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The VirB11 ATPase is a putative component of the transport machinery responsible for directing the export of nucleoprotein particles (T complexes) across the Agrobacterium tumefaciens envelope to susceptible plant cells. Fractionation and membrane treatment studies showed that approximately 30% of VirB11 partitioned as soluble protein, whereas the remaining protein was only partially solubilized with urea from cytoplasmic membranes of wild-type strain A348 as well as a Ti-plasmidless strain expressing virB11 from an IncP replicon. Mutations in virB11 affecting protein function were mapped near the amino terminus (Q6L, P13L, and E25G), just upstream of a region encoding a Walker A nucleotide-binding site (F154H;L155M), and within the Walker A motif (P170L, K175Q, and delta GKT174-176). The K175Q and delta GKT174-176 mutant proteins partitioned almost exclusively with the cytoplasmic membrane, suggesting that an activity associated with nucleotide binding could modulate the affinity of VirB11 for the cytoplasmic membrane. The virB11F154H;L155M allele was transdominant over wild-type virB11 in a merodiploid assay, providing strong evidence that at least one form of VirB11 functions as a homo- or heteromultimer. An allele with a deletion of the first half of the gene, virB11 delta1-156, was transdominant in a merodiploid assay, indicating that the C-terminal half of VirB11 contains a protein interaction domain. Products of both virB11 delta1-156 and virB11 delta158-343, which synthesizes the N-terminal half of VirB11, associated tightly with the A. tumefaciens membrane, suggesting that both halves of VirB11 contain membrane interaction determinants.  相似文献   

The Agrobacterium tumefaciens VirB11 ATPase is a component of a type IV transporter dedicated to T-DNA delivery to plant cells. In this study, we tested a prediction from genetic findings that VirB11 self-associates in vivo. A chimeric protein composed of VirB11 fused to the DNA binding domain of lambda cI repressor protein formed dimers, as shown by immunity of Escherichia coli to lambda superinfection. An allele encoding VirB11 fused at its C terminus to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) exerted strong negative dominance when synthesized in wild-type A. tumefaciens cells. Dominance was suppressed by overproduction of native VirB11, suggestive of titrating or competitive interactions between VirB11 and VirB11::GFP. In support of the titration model, a complex of native VirB11 and VirB11::GFP was recovered by precipitation with anti-GFP antibodies from detergent-solubilized A. tumefaciens cell extracts. VirB11 was shown by cI repressor fusion and immunoprecipitation assays to interact with VirB11 derivatives encoded by (i) 11 dominant negative alleles, (ii) recessive alleles bearing codon substitutions or deletions in the Walker A nucleotide binding motif, and (iii) alleles corresponding to the 5' and 3' halves of virB11. Further immunoprecipitation studies showed a hybrid protein composed of the N-terminal half of VirB11 fused to GFP interacted with mutant proteins exerting dominant effects and with a recessive Walker A deletion mutant (Delta GKT174-176). By contrast, a hybrid protein composed of the C-terminal half fused to GFP interacted with mutants exerting dominant effects but not the Walker A mutant protein. Together, these studies establish that VirB11 assembles as homomultimers in vivo via domains residing in each half of the protein. Furthermore, ATP binding appears to be critical for C-terminal interactions required for assembly of productive homomultimers.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens genetically transforms plant cells by transferring a specific DNA fragment from the bacterium through several biological membranes to the plant nucleus where the DNA is integrated. This complex DNA transport process likely involves membrane-localized proteins in both the plant and the bacterium. The 11 hydrophobic or membrane-localized proteins of the virB operon are excellent candidates to have a role in DNA export from agrobacteria. Here, we show by TnphoA mutagenesis and immunogold electron microscopy that one of the VirB proteins, VirB8, is located at the inner membrane. The observation that a virB8::TnphoA fusion restores export of alkaline phosphatase to the periplasm suggests that VirB8 spans the inner membrane. Immunogold labeling of VirB8 was detected on the inner membrane of vir-induced A. tumefaciens by transmission electron microscopy. Compared with that of the controls, VirB8 labeling was significantly greater on the inner membrane than on the other cell compartments. These results confirm the inner membrane localization of VirB8 and strengthen the hypothesis that VirB proteins help form a transfer DNA export channel or gate.  相似文献   

