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Tuncbag N  Keskin O  Nussinov R  Gursoy A 《Proteins》2012,80(4):1239-1249
The similarity between folding and binding led us to posit the concept that the number of protein-protein interface motifs in nature is limited, and interacting protein pairs can use similar interface architectures repeatedly, even if their global folds completely vary. Thus, known protein-protein interface architectures can be used to model the complexes between two target proteins on the proteome scale, even if their global structures differ. This powerful concept is combined with a flexible refinement and global energy assessment tool. The accuracy of the method is highly dependent on the structural diversity of the interface architectures in the template dataset. Here, we validate this knowledge-based combinatorial method on the Docking Benchmark and show that it efficiently finds high-quality models for benchmark complexes and their binding regions even in the absence of template interfaces having sequence similarity to the targets. Compared to "classical" docking, it is computationally faster; as the number of target proteins increases, the difference becomes more dramatic. Further, it is able to distinguish binders from nonbinders. These features allow performing large-scale network modeling. The results on an independent target set (proteins in the p53 molecular interaction map) show that current method can be used to predict whether a given protein pair interacts. Overall, while constrained by the diversity of the template set, this approach efficiently produces high-quality models of protein-protein complexes. We expect that with the growing number of known interface architectures, this type of knowledge-based methods will be increasingly used by the broad proteomics community.  相似文献   

Treating flexibility in molecular docking is a major challenge in cell biology research. Here we describe the background and the principles of existing flexible protein-protein docking methods, focusing on the algorithms and their rational. We describe how protein flexibility is treated in different stages of the docking process: in the preprocessing stage, rigid and flexible parts are identified and their possible conformations are modeled. This preprocessing provides information for the subsequent docking and refinement stages. In the docking stage, an ensemble of pre-generated conformations or the identified rigid domains may be docked separately. In the refinement stage, small-scale movements of the backbone and side-chains are modeled and the binding orientation is improved by rigid-body adjustments. For clarity of presentation, we divide the different methods into categories. This should allow the reader to focus on the most suitable method for a particular docking problem.  相似文献   

Enzymes from natural sources protect the environment via complex biological mechanisms, which aid in reductive immobilization of toxic metals including chromium. Nevertheless, progress was being made in elucidating high-resolution crystal structures of reductases and their binding with flavin mononucleotide (FMN) to understand the underlying mechanism of chromate reduction. Therefore, herein, we employed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, principal component analysis (PCA), and binding free energy calculations to understand the dynamics behavior of these enzymes with FMN. Six representative chromate reductases in monomeric and dimeric forms were selected to study the mode, dynamics, and energetic component that drive the FMN binding process. As evidenced by MD simulation, FMN prefers to bind the cervix formed between the catalytic domain surrounded by strong conserved hydrogen bonding, electrostatic, and hydrophobic contacts. The slight movement and reorientation of FMN resulted in breakage of some crucial H-bonds and other nonbonded contacts, which were well compensated with newly formed H-bonds, electrostatic, and hydrophobic interactions. The critical residues aiding in tight anchoring of FMN within dimer were found to be strongly conserved in the bacterial system. The molecular mechanics combined with the Poisson-Boltzmann surface area binding free energy of the monomer portrayed that the van der Waals and electrostatic energy contribute significantly to the total free energy, where, the polar solvation energy opposes the binding of FMN. The proposed proximity relationships between enzyme and FMN binding site presented in this study will open up better avenues to engineer enzymes with optimized chromate reductase activity for sustainable bioremediation of heavy metals.  相似文献   

The first identified covalent flavoprotein, a component of mammalian succinate dehydrogenase, was reported 42 years ago. Since that time, more than 20 covalent flavoenzymes have been described, each possessing one of five modes of FAD or FMN linkage to protein. Despite the early identification of covalent flavoproteins, the mechanisms of covalent bond formation and the roles of the covalent links are only recently being appreciated. The main focus of this review is, therefore, one of mechanism and function, in addition to surveying the types of linkage observed and the methods employed for their identification. Case studies are presented for a variety of covalent flavoenzymes, from which general findings are beginning to emerge.  相似文献   

At 22°C the bioluminescence decay kinetics in the in vitro reaction catalysed by Vibrio harveyi luciferase in the presence of different aldehydes–-nonanal, decanal, tridecanal and tetradecanal did not follow the simple exponential pattern and could be fitted to a two-exponential process. One more principal distinction from the first-order kinetics is the dependence of the parameters on aldehyde concentration. The complex bioluminescence decay kinetics are interpreted in terms of a scheme, where bacterial luciferase is able to perform multiple turnovers using different flavin species to produce light. The initial phase of the bioluminescent reaction appears to proceed mainly with fully reduced flavin as the substrate while the final one results from the involvement of flavin semiquinone in the catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

