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In order to identify genetic factors influencing muscle weight and carcass composition in chicken, a linkage analysis was performed with 278 F2 males of reciprocal crosses between the extremely different inbred lines New Hampshire (NHI) and White Leghorn (WL77). The NHI line had been selected for high meat yield and the WL77 for low egg weight before inbreeding. Highly significant quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling body weight and the weights of carcass, breast muscle, drumsticks–thighs and wings were identified on GGA4 between 151.5 and 160.5 cM and on GGA27 between 4 and 52 cM. These genomic regions explained 13.7–40.2% and 5.3–13.8% of the phenotypic F2 variances of the corresponding traits respectively. Additional genome‐wide highly significant QTL for the weight of drumsticks–thighs were mapped on GGA1, 5 and 7. Moreover, significant QTL controlling body weight were found on GGA2 and 11. The data obtained in this study can be used for increasing the mapping resolution and subsequent gene targeting on GGA4 and 27 by combining data with other crosses where the same QTL were found.  相似文献   

In this study, a genome scan was performed to detect genomic loci that affect fat deposition in white adipose tissues and muscles in 278 F 2 males of reciprocal crosses between the genetically and phenotypically extreme inbred chicken lines New Hampshire (NHI) and White Leghorn (WL77). Genome‐wide highly significant quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing fat deposition in white adipose tissues were found on GGA2 and 4. The peak QTL positions for different visceral and subcutaneous white adipose tissues were located between 41.4 and 112.4 Mb on GGA2 and between 76.2 and 78.7 Mb on GGA4, which explained 4.2–10.4% and 4.3–11.6% respectively of the phenotypic F 2 variances. Contrary to our expectations, the QTL allele descending from the lean line WL77 on GGA4 led to increased fat deposition. We suggest a transgressive action of the obesity allele only if it is not in the genetic background of the line WL77. Additional highly significant loci for subcutaneous adipose tissue mass were identified on GGA12 and 15. For intramuscular fat content, a suggestive QTL was located on GGA14. The analysed crosses provide a valuable resource for further fine mapping of fatness genes and subsequent gene discovery.  相似文献   

A genome scan was performed to detect chromosomal regions that affect egg production traits in reciprocal crosses between two genetically and phenotypically extreme chicken lines: the partially inbred line New Hampshire (NHI) and the inbred line White Leghorn (WL77). The NHI line had been selected for high growth and WL77 for low egg weight before inbreeding. The result showed a highly significant region on chromosome 4 with multiple QTL for egg production traits between 19.2 and 82.1 Mb. This QTL region explained 4.3 and 16.1% of the phenotypic variance for number of eggs and egg weight in the F2 population, respectively. The egg weight QTL effects are dependent on the direction of the cross. In addition, genome‐wide suggestive QTL for egg weight were found on chromosomes 1, 5, and 9, and for number of eggs on chromosomes 5 and 7. A genome‐wide significant QTL affecting age at first egg was mapped on chromosome 1. The difference between the parental lines and the highly significant QTL effects on chromosome 4 will further support fine mapping and candidate gene identification for egg production traits in chicken.  相似文献   

Body size is an ecologically important trait shown to be genetically variable both within and among different animal populations as revealed by quantitative genetic studies. However, few studies have looked into underlying genetic architecture of body size variability in the wild using genetic mapping methods. With the aid of quantitative trait loci (QTL) analyses based on 226 microsatellite markers, we mapped body size and growth rate traits in the nine‐spined stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) using an F2‐intercross (n = 283 offspring) between size‐divergent populations. In total, 17 QTL locations were detected. The proportion of phenotypic variation explained by individual body size‐related QTL ranged from 3% to 12% and those related to growth parameters and increments from 3% to 10%. Several of the detected QTL affected either early or late growth. These results provide a solid starting point for more in depth investigations of structure and function of genomic regions involved in determination of body size in this popular model of ecological and evolutionary research.  相似文献   

Gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) is an important marine fish in Mediterranean aquaculture. Sex determination by age and/or body weight is a critical life‐history trait, the genetic basis for which is largely unknown in this sequential hermaphrodite species. Herein, we performed a partial genome scan to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting body weight and sex using 74 informative microsatellite markers from 10 paternal half‐sib families to construct nine linkage groups (LG). In total, four growth‐related QTL (two chromosome‐wide and two genome‐wide) and six QTL related to sex determination (three pairs in three different LGs) were detected (two chromosome‐wide and one genome‐wide). The proportion of phenotypic variation explained by the body‐weight QTL ranged from 9.3% to 17.2%, showing their potential for use in marker‐assisted selection. The results obtained offer solid ground to investigate the structure and function of the genomic regions involved in the mechanisms of sex reversal.  相似文献   