The mechanism of DNA transmission between distinct organisms has remained a subject of long-standing interest. Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediates the transfer of plant oncogenes in the form of a 25-kb T-DNA sector of a resident Ti plasmid. A growing body of evidence leading to the elucidation of the mechanism involved in T-DNA transfer comes from studies on the vir genes contained in six major operons that are required for the T-DNA transfer process. Recent comparative amino acid sequence studies of the products of these vir genes have revealed interesting similarities between Tra proteins of Escherichia coli F factor, which are involved in the biosynthesis and assembly of a conjugative pilus, and VirB proteins encoded by genes of the virB operon of A. tumefaciens pTiC58. We have previously identified VirB2 as a pilin-like protein with processing features similar to those of TraA of the F plasmid and have shown that VirB2 is required for the biosynthesis of pilin on a flagella-free Agrobacterium strain. In the present work, VirB2 is found to be processed and localized primarily to the cytoplasmic membrane in E. coli. Cleavage of VirB2 was predicted previously to occur between alanine and glutamine in the sequence -Pro-Ala-Ala-Ala-Glu-Ser-. This peptidase cleavage sequence was mutated by an amino acid substitution for one of the alanine residues (D for A at position 45 [A45D]), by deletion of the three adjacent alanines, and by a frameshift mutation 22 bp upstream of the predicted Ala-Glu cleavage site. With the exception of the frameshift mutation, the alanine mutations do not prevent VirB2 processing in E. coli, while in A. tumefaciens they result in VirB2 instability, since no holo- or processed protein is detectable. All of the above mutations abolish virulence. The frameshift mutation abolishes processing in both organisms. These results indicate that VirB2 is processed into a 7.2-kDa structural protein. The cleavage site in E. coli appears to differ from that predicted in A. tumefaciens. Yet, the cleavage sites are relatively close to each other since the final cleavage products are similar in size and are produced irrespective of the length of the amino-terminal portion of the holoprotein. As we observed previously, the similarity between the processing of VirB2 in A. tumefaciens and the processing of the propilin TraA of the F plasmid now extends to E. coli.  相似文献   

The Agrobacterium tumefaciens virB7 gene product contains a typical signal sequence ending with a consensus signal peptidase II cleavage site characteristic of bacterial lipoproteins. VirB7 was shown to be processed as a lipoprotein by (i) in vivo labeling of native VirB7 and a VirB7::PhoA fusion with [3H]palmitic acid and (ii) inhibition of VirB7 processing by globomycin, a known inhibitor of signal peptidase II. A VirB7 derivative sustaining a Ser substitution for the invariant Cys-15 residue within the signal peptidase II cleavage site could not be visualized immunologically and failed to complement a delta virB7 mutation, establishing the importance of this putative lipid attachment site for VirB7 maturation and function. VirB7 partitioned predominantly with outer membrane fractions from wild-type A348 cells as well as a delta virB operon derivative transformed with a virB7 expression plasmid. Expression of virB7 fused to phoA, the alkaline phosphatase gene of Escherichia coli, gave rise to high alkaline phosphatase activities in E. coli and A. tumefaciens cells, providing genetic evidence for the export of VirB7 in these hosts. VirB7 was shown to be intrinsically resistant to proteinase K; by contrast, a VirB7::PhoA derivative was degraded by proteinase K treatment of A. tumefaciens spheroplasts and remained intact upon treatment of whole cells. Together, the results of these studies favor a model in which VirB7 is topologically configured as a monotopic protein with its amino terminus anchored predominantly to the outer membrane and with its hydrophilic carboxyl domain located in the periplasmic space. Parallel studies of VirB5, VirB8, VirB9, and VirB10 established that each of these membrane-associated proteins also contains a large periplasmic domain whereas VirB11 resides predominantly or exclusively within the interior of the cell.  相似文献   

A L Jones  K Shirasu    C I Kado 《Journal of bacteriology》1994,176(17):5255-5261
The process of T-DNA transfer from Agrobacterium tumefaciens to plant cells is thought to involve passage of a DNA-protein complex through a specialized structure in the bacterial membrane. The virB operon of A. tumefaciens encodes 11 proteins, of which 9 are known to be located in the membranes and 10 have been shown to be essential for virulence. Sequence comparisons between proteins encoded by the virB operon and those encoded by operons from conjugative plasmids indicated that VirB proteins may form a structure similar to a conjugative pilus. Here, we examine the effects of mutations in virB4 on the accumulation and localization of other VirB proteins. VirB4 shares amino acid sequence similarity with the TraC protein of plasmid F, which is essential for pilus formation in Escherichia coli, and with the PtlC protein of Bordetella pertussis, which is required for toxin secretion. Polar and nonpolar virB4 mutants were examined, and all were shown to be unable to accumulate VirB3 protein to wild-type levels. A low level of VirB3 protein which was present in induced NT1RE cells harboring virB4 nonpolar mutant pBM1130 was found to associate with the inner membrane fraction only, whereas in wild-type cells VirB3 associated with both inner and outer membranes. The results indicate that for VirB3 to accumulate in the outer membrane, VirB4 must also be present, and it is possible that one role of VirB4 is in the correct assembly of a VirB protein membrane structure.  相似文献   