Conditions for the reversible dissociation of flavin mononucleotide (FMN) from the membrane-bound mitochondrial NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) are described. The catalytic activities of the enzyme, i.e. rotenone-insensitive NADH:hexaammineruthenium III reductase and rotenone-sensitive NADH:quinone reductase decline when bovine heart submitochondrial particles are incubated with NADH in the presence of rotenone or cyanide at alkaline pH. FMN protects and fully restores the NADH-induced inactivation whereas riboflavin and flavin adenine dinucleotide do not. The data show that the reduction of complex I significantly weakens the binding of FMN to protein thus resulting in its dissociation when the concentration of holoenzyme is comparable with K(d ( approximately 10(-8)M at pH 10.0).  相似文献   

In this article, we present a new technique for the rapid and precise docking of peptides to MHC class I and class II receptors. Our docking procedure consists of three steps: (1) peptide residues near the ends of the binding groove are docked by using an efficient pseudo-Brownian rigid body docking procedure followed by (2) loop closure of the intervening backbone structure by satisfaction of spatial constraints, and subsequently, (3) the refinement of the entire backbone and ligand interacting side chains and receptor side chains experiencing atomic clash at the MHC receptor-peptide interface. The method was tested by remodeling of 40 nonredundant complexes of at least 3.00 A resolution for which three-dimensional structural information is available and independently for docking peptides derived from 15 nonredundant complexes into a single template structure. In the first test, 33 out of 40 MHC class I and class II peptides and in the second test, 11 out of 15 MHC-peptide complexes were modeled with a Calpha RMSD < 1.00 A.  相似文献   

Engineering biological systems to test new pathway variants containing different enzyme homologs is laborious and time-consuming. To tackle this challenge, a strategy was developed for rapidly prototyping enzyme homologs by combining cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS) with split green fluorescent protein (GFP). This strategy featured two main advantages: (1) dozens of enzyme homologs were parallelly produced by CFPS within hours, and (2) the expression level and activity of each homolog was determined simultaneously by using the split GFP assay. As a model, this strategy was applied to optimize a 3-step pathway for nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) synthesis. Ten enzyme homologs from different organisms were selected for each step. Here, the most productive homolog of each step was identified within 24 h rather than weeks or months. Finally, the titer of NMN was increased to 1213 mg/L by improving physiochemical conditions, tuning enzyme ratios and cofactor concentrations, and decreasing the feedback inhibition, which was a more than 12-fold improvement over the initial setup. This strategy would provide a promising way to accelerate design-build-test cycles for metabolic engineering to improve the production of desired products.  相似文献   


1 1Both authors share senior authorship. Ureases require accessory proteins for their activation and proper function. In Klebsiella aerogenes, UreD, UreF, UreG, and UreE are sequentially complexed to UreABC as required for its activation. Until now, only low-resolution structures are available for this activation complex. To circumvent such limitation, our work intends to provide an atomic-level model for the (UreABC–UreDFG)3 complex from K. aerogenes, by employing comparative modeling associated to sequential macromolecular dockings, validated through small-angle X-ray scattering profiles and comparison with results from cross-linking, mutagenesis, and pull-down experiments. Additionally, normal mode analyses of the obtained complex supported the characterization of the elevated flexibility of both UreD–UreF dimer and (UreABC–UreDFG)3 oligomer, explaining the previously observed diffuse binding of UreD to the apoenzyme. The model shown here is the first atomic-level depiction of this complex, a required step for the unraveling of the urease activation process.

An animated Interactive 3D Complement (I3DC) is available in Proteopedia at http://proteopedia.org/w/Journal:JBSD:6  相似文献   

Modeling of protein binding site flexibility in molecular docking is still a challenging problem due to the large conformational space that needs sampling. Here, we propose a flexible receptor docking scheme: A dihedral restrained replica exchange molecular dynamics (REMD), where we incorporate the normal modes obtained by the Elastic Network Model (ENM) as dihedral restraints to speed up the search towards correct binding site conformations. To our knowledge, this is the first approach that uses ENM modes to bias REMD simulations towards binding induced fluctuations in docking studies. In our docking scheme, we first obtain the deformed structures of the unbound protein as initial conformations by moving along the binding fluctuation mode, and perform REMD using the ENM modes as dihedral restraints. Then, we generate an ensemble of multiple receptor conformations (MRCs) by clustering the lowest replica trajectory. Using ROSETTA LIGAND , we dock ligands to the clustered conformations to predict the binding pose and affinity. We apply this method to postsynaptic density‐95/Dlg/ZO‐1 (PDZ) domains; whose dynamics govern their binding specificity. Our approach produces the lowest energy bound complexes with an average ligand root mean square deviation of 0.36 Å. We further test our method on (i) homologs and (ii) mutant structures of PDZ where mutations alter the binding selectivity. In both cases, our approach succeeds to predict the correct pose and the affinity of binding peptides. Overall, with this approach, we generate an ensemble of MRCs that leads to predict the binding poses and specificities of a protein complex accurately.  相似文献   

