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Summary Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) hairy root clones were established from hairy roots which were transformed with the Ri plasmid in Agrobacterium rhizogenes 15834. The transformed plants, which were regenerated from hairy root clones, had thicker roots with extensive lateral branches and thicker stems, and grew faster compared with non-transformed horseradish plants. Small sections of leaves of the transformed plants generated adventitious roots in phytohormone-free G (modified Gamborg's) medium. Root proliferation was followed by adventitious shoot formation and plant regeneration. Approximately twenty plants were regenerated per square centimeter of leaf. The transformed plants were easily transferable from sterile conditions to soil. When leaf segments of the transformed plants were cultured in a liquid fertilizer under non-sterile conditions, adventitious roots were generated at the cut ends of the leaves. Adventitious shoots were generated at the boundary between the leaf and the adventitious roots and developed into complete plants. This novel life cycle arising from leaf segments is a unique property of the transformed plants derived from hairy root clones.  相似文献   

Super-growing roots (superroots; SR), which have been established in the legume species Lotus corniculatus, are a fast-growing root culture that allows continuous root cloning, direct somatic embryogenesis and mass regeneration of plants under entirely growth regulator-free culture conditions. These features are unique for non-hairy root cultures, and they are now stably expressed since the culture was isolated more than 10 years ago (1997). Attempts to achieve direct and stable transformation of SR turned out to be unsuccessful. Making use of the supple regeneration plasticity of SR, we are reporting here an indirect transformation protocol. Leaf explants, derived from plants regenerated from SR, were inoculated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 harboring the binary vector pBI121, which contains the neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPTII) and beta-glucuronidase (GUS) genes as selectable and visual markers, respectively. After co-cultivation, the explants were selected on solidified MS medium with 0.5mg/L benzylamino purine (BAP), 100mg/L kanamycin and 250mg/L cefotaxime. Kanamycin-resistant calli were transferred to liquid rooting medium. The newly regenerated, kanamycin-resistant roots were harvested and SR cultures re-established, which exhibited all the characteristics of the original SR. Furthermore, kanamycin-resistant roots cultured onto solidified MS medium supplemented with 0.5mg/L BAP produced plants at the same rate as control SR. Six months after gene transfer, PCR analysis and histochemical locating indicated that the NPTII gene was integrated into the genome and that the GUS gene was regularly expressed in leaves, roots and nodules, respectively. The protocol makes it now possible to produce transformed SR and nodules as well as transgenic plants from transformed SR.  相似文献   

Plant oncogenes aux1 and aux2 carried by the TR-DNA of Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain A4 encode two enzymes involved in the auxin biosynthesis pathway in transformed plant cells. The short divergent promoter region between the two aux-coding sequences contains the main regulatory elements. This region was fused to the uidA reporter gene and introduced into Nicotiana tabacum in order to investigate the regulation and the tissue specificity of these genes. Neither wound nor hormone induction could be detected on transgenic leaf discs. However, phytohormone concentration and auxin/cytokinin balance controlled the expression of the chimaeric genes in transgenic protoplasts. The expression was localised in apical meristems, root tip meristems, lateral root primordia, in cells derived from transgenic protoplasts and in transgenic calli. Histological analysis showed that the expression was located in cells reactivated by in vitro culture. Experiments using cell-cycle inhibitors such as hydroxyurea or aphidicolin on transgenic protoplast cultures highly decreased the -glucuronidase activity of the chimaeric genes. These results as well as the histological approach suggest a correlation between expression of the aux1 and aux2 genes and cell division.  相似文献   