VirB9 and VirB7 are essential components of the putative VirB membrane channel required for transfer of the T-complex from Agrobacterium tumefaciens into plants. In this report, we present a biochemical analysis of their interaction and cellular localization. A comparison of relative electrophoretic mobilities under nonreducing and reducing conditions suggested that they form thiol-sensitive complexes with other proteins. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis identified one complex as a heterodimer of VirB9 and VirB7 covalently linked by a disulfide bond, as well as VirB7 homodimers and monomers. Immunoprecipitation with VirB9-specific antiserum isolated the heterodimeric VirB9-VirB7 complex. Incubation with reducing agent split the complex into its constituent VirB9 and VirB7, which further confirmed linkage via cysteine residues. The interaction between VirB9 and VirB7 also was observed in the yeast two-hybrid system. Membrane attachment of VirB9-VirB7 may be conferred by lipoprotein modification, since labeling with [3H]palmitic acid in A. tumefaciens verified that VirB7 is a lipoprotein associated with VirB9. VirB9 and VirB7 showed equal distribution between inner and outer membranes, in accord with their proposed association with the transmembrane VirB complex.  相似文献   

Kumar RB  Das A 《Journal of bacteriology》2001,183(12):3636-3641
The VirB8 protein of Agrobacterium tumefaciens is essential for DNA transfer to plants. VirB8, a 237-residue polypeptide, is an integral membrane protein with a short N-terminal cytoplasmic domain. It interacts with two transport pore proteins, VirB9 and VirB10, in addition to itself. To study the role of these interactions in DNA transfer and to identify essential amino acids of VirB8, we introduced random mutations in virB8 by the mutagenic PCR method. The putative mutants were tested for VirB8 function by the ability to complement a virB8 deletion mutant in tumor formation assays. After multiple rounds of screening 13 mutants that failed to complement the virB8 deletion mutation were identified. Analysis of the mutant strains by DNA sequence analysis, Western blot assays, and reconstruction of new point mutations led to the identification of five amino acid residues that are essential for VirB8 function. The substitution of glycine-78 to serine, serine-87 to leucine, alanine-100 to valine, arginine-107 to proline or alanine, and threonine-192 to methionine led to the loss of VirB8 activity. When introduced into the wild-type strain, virB8(S87L) partially suppressed the tumor forming ability of the wild-type protein. Analysis of protein-protein interaction by the yeast two-hybrid assay indicated that VirB8(R107P) is defective in interactions with both VirB9 and VirB10. A second mutant VirB8(S87L) is defective in interaction with VirB9.  相似文献   

The Agrobacterium tumefaciens virB7 gene product is a lipoprotein whose function is required for the transmission of oncogenic T-DNA to susceptible plant cells. Three lines of study provided evidence that VirB7 interacts with and stabilizes other VirB proteins during the assembly of the putative T-complex transport apparatus. First, a precise deletion of virB7 from the pTiA6NC plasmid of wild-type strain A348 was correlated with significant reductions in the steady-state levels of several VirB proteins, including VirB4, VirB9, VirB10, and VirB11; trans expression of virB7 in the delta virB7 mutant partially restored the levels of these proteins, and trans coexpression of virB7 and virB8 fully restored the levels of these proteins to wild-type levels. Second, modulation of VirB7 levels resulted in corresponding changes in the levels of other VirB proteins in the following cell types: (i) a delta virB7 mutant expressing virB7 and virB8 from isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG)-inducible Plac and other virB genes from acetosyringone (AS)-inducible PvirB; (ii) a delta virB operon mutant expressing virB7 and virB8 from Plac and virB9, virB10, and virB11 from PvirB; and (iii) a delta virB operon mutant expressing virB7 from IPTG-inducible Pklac and virB9 from an AS-inducible PvirB. Third, the synthesis of a VirB7::PhoA fusion protein in strain A348 was correlated with a significant reduction in the steady-state levels of VirB4, VirB5, and VirB7 through VirB11; these cells also exhibited a severely attenuated virulence phenotype, indicating that synthesis of the fusion protein perturbs the assembly of VirB proteins into a stabilized protein complex required for T-complex transport. Extracts of AS-induced cells electrophoresed under nonreducing conditions possessed undetectable levels of the 32-kDa VirB9 and 4.5-kDa VirB7 monomers and instead possessed a 36-kDa complex that cross-reacted with both VirB7 and VirB9 antisera and accumulated as a function of virB7 expression. Our results are consistent with a model in which VirB7 stabilizes VirB9 by formation of a covalent intermolecular cross-link; in turn, the VirB7-VirB9 heterodimer promotes the assembly of a functional T-complex transport machinery.  相似文献   