Bacterial chemoreceptors signal across the membrane by conformational changes that traverse a four-helix transmembrane domain. High-resolution structures are available for the chemoreceptor periplasmic domain and part of the cytoplasmic domain but not for the transmembrane domain. Thus, we constructed molecular models of the transmembrane domains of chemoreceptors Trg and Tar, using coordinates of an unrelated four-helix coiled coil as a template and the X-ray structure of a chemoreceptor periplasmic domain to establish register and positioning. We tested the models using the extensive data for cross-linking propensities between cysteines introduced into adjacent transmembrane helices, and we found that many aspects of the models corresponded with experimental observations. The one striking disparity, the register of transmembrane helix 2 (TM2) relative to its partner transmembrane helix 1, could be corrected by sliding TM2 along its long axis toward the periplasm. The correction implied that axial sliding of TM2, the signaling movement indicated by a large body of data, was of greater magnitude than previously thought. The refined models were used to assess effects of inter-helical disulfides on the two ligand-induced conformational changes observed in alternative crystal structures of periplasmic domains: axial sliding within a subunit and subunit rotation. Analyses using a measure of disulfide potential energy provided strong support for the helical sliding model of transmembrane signaling but indicated that subunit rotation could be involved in other ligand-induced effects. Those analyses plus modeled distances between diagnostic cysteine pairs indicated a magnitude for TM2 sliding in transmembrane signaling of several angstroms.  相似文献   

目的探讨乳酸杆菌活菌制剂用于治疗老年性阴道炎合并细菌性阴道病的临床疗效。方法对118例老年性阴道炎合并细菌性阴道病患者随机分3组,分别予以乳酸杆菌活菌制剂局部用药和(或)口服甲硝唑,进行疗效比较。结果乳酸杆菌活菌制剂和甲硝唑联合应用对治疗老年性阴道炎合并细菌性阴道病疗效显著高于单一用药的疗效,组间差异具有显著性(P〈0.05);复发率低于单一用药。结论乳酸杆菌活菌制剂与甲硝唑联合治疗老年性阴道炎合并细菌性阴道病有比较好的治疗效果,不易复发。  相似文献   

A three-dimensional structure of the human melanocortin 4 receptor (hMC4R) is constructed in this study using a computer-aided molecular modeling approach. Human melanocortin 4 receptor is a G Protein-Coupled Receptor (GPCR). We structurally aligned transmembrane helices with bovine rhodopsin transmembrane domains, simulated both intracellular and extracellular loop domains on homologous loop regions in other proteins of known 3D structure and modeled the C terminus on the corresponding part of bovine rhodopsin. Then tandem minimization and dynamics calculations were run to refine the crude structure. The simulative model was tested by docking with a triplet peptide (RFF) ligand. It was found that the ligand is located among transmembrane regions TM3, TM4, TM5, and TM6 of hMC4R. In consistence with mutational and biochemical data, binding site is mainly formed as a hydrophobic and negatively charged pocket. The model constructed here might provide a structural framework for making rational predictions in relevant fields.  相似文献   

IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is the most prevalent cause of primary glomerular disease worldwide, and the cytokine A PRoliferation‐Inducing Ligand (APRIL) is emerging as a key player in IgAN pathogenesis and disease progression. For a panel of anti‐human APRIL antibodies with known antagonistic activity, we sought to define their structural mode of engagement to understand molecular mechanisms of action and aid rational antibody engineering. Reliable computational prediction of antibody‐antigen complexes remains challenging, and experimental methods such as X‐ray co‐crystallography and cryoEM have considerable technical, resource, and throughput barriers. To overcome these limitations, we implemented an integrated and accessible experimental‐computational workflow to more accurately predict structures of antibody‐APRIL complexes. Specifically, a yeast surface display library encoding site‐saturation mutagenized surface positions of APRIL was screened against a panel of anti‐APRIL antibodies to rapidly obtain a comprehensive biochemical profile of mutational impact on binding for each antibody. The experimentally derived mutational profile data were used as quantitative constraints in a computational docking workflow optimized for antibodies, resulting in robust structural models of antibody‐antigen complexes. The model results were confirmed by solving the cocrystal structure of one antibody‐APRIL complex, which revealed strong agreement with our model. The models were used to rationally select and engineer one antibody for cross‐species APRIL binding, which quite often aids further testing in relevant animal models. Collectively, we demonstrate a rapid, integrated computational‐experimental approach to robustly predict antibody‐antigen structures information, which can aid rational antibody engineering and provide insights into molecular mechanisms of action.  相似文献   

