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The objective of this study was to localize the immuno-positive porcine PAG (pPAG) proteins within chorionic cells throughout the intensive placenta development as pregnancy advances (16-61 days post coitum - dpc). Placental sections were used for double fluorescent histochemistry with selected primary rabbit anti-pPAG sera. The polyclonals were created against recombinant pPAG2 antigen or various secretory porcine native chorionic antigens produced in vitro. Among placental cells stained with fluorescent propidium iodine, the positive pPAG immuno-complexes were visualized by Alexa 488 fluorochrom - conjugated to secondary anti-rabbit goat immunoglobulins. This is the first report concerning cellular localization of the pPAG protein family within diffuse epitheliochorial placenta development throughout the first half of pregnancy in the pig. Fluorescent immuno-positive pPAG signals have been restricted to chorionic cell layers (branched mushroom-like and finger-like structures) that generate a epitheliochorial feto-maternal surface augmented by maternal endometrium interdigitations with the gestation progress in the pig. These results suggest that the pPAG proteins robustly expressed in chorionic cells are involved in the regulation of intensive development of diffuse porcine placenta during the first half of pregnancy.  相似文献   

This study presents the chromosomal assignment of a multiple pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) gene family in the domestic pig (pPAG). The pPAG locus was identified by physical mapping (fluorescent in situ hybridisation—FISH; with various probes), and additionally confirmed by Southern hybridisation of pPAG amplicons using laser microdissected Sus scrofa chromosome 1 (SSC1), as genomic templates. Various pPAG probes were produced with the use of diverse identified templates: pPAG1-6, -8, -10 cDNAs (GenBank: L34360–1, AF315377, AF272734, AY188554, AF272735, AY373029 and AY775784, respectively), or genomic DNA (gDNA) probes of pPAG2 gene and its promoter (GenBank: U39198–9, U39762–3, U41421–4). All probes, including long gDNA probes (~9.2 kbp GpPAG2 gene; ~2.8 kbp GpPAG2 promoter), a shorter cDNA probe (PlpPAG4, 1385 bp) and amplified pPAG2-like probes (ApPAG2L) specific for cDNA inserts of pPAG2-like gene subfamily (pPAG2, -4, -6, -8 and -10; 1283–1385 bp) were produced by random priming using biotin-labelled deoxynucleotides (16-dUTP). Numerous FISH mappings with various pPAG probes revealed the chromosomal assignment of the pPAG gene family to the long arm of porcine chromosome 1 (SSC1q16–q24 region). This cytogenetic assignment was confirmed by Southern hybridisation (with 32P-labelled pPAG10 probe) of multiple distinct pPAG amplicons (603–3943 bp) produced with the use of 25 laser microdissected SSC1, as gDNA templates. This is the first study identifying the chromosomal locus of the pPAG gene family in the pig.  相似文献   