virB11, one of the 11 genes of the virB operon, is absolutely required for transport of T-DNA from Agrobacterium tumefaciens into plant cells. Previous studies reported that VirB11 is an ATPase with autophosphorylation activity and localizes to the inner membrane even though the protein does not contain the consensus N-terminal export sequence. In this report, we show that VirB11 localizes to the inner membrane even in the absence of other tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmid-encoded proteins. To facilitate the further characterization of VirB11, we purified this protein from the soluble fraction of an Escherichia coli extract by fusing VirB11 to the maltose-binding protein. The maltose-binding protein-VirB11 fusion was able to complement a virB11 deletion mutant of A. tumefaciens for tumor formation and also localized properly to the inner membrane of A. tumefaciens. The 72-kDa protein, purified from E. coli, exhibited no autophosphorylation, ATPase activity, or ATP-binding activity. To study the importance of the Walker nucleotide-binding site present in VirB11, mutations were generated to replace the conserved lysine residue with either alanine or arginine. Expression of the virB11K175A mutant gene resulted in an avirulent phenotype, and expression of the virB11K175R mutant gene gave rise to an attenuated virulence phenotype. Both mutant proteins were present at levels three to four times higher than that of VirB11 in the wild-type strain. The mutant genes did not exhibit a transdominant phenotype on tumor formation in bacteria that were expressing wild-type virB11. The mutant proteins also localized properly to the inner membrane of A. tumefaciens, but the VirB11K175R protein appeared to be unstable after lysis of the cells.  相似文献   

Abstract The osa gene of IncW plasmid pSa encodes a 21-kDa protein that completely abolishes the oncogenic activity encoded by virulence genes in Agrobacterium tumefaciens. osa is the last gene of a four-gene operon in pSa, the expression of which appears to be highly regulated since the Osa protein is absent when either pSa or the osa operon is present in the Agrobacterium cell. When the osa gene alone or together with upstream genes within the operon are expressed under the control of a constitutive promoter, Osa protein is produced, enabling us to determine its subcellular location. Immunoblot analyses located Osa protein at the inner membrane of both A. tumefaciens and Escherichia coli . Because Osa inhibits oncogenicity of A. tumefaciens , and because alterations of the products of the virB and virD genes affect oncogenicity, studies were conducted to determine if there are changes in their specific association with the membranes in the presence Osa. Immunoblot analyses of VirB2, VirB3, VirB4, VirB9, and VirD4 in the presence and absence of Osa revealed no differences between the two treatments in these Vir protein associations with the membranes. These results indicate that both virB and virD gene products are produced in the presence of Osa; that they appear unaffected in their association with the membranes; and that Osa is associated with the inner membrane, where VirB2, VirB4, and VirD4 proteins are also located.  相似文献   

VirB6 from Agrobacterium tumefaciens is an essential component of the type IV secretion machinery for T pilus formation and genetic transformation of plants. Due to its predicted topology as a polytopic inner membrane protein, it was proposed to form the transport pore for cell-to-cell transfer of genetic material and proteinaceous virulence factors. Here, we show that the absence of VirB6 leads to reduced cellular levels of VirB5 and VirB3, which were proposed to assist T pilus formation as minor component(s) or assembly factor(s), respectively. Overexpression of virB6 in trans restored levels of cell-bound and T pilus-associated VirB5 to wild type but did not restore VirB3 levels. Thus, VirB6 has a stabilizing effect on VirB5 accumulation, thereby regulating T pilus assembly. In the absence of VirB6, cell-bound VirB7 monomers and VirB7-VirB9 heterodimers were reduced and VirB7 homodimer formation was abolished. This effect could not be restored by expression of VirB6 in trans. Expression of TraD, a component of the transfer machinery of the IncN plasmid pKM101, with significant sequence similarity to VirB6, restored neither protein levels nor bacterial virulence but partly permitted T pilus formation in a virB6 deletion strain. VirB6 may therefore regulate T pilus formation by direct interaction with VirB5, and wild-type levels of VirB3 and VirB7 homodimers are not required.  相似文献   