C. Li  W. Zuo  X. Tong  H. Hu  L. Qiao  J. Song  G. Xiong  R. Gao  F. Dai  C. Lu 《Animal genetics》2015,46(4):426-432
The silkworm, Bombyx mori, is an economically important insect that was domesticated more than 5000 years ago. Its major economic traits focused on by breeders are quantitative traits, and an accurate and efficient QTL mapping method is necessary to explore their genetic architecture. However, current widely used QTL mapping models are not well suited for silkworm because they ignore female achiasmate and gender effects. In this study, we propose a composite method combining rational population selection and special mapping methods to map QTL in silkworm. By determining QTL for cocoon shell weight (CSW), we demonstrated the effectiveness of this method. In the CSW mapping process, only 56 markers were used and five loci or chromosomes were detected, more than in previous studies. Additionally, loci on chromosomes 1 and 11 dominated and accounted for 35.10% and 15.03% of the phenotypic variance respectively. Unlike previous studies, epistasis was detected between loci on chromosomes 11 and 22. These mapping results demonstrate the power and convenience of this method for QTL mapping in silkworm, and this method may inspire the development of similar approaches for other species with special genetic characteristics.  相似文献   

 Stay green in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is characterized by the plant’s ability to tolerate post-flowering drought stress, thereby delaying the premature leaf and plant death. It contributes to normal grain filling and reduces the incidence of stalk lodging and charcoal rot disease during the late stages of grain development. Breeding for improving post-flowering drought tolerance in sorghum hybrids remains an important objective of sorghum breeders. Since evaluation of the stay green response is difficult and unreliable under field conditions, due to the timing and intensity of moisture stress and large environmental interaction, progress in improving drought tolerance by conventional breeding methods has been slow. The objective of the present study was to determine the consistency of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling stay green in sorghum. We re-evaluated the Recombinant Inbred Line (RIL)-mapping population from the cross B35 x Tx7000 in two locations over 2 years and compared it with earlier reports. Analysis using the combined stay green-rating means of seven environments and the expanded molecular map reconfirmed all four stay green QTLs (Stg1, Stg2, Stg3 and Stg4) that were identified earlier by Xu et al. (2000). Similarly, comparison of the stay green QTL locations with earlier reported results indicated that all four stay green QTLs showed consistency across different genetic backgrounds. Examination of the stay green QTL profiles of the best and poorest stay-green lines indicated that three stay green QTLs, Stg1, Stg2 and Stg3, appear to be important for the expression of this trait when the percent phenotypic variation, and the consistency in different backgrounds and different environments, are considered. A significant epistatic interaction involving Stg2 and a region on linkage group C was also identified for the stay green and chlorophyll content. We concluded that Stg2 is the most important QTL controlling stay green, explaining the maximum amount of phenotypic variation. This report further strengthens our view to target the Stg2 QTL region for gene discovery in order to improve the basic understanding of the stay green phenomenon, which might be helpful in manipulating this trait not only in sorghum but also in other cereal crop species. Received: 12 January 2000 / Accepted: 12 February 2000  相似文献   

Willow species (Salix) are important as short‐rotation biomass crops for bioenergy, which creates a demand for faster genetic improvement and breeding through deployment of molecular marker‐assisted selection (MAS). To find markers associated with important adaptive traits, such as growth and phenology, for use in MAS, we genetically dissected the trait variation of a Salix viminalis (L.) population of 323 accessions. The accessions were sampled throughout northern Europe and were established at two field sites in Pustnäs, Sweden, and at Woburn, UK, offering the opportunity to assess the impact of genotype‐by‐environment interactions (G × E) on trait–marker associations. Field measurements were recorded for growth and phenology traits. The accessions were genotyped using 1536 SNP markers developed from phenology candidate genes and from genes previously observed to be differentially expressed in contrasting environments. Association mapping between 1233 of these SNPs and the measured traits was performed taking into account population structure and threshold selection bias. At a false discovery rate (FDR) of 0.2, 29 SNPs were associated with bud burst, leaf senescence, number of shoots or shoot diameter. The percentage of accession variation () explained by these associations ranged from 0.3% to 4.4%, suggesting that the studied traits are controlled by many loci of limited individual impact. Despite this, a SNP in the EARLY FLOWERING 3 gene was repeatedly associated (FDR < 0.2) with bud burst. The rare homozygous genotype exhibited 0.4–1.0 lower bud burst scores than the other genotype classes on a five‐grade scale. Consequently, this marker could be promising for use in MAS and the gene deserves further study. Otherwise, associations were less consistent across sites, likely due to their small estimates and to considerable G × E interactions indicated by multivariate association analyses and modest trait accession correlations across sites (0.32–0.61).  相似文献   

The somatotropic axis consists of genes that are involved in muscular development. These genes are potential regions of study to identify possible QTL for economically important traits in beef cattle. The aim of this study was to verify the existence of GH1, POU1F1, and GHR polymorphisms in Nellore cattle to verify the influence of selection in these mutations and to analyse the association between molecular markers and body weight at different ages, yearling hip height, carcass fat thickness and loin eye area. Six hundred forty-five animals from the Centro APTA Bovinos de Corte, were genotyped by PCR–RFLP techniques. The association analyses were performed with general mixed models taking into consideration the effect of one marker, and other model taking into consideration interactions between two molecular markers. Only the molecular markers rs81109601 on GH1 and rs109136815 on GHR were polymorphic; however, they were not found to be under selection. The association of the GHR rs109136815 marker and loin eye area was observed (p < 0.05), as well as the effect of interaction between the markers and the female body weight at 550 days of age (p < 0.04). The interaction effect should be considered in situations where the interactivity between two genes is known.  相似文献   

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