The chorionic pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) family was identified in pigs, cattle and other eutherian mammals. The objective of this study was to examine whether secretory chorionic proteins (including PAGs), produced in vitro by explants of porcine and bovine placental membranes, may interact with other proteins, i.e. gonadal and extragonadal binding sites. Trophoblast (TRF) and trophectoderm (TRD) explants of pigs (n=38; 14-61 dpc-day post coitum) or cotyledons (CT) of cows (n=5; 40-110 dpc) were long-term cultured. Released chorionic proteins were ultra-fractionated from media (>10 kDa) or precipitated [20-75% of (NH(4))(2)SO(4)]. The PAGs were monitored by Western/PAGE (30-73 kDa). Secretory TRF/TRD/CT (+PAG) proteins (0.78-25 microg/ligand) were examined by radioreceptor assay (RRA) with iodinated hCG ((125)I-hCG) for binding-effectiveness by gonadotropin receptors of cyclic pigs and cows (cRc). Gonadal and extragonadal cRc isolated from luteal-phase corpora lutea and uteri (cCLRc, cMYORc and cENDRc) were tested with positive control ligands: porcine LH and hCG (0.39-50 ng/ml). Control proteins produced in vitro by endometrial (END) explants of cyclic (cEND), pseudopregnant (PsEND) and pregnant (pEND) gilts were utilised as negative ligands (0.78-25 microg/ligand). Positive control ligands competed with (125)I-hCG for binding by cCLRc, cMYORc and cENDRc (18-61%/B(0) for hCG and 27-57%/B(0) for LH). Negative ligands (cEND, PsEND and pEND) did not show cRc bindings. This is the first RRA report indicating that in vitro produced porcine TRF/TRD proteins (+PAG) competed (P< or =0.05) with (125)I-hCG for binding by cCLRc, cMYORc and cENDRc in a concentration- and pregnancy stage-dependent manner. The highest competition with (125)I-hCG (up to P< or =0.001) was found for ultra-fractionated TRF/TRD proteins (>10 kDa) during early pregnancy (<22 dpc). The greatest competition (P< or =0.05) of precipitated porcine TRD proteins (>30 dpc) was detected for fractions obtained by saturation with use of 20% of (NH(4))(2)SO(4). Bovine CT proteins revealed lower competition of (125)I-hCG for bovine cCLRc (during 45 dpc only) that was more efficient with CT (up to 71%) than with non-labelled hCG (82%). The PAG proteins may play a role as potential "signal molecules", because they were able to interact with gonadotropin receptors of luteal-phase animals. It seems that the pPAG proteins may be luteoprotective chorionic-origin signals during implantation and placentation, according to binding-effectiveness of the chorionic ligands that was comparable to LH/hCG ligands with gonadal and extragonadal receptors of cyclic animals.  相似文献   

Pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAG) are structurally related to aspartic proteinases and belong to an extensive, rapidly evolving family of recently duplicated genes expressed in the placentas of artiodactyl species. The aim of the present study was to clone PAG from the goat, study their temporal and cell-specific expression, and determine their phylogenetic relationship to PAG from other species. RT-PCR was used to generate PAG cDNA from pooled placental RNA obtained between days 45 and 115 of pregnancy. A total of 11 cDNA, which differed by > 5% from each other, were selected for complete bidirectional sequencing from 60 clones analyzed. A group of nine (caPAG1, caPAG3-7(var), caPAG9-11), which displayed > 80% sequence identity with each other, were expressed after day 45 of pregnancy and were localized to trophoblast binucleate cells. These PAG demonstrated an unusually high ratio of nonsynonymous (amino acid changing) to synonymous nucleotide differences. CaPAG2, by contrast, was detectable only in early pregnancy (days 18 and 19) and expressed throughout trophectoderm. It was of more ancient origin than the PAG1 group, but more recent than caPAG8. The latter was expressed at all stages examined (days 18 to 115). The data confirm that many PAG genes, with different patterns of temporal and spatial expression, are transcribed in the placenta of the goat. The data also suggest that the recently duplicated PAG genes are being selected for rapid diversification of function.  相似文献   

