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The physiology and morphology of identified crayfish motor terminals were compared at different seasons. We examined initial excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) amplitudes, synaptic fatigue, and the frequency of synaptic varicosities along the motor terminals of an identified phasic motoneuron in animals collected over a period of 5 years. The physiology and morphology of identified crayfish motor terminals are different for animals collected in summer and winter. In winter animals, phasic axon motor terminals in the claw closer muscle produce large EPSPs initially, but show dramatic synaptic fatigue during repetitive stimulation. In summer animals, these terminals produce smaller initial EPSPs, but are more fatigue resistant. Due to their greater fatigue resistance, synaptic terminals have a greater over-all capacity for transmitter release in summer animals than do those of winter animals. Morphologically, terminals in summer animals have more synaptic varicosities, this result supports earlier studies that have shown that fatigue-resistant motor terminals have more synaptic varicosities. Experiments in which the electrical activity of the motoneuron was experimentally altered suggest that these differences in motor terminals may be due to seasonal differences in activity.  相似文献   

Summary The somata of five deep extensor motoneurons of the third abdominal ganglion of the crayfish(Procambarus clarkii) were located and identified. The positions of these somata within the ganglion and their distal distribution to muscles have been mapped and were constant. The soma of the extensor inhibitor was noted to touch the soma of the flexor inhibitor. Three of the excitatory neurons were clustered near their exit route.Sensory and cord routes of activation of the extensor motoneurons were also found and were constant from preparation to preparation. Sub-threshold recording showed that these motoneurons exhibited radically different types of post-synaptic response to stimuli at different sites in the nervous system. No interaction between extensor motoneurons or between the extensor and flexor motoneurons was observed.  相似文献   

We report some of the neural and muscular circuitry that allows honeybees to control head movements. We studied neck motor neurons with cell bodies in the suboesophageal ganglion, axons in the first cervical nerve (IK1) and terminals in neck muscles 44 and 51 (muscle classification: Snodgrass in Smithsonian Misc Coll 103:1-120, 1942). We show that muscle 44 actually comprises five separate bundles of muscle fibres (subunits), while muscle 51 is split into two subunits. Eight motor neurons innervate muscles 44 and 51. Two motor neurons have cell bodies in the ventral-median cell body group (one innervates a subunit in muscle 44, the other a subunit in muscle 51). One motor neuron has a ventrally located contralateral cell body (innervating a subunit in muscle 44) and five have laterally located ipsilateral cell bodies. Of the five lateral cells, one innervates a subunit in muscle 51, three selectively innervate subunits in muscle 44 and one co-innervates a subunit in muscle 44 with the contralateral cell. Extracellular recordings revealed three types of visually driven, direction-selective cell-types in each IK1 tuned for leftward, rightward and downward motion over the eyes. The spatiotemporal tuning of the units is similar to that of other visual interneurons in the bee brain.  相似文献   

Using extracellular and intracellular stimulation, recording and dye-filling, we identified and studied the superficial extensor motor neurons of the crayfish, Cherax destructor. Functional associations of each neuron were characterised by recording its responses to sensory and abdominal cord inputs, its extensor muscle innervation pattern and its relationships with other neurons. Two clear associations were found among the six neurons of each segment. A medium-sized excitor (no. 3), that innervates a substantial percentage of extensor muscle fibres, and the largest excitor (no. 6), recruited during peak, excitation, were inhibited by input from unknown interneurons that excited the common inhibitor (no. 5). Likewise, these excitors received excitatory input when the inhibitor was silent. Another medium-sized neuron (no. 4) that innervates many muscle fibres was co-active with one of the small excitors (no. 2). The two medium-sized neurons were never active at the same time, and these two groupings may be determined by pre-motor interneurons. The implications of these findings for our understanding of motor control in this system are discussed. Accepted: 21 June 1998  相似文献   

Two opposing muscle systems underlie abdominal contractions during escape swimming in crayfish. In this study we used extracellular and intracellular stimulation, recording and dye-filling to systematically identify each of the five deep extensor excitors and single inhibitor of the crayfish, Cherax destructor. Functional associations of each neuron were characterised by recording its responses to sensory and abdominal cord inputs, its extensor muscle innervation pattern, and its relationships with other neurons. Each excitor receives excitatory input from the tonic abdominal stretch receptors and the largest neuron also receives input from the phasic stretch receptor. The two largest excitors innervate the muscle bundle containing the fastest fibres and may be electronically coupled. The smaller neurons may also be electronically coupled and innervate the remaining deep extensor fibres which display dynamic characteristics from fast to medium-fast. The inhibitor does not receive input from the stretch receptors, but is strongly excited by tactile afferents. The implications of these findings for the current models of the control of abdominal tailflips and swimming are discussed. Accepted: 21 June 1998  相似文献   