Exposed shoot meristems from normal and hyperhydric (vitrified) tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum, were bombarded with gold particles either coated with plasmid DNA containing neomycin phosphotransferase (NPTII), rolC and -glucuronidase (GUS) genes (plasmid pGA-GUSGFrolC) or left uncoated. Meristems bombarded with uncoated particles were co-cultivated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA 101 harboring the binary vector pGA-GUSGFrolC. Whole-plant transformants were produced from 4 of 40 hyperhydric meristems bombarded with uncoated particles followed by co-cultivation with A. tumefaciens. One transgenic plant was obtained from 40 normal, non-hyperhydric meristems treated. Transformation was verified by growth on kanamycin-containing medium, GUS assays, PCR, and Southern analysis. The plants tested through Southern analysis appeared to have 2 or more copies of the transgene insert. Seeds obtained from self-pollination of these transgenic plants segregated 3:1 or 15:1 (kanamycin resistant:sensitive) when germinated on medium containing 100 mg/l kanamycin, indicating transfer of foreign genes through the sexual cycle. Whole-plant transformants were not produced from 50 normal tobacco meristems bombarded with plasmid-coated gold particles and not exposed to engineered A. tumefaciens, but 1 plant of 60 bombarded hyperhydric meristems produced transgenic roots, the result of a chimera. We suggest that hyperhydric meristems are more readily transformed.  相似文献   

TherolC gene ofAgrobacterium rhizogenes codes for a peptide with an apparent molecular weight of approximately 20 kDa. Immunolocalization of therolC peptide, in leaves of transgenic plants which are genetic mosaics for the expression of therolC gene, is restricted to the phenotypically altered sectors. Subcellular fractionation of homogenates from 35S-rolC transgenic leaves shows the cytosolic localization of therolC peptide.  相似文献   

A 5.5 kb Eco RI fragment containing a vicilin gene was selected from a Pisum sativum genomic library, and the protein-coding region and adjacent 5 and 3 regions were sequenced. A DNA construction comprising this 5.5 kb fragment together with a gene for neomycin phosphotransferase II was stably introduced into tobacco using an Agrobacterium tumefaciens binary vector, and the fidelity of expression of the pea vicilin gene in its new host was studied. The seeds of eight transgenic tobacco plants showed a sixteen-fold range in the level of accumulated pea vicilin. The level of accumulation of vicilin protein and mRNA correlated with the number of integrated copies of the vicilin gene. Pea vicilin was confined to the seeds of transgenic tobacco. Using immunogold labelling, vicilin was detected in protein bodies of eight out of ten embryos (axes plus cotyledons) and, at a much lower level, in two out of eleven endosperms. Pea vicilin was synthesized early in tobacco seed development; some molecules were cleaved as is the case in pea seeds, yielding a major parental component of M r50000 together with a range of smaller polypeptides.  相似文献   

Crane C  Wright E  Dixon RA  Wang ZY 《Planta》2006,223(6):1344-1354
Medicago truncatula, barrel medic, is a forage crop that has been developed into a model legume. The development of new transformation methods is important for functional genomic studies in this species. Based on Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of root explants, we developed an effective system for producing M. truncatula (genotype R108) transgenic plants. Among the four A. tumefaciens strains (AGL1, C58C1, EHA105 and LBA4404) tested, EHA105 and AGL1 were most effective in regenerating transgenics. Callus induction frequency from root explants was 69.8%, and plantlet/shoot regeneration frequency was 41.3% when EHA105 was used. Transgenic nature of the regenerated plants was confirmed by PCR and Southern hybridization analyses. Progeny analysis revealed stable Mendelian meiotic transmission of transgenes. Because M. truncatula is particularly useful for the study of root endosymbiotic associations, we further developed a plant regeneration system from A. rhizogenes-transformed hairy roots of M. truncatula. Fertile true transgenic plants were regenerated from the hairy roots, thus allowing the assessment of gene functions at the whole plant level. Segregation analysis revealed that the hairy root genes could be segregated out in the progenies. By coupling A. rhizogenes-mediated hairy root transformation and the regeneration system reported here, once potential genes of interest are identified, the transformed hairy roots carrying such genes could be directly regenerated into plants for more detailed characterization of the genes.  相似文献   