Early pregnancy detection and prediction of the number of lambs would be profitable for sheep breeders because it enables them to adjust nourishment of pregnant ewes according to the individual needs in order to prevent health problems around parturition. The concentration of ovPAG has previously been reported to be related with maternal parameters (farm, breed and age) as well as foetal parameters (number of lambs, their sex and birth weight), but contradictory results were obtained in different small-scale studies. This large-scale study evaluates the effect of these parameters on the ovPAG concentration, determined by a homologous radioimmunoassay (RIA), and it further investigates the possibility to predict the number of lambs by means of homologous ovPAG determination. Eighty-three and ninety-five ewes of the Suffolk and Texel breed, respectively, housed on four different farms (experiment 1) and 68 ewes of the Suffolk breed, housed on two different farms (experiment 2) were included in this study, and their estrous cycles were synchronised using a progesterone analogue. On the day of synchronisation (D-14) and at 25 (D25), 35 (D35) and 45 (D45) days after insemination, blood samples were taken and a homologous radioimmunoassay (RIA) was used to determine the ovPAG concentrations. At parturition, age of the ewe, number and sex of the lambs (experiment 1) and birth weight (experiment 2) were registered. OvPAG concentrations were not affected by age of the ewe and sex of the lambs. Farm and breed of the ewes, number and birth weight of the lambs had a significant effect on ovPAG concentrations at all time points (P<0.05). The odds of multiple lambs increased significantly with increasing ovPAG concentration, although prediction of litter size based on ovPAG concentration at the individual ewe level was not useful due to small sensitivity and/or specificity whatever the cutoff value used. In conclusion, the ovPAG concentration is affected by farm and breed of the ewes, and number and birth weight of the lambs.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present investigation was to generate pregnancy associated glycoprotein (PAG)-profiles throughout pregnancy in a heterogenous sample of sheep using a radioimmunoassay with a heterologous antibody (anti-caPAG(55+59), #708) and utilize them for the purpose of pregnancy detection. From 2 weeks after the introduction of males into the breeding herd until 4 weeks after parturition, weekly blood samples were collected from 66 pregnant and 25 non-pregnant ewes of various breeds. Between 3 and 5 weeks after conception, plasma PAG levels increased, remained almost stable until week 17, then continued to increase, culminating in a drastic surge during the last 2 weeks of pregnancy. By 4 weeks of gestation, the plasma PAG level exceeded the level typical for non-pregnant ewes by five standard deviations, permitting a reliable pregnancy diagnosis. Plasma PAG levels were higher in twin-bearing ewes than in ewes carrying a single lamb, differences getting more evident as pregnancy proceeded. Neither breed and parity of the mother nor sex and weight of lambs borne exerted a significant effect. The heterologous assay system utilizing a caprine antibody proved to deliver results that are more consistent and less depending on various variables than those used in other studies. It may be concluded that, at the present state of development, the assay provides a reliable means of diagnosing pregnancy in sheep from the 4th week after they have been bred onward.  相似文献   

This paper compares proteomic interaction-types and binding-effectiveness of secretory chorionic ligands (including pPAGs) with other proteins, i.e. gonadotropin membrane receptors (Rc) isolated from luteal-phase corpora lutea, uterine myometrium and endometrium of cyclic (cCLRc, cMYORc and cENDRc) or pregnant (pCLRc, pMYORc and pENDRc) pigs. Binding-effectiveness of miscellaneous in vitro-produced chorionic ligands (+pPAGs) was compared by radioreceptor assay (RRA) with endometrial (END) proteins of cyclic, pseudopregnant and pregnant gilts - as negative control ligands and porcine LH and hCG - as positive control ligands. The binding-comparison suggests that the pPAGs may play an important role as potential antiluteolytic or luteoprotective chorionic-origin signals during pregnancy, according to the binding-effectiveness of secretory chorionic ligands (+pPAGs) that was relatively comparable to LH/hCG - as classical ligands competing for luteal and uterine gonadotropin receptors of cyclic and pregnant pigs.  相似文献   

Isolation of a glycoprotein from serum of pregnant rats has been accomplished by ammonium sulphate precipitation, gel filtration, ion exchange and affinity chromatography. Low concentrations of the protein were detectable in the serum of some of the male rats tested, while somewhat higher concentrations were detected also in the serum of non-pregnant female rats. No relationship could be established between this protein and the well known pregnancy-specific proteins or the alpha 2-acute phase-macroglobulin of the rat, whereas evidence was obtained for a strong cross-reaction with a serum protein of pregnant mice.  相似文献   