Some electrical properties of the synapses between central giant axons (presynaptic) and the motor giant axon (postsynaptic) of the crayfish abdominal nerve cord have been investigated. Postsynaptic potential change in response to presynaptic volleys contains two components: a spike potential and a synaptic potential of very long time course. Amplitude of the synaptic potential is graded according to the number of active presynaptic axons. Conductance increase in the synaptic membrane endures over most of the period of potential change, and it is this rather than the "electrical time constant" of the membrane that in large measure determines the form of the synaptic potential. Temporal summation of synaptic potential occurs during repetitive presynaptic stimulation, and after such stimulation the rate of decay of synaptic potential is greatly slowed.  相似文献   

The uropods of decapod crustaceans play a major role in the production of thrust during escape swimming. Here we analyse the output connections of a pair of giant interneurones, that mediate and co-ordinate swimming tail flips, on motor neurones that control the exopodite muscles of the uropods. The lateral giants make short latency output connections with phasic uropod motor neurones, including the productor, the lateral abductor and adductor exopodite motor neurones that we have identified both physiologically and anatomically. On the other hand, tonic motor neurones, including the ventral abductor and reductor exopodite motor neurones, receive no input from the lateral giants. We show that there is no simple reciprocal activation of the phasic opener (lateral abductor) and closer (adductor) motor neurones of the exopodite, but instead both phasic motor neurones are activated in parallel with the productor motor neurone during a tail flip. Our results show that the neuronal pathways activating the tonic and phasic motor neurones of the exopodite are apparently independent, with phasic motor neurones being activated during escape movements and tonic motor neurones being activated during slow postural movements.  相似文献   

Cuadras J  Marti A 《Tissue & cell》1992,24(2):191-202
The morphology and ultrastructure of cell nuclei in neurons of the third abdominal ganglion of crayfish were studied from alternating series of ultrathin and semithin sections. The ganglion contains approximately 850 neurons with sizes between 10 and 200 mum. Cell nuclei show a great variability. Their size, the chromatin distribution, the number of nuclear pores, the degree of nucleolar segregation and the size of nucleolus vary in close relationships with the cell size.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The pathway and distribution of motor neurons in the uropod muscles of the crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, was investigated electrophysiologically and histologically.
  • 2.2. There were three crossing points of motor neurons between the peripheral motor bundle originating from the second and third roots of the sixth abdominal ganglion.
  • 3.3. It seems that there are no anatomical and functional regularity in the innervation pattern of the uropod muscles.

1. The anatomical arrangement of the cardioregulatory nerves and their physiological activity during cardiac modulation were analysed in Procambarus clarkii. 2. The bilaterally arranged pairs of cardioinhibitors and cardioaccelerator axons, in nerves SN II and SN III respectively, were physiologically identified by correlating spikes in SN II and SN III with the same spikes in the dorsal nerve, which innervates the heart. 3. The cardioinhibitor neurone fired tonically in varied sporadic bursts. During periods of cardiac inhibition, however, this neurone discharged in a long chain of spikes at a characteristic frequency of 40-50Hz. 4. The cardioaccelerator neurone fired tonically at 2-3 Hz but on occasion its activity reached 12 Hz. 5. Three inhibitory cardiac reflexes were analysed. The sensory modalities for the reflexes included (a) stretch of the dorsal pericardial wall, (b) chemical stimulation of coxal hair sensilla with glucose and (c) tactile stimulation of hair sensilla in and below the gill chamber, on the antennae, the antennules and on the anterior cephalothorax. 6. The discharge of both cardioinhibitor neurones showed a weak temporal correlation suggesting a common presynaptic drive, while the pair of cardioaccelerators appeared to have a reciprocal relationship with the cardioinhibitors.  相似文献   

Summary The thoracic homologue of the abdominal segmental giant neurone of crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus is identified and described. It has a small cell body located in the anterior ventro-lateral quadrant of the ganglion and a large neuropil arborization, with dendrites aligned along the tracts of the giant fibres. The SG axon exits the ganglion within the major root which innervates the leg, usually in the anterior region of this root. Within 1–2 mm of the ganglion the axon terminates in a mass of fine branches, apparently randomly located within the base of the root.The SG receives suprathreshold input from the ipsilateral MG and LG fibres through rectifying electrical synapses. It makes output to FF motor neurones, also through electrical synapses. The SG also makes output to at least one corollary discharge interneurone. The SG receives depolarizing inhibitory synaptic potentials which can prevent its activation by the GFs. Some but not all of these synaptic potentials are common to similar potentials occurring in a large leg promotor motor neurone.Abbreviations AC anterior connective - GF giant fibre - IPSP inhibitory post-synaptic potential - LG lateral giant fibre - MG medial giant fibre - MoG motor giant neurone - PC posterior connective - PMM promotor motor neurone - r1 first root - r3 third root - rAD anterior distal root - rPD posterior distal root - rPM promotor muscle root - SG segmental giant neurone  相似文献   

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