Targets in the protein docking experiment CAPRI (Critical Assessment of Predicted Interactions) generally present new challenges and contribute to new developments in methodology. In rounds 38 to 45 of CAPRI, most targets could be effectively predicted using template-based methods. However, the server ClusPro required structures rather than sequences as input, and hence we had to generate and dock homology models. The available templates also provided distance restraints that were directly used as input to the server. We show here that such an approach has some advantages. Free docking with template-based restraints using ClusPro reproduced some interfaces suggested by weak or ambiguous templates while not reproducing others, resulting in correct server predicted models. More recently we developed the fully automated ClusPro TBM server that performs template-based modeling and thus can use sequences rather than structures of component proteins as input. The performance of the server, freely available for noncommercial use at https://tbm.cluspro.org , is demonstrated by predicting the protein-protein targets of rounds 38 to 45 of CAPRI.  相似文献   

The molecular recognition of two superantigens with class II major histocompatibility complex molecules was simulated by using protein– protein docking. Superantigens studied were staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) and toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1) in their crystallographic assemblies with HLA-DR1. Rigid-body docking was performed sampling configurational space of the interfacial surfaces by employing a strategy of partitioning the contact regions on HLA-DR1 into separate molecular recognition units. Scoring of docked conformations was based on an electrostatic continuum model evaluated with the finite-difference Poisson– Boltzmann method. Estimates of nonpolar contributions were derived from the buried molecular surface areas. We found for both superantigens that docking the HLA-DR1 surface complementary with the SEB and TSST-1 contact regions containing a homologous hydrophobic surface loop provided sufficient recognition for the reconstitution of native-like conformers exhibiting the highest-scoring free energies. For the SEB complex, the calculations were successful in reproducing the total association free energy. A comparison of the free-energy determinants of the conserved hydrophobic contact residue indicates functional similarity between the two proteins for this interface. Though both superantigens share a common global association mode, differences in binding topology distinguish the conformational specificities underlying recognition. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Reliable high‐resolution prediction of protein complex structures starting from the free monomers is a considerable challenge toward large‐scale mapping of the structural details of protein‐protein interactions. The current major bottleneck is to model the conformational changes of the monomer backbone upon binding. We evaluate the use of homolog structures as source for conformational diversity, within the framework of RosettaDock—a leading high‐resolution docking protocol. We find that the use of homolog templates can improve significantly the modeling of a complex structure, including known difficult cases. Several conformational changes however are not sampled by any of the templates, indicating the need for additional sources of conformational variability. Interestingly, the successful homolog templates are not restricted to a confined range of sequence identity, highlighting the importance of the backbone conformation rather than the sequence. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We developed a fully flexible docking method that uses a reduced lattice representation of protein molecules, adapted for modeling peptide–protein complexes. The CABS model (Carbon Alpha, Carbon Beta, Side Group) employed here, incorporates three pseudo-atoms per residue—C, Cβ and the center of the side group instead of full-atomic protein representation. Force field used by CABS was derived from statistical analysis of non-redundant database of protein structures. Application of our method included modeling of the complexes between various nuclear receptors (NRs) and peptide co-activators, for which three-dimensional structures are known. We tried to rebuild the native state of the complexes, starting from separated components. Accuracy of the best obtained models, calculated as coordinate root-mean-square deviation (cRMSD) between the target and the modeled structures, was under 1 Å, which is competitive with experimental methods, such as crystallography or NMR. Forthcoming modeling study should lead to better understanding of mechanisms of macromolecular assembly and will explain co-activators’ effects on receptors activity, especially on vitamin D receptor and other nuclear receptors.  相似文献   

A Gram-negative, magnetotactic bacterium, Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 produces nano-sized magnetic particles (BacMPs) in the cytoplasm. Although various applications of genetically engineered BacMPs have been demonstrated, such as immunoassay, ligand–receptor interaction or cell separation, by expressing a target protein on BacMPs, it has been difficult to express disulfide-bonded proteins on BacMPs due to lack of disulfide-bond formation in the cytoplasm. Here, we propose a novel dual expression system, called in vitro docking, of a disulfide-bonded protein on BacMPs by directing an immunoglobulin Fc-fused target protein to the periplasm and its docking protein ZZ on BacMPs. By in vitro docking, an scFv–Fc fusion protein was functionally expressed on BacMPs in the dimeric or trimeric form. Our novel disulfide-bonded protein expression system on BacMPs will be useful for efficient screening of potential ligands or drugs, analyzing ligand–receptor interactions or as a magnetic carrier for affinity purification.  相似文献   

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