It has been established that the immunologic and endocrine status of the peripartum dairy cow determines the animal's subsequent productive and reproductive performance. Thus, at parturition reduced immune functions of peripheral blood polymorphonuclear cells (PMN) has been observed after a peak in pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAGs), and, more recently, the inseminating bull was linked to plasma levels of bovine PAGs in pregnant Holstein-Friesian dairy cows. The present study sought to determine whether changes in leukocyte counts during the peripartum period, indicative of the animal's immune status, could be related to the inseminating bull and to PAG levels. Ninety-six clinically healthy, single pregnant cows in a commercial dairy herd were selected. Four samples were collected before parturition (on gestation Days 220-226, 234-240, 248-254, and 262-268) and two samples after parturition (on Days 14-21, and 28-34 postpartum) to analyze total and differential blood cell counts. Based on GLM analysis procedures of variance for repeated measures, the inseminating bull was found to affect counts of total leukocytes and lymphocytes (P < 0.001; between-subject effects) throughout the peripartum period. In addition, cows with high plasma PAG levels (> 900 ng/ml) on Day 262-268 of gestation had higher numbers of total leukocytes and neutrophils throughout the peripartum (P < 0.001; between-subject effects). Young animals (≤ 1 lactation) had higher total leukocyte and lymphocyte counts than older cows (2 or more lactations) throughout the study period. These results reveal a clear relationship between the inseminating bull or plasma PAG levels and peripheral leukocyte counts during the peripartum period in dairy cows.  相似文献   

Porcine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein genes (pPAG) are known as a multigene family, in which five members have been cloned and sequences of their cDNAs identified. Porcine PAG1 and pPAG3 genes, belonging to the pPAG1-like subfamily, both encode enzymatically inactive precursors. In contrast, cDNAs of pPAG2, pPAG4 and pPAG6 represent the pPAG2-like gene subfamily, encoding enzymatically active precursors. The objective of this study was to investigate the polymorphism of both pPAG-like gene subfamilies in the pig in comparison to other domestic species, including cattle, sheep and goat (Artiodactyla), their wild relatives (red deer and wild pig) and horse (Perissodactyla). This is the first paper indicating the polymorphism of the pPAG gene family, examined by lengths of amplified genomic fragments (PCR). Obtained PCR products were analysed in relation to five characterised cDNAs of pPAGs (pPAG1-like and/or pPAG2-like subfamilies) and according to one recognised structural exon-intron organisation of the pPAG2 gene, among at least eight pPAG2-like genes expected in the porcine genome. The highest polymorphism frequency of both pPAG1- and pPAG2-like gene subfamilies was found in the second region, exons 5 and 6 (with intron E). The length of PCR-amplified genomic fragments was approximately: 1043, 700, 600 and 193 bp. A high polymorphism frequency was found in the 3'-terminal fragment, corresponding to exons 7-9 (with introns G and H), more frequent the pPAG2-like gene subfamily. The length of PCR-amplified genomic fragments was approximately: 733, 650 and 356 bp. In contrast, PAG polymorphism was not detected in another region, encompassing exons 2-4 (with introns B and C). The length of PCR-amplified genomic fragments was approximately 279 bp in all examined genomes. In conclusion, amplification of various regions of the PAG gene family presents a relatively inexpensive PCR method of animal pre-selection with different genotypes. Such a pre-selection of animals is helpful for further gene number inquiry of the PAG gene family in each animal, then in related generations. The obtained results provide a useful background for a genetic marker preparation (by Southern analysis of the PAG family) that will presumably enable an economical early selection of young animals for effective reproduction.  相似文献   

Heterochrony is most often thought to involve changes in the rate of development or maturation (rate changes). However, heterochrony can also involve changes in the timing of specific developmental events relative to other events (sequence changes). Sequence changes have received much less attention than have changes in developmental rates, in part because few methods exist for comparing developmental sequences. Here, we present two methods to statistically evaluate developmental sequence changes. First, Kendall's coefficient of concordance (W) is used to quantify overall similarity of developmental sequences in two or more groups of organisms, and second, ANOVA is used to identify the individual events that differ most in their relative developmental timing. Computer simulation is used to control for the nonindependence of species. We examine the sequence of developmental events in the craniofacial region of marsupial and placental mammals. We conclude that the most important differences in development in the two clades relate to the relative sequence of development of the central nervous system and somatic elements of the craniofacial region. The rationale behind the methods and their limitations are discussed, and the results from this study are compared with a previous analysis.  相似文献   



Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A2 (PAPPA2) is an insulin-like growth factor-binding protein (IGFBP) protease expressed at high levels in the placenta and upregulated in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia and HELLP (Hemolytic anemia, Elevated Liver enzymes, and Low Platelet count) syndrome. However, it is unclear whether elevated PAPPA2 expression causes abnormal placental development, or whether upregulation compensates for placental pathology. In the present study, we investigate whether PAPPA2 expression is affected by hypoxia, oxidative stress, syncytialization factors or substances known to affect the expression of PAPPA2's paralogue, PAPPA.  相似文献   

The paper presents the effect of in vivo immuno-neutralization of porcine luteinizing hormone (pLH) by species-homologous porcine antiserum (anti-pLH) administrations on pregnancy maintenance and immunodetection of the PAG proteins in precipitated plasma proteins of pregnant gilts. Pregnant gilts were passively immunized with 100 ml of porcine anti-pLH (titer 1:10 000) by multiple intravenous infusions performed from 37(th) to 42(nd) day post coitum (dpc; 12-h intervals). Blood samples of pregnant gilts were taken 12 times daily from 35 until 50 dpc. Concentrations of progesterone (P(4)) and pLH were determined by radioimmunoassays in systemic blood plasma of treated gilts and control pregnant gilts. The immuno-neutralization of peripheral pLH with the use of homologous anti-pLH serum resulted in a significant reduction (p<0.001) of plasma P(4) concentrations in two out of six treated gilts only, but abortion did not occur. In the remaining four passively immunized pregnant gilts, plasma P(4) concentration was increased (p<0.001) and the abortion occurred (47 dpc) only in one of the gilts. In addition, various anti-pPAG sera were purified by sequential adsorptions with endometrial proteins of cyclic gilts. Western blotting demonstrated the expression of the PAG proteins in precipitated plasma proteins of pregnant gilts. In conclusion, the passive immuno-neutralization of porcine LH by species-homologous antiserum (anti-pLH) did not affect the pregnancy maintenance. Thus, the maintenance of mid-pregnancy in gilts may depend also on other than LH luteotrophic factors. In addition, Western analysis of precipitated plasma proteins of pregnant pigs suggests a role of the PAG family during pregnancy in the pig.  相似文献   

Presented here are the profiles of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) concentrations in blood collected weekly from goats experiencing maintained and unsuccessful pregnancies. The analysis of these profiles clearly indicated 4 different situations: the pseudopregnancy syndrome, abortion between Days 89 and 137, parturition of 1 dead and 1 live fetus, and expulsion of macerated or mummified fetuses after full term. A marked reduction in PAG concentration at any time during pregnancy was followed by an event such as abortion or the expulsion of a dead fetus at term or later.  相似文献   

Two new species of pseudorhyncocyonid, Fordonia lawsoni sp. nov. and Leptictidium prouti sp. nov. from the UK earliest Eocene, described here, are older than any previously recorded member of the family. They are represented by teeth from numerous loci, which allow a better understanding of the sparsely known dentitions of currently known pseudorhyncocyonids. This facilitates the recognition of two further species of Leptictidium, L. listeri sp. nov. from the Middle Eocene of Germany and L. storchi sp. nov. from the Late Eocene of France. Study of occlusal relationships also helps to fill gaps in our knowledge of missing tooth loci. Cladistic analysis of pseudorhyncocyonids with their previously judged closest relatives, the Leptictidae, Pantolesta and Palaeanodonta, shows that two European species, Diaphyodectes prolatus and Palaeictops? levei, formerly thought to be leptictids, are instead primitive pseudorhyncocyonids, extending the range of the family further back in time to the Middle Paleocene. Plevei is placed in the new genus Phakodon gen. nov. The analysis also shows that the Pseudorhyncocyonidae are sister group to the other three groups combined and that family‐level differentiation in this probable clade took place as early as the earliest Paleocene.  相似文献   

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