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Latitudinal gradients in population dynamics can arise through regional variation in the deterministic components of the population dynamics and the stochastic factors. Here, we demonstrate an increase with latitude in the contribution of a large-scale climate pattern, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), to the fluctuations in size of populations of two European hole-nesting passerine species. However, this influence of climate induced different latitudinal gradients in the population dynamics of the two species. In the great tit the proportion of the variability in the population fluctuations explained by the NAO increased with latitude, showing a larger impact of climate on the population fluctuations of this species at higher latitudes. In contrast, no latitudinal gradient was found in the relative contribution of climate to the variability of the pied flycatcher populations because the total environmental stochasticity increased with latitude. This shows that the population ecological consequences of an expected climate change will depend on how climate affects the environmental stochasticity in the population process. In both species, the effects will be larger in those parts of Europe where large changes in climate are expected.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2005,27(2):125-128
We experimentally tested whether the lack of high-quality nest holes may limit the number of secondary cavity-nesters in cavity-rich habitats. We mapped and measured natural tree-holes in 10 mature aspen forests in Estonia. In five experimental plots, we provided nest-boxes on trees having suitable cavities for hole-nesting passerines. This improved the quality of available cavities but retained their total number (due to territoriality, sites in the same tree could not be occupied simultaneously) and location on the landscape. In the next breeding season, the density of hole-nesting passerines increased in experimental plots but remained at the same level in control plots. The increase was due to the species that used boxes: Parus major that preferred these over natural cavities, and Ficedula hypoleuca that used both nest types more opportunistically. We concluded that the quality of cavities can influence the numbers of hole-nesting birds in old cavity-rich forests, also; probably, adaptive habitat selection is the proximate mechanism in this case.  相似文献   

Breeding season and clutch size of Indian passerines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Livestock grazing is a widespread source of habitat modification, and may affect populations of ground-nesting grassland birds by influencing rates of nest failure. Nesting attempts can fail for various reasons, and determining risk of failure from specific causes associated with livestock grazing would enhance development of range management practices in areas managed for threatened grassland bird populations. Domestic livestock may influence nest failure by affecting vegetation structure, numerical or functional responses of predators, or directly by trampling nests. We hypothesized stocking rate may influence nest fate because it affects the amount and distribution of remaining vegetation, and the number of large herbivores to which nests are exposed. In 2007 and 2008, we evaluated nest fates for savannah sparrows and horned larks under 4 stocking rates experimentally applied in 40-ha paddocks in northeastern Oregon, USA. In addition to stocking rate, we evaluated variables such as vegetation structure and predator abundance and activity to help clarify mechanisms responsible for nest failure. We used a discrete competing risks framework to estimate daily probability of nest survival and failure from specific causes. These algorithms, implemented in a stand-alone graphical user interface-driven model, allow incorporation of covariates within an information theoretic approach to model inference. Although stocking rate influenced vegetation structure, the only nest failures related to stocking rate were from trampling. Trampling events were too infrequent to test for treatment effects (only 1 nest of each species), but occurred in the moderate and high stocking treatments. Additional variables were related to variation in nest failure from predation, but we found no support for the hypothesis that these causes of failure were affected by stocking rate. For savannah sparrows, daily probability of nest success (95% CI) = 0.97 (0.96–0.98); predation = 0.018 (0.008–0.028); and trampling = 0.001 (0.000–0.004). For horned larks, daily probability of nest success = 0.96 (0.95–0.98); predation = 0.029 (0.012–0.045); and trampling = 0.003 (0.000–0.007). Our results suggest grasslands managed for livestock may generally be compatible with grassland songbird conservation, at least for the species and stocking rates examined here. The most effective conservation strategies for improving nest success will involve decreasing risk of nest predation. However, we found no evidence that management of stocking rate is an effective method for doing so. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Capsule Nestbox orientation has species-specific influences on nestbox occupation and breeding success for woodland passerines.

Aims To determine if nestbox orientation had an influence upon nestbox selection or breeding success for three co-occurring woodland passerines.

Methods We analysed 15 consecutive years of breeding data (1990–2004) from 295 nestboxes in the UK using circular statistical analyses to examine the influence of orientation upon nestbox occupation and breeding success for three species, Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus, Great Tit Parus major and Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca.

Results The three species used nestboxes of all orientations during the 15-year period. The frequency of nestbox occupation by Great Tits correlated with orientation (the mean number of nests in boxes oriented south-southwest was lower than the mean number of nests in boxes facing other directions). There was no such relationship for Blue Tits or Pied Flycatchers. Nestbox orientation influenced the breeding success of Pied Flycatcher (the mean number of young to fledge from boxes oriented south-southwest was lower than from boxes facing other directions). There was no such relationship for Blue or Great Tits.

