. Separation and quantification was achieved by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Total nucleotides show a pronounced seasonal variation with maximum and minimum values in autumn and spring, respectively. Adenine nucleotides accounted for the major part in spring and summer, guanosine and cytidine nucleotides in winter; uridine nucleotides were relatively constant throughout the year. Their inverse variation suggests inter-conversion among them and the maintenance of the potential cell energy in winter by other triphosphate nucleotides different from ATP. These results reflect environmental and nutritional conditions, and also the reserves and gametogenic cycles taking place in M. galloprovincialis mantle tissue.  相似文献   

DNA damage is an inescapable aspect of life in the biosphere. The presented investigations were an attempt to examine the response of a DNA damage as a biomarker of environmental quality in the mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis sampled at differently contaminated areas of Istrian coast, Northern Adriatic. The investigations were performed in order to get information about the genotoxic risk for marine organisms exposed to mixed environmental pollution, as well as the information about the presence of unknown mixture of genotoxic contaminants in the marine environment. Types of DNA damage detected are alkali-labile sites and single-strand breaks measured by Fast Micromethod, interstrand cross-links and DNA protein cross-links by alkaline filter elution and cell cycle disturbation by flow cytometry. The applicability of all three methods for marine quality control is discussed.  相似文献   

Metallothioneins are rather ubiquitous metal-binding proteins induced by stressing or physiological stimuli. Two major metallothionein isoforms have been identified in mussel: MT10 and MT20. Nevertheless the high sequence homology, the two isoforms exhibit different expression and inducibility in vivo. We cloned and produced in Escherichia coli the MT20 isoform from Mytilus galloprovincilis. cDNA was subcloned into pGEX-6P.1 vector, in frame with a sequence encoding a glutathione-S-transferase (GST) tail. Recombinant protein was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity by affinity chromatography. After enzymatic cleavage of the GST tail the MT moiety was recovered with a final yield of about 5 mg of protein per litre of bacterial culture. The metal-binding ability of MT20 was assessed by absorption spectroscopy upon addition of cadmium equivalents and the metal release was checked as a function of the environment pH. Moreover the protein was analysed for the propensity to polymerization, typical of this class of protein, before and after exposure to reducing and alkylating agents.  相似文献   

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