For the development of anAgrobacterium-mediated transformation procedure of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.), an intron-containing -glucuronidase (gus) gene was used to monitor the frequency of transformation events soon after infection of leaf explants. The efficiency of gene transfer was dependent on the carnation genotype, explant age and cocultivation time. Leaf explants from the youngest leaves showed the highest number of GUS-positive spots. After selection on a kanamycin-containing medium, transgenic shoots were generated among a relatively high number of untransformed shoots. The selection procedure was modified in such a way that the contact between explant and medium was more intense. This improved the selection and decreased the number of escapes. Kanamycin-resistant and GUS-positive plants were obtained from five cultivars after infection of leaf explants with the supervirulentAgrobacterium strain AGLO. A higher transformation frequency was observed with the binary vector pCGN7001 than with the p35SGUSint vector. Integration of the genes into the carnation genome was demonstrated by Southern blot hybridization. The number of incorporated T-DNA insertions varied between independent transformants from one to eight. Transformants were morphologically identical to untransformed plants. Segregation of the genes occurred in a Mendelian way.  相似文献   

Expression of therolC gene fromAgrobacterium rhizogenes causes morphological and developmental alterations in transgenic plants. The histological alterations underlying the macroscopic changes and the cellular localization of the site of expression of therolC gene have shown that: (i) the expression of therolC gene is developmentally regulated, (ii) in vegetative transgenic plants, the expression of therolC gene under the control of its own promoter is restricted to companion and protophloem cells, (iii) the site of action of the product(s) of the activity of the rolC enzyme is distinct from its site of expression, (iv) precise localization of the rolC peptide has been achieved by immunocytochemistry but not by the histochemical GUS assay. These results imply that the sites of action and expression of therolC gene in trangenic plants are physically separated. Thus the product(s) of the activity of the rolC enzyme must be a factor capable of being transported. Current models forrolC gene action are discussed taking into account the reported results.  相似文献   

Hairy root cultures ofAtropabelladonna were established by transformation withAgrobacterium rhizogenes 15834. Five clones of them were employed to study the production of hyoscyamine, the main constituent of the plant, together with other tropane alkaloids. The growth and alkaloid production of each clone were differently affected by basal liquid culture media tested. The transgenic plants regenerated from each clone of the hairy roots had different phenotypes and diverse alkaloid productivity both in the cultured condition and in productivitiy both in the cultured condition and in hydroponics.Abbreviations ANOVA analysis of variance - B5 medium Gamborg B5 medium - BA N6-benzyladenine - B.S. Balanced Solution - dw dry weight - EC electric conductivity - fw fresh weight - GC/MS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - MS medium Murashige and Skoog medium - NAA naphthalene-l-acetic acid - PCR polymerase chain reaction - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - TMS trimethylsilyl - WP medium Woody Plant medium  相似文献   

A modified protocol for theAgrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of tobacco (Nicotina tabacum L.) leaf disks was developed for greater recovery of transgenic plants. Modifications include transformation ofAgrobacterium by a freeze-thaw procedure, initial cocultivation of leaf disks andAgrobacterium under vacuum, subsequent growth with nurse cells for one week, rooting of shoots in medium lacking carbenicillin, longer, growth in rooting medium, and a shortened “hardening” step. By this procedure, an average of 1.3 kanamycin-resistant calli were obtained per leaf disk, and 38% of, the callus cultures used were regenerated to produce 133 independently transformed tobacco plants.  相似文献   

A 577-bp promoter segment of Agrobacterium rhizogenes rolC, previously known as the phloem-specific gene expression promoter, was fused to the 5′ end of a reporter gene, β-glucuronidase (GUS), uidA. This rolC-promoter-driven expression of the GUS gene was found to be significantly strong in glandular cells in transgenic tobacco plants. Analysis of this segment of the promoter sequence revealed a myb response element.  相似文献   

We have prepared independent lines of transgenic tobacco plants which express high levels of theSerratia marcescens ChiA protein intracellulary or extracellularly (in glycosylated or unglycosylated forms). We have measured the susceptibility, of these plants toRhizoctonia solani infection in greenhouse trials and in the field. Transgenic tobacco plants which constitutively express theS. marcescens ChiA protein exhibit tolerance to the fungal pathogenR. solani. Disease tolerance is observed in transgenic tobacco plants which express the bacterial chitinase intra-or extracellulary. This is the first report to document disease reduction in the field in transgenic plants engineered for fungal disease tolerance.  相似文献   