Conclusion Nestbox orientation can be an important influence on occupation and breeding success, but this differed between species. Intriguingly, although the directionality reduced nestbox occupation (Great Tit) and breeding success (Pied Flycatcher) was the same (south-southwest), there was a disparity in the influence of orientation for Great Tit (orientation influenced the frequency of occupation but not success) and Pied Flycatcher (orientation did not influence occupation but did affect success). We discuss these disparities, considering the possible influences of mating strategy, breeding phenology, nestbox microclimate and offspring quality.  相似文献   

Close to the edge: predation risks for two declining farmland passerines   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Data on the breeding success of two crop-nesting passerines, Skylark Alauda arvensis and Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava , were collected in relation to linear features within and surrounding arable crops. Both species were found to experience high rates of nest predation with increased proximity to field boundaries, although the exact nature of the relationship differed with species and, in the case of Skylark, with boundary type. Most nest losses were attributable to predation. During 2006 video cameras deployed on Skylark nests showed that all recorded predation was by mammals of various species, and that these were most active in or around grass margins. The results suggest that further research is needed into ways of minimizing negative impacts of predation on Skylarks. Possible solutions discussed include concentrating Skylark Plots in the field centres away from grass margins and promoting Skylark Plots in fields without grass margins in future agri-environmental schemes.  相似文献   

The issue of predator limitation of vertebrate prey populations is contentious, particularly when it involves species of economic or conservation value. In this paper, we examine the case of raptor predation on upland passerines and waders in Scotland. We analysed the abundance of five wader and passerine species on an upland sporting estate in southern Scotland during an eight-year period when hen harrier, peregrine and merlin numbers increased due to strict law enforcement. The abundance of meadow pipit and skylark declined significantly during this time. Golden plover also showed a declining trend, whereas curlew increased significantly and there was a near significant increase in lapwings. Contrasting the local population trends of these species with trends on nearby areas revealed higher rates of decline for meadow pipit and skylark at the site where raptors increased, but no differences in trends for any of the three wader species. There was a negative relationship between the number of breeding harriers and meadow pipit abundance the same year and between total annual raptor numbers and meadow pipit abundance. Predation rates of meadow pipit and skylark determined from observations at harrier nests suggested that predation in June was sufficient to remove up to 40% of the June meadow pipit population and up to 34% of the June skylark population. This 'quasi-natural' experiment suggests that harrier predation limited the abundance of their main prey, meadow pipit, and possibly the abundance of skylark. Thus, high densities of harriers may in theory reduce the abundance of the prey species which determine their breeding densities, potentially leading to lower harrier breeding densities in subsequent years. We found no evidence to suggest that raptor predation limited the populations of any of the three wader species. We infer that concerns over the impact of natural densities of hen harriers on vulnerable upland waders are unjustified.  相似文献   

Leukemic cells have been shown to generate several classes of DNA fragments after treatment with cytotoxic cancer chemotherapy agents. However, it is unclear which of these fragmentation events are a direct effect of DNA-damaging chemotherapy agents, and which fragmentation events are caused by downstream processes, such as apoptosis. We have performed a detailed analysis of DNA fragmentation events which occur following cytotoxic chemotherapy in four representative leukemic cell lines (HL-60, Jurkat, K562, and Molt-4). We used a DNA topoisomerase II inhibitor (etoposide), an alkylating agent (melphalan), a nucleoside analog (cytosine arabinoside), and a non-genotoxic agent (N-methylformamide) to induce cell death. We studied high molecular weight and low molecular weight DNA fragmentation events, as well as the specific cleavage of the MLL breakpoint cluster region (bcr). The DNA fragments produced at late time points were largely independent of the agents used, while those generated at earlier time points showed clear differences in terms of fragment size and relative abundance, depending on the agent used. In addition, there were clear differences between cell lines in terms of size, relative abundance, and rate at which DNA fragments were produced by treatment with the same agents. We think that this survey documents the importance of studying several different cell lines, time points, and assays before reaching conclusions about the types of DNA fragments produced during treatment with cytotoxic agents, and provides a useful framework for studying a wide range of DNA fragments produced by cytotoxic agents.  相似文献   

Synopsis This investigation was carried out at two study sites to examine the influence of shelter availability, nest site quality and male body size on spawning success of malePadogobius martensi. At Stirone Stream (first study site) individuals were not randomly distributed with respect to usable stones; larger males and females were consistently found to occupy larger stones. Laboratory experiments showed that the bottom surface area of the shelter was the relevant cue for the choice. The number of nesting males settled in a given area increased with increasing availability of local stone cover; inter-nest distance was directly correlated with male size. At Rivarolo Stream (second study site), which was characterized by lower nest density and a greater shortage of large stones, the pattern of shelter occupation was similar. These results suggest the presence of competition among individuals for the possession of larger-sized shelter sites. At both sites, the number of eggs in the nest increased as stone size increased; however, at the first study site, male body size played a major role in male spawning success as it concerns both the numbers of females mated and the number of eggs, while at the second study site, male body size was not shown to influence male spawning success. Factors responsible for between-site differences in male spawning success are discussed.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is one of the major threats to species diversity. In this review, we discuss how the genetic and demographic structure of fragmented populations of herbaceous forest plant species is affected by increased genetic drift and inbreeding, reduced mate availability, altered interactions with pollinators, and changed environmental conditions through edge effects. Reported changes in population genetic and demographic structure of fragmented plant populations have, however, not resulted in large-scale extinction of forest plants. The main reason for this is very likely the long-term persistence of small and isolated forest plant populations due to prolonged clonal growth and long generation times. Consequently, the persistence of small forest plant populations in a changing landscape may have resulted in an extinction debt, that is, in a distribution of forest plant species reflecting the historical landscape configuration rather than the present one. In some cases, fragmentation appears to affect ecosystem integrity rather than short-term population viability due to the opposition of different fragmentation-induced ecological effects. We finally discuss extinction and colonization dynamics of forest plant species at the regional scale and suggest that the use of the metapopulation concept, both because of its heuristic power and conservation applications, may be fruitful.  相似文献   