Gram-negative type IV secretion systems (T4SSs) transfer proteins and DNA to eukaryotic and/or prokaryotic recipients resulting in pathogenesis or conjugative DNA transfer. VirB4, one of the most conserved proteins in these systems, has both energetic and structural roles in substrate translocation. We previously predicted a structural model for the large C-terminal domain (residues 425-789) of VirB4 of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Here we have defined a homology-based structural model for Agrobacterium VirB11. Both VirB4 and VirB11 models predict hexameric oligomers. Yeast two-hybrid interactions define peptides in the C terminus of VirB4 and the N terminus of VirB11 that interact with each other. These interactions were mapped onto the homology models to predict direct interactions between the hexameric interfaces of VirB4 and VirB11 such that the VirB4 C terminus stacks above VirB11 in the periplasm. In support of this, fractionation and Western blotting show that the VirB4 C terminus is localized to the membrane and periplasm rather than the cytoplasm of cells. Additional high resolution yeast two-hybrid results demonstrate interactions between the C terminus of VirB4 and the periplasmic portions of VirB1, VirB8, and VirB10. Genetic studies reveal dominant negative interactions and thus function of the VirB4 C terminus in vivo. The above data are integrated with the existing body of literature to propose a structural, periplasmic role for the C-terminal half of the Agrobacterium VirB4 protein.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens VirB proteins assemble a type IV secretion apparatus for the transfer of DNA and proteins to plant cells. To study the role of the VirB6 protein in the assembly and function of the type IV apparatus, we determined its subcellular location by immunofluorescence microscopy. In wild-type bacteria VirB6 localized to the cell poles but in the absence of the tumour-inducing plasmid it localized to random sites on the cell membranes. Five of the 11 VirB proteins, VirB7-VirB11, are required for the polar localization of VirB6. We identified two regions of VirB6, a conserved tryptophan residue at position 197 and the extreme C-terminus, that are essential for its polar localization. Topology determination by PhoA fusion analysis placed both regions in the cell cytoplasm. Alteration of tryptophan 197 or the deletion of the extreme C-terminus led to the mislocalization of the mutant protein. The mutations abolished the DNA transfer function of the protein as well. The C-terminus of VirB6, in silico, can form an amphipathic helix that may encode a protein-protein interaction domain essential for targeting the protein to a cell pole. We previously reported that another DNA transfer protein, VirD4, localizes to a cell pole. To determine whether VirB6 and VirD4 localize to the same pole, we performed colocalization experiments. Both proteins localized to the same pole indicating that VirB6 and VirD4 are in close proximity and VirB6 is probably a component of the transport apparatus.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens transfers oncogenic T-DNA and effector proteins to plant cells via a type IV secretion pathway. This transfer system, assembled from the products of the virB operon, is thought to consist of a transenvelope mating channel and the T pilus. When screened for the presence of VirB and VirE proteins, material sheared from the cell surface of octopine strain A348 was seen to possess detectable levels of VirB2 pilin, VirB5, and the VirB7 outer membrane lipoprotein. Material sheared from the cell surface of most virB gene deletion mutants also possessed VirB7, but not VirB2 or VirB5. During purification of the T pilus from wild-type cells, VirB2, VirB5, and VirB7 cofractionated through successive steps of gel filtration chromatography and sucrose density gradient centrifugation. A complex containing VirB2 and VirB7 was precipitated from a gel filtration fraction enriched for T pilus with both anti-VirB2 and anti-VirB7 antiserum. Both the exocellular and cellular forms of VirB7 migrated as disulfide-cross-linked dimers and monomers when samples were electrophoresed under nonreducing conditions. A mutant synthesizing VirB7 with a Ser substitution of the lipid-modified Cys15 residue failed to elaborate the T pilus, whereas a mutant synthesizing VirB7 with a Ser substitution for the disulfide-reactive Cys24 residue produced very low levels of T pilus. Together, these findings establish that the VirB7 lipoprotein localizes exocellularly, it associates with the T pilus, and both VirB7 lipid modification and disulfide cross-linking are important for T-pilus assembly. T-pilus-associated VirB2 migrated in nonreducing gels as a monomer and a disulfide-cross-linked homodimer, whereas cellular VirB2 migrated as a monomer. A strain synthesizing a VirB2 mutant with a Ser substitution for the reactive Cys64 residue elaborated T pilus but exhibited an attenuated virulence phenotype. Dithiothreitol-treated T pilus composed of native VirB2 pilin and untreated T pilus composed of the VirB2C64S mutant pilin distributed in sucrose gradients more predominantly in regions of lower sucrose density than untreated, native T pili. These findings indicate that intermolecular cross-linking of pilin monomers is not required for T-pilus production, but cross-linking does contribute to T-pilus stabilization.  相似文献   