Transgenic tobacco plants and progeny carrying coding sequences for neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPTII) and beta-glucuronidase (GUS) were recovered following microprojectile bombardment of tobacco leaves. Transgenic plants were regenerated from bombarded leaf pieces of tobacco cvs. Xanthi and Ky 17 which were cultured in the presence of 100 or 200 g/ml kanamycin for six to eight weeks. Among 160 putative transgenic plants from at least 16 independent transformation events 76% expressed NPTII, and 50% expressed GUS. Southern analysis of plants expressing either one or both of the enzymes indicated DNA in high molecular weight DNA in 8 of 9 independent transformants analyzed. Two independent transformants and their progeny were analyzed in detail. Analysis of progeny for quantitative enzyme levels of NPTII and GUS, and Southern analysis of parents and progeny clearly demonstrated that the genes were transmitted to progeny. One transformant demonstrated Mendelian ratios for seed germination on kanamycin-containing medium while the other transformant had non-Mendelian ratios. DNA analysis of progeny indicate complex integration of the plasmid DNA, and suggest that rearrangements of this DNA has occurred. These results are consistent with other methods of direct DNA uptake into cells, and verify that the microprojectile bombardment method is capable of DNA delivery into intact plant cells which can give rise to transgenic plants and progeny.  相似文献   

Shoot cultures of nickel hyperaccumulating Alyssum murale were established from epicotyl explants of seedlings aseptically germinated on hormone-free MS medium. They were further maintained on media with 0–0.92 μM kinetin. Optimal shoot multiplication was at 0.46 μM kinetin. Inoculation by shoot wounding was performed with overnight suspension of A. rhizogenes A4M70GUS which contains GUS gene cointegrated in pRiA4. After 30 days hairy roots were produced at the wounding site in 31 explant (25% out of 124). Hairy roots were excised and further propagated on hormone-free medium as separate clones. In the first passage clones 3 and 6 could be distinguished by fast growth and spontaneous shoot regeneration. In other clones (12, 23 and 25) shoot regeneration required presence of cytokinins. The five shoot culture clones regenerated from hairy roots were further cultured on media with 0.46 μM kinetin. These shoots were characterized by good elongation and lateral shoot branching, short internodes, minute slightly curled leaves and well developed plagiotropic root system spreading over the surface of media. Thus all plants regenerated from hairy root cultures manifested the characteristic Ri syndrome phenotype. They all had a strong positive GUS reaction. PCR analysis confirmed presence of uidA sequence from the gus construct. They were also tolerant to nickel accumulating up to 24,700 μg g−1 dry weight.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of the T-DNA in Ri-transformed plants of Brassica napus, Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and Nicotiana tabacum was analysed. All the plants studied present a particular phenotype with wrinkled leaves. The T-DNA is composed of two parts: TL and TR. The size of the TL-DNA (19–20 kb) seems to be almost constant, except in N. tabacum where it is shorter. The TR-DNA can be absent, and its size varies from about 5–28 kb, with two predominant lengths. The smaller size does not include the region homologous to the tms genes of the pTi T-DNA. The copy number varies from one to four copies per plant genome. TL and TR-DNA are not always present in the same copy number, but in some cases are linked together.  相似文献   

Regeneration of flax plants transformed by Agrobacterium rhizogenes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Regeneration of flax (Linum usitatissimum) following transformation by either Agrobacterium tumefaciens carrying a disarmed Ti-plasmid vector, or Agrobacterium rhizogenes carrying an unmodified Ri plasmid, was examined. Hypocotyl and cotyledon explants inoculated with A. tumefaciens formed transformed callus, but did not regenerate transformed shoots either directly or via callus. However, cotyledon explants inoculated with A. rhizogenes formed transformed roots which did regenerate transformed shoots. Ri T-DNA encoded opines were detected in the transformed plantlets and Southern hybridization analysis confirmed the presence of T-DNA from the Ri plasmid in their DNA. Transformed plantlets had curled leaves, short internodes and some had a more developed root system characterized by plagiotropic behaviour.  相似文献   

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