Prior studies on species‐specific responses to habitat alteration have demonstrated that niche breadth is positively associated with patch occupancy rates in landscapes fragmented by agriculture. However, these studies generally have focused on vertebrates and relied upon data collected at a single point in time, neglecting dynamic processes that could alter inferences. We studied the effects of host selection and forest fragmentation on population dynamics of acorn weevils Curculio, the primary insect seed predators of oaks in North America. Detection/non‐detection data were collected from 174 red and white oaks in 19 forested fragments from 2005–2008. We used dynamic multi‐season site‐occupancy models within a Bayesian framework to explore variation in patch (tree‐level) occupancy dynamics of three species of weevils that vary in their specialization, i.e. their relative selection of red and white oak as hosts: C. pardalis (white oak specialist), C. sulcatulus (generalist) and C. proboscideus (generalist). Contrary to expectations, the specialist exhibited greater estimated rates of occupancy than generalists. However, red oak trees occupied by the white oak specialist appeared to function as sink populations maintained by frequent colonization following local extinction. Specialists also exhibited greater relative variation in occupancy and relative abundance on their host trees among years. Generalists exhibited lower local extinction and colonization rates than the specialist. Occupancy and vital rates of weevils on a host tree increased with acorn production and were significantly influenced by neighborhood forest density. Our results suggest that across much of their range in the eastern United States acorn weevils exist in fragmented, temporally dynamic landscapes, with generalists occurring on a lower proportion of usable trees but buffered by access to more suitable patches and greater patch‐specific survival. More generally, our results demonstrate that estimates of specialization derived from occupancy data may be misleading in the absence of patch‐specific information on vital rates.  相似文献   

林业活动和森林片断化对甲虫多样性的影响及保护对策   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
森林片断化是造成生物多样性丧失的主要原因之一,而林业活动是导致森林片断化的重要因素,同时也在森林恢复中起重要作用。本文从小尺度、局域尺度以及生物地理尺度(大尺度)3个生态尺度分析林业活动和森林片断化对甲虫多样性的影响。在小尺度下,林业活动能够通过改变森林生境或微生境的类型和特性而影响甲虫物种分布。在局域尺度下,林业活动(尤其是森林砍伐)往往能提高许多甲虫类群(如步甲)的物种丰富度(α多样性),这主要与来自周围环境物种扩散以及保留了若干耐受新环境能力较强的森林物种有关;然而,对森林生境依赖性很强的特有种受到了森林片断化的负面影响,面临局域种群灭绝的危险。在生物地理尺度下,林业活动(伐木或森林恢复)使森林生境单一化、异质性降低,从而导致对森林生境变化敏感的物种种群数量降低甚至灭绝。基于以上结果,可以归纳出3个基本原则用于指导林业管理,既能保证林业经济收益,又能维持森林生物多样性。首先,保留大面积的原始森林作为特有种的栖息环境基地,为这些物种在将来森林恢复后重新定居提供资源;其次,由于保护区内原始森林面积有限,且所代表的生境类型有限,所以发展依据自然干扰模式的新伐木方法十分必要;最后,依据自然规律(如火灾)进行森林恢复和天然演替,避免森林的单一化,丰富森林生境类型。  相似文献   

We perform the steady-state analysis of a nonlinear partial differential equation model that describes the dynamics of a managed size-structured forest. The harvesting policy is to maximize the net benefits from timber production over an infinite planning horizon. The existence and uniqueness of the steady-state trajectories are analysed. Closed-form steady states are obtained in meaningful special cases and are used to estimate how climate change affects the optimal harvesting regime, diameter of cut trees, number of logged trees, and net benefits in the long run.  相似文献   

Old nest holes made by the Black Woodpecker Dryocopus martius were examined in two study areas in Sweden. We found a large variation in nest hole characteristics and that the height in the tree and depth of the hole were important factors in the choice of nest hole by secondary hole nesters. A large proportion of old nest holes remained unoccupied. Many holes were probably of poor quality due to shallow depth, low height or narrow entrance. Nest holes in the vicinity of farmland (<200 m from the field-forest edge) were more often occupied than nest holes deeper into the forest. This was because Jackdaws Corvus monedula , the numerically dominant species, only used nest holes near farmland. Jackdaws usually used the best nest holes, while other subordinate species had to use inferior holes near fields or nest holes in areas with less competition, deeper in the forest. Besides birds, some mammals and bees were found using old Black Woodpecker holes.  相似文献   

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