This study characterized the contribution of Agrobacterium tumefaciens VirB6, a polytopic inner membrane protein, to the formation of outer membrane VirB7 lipoprotein and VirB9 protein multimers required for type IV secretion. VirB7 assembles as a disulfide cross-linked homodimer that associates with the T pilus and a VirB7-VirB9 heterodimer that stabilizes other VirB proteins during biogenesis of the secretion machine. Two presumptive VirB protein complexes, composed of VirB6, VirB7, and VirB9 and of VirB7, VirB9, and VirB10, were isolated by immunoprecipitation or glutathione S-transferase pulldown assays from detergent-solubilized membrane extracts of wild-type A348 and a strain producing only VirB6 through VirB10 among the VirB proteins. To examine the biological importance of VirB6 complex formation for type IV secretion, we monitored the effects of nonstoichiometric VirB6 production and the synthesis of VirB6 derivatives with 4-residue insertions (VirB6.i4) on VirB7 and VirB9 multimerization, T-pilus assembly, and substrate transfer. A virB6 gene deletion mutant accumulated VirB7 dimers at diminished steady-state levels, whereas complementation with a plasmid bearing wild-type virB6 partially restored accumulation of the dimers. VirB6 overproduction was correlated with formation of higher-order VirB9 complexes or aggregates and also blocked substrate transfer without a detectable disruption of T-pilus production; these phenotypes were displayed by cells grown at 28 degrees C, a temperature that favors VirB protein turnover, but not by cells grown at 20 degrees C. Strains producing several VirB6.i4 mutant proteins assembled novel VirB7 and VirB9 complexes detectable by nonreducing sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and two strains producing the D60.i4 and L191.i4 mutant proteins translocated IncQ plasmid and VirE2 effector protein substrates in the absence of a detectable T pilus. Our findings support a model that VirB6 mediates formation of VirB7 and VirB9 complexes required for biogenesis of the T pilus and the secretion channel.  相似文献   

During genetic transformation of plant cells by Agrobacterium tumefaciens, 11 VirB proteins and VirD4 are proposed to form a transmembrane bridge to transfer a DNA-protein complex (T-complex) into the plant cytoplasm. In this study, the localization of the first product of the virB operon, VirB1, was studied in detail. While full-length VirB1 localized mostly to the inner membrane, an immunoreactive VirB1 product was found as soluble processed form, designated VirB1*. Equal amounts of VirB1* could be detected in concentrated culture supernatants versus associated with the cell. VirB1* was purified from the supernatant of vir-induced cells by ammonium sulfate precipitation and Q-Sepharose chromatography. Sequence analysis of the N terminus of VirB1* localized the processing site after amino acid 172 of VirB1. Cell-associated VirB1* was partly removed by vortexing, suggesting a loose association with the cell or active secretion. However, cross-linking and coimmunoprecipitation showed a close association of cell-bound VirB1* with the VirB9-VirB7 heterodimer, a membrane-associated component of the T-complex transfer machinery. Homologies of the N-terminal part of VirB1 to bacterial transglycosylases suggest that it may assist T-complex transfer by local lysis of the bacterial cell wall, whereas the exposed localization of the C-terminal processing product VirB1* predicts direct interaction with the plant. Thus, VirB1 may be a bifunctional protein where both parts have different functions in T-complex transfer from Agrobacterium to plant cells.  相似文献   

The 11 VirB proteins from Agrobacterium tumefaciens are predicted to form a membrane-bound complex that mediates the movement of DNA from the bacterium into plant cells. The studies reported here on the possible VirB protein interactions in such a complex demonstrate that VirB9 and VirB10 can each form high-molecular-weight complexes after treatment with a chemical cross-linker. Analysis of nonpolar virB mutants showed that the formation of the VirB10 complexes does not occur in a virB9 mutant and that VirB9 and VirB10 are not components of the same cross-linked complex. VirB9, when stabilized by the concurrent expression of VirB7, was shown to be sufficient to permit VirB10 to cross-link into its usual high-molecular-weight forms in the absence of other Vir proteins. Randomly introduced single point mutations in virB9 resulted in Agrobacterium strains with severely attenuated virulence. Although some of the mutants contained wild-type levels of VirB9 and displayed an unaltered VirB9 cross-linking pattern, VirB10 cross-linking was drastically reduced. We conclude that specific amino acid residues in VirB9 are necessary for interaction with VirB10 resulting in the capacity of VirB10 to participate in high-molecular-weight complexes that can be visualized by chemical cross-linking.  相似文献   

The Agrobacterium tumefaciens VirB4 ATPase functions with other VirB proteins to export T-DNA to susceptible plant cells and other DNA substrates to a variety of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Previous studies have demonstrated that VirB4 mutants with defects in the Walker A nucleotide-binding motif are non-functional and exert a dominant negative phenotype when synthesized in wild-type cells. This study characterized the oligomeric structure of VirB4 and examined the effects of Walker A sequence mutations on complex formation and transporter activity. VirB4 directed dimer formation when fused to the amino-terminal portion of cI repressor protein, as shown by immunity of Escherichia coli cells to lambda phage infection. VirB4 also dimerized in Agrobacterium tumefaciens, as demonstrated by the recovery of a detergent-resistant complex of native protein and a functional, histidine-tagged derivative by precipitation with anti-His6 antibodies and by Co2+ affinity chromatography. Walker A sequence mutants directed repressor dimerization in E. coli and interacted with His-VirB4 in A. tumefaciens, indicating that ATP binding is not required for self-association. A dimerization domain was localized to a proposed N-terminal membrane-spanning region of VirB4, as shown by the dominance of an allele coding for the N-terminal 312 residues and phage immunity of host cells expressing cI repressor fusions to alleles for the first 237 or 312 residues. A recent study reported that the synthesis of a subset of VirB proteins, including VirB4, in agrobacterial recipients has a pronounced stimulatory effect on the virB-dependent conjugal transfer of plasmid RSF1010 by agrobacterial donors. VirB4'312 suppressed the stimulatory effect of VirB proteins for DNA uptake when synthesized in recipient cells. In striking contrast, Walker A sequence mutants contributed to the stimulatory effect of VirB proteins to the same extent as native VirB4. These findings indicate that the oligomeric structure of VirB4, but not its capacity to bind ATP, is important for the assembly of VirB proteins as a DNA uptake system. The results of these studies support a model in which VirB4 dimers or homomultimers contribute structural information for the assembly of a transenvelope channel competent for bidirectional DNA transfer, whereas an ATP-dependent activity is required for configuring this channel as a dedicated export machine.  相似文献   

Spheroplasts were used to study the early interactions of newly synthesized outer membrane protein PhoE with periplasmic proteins employing a protein cross-linking approach. Newly translocated PhoE protein could be cross-linked to the periplasmic chaperone Skp at the periplasmic side of the inner membrane. To study the timing of this interaction, a PhoE-dihydrofolate reductase hybrid protein was constructed that formed translocation intermediates, which had the PhoE moiety present in the periplasm and the dihydrofolate reductase moiety tightly folded in the cytoplasm. The hybrid protein was found to cross-link to Skp, indicating that PhoE closely interacts with the chaperone when the protein is still in a transmembrane orientation in the translocase. Removal of N-terminal parts of PhoE protein affected Skp binding in a cumulative manner, consistent with the presence of two Skp-binding sites in that region. In contrast, deletion of C-terminal parts resulted in variable interactions with Skp, suggesting that interaction of Skp with the N-terminal region is influenced by parts of the C terminus of PhoE protein. Both the soluble as well as the membrane-associated Skp protein were found to interact with PhoE. The latter form is proposed to be involved in the initial interaction with the N-terminal regions of the outer membrane protein.  相似文献   

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